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    • 追思雄風飛彈之父的人生智慧-韓光渭院士
    • 鄭毓珊將軍、宋真堯博士、王德勝博士、劉定中博士、彭昭暐教授

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01


    關鍵詞 : 追思會

    • 人物專訪
    • 留美導航技術專家劉人仰專訪
    • 劉人仰專家/口述.廖友民、彭子軒/整理

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    1980年代期間,慣性導航技術的發展面臨幾項重大轉變,首先系統應用由環架式(Gimble-Type)走向固裝式(Strapdown-Type),接著核心元件陀螺儀,由機械式走向光電式。這些改變,造就導航系統的生產製造、環境適應、後勤維護、使用壽限等等大幅改善。再者,因系統無轉動件的磨耗,亦不需暖機可迅速啟動,精度更容易掌控,漸漸促成感測儀參數調校週期一詞走入歷史。80年代末期,院內各領域專業,紛紛投入光電式的雷射陀螺儀(Ring Laser Gyro, RLG)及光纖陀螺儀(Fiber Optical Gyro, FOG)之開發研究,並同時成立專案管制室逐步推動。本期專訪留美導航專家劉人仰先生,劉專家與本院飛彈火箭研究所(簡稱飛彈所)的機緣,最早可追朔到1987年,行政院主辦之「近代工程技術研討會」,當時旅美的劉專家擔任講員,會後受邀蒞飛彈所座談。至2006年歸國至國家太空中心(National Space Organization, NSPO)服務,本所承接NSPO委製之太空級光纖陀螺儀導航系統(FINS),得以再續前緣,同仁也經常往返NSPO請教。2007年劉專家每週並親至本所傳講FOG關鍵技術,教學相長時間長達數年之久。後續,本院技術穩定邁步發展,自製FOG陸續通過各式環境規範,並逐步參與相關系統戰備任務。不久將來,自製太空級FOG(抗輻射能力)更將伴隨NSPO衛星升空,翱翔星際,劉專家襄助與提攜之力,功不可沒。

    關鍵詞 : 慣性導航技術

    • 中心論題
    • 「導航儀與導控技術之發展及應用」序言
    • 楊睦雄

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01


    關鍵詞 : 導航、導引(Guidance)、控制(Control)

    • 中心論題
    • 微型式多傳感元件導航系統介紹Introduction to Miniature Multi-sensor in MEMS Inertial Navigation System
    • 章陽中(Yang-Chung Chang)‧林志峰(Jyh-Feng Lin)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    微機電式傳感元件已於近幾年有顯著的發展,不僅追求效能提升、體積小、重量輕更是微機電式傳感元件之優勢。無人機近年的發展,無論國防產業或是民用市場亦有其版圖,發展新一代微機電產品已刻不容緩,體積小、價格低且具導航技術之導航儀設計亦是重點發展項目之一。導航儀由裡至外之介紹為本篇文章重點項目,內部電路隔離性考量、整合導航除雙星衛星接收技術外,納入氣壓高度計、初始方位角之自主尋北等軟體技術,用以提升整合導航之技術能量,外部模組盒與接頭選用除軍規等級選項更考慮防塵、防水、氣密等功能性。微型化產品,除輕型無人機市場應用外,大型無人機、小型飛彈...等之導航系統或備援導航系統亦可使用之,透過此文介紹,期許未來產品除價格可能更低外,相信性能更是無庸置疑的更佳。In recent years, micro-electromechanical elements sensors (MEMS) have been significantly developing and in pursuit of not only efficiency improvement and small size, but the advantages of lightweight products. Apart from the defense industry, the civilian market of MEMS plays valuable roles of the development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Therefore, it is imperative to research a new generation of micro-electromechanical products featuring smallsize, cost effective MEMS hardware which are crucial development items in our department. This paper mainly introduces the navigator containing the inside, circuit, outside, and module box, among them, the circuit isolation and the waterproof for module box are essential. To enhance the technical capability of navigation integration, barometer and self-north finding are used in addition to dual-star satellite receiving technology, and military specification for connectors are considered. The navigation systems can be applied to light drone markets, larger type UAV, and small missiles. It is expected to develop more cost effective and greater performance products based on the current achievements.

    關鍵詞 : 整合導航(navigation integration)、微機電(micro-electromechanics)、無人機(UAV)、備援系統(backup navigation system)

    • 中心論題
    • 太空級光纖陀螺儀之簡介An Introduction to the Space-grade Fiber Optic Gyroscope
    • 陳徐謀(Shyu-Mou Chen)‧賴以立(Yi-Li Lai)‧邱崇安(Chung-An Chiu)蔡豐名(Feng-Ming Tsai)‧高宗達(Chung-Ta Kau)張秀彰(Show-Chang Chang)‧彭子軒(Tz-Shiuan Peng)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    本論文介紹了太空級光纖陀螺儀,藉由模擬分析光纖光源與光路原理,可估計在太空輻射環境下,光纖陀螺儀的尺度因子飄移量、隨機游走係數和偏壓不穩定性。This article introduces the principles of the space-grade fiber optic gyroscopes (FOGs). By the simulation analysis of the fiber light sources and the optical circuits, the scale factor drift, angle random walk, and bias instability of the FOG can be designed and estimated under the space radiation environment.

    關鍵詞 : 光纖陀螺儀(fiber optic gyroscope)、慣性量測儀(inertial measurement unit)、光纖光源(fiber light source)、熱真空(thermal vacuum)、伽瑪輻射(gamma-ray)、太空應用(space application)

    • 中心論題
    • 高精度光纖陀螺儀之簡介An Introduction to the High-precision Fiber Optic Gyroscope
    • 陳徐謀(Shyu-Mou Chen)‧賴以立(Yi-Li Lai)‧賴柏勛(Po-Hsun Lai)蔡豐名(Feng-Ming Tsai)‧邱崇安(Chung-An Chiu)‧吳季耕(Chi-Ghun Wu)鍾侑?(Yuh-Chang Chung)‧張世昕(Shih-Shin Chang)‧彭子軒(Tz-Shiuan Peng)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    本論文介紹了高精度光纖陀螺儀的原理,藉由其中光纖光源、偏振光纖環、與光路等的數理計算,可估計出光纖陀螺儀的尺度因子穩定性與偏壓不穩定。當組裝成溫控型光纖陀螺儀慣性量測單元時,溫度穩定性為<0.02℃(1σ),且光纖陀螺儀的訊號可更加穩定。This article introduces the principles of the high-precision fiber optic gyroscopes (FOGs). By the numerical results of the fiber light sources, PM coils and optical circuits, the scale factor stability and bias instability of the FOG can be estimated. When employing the temperature control, the temperature stability of the FOG inertial measurement unit will be <0.02℃ (1σ), and the signal of the FOGs will be more stable.

    關鍵詞 : 光纖陀螺儀(fiber optic gyroscope)、慣性量測儀(inertial measurement unit)、光纖光源(fiber light source)

    • 中心論題
    • 適用於軌道衛星動態下的衛星接收機快速搜尋引擎簡介Introduction to the Rapid Search Engine of GPS Receiver on the Dynamic Orbit Satellite
    • 李厚華(Hou-Hua Li)‧孫志成(Chih-Cheng Sun)‧黃榮華(Rong-Hua Huang)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    對於安裝在軌道衛星上的GPS接收機而言,由於軌道衛星處於高動態環境下,衛星繞軌速度可達近8 km/s,因此相較於近地面上的GPS接收機,會產生較大的都卜勒頻移與較快的電碼相位變化率,導致衛星接收機初步鎖定GNSS衛星訊號時間增加,而延遲初次定位所需的時間,不利於高動態軌道衛星的導航衛星接收機定位與導航。一般接收機均經歷訊號偵獲、訊號追蹤、資料解碼與定位解算過程以完成定位,過程往往歷時數十秒乃至數分鐘,對於有快速定位需求之高機動性載具,此一開機訊號鎖定與初始定位之時間(time to first fix, TTFF)過久,影響到戰力之發揮。對於高機動性之載具因此有必要發展快速定位技術縮短初始定位之時間。本論文利用頻域處理技術發展一快速搜尋引擎,並且結合硬體加速實現來有效降低計算量,從而加快訊號偵獲之速度。The orbit satellite travels approximately 8km/s relative to the Earth, thus, on which a GPS receiver equipped suffers from more extensive Doppler frequency shift range and higher phase variation of code than a ground GPS receiver does. As a result, it consumes longer processing time to achieve the GPS satellite signal and delays the time of the first positioning results. A typical satellite navigation receiver may need several tens of seconds to fix its position as it is required to perform acquisition, tracking, demodulation, and positioning tasks. For high dynamic vehicles, such as orbit satellites, a longer first positioning time will greatly restrict the effectiveness of GPS navigation. To accommodate the large search space being highly dynamic, a rapid search engine for GPS signal acquisition is developed. The elapsed time of the acquisition process can be greatly reduced from parallel search algorithms and hardware-acceleration techniques.

    關鍵詞 : 全球定位系統(GPS)、接收機(receiver)、快速搜尋引擎(rapid search engine)

    • 中心論題
    • 雙天線衛星定位定向模組簡介Introduction to the Dual-Antenna GNSS Receiver Module of Positioning and Azimuth Determination
    • 孫志成(Chih-Cheng Sun)‧簡文淵(Wun-Yuan Jian)安德賢(The-Shien Ann)‧黃榮華(Rong-Hua Huang)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    典型的衛星導航接收機主要透過電碼偽距資訊,進行導航運算來獲得使用者位置、速度與時間等資訊;隨著即時動態定位技術的發展成熟,透過載波相位解算搭配雙衛星天線的設計,可以將原本僅具有單點定位功能的衛星導航接收機拓展出具備定向功能的接收機,除了輸出位置、速度與時間的導航資訊外,更可以計算出兩天線連線指向與正北的夾角(即方位角),可應用於載具尋北或姿態解算需求。本論文之目的為雙天線GNSS定位定向模組設計,從理論基礎、演算法則的實踐,最後進行雛形件與模組的軟硬體設計與試製。It is conventional that Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) receivers is used for code pseudorange measurements estimating position, velocity, and time (PVT) solutions. With advances in Real-Time-Kinematic (RTK) technique and by use of carrier phase measurements with a dual-antenna configuration, it is capable to extend the GNSS receiver functionality forming a single point positioning to an azimuth determination system. The additional azimuth information allows GNSS receivers to do the north finding and make attitude determination of vehicles. The purpose of the paper is to design a dual-antenna GNSS receiver module of positioning and azimuth determination beginning with fundamental algorithms study, evaluation, and finally conducting the prototype design and production.

    關鍵詞 : 全球導航衛星系統(GNSS)、接收機(receiver)、定位定向(positioning and azimuth)

    • 中心論題
    • 動態環境慣導系統初始對準關鍵技術Initial Alignment Technology of Inertial Navigation System in Dynamic Environment
    • 吳季耕(Chi-Keng Wu)‧盧信璋(Hsing-Chang Lu)‧鍾侑?(Yuh-Chang Chung)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    初始對準(initial alignment)是慣性導航系統的重要關鍵技術之一,因慣性導航系統的精度,直接受限於初始姿態的誤差。初始對準過程,一般可分為粗略對準(coarse alignment)和精細對準(fine alignment)兩個階段。本文採用基於重力資訊的慣性座標系粗略對準方法;在精細對準方面則以參數估計法實現開迴路誤差角估算,並分別以最小二乘方法則(RLS)與改良卡曼濾波法則(KAL)進行參數遞推演算。經實驗室模擬與海上試驗,驗證所提出法則,可有效運用於動態環境中。Initial alignment is an essential technology of inertial navigation systems. The accuracy of the initial attitude directly affects the precision of navigation systems. The initial alignment process can generally be divided into two stages: coarse alignment and fine alignment. In this study, a gravity information based coarse alignment method of inertial coordinate frames is used. To achieve fine alignment, an open loop parameter identification method is introduced to estimate the misalignment angle after coarse alignment.Two practical recursive methods for parameter estimation are presented during the fine alignment: a linear recursive least squares method (RLS) and a simplified extended Kalman filter (KAL). After verification through laboratory simulations and on-board ocean trails, the alignment methods are effectively applied to dynamic environments as expected.

    關鍵詞 : 初始對準(initial alignment)、慣性導航系統(inertial navigation system)

    • 中心論題
    • 反輻射無人載具導引系統簡介Introduction to the Guidance System for Anti-Radiation UAV
    • 彭華傑(Haw-Jye Peng)‧陳俊義(Chun-Yi Chen)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    國內無人載具一般用於偵察與情蒐,其導引功能的需求不高,若用途為反輻射,為了能有效地摧毀雷達站,則對於攻擊目標的入射角度與擊靶精度需求很高,因此有必要探究導引系統能否達成任務的關鍵因素(參數),據以研擬導引律。反輻射無人載具終端階段導引系統的規格之中,最重要的兩項規格為誤失距離及擊靶入射角,眾所皆知比例導引律會準確地將無人載具導引至目標,但無法預估與控制擊靶入射角,為此本文引入整合比例導引律,經由分析與推導釐清整合比例導引系統之參數與擊靶入射角的關係,藉以同時兼顧擊靶精度與控制入射角,另外也分析導引系統穩定度與各分系統的關係。 UAVs are generally used for surveillance, reconnaissance, and intelligence acquisition, the high-end functions of guidance are not strictly requested. However, the high-precision injection angles are essential as they are designed to destroy radar stations, and for achieving that missions, it is crucial to studying the corresponding factors and parameters, among them, two important items associated with terminal-phase specifications are the miss distance and the injection-angle precision. As for the PN law, it can precisely lead UAVs to a specified target, but can't control injection angles. In this paper, IPN law is introduced to the target hitting with a specified injection angle. Meanwhile, the relationship between the system parameters and injection-angles are analyzed for the guidance system with the IPN law. In addition, the relationship between the stability of guidance systems and each subsystems are investigated as well.

    關鍵詞 : 無人載具(unmanned aerial vehicle, UAV)、反輻射無人載具(anti-radiation drone)、比例導引(proportional navigation, PN)、整合比例導引(integrated proportional navigation, IPN)、入射角(injection angle)、穩定度分析(stability analysis)

    • 中心論題
    • 星象儀系統原理介紹 Introduction to Star Tracker Design
    • 呂旺全(Wang-Chuan Lu)‧黃敏昱(Min-Yu Huang)‧林煜翔(Yu-Xiang Lin)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    星象儀長年已來被研究發展,並成為重要的航太裝備,其主要組成包括光學相機與運算硬體電路,星象儀可提供精準姿態訊息給太空載具及衛星系統,本文主要論述星象儀設計與實作,本案光學元件選用解析度1280x1024的CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor)感測器,為一COTS (Commercial Off-the-Shelf)電子元件,所使用的處理器可足以計算質心定位估測、星象辨識以及姿態計算等,相關硬體電路設計與軟體演算法將於本文詳細論述。 The star tracker is an essential avionic instrument, which has been developed for decades, mainly comprising optical cameras and processing electronics. This paper investigates the design and implementation of the star tracker that provides spacecraft and satellite systems with precision attitude. The COTS (Commercial Off-the-Shelf) parts are used in hardware design employing a 1280×1024 Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) sensor capable of performing centroiding, star identification, and attitude determination. Additionally, the related hardware and software algorithms are deliberately discussed.

    關鍵詞 : 質心定位估測(centroiding)、星象辨識(star identification)、姿態估測(attitude determination)

    • 中心論題
    • 模糊滑動控制於 機車用電液防滑煞車系統之研究 Development of Electro-hydraulic Anti-skid Braking System with Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for Motorcycle
    • 陳哲斌(Che-Pin Chen).陳純安(Chuen-An Chen).董 傑(Chieh Tung)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    機車若加裝防鎖死煞車系統(ABS)可自動調整煞車力的大小,防止車輪鎖死,得到最好的煞車效果,並能確保操縱穩定性。ABS實際由電液煞車組來控制煞車力,其內部的控制閥,有別於一般使用電磁閥,本研究採用比例壓力控制閥,目的為進行精準煞車力控制及避免管路油壓震盪情形。從完整的機車ABS數學模型模擬結果顯示,比例電液煞車組進行滑差控制時可更穩定、快速及精準達到目標值,並有效縮短煞車距離。 Equipped with an anti-lock braking system (ABS), a motorcycle can automatically adjust the braking force to prevent the wheels from locking, achieve optimal braking effects, and ensure operational stability. The ABS substantially controls the braking force by the electro-hydraulic brake system, in which the solenoid valves are different from what commonly used, and the proportional pressure control valves are installed in this study to precisely control the braking force and prevent hydraulic pressure oscillation in the pipes. According to the simulation results, it was demonstrated that the proportional electro-hydraulic brake system can achieve more satisfactory stability and accuracy, and effectively reduce braking distance during a slip control braking.

    關鍵詞 : 防鎖死煞車系統(anti-lock braking system)、比例電液煞車組(proportional electro-hydraulic brake)、滑差控制(slip control)

    • 中心論題
    • 諧振樑式加速儀簡介Introduction to the Resonating Beam Accelerometer
    • 曾超群(Chao-Chun Tseng)‧黃榮祥(Rong-Xiang Huang)‧謝發華(Fa-Hua Xie) 劉明倫(Ming-Lun Liu)‧林侑融(You-Rong Ling)‧王功發(Gong-Fa Wang) 劉弘松(Hong-Song Liu)‧胡希文(Xi-Wen Hu)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    陀螺儀與加速儀為慣性導航系統或定位定向系統的關鍵元件,而為了因應市場趨勢,特研究穩定、精準、質輕與低耗能的加速儀,高精度石英諧振感測器。石英諧振感測器係典型彎曲振動諧振器,其感測原理為利用外界物理量改變其諧振頻率。石英音叉諧振感測器應用於各用途皆有傑出表現,是一種通用性很高的加速儀。 Gyroscopes and accelerometers are crucial devices to inertial guidance subsystems. To adapt to the marketing trends, we study some kinds of bending vibration accelerometers and resonating beam accelerometers, characterized by good stability, high accuracy, lightweight, and low energy consumption, showing great performance and versatility in extensive applications.

    關鍵詞 : 壓電石英(piezoelectric quartz)、石英感測器(quartz sensor)

    • 中心論題
    • 杯型振動陀螺儀簡介 Introduction to Cupped Wave Gyroscope
    • 劉明倫(Ming-Lun Liu)‧曾冠翔(Quan-Hsiang Tseng)‧林侑融(You-RongLing) 葉佐倫(Tso-Lun Yeh)‧黃彬宏(Pin-Hung Huang)‧陳建廷(Jian-Ting Chen)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    本文係對具高強健性特性之杯型振動陀螺儀進行特性研究。杯型振動陀螺儀構造簡單,藉著結構元件的諧振來感測角速度;由於是以元件諧振方式感測,故無轉子式陀螺儀的啟動時間限制、耗能與軸承損耗等缺點。且因為強健的機械結構,具有高衝擊耐受性的特性。本文中,由理論基礎出發探討,分析杯型振動陀螺儀之振動模式以及控制法則,再進一步分析控制電路之原理與設計法則。 Cupped wave gyroscope (CWG) is a gyroscope designed for tough conditions such as under high gravity shock. CWG has a simple structure with no moving part in it; therefore, there are no start time constraints and without energy loss resulting from rotation friction, which is a common problem with rotor gyroscopes. The core component of CWG is a resonator, which consists of piezoelectric materials, used to measure angular velocity through obtaining the phase drift by its harmonic resonance characteristics. In this paper, starting from the basic theory, we analyze the resonance models and control laws, and then conduct the analysis of control circuits and design principles.

    關鍵詞 : 杯型陀螺儀(cupped wave gyroscope)、諧振器(resonator)

    • 一般論述
    • 軟體可靠度Software Reliability
    • 劉超群(Chau-Chyun Liu)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    軟體可靠度是軟體品質的象徵性指標,通常會利用可靠度成長模型預估軟體中可能含有的錯誤數量,預估的過程包括:坽在測試階段收集歷史錯誤數據,以及夌依據得到的錯誤數據求出所選擇可靠度成長模型的參數值。以NHPP為基礎所建立的軟體可靠度成長模型,其假設條件比較符合實際情形,並較為廣泛地應用在軟體可靠度工程中。 本文中除了介紹以非齊次卜瓦松過程為基礎的常用軟體可靠度成長模型外,並以Tandem公司某軟體測試的資料,利用最小平方估計法求出GO可靠度成長模型的參數,並顯示所得到的模型函數曲線與原資料曲線擬合程度良好。 Software reliability is a symbolic indicator of software quality. The reliability growth model is usually used to estimate the number of faults that may be included in the software. The estimation process consists of: (1) gathering historical fault data in the testing phase, and (2) evaluating suitable values of selected reliability growth model parameters based on the given fault data. The software reliability growth model based on NHPP is under the assumptions that is more practical and widely used in software reliability engineering. In this paper, in addition to introducing the common software reliability growth model based on the Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process, and using the data from a software test of Tandem, the parameters of the GO reliability growth model are obtained by the least squares estimation method and displayed. The obtained model function curve is well fitted the original data curve.

    關鍵詞 : 軟體(software)、品質(quality)、可靠度(reliability)、非齊次卜瓦松過程(NHPP)、軟體可靠度成長模型(SRGM)、不完美除錯(imperfect debugging)、軟體測試(software testing)

    • 一般論述
    • 無人飛行載具目標定位功能 An Investigation on the Target Positioning of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
    • 李孟哲(Meng-Zhe Li)‧邱處祥(Chu-Hsiang Ciou)‧趙姿斐(Tzu-Fei Chao) 何尚儒(Shang-Ju Ho)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    目前我國軍用無人飛行載具主要用於執行偵搜任務,因此,在無人飛行載具執行任務時,準確地定位感興趣的目標物為其主要功能之一。本次的研究是提出一套快速且準確的計算方法,由無人飛行載具的地理位置(經度、緯度與高度)、飛行姿態(載具之滾轉角、俯仰角與航向角)與載具酬載攝影機的資訊(攝影機之俯仰角、相位角與Room倍數),快速地推算出目標物的位置。實驗結果包含在理想狀況下數值計算所造成的誤差、加入假設誤差觀察對目標定位結果的影響以及本院相關計畫實際飛行測試的實驗結果。 The domestic military unmanned aerial vehicles are commonly used for surveillance and reconnaissance. Consequently, the function of UAV precisely locating the targets to our purposes plays a crucial role when executing missions. In this report, a method was developed to quickly and precisely compute the location of a target according to the geographic information, attitude of flight, and camera settings. By the method, the experiment results were obtained in the ideal condition that contains computation errors which may come from the assumption of attitudes of vehicles and cameras. Meanwhile, the actual test results corresponding to those from the ongoing project are obtained and analyzed.

    關鍵詞 : 目標定位(target positioning)

    • 一般論述
    • HGMR演算法應用於 海上航路自動規劃之研究 Research on HGMR Algorithm Applied to Automatic Planning of Maritime Routes
    • 陳建達(Cheng-Ta Chen)‧陳芃如(Peng-Ru Chen)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    探討文獻所提的各種最短路徑法則,如船隻迴避水上障礙物及機器人或車的行動避開地面上物等,內容集中在沿著障礙物邊緣行走以求最短距離。本文針對HGMR高維迷宮式搜尋演算法及Smiths公司發展的方法做研究,並調整改善及進一步討論,以續發展一個適當的航路自動規劃模組供海上任務規劃系統使用。 From literature reviews, the shortest path rule, such as the obstacle avoidance of boats in the water, and robots or vehicles on the ground, which are focused on the contents to walk along the edge of the obstacle for the shortest path. This paper is to research and improve HGMR high-dimensional labyrinths search algorithm, advance the method of Smiths Company development, and develop a proper automatic route planning module for the maritime mission planning system.

    關鍵詞 : HGMR(high geometry maze router)、最短路徑(shortest path)、航路規劃(route planning)

    • 一般論述
    • 航空攝影影像拼接技術探討 The Study of Stitching Technology for UAV Images
    • 丁秉煌(Ping-Huang Ting)‧張家瑋(Chia-Wei Chang) 張行健(Hsing-Chien Chang)‧陳澤昕(Tze-Shin Chen) 洪昆鼎(Kun-Ding Hung)‧李岱東(Tai-Tung Lee)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    在二十一世紀的今日,隨著遙感與控制技術進步及影像酬載性能輕巧化,UAV的應用已逐漸成為新興主流。相較於衛星攝影及航空攝影,UAV飛行高度低的特色可獲取高解析度影像,並進行空間資訊的快速提取,非常適用於環境監測、及時救災、地理測繪等領域。只是,飛行高度低也造成單幅影像所涵蓋的範圍偏小,需拍攝多張影像方能完成大範圍地區攝影,如何在極短時間內透過拼接技術將影像拼接為大範圍影像,已是一項重要研究課題。目前常見的處理方式大多以Agisoft、PhotoScan、ERDAS Imagine、Pix4D Mapper等市售商業軟體為主,於拍攝任務結束後,將影像全數載入進行影像拼接,若輔以地面參考點的座標修正,可在短時間內快速取得超高精度的地區正射影像(地面解析度可達5cm等級)與數值地形模型。隨著UAV各型載具與各類影像攝影技術的應用面向日益廣泛,本文主要針對航空攝影與影像拼接的技術要點與操作經驗作一描述,以供院內同仁對於UAV影像應用的技術認知。 With increasingly advanced technology, high resolution images, and its value-added application, UAV has been playing roles in various missions, such as monitoring environmental change, and disaster photography. However, due to the field-of-view (FOV) limitations, it is required to take more UAV images which need further alignment and stitching. To this end, the current prevailing solutions are using retail software, such as Agisoft, PhotoScan, ERDAS IMAGINE, and Pix4D Mapper. After completing photography missions, UAV images are loaded and transmitted to the processing program for stitching related to geometric correction. Using the coordinate correction with the ground control points (GCP), we can quickly complete panoramic images, obtain high-level digital terrain model (DTM), and get digital orthophoto map (DOM) to the level that the GSD can achieve at 5 cm/pixel. This paper presents a preliminary study on diverse scene stitching technology for aerial video surveillance and the additional benefits for UAV images.

    關鍵詞 : 無人載具(UAV)、影像拼接(image stitching)、航空攝影(aerial video surveillance)

    • 一般論述
    • LLC諧振式轉換器之分析 An Analysis for LLC Resonant Converter
    • 許繼倫(Chi-Lun Hsu)‧鍾翼能(Yi-Neng Chung) 張簡士琨(Shih-Kuen Chang Chien)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    本文針對LLC諧振式轉換器的轉換效率進行分析。由於LLC諧振式轉換器利用軟性切換之特性,因此有高轉換效率與低電磁干擾的優點,非常適合應用在高功率之電源轉換上。本文中將考慮電路中可能影響LLC諧振式轉換器元件的參數及非理想成分,並藉由等效電路探討出轉換效率之關係,進而分析出寄生元件對轉換器之影響。 This paper presents an efficiency analysis for LLC resonant converters. Because of soft switching characteristics, LLC resonant converter has the advantage of high conversion efficiency and low electromagnetic interference, which is suitable to be used in high power applications. In this paper, non-ideal components of LLC resonant converters are considered. With the equivalent circuit, the effects between the parasitic elements of converters and conversion efficiency are presented.

    關鍵詞 : LLC諧振式轉換器(LLC resonant converter)、效率(efficiency)、軟性切換(soft switching)、電磁干擾(electromagnetic interference)

    • 一般論述
    • 雙軸伺服系統障礙區閃避法則設計 Design of Deck Clearance Algorithm for Two-axis Servo System
    • 桂少卿(Shao-Ching Guey)‧宋祐鋒(Yu-Feng Song)‧劉建衡(Jian-Heng Liu)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    雙軸伺服閃避功能,是指雙軸伺服在方位軸與俯仰軸旋轉的過程中,針對轉動路徑上的障礙物進行必要的閃避,以免伺服的承載撞擊到障礙物。本文所提出的障礙物閃避法則,除了盡可能降低障礙物對伺服指向的限制外,並可確保在出現失效等異常狀態時,仍能避免撞及障礙物。 The deck clearance function of two-axis servo system is to pass over obstacles or restricted areas during the rotation of the azimuth axis and the elevation axis preventing the servo's load from hitting the obstacle. The algorithm proposed in this article can not only minimize the obstacle's restriction on the servo pointing, but also avoid collisions with obstacles in case of the servo failure.

    關鍵詞 : 雙軸伺服(two-axis servo)、方位軸(azimuth axis)、俯仰軸(elevation axis)、障礙物(obstacle)、裕度(margin)

    • 一般論述
    • 彈內計算機硬體偵錯輔助電路設計 Assistant Hardware Debugging Circuit Design of Airborne Computers
    • 陳國良(Kuo-Liang Chen)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    每當出現測試失效狀況,計畫總是會要彈內計算機硬體設計人員去測試現場支援解決問題,但測試失效的原因不一定總是彈內計算機硬體的問題,有時是彈上軟體的問題,有時是其他功能模組所造成的問題,因此在測試現場如何判斷便成為彈內計算機硬體設計人員的棘手難題。本文主要針對過去發生的幾次重要測試失效,說明彈內計算機如何增加電路設計以解決問題,最後提出說明彈內計算機的輔助偵錯電路設計如何可以幫助軍種從O級維修進階到I級維修。 Whenever test failure occurred, the designer of Airborne Computer (ABC) hardware would always be called to assist in solving problems. However, the main culprit might not always be the ABC hardware, it could be caused by software or other functional module sometimes. Therefore, how to judge the invalid issue at the test site becomes the ABC designer's intractable difficulties. This text primarily describes several important test failures that happened in the past, explains how to increase the circuits to solve the problems, and presents how these assistant hardware debugging circuits can help the Organizational Maintenance of service promote to the Intermediate Maintenance.

    關鍵詞 : 彈內計算機(airborne computer, ABC)、計算機(computer)、硬體設計(hardware design)、線路設計(circuit design)、硬體偵錯(hardware debugging)

    • 一般論述
    • 運用系統思考探討戰車發展脈絡 Applying Systems Thinking to Explore the Development Trend of Tank
    • 賀增原(Tzeng-Yuan Heh)‧陳志沛(Chih-Pei Chen)‧黃景裕(Ching-Yu Huang)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    戰車的發展迄今已經一百多年,隨著各種不同的戰役,使得其功能也適度調整。面對常規與非常規的戰爭,未來戰場場景的變化日趨複雜,戰車的設計該如何因應,鑑往知來,因此本文蒐集相關文獻,從敵情威脅、未來戰爭與人口趨勢各種條件,研究相關的因素。再透過系統思考中因果環路圖去解析彼此的因果關聯。最後這些因素可以做為發展戰車攻擊、防護、機動三項功能所需科技的參考依據。使讀者可以瞭解在目前大環境下,有限國防預算,未來戰車研發的方向。 The tank has been developed for more than a hundred years, and its functions have been moderately adjusted with varying battles. In the face of conventional and unconventional warfare, the future battlefield scenarios are becoming more complex, and how the design of tank should respond needs to be realized. Observing the past to foresee the future, therefore, this article collects relevant literatures to study related factors among enemy analysis, future war, and demographic change, and adopts the causal loop diagram of systems thinking approach to constructing the causal relationship between each other. Finally, these factors can be used as a reference for the development technology among the three functions of attack, protection, and maneuvering needed for the tank. Readers can understand the future directions of tank developments in the current environment under the limited defense budget.

    關鍵詞 : 主戰車(main battle tank, MBT)、系統思考(system thinking)、因果回饋(causal feedback)

    • 一般論述
    • 相列感測器 散熱機制整合輕量化結構之研究 Integration of Heat Dissipation Mechanism and Lightweight Structure for Phased Array Sensor System
    • 梁建一(Chien-Yi, Liang)‧鄭麗榛(Li-Chen, Cheng)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    相列感測器為武器系統的重要單元,其性能之優劣對武器效能有著極大影響。而在武器系統性能要求日趨嚴格之下,系統內部之計算單元設計愈趨複雜,致使多工高效能晶片需在狹隘密閉且無對流之高溫環境下運作,進而造成產品內部之熱效應劇增,將導致系統可靠度與壽期受到影響。有效散熱系統得以確保武器系統正常運作,為現今武器系統在應用上之關鍵技術。本研究發展相列感測器散熱機制整合輕量化結構,使相列雷達感測系統與載具內部各電子模組在狹隘及密閉且高功率條件下能正常運作,並探討以高強度輕質材料取代鋁合金,俾降低模組整體重量,進行分析模擬及驗證,未來亦可提供民生與軍事等散熱與輕量化關鍵技術之應用。 The phased radar sensing system is an essential element for weapon systems, and its performance has a great influence on the weapon effectiveness. Furthermore, with increasing higher performance requirements of weapon systems, the higher computational speed of microchips is needed. Consequently, the high performance multichip will work in a narrow, closed and high temperature environment without convection. Thus, due to the sophisticated electronic products with such core chips of high operational speed being developed extensively, the heat sink effects inside the products are obviously increasing, accordingly, the reliability and life of products have been influenced. As a result, for weapon systems, the key technique to the application is to design an effective cooling system to ensure the normal operation of electronic products. This research develops a parallel heat dissipation mechanism that integrates the structure of the sensor so that the phased radar sensing system and the internal electronic modules of the vehicle can operate normally under the narrow, closed, and high power conditions, and explore high intensity and lightweight materials replacing aluminum alloy and reducing the overall weight of the module which were analyzed and verified as well. In the future, the key technologies of heat dissipation system and structure can be applied to the military and civilian uses.

    關鍵詞 : 雷達系統(radar system)、相列感測器(phase sensor)、致冷晶片(thermoelectric coolers)

    • 一般論述
    • 國防科技專利制度之機制探討 Discussion on Patent Mechanism for the National Defense Technology
    • 張緒詮(Joseph H. Chang)‧宋紓嫻(Stephanie S. Sung)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    現今各國國防專利的研發經費大多直接或間接源自於政府預算,若涉及政府利益或國家安全時,大多會採取建立相關保密專利等制度。為了配合國防科技及資源釋商政策的推動,尤須考量並兼顧國防安全的保密運作和商業利益的推廣需要,使國防科技能量得加以保存、管理並妥慎地運用發展。 At present, most of R&D expenditures of national defense patents are directly or indirectly derived from the government budget in the world. If government interests or national security are involved in national defense patents, most of them will be related to secret patents or other mechanisms. To promote the policy of national technology and resources releases, it is necessary to take into account the confidential operations of national defense security and the promotion of commercial interests. The technological capabilities for national defense can then be preserved, managed and carefully to be applied.

    關鍵詞 : 國防專利(national defense patent)、政府利益(government interests)

    • 一般論述
    • 軍用起爆器 Military Explosive Initiators
    • 林炯志(Chiung-Chih Lin)

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    起爆器為啟動爆炸反應之首要裝置,其功能為觸發主裝藥,藉以對目標產生預期的破壞效果。本篇文章提供一般常見的軍用起爆器回顧,內容包括刺發雷管、電雷管、衝擊底火、電底火以及相關的引信系統,亦針對運用於起爆系統中之一級炸藥及其配方進行討論。 The explosive initiator is the primary device to ignite the main bursting charge, and generate expected effects of detonation on targets. This report is to provide a general overview of common initiators used in the military, including detonators (stab, electric), primers (percussion, electric) and relevant fuze systems. The common primary explosives and formulations that the device employs are discussed as well.

    關鍵詞 : 起爆器(initiators)、一級炸藥(primary explosives)

    • 研發成果
    • 應用於飛行控制器之 嵌入式系統架構概念設計
    • 張藝瀚、邱育中

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01


    關鍵詞 : 航空研究所

    • 研發成果
    • 無線電通信機數據傳輸整合運用
    • 余國鑫

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    隨著無線通訊技術快速發展,現今社會對於無線通訊越來越重視與依賴。無線電通信機常被用於軍用、救災、站台通信及中繼構連等用途,其常用頻段範圍介於30MHz~300MHz之特高頻(VHF, Very High Frequency)以及300MHz~3GHz之極高頻(UHF, Ultra High Frequency)等頻段[1]。無線電通信機通常為半雙工通信系統,使用半雙工無線電通信機執行數據傳輸運用需遵守相關通信協定,如:RS-232、RS-485等。其運用方式與常見手機全雙工通信概念不同,半雙工系統無法同時接收與發射,因現代人們生活與手機密不可分,在使用無線電通信機時容易誤用全雙工通信概念進行操作,而可能導致會遇到訊號衝突、傳輸失敗等狀況,本報告針對無線電通信機執行通信數據傳輸可能之運用,提出實際運用場景、運作時序與運用成果進行探討。

    關鍵詞 : 資訊通信研究所

    • 研發成果
    • 耐候防銹滑脂研製與應用簡介
    • 杜家杭、王銘嘉、謝明達、施佳男

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01


    關鍵詞 : 化學研究所

    • 研發成果
    • 小型主動相列雷達研發成果
    • 林敏青

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01


    關鍵詞 : 電子系統研究所

    • 研發成果
    • 車載光學追蹤系統性能提升
    • 蘇建銘、林飛帆

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01


    關鍵詞 : 系統發展中心

    • 研發成果
    • 運用資料探勘技術及後勤資料庫精進本院軍品料號系統
    • 遲克強、林永淋、洪贊順

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    目前本院申編軍品料號人員大多無整體後勤相關背景,執行料編作業時可能導致資料填寫不正確、不知何時及哪些品項需申編料號,進而造成軍種補給困難且徒增本院申編、審查及專案計管單位負擔。為解決前述問題,本文以「運用資料探勘技術精進軍品料號系統」[1]為基礎,更進一步整合軍品料號系統及後勤管理資訊系統(Logistic Management System, LMS)[2],將後勤分析後之補給資訊加以整合及轉換後自動帶入軍品料號系統,此方法除了可確保料件資料與後勤規劃一致外,亦可大幅減少專業單位申編軍品料號之負擔。

    關鍵詞 : 系統維護中心

    • 研發成果
    • 化學鍍鎳基鐵氟龍之磨潤特性探討
    • 許志義

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    本研究透過化學鍍方式在鐵基材共沉積不同鐵氟龍含量(PTFE體積含量0~27.6 vol.%)形成Ni–P/PTFE複合鍍層。實驗中利用掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)觀察鍍層的微觀形態,X繞射(XRD)分析結晶相,並以高頻往復式球對盤磨耗機對鍍層進行磨耗行為研究。結果顯示,隨著PTFE含量增加,鍍層潤滑性逐漸增加,但耐磨性則開始遞減。經綜合評估結果,Ni–P/PTFE 14.4vol.%複合鍍層具備最佳磨潤特性。

    關鍵詞 : 系統製造中心

    • 研發成果
    • 新一代雲端資料中心發展架構概念研析
    • 吳鑑宸

    卷期 : 47 / 3

    出版年 : 2019/08/01

    因應現今戰爭型態的改變,從傳統戰爭比「誰能在最短的時間內生產最多的武器,誰就能贏得戰爭」的時代演進為電子資訊戰,現今的戰爭勝敗的關鍵在於「誰能在最短時間內掌握最多的資訊,誰就能贏得戰爭」。 中共在1992年波灣戰爭結束後便積極推動軍事現代化政策,中共中央總書記習近平在其十九大會中報告時指出,資訊化與機械化是打勝仗的基本條件,近年來更持續強化軍事國防設施,規劃2020年完成基本國防和軍隊改革目標,實現資訊化建設取得重大進展,其資通科技發展現代化與運用普及化已成為我未來國家安全之隱憂。

    關鍵詞 : 資訊管理中心