卷期 : 16 /
出版年 : 2020/02/01
本文建立了「傾轉旋翼型無人機」之縱向及橫向飛行力學模型,並據以發展螺旋槳及引擎艙具傾轉功能之飛行控制與6D飛行模擬,可模擬載具「懸停」與「前飛」模式互換的飛行姿態與軌跡。在個別模式及互相轉換過程,均具備基本之高度、俯仰角、滾轉角保持之自動控制。經與六自由度飛行模擬結合,變成一「傾轉旋翼型無人機」之初步設計平台,可進行載具主要尺寸設計,包括:氣動力、起飛重量、馬力,以及傾轉率。最後以一定翼機進行「傾轉旋翼」之升級加改裝設計為例,運用本文之設計平台,計算出構改所需之最小馬力和推力偏心需求。並據以進行其「懸停」與「前飛」模式互換之六自由度飛行模擬,展現升級改裝後「旋翼機」之懸停與「定翼機」高速巡航模式之間互相轉換的飛行性能。In this article, modeling of longitudinal & lateral flight dynamics is made, based on which, the flight control of a tiltrotor UAV, and 6D simulation of the tilt propellers and engine nacelles are developed to simulate flight attitude and trajectory with transition between hover and forward flight modes, basically all featuring the automatic flight control of the altitude, pitch and roll angles designed for individual and transition flight modes. Combined with 6D flight simulation, a preliminary design platform for tiltrotor UAV is then established regarding sizing to aerodynamics, takeoff weight, engine horsepower and nacelle tilt rate. With the platform, a retrofit design of an existing fixed wing UAV for adaptation of tiltrotor was taken as an example to evaluate the requirements of minimum horsepower and eccentric thrust vector, simulate 6D flight, and demonstrate its performance with transition between hover flight for a rotorcraft and high speed forward flight for a fixed wing plane.
關鍵詞 : 關鍵字:傾轉旋翼、懸停、前飛、飛控、飛行模擬、定翼機、旋翼機; tiltrotor; hovering; forward flight; flight control; flight simulation; fixed wing; rotary wing