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    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    本院研製各項防禦系統,舉飛彈為例,可拆解為彈體、導引系統、控制系統、渦輪引擎、電池等部分,需要各領域專家共同開發,包含電機、機械、控制、軟體、材料等科技人員,但還需要有一班熟悉「系統工程」人員,才能將零組件組合成可以空中飛行並擊中目標的飛彈。系統工程是跨領域的工程學與工程管理,專注於設計、研發及管理等複雜系統,包含工作流程、優化方法、風險管理,並考量能結合技術與人文為本的應用。本院除研製各項防禦系統外,同時也專注於培育優秀系統工程人才,以配合我國國軍達成任務需求。 中心論題係由系統發展中心主筆,其中人物專訪特邀天弓計畫前主持人龔明覺博士分享30年餘載之工作歷程,自國防大學畢業後進入中科院服務,參與天劍及天弓飛彈研製,為達成任務,偶有犧牲寶貴假日與家人相處的時光,致使克服早期研發種種困難,龔博士認為只要有心,沒有什麼事是不能完成的。同時,龔博士在美國留學期間,體認到自主學習能力的重要性,除培養自己追根究柢的態度,他也重視優秀系統工程人才的培育,勉勵同仁潛心學習,他認為中科院像滿地珠寶的地方,需要多學、多用心,日積月累深化個人能力,創造價值、勇於承擔,如此熱切般地期許年輕朋友。 「一般論述」專欄包含(1)物聯網發展趨勢與架構及軍事領域之應用;(2)可傾式四旋翼機分析與模擬;(3)以內藏式永磁同步馬達驅動之編碼器校準平台的研製;(4)四旋翼編隊避障設計探討;(5)無人飛行載具之機動型起降操控系統研製;(6)網路防護概論與實務;(7)固體發動機藥柱之老化模型、加速係數與溫度反應常數的探討;(8)基於大型陣列天線之訊號同調階層式波束成形電路架構;(9)柴電潛艦重量及容積初步估算;(10)傳統彈藥除役後之處置方法介紹;(11)潛布遠程自航水雷的發展趨勢與其關鍵技術;共計11篇。 「研發成果」專欄包含(1)精進「內部品質稽核作業」以達標準化;(2)航空載具靜力試驗之品保檢測流程;(3)輕軌號誌電子聯鎖系統發展研究;(4)網頁式系統導入CQRS/ES架構之研析-以料件管理系統為例;(5)高效益製氫氧觸媒與模組於替代能源應用與發展;(6)海鷹眼雷達收發模組;(7)武器系統裝備翻新用料規劃與分析;(8)應用微流體生物晶片於生化檢測分析之研究;(9)衛星電腦模組機械設計與分析;共計9篇。

    關鍵詞 : 編輯紀實

    • 人物專訪
    • 專訪天弓計畫前主持人龔明覺博士 憶往事—中科院栽培我,我回饋中科院卅餘載,快哉!快哉!
    • 採訪/陳偉弘、陳美華.攝影/徐雍、盧淳標.撰稿/陳美華

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    當全球受到新冠肺炎肆虐之際,台灣因防疫超前部署,國人同胞齊心同力對抗疫情,在全球陸續封城之際,台灣因良好之防疫成效,人民仍可自由移動。 新新季刊人物特稿安排專訪龔明覺博士,經與龔明覺博士聯繫後,我們即戴著口罩前往龔博士家中採訪龔總主持人,留下了新新季刊有史以來的口罩採訪記。

    關鍵詞 : 龔明覺

    • 序言
    • 「武器系統整合及精進」序言
    • 王庭輝

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    系統發展中心核心能量,係以系統工程手段整合執行大型武器系統研發、生產、部署及維持作業,以滿足國軍作戰需求。面對當前國際情勢現況和我國武器系統籌獲困境,除持續加強自力研製以厚植國防科技能力,滿足國家戰備根本外,自行研發能量與國外獲得技術支援交互運用及整合精進蔚為趨勢,兩者並重始能充分發揮武器系統性能,提升作戰效能。 本中心接受國軍重大賡續或新建專案委託,本著任務定位,視挑戰為承擔、不畏問題困難,除以如期如質完成任務為目標外,透過全方位垂直整合管理模式,逐步建立關鍵技術能量,累積經驗成果,踏實傳承創新,永續未來。本期中心論題即以「武器系統整合及精進」為主軸,彙整近年來執行計畫整合精進實例,經驗分享。 論題精選「武器系統整合與精進」相關論文12篇,概分四大單元重點探討,一、硬體介面整合,如飛彈垂直發射架、艦艇整合設計及車輛系統整合;二、設計與模擬驗測整合,如衛星分析設計、模擬同步工程;三、系統性能的提升與整合,如主被動雙尋標器設計;四、系統安全性精進,如空射飛彈離架姿態分析調整;另收錄驗測、模擬技術整合與精進、系統品質精進、系統整合管理案例數篇,概為執行計畫具體經驗結晶,可提供類案參考。 本期「人物專訪」-前系發中心總主持人龔明覺博士,擔任天弓計畫主持人期間,即強調武器系統整合的重要性,致力於飛彈射控、指管等功能整合,後續緣於實際參與三彈計畫歷練,體會計畫整合重要性及未來趨勢,民國93年擔任第二任院級計畫總主持人任內,積極推動跨計畫整合構想,囿於當時時空背景及相關條件未臻成熟,落實確有困難,唯本院轉型後面對更嚴峻挑戰和任務期許,大型計畫朝跨部門整合逐步體現為時勢必然,可見龔明覺博士觀念前瞻和遠見,本期龔博士專訪意涵,正呼應論題主軸,龔博士淡然平實所突顯高度和智慧,足為典範。 在此,特別感謝本院所有參與相關武器系統研製同仁,由於大家無私的付出與貢獻,專案得以如期如質順利圓滿。期盼大家持續集思廣益,本院研發武器系統更為精進厚實,持續引領國防科技與研發技術升級,為國防工業與軍備發展開創新局。 計畫執行和系統研究發展從來都不是一條平坦的路,追求價值、永續發展,除了目標信念,健康是根本,最後謹以系發中心前少將副主任韓光渭博士在本院留下的精神指標「健康、愉快、成功」和大家共勉。

    關鍵詞 : 武器系統整合及精進

    • 中心論題
    • 中程空對空飛彈滑射防嗆煙設計精進Methods and Procedures to Resolve Smoke Induced Engine Stall
    • 沈建置(Jiann-Jyn Sheen).陳嘉男(Jia-Nan Chen)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    戰機以滑射方式發射飛彈,嗆煙問題長久以來是戰機飛行員揮之不去的夢魘,因飛彈離架後行經戰機周圍,受其干涉流場氣流影響而偏離航向,尾隨在後戰機引擎吸入飛彈尾焰後,極易造成戰機飛安問題。本研究解決嗆煙問題之方法及步驟,乃先重新檢視歷次飛試及各項實驗數據,確認飛彈離架後機身干涉流場係造成戰機嗆煙主因,再歸納干涉流場氣動力特徵,擇優方式選取增加第三滑腳單獨留架解決方案,以此防嗆煙機構設計構想執行對應機翼與飛彈動態耦合響應分析,及建構彈道模擬程式,模擬驗證此第三滑腳單獨留架設計確具效益性,最後確保飛安無慮下,執行飛試驗證,確認問題解決成效。 Jet fighter pilots have been long haunted by the engine stall problems in the moment of missile firing. During that particular moment, missile is trapped by the airflow around jet fighter and lead to heading excursion where missile smoke trails will end up in the front of jet engine inlet, which is the main reason blamed for flight safety. In this study, the methods and procedures to resolve smoke induced engine stall are proposed. The retrospect data from past flight tests and experiments suggest airflow interference between missile and nearby jet flight is the root cause of heading excursion. From the conclusion of interference airflow analysis between missile and jet fighter, the 3rd additional hanger at the rear section of missile is considered to be a better solution among others. The proposed solution takes advantage of the 3rd hanger as the leverage point before complete separation of missile and launch rail to suppress lateral excursion or upward pitching of missile during this particular moment. Modeling of such mechanical interaction, analysis of its dynamics response and associated 6DoF simulation confirm the effectiveness and safety of the proposed solution before the real flight test to prove the design.

    關鍵詞 : 嗆煙(engine stall)、第三滑腳(3rd hanger)、向下角速度(pitch down rate)

    • 中心論題
    • 遠距主/被動尋標器系統整合設計Integration of Active and Passive Seekers
    • 陳丕宇(Pe-Ue Chen)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    飛彈為了適應日益複雜的作戰場景與電磁對抗情境,也為了獲得更精確的終端導引性能,多模式的尋標器技術已成為先進國家發展要點之一。本文討論如何應用與整合成熟的尋標技術,發展遠距主/被動尋標技術,並以遠距移動目標為例,依序由需求、運用構想、各別系統的特性、系統架構與整合設計的關鍵技術等介紹,說明多模式尋標器系統整合開發的難度,惟多模式尋標器系統的研製成果所帶來的巨大的作戰效益,值得我們投入開發,以提升科技深度與未來應用。 To adapt to complex combat scenarios and electromagnetic confrontation environments, multi-mode seekers have become one of the highly interesting topics. This article focuses on the integration of active and passive seekers, especially for a long-range high-speed missile, and illustrates the difficulties in integrating the multi-modes seeker. Moreover, the research is worth investing for technology improvement and future applications.

    關鍵詞 : 多模式尋標器(multi-mode seekers)、主被動尋標器(active-passive seeker)、天線罩(radome)、整合設計(integral design)

    • 中心論題
    • 垂直發射系統整合設計Integration Engineering of Vertical Launching System
    • 黃建峰(Huang Chien-Feng).卓于文(Cho Yu-Wen)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    垂直發射系統為當前艦載發射系統之主流,其具備發射速度快、無射角限制、結構簡單、性能可靠、利於艦體匿蹤與使用彈性大等優點;本文以簡易防空飛彈作戰體系系統架構為案例,探討整合垂直發射系統於系統工程整合與系統安全兩面向所應注意之要點,希提供未來設計開發人員參考與借鏡。 The development of shipboard is currently focused on the vertical launching system, which features fast launching speed, no shooting angle limitation, simple structure and reliable performance. The disappearance of the hull and great flexibility in service will be achieved as well. In this article the system architecture of the simple air defense missile combat system is applied as a case study to discuss the key-point related to the integration of system engineering and system security. It is expected to provide the approach to research and design engineers for future reference.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰垂直發射系統(vertical launching system)、系統工程整合(system engineering integration)、系統安全作為(system security)integral design)

    • 中心論題
    • 反艦飛彈系統全壽期整合管理The Life Cycle Consolidation Management for Anti-Ship Missiles
    • 謝閔凱(Min-Kai Hsieh).陳裕仁(Yu-Jen Chen)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    反艦飛彈系統全壽期中具有庫儲時間遠大於任務時間的特性。飛彈庫儲環境為決定服役後產品壽期的主要因素。飛彈系統之全壽期整合管理(LCCM)為系統從研製至服役階段,整合具壽期產品相關研究工作並提出一套完整之管理流程。流程中包含材料選用、耐受環境應力設計以及產品壽命評估方法。產品壽命評估採用提高環境應力之加速老化試驗及自儲監測計畫。自儲監測作為實際產品性能及壽命的結果。全壽期整合管理讓飛彈系統在安全及可靠條件下於最大壽期內發揮效益。 The characteristics of the anti-ship missile life cycle are that the storage term is much longer than the mission time. The storage environmental stresses determine the missile life after services. The life cycle consolidation management (LCCM) is integrated with life researches and management process covering all the phases of the missile system. The process of LCCM includes material selection, environmental stresses survival design, and product life estimation in which the accelerated life tests and the storage of surveillance plan are applied as well. The result of storage of surveillance performed is regarded as the final performance and life of product. The LCCM ensure that the effectiveness of the missile system will reach to the maximum life cycle under the safe and reliable conditions.反艦飛彈系統全壽期中具有庫儲時間遠大於任務時間的特性。飛彈庫儲環境為決定服役後產品壽期的主要因素。飛彈系統之全壽期整合管理(LCCM)為系統從研製至服役階段,整合具壽期產品相關研究工作並提出一套完整之管理流程。流程中包含材料選用、耐受環境應力設計以及產品壽命評估方法。產品壽命評估採用提高環境應力之加速老化試驗及自儲監測計畫。自儲監測作為實際產品性能及壽命的結果。全壽期整合管理讓飛彈系統在安全及可靠條件下於最大壽期內發揮效益。 The characteristics of the anti-ship missile life cycle are that the storage term is much longer than the mission time. The storage environmental stresses determine the missile life after services. The life cycle consolidation management (LCCM) is integrated with life researches and management process covering all the phases of the missile system. The process of LCCM includes material selection, environmental stresses survival design, and product life estimation in which the accelerated life tests and the storage of surveillance plan are applied as well. The result of storage of surveillance performed is regarded as the final performance and life of product. The LCCM ensure that the effectiveness of the missile system will reach to the maximum life cycle under the safe and reliable conditions.反艦飛彈系統全壽期中具有庫儲時間遠大於任務時間的特性。飛彈庫儲環境為決定服役後產品壽期的主要因素。飛彈系統之全壽期整合管理(LCCM)為系統從研製至服役階段,整合具壽期產品相關研究工作並提出一套完整之管理流程。流程中包含材料選用、耐受環境應力設計以及產品壽命評估方法。產品壽命評估採用提高環境應力之加速老化試驗及自儲監測計畫。自儲監測作為實際產品性能及壽命的結果。全壽期整合管理讓飛彈系統在安全及可靠條件下於最大壽期內發揮效益。 The characteristics of the anti-ship missile life cycle are that the storage term is much longer than the mission time. The storage environmental stresses determine the missile life after services. The life cycle consolidation management (LCCM) is integrated with life researches and management process covering all the phases of the missile system. The process of LCCM includes material selection, environmental stresses survival design, and product life estimation in which the accelerated life tests and the storage of surveillance plan are applied as well. The result of storage of surveillance performed is regarded as the final performance and life of product. The LCCM ensure that the effectiveness of the missile system will reach to the maximum life cycle under the safe and reliable conditions.反艦飛彈系統全壽期中具有庫儲時間遠大於任務時間的特性。飛彈庫儲環境為決定服役後產品壽期的主要因素。飛彈系統之全壽期整合管理(LCCM)為系統從研製至服役階段,整合具壽期產品相關研究工作並提出一套完整之管理流程。流程中包含材料選用、耐受環境應力設計以及產品壽命評估方法。產品壽命評估採用提高環境應力之加速老化試驗及自儲監測計畫。自儲監測作為實際產品性能及壽命的結果。全壽期整合管理讓飛彈系統在安全及可靠條件下於最大壽期內發揮效益。 The characteristics of the anti-ship missile life cycle are that the storage term is much longer than the mission time. The storage environmental stresses determine the missile life after services. The life cycle consolidation management (LCCM) is integrated with life researches and management process covering all the phases of the missile system. The process of LCCM includes material selection, environmental stresses survival design, and product life estimation in which the accelerated life tests and the storage of surveillance plan are applied as well. The result of storage of surveillance performed is regarded as the final performance and life of product. The LCCM ensure that the effectiveness of the missile system will reach to the maximum life cycle under the safe and reliable conditions.反艦飛彈系統全壽期中具有庫儲時間遠大於任務時間的特性。飛彈庫儲環境為決定服役後產品壽期的主要因素。飛彈系統之全壽期整合管理(LCCM)為系統從研製至服役階段,整合具壽期產品相關研究工作並提出一套完整之管理流程。流程中包含材料選用、耐受環境應力設計以及產品壽命評估方法。產品壽命評估採用提高環境應力之加速老化試驗及自儲監測計畫。自儲監測作為實際產品性能及壽命的結果。全壽期整合管理讓飛彈系統在安全及可靠條件下於最大壽期內發揮效益。 The characteristics of the anti-ship missile life cycle are that the storage term is much longer than the mission time. The storage environmental stresses determine the missile life after services. The life cycle consolidation management (LCCM) is integrated with life researches and management process covering all the phases of the missile system. The process of LCCM includes material selection, environmental stresses survival design, and product life estimation in which the accelerated life tests and the storage of surveillance plan are applied as well. The result of storage of surveillance performed is regarded as the final performance and life of product. The LCCM ensure that the effectiveness of the missile system will reach to the maximum life cycle under the safe and reliable conditions.反艦飛彈系統全壽期中具有庫儲時間遠大於任務時間的特性。飛彈庫儲環境為決定服役後產品壽期的主要因素。飛彈系統之全壽期整合管理(LCCM)為系統從研製至服役階段,整合具壽期產品相關研究工作並提出一套完整之管理流程。流程中包含材料選用、耐受環境應力設計以及產品壽命評估方法。產品壽命評估採用提高環境應力之加速老化試驗及自儲監測計畫。自儲監測作為實際產品性能及壽命的結果。全壽期整合管理讓飛彈系統在安全及可靠條件下於最大壽期內發揮效益。 The characteristics of the anti-ship missile life cycle are that the storage term is much longer than the mission time. The storage environmental stresses determine the missile life after services. The life cycle consolidation management (LCCM) is integrated with life researches and management process covering all the phases of the missile system. The process of LCCM includes material selection, environmental stresses survival design, and product life estimation in which the accelerated life tests and the storage of surveillance plan are applied as well. The result of storage of surveillance performed is regarded as the final performance and life of product. The LCCM ensure that the effectiveness of the missile system will reach to the maximum life cycle under the safe and reliable conditions.反艦飛彈系統全壽期中具有庫儲時間遠大於任務時間的特性。飛彈庫儲環境為決定服役後產品壽期的主要因素。飛彈系統之全壽期整合管理(LCCM)為系統從研製至服役階段,整合具壽期產品相關研究工作並提出一套完整之管理流程。流程中包含材料選用、耐受環境應力設計以及產品壽命評估方法。產品壽命評估採用提高環境應力之加速老化試驗及自儲監測計畫。自儲監測作為實際產品性能及壽命的結果。全壽期整合管理讓飛彈系統在安全及可靠條件下於最大壽期內發揮效益。 The characteristics of the anti-ship missile life cycle are that the storage term is much longer than the mission time. The storage environmental stresses determine the missile life after services. The life cycle consolidation management (LCCM) is integrated with life researches and management process covering all the phases of the missile system. The process of LCCM includes material selection, environmental stresses survival design, and product life estimation in which the accelerated life tests and the storage of surveillance plan are applied as well. The result of storage of surveillance performed is regarded as the final performance and life of product. The LCCM ensure that the effectiveness of the missile system will reach to the maximum life cycle under the safe and reliable conditions.反艦飛彈系統全壽期中具有庫儲時間遠大於任務時間的特性。飛彈庫儲環境為決定服役後產品壽期的主要因素。飛彈系統之全壽期整合管理(LCCM)為系統從研製至服役階段,整合具壽期產品相關研究工作並提出一套完整之管理流程。流程中包含材料選用、耐受環境應力設計以及產品壽命評估方法。產品壽命評估採用提高環境應力之加速老化試驗及自儲監測計畫。自儲監測作為實際產品性能及壽命的結果。全壽期整合管理讓飛彈系統在安全及可靠條件下於最大壽期內發揮效益。 The characteristics of the anti-ship missile life cycle are that the storage term is much longer than the mission time. The storage environmental stresses determine the missile life after services. The life cycle consolidation management (LCCM) is integrated with life researches and management process covering all the phases of the missile system. The process of LCCM includes material selection, environmental stresses survival design, and product life estimation in which the accelerated life tests and the storage of surveillance plan are applied as well. The result of storage of surveillance performed is regarded as the final performance and life of product. The LCCM ensure that the effectiveness of the missile system will reach to the maximum life cycle under the safe and reliable conditions.反艦飛彈系統全壽期中具有庫儲時間遠大於任務時間的特性。飛彈庫儲環境為決定服役後產品壽期的主要因素。飛彈系統之全壽期整合管理(LCCM)為系統從研製至服役階段,整合具壽期產品相關研究工作並提出一套完整之管理流程。流程中包含材料選用、耐受環境應力設計以及產品壽命評估方法。產品壽命評估採用提高環境應力之加速老化試驗及自儲監測計畫。自儲監測作為實際產品性能及壽命的結果。全壽期整合管理讓飛彈系統在安全及可靠條件下於最大壽期內發揮效益。 The characteristics of the anti-ship missile life cycle are that the storage term is much longer than the mission time. The storage environmental stresses determine the missile life after services. The life cycle consolidation management (LCCM) is integrated with life researches and management process covering all the phases of the missile system. The process of LCCM includes material selection, environmental stresses survival design, and product life estimation in which the accelerated life tests and the storage of surveillance plan are applied as well. The result of storage of surveillance performed is regarded as the final performance and life of product. The LCCM ensure that the effectiveness of the missile system will reach to the maximum life cycle under the safe and reliable conditions.反艦飛彈系統全壽期中具有庫儲時間遠大於任務時間的特性。飛彈庫儲環境為決定服役後產品壽期的主要因素。飛彈系統之全壽期整合管理(LCCM)為系統從研製至服役階段,整合具壽期產品相關研究工作並提出一套完整之管理流程。流程中包含材料選用、耐受環境應力設計以及產品壽命評估方法。產品壽命評估採用提高環境應力之加速老化試驗及自儲監測計畫。自儲監測作為實際產品性能及壽命的結果。全壽期整合管理讓飛彈系統在安全及可靠條件下於最大壽期內發揮效益。 The characteristics of the anti-ship missile life cycle are that the storage term is much longer than the mission time. The storage environmental stresses determine the missile life after services. The life cycle consolidation management (LCCM) is integrated with life researches and management process covering all the phases of the missile system. The process of LCCM includes material selection, environmental stresses survival design, and product life estimation in which the accelerated life tests and the storage of surveillance plan are applied as well. The result of storage of surveillance performed is regarded as the final performance and life of product. The LCCM ensure that the effectiveness of the missile system will reach to the maximum life cycle under the safe and reliable conditions.反艦飛彈系統全壽期中具有庫儲時間遠大於任務時間的特性。飛彈庫儲環境為決定服役後產品壽期的主要因素。飛彈系統之全壽期整合管理(LCCM)為系統從研製至服役階段,整合具壽期產品相關研究工作並提出一套完整之管理流程。流程中包含材料選用、耐受環境應力設計以及產品壽命評估方法。產品壽命評估採用提高環境應力之加速老化試驗及自儲監測計畫。自儲監測作為實際產品性能及壽命的結果。全壽期整合管理讓飛彈系統在安全及可靠條件下於最大壽期內發揮效益。 The characteristics of the anti-ship missile life cycle are that the storage term is much longer than the mission time. The storage environmental stresses determine the missile life after services. The life cycle consolidation management (LCCM) is integrated with life researches and management process covering all the phases of the missile system. The process of LCCM includes material selection, environmental stresses survival design, and product life estimation in which the accelerated life tests and the storage of surveillance plan are applied as well. The result of storage of surveillance performed is regarded as the final performance and life of product. The LCCM ensure that the effectiveness of the missile system will reach to the maximum life cycle under the safe and reliable conditions.反艦飛彈系統全壽期中具有庫儲時間遠大於任務時間的特性。飛彈庫儲環境為決定服役後產品壽期的主要因素。飛彈系統之全壽期整合管理(LCCM)為系統從研製至服役階段,整合具壽期產品相關研究工作並提出一套完整之管理流程。流程中包含材料選用、耐受環境應力設計以及產品壽命評估方法。產品壽命評估採用提高環境應力之加速老化試驗及自儲監測計畫。自儲監測作為實際產品性能及壽命的結果。全壽期整合管理讓飛彈系統在安全及可靠條件下於最大壽期內發揮效益。 The characteristics of the anti-ship missile life cycle are that the storage term is much longer than the mission time. The storage environmental stresses determine the missile life after services. The life cycle consolidation management (LCCM) is integrated with life researches and management process covering all the phases of the missile system. The process of LCCM includes material selection, environmental stresses survival design, and product life estimation in which the accelerated life tests and the storage of surveillance plan are applied as well. The result of storage of surveillance performed is regarded as the final performance and life of product. The LCCM ensure that the effectiveness of the missile system will reach to the maximum life cycle under the safe and reliable conditions.反艦飛彈系統全壽期中具有庫儲時間遠大於任務時間的特性。飛彈庫儲環境為決定服役後產品壽期的主要因素。飛彈系統之全壽期整合管理(LCCM)為系統從研製至服役階段,整合具壽期產品相關研究工作並提出一套完整之管理流程。流程中包含材料選用、耐受環境應力設計以及產品壽命評估方法。產品壽命評估採用提高環境應力之加速老化試驗及自儲監測計畫。自儲監測作為實際產品性能及壽命的結果。全壽期整合管理讓飛彈系統在安全及可靠條件下於最大壽期內發揮效益。 The characteristics of the anti-ship missile life cycle are that the storage term is much longer than the mission time. The storage environmental stresses determine the missile life after services. The life cycle consolidation management (LCCM) is integrated with life researches and management process covering all the phases of the missile system. The process of LCCM includes material selection, environmental stresses survival design, and product life estimation in which the accelerated life tests and the storage of surveillance plan are applied as well. The result of storage of surveillance performed is regarded as the final performance and life of product. The LCCM ensure that the effectiveness of the missile system will reach to the maximum life cycle under the safe and reliable conditions.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵字:反艦飛彈(anti-ship missile)、加速老化試驗(accelerated life test)、全壽期整合管理(life cycle consolidation management)

    • 中心論題
    • 中層攔截反飛彈系統之技術整合 Integration of Anti-Missile Defense System for Mid-tier interceptor
    • 謝佳穎(Chia-Ying Hsieh).楊榮彬(Jung-Pin Yang)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    因應遠程、快速、機動變軌的彈道飛彈一直是各國防空系統的研究重點,也考驗著全武器系統的整合能力與開發技術,本研究援引武器系統研發專案為例,詳述中層反飛彈系統在開發過程中所須解決的難題,以因應未來執行先進防空系統研發專案時面對的新形態威脅挑戰,俾利有效縮短開發時程、提升攔截成功率,促進整體防空作戰能力。 Ballistic missiles with long-range, fast, and maneuvering trajectory defense are the research focus of air defense systems in various countries. They also demonstrate the integration capability and development technology of air defense weapon system. This article takes the weapon system development project as an example to describe the related process and problems solved during the development of the mid-tier anti-missile defense system. To face new threats and rapidly changing challenges, the advanced approach of system structure design are concluded through this case study. It can effectively shorten the development time, improve the probability of successful interception, and enhance the overall air defense combat capability.

    關鍵詞 : 中層反飛彈系統(mid-tier anti-missile defense system)、機動變軌(maneuvering trajectory)

    • 中心論題
    • 衛星之任務分析、設計與模擬整合Satellite Mission Analysis, Design and Simulation
    • 韓國璋(Kuo-Chang Han).吳杰倫(Jie-Luen Wu) 謝清桂(Ching-Kuei Hsieh).廖淑芳(Shu-Fang Liao)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    本文介紹衛星任務分析之應用實例。藉由比較作用力物理模式(地球重力、大氣阻力、日/月引力、行星引力等等)對於軌道演算結果之影響,決定軌道演算法之輸入引數,並依據再訪時間與軌道壽期等因素,評估最適軌道傾角與軌道高度。另一方面,以星象儀配置設計為案例,使用姿態球分析方法優化星象儀於衛星本體之固裝角度,以避免太陽雜散光以及地球反射。為驗證任務場景想定與系統設計之相容性,使用Systems Tool Kit (STK)套裝軟體與MATLAB,進行衛星在軌操作與任務執行之動態模擬,並將任務輪廓依特定資料格式轉換為實際導航元件數據輸出,以作為後續系統執行實體模擬驗證之參考依據。 This article introduces the application of satellite mission analysis. We present the input argument optimization of orbit propagator by tailoring the force model in terms of earth gravity, air drag, sun-moon and planetary effect, and evaluate the revisit time and orbit life time to determine the proper orbit element including the inclination and semi-major axis. For other aspects, using the star tracker installation issue as examples, demonstrate how to select orientation to avoid the stray light from sun and earth albedo using attitude sphere analysis. In order to verify the compatibility between system design and mission scenario requirement, the Systems Tool Kit (STK) and MATLAB are used to simulate the satellite dynamic behavior on orbit operation. Moreover, the mission profile data can also be transferred for HIL testing purpose with a particular data format for future reference of field verification.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰任務分析(mission analysis)、軌道演算(orbit propagation)、姿態球面(attitude sphere)、任務輪廓(mission profile)

    • 中心論題
    • 機動式武器系統之載體提升電控模組耐衝擊能力之研改 Improving the Impact-Resistance Capability of an Electronic Control Module for Wheeled Launcher Platforms
    • 王文庭(Wen-Ting Wang).徐世鈴(Shih-Ling Hsu).蔡昆池(Kun-Chih Tsai) 馮至聖(Chih-Sheng Feng).高志榮(Jyh-Rong Gao)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    本文係針對本院所研製之機動發射載具,其電控模組配置位於彈箱組合正下方,當火箭連續發射時,推進劑燃燒產生之振動及尾燄直接衝擊於電控模組,以致其中的元件隨部隊頻繁的演訓而逐漸劣化,進而造成失效,故需對該模組耐衝擊能力進行研改,以提升系統壽命與可靠度。改良後的電控模組,已成功通過軍種實兵演練的測試。 This article refers to the research and development of improving the impact-resistance capability for an electronic control module (ECM) that is mounted on a wheeled launcher. While continuously launching rockets, the launcher vibration and the rocket plume produced will impact on ECM. The environmental stress will accelerate the aging of ECM and cause its gradual failure. This study proposed measures to enhance the impact-resistance of ECM, and its service life and reliability of ECM are in turn promoted. The performance of improved ECM has been successfully proven in operational testing.

    關鍵詞 : 機動發射載具(wheeled launcher platform)、電控模組(electronic control module)、耐衝擊(impact resistance)

    • 中心論題
    • 指向性能量沉積技術應用於武器系統之修復 Application of Directed Energy Deposition Technique in Weapon System Repair
    • 陳弘文(Hung-Wen Chen)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    從經濟及效率的角度,材料於使用週期中需要被有效地重複利用。依據此觀念,維修是相當適合進行研究的技術工藝。指向性能量沉積(DED)技術在積層製造中具有極佳的靈活性,比起傳統焊接修復,DED製程具有諸如較少翹曲、冷卻快、耗能少、高精度及高度自動化等優勢。因此適合修復船艦設備及航太零件等高附加價值產品。 From efficiency and economic perspectives, materials are assumed to be effectively and repeatedly used throughout their lifecycle. For this concept, repair is becoming an art of technique worth research. Directed Energy Deposition (DED) is a very flexible type of additive manufacturing. Compared with conventional welding processes, DED has more advantages, including less warpage, less distortion, higher cooling rate, lower heat input, higher precision, and full automation. Consequently, DED techniques are suitable for repairs on high value added marine and aerospace components.

    關鍵詞 : 積層製造(additive manufacturing, AM)、指向性能量沉積技術(directed energy deposition technique, DED)、修復技術(repair technique)、渦輪葉片(turbine blade)、曲軸(crankshaft)

    • 中心論題
    • 飛行載具雷達截面積模擬技術整合與精進 Integration and Advance of Simulation Technology for Radar Cross Section of Flight Vehicles
    • 蕭丞鈞(Chen-Chun Hsiao)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    本研究以飛行載具為例,運用電磁模擬軟體其多項整合與精進的模擬技術,精進飛行載具雷達截面積的計算能量,降低計算時硬體記憶體需求,以及提升精準計算的速度。 This paper takes flight vehicles as examples and uses several integrated advanced techniques of electromagnetic simulation to enhance the calculation capacity of radar cross section for flight vehicles. With reduction of hardware memory requirements, the calculation accuracy and speed are greatly improved.

    關鍵詞 : 雷達截面積(radar cross section, RCS)、計算電磁(computational electromagnetics, CEM)、高頻近似方法(high frequency methods)、矩量法(method of moment, MOM)、多階層快速多極法(multilevel fast multi pole method, MLFMM)、高階矩量法(high order basis function, HOBF)

    • 中心論題
    • 反艦飛彈攻防戰術即時模擬技術精進Real-Time Tactical Simulation of Anti-ship Missile Attack and Defense 杜怡璋(Yi-Chang Du).黃智傑(Chih-Chieh Huang).段泰康(Tai-Kang Duan)
    • 杜怡璋(Yi-Chang Du).黃智傑(Chih-Chieh Huang).段泰康(Tai-Kang Duan)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    考量我國缺乏以戰術層級為主的水面艦作戰演練模擬模式。因此只能以理論方式來假設推導反艦飛彈攻防戰術的模擬演練,無法藉由推演式模擬來訓練水面艦人員。本研究解決此問題的方法為建構一個推演式即時模擬系統,可以在模擬的戰場中,整合各式現有艦上射控系統模式、指管操控模式、高精度飛彈飛行模式等,藉此精進整體系統的功能和仿真度,讓參與模擬的人員能夠在逼真模擬環境下進行反艦飛彈攻防戰術的演練。本研究系統也適合提供武器裝備研發人員,進行飛彈飛行模式、射控系統模式的驗證;以及提供水面艦指揮官發展及驗證戰術指揮教則。本研究系統與模式完全由本院自行開發,技術上能全然掌握,能夠因應更多計畫室相關研究和海軍戰術演訓的需求。 In this research, we construct a deductive real-time simulation system in which existing fire-control system models, command control models, high-precision missile flight models, etc. are integrated for digital battlefield. The crew can perform tactics exercises of anti-ship missile attack and defense in a realistic simulated environment. Moreover, this system provides R&D personnel to develop and verify the missile flight model, fire control system model, and the tactical command doctrine. Consequently, the quality of warship crew operations, weapons research, and the verification of doctrine is greatly improved. Being completely self-developing, it is expected that the system and its models meet the future needs on related research and naval tactics exercises.

    關鍵詞 : 反艦飛彈(anti-ship missile)、即時模擬(real time simulation)、模式模擬(modeling and simulation)

    • 中心論題
    • 車廂模組之整合設計The Design and Development of Modular Operating Containers
    • 郭柏辰(Po-Chen Kuo).歐陽文浩(Wun-Hao OuYang) 陳書偉(Shu-Wei Chen).張志成(Chih-Cheng Chang)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    以往陸用機動系統所使用的作業車廂都屬於專案式客製化設計,以至於功能類似的車廂因專案計畫與執行時程的不同皆需要重新執行規劃、設計、製造等流程,為減少重複性的流程及成本,本研究提出車廂模組化的概念設計,並統整院內各專案機動車輛之車廂,將原本的作業車廂歸納出兩類模組,分別為「功能車廂模組」與「操作車廂模組」,透過多種模組的排列組合,整合出各種常用車型,如戰術中心車、通信中繼車等,做為未來院內機動車輛設計及系統整合之借鏡。 In the past, the operating containers used on land-based systems were usually custom-designed for different projects execution, the so-called custom operating containers (COCs). All COCs are individually redesigned with repeated investment for each projects, despite they have function designs in common. To reduce cost and shorten timelines, this research introduces the concept of modular operating containers (MOC). We investigated all the COCs in NCSIST, which are categorized into two types of modules: function module and manipulation module. By recombination of modules, we have created commonly used mobile vehicles such as tactical vehicles and vehicles for communication relays. It is promising that the MOC approach set examples of good practice for the system integration and design of mobile vehicles in the future.

    關鍵詞 : 模組化(modularize)、功能車廂模組(functional module)、操作車廂模組(manipulation module)、模組化車廂(modularize operating container, MOC)垂直發射系統(vertical launching system)、系統工程整合(system engineering integration)、系統安全作為(system security)

    • 一般論述
    • 物聯網發展趨勢與架構及軍事領域之應用 Internet of Things Development Trends, Architectures and Applications to Military Usage
    • 許嘉倫(Chia-Lun Hsu)‧王猷順(Yu-Shun Wang)‧林志和(Zhi-He Lin)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    物聯網可視為資訊產業下一個典範轉移(paradigm shift)之標的,回顧過往,典範轉移之成敗關鍵因素中,支援技術是否足夠成熟扮演重要之角色,本文首先探討物聯網之原理與架構,思索其於軍事情境之應用與限制後,進一步探討支援物聯網之相關技術中,各種通訊協定之優劣與比較,根據比較結果,資料分散技術(DDS)於互操作性、QoS策略種類、是否為硬即時、能否動態發現、以及安全性等面向皆優於相關之技術,因此已廣泛應用於多種軍事與民間應用。對於物聯網未來於軍事應用之發展,可透過資料分散技術為基礎,簡化過往須人為介入之操作,並開發具一般性之新穎應用,達到更佳之效率與更精確之效果。 Internet of Things (IoT) can be regarded as the next paradigm shift in information technology. In the history of development, it's clear that the maturity of underlying technologies is the key to successful paradigm shifts. The paper first introduces IoT concepts and architectures, then investigates IoT military applications and their constraints, and furthermore compares the pros and cons of IoT-related technologies. The comparison results show that Data Distribution Service (DDS) is superior to the others in terms of the interoperability, QoS strategy, hard real-time support, dynamic discovery, and security. Thus apparently DDS has been widely used in military and civilian applications. Based on DDS, it is capable of reducing human labor, designing new and general applications, and improving efficiency and effectiveness for the future of IoT development.

    關鍵詞 : 物聯網(internet of things, IoT)、通訊技術(communication technology)、資料分散技術(data distribution service, DDS)、軍事應用(military applications)

    • 一般論述
    • 可傾式四旋翼機分析與模擬The Analysis and Simulation of Linear Quadrotor Model with Tilting Propellers物聯網(internet of things, IoT)、通訊技術(communication technology)、資料分散技術(data distribution service, DDS)、軍事應用(military applications)
    • 陳建隆(Chien-Lung Chen)‧陳昱甫(Yu-Fu Chen)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    本文主要利用牛頓力學法推導可傾式四旋翼機的運動方程式,並且將其非線性的運動方程式線性化,進而以線性化的運動方程式獨立比較利用螺旋槳轉速控制和使用螺旋槳傾角控制對於姿態的影響大小。經由獨立比較之後我們可以知道在俯仰和滾轉的部分,螺旋槳轉速的影響較大;而在偏航的部分則是螺旋槳傾角的影響比較大。而整體可傾式四旋翼機的控制邏輯設計成利用螺旋槳轉速控制俯仰和滾轉,利用螺旋槳傾角控制偏航。帶入特定的四旋翼機物理參數以及限制之後,而設計出PD控制器的各項增益值。 Based on classical mechanics, the paper derives the equations of motion for the quadrotor with tilting propellers, and linearizes the nonlinear quadrotor model using small disturbance method. Having studied the factors that determine the quadrotor attitude, we found that the rotational velocity of the propeller has a greater effect on pitch and roll, and the tilt angle has more effects on yaw. Consequently, we design the tilt-quadrotor such that the rotational velocity is considered for the control of pitch and roll, and the tilt angle for yaw. In addition, incorporating physical parameters and constraints of the quadrotor, we can then design various gains for PD controllers.本文主要利用牛頓力學法推導可傾式四旋翼機的運動方程式,並且將其非線性的運動方程式線性化,進而以線性化的運動方程式獨立比較利用螺旋槳轉速控制和使用螺旋槳傾角控制對於姿態的影響大小。經由獨立比較之後我們可以知道在俯仰和滾轉的部分,螺旋槳轉速的影響較大;而在偏航的部分則是螺旋槳傾角的影響比較大。而整體可傾式四旋翼機的控制邏輯設計成利用螺旋槳轉速控制俯仰和滾轉,利用螺旋槳傾角控制偏航。帶入特定的四旋翼機物理參數以及限制之後,而設計出PD控制器的各項增益值。

    關鍵詞 : 四旋翼機(quadrotor)、可傾式四旋翼機(tilting quadrotor)

    • 一般論述
    • 以內藏式永磁同步馬達驅動之編碼器校準平台的研製 Design and Implementation of Encoder Calibration Platform Using Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives
    • 魏銘彥(Ming-Yen Wei)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    本文旨在提出一種數位化編碼器校準平台的馬達驅動系統。首先建製內藏式永磁同步馬達的驅動系統,並以比例積分控制器完成電流、速率與位置迴路的設計。接著,採用高精度與低精度兩種編碼器,並結合馬達與治具。最後以德州儀器公司生產的數位訊號處理器(TMS-320F-28335)作為控制核心,實現提出校準平台的資料運算、控制演算法則、座標軸轉換、波寬調變、人機介面訊息傳遞及韌體整合,完成精度的調校。實測結果證明提出數位化方法的實用性。 This paper presents an encoder calibration platform using motor drives. First, we build an interior permanent magnet synchronous motor drive system, and complete its control loop design for current, speed, and position using proportional integral (PI) controller. Then, combine it with motors and tools using high and low accuracy encoders. Finally, use a digital signal processor, Texas Instruments TMS320F28335 series, as the control kernel to implement the data operations, control algorithms, coordinate transformations, pulse width modulation (PWM), message transmission of man-machine interfaces, and firmware integration for the platform calibration, and its accuracy adjustment. It proves that experimental results validate the appropriateness of the proposed method.

    關鍵詞 : 數位訊號處理器(digital signal processor, DSP)、編碼器(encoder)、提高精度(accuracy increase)、內藏式永磁同步馬(interior permanent magnet synchronous motor, IPMSM)

    • 一般論述
    • 四旋翼編隊避障設計探討 A Study of Quadrotor Formation and Obstacle Avoidance Design
    • 王婷(Ting Wang)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    單台四旋翼勘查地形的能力有限,若欲使飛行範圍更廣大,可使用多台四旋翼作編隊的方式,並結合避障功能避免碰撞,在編隊飛行過程中再加上變換隊形的設計,能讓四旋翼因應不同環境改變隊形,執行室內任務時也能夠穿梭狹窄通道,執行任務時更有效率。避障方式可於機體上加裝攝影機、紅外線感測器或是超音波測距儀,便能於視線外飛行並避開障礙物。編隊控制是將多個單台四旋翼以隊形方式飛行,每台四旋翼皆含有自主飛行的能力,能一次執行大範圍任務。編隊隊形變換可以利用匈牙利演算法(Hungarian Algorithm)做計算,讓四旋翼在飛行過程中隨環境改變,遇到狹窄空間可變換隊形通過,遇到障礙物時散開隊伍,離開後又能持續編隊飛行。本文結合四旋翼避障、編隊及編隊隊形變換的設計來作探討,未來若結合實際任務需求,將能作為其參考基礎。 Due to the limited capability of using a single quadrotor for terrain surveys, we design multiple quadrotor formation and obstacle avoidance function to extend flight zones. Using Hungarian Algorithm, we design formation transformation for multiple autonomous quadrotors to conduct missions covering a wide area to adapt to the environmental conditions, even passing through narrow passages inside the building. Furthermore, equipped with cameras, infrared sensors, and ultrasonic ranger, the quadrotors can avoid obstacles beyond visual line of sight. Combining quadrotor obstacle avoidance, formation and its transformation, this paper investigates their applications for the practical mission needs in the future.

    關鍵詞 : 四旋翼(quadrotor)、編隊(formation)、避障(obstacle avoidance)、隊形變換(formation transformation)

    • 一般論述
    • 無人飛行載具之機動型起降操控系統研製 The Development of Mobile Launch and Recovery System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
    • 孫郁婷(Y.T. Sun)‧邱創舉(C.J. Chiou)‧施振華(C.H. Shih)‧邱俊嘉(C.C. Chio)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    機動型起降操控系統研製考量了縮裝、架構輕便、安裝容易等功能,採軟體功能整合及硬體縮裝整併二個方向進行,將原重量2,000公斤以上之起降操控系統縮裝整併為總重約131公斤之機動型起降操控。未來可配合軍種需求,更進一步納入導控站與動中通功能,將機動型起降操控系統提升至動中通型機動型遙導控系統,便可佈建於海軍各式艦艇,執行無人機偵蒐任務,提供艦隊海上所需目標情資,亦可佈建於海軍各陣地,提供起降/導控備援功能,或利用其可攜性與動中通特性,安裝於輕型戰術車,視任務需求機動至各陣地執行任務。其可搭配本院具高機動性、遠距、安全傳輸、高度整合之聯合監偵系統與決策支援系統,即時地偵搜並打擊中共之艦艇。 The design of mobile launch and recovery system (E-LARS) takes into account characteristics of volume reduction, light structure, and easy installation. By integrating and consolidating software functions and hardware shrinking, the weight of an E-LARS has been much lighter than that of the original system by a reduction from more than 2,000kg to around 130kg. Furthermore, incorporating the operational function of motability, we will upgrade E-LARS to mobile ground control station (MGCS) meeting the needs of armed forces. Therefore, MGCS is then can be deployed on Navy ships to conduct UAV ISR missions, at Naval bases to support launch and recovery operations, and on light tactical vehicles which are able to move to different military bases for mission performance. Combining decision supporting systems (DSS) and highly integrated joint ISR systems, featuring high mobility, remote control, and secure transmission, E-LARS is capable of promptly conducting monitoring and countering the enemy ships.

    關鍵詞 : 地面導控站(ground control station)、無人機(unmanned aerial vehicle)、機動型起降操控系統(mobile launch and recovery system)

    • 一般論述
    • 網路防護概論與實務Fundamentals and Practices for Network Defense
    • 陳佑全(You-Quan Chen)‧江啟賓(Ci-Bin Jiang)‧連品婷(Pin-Ting Lien)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    現代化政府及民間企業組織廣泛運用網路科技,提供更快速便利的運作服務。但同時也成為駭客攻擊的目標。攻擊型態包括主機刺探入侵、網站服務漏洞利用,以及人員社交工程等手法,對單位系統與網路運作造成極大威脅。網路防護技術可利用特徵比對來阻擋已知攻擊樣態,並監控內部可疑狀況防堵新式威脅,即使發生損害也能快速分析以改進修補。 本文首先介紹網路防護的基本概念,探究其運用環境與需求目的。其次具體描述在配置網路防護架構上的規劃考量,以及不同階段作業時的重點。最後簡要介紹具代表性的常用工具軟體,希望透過從概念、架構到實務等逐步說明,提供讀者更完整的理解認知。 As government and the private sectors widely and progressively apply information technology, they simultaneously become hostile hacker targets. Possible invasive approaches including host attack, web penetration, and social engineering have resulted in a significant threat in the information age. To tackle the threats, it is achievable to use network defense technology for supporting detection and monitoring mechanism. This paper introduces the fundamental concepts, implementation approaches, and typical applications of network defense, in which to provide readers with complete and practical understanding.

    關鍵詞 : 駭客(hacker)、網路戰(cyber warfare)、防護(cyber defense)、鑑識(forensic analysis)

    • 一般論述
    • 固體發動機藥柱之老化模型、加速係數與溫度反應常數的探討 Investigation of Aging Models, Acceleration Factor and Temperature Reaction Constant of Solid Rocket Propellant
    • 賀全慶(Chuan-Ching Ho)‧郭英傑(Ying-Jeng Kuo) 蔡政勳(Cheng-Hsun Tsai)‧何思宜(Szu-Yi He)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    本文探討固體發動機藥柱在不同老化模型下,有關貯存壽命預估、加速係數、簡易加速模型及其溫度反應常數估算的議題。老化模型採常用之零階、一階與Layton模型,並提出老化模型選擇的要件;加速係數之估算則採壽命比值法與Arrhenius的反應速率比值法,根據計算所得之加速係數,建立簡易加速模型並估算其溫度反應常數。研究結果顯示,正確選擇老化模型很重要,而老化模型選擇的首要條件為數據擬合迴歸直線後,取判定係數最大者做為最佳老化模型;若有某兩個模型的判定係數不分軒輊時,則應輔以自然貯存預估壽命符合實務經驗與常理者,做為選擇模型的第二條件。在加速係數與簡易模型之溫度反應係數估計方面,基於活化能估計的差異性,建議在零階與一階模型下應選用速率比法;在Layton模型下則選用壽命比法,但前提仍是自然貯存預估壽命應合理。簡易加速老化模型的適切性可以MIL-HDBK-83578的準則或相關文獻結果做為比較判斷基準。最後建議在執行加速老化試驗同時,亦應同步實施常溫貯存壽命監測計畫,以實際數據驗證實驗結果與統計模型之正確性。 This paper discusses issues regarding storage life prediction, acceleration factor and temperature reaction constant of solid rocket propellant. Zero Order, First Order and Layton models are commonly used to meet the appropriateness criteria for the selection of aging models. Storage life prediction and Arrhenius reaction rate ratios are used to estimate acceleration factors, based on which, simplified acceleration models are established and temperature reaction constants are then calculated. The results show that it is important to appropriately select aging models and for which the top criteria is selecting one with the largest R2 fitting a linear regression. If there are two or more values of R2 that are close to each other, the second rule dealing with the reasonable storage life is employed to facilitate selection. Regarding the estimation of acceleration factor and simplified temperature reaction constant, due to different activation energy, it is suggested to select the reaction rate ratio when dealing with zero and first order models, and should use storage life ratio method for Layton model assuming that the predicted storage life is reasonable. The information of MIL-HDBK-83578 and results of literature review provide a basis for comparison to determine the appropriateness of the simplified acceleration model. Finally, it is recommended to implement the life surveillance program and simultaneously verify the correctness of aging models and inferred results.

    關鍵詞 : 零階模型(zero order model)、一階模型(first order model),Layton模型(Layton Model)、Arrhenius方程(Arrhenius Equation)、加速係數(acceleration factor)、溫度反應常數(temperature reaction constant)

    • 一般論述
    • 基於大型陣列天線之訊號同調階層式波束成形電路架構 A Hybrid Hierarchical Beamforming Network Applied to Large Array Antenna
    • 趙信雄(Hsin-Hsiung Chao)‧陳弘朕(Hung-Chen Chen) 蕭才文(Tsai-Wen Hsiao)‧張晨毅(Chen-Yi Chang)‧周錫增(Hsi-Tseng Chou)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    本研究發展應用於雷達之波束成形法則,並使用頻域數位相移器和時域時間延遲單元(TDU)來建構階層式時延補償電路,以達到整體陣列天線單元接收訊號同調的效果。其中電路設計不僅結合頻域與時域兩種元件的特性以提升延時補償的精準度,更導入子陣列模組化架構大幅降低電路控制的複雜度。此外,雷達脈衝系統架構與訊號處理程序也被納入本研究中,用於比對接收訊號時框不同步時對於雷達目標距離判別精準度的影響,並以此驗證本篇提出之時延補償架構的可行性。 This study is to develop beamforming algorithms applied to large phased array radar antennas and propose a hybrid hierarchical network combining digital phase shifter in frequency domain and time-delay unit (TDU) in time domain to improve the signal synchronization accuracy. Meanwhile, a multi-level subarray decomposition technique is used to reduce the complexity of the entire circuit. With considering the radar signal processing, this study examines the precision effects of asynchronous signals on the radar target detection, and evaluates the performance and feasibility of the proposed architecture.

    關鍵詞 : 雷達系統(radar system)、陣列天線(phased array antenna)、時域脈衝波序列(pulse sequence)、階層式陣列架構(subarray modularization)

    • 一般論述
    • 柴電潛艦重量及容積初步估算 Discussion on Estimation of Weight and Volume for Diesel-Electric Submarine
    • 柯 淳(Chun Ko)‧蔡德平(Te-Ping Tsai)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    本文主要參考Jackson於1992年提出之潛艦概念設計流程,介紹一柴電潛艦重量及容積估算方法,為後續執行柴電潛艦水靜力平衡、內部裝備配置和動力估算等概念設計工項奠立基礎。 This paper introduces methods of estimating the weight and volume for diesel-electric submarines referring to the concept design process of submarines by Jackson in 1992. The method lays the foundation for the subsequent implementation of conceptual design of diesel-electric submarines including hydrostatics balance, equipment arrangement and power estimation.空曠區爆毀」/「空曠區燒毀」(open detonation/open burning)是一種快速直接且便宜的廢彈處理法,因此在過去數十年皆是以「空曠區爆毀」/「空曠區燒毀」執行過剩、廢棄或不適用彈藥銷毀,惟銷毀期間產生的濃煙與顆粒污染,已無法符合日趨嚴苛之環保法規。本文介紹環境可接受的處理技術,包括局限空間爆毀(contained detonation)/局限空間燒毀(contained burning)、回收復原(recycling and recovery)以及實驗轉化(experimental conversion)技術,並討論最佳處置作法。 For decades, it has been a common demilitarization to adopt open detonation/open burn (OD/OB) policy for the excess, obsolete, or unserviceable ammunition. It is quick and cost effective; however, it will produce thick smokes and particulates in the OD/OB operations violating environmental regulations. This report is to provide environment friendly techniques including contained detonation (CD)/contained burning (CB), recycling and recovery, and experimental conversion, and find the adequate demilitarization of conventional ammunition.

    關鍵詞 : 潛艦概念設計流程(submarine concept design)、重量估算(weight estimation)、容積估算(volume estimation)

    • 一般論述
    • 傳統彈藥除役後之處置方法介紹 Introduction to the Demilitarization of Unserviceable Conventional Ammunition
    • 林炯志(Chiung-Chih Lin)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    「空曠區爆毀」/「空曠區燒毀」(open detonation/open burning)是一種快速直接且便宜的廢彈處理法,因此在過去數十年皆是以「空曠區爆毀」/「空曠區燒毀」執行過剩、廢棄或不適用彈藥銷毀,惟銷毀期間產生的濃煙與顆粒污染,已無法符合日趨嚴苛之環保法規。本文介紹環境可接受的處理技術,包括局限空間爆毀(contained detonation)/局限空間燒毀(contained burning)、回收復原(recycling and recovery)以及實驗轉化(experimental conversion)技術,並討論最佳處置作法。 For decades, it has been a common demilitarization to adopt open detonation/open burn (OD/OB) policy for the excess, obsolete, or unserviceable ammunition. It is quick and cost effective; however, it will produce thick smokes and particulates in the OD/OB operations violating environmental regulations. This report is to provide environment friendly techniques including contained detonation (CD)/contained burning (CB), recycling and recovery, and experimental conversion, and find the adequate demilitarization of conventional ammunition.

    關鍵詞 : 局限空間爆毀(contained detonation)、局限空間燒毀、回收復原(recycling and recovery)

    • 一般論述
    • 潛布遠程自航水雷的發展趨勢與其關鍵技術 The Key Technologies and Development Trends in the Submarine-laid Mobile Mines of Long Distance
    • 林澄貴(Cheng-Kuei Lin)

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    先從潛布遠程自航水雷具有對敵封鎖港口,或於重要航路上阻絕遲滯前進行動等特點,及其隱蔽、安全、準確、所布設水雷難以被敵方掃除等要求,來分析其戰術運用。其次再從國外的潛布遠程自航水雷發展現況與技術發展趨勢,來探討研發潛布遠程自航水雷的關鍵技術,希能對我國研製遠程自航水雷有所助益,首先應以國內重型魚雷的研發基礎,參考國外先進國家將重型魚雷自導尋標裝置的經驗,改為水雷偵測與感炸引信,再依本文所探討的關鍵技術,逐一加以研究突破其技術瓶頸,加速完成國造遠程自航水雷的研製,方能配賦在國造潛艦上,以發揮潛艇攻勢布雷的功效,因而增加我海軍“制敵於彼岸”、“阻絕遲滯於海戰場制軛點”的不對稱作戰能力。 This paper first analyzes the key technologies and deployment trends in the submarine-laid mobile mines (SLMM) of long distance, which can be used to blockade enemy's ports and retard enemy's advance in critical maritime routes, and tactical applications meeting requirements of concealment, safety, and accuracy, preventing them from being removed. Second, with the global development trends, we investigate the key technologies of SLMM of long distance expecting to benefit us to their development. Based on the basis of heavy torpedoes, we can primarily shift the development of self-guided heavy torpedo tracking devices to the mine detection and explosive fuses according to the experience of advanced countries. Then, following key technologies discussed in this article, we will make the breakthrough to speed up the completion of self-made long-distance mobile mines for applying to indigenous submarines obtaining the effects of submarine offensive mines. It is expected that eventually we can strengthen the asymmetrical warfare capabilities and suppress the enemy at the other side of the Strait in the sea battlefield.

    關鍵詞 : 潛艇布雷(submarine-laid mine)、遠程自航水雷(long-distance mobile mining)、布雷雷障(mine-laid barrier)、沉底穩定性(sink bottom stability)、航路規劃(route programming)、雷位散佈誤差(mine positioning dispersion error)

    • 研發成果
    • 精進「內部品質稽核作業」以達標準化
    • 許能專 江義德 簡嘉昱

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    同全院品質政策,目前本(航空)所實施包含「ISO 9001」及「AS9100」兩套品質系統,然為避免內部稽核過程因人而異,致使產生不同認知與結果,稽核相關流程作業標準化至關重要。 流程作業標準化過程中,需要將ISO及AS條文中的繁文縟節,簡換為貼近工程實務語言,有效使受稽單位明瞭品質規定與要求,達說寫做一致。 另品質的稽核是否順利有效,除了專業知識外,更需要實務經驗累積,故經驗的傳承亦為當務之急。 適用範圍與標準化之整合內容

    關鍵詞 : 品質稽核

    • 研發成果
    • 航空載具靜力試驗之品保檢測流程
    • 陳建銘 連望甯 江義德 戴智君

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    為確保飛機結構的完整性,規劃「靜力試驗」作為主要的測試項目,藉由不同的參數設定,模擬不同條件下的負載,驗證機體強度符合設計需求。 試驗整備與品保工項 靜力試驗主要包含兩階段的負載,分別是限制負載(Limit Load)與極限負載(Ultimate Load)[1],本研究主要針對限制負載(Limit Load)試驗進行探討。 參照專案「全機靜力試驗計畫書」,試驗目的為進行飛行負載、引擎負載、座艙與油箱加壓負載等驗證項目,共規劃13種測試條件;依不同的測試條件,展開試驗整備作業與品保檢測工項(如圖一),以下將針對試驗機構型與試驗條件設置作詳述。

    關鍵詞 : 靜力試驗

    • 研發成果
    • 輕軌號誌電子聯鎖系統發展研究
    • 陳至旭 許瓊之

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    回顧台灣鐵道史,從1887年台鐵通車、1996年北捷啟用、2007年高鐵營運、2008年高捷上路、2016年輕軌通車及2017年機捷運作,130年來,台灣已擁有全長1651公里的軌道建設,軌道交通是台灣城鄉及大都會運輸的大動脈,相較於其他基礎建設,其智慧化程度相當高。[1] 近幾年台灣卻紛紛傳出軌道交通的重大意外,台灣高鐵營運初期更是連連停擺,這些事件讓各界紛紛開始注意軌道交通的安全問題。2013年的高鐵號誌異常,導致全線停駛,後來高鐵證實,異常是因台中段號誌的「電子聯鎖系統(Electronic Interlocking System)」故障,且主系統及備援系統同時失效,最後靠重新開機解決問題。[2]

    關鍵詞 : 電子聯鎖系統

    • 研發成果
    • 網頁式系統導入CQRS/ES架構之研析--以料件管理系統為例
    • 孫世嶸

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    因應本院產品量產需求,未來院內各類管理資訊系統將面臨更多資料處理與報表呈現需求。異於傳統方式對單一資料庫進行增刪修查(Create,Read, Update and Delete, CRUD),微服務架構之領域中,常採用「命令與查詢職責分離」(Command Query Responsibility Segregation, CQRS)架構,即資料讀寫分離,藉此提高資料訪問量與處理效能,實現資料分散化之目標,以完善系統整體設計。本研究以料件管理系統為例,評估CQRS/ES架構成為各系統的基礎及技術發展參考。

    關鍵詞 : 網頁式系統

    • 研發成果
    • 高效益製氫氧觸媒與模組於替代能源應用與發展
    • 賴冠廷 呂忠諺 家侃

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    由於化石燃料資源的日漸枯竭及過度使用,產生的碳氧與氮氧化合物等溫室氣體對於環境污染與生態破壞日與俱增,因此尋求能源的永續性已列為各先進國家主要的施政方針及發展目標,再生能源中太陽能及風能皆被視為當前及未來能源需求的可利用重點資源,現階段如德國、丹麥及英國等歐盟國家皆積極推動(Power to Gas, P2G)的化學能儲存方式,將多餘的太陽能或風力發電利用水電解產氫,進行儲能利用,氫氣透過儲存方式成為氫能應用的潔淨燃料,其中P2G的運行架構、規劃與實施地點,可結合現有的天然氣管線,進一步省去建置氫氣管線之高額成本,並解決再生能源發電在短時間過剩而產生的儲電難題。儘管太陽能及風力發電的過程中不排碳,對尖載供電有貢獻,然而在台灣的全年平均可發電時間受限,因此無法作為常備的基載電源。參考日本未來氫能發展途徑與產品(ene-farm家用熱電共生系統),台灣適合發展分散式家庭式再生能源電解水產氫發電及社區型的移動式電源,透過將過剩的太陽能或風能進行電解水產氫的應用,將餘電轉化為氫燃料方式儲存,被認為是可將尖載供電的觀念轉變為基載供電的有效方式。近年各國家氫能源發展現況:日本已預計將氫能作為2020的東京奧運會所使用的主要能源;德國已於2018年首次進行以氫能作為動力的火車試行;英國氫氣火車已進行載人測試,預計2020年進行鐵路運行;美國加州更早已設置許多的加氫站,提供豐田、本田及三陽等車廠所開發的氫燃料電池車輛進行使用,由上述例子可知氫能技術的開發已是未來能源應用的主流之一。

    關鍵詞 : 氫氧觸媒

    • 研發成果
    • 海鷹眼雷達收發模組
    • 廖笙佑

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    面對未來戰爭威脅,被動雷達在戰場的生存恐受威脅,多目標、功能性多、機動性強、反應時間短、數據率高及抗干擾強的新式相列雷達為雷達換裝的最大重點,而新一代的雷達以三個技術作為主軸-天線數位化、功率固態化及接收數位化。本文中的海鷹眼雷達為一海用長距離搜索雷達如圖一,利用1,200W固態功率放大器的功率輸出達成功率固態化,利用收發晶片達成接收數位化,其餘的技術發展還包含發射/接收系統、類比數位轉換技術、數位多波束合成技術及High MTBF等,成功驗證後將成為海軍搜索的主力裝備,以適應未來變化迅速的戰場環境。 海鷹眼雷達系統收發模組包含五個部分:杕數位相移器及衰減器;杌固態功率放大器;杈接收電路;杝帶通濾波器;杍數位補償電路。

    關鍵詞 : 海鷹眼雷達

    • 研發成果
    • 武器系統裝備翻新用料規劃與分析
    • 呂陽樗 徐百寬 蕭翊鋒

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 翻新料件

    • 研發成果
    • 應用微流體生物晶片於 生化檢測分析之研究
    • 蔡松霖 劉憲宗 周蕎茵

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    一般來說,在矽晶圓、玻璃或塑膠等材質上,利用微機電或微電子技術製造出用於生物化學方面分析的裝置,可稱之為生物晶片(Biochip),又稱實驗室晶片(Lab-on-a-Chip, LOC)或微全分析系統(Micro Total Analytical System, μTAS),相關種類很多,大致上可區分為微陣列晶片(Microarray Chip)以及微流體晶片(Microfluidic Chip)二種類。在已商業化應用的晶片產品當中,產值最高,發展最久的,當屬DNA晶片,屬於微陣列晶片的一種,其次就是微流體晶片[1],上述之生物晶片能夠將以往只能在地區醫院或檢驗中心才能建置之昂貴儀器普及到一般診所、居家環境甚至野外,使高價的醫學檢查及醫療檢測普及化[2],當中的關鍵因素在於感測技術之改進,並能擴散至各種領域,其涵蓋範圍之廣,橫跨軍事、環境、食品、臨床和藥物等範疇,是當前科技發展的重點,具有重要的應用價值[3]。

    關鍵詞 : 微流體生物晶片

    • 研發成果
    • 衛星電腦模組機械設計與分析
    • 蔡毅瑋

    卷期 : 48 / 4

    出版年 : 2020/10/01

    人造衛星(Satellite),是指人類所製造,經由火箭或太空梭發射至外太空,不斷繞行地球運轉的載具。而衛星本體可由衛星艙體(Bus)與酬載(Payload)所組成;衛星艙體依功能可再細分為框架結構、熱控系統、姿態控制、推進控制、遙測指令、衛星電腦、電力系統、飛行軟體等模組[1]。本文所提到衛星電腦模組(On Board Computer, OBC模組)即為衛星本體內部次系統之一,負責掌管衛星指令與資料管理,可說是衛星之大腦中樞。

    關鍵詞 : 衛星電腦模組