卷期 : 15 /
出版年 : 2019/04/01
自二次世界大戰後,登革熱嚴然已成為全世界最嚴重的公衛議題之一,直接導致許多國家人民患病甚至死亡,尤其是在熱帶與亞熱帶地區影響最大,在登革熱診斷方面已經取得了長足的進步,然而,有效、快速且準確的定量檢測手段卻依舊缺乏,現有的免疫診斷或是分子檢測等技術往往需要花費一週以上的時間,緩不濟急,最常見的檢測方式是利用聲、光、熱和電等信號偵測與登革熱病毒高度相關的第一型非結構性蛋白質NS1,但相關設備往往巨大又笨重,有鑑於此,我們提出了一種新穎的低成本微流體診斷裝置,結合微控制器與聚二甲基矽氧烷製成的生物晶片,可在10 kHz的交流電信號下清楚分辨出濃度20 μg/mL的NS1蛋白質,在未來,此裝置可以與微流體控制單元整合在一起形成完整的實驗室晶片系統,取代複雜的實驗室檢驗流程。Dengue fever (DENV) has been becoming one of severe global health problems that cause diseases and deaths since World War II, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions, where the diagnose of DEMV was subsequently better improved than anywhere else. However, it was taking times, usually over one more week, and has not been rapidly, effectively, and precisely to identify dengue virus serotypes using the current immunofluorescence and molecular testing in clinical laboratories. Currently, during sample manipulation process, the techniques of sending wave, light and thermal signals are commonly used to detect the non-structural protein-1 (NS1), nevertheless, that goes with large-scale facilities. For this reason, an electrical method with a novel, light weight, portable and cost-effective microfluidic system is proposed using a PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) biochip combined with an MCU (micro control unit) to detect dengue virus by method of EIS (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy). The results show that the proposed system can be used to distinctly recognize the NS1 protein even under limit value of 20 μg/mL with a 10 kHz AC signals. Furthermore, the proposed system can integrate the microfluidic control unit (MFCU) to perform a function as micro total analytical system (μ-TAS) or lab-on-a-chip (LOC) replacing complex laboratory testing.
關鍵詞 : 生物晶片