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    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 紀實

    • 人物專訪
    • IDF鷹揚展翅-專訪鷹揚計畫前總工程師邢有光博士
    • 邢有光/口述.林彩鳳/彙整、撰稿

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 航空工程

    • 中心論題
    • 「我國軍用機發展之整體規劃」序言
    • 馬萬鈞

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 航空工程

    • 中心論題
    • 世界各國先進戰機發展趨勢Trends of World's Advanced Fighter Development
    • 張育坤(Yu-Kung Chang)

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    戰鬥機作為空軍執行任務的基本元素,除了能夠對抗敵方戰機奪取制空權以及攔截打擊機群提高防禦能力外,對地打擊、密接支援、反艦、電戰干擾等多樣任務能力的需求使得戰機的角色愈發多變;因此各國空軍皆將取得能滿足需求的戰機擺在較高順位。本文將分析世界各國之先進戰機發展趨勢。Fighters are basic elements of executing air force missions for engaging enemy fighters to gain air superiority and intercepting enemy strike forces to increase defensive strength. Additionally, with the multi-task demands such as air-to-ground, close air support, anti-ship and electronic warfare, fighters play even more complex roles. So most air forces are urgent to fulfill high-priority needs to obtain advanced fighters. In this article, the trends of world's advanced fighter development were analyzed.

    關鍵詞 : 匿蹤(stealth)、資訊融合(data fusion)、情況認知(situational awareness)、第六代戰機(sixth-generation fighter)、無人戰機(unmanned fighter)

    • 中心論題
    • 世界渦輪扇發動機核心技術發展趨勢The Critical Technology Trends of World's Turbofan Engine Development
    • 吳仲倫(Chung-Lun Wu)

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    噴射發動機自二戰後已成為飛機主要動力來源,其中渦輪噴射發動機為當時主流。但因油耗及次音速性能不佳,在民用市場很快的被渦輪扇發動機取代。又軍用發動機有超音速巡航之需求及油耗考量,也漸採用低旁通比之渦輪扇發動機。航空用發動機於流場設計、機體結構、材料及相關製造能力上要求較高,因此極少國家有能力自行開發研製。本文針對目前各國渦輪扇發動機發展概況及材料發展趨勢,探討其核心技術發展趨勢。Jet engine has become the main source of aircraft power after World War II, and the turbojet engine is the most commonly used version. Due to deficiency of fuel consumption and performance under subsonic conditions, turbojets were being gradually substituted by turbofan engines in civil aerospace, and they're turning to those with low bypass ratios for military aircraft engines to meet the requirements of fuel efficiency in supersonic cruise. However, the capacities have been highly requested for the flow field analysis, materials and structural design, and related manufacturing of turbofan engines that few countries by their own independent development. This paper is to discuss the trends focusing on the materials and core technology of world's turbofan engines.

    關鍵詞 : 渦輪扇發動機(turbofan engine)、第六代發動機(turbofan engine for sixth-generation fighter)、變循環發動機(variable cycle engine, VCE)、自適應循環發動機(adaptive cycle engine, ACE)

    • 中心論題
    • 本院在航空產業發展之挑戰Development Challenges of Aviation Industry in NCSIST
    • 齊立平(Li-Pin Chi)

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    國機國造為國家既定政策,並研擬未來30年之長程規劃,新式高教機自研自製僅為計畫第一階段。本文就航空研究所過去之發展歷程回顧,說明我國航空產業源起及發展現況與因應作為。未來中科院應扮演系統整合、技術領導者之角色,達成技術提升與產業擴增目標,引領我國航太技術與產業再升級,為未來航空研究所之挑戰。Under the government policy of independent development of aircraft, a long-term planning for subsequent 30 years is being drawn, of which the advanced jet trainer (AJT) program is starting as the first phase. This article reviews the development history of ASRD indicating the origin, current situation, and solutions of the indigenous aviation industry. In the future, NCSIST will play the roles of system integration and a technology pioneer in achieving the goals of technological upgrades and industrial expansion, which is the challenges ASRD are facing with as well.

    關鍵詞 : 新式高教機(advance jet trainer)

    • 中心論題
    • 落實國防自主提升軍用機自製率Enforcing Self-Reliant Defense by Raising the Percentage of Indigenous Military Aircraft
    • 張世杰(Shih-Chieh Chang)

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    自中華民國政府播遷至台灣後,中共「一個中國」政策從未改變。又由於台灣夾於中、美兩大國武力較量平衡棋子,導致我國不論在外交、經濟等國際地位弱勢。本文淺述各國國防發展模示,並探討我國軍機研發經驗,以當今政經環境及航太工業發展政策,提出「落實國防自主提升軍用機自製率」之見解,期許我國未來在航太領域上站有一席之地。Mainland China has been insisting on the policy of one China after R.O.C. retreated to Taiwan. Being in a dilemma between China and US, Taiwan is in difficulty of diplomatic and economy. This article presents the world's modes of defense development and experience of military aircraft development and, based on current economy and aerospace industrial policies, proposes how to fulfill independent national defense and promote the percentage of local content for military aircraft to have great achievements in aerospace industry in the future.

    關鍵詞 : 國防自主(self-reliant national defense)、國防產業(defense industry)、自製率(self-made rate)

    • 中心論題
    • 先進戰機匿蹤外形探討與研析Investigation of Configuration of Advanced Stealth Aircraft
    • 黃霖銘(Lin-Ming Huang)

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    匿蹤戰機之崛起對於現有戰術戰法與攻防系統有重大的影響,因此各先進國都積極投入發展各種匿蹤技術。匿蹤戰機主要功能在於作戰時可以承擔危險且困難之任務,有效地降低己方之傷亡與增加敵方之損傷。本文除了提及各種匿蹤技術,包含了外形、材料、紅外線、可見光、聲音匿蹤等各類匿蹤的技術。並且著重於外形匿蹤的設計要點,並在最後分析並且量化目前先進匿蹤戰機的匿蹤程度的高低。Emerging stealth aircraft has greatly influenced the military conflict and tactical warfare, therefore, most advanced countries have aggressively devoted to research of low observable technologies (LOT). Stealth aircraft plays roles in conducting mission risks, effectively reduce casualty rates, and greatly destroy enemy forces. This article introduces the stealth technologies of shape, materials, infrared, visual, acoustic stealth, particularly the configuration of aircraft, and finally quantifies and analyzes the level of stealth F-22 and Su-57 using frequency approximation.

    關鍵詞 : 匿蹤戰機(stealth aircraft)、隱形戰機(stealth fighter)、雷達散射截面積(radar cross section, RCS)、電磁散射(electromagnetic scattering)

    • 中心論題
    • 先進航空結構材料發展與應用Development and Application of Advanced Aerospace Structural Materials
    • 林孟泓(Meng-Hung Lin)‧陳志郎(Jhih-Lang Chen)‧吳啟豪(Chi-Hao Wu)余秉憲(Biing-Shann Yu)‧林明煌(Ming-Huang Lin)‧李乘清(Cheng-Ching Lee)

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    航空材料可泛指用於製造航空飛行載具的材料,其中為滿足機體與發動機操作需求,使用金屬基材料以及複合材料等作為主要結構材料,航空結構材料的特點具有質輕、高強度以及高可靠度等。本篇將概述航空工程中常用機體材料與發動機材料的使用現況,並進一步說明未來航空結構材料的發展趨勢。Aerospace materials are materials that extensively used for the manufacture of aerial vehicles. To meet operational requirements, alloy metals and polymer matrix composite materials are commonly used for main aerospace structural materials that feature light weight, high strength, and high reliability. This article describes the materials currently used for airframes and aero engines in aerospace engineering, and development trends of aerospace structural materials.

    關鍵詞 : 航空工程(aeronautical engineering)、結構材料(structure materials)

    • 中心論題
    • 先進飛控與航電系統發展趨勢Development Trends of Flight Control and Avionics Systems of Advanced Fighter Aircraft
    • 林建宏(Chien-Hong Lin)‧丁秉煌(Ping-Huang Ting)‧李岱東(Tai-Tung Lee)廖庭廣(Tin-Kuang Liao)‧張行健(Hsing-Chien Chang)

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    先進戰機具有超音速巡航、匿蹤性、機動性、感應器融合和短場起飛垂直降落等技術特徵,使得先進戰機不但在氣動外形和推進系統與傳統戰機不同、而且還必須大幅改善飛控邏輯與空電系統的功能結構。由於飛控與空電系統的設計優劣是一架戰機整體性能與順遂執行各種複雜任務的重要指標,整個技術水平極高,本文討論一些設計構想,並呼籲應有一系列的研發計畫以及技術人才的培訓,航空工業方能永續發展。The advanced fighter aircraft is characterized by supersonic cruise, stealth, sensor fusion, short takeoff and vertical landing, and high agility. That is significantly distinct from the traditional ones not only in aerodynamic configuration and propulsion systems, but that the flight control and avionics systems have been radically enhanced in an extremely high level of technology, such as their performance and conduct capabilities for missions which are essential indices for a fighter aircraft, consequently, this paper is to investigate its conceptual design of flight control and avionics systems, for which expect to create R&D plans, and cultivate related expertise for the sustainable development in aerospace industry.

    關鍵詞 : 飛控系統(flight control)、空電系統(avionics system)、先進戰機(advanced fighter)

    • 中心論題
    • VR/AR/MR及先進模擬技術在戰機飛行模擬訓練應用探討Investigation of the Application of VR/AR/MR and Advanced Simulation Techniques for Aviation Simulator Training
    • 張順惠(Shun-Hui Chang)‧黃琨方(Kun-Fang Huang)

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    飛行模擬訓練可彌補真實飛機訓練測試的昂貴成本,使用模擬機執行緊操程序訓練可避免危險的發生,是無法取代的優勢。而實現模擬訓練最常見的方式是透過虛擬實境相關技術,本文將介紹目前虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)、擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)、混合實境(Mixed Reality, MR)在模擬機的應用,以及先進模擬技術的發展,評估先進的模擬技術應用於飛行模擬訓練的可行性及限制條件。另一方面,參考美國F-35戰機的模擬機功能設計與演訓課目,以提供下一代戰機其模擬機設計之參考。應用模擬機作為下一代戰機發展的先期研究是可行的,希冀下一代戰機模擬機更加人性化、更貼近作戰訓練需求。It is cost effective to use flight simulation training for real-world flight, meanwhile it is found that the flight simulator is irreplaceable for pilot training providing a risk-free training environment, in which emergency evacuation protocol is deployed preventing trainees from making mistakes. The paper is to research feasibility and constraints regarding using Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality with advanced simulation techniques on flight simulators. Moreover, the US Air Force's F-35 simulator shall be taken for design reference for our next generation fighter.

    關鍵詞 : 模擬訓練(simulation training)、下一代戰機(next-generation fighter)

    • 中心論題
    • 我國軍用機維修管理與效益後勤推動Implementation of Performance-Based Logistics Maintenance of Military Aircraft
    • 羅謙翰(Chien-Han Luo)‧褚軒麟(Hsuan-Lin Chu)曹銘文(Ming-Wen Tsao)‧林永裔(Yung-I Lin)

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    經檢討國軍近年實施案例,發現我軍策略性商維之規模雖日益成長,但受限於我國現行之採購與審計制度,委商方式仍以傳統合約類型為主,無法彈性運用合約類型來提高採購效益,進而導致釋商成效不彰。故本研究將以我國空用軍機為對象,分析國軍委外組織型態及考量因素,檢討採用美軍後勤委外制度(效益後勤模式)之可行性和合約類型,以作為精進國軍後勤委外政策之參考。The Ministry of National Defense (MND) has been collaborating with private sectors to solve problems with organizational downsizing, ever-increasing aged equipment, and rise in maintenance costs, and so on. The current mode of collaboration between MND and private sectors has been in the form of contract for assets with lower priority, for which they are obligated to be responsible, and providing logistics maintenance by taking advantage of their flexibility and management capabilities. Even though the scale of strategic collaboration between MND and private sectors has been increasing, the procurement efficiency was constrained by federal regulations, which consequently reducing the effectiveness of technology release. Thus, to which this research is to study organizational structure and factors particularly regarding the logistics of military aircraft, and further evaluate the feasibility adopting US military contract forms and the modes of collaboration with private sectors to improve the logistics outsourcing process.

    關鍵詞 : 整體後勤支援(integrated logistics)、委外管理(outsourcing management)、效益後勤(performance-based logistics)

    • 一般論述
    • 合金灰口鑄鐵石墨型態控制技術與後處理探討A Study on Graphite Condensation Mechanism and Heat Treatment of Multi-Alloyed Gray Cast Iron
    • 林孟泓(Meng-Hung Lin)‧李乘清(Cheng-Ching Lee) ‧陳志郎(Jhih-Lang Chen)‧李基銓(Chih-Chuan Lee)

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    本研究以灰口鑄鐵材料作為基底添加多種元素使材料合金化,使其具有片狀石墨、回火麻田散鐵基地組織以及析出強化相,相較球墨鑄鐵或片墨鑄鐵具有更優異的耐磨耗性能與高溫機械性能。為進一步提升並穩定材料各項性能,本研究研析合金灰口鑄鐵石墨組織控制及調質熱處理等製程參數,結果顯示利用出爐溫度以及成核劑粒度可將石墨相控制成為Type-A、Type-B與Type-D型態、硬度值調整為36~50HRC,殘留沃斯田鐵降低至2%以下,可取代民用車輛常用之球墨鑄鐵活塞環,大幅提升活塞環的性能與壽命。By using gray iron-based alloys, some elements were added in the manufacture of Multi-Alloyed Gray Cast Iron (MAGCI), which consists of flake graphite, tempered martensite matrix, and precipitates microstructures featuring better wear resistance and high temperature mechanical behavior compared to ductile iron and gray cast iron. To improve and stabilize the behavior of MAGCI, this study investigates flake graphite mechanism and heat treatment process by Taguchi method. The results show that the flake graphite type is determined by casting temperature and the size of graphitizing inoculant. With heat treatment process, the hardness value is regulated between 36~50 HRC, and retained austenite is reduced to less than 2%. The production database of MAGCI can be used for the fabrication of piston engine ring, and the performance and life of which will be greatly enhanced.

    關鍵詞 : 合金灰口鑄鐵(Multi-Alloy Gray Cast Iron)、石墨組織控制(graphite type control)、調質處理(heat treatment process)

    • 一般論述
    • 極音速飛彈控制翼設計與摺疊特性研究A Study on the Design of Control Fin and Folding Mechanism on Hypersonic Missile
    • 謝福田(Fu-Tien Hsieh)

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    當飛彈飛行速度達到極音速時,其控制翼表面必需有熱防護層保護,以維持翼翅結構強度、勁度,而摺疊翼加熱防護層披覆構型更有其設計與製作難度。本文先針對極音速控制翼設計要點做介紹,再說明摺疊機構構型選用要因及其機構原理分析與展開時間估算;本文經評估採用「樞軸連桿式摺疊機構」主因在於坽展開後上、下翼扣鎖效果佳,剛性強,非常適合用於極音速飛彈翼翅;夌具有展開後段扭矩反而大幅增加之特性,比較扭簧式或扭力桿式摺疊機構,本構型特別有利於強陣風下仍可順利展開。極音速摺疊翼經展開測試、氣熱吹試等地面驗證後,確認符合預期功能。It is required that the control fin surface be thermally protected to sustain its strength and stiffness as a missile flying at supersonic speeds, and more critical for the folding ones. This paper presents introduction to the control fin design of hypersonic missile, determinants for the selection of folding mechanism, analysis of the mechanism, and estimation of time to unfold. It is concluded that the pivot-linkage folding mechanism is a proper option for the control fin rather than torsion-spring or torsion-bar types with regards to higher rigidity, greatly and rapidly increasing torque as unfolding angle approaches zero. It is verified that the control fin design meets the requirements through the unfolding and aero-heating wind tunnel tests.

    關鍵詞 : 極音速(hypersonic)、控制翼(control fin)、樞軸連桿式(pivot-linkage type)、氣熱吹試(aero-heating wind tunnel test)

    • 一般論述
    • 武器系統操控台整合與未來發展模式Integration of Weapon System Control Consoles and its Future Development Model
    • 陳明照(Ming-Chao Chen)‧許峯旗(Feng-Chi Hsu)‧潘立人(Li-Ren Pan)

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    本院武器系統操控台是為執行指揮、管制、通信、偵察、監視與攻擊等任務之重要人機介面,配合專案任務需求已產製多種操控台供各式武器系統運用,然若未予以整合,除在研製階段產生更多的費用支出外,亦造成後續維持及人員訓練的成本增加。本文希冀透過本院現行操控台的設計研究,建立共通性的設計原則及標準化的作業機制,並適時植入人因工程設計元素,以逐步達到「加快研製速度、充份確保品質、降低投資成本及形成品牌形象」等整合目標。Complying with the mission requirements, NCSIST has been developing various weapon system control consoles that are crucial to the human-machine interface conducting command, control, communication, surveillance, reconnaissance, and attacks. To prevent excessive expenditure, and reduce training and maintenance costs, it is imperative to integrate the production of control console, for those this article is to construct the common

    關鍵詞 : 標準化(standardization)、模組化(modularization)、操控台(control consoles)、人因工程(human factors engineering)

    • 一般論述
    • 戰機清洗系統效能驗證技術開發Development of Performance Verification Techniques of Aircraft Rinse System
    • 曾怡榮(Yi-Jung Tseng)‧陳俊佑(Chun-Yu Chen)‧王銘嘉(Ming-Jia Wang)劉冠佑(Kuan-You Liu)‧吳晉晟(Chin-Cheng Wu)‧王玉平(Yu-Ping Wang)

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    戰機於海面或重度汙染區域巡航時,易沾附鹽類、塵土、電解質等污染物而導致戰機本體腐蝕,因此清洗戰機是避免此問題的首要步驟,且系統沖洗用水與沖洗水壓需符合美軍技令規範,方可確保清洗效果。本文闡述所開發之機動式戰機防蝕清洗系統效能驗證技術,參照美軍戰機清洗規範,進行系統驗證,包括清洗水質分析及等效蒙皮承壓量測等項目,所建立之技術可供戰機後勤維護及腐蝕防治之研究參考。Aircraft tends to corrode because of salts and contaminants when flying over the ocean region or severe environmental pollution. Rinsing aircraft is the primary way to tackle the problem. To ensure the cleaning effect, the water quality and working pressure of the rinse system should comply with the US NAVAIR technical manual. This study explains the performance verification techniques of anti-corrosion mobile rinse system developed for aircraft, including water quality and pressure on aircraft skin referring to US NAVAIR technical manual, and the techniques developed will provide reference for logistics maintenance and corrosion prevention.

    關鍵詞 : 戰機(aircraft)、腐蝕(corrosion)、清潔(clean)、沖洗(rinse)、機體蒙皮(aircraft skin)、壓力感測(pressure sensing)

    • 一般論述
    • 生質燃料下吸式氣化爐設計及應用Design and Application of Biomass Downdraft
    • 林廷章(Ting-Jang Lin)‧薄慧雲(Hui-Yun Bor)‧魏肇男(Chao-Nan Wei)王承舜(Cheng-Shun Wang)‧翁仲毅(Jung-Yi Weng)

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    本文介紹生質燃料下吸式氣化爐之設計及應用,首先介紹生質材料之氣化原理,其次說明固定爐床小型氣化爐的氣化機制和下吸式氣化爐的設計及應用,最後探討氣體淨化的技術,在利用生質材料氣化方式產生合成氣時,焦油是最困擾的因素,因此,探討焦油形成因素及如何去除焦油的方法。一般生質材料氣化爐,依結構分成固定式爐床與浮動式爐床,一般約在2MW以下的小型氣化爐,大多採用固定式爐床,超過2MW的氣化爐採用浮動式,如流體化式爐床。其中固定式爐床又分為,下吸式、上吸式、橫吸式、無咽喉下吸式及兩段式或多段式等氣化爐。本文介紹的生質燃氣氣化爐是電結合熱應用的熱電複合型下吸式氣化爐,應用於穀物乾燥系統的生質氣化熱電系統。This article presents the design and application of downdraft gasifier including the theory of biomass gasification, mechanism of small fixed bed gasifier, and its detailed design. Finally, the purification techniques of syngas are investigated about how and why tar formed, which is formidable, when syngas was produced during biomass gasification, and subsequently the way to remove tar from syngas. In general, the gasifies are categorized into fixed bed and fluidized bed types. For those below 2MW, the fixed bed type was used, and fluidized one was for large scales over 2MW. As for fixed bed biomass gasifiers, there are a couple of designs consisting of downdraft, updraft, cross draft, throatless downdraft, two-stage, and multi-stage ones. This article primarily presents the research and modification of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) of downdraft biomass gasifier application for grain drying systems

    關鍵詞 : 氣化(gasification)、生質材料氣化爐(biomass gasifier)、下吸式(downdraft)、上吸式(updraft)、橫吸式(cross draft)、兩段式(two stages)

    • 一般論著
    • 圓柱共形陣列天線研究Development of Conformal Circular Arrays
    • 張尚哲(Shang-Che Chang)‧蕭才文(Tsai-Wen Hsiao)‧陳念偉(Nan-Wei Chen)周錫增(His-Tseng Chou)

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    開發具有電子波束掃瞄及隨機電子波束指向之S頻段(2~4 GHz)共形Wullenweber陣列天線系統,執行電子式低損耗之360度隨機偵蒐,偵蒐之波束不因掃瞄而使波束寬度產生變化,並且可合成和差(Σ及Δ)場型。研究團隊以圓柱為陣列共形結構,陣列由16個(1×4)一維次陣列(subarray),以等間距(25°)方式排列於直徑30公分之圓柱圓周上所組成,次陣列之天線單元為微帶線耦合饋入之具導體反射面之平面偶極天線(conductor-backed planar microstrip dipole antenna)。圓柱共形陣列可合成16個不同方向之主波束,並於各方位合成和差接收場型,因此可實現圓周上之全方位波束掃瞄。在陣列之饋電網路設計上,每個次陣列中配置數位相移器,可獨立調整天線單元饋入相位及修正各次陣列因柱面幾何所產生之額外相位差;另一方面,陣列可透過電子式切換開關與耦合器合成接收和差場型。計畫完成共形Wullenweber陣列天線系統分析與開發、陣列天線系統硬體規劃與設計及陣列天線系統實驗測試,期建置共形陣列關鍵技術開發之能量,以達成偵察雷達國防自主之目標。This paper presents the development of S-band conformal Wullenweber array antennas featuring low-loss and fixed beam width electrically beam steering, and the synthesis of sum and difference pattern. We propose a cylinder-based conformal structure comprising 16 subarrays, located on the perimeter with an equal azimuthal angle 25°, which comprise 4 conductor-backed planar microstrip dipole antenna elements. As for the array feed network, the Wilkinson power dividers are adopted for subarray-element power division, and the digital phase shifters are employed for phasing adjustment and phase-aberration correction. In addition, electronic switches and quadrature hybrids are used for realizing the sum and difference. This project completed the design and analysis of conformal Wullenweber array, array hardware development and realization, as well as system verification. It is expected to consolidate the capability of key technology development of conformal arrays to achieve autonomy in surveillance radar systems.

    關鍵詞 : Wullenweber陣列(Wullenweber array)、共形陣列(conformal)、波束掃瞄(circular array)、雷達(radar)、饋電網路(feed network)

    • 一般論著
    • 船艦裝備之運動環境設計與驗證Design and Verification of Motion Environments for Ship Equipment
    • 沈盈志(Ying-Chih Shen)

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    本文介紹船艦裝備所遭遇之運動環境,包括傾斜與搖擺,並彙集不同海況下,船艦可能遭遇之運動與姿態極值,據以分析裝備所承受之負荷係數,俾利船艦結構與裝備功能之環境設計。同時,描述不同船艦載具上裝備,執行運動環境驗證之項目、規格與驗測相關要求,作為環境驗測參據,期以確保艦上裝備之耐船艦運動環境能力。This paper introduces the motion environments that ship undergoes including inclinations and swings under which ship equipment may suffer. Furthermore, the extreme conditions and attitudes of ship motions in different sea situations and, based on which, the loading factors of ship systems and equipment will be analyzed to facilitate the environmental design of ship structures and equipment functions. In addition, the paper describes the test specifications and requirements of motion environments for various shipboard systems and equipment to ensure their susceptibility.

    關鍵詞 : 船艦運動(ship motion)、運動試驗(motions test)、傾斜試驗(inclinations test)、搖擺試驗(swings test)、船艦環境(ship environment)、潛艦環境(submarine environment)

    • 一般論述
    • 以綠色延期藥配方取代軍用延期藥之可行性分析The Feasibility Analysis of Replacing Military Delay Formulations with Green Materials
    • 林炯志(Chiung-Chih Lin)

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    火工延遲經常被應用在軍事與商業,主要是利用時間延遲來區隔兩起能量作用,例如:軍用手榴彈中所使用之延期管,其延期藥組成均包含鋇、鉛、鉻酸鹽以及過氯酸鹽等危害性物質,因此美國陸軍自1997年起持續地調整延期藥組成[1],企圖將危害環境物質從延期藥配方中移除。本文所描述之三種新型綠色延期藥組成-坽Si/Bi2O3/Sb2O3[2-3];夌B4C/NaIO4/PTFE[4-5];奅Ti/C-Ni/Al-Al2O3[6],其特點為組成對環境友善且延期時間容易調整,不會因延期管殼之高熱導性造成延期藥於燃燒傳遞期間大量熱損失而導致傳火中斷。Pyrotechnic delays are commonly used in military and commercial applications mainly for delaying the reaction between two energetic events, for example, using delay tube to prolong the grenade explosion. Generally, formulation of delay contains barium, lead, chromates, and perchlorates, which are hazardous to the environment. To that end, the US Army has successively reformulated pyrotechnic items by removing those materials since 1997. This paper describes three new types of environment-friendly green materials composed of Si/Bi2O3, B4C/NaIO4/PTFE, and Ti/C-Ni/Al-Al2O3, which are capable of tunable explosion, continuous reaction in delay tubes, and no tremendous heat losses due to delay that can result in quenching.

    關鍵詞 : 綠色延期藥(green pyrotechnic delays)

    • 一般論述
    • 微型飛彈突擊艇匿蹤技術探討Discussion on Stealth Technology of Micro Missile Assault
    • 張安華(An-Hwa Chang)

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    匿蹤技術(stealth technology)是一種反偵測利器,已被全球許多國家廣泛應用,並尋求研發突破。匿蹤技術對於微型飛彈突擊艇能成功達成需求任務,也是極有助益的關鍵技術,本文乃就微型飛彈突擊艇之匿蹤技術原理與實際做法進行探討,並提供結果與建議,以期有效協助設計單位考量,滿足目標任務需求。Stealth technology is an anti-detection tool that has been widely used all over the world, in which the breakthroughs in research and development are being made. It is also a critical and effective technology used on micro missile assault boats. This article discusses the principles and practices of stealth technology in micro missile assault boats, provides research results and conclusions, and is expected to be helpful for the related design units and meet future mission needs.

    關鍵詞 : 飛彈突擊艇(missile assault boats)、匿蹤技術(stealth technology)、雷達截面(radar cross-section)、紅外線輻射(infrared)

    • 研發成果
    • 多重備援匯流排架構之同步資料交換驗證
    • 楊展帆、李秉諺、 張耿斌、張彗硯

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 航空工程

    • 研發成果
    • 以雙核心SoC架構為基礎之雷達多目標追蹤與排程技術開發
    • 邱健榮

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    Mode-S為新一代二次監視雷達(Secondary Surveillance Radar, SSR)系統[1],透過選址詢問(Roll Call)有效降低傳統二次監視雷達之全呼叫詢問(All Call)產生大量的同步干擾(Garble)和非同步干擾(Fruit)。隨著航空交通需求以及密度的增加,為實現高效能選址詢問,本文提出目標追蹤及目標排程等兩項關鍵技術。在目標追蹤關鍵技術,本文提出自適應常增益卡爾曼追蹤器(Adaptive Constant Gain Kalman Tracker)設計,修正卡爾曼濾波器(Kalman Filter)[2]增益計算方式,降低運算複雜度,並且隨目標的運動變量自適應調整追蹤器參數,實現多目標即時追蹤。

    關鍵詞 : 資訊通信

    • 研發成果
    • 飛機油箱鼻錐罩旋壓成形技術開發
    • 楊展帆、李秉諺、張耿斌、張彗硯

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 旋壓成型

    • 研發成果
    • 五碳化學品衍生物製程開發與推廣應用
    • 江淑媜、蘇文炯、謝啟發、袁良彥

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01


    關鍵詞 : styrene-isoprene-stytrene (SIS)共聚合物

    • 研發成果
    • 滾仰式紅外線影像尋標器之實體迴路測試
    • 賴昌宏

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 材料暨光電

    • 研發成果
    • 信息置換應用於通訊協定逆向解碼
    • 洪崇仁、李哲鈞

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 信息置換

    • 研發成果
    • 衝擊時域環境模擬技術開發
    • 沈盈志、廖建義、彭國青

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 系統發展

    • 研發成果
    • 微流體生物晶片製程精進與澆鑄模具設計之概述
    • 劉憲宗、蔡松霖、張辰嘉

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 微流體生物晶片

    • 研發成果
    • 應用MVC模式於武器系統服役資料收集線上化之開發
    • 張哲瑋、李汪龍、林淇淮、邱政興

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 裝備維護

    • 研發成果
    • 網頁式報表實務應用-以共通性顧客滿意度系統為例
    • 曾逸文

    卷期 : 47 / 2

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    源起於我國行政機關改制行政法人之政策,國家中山科學研究院(以下簡稱本院)於民國一○三年改制,朝向企業經營精神及具有彈性的管理模式,以提升營運績效及服務品質,重點包括「組織再造」等[1]。為協助本院推動組織再造與實現企業流程優化,整合及研改全院管理資訊系統(Management Information System, MIS)提供完善的資訊服務,已列為資訊管理中心的重要任務之一。然而,建置資訊系統之成功關鍵在於系統架構,本文以建置「共通性顧客滿意度系統」(以下簡稱本系統)為標的,並規劃靈活的系統架構,確保系統功能滿足實需,面對各階段的企業流程及業務需求,亦能夠因應調整及擴充。

    關鍵詞 : 資訊工程