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    • 人物專訪
    • 化學所前副所長陳化理的回顧與展望
    • 陳化理

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 國防與民用化學科技發展與應用

    • 中心論題
    • 「國防與民用化學科技發展與應用」序言-
    • 余鳳兒

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 化學防護、先進彈頭、高能推進、防蝕防潮、特用化材、高分子化學、硬品系統、匿蹤偽裝、火工品保及逾限火工銷毀

    • 中心論題
    • 核生化集體防護發展與研析Development and Research of Nuclear Biological Chemical Collective Protection
    • 林自威(Tzu-Wei Lin)‧廖志曄(Chih-Yeh Liao)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    核生化武器於第三世界國家、恐怖組織仍為攻擊主流手段,遭攻擊時,核生化集體防護技術可大區域防護人員與設施,因此發展核生化防護技術為重要議題。本文說明各國集體防護發展現況,主要內容為集體防護於固定設施(指揮所、砲陣地)、機動載具(如戰甲車、船艦)及野戰移動式防護帳篷不同應用區域之防護系統(濾毒通風機組、人員消除區)組成、防護系統原理、效能研析及未來發展等。Nuclear Biological and Chemical weapons (NBC weapons) are mainly used in the attack for the third world countries and terrorists. Therefore, it is an imperative to develop NBC protective techniques for the safety of personnel and equipment in large areas in case of attacks. The article explains the current development trend of NBC collective protection, including fixed facilities (command center, field artillery-based), mobile vehicles (combat vehicles, ships), and mobile protection tents of the formation of protection systems (filtering and ventilation system, personal decontamination areas), protection system principle performance, and future research development.

    關鍵詞 : 核生化集體防護(Nuclear Biological and Chemical collective protection)、濾毒通風機組(filtering and ventilation system)、人員污染消除區(personal decontamination area)、正壓(positive pressure)

    • 中心論題
    • 彈藥鈍感化及含鋁炸藥之發展趨勢Development Trend of Insensitive Munitions and Aluminized Explosives
    • 李進興(Marble.J.S.Lee)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    不敏感彈藥是在事故情況下,不會發生劇烈危害反應的彈藥。由於船艦需儘可能儲存多量的彈藥,這包括離生活區不遠的居住區亦被要求多儲彈藥。一旦嚴重事故或火災發生時,將無法躲避。船艦上不必要的彈藥反應,除可能造成嚴重的事故外,還會引起火災,火災須立即控制,以避免彈藥“烘烤”後的爆炸反應發生;上述爆炸反應除會殺傷人員、破壞裝備外,而嚴重火災傳播則將阻礙船艦災損控制工作。不足為奇的,陸、海、空軍等,海軍永遠是追求不敏感彈藥的最大動力泉源。在事故或作戰行動中,最重要的是,戰艦上的彈藥需能夠耐受熱、衝擊波,子彈或碎片的撞擊以及附近的爆震效應,才不會出現爆燃以上的反應。此外,當人們看到與軍用爆炸物有關的事故歷史時,美國其他軍種和各國政府對不敏感彈藥概念和為滿足美國海軍的要求而開發的技術產生濃厚興趣,也就理所當然了。Insensitive munitions are munitions that will not react violently in an accident situation. Because of the close living quarters and the requirement for storing as many munition as possible aboard ships, sailors literally live with their munitions. Magazines on warships are not far removed from the living areas. When serious accidents or fires happen, there are no places for people to hide. An unwanted munition reaction aboard a ship among other unpleasant things, ignite fires. Fires must be controlled immediately to avoid violent munition "cook-off" reactions that can kill people, spread fires and seriously impede the ship damage control efforts. It was then understood that the Navy hierarchy became concerned with the sensitivity of munitions and supported a program to reduce the loss of life, disabling injuries, and material damage resulting from the ordnance accidents or ordnance reacting after being hit by enemy. Additionally, by reviewing the history of accidents related to military explosives, it is not surprising that the other U.S.Services and many foreign governments have had intense interests in the concept of insensitive munitionsand development of related techniques to satisfy the U.S. Navy's requirements.

    關鍵詞 : 彈藥IM化(insensitive munitions)、含鋁炸藥(aluminized explosives)、發展趨勢(development trend)

    • 中心論題
    • 石墨烯在含能材料之應用研究Research Progress on Application of Graphene in Energetic Materials
    • 蔡志偉(Chih-Wei Tsai)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    石墨烯具有優異的電學、熱學與力學特性,近年來一直是眾所矚目的焦點,本文介紹石墨烯基材料對含能材料的熱分解性能、燃燒性能、力學性能和安全性能與應用方面的最新研究發展,提出了石墨烯在含能材料領域的發展方向和應用前景。Graphene catches great attention in recent times due to its excellent features like electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties. This article introduces the effects of graphene based materials on thermal decomposition, combustion, mechanics, and safety performance, as well as proposes their research progress, development directions, and application prospects in energetic materials.

    關鍵詞 : 石墨烯(graphene)、含能材料(energetic materials)、熱分解(thermal decomposition)、感度(sensitivity)

    • 中心論題
    • 火炸藥裝填自動化系統安全與風險評估Study on Safety and Risk Assessment of Explosives Auto-Dosing Systems
    • 侯崇賢(Chung-Hsien Hou)‧施昱彤(Yu-Tung Shih)‧朱滎淵(Ying-Yuan Chu)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    為了預防火炸藥裝填中發生爆炸造成人員危害,將目前人工裝填製程變更為自動化裝填,製程變更前預先實施安全風險評估分析(RA),使用魚骨圖、失效樹分析(FTA)此重複系統風險,找出裝填製程高風險的因子及關鍵零組件。規劃裝填安全模擬實驗,以Lead Azide、PETN、RDX等為試驗用炸藥,在不同試驗因子下進行裝填實驗,確認炸藥在裝填過程中的安全性,其結果符合自動化系統製程變更管理(PCM)安全性評估,另探討炸藥與裝填時間的關係,研究結果作為設計自動裝填系統的限制條件,將原有人工作業製程變更為自動裝填系統操作,降低災害嚴重度,確保人員作業安全。To prevent the operations personnel from accidental hazards caused by explosives dosing process, the risk assessments was implemented with the design process of automation system. The repeated cyclic system was assessed using fishbone diagram and fault tree analysis (FTA)for identifying risk factors and critical components. For the sake of safety, simulated dosing tests were performed on critical componentsand explosives with high sensitivity, such as Lead Azide, PETN and RDX. The auto-dosing was tested with different factors to analyze the correlation between explosives and dosing times. The results corresponded to the safety assessment of automated system process change management (PCM) and benefited to define the constraint conditions on automatic dosing system design. Changing the labor operation process to automated operation mode could establish a good safety management and eliminate the risk of the process to ensure personnel safety.

    關鍵詞 : 火炸藥(explosive)、風險評估分析(risk assessments)、魚骨圖(fishbone diagram)、失效樹分系(fault tree analysis)、製程變更管理(process change management)

    • 中心論題
    • 超級電容的應用及發展現況Development and Application of Supercapacitors
    • 洪悟清(Wu-Ching Hung)‧孫培凱(Pei-Kai Sun) ‧張進龍(Chin-Lung Chang)‧施佳男(Chia-Nan Shih)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    在眾多的能源儲存元件中,超級電容具有高功率密度、快速充放電、高循環壽命、無污染、免維護等優點,在混合電源系統、再生能源儲能系統、高功率脈衝電源、煞車回充等,超級電容都有無可取代的地位,因此無論在汽車、電力、鐵路、通訊、軍事、工業應用、消費性電子產品等方面皆有著極大的應用價值與市場潛力。本篇將概述超級電容材料與產品技術發展現況,並進一步說明超級電容應用發展趨勢。Among various energy storage devices, supercapacitors exhibit higher power density, faster charge/discharge, better cycle life, lower maintenance, and zero pollution. Supercapacitors are indispensable in the hybrid power systems, renewable energy storage systems, high-power pulsed power supplies, brake back, etc.; thus,they show great marketing potential in the automobile, electric, railway, communication, military, and consumer electronics industry. This article introduces the materials and techniques in supercapacitors, and further discussions on their future prospect.

    關鍵詞 : 超級電容(spercapacitor)、儲能系統(energy storage systems)、再生能源(renewable energy)、高功率脈衝電源(high-power pulsed power supplies)、煞車回充(brake back)

    • 中心論題
    • 拉曼光譜於物質檢測之應用Raman Spectroscopy Applications in Substance Detection
    • 邱砢皞(Lo-Hao Chiu)‧廖葦茹(Wei-Ru Liao) ‧郭瀚文(Han-Wen Kuo)‧施佳男(Chia-Nan Shih)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    近年來科學家一直致力於開發偵檢分析設備,朝快速、操作簡單、可攜帶性等等方面發展,而拉曼光譜則是綜合上述特性的最佳選擇。拉曼光譜因不易受水的干擾,在分析樣品上不需做前處理,可直接測量固體及液體。後續衍生出許多不同的量測技術,如表面增強拉曼光譜(SERS)技術可偵測更低濃度的物質,因此拉曼光譜在被廣泛運用於公共衛生(農藥監測)、國土安全(爆裂物偵測)、執法機關(毒品防制)及其他不同領域。此外因拉曼光譜的特性,也常運用於材料、生物樣品分析。本篇將針對拉曼光譜儀的原理、設備及應用領域做一系列介紹。In recent years scientists have been devoted to the search of alternative analytical techniques that are more efficient, portable, and easier to operate. Raman spectroscopy is an ideal option. Being free from water interference, Raman spectroscopy requires no sample preparation and allows direct measurement on solid or liquid samples. Subsequently, some derived techniques, including surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), may render the detection limit even lower. Raman spectroscopy has been widely used for public health (pesticide screening), safety (explosives detection), law enforcement (against narcotics), and many others. Raman spectroscopy can also help analyze materials or biological samples such as bacterial identification. This article introduces Raman spectroscopy, including its principles, system overview, and applications.

    關鍵詞 : 拉曼光譜(Raman spectroscopy)、表面增強拉曼(SERS)、化學戰(chemical warfare)、爆裂物(explosives)

    • 中心論題
    • 超臨界流體綠色技術應用於國防及民生科技Application of Supercritical Fluid Technology in Extraction and Crystallization of Natural Materials and Explosives
    • 陳昭睿(Chao-Rui Chen)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    超臨界流體的密度可隨溫度及壓力而改變,其兼具液體與氣體的特性,密度與液體相當,黏度及擴散係數與氣體相當,因其低表面張力與黏度,故易滲入到固態基質中進行萃取。超臨界流體技術已廣泛應用於許多領域,如超臨界二氧化碳萃取,其優點為可在較低溫環境下進行分離程序且過程無污染,因此超臨界二氧化碳萃取產製天然保健品已公認為一種環境友善的方法。此外,超臨界反溶劑法亦成功應用於微奈米粒子的製備,無論是單一成分沉澱物或是多成分共沉澱物。本文旨在闡述超臨界流體技術於國防及民生之應用,文中回顧了利用此技術自廢棄火炸藥中分離回收含能材料,以及自天然物中提取產製高價生化活性物質之實例。Supercritical fluids exhibit liquid-like density, gas-like viscosity and diffusion coefficients, and can easily penetrate the solid matrix due to lower surface tension and viscosity. Supercritical fluid technology has various applications in many industries such as supercritical fluid extraction, particularly in that carbon dioxide used as a solvent. Additionally, it is critical that the separation process of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extraction and purification can be done at low temperature conditions with no contamination. Hence, SC-CO2 extraction has been recognized as an environmentally benign method to produce natural and healthy materials. Furthermore, supercritical anti-solvent (SAS) recrystallization has been successfully used to produce microparticles and nanoparticles with controlled size and distribution for single precipitate or by coprecipitation of two or more compounds. This article mainly introduces recycling energetic materials from waste explosives using supercritical fluid, and application of supercritical fluid technology for producing high value bioactive materials.

    關鍵詞 : 超臨界二氧化碳(supercritical carbon dioxide)、萃取(extraction)、再結晶(recrystallization)、生物活性物質(bioactive material)、含能材料(energetic material)

    • 中心論題
    • 化學氧源於國防與民生發展應用之概述A Brief Description of Chemical Oxygen Applications in the Development of National Defense and People's Livelihoods
    • 郝家侃(Chia-Kan Hao)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    氧氣,是人類和各種生物生長、發育、維持生命不可或缺的基本要素,人體一旦缺氧就會造成細胞無法正常運作,緩則變成慢性疾病的根源,重則會危害生命。而最常見的氧源在大氣之中,體積分數約占21%,標準狀況下為氣態;另一種氧源則是結合在許多化學結構裡的含氧分子,大多是以固態形式存在,部分則為液態。其中僅有少數的特殊結構可以蘊含更多比例的氧,並且在合適的條件下進行氧氣的釋放。該產氧方法簡單、方便,對於在高空、水下、地下工程、有害氣體汙染場所、偏遠山區、病危救護以及緊急供氧需求等是一種有效的用氧方法,且在農林漁業上還有著特殊的功效。Oxygen is a basic and essential element for growth, development and maintenance of humans and other living beings. Oxygen normally exists in the atmosphere, in which accounts for around 21%, and is in gaseous state under standard conditions. Apart from that, oxygen exists as molecules that are contained in many chemical structures mostly in solid form, and partly in liquid form. Only a few structures that likely contain a large proportion of oxygen and release it under suitable conditions. Taking advantage of that, the oxygen-production can be a simple, handy, and effective way to use oxygen under the environments of high altitude, underwater and underground engineering, hazardous gas contaminated areas, mountain areas, and critically ill care to prevent lack of oxygen, known as Hypoxia, resulting in chronic diseases, even endanger life.

    關鍵詞 : 氧氣(Oxygen)、化學氧源(chemical oxygen source)、緊急供氧(emergency oxygen supply)

    • 中心論題
    • 氫能技術發展與未來趨勢於國防及民生應用Development and Application of Hydrogen Energy Technology in People's Livelihood and Defense Industry
    • 呂忠諺(Chung-Yen Lu)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    國內能源自主率偏低,大於95%來源依靠進口,其中絕大部分皆來自於石油這個單一的初級能源。然而,全球的石油產地大部份集中於中東等政治動盪較大的國家,因此在國際情勢較不穩定時,國內在石油的供給量及價格,往往受制於國際間政治及經濟因素,產生較大波動,進而造成國內工業發展、民生物資及國防安全等,皆受到了衝擊及挑戰。因此,在歐美及日本等能源開發領先國家,目前皆積極發展氫能源,儘可能降低石油的絕對影響力,提升國家的能源安全度。Taiwan's energy autonomy has been relatively low, and more than 95% of the energy sources rely on imports that mostly coming from the single primary energy source petroleum. However, many of the largest oil producers are in the Middle East, where has been a troubled area, frequently resulting in fluctuations of oil supply and prices under international instability regarding the political and economic conditions, and affecting industrial development, people's livelihood, and defense security. As a result, the leading countries in the energy development, such as Euro, US, and Japan, have been increasingly developing hydrogen energy doing the best to reduce the dependency on petroleum oil to enhance energy security of the country.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:氫能(hydrogen energy)、初級能源(primary energy)、備用容量(reserve margin)

    • 中心論題
    • 難燃低介電樹脂開發The Development of Resin with Flame Retardant and Low Dielectric
    • 蘇文炯;(Wen-Chiung Su)‧林慶炫(Ching-Hsuan Lin)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    我們了解磷化物的難燃效果,以及金剛烷可提升高分子剛性與機械性,並因金剛烷的低極性結構對固化物極性的影響,對於降低介電常數具有明顯成效。因此本研究設計一種簡易有效的合成方法,結合含磷與金剛烷的氧代氮代苯并環己烷結構,製備出一系列難燃低介電雙官能氧代氮代苯并環己烷,並將此硬化劑用於固化商用環氧樹脂,降低介電常數,並同時提升耐熱性、耐燃性、機械性質與尺寸安定性。It is understood that phosphorus compound has effect of flame retardant, adamantane can enhance polymer rigidity and mechanical properties, and the effect of the low polarity structure of adamantane on the polarity of cured products has a significant effect on lowering the dielectric constant. Therefore, this study designs a simple and effective synthesis method, binds phosphates and adamantanes to form benzoxazine, and prepares a series of flame retardant and low dielectric bifunctional benzoxazine; additionally, which is in turn used for curing commercial epoxy resin, lowering dielectric constant, and at the same time, improving the mechanical properties, dimensional stability of heat resistance, and flame resistance.

    關鍵詞 : 低介電樹脂(low dielectric resin)、難燃(flame retardant)、金剛烷(adamantane)、氧代氮代苯并環己烷(benzoxazine)、合成(synthesis)

    • 一般論述
    • 無人飛機系統之共通型地面導控站技術探討Discussion on the Technology of Common Ground Control Station for Unmanned Aircraft Systems
    • 許晉熒(Chin-Ying Hsu)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    近十年來已見證無人飛機系統的爆炸性發展,本文為摒除煙囪式系統之開發,探討無人飛機系統互操作性之關鍵技術。本文敘述北約組織STANAG 4586第三版無人飛機系統互操作性協議標準文件,進而規劃適合操控本院新型與舊型無人飛機系統之共通型地面導控站。In recent decades, there has been an explosive development of unmanned aircraft systems, for which this paper is to discuss the key technology of interoperability instead of the stove-piped development. In addition, the NATO UAS interoperability standard STANAG 4586 Edition 3 is described, and that based planning of a common ground control station to control the latest and legacy NCSIST UAS is proposed.

    關鍵詞 : 共通型地面導控站(common ground control station)、無人飛機系統(unmanned aircraft systems)、互操作性(interoperability)、介面控制文件(interface control definition)

    • 一般論述
    • 乾式蝕刻技術Dry Etching Techniques
    • 彭萬軒(Peng-Wan Hsuan)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    蝕刻為半導體廠的重要製程之一,蝕刻的目的為移除基板上的表面薄膜以達到所要求的結果可分為乾蝕刻技術及濕蝕刻技術。本文將簡介乾蝕刻之技術、電漿原理、乾蝕刻設備及蝕刻結果。Etching is an important process in semiconductor factory, which can be categorized into dry etching and wet etching techniques used to remove the film from the substrate to achieve the refined pattern. In order to obtain patterned substrate, etching is used to remove the film on the substrate.This article describes dry etching technique, plasma principle, dry etching equipment, and experimental results.

    關鍵詞 : 乾蝕刻(dry etching)、電漿(plasma)

    • 一般論述
    • 碳化硼技術發展及應用Technique Development and Application of Boron Carbide
    • 陳彥仲(Yen-Chung Chen)‧劉維斯(Wei-Szu Liu)‧黃科志(Ker-Jev Huang)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    碳化硼係屬於重量輕、高硬度的陶瓷材料,在高溫噴嘴、抗彈材料及工業磨料等方面的工業應用具有很高的潛力,所以國外已投入大量的研發資源來獲得碳化硼量產的技術。經過專利檢索及市場分析,碳化硼粉末的供應商主要在中國大陸,本研究重點將專注於生產高階碳化硼粉末及其相關產品。本研究成功開發出機械化學法,將氧化硼、鎂粉和石墨粉作為起始原料,均勻混合後以不同機械研磨時間(20、40及80小時)來誘導化學反應,生成氧化鎂和碳化硼,再經由酸洗來移除氧化鎂,進而得到較高純度的碳化硼粉末。純化後的碳化硼粉末藉由X光繞射儀、掃描式電子顯微鏡、粒徑分析儀及X光光電子能譜儀來分析材料特性。實驗結果發現研磨80小時的純化後樣品,其形貌屬於圓型顆粒且只顯示B4C結晶相,優於其他樣品。根據粒徑分析,其二次粒徑(D50)為332nm。此外,藉由XPS分析發現B4C純度的計算值可高達近90%,優於國外同級產品的純度。Boron carbide (B4C) is a ceramic material featuring lightweight, high-hardness, and high potential in industrial applications, such as high-temperature resistance nozzles, bulletproof materials, and industrial abrasives; therefore, many countries have invested abundant resources to develop techniques for mass production of B4C powder. According to patent search and marketing analysis, China is the main supplier of B4C powder. This paper studies the production of advanced B4C powder and related products, and successfully developed mechanochemical method, mix homogenously boron oxide, magnesium, and graphite, used as starting materials, and then ground for 20, 40, and 80 hours by ball-mill to induce chemical reaction to obtain magnesium oxide and boron carbide. The high purity of B4C powder can be obtained by acid washing to remove magnesium oxide. The purified B4C products were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, particle size analyzer, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. It is concluded that the purified sample milled for 80 hours is spherical particle and B4C phase only, which is better than others. According to particle analysis, the secondary size (D50) is 332 nm. Besides, by using XPS analysis and calculation, the purity is near 90%, which is better than those of foreign products at the same level.

    關鍵詞 : 碳化硼(Boron carbide, B4C)、機械化學法(mechanochemical)、高硬度(high hardness)、次微米級(submicron grade)

    • 一般論述
    • 煙火藥回顧與展望A Review and Outlook for Pyrotechnics
    • 林炯志(Chiung-Chih Lin)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    本文提供了煙火藥的歷史回顧與未來展望。煙火藥的氧化還原反應現象包括了燃燒速率、熱反應、聲響、煙霧、閃光、紅外光輻射以及反應產物。這些氧化還原反應是發生在固態-固態、固態-液態或固態-氣態之間,而不是無機化學中所假定的溶劑中。藉由調整煙火組成、氧平衡以及顆粒尺寸等不同的參數,即可獲得所欲之煙火效應。然而,迄今仍有許多煙火藥的毒性化學物質令人擔憂,因此發展綠色配方[1]並結合現代科技[2](例如:3D列印技術)是必須的。The purpose of this report is to provide a general review and outlook of common pyrotechnics. Pyrotechnic phenomena include burning rates, heats of reaction, noise, smoke, light, infrared (IR) radiation and reaction products that occur in inorganic redox reactions. These redox reactions highlight the peculiarity that they take place as solid-solid, solid-liquid or solid-gas state reactions rather than in a solvent normally postulated in inorganic chemistry. By varying parameters such as pyrotechnic compositions, the oxygen balance or particle size, it is possible to produce a wide range of the above-mentioned effects on demand. Today, however, it is better known as their toxicity profile of chemicals found in these historic pyrotechnic compositions. Therefore, it is necessary to develop "green" pyrotechnics composition using 3D printing.

    關鍵詞 : 綠色煙火藥 (green pyrotechnics)、氧化還原反應 (redox reaction)、3D列印(3D printing)

    • 一般論述
    • 簡談VR/AR/MR之要素與應用An Introduction to the Elements and Applications of Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality Systems
    • 張順惠(Shun-Hui Chang)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    虛擬實境、擴增實境、混合實境現已廣泛應用在教育訓練、廣告展場、產品設計、電影、訊息、遊戲領域等,本文將介紹虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)、擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)、混合實境(Mixed Reality, MR)的定義,說明其差異,以及其相關的應用範例。VR、AR、MR即使硬體不同,都是以相同的概念來創建虛擬世界。藉由顯像設備及週邊硬體的整合應用,達到不同的模擬境界,提供了開發者有不同的思維。Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality have been widely used in educational training, exhibition advertising, product design, movie and video game industries. This paper suggests the definitions and explains the distinctions among Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR), and their relevant applications. Despite that VR, AR and MR use different hardware components, they all create virtual world with the same concept. By integrating display systems and peripheral devices to achieve different levels of simulation, virtual reality expands the dimensions of thinking to the developers.

    關鍵詞 : 虛擬實境(virtual reality)、擴增實境(augmented reality)、混合實境(mixed reality)

    • 一般論述
    • 小目標識別之時頻分析技術Time-Frequency Analysis in Small Radar Target Recognition
    • 歐陽良昱(Liang-Yu Ou Yang)‧丁建均(Jian-Jiun Ding)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    本報告運用微型目標之雷達時頻圖,發展出轉速與展頻的偵測技術。有兩個方法被提出,一個是展頻部分的傅立葉分析,另一個是展頻的自相關係數。結果顯示,利用所開發的演算法,可精確的分析具有微都卜勒效應的微型目標轉速。In this report, a detection technique is developed to extract rotation velocities and extended frequencies of small targets by radar spectrograms. Two methods are proposed: one is Fourier analysis for the extended frequencies, and the other is the correlation coefficient of the extended frequencies. The results show that the rotation frequency of the small target with micro-Doppler effect can be accurately analyzed.

    關鍵詞 : 時頻分析(time-frequency analysis)、微都卜勒(micro-Doppler)、雷達目標識別(radar target recognition)

    • 一般論述
    • 網路滲透測試概論與實務Fundamentals and Practices of Network Penetration Testing
    • 陳佑全(You-Quan Chen)‧賴季苹(Chi-Pin Lai)‧羅文翎(Wen-Ling Lo)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    國際資安威脅狀況日漸嚴重,為了確保防護措施成效,應定期以駭客角度對防護機制進行模擬攻擊,驗證防護成效並改進不足處。行政院也已於2013年訂定資安服務規範,將滲透測試等資安服務正式納入共同供應契約中,顯示出滲透測試的重要性。本文首先介紹滲透測試基本觀念及常見問題,包含測試目的及與駭客攻擊異同處等議題,協助建立對滲透測試的基本觀念。其次介紹滲透測試作業流程,期使讀者對測試實務有初步的體會。最後,針對國際組織統計10大網站常見安全風險進行介紹,並特別就常見測試手法舉例說明,更進一步釐清滲透測試的作業實況及對網站安全之重要性。To ensure the effectiveness of network defense, penetration testing plays an important role in the verification of the defense approach from the attacker's point of view, which usually quite different from that of the defenders.This paper first discusses the concept of penetration testing, then introduces implementation approaches to performing penetration testing. Top ten website vulnerabilities and some common testing methods are provided for more practical understanding.

    關鍵詞 : 駭客(hacker)、網路戰(cyber warfare)、網路情蒐(cyber reconnaissance)、網路攻擊(cyber attack)、滲透測試(penetration test)

    • 一般論述
    • 智慧型圓柱相控陣列OFDM短距測距雷達之研究Study of Smart Cylindrical Phased Array OFDM Short-Range Radar
    • 賴偉勝(Wei-Sheng Lai)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    本研究之目標為研發智慧型圓柱相控陣列OFDM短距測距雷達,應用於雷達系統,共有二個關鍵技術,分別為高效率雷達演算法開發暨數位訊號處理及圓柱陣列天線設計。高效率雷達演算法開發暨數位訊號處理將設計出適當雷達波形,並以波形之特性估計雷達與目標物之距離與相對速度,接著設計目標物方向估計之演算法以進行目標物偵測。此外,在波束成型的部分,將採用混合式波束成型,以在系統效能與複雜度之間取得平衡。天線陣列規劃則採用圓柱陣列天線的設計,本年度規劃進行陣列天線之單一天線尺寸建立、天線單元間互耦抑制及校正、子陣列天線架構之探討與旁瓣強度減弱之設計等。圓柱天線具有高度的方位角對稱性,經妥善地設計後,可達成全方位角之掃描範圍。The objective of this study is to develop a smart cylindrical phased array OFDM short-range radar system, including two key techniques: radar algorithm development and digital signal processing, and the design of cylindrical antenna array. The first part is to design a radar waveform to estimate the distance to and relative velocity of the target, and then create an estimation algorithm suitable for direction of arrival (DoA); particularly, the architecture of hybrid beamforming is adopted to strike a balance between system performance and complexity. The second part is to design a cylindrical antenna array to build array elements, suppress the mutual coupling, perform calibration between radiating elements, develop subarrays, and improve side-lobe or grating-lobe suppression level. The cylindrical antenna has been properly designed with a degree of azimuth symmetry demonstrating full azimuthal scan range.

    關鍵詞 : 雷達波形(radar waveform)、目標偵測(target detection)、混合式波束成型(hybrid beamforming)、圓極化(circular polarization)、共形陣列天線(conformal array)、圓柱陣列天線(cylindrical array)、貼片天線(patch antenna)

    • 一般論述
    • 共用型計算機即時系統軟硬體設計The Hardware and Software Design of a Reusable Real-Time On-board Computer
    • 柯元順(Yuan-Shuenn Ke)‧陳文盛(Wen-Sheng Chen)‧呂旺全(Wang-Chuan Lu)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    機載計算機(On-board Computer)是被廣泛使用在不同的硬體系統,包含衛星、各類武器以及商用系統等,其重要組成包含核心處理器、各項通訊界面、類比數位轉換器(AD Converter)以及控制致動器輸出介面的數位類比轉換器(DA Converter)等,隨著系統單晶片(SOC, System on a Chip)蓬勃發展,以物件化方式設計共用型計算機的軟硬體,是藉由可程式化的邏輯閘陣列適時調整不同硬體需求;以及使用跨平台即時系統軟體架構,可讓各項通訊軟體介面、類比數位轉換器控制軟體物件化,達到共用硬體以及應用程式(Application)可重複使用(Reusable)之效益,進而提升系統穩定性、加速開發期程,並有效降低研發成本。An on-board computer is widely applied in variety of hardware platforms, such as satellites, military weapon systems and commercial electrical systems. It consists of the main processor, various I/O interfaces, A/D converters, and D/A converters of actuator output interfaces, and so on. With the progressive development of System on Chip (SoC), designing a reusable on-board computer using object-oriented concepts is feasible; that is by means of FPGA adapting to various hardware needs and using the architecture of cross-platform real time OS. The software of I/O interfaces and D/A converters can be object oriented to make APP reusable, improve the robustness of systems, shorten the development timeline, and effectively reduce R&D cost.

    關鍵詞 : 機載計算機(on-board computer)、類比數位轉換器(AD converter)、數位類比轉換器(DA converter)、系統單晶片(system on a chip, SOC)

    • 一般論述
    • 螺絲夾持裝置之開發及專利申請實務The Development Processes and Patent Application of a Screw Clamping Device
    • 張漢湘(Han-Hsiang Chang)‧劉癸妗(Kui-Chin Liu)‧林永淋(Ying-Lin Lin)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    本文介紹一種螺絲夾持裝置之開發過程,因該研發成果亦進行完成了專利申請,故進一步探討專利請求項之撰寫重點及申請專利國別之策略,以做為研發人員開發產品及申請專利之參考。The development processes of a screw clamping device are expounded in this paper. With the patent application for the device which has been approved by ROC, the key points of the patent claims and the strategies of patent application in a country are further explored as a reference for the patent researchers to develop products and apply for patents.

    關鍵詞 : 螺絲夾持裝置(screw clamping device)、專利請求項(claims of a patent)、專利申請國別(countries of patent application)

    • 一般論述
    • 潛艦聲納系統之水下爆震驗證The Verification of Underwater Explosion Shock Testing on Submarine Sonar Systems
    • 陳金文(Jin-Wen Chen)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    聲納系統為潛艦戰鬥系統極其重要之組件,藉由水下爆震衝擊試驗之品管驗證,仍能維持偵蒐等作戰功能,方能凸顯兼備功能及抗爆震設計之優異性能。本文簡介美國水下聽音器之軍規、美國海軍研究實驗室之注水錐形爆震管、南韓國防科學研究所聲納水下爆震結構響應模擬案例、美國海狼潛艦重量級水下爆震試驗池經驗,結合美軍MIL-S-901D、MIL-DTL-901E水下爆震相關規定,完備自製聲納系統之水下爆震試驗,提升產品抗爆震之研製能力。The sonar system is an essential component of submarine warfare systems, which is assumed capable of maintaining surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities after verification and quality control in underwater explosion shock testing, and emphasizes anti-shock design with excellent functions and performance. This paper introduces the requirements of military standard of hydrophones, functions of water-filled conical shock tube of US Navy Research Lab., the case study in simulation of structural sonar system of underwater explosion by South Korea, and the experience of heavy shock underwater explosion of Sea Wolf Submarine SSN21 in testing pond. Furthermore, integrating related requirements of MIL-S-901D and MIL-TDL-901E for the underwater explosion testing, we have achieved self-developed sonar system, and improved the anti-shock development capability.

    關鍵詞 : 聲納(sonar)、水下爆震(underwater explosion)、衝擊(shock)、MIL-S-901D, MIL-DTL-901E

    • 一般論述
    • 應用戰術聲納偵測範圍估算潛艦偵測機會初探Application of Tactical Sonar Range in Detection Probability Estimation
    • 洪紹瑜(Shao-Yu Hung)‧林鴻智(Hung-Chih Lin)

    卷期 : 48 / 1

    出版年 : 2020/01/01

    本研究之目的為運用聲納戰術距離來估算偵測潛艦之機會,經由聲學數值模式搭配台灣周邊海域之水文環境資料庫,計算不同海域其聲場環境與音傳損耗之變化,接者進一步推算各型水面艦之聲納偵測效能以及其戰術聲納距離(TSR),並搭配蒙地卡羅法分析以估算偵獲敵方潛艦之機會與機率,藉此掌握我國周邊海域反潛搜索作戰之特性與聲納性能。期望本研究成果未來能成為實際交戰時反潛搜索的參考依據,進而發揮我國地理位置優勢,藉此以提升作戰效益。The main objective of this essay is to estimate the detection probability of Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) using Tactical Sonar Range (TSR). First, we calculate the variation of the acoustic field and transmission loss (TL) in various oceans around Taiwan's territorial sea, via numerical modeling of acoustic. Then, synthesize the prediction of sonar performance with Monte Carlo algorithm to create an ASW model for calculating the detection probability. This research can be used as a reference to enhance the efficacy of sonar detections, and support decision making in ASW.

    關鍵詞 : 聲學數值模式(numerical modeling of acoustic)、戰術聲納距離(tactical sonar range)、聲納效能(sonar performance)、反潛作戰(anti-submarine warfare)