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    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    雷射—「藉由受激輻射將光放大」,具有能量強、顏色單一、同調性(規律性高)等發光特性,因其獨特且無法被取代的光學性質,成為了各科研學科的重要工具,隨著雷射技術發展成熟,小至手機內部的材料加工,大至身處其中的建築物,皆需要仰賴雷射技術。本院發展雷射技術近五十年光陰,具有深厚的相關研發能量,將其運用在測距儀、陀螺儀、標定器、尋標器、反制器等軍事應用裝置外,亦介紹關於通訊通信、點火、光達(雷射雷達)等民生應用,成果豐碩;本期以「雷射在軍事與民間應用」為題,分享相關專文。中心論題由本院材料暨光電研究所主筆,有幸邀稿該所雷物組前組長陳銘博士,陳博士自國防理工大學物理研究所畢業後,於民國64年進入本院投身於各式雷射技術研究,如二氧化碳雷射、氬離子雷射、氮氣雷射等項目,項目之多卻如數家珍。陳博士回顧30多年來工作歷程,研發之路雖然辛苦,卻能將研究內容和興趣結合,與同仁戮力完成多項產品及專利,同時也分享:「在中科院工作期間是我個人一生中最值得懷念的時光,工作雖然辛苦但是樂多於苦。」陳博士對待工作積極的態度,值得本院後進學習。「一般論述」專欄包含(1)雷射接戰系統通訊編碼分析;(2)低功率數位電路測試資料壓縮及產生方法;(3)格陵蘭天線除冰系統設計研究;(4)高鐵列車駕駛模擬機之模式模擬;(5)TRIZ應用於產品研發流程之研究;(6)高功率微波武器的破壞效應分析;(7)應用於砷化鎵功率放大器之整合型電源單晶片設計;(8)全向式一線型室內建模雷射雷達之研究;(9)MIL-STD-810H螺旋槳飛機飛行振動試驗之研究;(10)冷噴塗技術及其在國防工業之應用;共計10篇。「研發成果」專欄包含(1)飛行載具任務規劃之設計;(2)200磅級小型渦輪引擎之發展與應用;(3)Focused D*路徑規劃算法研究與模擬;(4)新式輕型消毒器研製;(5)RFID防偽標籤系統之簡介;(6)逾期電子元件再利用品質精進;(7)故障預測與健康管理(PHM)技術導入雷達武器系統之狀態監測平台開發研究;(8)起爆藥膠體疊氮化鉛之製備及探討;(9)以雲端原生架構打造資料交換系統;共計9篇。

    關鍵詞 : 材料暨光電;雷射

    • 人物專訪
    • 我的中山之旅雷射光電研發-雷物組前組長陳 銘博士
    • 陳 銘/筆撰‧王文祥/整理

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    進入光電領域 民國60年我(圖一)畢業於中正理工學院31期物理系,分發至空軍屏東第一區部的試裝廠擔任精密量具修校廠修校官,當時試裝廠是由美國空軍協助在台設立並且是遠東唯一的精密校驗廠,執行軍機內部各種空用儀表的校驗與維修工作,屬於當時較先進的裝備校驗廠。在試裝廠工作的兩年期間,累積了許多的實務經驗,對日後的工作具有相當的助益。進入中科院工作 民國62年我考入中正理工學院物理研究所5期就讀,民國64年畢業於中正理工學院物理研究所取得碩士學位後,如願分發至一所物理組雷射小組,當時一所所長是錢積彭博士,物理組組長是游世高博士。我進入物理組雷射小組內的第一份研發工作是針型陰極二氧化碳雷射。同一時期雷射小組內有汪鐵志博士、羅漢華博士以及隨後加入的劉海北博士、陳玲玲博士等同仁,研究的題目包括大氣壓二氧化碳雷射、氬離子雷射、氮氣雷射。同仁之間相處非常融洽,學術研究氣氛非常濃厚。

    關鍵詞 : 雷射光電研發

    • 中心論題
    • 雷射在軍事與民間應用 序言
    • 程一誠

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 雷射

    • 中心論題
    • 雷射測距儀在軍事上的應用Laser Rangefinders in Military Applications
    • 曾詠信(Yung-Shin Tseng)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    雷射測距儀(Laser rangefinder),利用雷射光束進行目標物距離量測的設備,具有高精度、速度快等優勢,於民生上常用於室內裝潢、建築等各項工程,以及高爾夫球運動,此類雷射測距儀的特色為量測距離短、重覆率低、體積小、重量輕、便於攜帶等,而於軍事上目前廣泛被用於陸上、海上和空中的目標追瞄、地形繪圖、高度測定,普遍配備在各種具有精密射控系統之武器裝備,如艦艇及防空火砲等。因需要針對空襲之飛行器進行追瞄,對目標物必須能即時量測其距離,做為射控電腦計算射擊參數的依據,因此高重覆率雷射測距儀便成為不可或缺的配備。A laser rangefinder is an instrument for distance measurement using laser beam, having the advantages of quick and precise information acquisition, and can be used in interiors, building construction, and the sport of golf. Currently, laser rangefinders are widely used in military applications such as aiming and tracking targets that could be moving on land, flying in the sky or sailing on the sea surface. They are also used for depicting geography, measuring landel evation, and equipping on warships and anti-aircraft artillery guns, for which the laser rangefinders with high pulse rate are in high demand for acquiring distance information to compute the trace of a fast moving target.

    關鍵詞 : 雷射測距(laser distance measurement)

    • 中心論題
    • 雷射陀螺儀技術與研發現況Technology and Development of Ring Laser Gyroscope
    • 吳裕翔(Yu-Hsiang Wu)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    雷射陀螺儀是一種光學式陀螺儀,可利用雷射光的干涉來量測轉動。雷射陀螺儀具備極高的量測精度,作為角度感測器廣泛應用於慣性導航系統中。自1960年代以來,雷射陀螺儀科技已有50年以上的發展歷史,目前雷射陀螺儀相關技術大多已發展成熟。在本文中,我們將針對雷射陀螺儀的基本原理進行簡單的介紹,接著討論雷射陀螺儀設計的一些關鍵技術。最後,我們會針對雷射陀螺儀的發展現況進行說明。Ring laser gyroscope (RLG) is a type of optical gyroscopes using laser interference to detect rotation. With extremely high precision, RLG is widely used in inertial navigation systems as an angular sensor. RLG technology has been researched for more than 50 years since 1960s, and the related techniques are well developed. In this article, we will briefly introduce the basic principle of how RLG works, discuss the critical techniques of RLG design, and present the latest development status of RLG.

    關鍵詞 : 環形雷射(ring laser)、薩格納克效應(Sagnac effect)、角度感測器(angular sensor)、慣性量測單元(inertial measurement unit)、慣性導航系統(inertial navigation system)

    • 中心論題
    • 雷射標定器概述Introduction to Laser Designator
    • 黃博郁(Bo-Yu Huang)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    雷射標定器(laser designator)是半主動雷射導引武器中的重要部分,利用雷射指向性高、發散角小以及高亮度的特性可準確的標定目標,再藉由精準導引砲彈或是飛彈的尋標頭鎖定雷射光點來擊中目標,即使是移動中的目標也可以準確的進行導引,和傳統的砲彈相比,雷射標定器引導飛彈(laser-guild bombs)、導彈(missiles)或火藥砲彈(artillery munitions)等精準武器可大幅提升攻擊之命中率並降低作戰之攻擊成本、以及所需之彈藥儲備量。此外,配合不同的作戰需求,雷射標定器可運用於空中載具亦可提供各式陸載裝備或是單兵攜帶所使用。近年來雷射標定器因具備了體積小、重量輕、低耗電之特點,並且具有搭載方便、高機動性、連續作戰之戰略優勢,在現代戰場上是各國爭相發展之關鍵武器,具有極廣泛之作戰運用價值。Laser designator is an essential part of semi-active laser guidance system. With high directionality, small divergence, and high brightness, laser beams are capable of precisely designating targets which can then be locked by laser-guided seeker and allow bombs or missiles to hit them even being moving. Compared with traditional artillery shells, the semi-active laser guidance weapons, such as laser-guided bombs, missiles, and artillery munitions, feature higher hit rates, less pending, as well as less war reserve stocks. Consequently, the laser designator easily integrates flying vehicles, ground vehicles and man-portable equipment according to different operational scenarios. In recent years, the development trend of laser designator is tending toward small size, light weight and low power consumption (SWaP). The strategic advantages of SWaP made possible in easy integration of vehicles, high mobility and continuous operations. Laser designator is so critical and versatile that it has been widely used on the modern battlefield operations.

    關鍵詞 : 雷射標定器(laser designator)、雷射導引(laser guide)、非熱敏(non-thermal)

    • 中心論題
    • 高能雷射武器發展現況Development Status of High Energy Laser Weapon Systems
    • 陳思武(Szu-Wu Chen)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    高能雷射武器為尖端軍事科技產品,自1960年代雷射初問世以來,美、俄、中、德等大國早就率先投入運用於武器領域研發,接著,英、法、以、印、土、愛莎尼亞、韓等國家也相繼加入研製,近年更加蓬勃發展。高能雷射武器系統具每發雷射成本便宜、補給容易等優點。主要可用於防禦無人機(UAVs),性能提升後亦可防禦火箭彈、砲彈、迫擊砲(C-RAM)或巡弋飛彈等武器攻擊;極具長遠發展價值。高能雷射武器系統,可配合軍種籌補所需新型近迫防禦武器,作為伴隨掩護系統。本文簡介高能雷射武器系的發展現況,以及系統關鍵技術摘要。HELWS is a high technology military product. The powerful countries like USA, Russia, China, and Germany have been in the lead investing vast budget in the relevant weapon development since laser was invented in 1960s. And many countries, such as UK, France, Israel, India, Turkey, Estonia, and Korea, are progressively participating in the related research, and have been increasingly developing in recent years. HELWS features cost effectiveness per shot, easy logistics services. HELWS is mainly used for defense against unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs), and attacks of counter rocket, artillery, mortar shell (C-RAM) and cruise missiles, offering promising long-term prospects. HELWS can be used to complement defense systems to reconstruct a new closed-in weapon system (CIWS) meeting the needs of troops. In summary, this article describes current development status and critical techniques of HELWS.

    關鍵詞 : 高能雷射武器系統(high energy laser weapon systems, HELWS )

    • 中心論題
    • 半主動雷射導引尋標器簡介Introduction to the Seeker of Semi-Active Laser Guidance
    • 林佳儒(Chia-Ju Lin)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    半主動雷射導引武器,屬於精準導引武器的一種,具備優異的目標精準打擊能力,在數公尺的誤差圓徑中,可有效排除主要目標物,避免不必要的傷亡,並降低了彈藥用量及成本,是適用於不對稱作戰的高效能武器。本文針對半主動雷射導引尋標器的介紹,主要分為兩部分,第一段介紹半主動雷射導引的基本作戰場景,尋標器於雷射導引彈上的功用及目標偵測原理,包含四象限的雷射光點計算、頻譜響應及標定雷射碼辨識。第二段介紹各式雷射導引武器的介紹,包含投射彈、炸彈及飛彈/火箭彈等,隨著半主動雷射導引尋標器的設計精進,應用距離及視角等規格提升,逐步走向體積小、輕量化、高性能及低成本的發展方向。Semi-active laser guided weapons (LGWs) are types of precision-guided munitions (PGMs). With superior capabilities in precision strike, LGWs are capable to eliminate priority targets with circular error probable (CEP) of a few meters to avoid unnecessary casualties and reduce the quantities and cost for using them. This article discusses semi-active laser (SAL) seekers in two parts. The first part refers to the basic scenarios of employing the SAL seekers, the functions of seekers in LGWs, the principle of target detection including the laser spot calculation of quadrant detection, spectral response, and the recognition of laser designator code. The second part introduces different kinds of LGWs including projectiles, bombs, missiles and rockets. With advanced design and modification of SAL seekers, the specifications of range and field of view (FOV) are improved, the development of SAL seekers is tending toward design of small size, light weight, high performance and cost effectiveness.

    關鍵詞 : 精準導引武器(precision guided munitions)、半主動雷射導引武器(semi-active laser guided weapons)、四象限光檢測器(quadrant photodetector)

    • 中心論題
    • 指向式紅外線反制器發展現況Development Trends of Directed Infrared Countermeasure System
    • 黃郁仁(Yu-Jen Huang)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    由於指向式紅外線反制器可以將紅外線輻射能量有方向性地集中至來襲目標,其已被證實可以有效地干擾日趨成熟的人攜肩射式防空以及空對空紅外導引飛彈,以保護己身飛行器。本文將從紅外反制技術的發展歷程出發,介紹指向式紅外線反制器的技術原理與其獨特性,接著討論各國研發現況以及市售產品規格,最後以指向式紅外線反制器的關鍵技術議題總結未來可能發展趨勢。It has been proved that with high-brightness infrared lasers, the directed infrared countermeasure system can feasibly and effectively protect aircraft from infrared guided missile threats to ensure the survival of aircrews and platforms for achieving mission success. The contribution of this paper aims to review the directed infrared countermeasure system, including development history, operating principles, characteristics, current technology status, and future prospects.

    關鍵詞 : 指向式紅外線反制器(directed infrared countermeasure system)、紅外導引飛彈(infrared-guided missile)

    • 中心論題
    • 量子通訊簡介An Introduction to Quantum Communication
    • 吳裕翔(Yu-Hsiang Wu)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    隨著近年來量子電腦的快速發展,傳統加密技術將不再保證通訊的安全性。人們必須尋找新的方式來保障資訊安全。量子通訊系統能有效對抗量子電腦的攻擊,可利用量子物理的特性以建立絕對安全的訊息傳輸管道。量子通訊主要受到量子物理中的不可複製性所保護,使人們可以找出量子通道中的竊聽者。在本文中,我們將簡單的介紹量子物理的發展歷程與其基本概念。接著,我們會針對量子密鑰分發技術進行討論,包含其工作原理與所需之關鍵技術。在文章的最後,我們將快速地介紹量子通訊技術的發展現況。With the ever-increasing speed of quantum computer development, conventional encryption couldn't ensure safety communication anymore. It's therefore imperative to find a new way to maintain information security. Currently, it's noted that quantum communication system can effectively defend against quantum computing attacks, build up a safe channel for message transmission with quantum properties, and can be protected by its no-cloning theorem to detect eavesdropping in quantum channels. In this article, we introduce the history and basic concepts of quantum physics, and investigate the quantum key distribution systems, including the principle of operation and key techniques. Finally, we will have a quick review of recent progress in quantum communication technology.

    關鍵詞 : 量子通訊(quantum communication)、量子密鑰分發(quantum key distribution)、量子位元(quantum bit)、單光子(single photon)、量子糾纏(quantum entanglement)

    • 中心論題
    • 雷射點火的應用Applications of Laser Ignition
    • 黃順源(Shun-Yuan Huang)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    雷射點火以利用雷射高能量的特性,藉由光學透鏡進行聚焦產生點火所需的能量,發現採用雷射點火相對於傳統式點火器或火星塞,更具有良好的燃燒效率及更佳的抗電磁干擾。點火系統採用光纖做為傳輸,可達到關鍵雷射光源及儲能電路獨立,藉由光纖使點火模組應用在發動機等產品,達成單對單、單對多的系統規劃,對於產品的應用上具有更好的設計彈性。With characteristics of high energy lasers, laser ignition is triggered with needed energy intensified by optical lenses. It has been found that, compared with traditional ignitors or plugs, laser ignition demonstrates better combustion efficiency and higher resistance to electromagnetic interference. By using optical fibers for laser power transmission, laser ignition will be a key laser light source and separate energy storage circuits. With application of fiber in the ignition modules of engines and such other products, it is expected to achieve greater flexibility in system planning and product design.

    關鍵詞 : 雷射(laser)、光纖雷射(fiber laser)、點火系統(ignition system)、雷射點火(application of laser ignition)

    • 中心論題
    • 高仟瓦光纖雷射介紹Introduction to Multi-kilowatt Fiber Laser
    • 林建宏(Jian-Hung Lin).林江信(Chiang-Hsin Lin).林威廷(Wei-Ting Lin) .陳威霖(Wei-Lin Chen).洪舜治(Shuen-Chih Hung).黃文政(Wen-Cheng Huang)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    高仟瓦光纖雷射隨著關鍵技術的突破,其功率等級已經接近,甚至超越傳統的高仟瓦雷射。另外,高仟瓦單模光纖雷射系統具有轉換效率高和光束品質優良,以及具有全光纖系統設計,無需一般雷射的對光方法,有利於工業或是軍事上的應用。高仟瓦多模光纖雷射系統已廣泛地應用於厚金屬板加工、切割、焊接、融覆等工業和國防工業應用。本文主要是介紹高仟瓦光纖雷射技術,包含接力泵浦技術和雷射合束器技術,分別應用於發展單模與多模高仟瓦光纖雷射系統。With the critical breakthrough in the technology of fiber lasers, whose power is ever increasing even beyond the multi-kilowatt level. Featuring high conversion efficiency, excellent beam quality, and all-fiber system design, the multi-kilowatt single-mode and multimode fiber laser systems have been extensively applied to the industrial and defense sectors, such as thick metal sheet processing, cutting, welding, and cladding. This article mainly introduces the critical technologies of multi-kilowatt fiber lasers, including techniques of tandem pumping and laser combiner, which are respectively applied to the development of single-mode and multi-mode multi-kilowatt fiber laser systems.

    關鍵詞 : 高仟瓦光纖雷射系統(multi-kilowatt fiber laser)、接力泵浦技術(tandem pumping technique)、雷射合束器(laser combiner)

    • 中心論題
    • 自由空間光通訊發展現況Development Status of Free Space Optical Communication
    • 林佳儒(Chia-Ju Lin)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    自由空間光通訊,一種無線光通訊技術,具有高傳輸頻寬、保密性佳、快速架設、與光纖網路的高相容性且無通訊頻段執照限制等優勢。本文介紹自由空間光通訊系統概要,包含雷射調變機制、光放大器、光檢測器及大氣通道特性等,雷射能量的衰減包含物性障礙、大氣擾動、吸收、散射及天候條件等因素。關於自由空間光通訊的發展,固定點對點視距傳輸的靜態系統已發展成熟,應用於光纖通訊的最後一哩路及備援網路,提升通訊網路密度;動態系統的計畫性發展包含陸用、艦用、空用及衛星等光通訊系統應用,建構出高廣度、高彈性及高密度性的視距光通訊傳輸網。Free space optical communication (FSO), a kind of wireless optical communication, has advantages of high bandwidth, high security, rapid setting up, good compatibility to fiber optic communication, and has no limitation of bandwidth license. In this article, the discussion of FSO system includes the mechanism of laser modulation, optical amplifiers, photodetector, and the properties of atmospheric channel. The attenuation factors of laser power comprise physical obstruction, atmospheric turbulence, absorption, scattering, and weather conditions. Referring to the development of FSO, the static system of line-of-sight transmission from point to point has been maturely applied to the last mile and backup network of fiber optic communication. The dynamic system, under some international program development, including terrestrial system, naval system, airborne system, and satellite system, contributes to a highly extended, flexible, and dense line-of-sight optical communication network.

    關鍵詞 : 自由空間光通訊(free space optical communication, FSO)、無線光通訊(wireless optical communication)、視距傳輸(line of sight transmission)

    • 中心論題
    • 三維閃光式光達晶片介紹An Introduction to 3D Flash Lidar IC
    • 柯博喻(Po-Yu Ke)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging)亦稱光達,係由雷射模組產生雷射脈衝後,投射到目標體後,再由接收器檢知投射到目標後的反射脈衝。從發送雷射到接收脈衝的飛行時間(time of flight, TOF),可計算出兩者間距離,該技術可應用於汽車輔助安全系統上(advanced driver assistance systems, ADAS)。本文章介紹小型化三維閃光式光達系統整合晶片研製包含轉阻放大(transimpedance amplifier, TIA)與時間數位轉換(time-to-digital converter, TDC)作為處理TOF訊號使用。Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) systems, based on the direct time-of-flight (TOF), are used in advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). This paper introduces a miniaturized 3D Flash Lidar system on chip (SoC) that includes transimpedance amplifiers (TIA) and time-to-digital converters (TDC) to complete the digital signal processing for a TOF sensor.

    關鍵詞 : 雷射雷達(LiDAR)、轉阻放大器(transimpedance amplifier, TIA)、時間數位轉換(time-to-digital converter, TDC)、飛行時間(time-of-flight, TOF)

    • 中心論題
    • 光達與自動駕駛Lidar and Autonomous Driving
    • 林志平(Chih-Ping Lin)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    Lidar是自駕車中最重要與最具產值的感測器,本院發展Lidar已經超過25年歷史,希望能夠在這波自駕車科技的大浪潮中,可以扮演最關鍵的角色。Lidar不只可以用在自駕車,也可以大量應用在未來軍事無人載具,例如無人軍車、無人坦克、無人機、無人船、無人戰士和電子圍籬等應用,一舉解決少子化以致兵員不足問題,進入機器戰士防禦的世代。Lidar is an essential and productive sensor in a self-driving system. NCSIST has been developing Lidar for more than 25 years and hoping to play a crucial role on the wave of self-driving technology. Apart from in self-driving vehicles, Lidar can be used in future military applications, such as unmanned military vehicles, unmanned tanks, drones, unmanned ships, unmanned warriors and electronic fences, to solve the problem of insufficient soldiers and enter the generation of warrior defense machines.

    關鍵詞 : 光達(Lidar)、自動駕駛(autonomous driving)、閃光式光達(Flash Lidar)

    • 中心論題
    • 多軸加工機三維熱變形之量測及補償Three-dimensional Thermal Deformation Measurement and Compensation of Multi-axis Processing Machine
    • 黃宜裕(Yi-Yuh Hwang).劉立中(Li-Chung Liu)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    多軸加工機台上一般都會安裝X、Y、Z三軸光學尺作為加工定位基準,但因為機台本身之熱膨脹變形、應力變形或磨耗變形等物理現象,讓以機台為固裝基準之三軸光學尺產生相對飄移量,進而影響工具機加工精度及加工重複性。本文提出利用本院不變形光斑影像絕對定位技術,開發光斑影像三維位移感測器,用來量測兩個物件之三維相對位移量,再引入低熱膨脹量花崗岩基座當作多軸加工機台之三維參考定位基座,進而開發一種有效去除各種變形效應之多軸加工雛型機台。A multi-axis processing machine is generally installed with X, Y, Z three-axis optical scales as its positioning reference. However, due to thermal expansion, stress, or wear, the machine tool would deform to cause the relative drift of the three-axis optical scale to it and affect the machining accuracy and processing repeatability. This paper proposes to use the absolute positioning technology with non-deformable laser speckle imaging to develop a three-dimensional displacement sensor with speckle-based image. Then, a low thermal expansion granite pedestal is introduced as the base of the multi-axis processing machine, combined with the sensor, which is subsequently developed as three-dimensional reference positioning base, and can effectively eliminate various deformation.

    關鍵詞 : 不變形雷射光斑影像(non-deformable laser speckle image)、三維位移感測器(three-dimensional displacement sensor)、三維參考定位基座(three-dimensional reference positioning base)

    • 一般論述
    • 雷射接戰系統通訊編碼分析Analysis of Communication Codes for Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System
    • 朱松華(Sung-Hua Chu).李耕碩(Keng-Shuo Lee)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    本文主要說明雷射接戰系統之通訊編碼分析,文中首先瞭解現有國軍各式武器模擬器與雷射接戰系統概念的差異,並介紹實兵雷射接戰系統的運作模式。其次,介紹雷射接戰系統通訊編碼格式、通訊編碼設計以及系統通訊傳輸訊息。建構雷射模擬接戰系統,以雷射取代實彈射擊訓練的訓練方式,目前已有美國、日本、中國及我國在內的29個國家,已經成為世界的趨勢。此編碼格式相通於世界各雷射接戰系統的裝備,而編碼設計上,在該系統所涵蓋之武器項目及實際參與人員不僅是純步兵單位模擬作戰,而是可搭配攻擊載具及陣地飛彈等戰鬥編組的對抗,可達成模擬在真實戰場上作戰的目的。This article mainly describes the analysis of communication codes for the laser engagement system. First, we propose the conceptual difference between existing military training simulators and laser engagement systems, and introduce the operation modes of laser engagement systems. Second, we investigate the code format, code design and the transmission message of the laser engagement systems. It has been trending worldwide building laser engagement training system to replace live fire training in twenty-nine countries including the United States, Japan, China and Taiwan. The code format is common to all kinds of laser engagement systems in the world. In terms of coding design, the weapons and equipment for the laser engagement system are not limited to those applied to infantry, but can be used for combined engagement with combat troops to achieve live battlefield training exercises.

    關鍵詞 : 雷射接戰系統(laser engagement system)、模擬器(simulator)、通訊編碼(communication coding)

    • 一般論述
    • 格陵蘭天線除冰系統設計研究Research and Design on Deicing System of the Greenland Telescope
    • 劉慶堂(Ching-Tang Liu)‧陳明堂(Ming-Tang Chen)‧黃耀德(Yau-De Huang)‧陳維隆(Wei-Long Chen)‧劉彥宏(Yen-Hung Liu)‧謝芳家(Fang-Chia Hsieh)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    本文主要探討格陵蘭天線碟盤反射板表面防雪堆積之除冰系統設計,除冰方式參考南極天線設計文獻[1],反射板之溫度提升高於大氣環境溫度2℃以上,降低雪之表面附著力,利用重力及風力防雪堆積及清除積雪。除冰功能規範為加熱系統須提供天線反射板表面升溫高於大氣環境溫度2℃以上,數值分析工具採用商用軟體ANSYS THERMAL,以600W/m2、300W/m2及100W/m2加熱通量,在不同溫度與風速環境下進行評估,分析結果300W/m2為最佳選擇,在不同環境溫度及風速,反射板表面溫度達到穩定平衡狀態,反射板表面可提升高於環境溫度4℃。分析結果與實際反射板在低溫測試結果比對,誤差在-13%~-23%範圍,分析與模擬測試結果誤差在可接受範圍,未來在極地實際運作,再作設計功能確認及比對模擬測試與實地測試差異。This paper primarily studies the deicing system to prevent reflector panels of the Greenland telescope from snow adherence and referencing the design concepts of South Pole Telescope[1]. The temperature of reflector panel surface is to increase above 2℃ higher than ambient to reduce snow adherence on the panels, and furthermore remove snow by force of gravity and wind. It is specified that the deicing system must provide the panel surface with temperature higher than ambient by at least 2℃. In this paper, using the transient thermal and structural analysis modules of ANSYS, we provide heat flux 600 W/m2, 300 W/m2 and 100 W/m2 for evaluation. The analysis results show that the heat flux 300 W/m2 is the optimal choice which increases 4℃ higher than ambient at different ambient temperature and wind speed, as the reflector panel reaching steady state. Finally, this paper compares the analysis results with those obtained from the low temperature chamber test using real panels, which is within acceptable error around -13%~-23%. In the future, by the field testing, the system design and function will be evaluated and verified, and the difference between simulation and field testing will be compared with each other.

    關鍵詞 : 格陵蘭天線(Greenland Telescope)、碟盤反射板(reflector panel)

    • 一般論述
    • 低功率數位電路測試資料壓縮及產生方法Data Compression and Generation Methods of Low Power Digital Circuit Test
    • 林易增(Yi-Tsung Lin)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    在現今積體電路中,製程的進步速率以及電晶體的密度提高,再加上晶片應用方式的改變(如:穿戴式裝置的普及),功率消耗已成為積體電路重要的挑戰。尤其在晶片測試方面,為了提高偵測錯誤涵蓋率,會同時提高欲偵測錯誤數量,因而造成測試模式下的功率消耗遠大於正常操作模式。這將會造成一些損失,如:晶片受損、良率下降。而在以往的全速全掃描鏈測試中,則有可能有測試資料龐大、產生測試資料時間過長等問題。在本文中,提出了一個有效的低功率測試資料產生方法,並以霍夫曼碼壓縮以降低測試資料。With increasingly fast progress of manufacturing process, higher transistor density, and more diversified applications of chips, it's been a crucial challenge for IC power consumption. Particularly in power consumption testing, to increase fault coverage, we may check as more faults as possible in each test pattern. However, that in turn results in more testing power consumption than that for normal operation and causing chip damage or yield loss. Furthermore, the traditional at-speed full scan chain testing would have problems of huge volume of test data and long test pattern generation time. This article introduces a method of effective, lower test data generation time and Huffman encoding compression for reducing test power and test data volume.

    關鍵詞 : 全掃描鏈測試(full scan chain testing)、全速測試(at-speed testing)、測試資料壓縮(test data compression)、降低測試功率(test power reduction)

    • 一般論述
    • 高鐵列車駕駛模擬機之模式模擬Mode Simulation of Driving Simulator for High Speed Train
    • 顧德銘(Der-Ming Ku)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    高鐵駕駛模擬機可以提供與實車駕駛艙相同的環境與設備,讓學員新手熟悉駕駛中各項設備的操作,並藉由不同的情境想定,讓駕駛員習於正常狀況、異常狀況、甚至緊急狀況發生時,駕駛員應有的反應與處置作為。駕駛模擬機是以極安全的方式模擬出各種事故或事件,來對高速鐵路駕駛進行訓練,以獲得基本和熟練的知識,及維持駕駛技巧。因此,高速鐵路列車駕駛模擬機是培訓一個高速鐵路駕駛具有高素質技能的一種非常有效的教學及實作練習的工具。本論文說明了本院在承製台灣高鐵公司700T型列車駕駛模擬機時,在列車運動的模式模擬中,關於列車運動模式模擬關鍵技術所做的突破,此技術能量亦可延伸到其它軌道車輛駕駛模擬機的研製。The high speed train simulator provides realistic environments and equipment as driving cab. Through simulation scenarios, the trainee can acquire the skills of correct and quick response to the situations corresponding to the normal, unusual, and even emergency operations environment, which can be hardly provided through training using actual trainset. A simulator is a highly efficient tool for train drivers to obtain basic knowledge and maintain driving skills with simulated incident scenarios of different events. This paper proposes the key method to establish the mathematical model of high speed train motion for building THSR 700T train simulator at NCSIST. It proved that the implementation of the mode simulation developed is efficient and effective, and can be applied to other rail vehicle simulators.

    關鍵詞 : 高鐵駕駛模擬機(high speed train simulator)、高速鐵路(high speed rail)、列車運動(train motion)、模式模擬(mode simulation)

    • 一般論述
    • TRIZ應用於產品研發流程之研究A Study on the Application of TRIZ in Product Research and Development Process
    • 葉柏慶(Po-Ching Yeh)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    今日企業正面臨著日益競爭之環境,縮短產品開發時程、提高品質與降低成本、快速反應及滿足客戶需求,已成為競爭優勢的必備條件,而本文藉由同步工程(Concurrent Engineering)及「TRIZ」(Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch)方法導入於產品研發流程。此方法可有效的在產品設計階段,減少研發設計之變更,整合產品設計與製造之相關問題,且可掃除研發人員心理慣性,提供有系統化的解決方法,使資源不致浪費,進而能夠提升產品研發的執行效率。With the ever-increasing competition in enterprises, it is imperative to shorten the timeline of development, improve quality and reduce product costs, and quickly respond to customers for achieving competitive advantages. This article studies the introduction of concurrent engineering and TRIZ into product research and development. That will effectively decrease design change, integrate design and manufacture, normalize personnel mindset, and provide systematic solutions in product design phases. As a result, it is capable to achieve effective resources management and enhance product development performance.

    關鍵詞 : 同步工程(concurrent engineering)、循序工程(sequential engineering)、TRIZ (Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch)

    • 一般論述
    • 高功率微波武器的破壞效應分析Destruction Effects Analysis of High Power Microwave Weapons
    • 聶雅玉(Ya-Yu Nieh)‧劉志昇(Chih-Sheng Liu)‧陳淑郡(Shu-Chun Chen)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    高功率微波武器是利用定向輻射的高功率微波波束,損傷、降能、擾亂敵方電子系統,達到作戰效能的一種定向能武器。而高功率微波武器發展的前提和關鍵,便是在於高功率微波對電子元件易損性效應研究,這不僅能對作戰效益進行更準確的評估,對於高功率微波系統的設計也十分重要。本文提供歐美各國多年來的測試結果,包括微波脈衝的特性參數,以及各種破壞程度所需之功率密度閥值,可做為本院未來相關研究及評估參考之用。HPM weapon is a type of directed energy weapons that radiates high power microwave beams to damage, degrade or destroy enemy's electronic systems. The significance of developing HPM weapons is rooted in the studies of HPM vulnerability of electronic components; consequently, which is essential to the HPM design systems and warfare assessment. This article provides testing results obtained from the U.S. and Europe including RF pulse parameters and threshold power density for the effect levels of target destruction, and for future reference on relevant research and assessment.

    關鍵詞 : 高功率微波(high power microwave, HPM)、易損性(vulnerability)

    • 一般論述
    • 應用於砷化鎵功率放大器之整合型電源單晶片設計A Design of Integrated Power IC on GaAs Power Amplifiers
    • 林明憲(Ming-Shian Lin)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    本篇論文提出適用於砷化鎵功率放大器之整合型電源單晶片設計,此電源單晶片可提供一組正電壓與一組負電壓供應高功率砷化鎵功率放大器使用。正電壓由一組線性穩壓器提供,輸出電壓範圍6V~6.8V,最大負載電流可達500毫安培,供應砷化鎵功率放大器之汲極電源電壓。負電壓由一組電荷泵提供,輸出電壓-5V,最大負載電流可達5毫安培,供應砷化鎵功率放大器之閘極電源電壓。此晶片內建參考電壓電路與緩啟動電路,並以0.5微米互補金屬氧化物半導體製程實現與驗證。The paper presents a design of integrated power IC on GaAs power amplifiers (PAs). This IC can provide both positive and negative voltages for high power GaAs PAs. Positive voltage is generated from LDO, regulated in the range of 6V~6.8V, with load current up to 500 mA, and provided to GaAs PAs with drain power supply. A charge pump generates the negative voltage regulated to -5V and load current up to 5mA, providing gate bias power supply for GaAs PAs. Meanwhile, in this work, we design a bandgap reference and a soft-start circuit, and a prototype chip has been fabricated and verified in 0.5µm CMOS technology.

    關鍵詞 : 正電壓(positive voltage)、負電壓(negative voltage)、砷化鎵功率放大器(GaAs PAs)、線性穩壓器(LDO)、電荷泵(charge pump)

    • 一般論述
    • 全向式一線型室內建模雷射雷達之研究Study of an Omnidirectional Line Type LiDAR with Indoor Modeling Capability
    • 陳韋綸(Wei-Lun Chen)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    隨著科技的快速發展,智慧型機器人的功能越來越多元,而室內導航技術也漸漸被重視。傳統的室內導航技術,需要事先對室內環境進行地圖的佈建,如此技術之機器人無法在未知的環境下自由導航。因此主動式室內導航技術成為趨勢,而機器人透過多種主動式室內導航技術的感測方式之中,又以雷射測距較為精準,且較不受環境影響,故研究以雷射測距的技術進行智慧型機器人導航技術的開發。本研究為了提供室內服務型機器之用,降低雷射測距儀的成本以及重量,並能即時繪製出室內的三維點雲圖。透過CMOS攝影鏡頭、一字線雷射發射器與嵌入式微處理器,在平面上投射雷射光,在鏡頭所看到的影像上進行光點分析,便可以即時計算出具精確度的雷射測距值。同時利用3D列印的技術,大幅度的降低整體雷射測距儀的重量以及體積,改善傳統雷射測距儀的性能以及成本,讓雷射測距儀適應各種不同的機器人載具。With the rapid development of technology, intelligent robots serve ever more functions, and techniques of indoor navigation has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Traditional indoor navigation techniques require indoor mapping beforehand for the environment setup. Consequently, the active indoor navigation techniques, not needing to set up environment is trending, allow intelligent robot to move freely and navigate. And among them, the light detection and ranging (LiDAR) is the most accurate technique and less affected by the environment compared to others. Hence, the topic of this study is about a navigation system designed for intelligent service robots based on LiDAR. The system is able to build a 3D point cloud mapping in real time, and implemented with a CMOS camera, a line laser, and an embedded system; with that, the detected laser line in the camera image is analyzed to precisely measure the distance to the target objects. Meanwhile, 3D printing is used to improve the design for the reduction of size and cost. This study solves the problems of traditional LiDAR systems, and is capable of application in different service robots.

    關鍵詞 : 雷射測距儀(laser rangefinder)、三角測距法(triangular measuring method)、室內建模(indoor mapping)、影像辨識(image recognition)、地圖建構(map construction)、室內導航(indoor navigation)

    • 一般論述
    • MIL-STD-810H螺旋槳飛機飛行振動試驗之研究A Study of MIL-STD-810H Flight Vibration Testing on Propeller Aircraft
    • 許凱超(Kae-Chau Sheu)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    美軍標準MIL-STD-810對於螺旋槳飛機飛行振動試驗之規定,在MIL-STD-810D之前為正弦振動試驗,從MIL-STD-810D開始改為「窄頻隨機疊加隨機」振動試驗,此至MIL-STD-810G為止各版本間差異並不大。但是,2019年1月31日頒佈的最新版MIL-STD-810H,除將螺旋槳飛機「窄頻隨機疊加隨機」改為「正弦疊加隨機」振動試驗外,並新增先前版本未建議之「耐久」試驗,但其位準卻與先前版本之「功能」試驗相同。本文主要目的為藉由分析比較與先前版本之差異,探討MIL-STD-810H螺旋槳飛機飛行振動試驗規定之合理性。By referencing MIL-STD-810 vibration testing specifications for propeller aircraft, the versions prior to MIL-STD-810D are referring to sinusoidal vibration testing. But those follows MIL-STD-810D were changed to narrow band random-on-random vibration testing, and with minor differences from D to G versions. However, for the latest version MIL-STD-810H promulgated on January 21, 2019, it was specified as sine-on-random vibration testing with added endurance testing similar to the functional testing of previous versions. The purpose of this paper is mainly to study the rationality of MIL-STD-810H vibration testing to compare with previous versions.

    關鍵詞 : 螺旋槳飛機(propeller aircraft)、飛行振動(flight vibration)、MIL-STD-810H

    • 一般論述
    • 冷噴塗技術及其在國防工業之應用Cold Spraying Technology and its Application in Defense Industry
    • 楊 振(Cheng Yang)

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    冷噴塗是一種創新的技術,粉末材料未熔融或氣化,以超音速保持原來固相狀態使其衝擊向基體而形成塗層的一種技術,在超音速衝擊下的粉末材料,超越臨界速度的粒子本體會產生塑性變形而形成塗層。材料不會受熱的影響而產生特性變化,塗層的氧化可以控制到最小限度。冷噴塗技術在國防工業已有諸多之應用,除各種保護塗層外,還可以對裝備損壞的零組件或鑄造缺陷進行修護,並已通過美軍MIL-STD-3021規範及美國聯邦航空管理局批准,對於積層製造及先進複合材料的開發也有著巨大的潛力。Cold spraying is an innovative coating technique that powdered materials are accelerated to supersonic velocity impacting the substrate in the solid state without melting, and undergoing plastic deformation to form a coating. The characteristics of deposited materials will not be changed on the effect of heat and subsequently the oxidation of the coating can be controlled to a minimum. Cold spraying technology has been widely used for protective coatings in defense industry as well as for the repair of damaged components or casting defects. Cold spraying has passed MIL-STD-3021 specification and FAA approval, and has significant potential for the development of additive manufacturing and advanced composite materials.

    關鍵詞 : 冷噴塗(cold spraying)、塗層(coating)、修復(repair)、積層製造(additive manufacturing)

    • 研發成果
    • 飛行載具任務規劃之設計
    • 陳建達

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 人機介面

    • 研發成果
    • 200磅級小型渦輪引擎之發展與應用
    • 高嘉臨

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 人機介面

    • 研發成果
    • Focused D*路徑規劃算法研究與模擬
    • 陳俊堯

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 二維三維路徑規劃

    • 研發成果
    • 新式輕型消毒器研製
    • 馬孟緯;胡光業;趙恩賜;劉昱宏

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 人機介面

    • 研發成果
    • RFID防偽標籤系統之簡介
    • 游祥霖;林鈺山

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 防偽標籤

    • 研發成果
    • 逾期電子元件再利用品質精進
    • 藍永森;謝閔凱;陳裕仁

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    軍事產品因研發、服役期程相當長,且考慮可靠度問題使用現貨市場成熟產品,經常造成研發階段使用之電子元件品項在投入生產後出現商源消失的問題。在「一次採購,多次使用」以及考慮後勤備料的情況下,庫儲之電子元件生產日期碼(Date Code)常超過規定使用期限,稱為逾期電子元件。美國桑迪亞國家實驗室(SNL)收集了美國國防部的高可靠度微電子元件(如MOSLSI、雙極型SSI)在非工作狀態下的大量儲存資料,儲存期為8年到10年,甚至20年以上仍可使用[1]。現今電子元件之封裝技術也開始大量採用塑膠材料時,無法避免長時間環境應力對元件封裝密度及引線與接點表面造成影響。此外,非工作狀態下電子元件的儲存失效較大程度上由設計、製造和生產過程的品質監控失誤造成的缺陷所引起。亦即含有存在缺陷的電子元件都不能滿足系統長期儲存的要求,無缺陷或缺陷少的電子元件有可能滿足10年以上的長期儲存。

    關鍵詞 : 電子元件

    • 研發成果
    • 故障預測與健康管理(PHM)技術導入雷達武器系統之狀態監測平台開發研究
    • 藍辰睿、林淑娟

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01


    關鍵詞 : PHM

    • 研發成果
    • 起爆藥膠體疊氮化鉛之製備及探討
    • 楊琇雯;雷秉義;陳進壽;陳正昇

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 起爆藥(Primary explosives)是一類容易被火焰、熱、撞擊、摩擦、針刺

    • 研發成果
    • 以雲端原生架構打造資料交換系統
    • 楊承羲;莊明城

    卷期 : 48 / 2

    出版年 : 2020/04/01

    近年,Kubernetes[1]已成為主流的開源Container-Orchestration工具,在由雲端原生運算基金會[2](Cloud Native Computing Foundation, CNCF)舉辦的技術高峰會中,多數講者也提到Kubernetes正在變得「無聊」,但是「無聊」對Kubernetes卻是一件好事,代表Kubernetes核心技術已非常成熟,許多企業也都積極投入該領域。2019年開始,主流的雲端服務商開始皆以Kubernetes為基礎,打造新的混合雲產品,除了主流雲端服務商之外,就連虛擬化龍頭VMware也推出新產品線Tanzu,並要以Kubernetes重新打造vSphere。雲端服務商之混合雲產品比較如表一所示。

    關鍵詞 : 雲端原生