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    • 航空工程
    • Bounded Differential Game Guidance Law with Dual Control Systems for Agile Missiles 有界微分對策導引律採用雙模式控制系統在敏捷性飛彈之應用
    • Der-Ren Taur陶德仁 Chia-Nan Chen陳嘉男

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    A bounded differential game (BDG) homing guidance law and navigation strategy for agile missiles with IIR homing is presented in this study. The interceptor missile is supposed to steer by aero fins and side jets with bounded controls. The missile is supposed to utilize a focal plane array (FPA) imaging IIR seeker during the terminal homing phase. The present paper addresses the problem of designing the terminal homing guidance law for the agile missile to ensure high precision end game performance especially for low altitude endoatmospheric tactical ballistic missile (TBM) with high-g weaving maneuvering. In order to ensure the high precision end game performance of the agile missile, a terminal side jet control (TSJC) is blended with the aero control to reduce the miss distance and to increase the agility of the interceptor missile at the very end game. On the other hand, due to the total impulse of the side jet control system is limited, an optimal thrust profile of the side jet is studied by using simulation. Besides, a passive state estimator in 3-D also has been developed for the proposed guidance law implementation.本文係利用有界微分對策導引及目標運動估測導航理論探討紅外線歸向之敏捷性飛彈在終端攔截場景下之處理方案。文中假設攔截器具備氣動力及推力向量雙模式控制系統,其控制能力均受到有界之限制。在終端導引階段,該攔截器利用紅外線焦面陣列影像尋標器進行目標攔截。被攔截之目標定義為屬低空層之彈道飛彈並可執行高操縱性之滾筒式躲閃動作。為確保可精準攔截高g值作動之入侵目標,文中之攔截器除具備氣動力控制系統外,並結合推力向量控制系統,其可於攔截目標末期啟動以改善攔截器之敏捷性降低系統反應時間並提供額外之操控能力。由於推力向量控制系統其發動機之總衝量受到限制,本文將利用數值模擬方法獲得推力向量控制系統尋優之工作模式。此外,本文亦利用目標運動被動估測導航理論估測目標運動參數作為本文導引律設計之用。

    關鍵詞 : Keywords: bounded differential game (BDG) homing guidance law; target passive ranging 3-D estimator; dual mode control; aero control; bounded control; terminal side jet control; IIR homing guidance; agility; 有界微分對策歸向導引律、目標運動被動估測、雙模式控制系統、氣動力控制系統、有界控制、推力向量控制系統、紅外線歸向導引、敏捷性

    • 航空工程
    • 「傾轉旋翼型無人機」主要尺寸設計與飛行模擬平台Sizing and Flight Simulation Platform for Tiltrotor UAV Design
    • 蔡寒羽 沈雅蓁 劉彥君Han-Yu Tsai Ya-Chen Shen Yen-Chun Liu

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    本文建立了「傾轉旋翼型無人機」之縱向及橫向飛行力學模型,並據以發展螺旋槳及引擎艙具傾轉功能之飛行控制與6D飛行模擬,可模擬載具「懸停」與「前飛」模式互換的飛行姿態與軌跡。在個別模式及互相轉換過程,均具備基本之高度、俯仰角、滾轉角保持之自動控制。經與六自由度飛行模擬結合,變成一「傾轉旋翼型無人機」之初步設計平台,可進行載具主要尺寸設計,包括:氣動力、起飛重量、馬力,以及傾轉率。最後以一定翼機進行「傾轉旋翼」之升級加改裝設計為例,運用本文之設計平台,計算出構改所需之最小馬力和推力偏心需求。並據以進行其「懸停」與「前飛」模式互換之六自由度飛行模擬,展現升級改裝後「旋翼機」之懸停與「定翼機」高速巡航模式之間互相轉換的飛行性能。In this article, modeling of longitudinal & lateral flight dynamics is made, based on which, the flight control of a tiltrotor UAV, and 6D simulation of the tilt propellers and engine nacelles are developed to simulate flight attitude and trajectory with transition between hover and forward flight modes, basically all featuring the automatic flight control of the altitude, pitch and roll angles designed for individual and transition flight modes. Combined with 6D flight simulation, a preliminary design platform for tiltrotor UAV is then established regarding sizing to aerodynamics, takeoff weight, engine horsepower and nacelle tilt rate. With the platform, a retrofit design of an existing fixed wing UAV for adaptation of tiltrotor was taken as an example to evaluate the requirements of minimum horsepower and eccentric thrust vector, simulate 6D flight, and demonstrate its performance with transition between hover flight for a rotorcraft and high speed forward flight for a fixed wing plane.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵字:傾轉旋翼、懸停、前飛、飛控、飛行模擬、定翼機、旋翼機; tiltrotor; hovering; forward flight; flight control; flight simulation; fixed wing; rotary wing

    • 航空工程
    • 潛艦縱向運動平衡舵角研究Study on Rudder Trim Angle of Submarine Moving in Longitudinal Plane
    • 林文禹 李運璋 Wen-Yu Lin Yung-Jang Lee

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    本文探討潛艦縱向平面上的前、後兩組控制舵對路徑角和姿態角的影響。 首先由縱向平面上的平衡方程式,得出潛艦前、後舵在巡航狀態的配平舵角組合規則,以及巡航速度對此組合規則的影響。接著,得出潛艦可維持此穩定平衡狀態的靜穩定條件。純爬升及純姿態角變化兩個自由度所對應的舵角組合,則是本文的主要成果。藉由數值驗算,本文也探討前、後舵角角度範圍限制,對操作包絡範圍的路徑角及姿態角變化之影響。經由分析巡航速度對操作範圍的影響,本文得出潛艦高速巡航時前、後翼舵只剩下一個自由度可變化的結論。 This paper discusses the effects of the front and rear rudders on the path angle and attitude of submarine moving in longitudinal plane. First, trim angles of front and rear rudders are derived from equilibrium equations of submarine in longitudinal plane, and the effects of cruising speed are discussed. Then, the static stability condition for submarine to maintain steady cruising is obtained. Rules of steering front and rear rudders for pure climbing and pure attitude change are the main results of this paper. Through numerical verification, the paper also discusses the influence of lower and upper bound of rudder angles on the envelope of path and attitude angles. By analyzing the influence of cruising speed on the submarine operational envelope, the paper concludes that front and rear rudders provide only one degree of freedom steering in longitudinal plane for submarine moving with high speed.

    關鍵詞 : 海用導航系統之設計運動方程、微擾方程、潛艦動力學; equation of motion; perturbation equation; submarine hydrodynamics

    • 航空工程
    • 海用導航系統之設計
    • 鄭永祥 子賢 賴柏勛 林志峰Yung-Shiang Jeng Tzu-Hsieh Wen Po-Shun Lai Jyh-Feng Lin

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    依據實際需求,本研究設計一種具備中精度、簡潔設計以及價格經濟的海用導航系統。在本研究中,不僅論述整體的系統架構設計及運作方式,亦針對內文提到的各項理論進行具體地解釋。最後本研究使用測試轉台模擬海面的振盪,藉以驗證此系統是否符合規範需求。更重要的是本導航系統可依需求提昇為高精度系統的彈性架構設計、可達到全自動運作的簡易操作方式以及可在短時間完成校準的粗對準與精對準法則。依照本研究之設計,此導航系統可達成大部分火砲與飛彈系統的應用需求。According to the practical requirements, a ship's inertial navigation system with the medium precision, elegant system design and cost effectiveness is proposed. This research introduces the overall system architecture design, the operating procedure, and concretely explains the theories mentioned in the content. Additionally, the rate table is used to simulate ocean waves for validating the performance of the system, the flexible architecture design is upgraded to the high-precision system in line with the requirements, the operating procedure is fully automatic and user-friendly, and the coarse and fine alignments are completed in a short period. It is promising that the proposed system is capable of meeting the requirements of most artillery and missile systems.

    關鍵詞 : 海用導航系統、慣性導航系統、全球衛星定位接收機、航速計ship's inertial navigation system (SINS); inertial navigation system; global positioning system receiver (GPSR); doppler velocity log

    • 航空工程
    • 流固耦合分析於飛行體入水衝擊之應用Application of Fluid-Solid Interaction Analysis on Water Entry of Flight Body
    • 黃冠榮 Kuan-Rong Huang

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    結構入水是一個複雜的物理耦合問題,一般而言,結構入水過程可分成三個時期:初期的入水衝擊力與流體液面變化、中期的空泡現象、以及後期的水下航行姿態與軌跡,不同時期對於結構所衍伸的問題各異,其中以入水初期對結構完整性的衝擊最大。本文以反潛武器中的艦用反潛火箭與空投深水炸彈為例,藉由流固耦合分析技術模擬反潛火箭的魚雷頭罩與深水炸彈入水初期過程,觀察結構與流體間的耦合變化,並針對魚雷頭罩破壞機制與關鍵設計參數,以及深水炸彈環境測試規格進行討論與研究,提供分析結果與建議作為日後開發相關反潛武器時的參考。Water entry of structures involves many complicated physical phenomena, and are generally investigated in three phases: impact and flow-forming at early water-entry, cavity forming and running after water-entry, and the trajectory with cavity-running. During different phases, the impact of early water-entry has the most significant influence on the structural integrity. Referring to the anti-submarine rocket and depth charge, this study uses the fluid-solid interaction analysis to observe the fluid-structure coupling of torpedo nose cap of the anti-submarine rocket and the depth charge in the early water entry with high speed. Additionally, the destruction mechanism and critical design parameters of the torpedo nose cap are discussed, the environmental test specification of the depth charge is inspected with its water entry modeling, and the revised suggestion is then addressed. It is expected that the relevant numerical studies presented be applicable to the safe and effective design of anti-submarine weapons.

    關鍵詞 : 入水 water entry ; 流固耦合fluid-solid interaction

    • 航空工程
    • 固體火箭噴嘴絕熱層之防護原理與燒蝕評估The Thermal Protection Mechanism and Erosion Estimation of the Ablative Insulation in Solid Rocket Nozzles
    • 楊世明 Shih-Ming Yang

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    在固體火箭發動機的運作中噴嘴一直是個關鍵組件,其關係到火箭操作時間長短與性能以及可靠度。本文對固體火箭噴嘴之極端受熱環境先做剖析說明,再對各種絕熱材料與熱襯材料如何應用於噴嘴的各個部位做介紹,分成噴喉部位需耐高溫剝蝕之材料與鄰近喉部次高溫區之剝蝕性材料兩方面,對其如何達到熱防護之機制做較深入探討。最後,介紹此方面材料如何測試、篩選與評估以及最後完成噴嘴製作前之縮尺或雛型熱驗證及其與正式噴嘴間之受熱如何比對。Nozzle is the most critical component of a solid rocket motor in terms of durability, performance, and reliability. In this paper, the hyperthermal environments of solid rocket nozzles is first described, and then how to apply various insulation materials and thermal lining materials to its right positions of a nozzle is explained. They are categorized into two kinds of materials, including those of extreme high temperature endurance used at the nozzle throat and the ablative insulation materials used on those with sub-high temperature next to the throat, which will be investigated in detail about their thermal protection mechanisms. Finally, by using subscale static tests methods, the ways of material testing, screening, and evaluation are described, and the thermal evaluation will be compared with that of a full-scale nozzle that is designed based on the subscale.

    關鍵詞 : 熱防護系統、剝蝕性材料、絕熱層、熱襯層、固體火箭噴嘴thermal protection system (TPS); ablative material; insulator; liner; solid rocket nozzles

    • 機械工程
    • 機動式武器系統之載體橫向穩定性探討The Study on Lateral Stability of Mobile Weapon System Platforms
    • 王文庭、葉忠偉、蔡昆池、李建林、凌志翔、陳本昌;Wen-Ting Wang、Chung-Wei Yeh、Kun-Chih Tsai、Chien-Lin Lee、Chih-Hsiang Ling、Been-Charng Chen

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01


    關鍵詞 : 動態穩定性、車輛測試中心、負載轉換比 Dynamic stability; Automotive Research and Testing Center (ARTC); Loading Transfer Ratio (LTR)

    • 機械工程
    • 無接觸式擷取裝置研究分析Research and Analysis on Non-Contact Pick-Up Apparatus
    • 陳献忠Hsien-Chung Chen

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    本文研究開發了一種利用伯努利原理產生升力效應的半導體製程晶圓擷取裝置。此裝置包含中央吹氣口和邊緣吸氣口。流場速度和晶圓擷取力以FDS軟體求解。當擷取裝置中央噴氣速度固定時,晶圓擷取力隨著裝置邊緣吸氣口流速的增加而增大。經適當的噴氣和吸氣設定,此裝置在晶圓和擷取裝置之間產生一個相對於晶圓下方壓力為低的低壓區域,以晶圓和擷取裝置無實體接觸的方式來升起晶圓。當晶圓以不被任何接觸的方式抓取和傳送時,擷取裝置接觸晶圓造成的顆粒附著或碰觸撞擊產生的污染均可避免,同時晶圓浸置於放射狀流出的氣體中,可減少懸浮微粒侵入和沈積於晶圓上。此擷取裝置顯示它在維持高潔淨度的優勢,並對晶圓搬運自動化產生了效益By using Bernoulli principle of generation of lift force, a wafer handling device was developed for semiconductor production processes, which comprises a central opening for discharging gas and peripheral ones for air suction. The flow velocity and the pick-up force on the wafer are calculated using fire dynamics simulator (FDS). As the air blowout rate of the central opening is constant, the lift force on the wafer increases with flow rate of peripheral openings. Thus, by proper adjustment of air blowout and suction flow rate, an area with much lower pressure between the wafer and the pick-up apparatus than that beneath the wafer will be produced for lifting the wafer without any contact with pick-up apparatus. When the wafer is held and transported with no contact, particles adherence and contaminants generated by impact will be prevented, and the intrusion and deposition of suspended particulate matter on the wafer will be avoided while bathing in radially outflowing gases. The research and analysis shows that this wafer pick-up apparatus is advantageous to maintain a high level of cleanliness, and facilitates effective automated wafer handling.

    關鍵詞 : 晶圓輸送、伯努利擷取、端效器、機械手臂; wafer handling; Bernoulli pick-up; end effector; robot

    • 電子電機
    • 採用高功率氮化鎵(GaN)功率元件之高整合度微型化電源管理積體電路單晶片設計 A Miniature High-integrated Power Management IC Design Using High-power GaN Devices
    • 周泓廷 林明憲 林清泉 陳科宏 ;Hung-Ting Chou Ming-Shian Lin Ching-Chyuan Lin Ke-Horng Chen

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    本篇論文提出適用於高整合性微型化電源管理積體電路單晶片之設計,主要供電模式包含兩塊不同設計形式之電源管理積體電路。一個是單電感雙輸出(single inductor dual output, SIDO)直流電源轉換器的電源管理電路晶片,可分別供電至全系統中混頻器及功率放大器的驅動器,SIDO電路在輸入電壓7V時,可分別提供1.4V~2.8V之電壓可調輸出範圍且其最大輸出電流為250mA,整體最大電流效率達到80%;另一個是功率較高的電源管理晶片,供電至功率放大器,同樣在輸入電壓7V時,可提供大於6V之輸出電壓且最大輸出電流可達到0.5A,整體最大電流效率達到96.6%。由於兩個電源管理晶片設計需要與其他晶片整合,因此在可利用的面積限制下,必須在設計上有所創新,才能解決當前面臨的問題。在目前元件尺寸不變的條件下,要能夠得到更小的導通電阻與可高速操作,氮化鎵元件成為全電源管理電路系統之功率元件的最佳選擇。利用氮化鎵元件取代互補金屬氧化物半導體製程中的功率金屬氧化物半導體場效電晶體,其優點是功率密度比起金屬氧化物半導體場效電晶體高很多,可在有限面積下達到最佳電源驅動能力。此外,由於輸出入電容小之特性,更有利於電源管理晶片於高頻下操作,進而使得外部所需之電感和電容元件尺寸可大幅縮小,以達到高整合且微型化晶片面積之優勢。The paper involves a high-integrated power management integrated circuit (PMIC) design with two different types of power supply chips. One is a single inductor dual output (SIDO) DC power converter with power management function supplying the mixer and driver stage of the power amplifier (PA), which offers a voltage-controlled output ranging from 1.4V to 2.8V with a maximum output current of 250mA while a 7V input voltage is used, and achieves the highest current efficiency 80%. The other is the power management chip with high power density directly supplying to the PA with the same input voltage injected, and the designed high-power LDO combining a negative voltage generator (HLNG) can provide output voltage more than 6V with maximal output current of 0.5A achieving the uppermost current efficiency of 96.6%. To integrate these two chips with other wafers in the constrained areas, an innovative Gallium nitride (GaN) device is adopted as solutions to achieve smaller on-resistance, higher speed operation. GaN device, featuring high power density and power driving capacity within limited design areas, has increasingly replaced the conventional metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET). In addition, taking advantage of small apply of input and output capacitors, it is suitable for power management chip to operate under high frequencies, facilitates size reduction of external inductance and capacitor components, and will be compatible with high integration and miniature design.

    關鍵詞 : 氮化鎵、電源管理積體電路、單電感雙輸出直流電源轉換器、高頻操作、高整合度、微型化gallium nitride (GaN); power management integrated circuit (PMIC); single inductor dual output DC power converter (SIDO DC power converter); high frequency operation; high integration; miniature size

    • 電子電機
    • 以共通圖像為基礎之航跡關聯技術之研究Study on Track Correlation Techniques Based on Common Operational Picture
    • 陳緯修 吳元彰 劉江龍 簡廷因 Wei-Hsiu Chen Yuan-Chang Wu Chiang-Lung Liu Ting-Ying Chien

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    多雷達數據融合的目標在於獲得比任何單一雷達輸入元素更準確的訊號資料,已成為現代雷達組網系統中的關鍵技術之一。然而,如何解決在多目標下系統運算效能降低所造成目標判定的延遲問題,是多目標航跡融合的重要課題。本研究之目的在於提出「基於共同圖像之高效能資料關聯技術」,以平行處理方式,增進多目標之航跡融合之效能。為解決多目標航跡比對時大量計算資源需求之問題,本研究採用分散式處理方式加速多目標航跡之比對,解決多目標航跡融合時可能造成時間延遲之問題。本研究所提出之技術是為一基於分散式運算的方法,主要區分兩階段:一為滑動視窗取樣;一為分散式航跡比對運算。實驗結果顯示,如果只採用單一伺服器進行運算,其航跡融合的執行時間會隨著目標物數量的增加急驟的成長;但如果採用本研究提供的Hadoop分散式運算環境進行航跡融合,其執行時間在不同數量區塊的比對下,其所花費的比對時間可大幅下降,其表示本研究提出之方法可有效提升多目標航跡融合之效率。The objective of multiple radar data fusion is to obtain more accurate signal data than that of single radar input. Therefore, the data fusion techniques of multiple radar have been critical to radar set. However, how to solve the problem of the delay on target recognition is in turn becoming an important topic with multiple target systems. Based on common operational pictures, this study aims at proposing an efficient data correlation technique based on distributed computation that comprises two stages: sliding window sampling and computation of aircraft track matching. Experimental results show that the execution time of aircraft track fusion is drastically growing as the number of targets increases by using only one server; however, it can be greatly decreased with different number of computational blocks when adopting the proposed Hadoop distributed environment. It implies that the proposed technique can effectively improve the efficiency of multiple target track fusion.

    關鍵詞 : 航跡融合、航跡關聯 track fusion; track correlation

    • 電子電機
    • MIMO雷達系統信號處理法則研析與應用Analysis and Application of Signal Processing for MIMO Radar Systems
    • 廖述旻Shu-Min Liao 毛紹綱 Shau-Gang Mao

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    近年來多輸入多輸出(MIMO)雷達是一種新興的技術,在雷達領域吸引了顯著研究探討。MIMO天線系統,是由發射端天線陣列中發射每組正交波形,和利用在接收機天線陣列通過匹配濾波器組(filter-bank)提取的脈波波形成分,所以與傳統的雷達系統相比較它已經被證明具有提高通訊性能的能力,MIMO雷達的最重要的特徵是使用正交波形來傳送。當該傳送的訊號是正交時,在接收端處可被分離出來,因此經MIMO進行處理後可以實現訊號空間和訊號波形的分集(diversity)增益。此外,MIMO雷達亦允許獲得一個虛擬孔徑大於真實孔徑,這會降低旁波瓣且由於自由度增加而使得波束寬度變窄,故在MIMO雷達系統中由於自由度增加特性可被利用於提高解析能力、降低雜訊和增強分辨性能。本研究主要著重在正交分頻多工OFDM訊號調變與MIMO雷達系統的訊號模型之探Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radars technology is increasingly emerging and becoming an appealing research topics in recent years. A MIMO antenna system is a combination of orthogonal waveforms transmitted by a transmitter antenna array and pulse waveform components extracted by a filter-bank in a receiver antenna array. Compared with a conventional radar system, MIMO radar has been proven to improve communication performance, and especially feature in orthogonal waveform transmission, which can be separated at the receiver, and the signal space diversity gain can be achieved with MIMO processing. In addition, the MIMO radar also allows a larger virtual aperture than the real one, reduces the side lobe, and narrows the beam width due to the increase of degree of freedom, which consequently can be used to enhance the resolution and reduce noise. In summary, this research emphasizes the discussion and establishment of OFDM modulation and MIMO radar system.

    關鍵詞 : 多重輸入多重輸出、正交分頻多工、分集增益 multiple input multiple output; orthogonal frequency division multiplexing; diversity gain

    • 電子電機
    • 特徵波形應用於延展目標辨識技術Extended Target Identification and Discrimination Using Eigenwaveform
    • 鄭元斌 聶若鹽 Yuan-Pin Cheng Jo-Yen Nieh

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    近年來,在雷達領域中目標辨識技術正逐漸發展,使用頻段也提升至X頻段或更高,對於長度為十餘米或數十米之目標,傳統之點目標(Point Target)設定應提升至延展型目標(Extended Target)以得到更大之辨識距離及效能;因應國際情勢,目前世界各國均極力開發導彈防禦系統(Theater Missile Defense system),先進彈道飛彈會釋放許多真假彈頭,使防禦系統難以應對,所以彈道飛彈目標識別的任務在於由大量的誘餌、彈體碎片、伴飛物體中識別出真彈頭,是現代彈道飛彈防禦系統中最為關鍵的核心技術之一,本計畫針對延展型目標特徵波形擷取之計算原理及模擬驗證進行分析研究,並開發辨識技術模式,以期儘速建立下一代雷達辨識研發能量。Target recognition techniques are increasingly developing, and are applied in wide bandwidth radars mostly operating in X band and above. Furthermore, for the object size larger than 10 meters, the traditional detection schemes should be set for processing extended targets instead of point targets to effectively increase the detection and recognition performance. In modern warfare, there are many countries aggressively developing theater missile defense (TMD) systems with the rising threats from widely deployed tactical ballistic missiles (TBM) which release decoys to confuse the defense systems to pinpoint the real warheads, and make it difficult for defense tactics. Consequently, to build the modern TMD systems, target discrimination is essential to distinguish warheads from decoys, debris, or nearby objects. In this study, the eigenwaveform for extended targets are applied, and its algorithm development and simulation analysis are presented. It is expected to achieve the goal developing an applicable target recognition and discrimination schemes for next generation high bandwidth radar systems.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰辨識技術、延展型目標、特徵波形、雷達系統、波形設計 Keywords: target discrimination; extended target; eigenwaveform; radar system; waveform design

    • 材料及光電
    • SiOx負極材料合成及應用於高容量鋰離子電池之研究A Study of SiOx Synthesis as Anode Materials for High Capacity Lithium-ion Batteries
    • 李柏翰 陳柏文 葛春明 翁炳志 方友清 林慶章Po-Han Lee Bo-Wen Chen Chun-Ming Gee Bing-Jhih Weng You-Cing Fang Ching-Jang Lin

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    尋找新的具有高能量密度以及穩定的循環特性之鋰電池材料是下世代鋰電池發展之關鍵。因具有高度循環穩定性,石墨為一優異之負極材料,惟發展至今已接近其材料理論克電容量,進步空間有限。目前被看好的材料為矽碳與一氧化矽負極材料,其理論電容量較石墨系負極高,當前已有許多負極材料商已進入試量產階段。本研究係提供一種氧化亞矽與非結晶碳層包覆以奈米矽分散於多層石墨烯為載體的負極材料,此材料結構包括:一多層石墨稀,係作為一載體;一奈米矽,分散於該多層石墨烯上,該多層石墨稀與奈米矽係作為一複合材料之核心;氧化亞矽與非結晶碳層作為一外殼,包覆該多層石墨烯與奈米矽;並且經由洗去熱處理後之副產物,產生複數緩衝孔洞,設置於該負極材料上,係用以提供緩衝空間。藉由以矽氧化物與非結晶碳層包覆以多層石墨烯為載體之奈米矽,製備出高電容量且長壽命之下世代負極材料。Exploring new battery materials with high energy density and long cycle stability is crucial to next generation LIBs. Graphite, being featuring cycle stability, shows high performance as anode materials. Currently, the low theoretical capacity of carbon-based anodes being facing a development bottleneck of commercial LIBs, silicon/carbon and silicon monoxide that have high theoretical capacity are subsequently regarded as appropriate alternatives for conventional graphite, and most of anode material suppliers are intending to enter their mass production. This research is to invent an anode material made of multilayer-graphene with nano silicon absorbed inside that works as a carrier, then coated with silicon suboxide and amorphous carbon layer, which in turn as the core of composites, providing buffering spaces with a plurality of buffering holes formed after heat treatment. By the invented composites, it is promising to produce anode materials with high capacity, coulombic efficiency of formation cycle, and long cycle life for lithium-ion batteries.

    關鍵詞 : 奈米矽、氧化亞矽、多層石墨烯、負極材料、鋰離子電池nano silicon; silicon suboxide; multi-layer graphene; anode material; lithium ion battery

    • 工業工程
    • 迴歸分析法應用於貯存壽命評估之探討Regression Analysis on Storage Life Estimation of Products
    • 賀全慶Chuan-Ching Ho

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    本文針對火工品貯存壽限預估提出一種近似的評估方法,該方法採用學生t分布評估線性迴歸的預測信賴限估計技術,獲得新的擴充係數,同時兼顧可靠度與抽樣誤差的要求。評估結果顯示,本文所建議的方法具有簡單、易行之特性,其結果與理論值無差異,可做為實務界應用的選擇參考。In this study, an approximation method is proposed to evaluate storage life of energetic components and systems. Under considerations of reliability and confidence level, the proposed method adopts the student's t distribution to estimate the (1-α) prediction limit and obtains a new expansion coefficient. The results show that the proposed method has the benefits of simplicity, easy to implement, and rivaling that obtained using theoretical methods. The proposed evaluation method can be an alternative for practitioners who are intending to perform the storage life estimation of products.

    關鍵詞 : 加速壽命試驗、迴歸分析、預測界限、非中心分布accelerated life tests; regression analysis; prediction limit; non-central t distribution

    • 工業工程
    • 考量人為失誤之時間延遲檢查維修模式之研究The Study of Delay-time-based Model of Inspection Maintenance Incorporating Human Error
    • 呂陽樞 梁國鋒 廖大偉Yang-Shu Lu Guo-Feng Liang Ta-Wei Liao

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    裝備失效往往不是突然的發生,而是出現缺陷後未能立即或及時對裝備進行維修或更換所導致,故若能事前適切的執行預防性維修,可減少因失效導致的停機時間。近年來時間延遲(delay time)分析已運用於裝備的檢查維修上,本文運用時間延遲理論以探討裝備的檢查維修策略,探討時間延遲理論的基本模式與有限維修人力的模式,並加入人為失誤所引發失效的情況,分別建立數學模式。人為失誤是指因執行某一特定任務或者禁止行動而失效,導致預定操作的中斷或造成裝備與資產的損壞。本文藉由分析與比較數學模式的結果,做為制訂裝備檢查維修的最佳週期。 Equipment failure often doesn't occur instantaneously, but results from defective equipment which hasn't been immediately repaired or replaced. And the equipment downtime can be greatly reduced in the event of failure when preventive maintenance is properly performed. In recent years, delay time theory has been applied to equipment inspection maintenance of which the strategies and basic and modified models this paper is to investigate under limited maintenance manpower incorporating human error made during inspection maintenance process. Human error is defined as interruption of operations scheduled or damages to equipment and assets while conducting missions or prohibited actions. The analysis results will be compared with those obtained from the models, and applied to determine the optimal inspection maintenance interval.

    關鍵詞 : 時間延遲理論、檢查維修、人為失誤 delay time theory; inspection maintenance; human error

    • 工業工程
    • 定量環境應力篩選規格制訂與評估An Approach to Establishment and Evaluation of Quantitative Environmental Stress Screening Specification
    • 沈盈志Ying-Chih Shen

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    電子硬品環境應力篩選(ESS)規格主要參考規範制訂,然而各產品之品質要求不同,採用相同規格與程序執行篩選,易產生過度篩選及不足篩選。另依據產品試驗數據或使用數據,運用定量分析技術,檢討篩選規格已為廣用,但若能於新產品研發時,即執行定量篩選分析,更能發揮篩選實質效益。本文開發一套制訂環境應力篩選規格之方法,其配合高加速壽命試驗(HALT)技術,決定篩選位準,再依據產品品質要求,運用機遇缺陷指數(CDE)模型及可靠度分析技術,決定篩選時間。由案例分析與模擬,顯示此方法除可符合專案對產品品質要求外,亦可模擬不同條件下之產品可靠度退化狀況,進而裁適最佳篩選計畫。The environmental stress screening (ESS) is mainly conducted according to the professional specification for electronic products. However, due to the different reliability requirements of each product, over screening and under screening might occur. The ESS is a current quantitative analysis and technology extensively used by the test and field data to formulate a screening specification. However, it will be more effective to incorporate the quantitative analysis in ESS in the early stages of new product development. This paper proposes an approach to establishing a specification for quantitative ESS with levels determined by HALT techniques, and the time resolved screening using the chance defective exponential (CDE) model to meet reliability requirements. Furthermore, under different conditions, the proposed approach can simulate the reliability deterioration and tailor to optimize the ESS plan.

    關鍵詞 : 環境應力篩選、篩選規格、機遇缺陷指數模型 environmental stress screening; screening specification; chance defective exponentialmodel (CDE model)

    • 工業工程
    • 智慧製造導入軍品另件生產之研究Application of Smart Manufacturing to Military Products
    • 廖詩芳 莊恕維 黃典期 施念宗 Shih-Fang Liao Shu-Wei Chuang Dian-Chi Huang Nien-Tsung Shih

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    工業4.0於2011年由德國首發聲後,數位轉型的浪潮席捲世界各工業大國與工業大廠,而對於少量多樣化生產型態的軍品製造,更是迫切需要智慧製造來升級。想要在現代化工業的市場中保有競爭力,本研究逐步從基礎建設開始提升製造系統,包括引入自動化設備,高度自動化的製造系統,才能實現彈性製造的目的;以及發揮物聯網技術的優勢,將資訊科技與操作科技進行虛實整合,如此才算是完成轉型的第一步。目前本研究已完成的彈性製造單元,已能達到自動上下料及混線生產,但是有許多因素會降低自動化的程度,「刀具損耗」就是其一;因此,為開發刀具狀態監控系統,本研究未來將應用振動、電流感測技術,搭配刀具影像擷取/處理,規劃智能分析功能。Industry 4.0 was launched by German strategic initiative in 2011. Since that, digital transformation in manufacturing has swept across the globe. It's an imperative applying the technique of smart manufacturing to military products that features small amount of diversity. To compete on the modern industrial marketing, this research improves the capability of manufacturing system stage by stage. First, by introducing automation equipment to the production line, we have implemented and achieved a highly autonomous and flexible manufacturing system. Second, taking advantage of internet of things (IoT), we are to integrate the information technology (IT), operations technology (OT), and consequently put a cyber-physical system (CPS) into practice. However, there are many factors that may interrupt the production process and deteriorate the automation system, such as tool wear. Accordingly, this study will develop a tool condition monitoring (TCM) system using techniques of vibration, electrical measurement and tool image processing in the future.

    關鍵詞 : 工業4.0、智慧製造、彈性製造、虛實整合、數據採集與監控系統、刀具狀態監控 Industry 4.0; smart manufacture; flexible manufacture; CPS; SCADA; TCM

    • 通訊通信
    • 毫米波通訊關鍵被動技術研發Research and Development of Critical Passive Millimeter Wave Technology
    • 余建德 蘇文珀 吳宗霖 吳秉書Chien-Te Yu  Wen-Po Su  Zong-Lin Wu  Bing-Shu Wu

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    第五代行動通訊興起,射頻前端電路隨之精進,毫米波段的射頻被動電路需更進一步考量傳輸路徑上的損失,本文以基板集成波導方式設計功率分配器,相較於傳統微帶線方式,基板集成波導是由電波型式使傳輸能量於板材介質中傳遞,文中提出一改良型Y型功率分配器,使其隔離度及傳輸效能提升,並能以較低價板材實現優異性能,達到低成本高效能之設計方式。With 5G technology systems increasingly emerging, the development of RF front-end circuits is enhancing, nevertheless, the RF passive circuits used in millimeter wave band need further consideration of path loss. Instead of the traditional microstrip line, this paper shows that the power divider is designed by substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) through which the energy is transferred in a way like waveguide. In this paper, we provide the improved Y type power divider with better isolation, higher transmission efficiency, more cost effectiveness, and greater performance.

    關鍵詞 : 第五代行動通訊興起,射頻前端電路隨之精進,毫米波段的射頻被動電路需更進一步考量傳輸路徑上的損失,本文以基板集成波導方式設計功率分配器,相較於傳統微帶線方式,基板集成波導是由電波型式使傳輸能量於板材介質中傳遞,文中提出一改良型Y型功率分配器,使其隔離度及傳輸效能提升,並能以較低價板材實現優異性能,達到低成本高效能之設計方式。With 5G technology systems increasingly emerging, the development of RF front-end circuits is enhancing, nevertheless, the RF passive circuits used in millimeter wave band need further consideration of path loss. Instead of the traditional microstrip line, this paper shows that the power divider is designed by substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) through which the energy is transferred in a way like waveguide. In this paper, we provide the improved Y type power divider with better isolation, higher transmission efficiency, more cost effectiveness, and greater performance.

    • 通訊通信
    • 國軍數據鏈路及指管發展與運用The Development and Application of Military Tactical Data Link and C4ISR Systems
    • 詹博涵 洪孟芬 吳佳燐Bo-Han Jhan  Meng-Fen Hung  Chia-Ling Wu

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    戰術數據鏈路及戰術訊息標準為整合指管通情系統的關鍵組成,分別扮演著「通信」與「指管」功能的角色。透過戰術數據鏈路的構聯可提供聯合作戰部隊連續通連並以近即時的更新能力提供戰場資訊,使指揮官具備掌握整體戰場實況能力;標準化戰術訊息則能支援有效的下達指揮命令,建構跨越多元系統之一體化指揮鏈,是網狀化作戰概念得以實現的基本要素。 戰術數據鏈路及戰術訊息標準為整合指管通情系統的關鍵組成,分別扮演著「通信」與「指管」功能的角色。透過戰術數據鏈路的構聯可提供聯合作戰部隊連續通連並以近即時的更新能力提供戰場資訊,使指揮官具備掌握整體戰場實況能力;標準化戰術訊息則能支援有效的下達指揮命令,建構跨越多元系統之一體化指揮鏈,是網狀化作戰概念得以實現的基本要素。本文將就現代主流之戰術數據鏈路及戰術訊息標準進行探討,並針對國軍戰術數據鏈路發展現況及其未來發展提出淺見,以為國軍指管通情系統現代化之參考。Tactical Data Link (TDL) and tactical message are essential elements of C4ISR systems acting roles of "Communications" and "Command and Control" (C2). All joint members can share information and intelligence with each other in a way near real-time without interruption through TDL, and a commander is able to control the battlefield situation. In addition, the standardized message format can provide commanders with capability of sending commands across various systems that constitutes the basic components for implementing the concepts of network centric warfare.This paper aims to help readers understand the current trends of TDL and tactical message standards for the modernization of the armed forces in C4ISR.

    關鍵詞 : 指管通情系統、戰術數據鏈路、戰術數位資訊鏈路、Link 11、Link 16、Link 22 C4ISR; TDL; TADIL; Link 11; Link 16; Link 22

    • 通訊通信
    • 高頻波與自動鏈路建立High Frequency Wave and Automatic Link Establishment
    • 林子翔 蔡易衡 孔祥勳 李欣懌Tzu-Hsiang Lin Yi-Heng Tsai Shiang-Shiun Kung Hsin-Yi Li

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    本篇文章簡介高頻波在藉由電離層反射以達到遠距離訊號傳輸之通訊傳輸系統以及在此傳輸系統下發展之自動鏈路建立技術。由於電離層會因日夜、季節以及太陽黑子循環變化導致電離層高度不同,從而影響高頻波之傳播,因此,透過即時且可靠之自動鏈路建立技術以利訊號傳輸尤為重要,為了達到高頻通信之自動鏈路建立目標,目前美軍提出了MIL-STD-188-141B APPENDIX C和北約制定了STANAG 4538規範作為設計參考,本篇文章中也將精簡介紹第二代自動鏈路建立(2G ALE)以及第三代自動鏈路建立(3G ALE)相關運作機制及特性。This paper presents a high frequency (HF) system, which can achieve long-distance communication using radio waves reflected from the ionosphere, and the techniques of HF-specific automatic link establishment (ALE) protocol. Due to that the height of ionosphere varies over time, season, and solar radiation, the HF radio propagation is greatly affected that using the real-time and reliable techniques of ALE to facilitate signal communication is increasingly important. To achieve the goal of ALE for HF communication, the US forces and NATO have proposed ALE protocol (MIL-STD-188-141B APPENDIX C and STANAG 4538) to tackle the issue. Additionally, this paper concisely introduces the operation and performance of 2G and 3G ALEs as well.

    關鍵詞 : 高頻波、自動鏈路建立high frequency (HF); automatic link establishment (ALE)

    • 通訊通信
    • 以最大似然式迭代演算法進行多輸入多輸出-正交分頻多工系統之載波頻率偏移與通道估測聯合估算Maximum-Likelihood-Based Iteration Algorithm for Joint CFO and Channel Estimation in MIMO-OFDM Systems
    • 鄭南宏 黃楷捷 Nan-Hung Cheng Kai-Chieh Huang

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    本文提出一個針對多輸入多輸出-正交分頻多工(multiple input multiple output–orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, MIMO-OFDM)系統進行載波頻率偏移(carrier frequency offset, CFO)與頻率選擇性通道響應聯合估算的方法。文中先介紹MIMO-OFDM系統的訊號模式,再以最大似然解為前提發展一個聯合估算演算法。該演算法可以分為兩部分:在第一個部分我們利用去旋轉法估計出初始CFO,並將之作頻域等化。第二部分以迭代法求得頻率峰值以強化CFO估算方面的效能。此方法在計算上的複雜度遠低於以最大似然為基礎的網格搜索法,且在模擬結果的均方差方面也極接近克拉瑪下限(Cramer-Rao Lower bound, CRB)。模擬結果顯示這個新提出的聯合估算演算法跟以完美情形作通道估測在位元錯誤率(bit error rate, BER)方面的表現極為接近。In this paper, we present a joint time-variant carrier frequency offset (CFO) and an estimation scheme for frequency-selective channel response in multiple input multiple output-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) systems. The signal model of MIMO-OFDM is introduced and the joint estimator is derived based on the maximum likelihood criterion. The proposed algorithm can be separated into three major portions. In the first part of the proposed algorithm, we estimate an initial CFO by using the de-rotation and utilize the result in application of the frequency domain equalizer. The second part is to employ an iterative method to find the fine frequency peak for better CFO estimation performance. The Mean Squared Error (MSE) performance of the proposed algorithm in the simulation results are close to the Cramer-Rao Lower bound (CRB). The simulation results indicate that the novel joint estimation algorithm provides the performance of the bit error rate (BER) close to that of the perfect channel estimation condition.

    關鍵詞 : 聯合最大似然估測、載波頻率偏移、多輸入多輸出–正交分頻多工joint maximum likelihood estimation; carrier frequency offset (CFO); multiple input multiple output-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM)

    • 國防科技
    • 潛艦用低頻水聽器設計Design of Low Frequency Hydrophone for Submarines
    • 黃超羣 溫子粧Chao-Chun Huang Tzu-Chuang Wen

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    潛艦國造為現今國防產業發展之一,低頻水聽器除了要有一定的靈敏度還能耐較深的水壓,此外船艦的振動頻率主要在低頻範圍,因此避震機構在設計低頻水聽器是非常重要的,在此我們從靈敏度、耐壓和材質的均勻性給出了圓柱型壓電陶瓷的選擇條件,並給出了位移傳遞率和阻尼比與頻率之間的關係,發現當頻率大於√2倍的隔振系統自然頻率時才有隔振效果,考量潛艦振源在極低頻下還是存在,所以會以高阻尼比的隔振器來減振,以防極低頻的振動被放大。With the defense industry development of indigenous defense submarine, it is critical that the low frequency hydrophone, apart from its sensibility and pressure endurance in deep water, should be designed regarding the suspension mechanism considering the ship vibration that mainly occurs in the low frequency range. In this study, the selection conditions of cylindrical piezoelectric ceramics are given by the sensitivity, pressure resistance, and material homogeneity. And the relationship between the transmissibility frequency response function and damping ratio is determined. The results show that the vibration isolation works only at the frequency is √2-fold more than the natural frequency of the system. On considering that the vibration source of a submarine exists even at extremely low frequency, the vibration isolator with high damping ratio is used to prevent the low frequency vibration from being amplified.

    關鍵詞 : 低頻水聽器、耐水深、避震設計 low frequency; hydrophone; water resistance; suspension mechanism

    • 資訊軟體
    • 人工智慧運用於電焊即時線上品檢Application of Artificial Intelligence in Production Line Quality Control
    • 沈辰峯 杜碧怡 劉于碩 葉佳龍 湯士堅Chen-Feng Shen Bi-Yi Du Yu-Shuo Liu Chia-Lung Yeh Shyh-Jiang Tang

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    本研究利用人工智慧技術導入電焊生產線品質控制的方法,文中闡述預測模型之理論與方法,同時規劃機台與即時線上品檢系統整合實作,並設定系統設計訓練功能,實現即時線上品檢演算法。The introduction of artificial intelligence in the field of electric welding production line for quality control has improved the prediction of quality results. This research elaborates the theory and methods of AI model for quality prediction, the machine planning, and integration of online quality inspection. Moreover, to render quality inspection system real-time processing, an artificial algorithm with training function is implemented.

    關鍵詞 : 人工智慧、深度學習、焊點偏移預測、品質預測、影像判別artificial intelligence; deep learning; solder joint offset prediction; quality prediction; image discrimination

    • 系統模擬
    • 以誘標進行水面艦魚雷反制接戰之建模與模擬Modeling and Simulation of Torpedo Countermeasure Engagement for a Surface Warship with Decoys
    • 徐盛平Sheng-Ping Hsu

    卷期 : 16 /

    出版年 : 2020/02/01

    本文主要針對水面艦單艦作戰,遭受敵方單枚魚雷攻擊時,建立水面艦以各型反魚雷誘標執行魚雷反制接戰場景之數學模式並進行魚雷反制接戰場景數值模擬。內容包含各型誘標之運作模式及說明其誘敵原理並建立本艦、魚雷、拋射式反魚雷誘標及自航式反魚雷誘標等運動體之運動數學模式等。作者並以C程式語言完成水面艦魚雷反制之接戰場景模擬程式,可執行魚雷反制接戰場景模擬。經由此模擬程式之數值運算,可計算出在不同接戰場景與接戰時間序列下之本艦、魚雷及各型反魚雷誘標等運動體於接戰過程中之位置、動向及聲響訊號等關係,從而完成以誘標進行水面艦魚雷反制接戰之戰場模式模擬。This paper focuses on the torpedo countermeasure for a surface warship attacked by an enemy torpedo. The kinematic and acoustic relationships among the torpedo, surface warship and some different acoustic decoys for the torpedo countermeasure are expressed in mathematical equations at first. Then a simulation program that can be used to simulate the engagement status of the surface warship by using the acoustic decoys to counter the enemy torpedo is established with C program language. Finally, some scenarios simulated by this program are demonstrated for the surface warship's torpedo countermeasure engagement. The simulation results include the time series of engagement; kinematic and acoustic relationships of the surface warship, torpedo and the decoys.

    關鍵詞 : 魚雷反制、誘標、接戰、建模、模擬torpedo countermeasure; decoy; engagement; modeling; simulation