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    • 航空工程
    • 艦載垂直發射系統U型導焰排煙構型設計之數值研究Numerical Studies on the Gas Management System Design of a Shipboard Vertical Launching System
    • 吳庭瑞Tin-Juei Wu

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    本文是對一種艦載垂直發射統的導焰排煙構型設計進行數值研究,數值模擬的分析工具採用商用軟體ANSYS FLUENT。本文探討類似美軍MK57的U形導焰排煙構型,對其緩衝室體積及排煙道出口面積兩參數的效應做了分析比較,發射鄰箱後端蓋及緩衝室內的壓力負荷以及燃氣回流至發射中之發射箱內的回火現象為探討的重點,分析結果顯示,增加緩衝室體積對於整體緩衝室的壓力負荷差異不大,只有在局部燃氣直接衝擊區域有明顯差異;但增加排煙道出口面積則是對於降低緩衝室的內壓有明顯的效應,研判緩衝室內的壓力負荷主要與發動機質量流率與排煙道出口面積的比值有關;而在發射當發發射箱內的回火現象部分,增加緩衝室體積及排煙道出口面積都會有降低回火的效應,但無法完全避免回火的現象。為了進一步改善回火的現象,本文提出了此構型設計的改善方案,此方案是在每一射口下方緩衝室的側邊,增加一楔型導流板設計,經由數值分析驗證,改善方案不僅大幅降低回火的現象,也使得緩衝室內的流場更為對稱平順,大幅降低發射箱的熱防護需求。

    關鍵詞 : 垂直發射系統、然氣治理、計算流體力學

    • 編輯紀實
    • 編輯紀實
    • 編輯室

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 編輯紀實

    • 航空工程
    • 戰機非線性飛行控制器設計Design of Nonlinear Flight Controller for Fighter Aircraft
    • 陸立德Li-The Lu

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    本文利用非線性控制理論設計戰機飛行控制器,控制器控制戰機攻角α、速度向量滾轉角速度pw,同時戰機側滑角β維持在零度。文中戰機以F16設計為例,F16的氣動力模式、推力模式、致動器模式與物性來自NASA TP-1538[1]。由六自由度模擬得知,在想定的場景下,飛控系統皆能有良好的反應。To eastablish the initial condition of missile attitude instantly, it must be promptly controlled when an air-to-air missile is activated. However, it's difficult to be timely obtained for the underwing missile due to the elastic deformation of the wing during flight. Nowadays, with the optical measurement system, the change in missile attitude can be measured under different flight conditions. The image observation is kind of optical imaging process, which is independent of dynamic disturbances such as speed, acceleration and angular velocity caused by the elastic deformation of the wing. Based on that, a reliable database of missile attitude varying and a model of attitude for the missile attached to underwing can be construted.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:光學姿態量測系統、傳遞校準、空間後方交會法、共線條件、控制場

    • 航空工程
    • 以圖像解算機翼掛載飛彈的姿態變化Using Image Analysis to Measure Attitude Varying of the Underwing Missile
    • 黨如山 梁豊裕 陳俊傑 陳柏呈 周威廷 李靖山

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    空對空飛彈啟動後必須快速掌握飛彈姿態,以便在飛彈發射前即時建立飛彈姿態初始條件。但因戰鬥機在飛行中機翼彈性扭曲變形,難以即時提供掛載於機翼的飛彈姿態。光學姿態測量系統可測量戰機在不同飛行狀況下的飛彈姿態變化,圖像觀測是光學成像過程,與機翼彈性扭曲造成的速度、加速度、角速度等動態擾動無關,據此建構可靠的飛彈姿態變化資料庫,進而開發出即時提供掛載於機翼的飛彈姿態變化模式。To eastablish the initial condition of missile attitude instantly, it must be promptly controlled when an air-to-air missile is activated. However, it's difficult to be timely obtained for the underwing missile due to the elastic deformation of the wing during flight. Nowadays, with the optical measurement system, the change in missile attitude can be measured under different flight conditions. The image observation is kind of optical imaging process, which is independent of dynamic disturbances such as speed, acceleration and angular velocity caused by the elastic deformation of the wing. Based on that, a reliable database of missile attitude varying and a model of attitude for the missile attached to underwing can be construted.

    關鍵詞 : 光學姿態量測系統、傳遞校準、空間後方交會法、共線條件、控制場

    • 航空工程
    • Adaptive Terminal IIR Homing Guidance for Point Defense Missiles點防禦紅外線飛彈終端歸向適應性導引律之研究
    • Der-Ren Taur陶德仁

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    An adaptive terminal homing guidance law for point defense missiles with IIR homing is presented in this study. The missile is assumed to utilize a focal plane array (FPA) imaging infrared seeker during the terminal homing phase. The present paper addresses the problem of designing the terminal homing guidance law for the skid-to-turn (STT) missile to ensure the hit-to-kill performance especially for maneuvering target. The adaptive terminal homing guidance law is a modified version of the traditional proportional navigation guidance law with time varying proportional navigation gain value as a function of time to go. In this study, a robust time to go estimator in 3-D has also been derived for the proposed guidance law implementation.本文旨在探討點防禦紅外線飛彈終端歸向採用適應性導引律之研究,飛彈終端歸向階段之尋標器設定為為紅外線焦面陣列影像尋標器,飛彈本身則採用側滑轉彎(Skid-to-Turn,STT)控制技術並配合終端導引律以達成直接命中逃逸目標之性能。本研究所採用之適應性終端歸向導引律是傳統比例導航導引律之改良版,其比例導航律之增益值設計為預測攔截剩餘時間之相關函數,本文中同時研究三維強健性剩攔截餘時間之估算法則,並應用於本文採用之適應性終端歸向導引律。

    關鍵詞 : Keywords: Point defense missiles, adaptive homing guidance law, focal plane array (FPA) IIR seeker, skid-to-turn (STT), hit-to-kill, proportional navigation guidance law, time to go, robust estimator

    • 電子電機
    • 追隨式干擾設計與分析Follow-on Jamming Design and Analysis
    • 陳文禮 單守毅 孫禹明Wen-Lii Chen Shou-Yi Shan Yu-Ming Sun

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    本研究針對通信電子戰之追隨式干擾反制系統作介紹與剖析說明,運用條列式敘述和圖示,來闡明追隨式干擾的技術原理,並以設計實作方式作研究探討。本研究透過各項參數公式推導與模擬計算,運用現貨市場通用的韌體發展平台,以及標準化界面的嵌入式軟硬體架構,實現追隨式干擾演算法設計與效益分析。Aiming to communications electronic warfare, this research is to introduce and analyze the follow-on jamming system, for which to illustrate the technical principles using descriptive statements and diagrams, and to discuss design practices. By the derivation of formulas and simulation calculations, the development platform embedded hardware with standard interface of currently used general-purpose firmware, this study implements the follow-on jamming algorithm design and effectiveness analysis.

    關鍵詞 : 通信電子戰、追隨式干擾、跳頻、工作週期 Communications electronic warfare, follow-on jamming, frequency hopping, duty cycle

    • 電子電機
    • Ka頻段雙通道旋轉耦合器研究Investigation of a Ka Band Dual Channel Rotary Joint
    • 楊慶源 張存續Ching-Yuan Yang Tsun-Hsu Chang

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    本研究分別探討Y型TE01與TM01模式轉換器,其結果用以設計一高功率Ka頻段旋轉耦合器。我們使用高頻電磁模擬軟體(HFSS)作理論分析,分別單獨設計TE01模式與TM01模式轉換器,然後組合成一個中心頻率33GHz、工作頻寬6GHz之雙通道旋轉耦合器。實驗量測得到TE01通道-0.5dB頻寬為5.5GHz,TM01通道-0.7dB頻寬為4.8GHz。在整個6GHz工作頻寬中,不論TE01或TM01之通道穿透值皆達-1dB以上。由於此二模式之正交特性,預期兩者之間將具高隔離度,實測值在-50dB至-60dB間震盪(平均值-56dB)。This study is to investigate Y type converters TE01 and TM01, and a high power Ka band microwave rotary joint which is designed using the research results. By employing the theory of high frequency structure simulator (HFSS), the TE01 and TM01 mode converters were separately designed, and then integrated into a dual channel rotary joint with central frequency of 33 GHz and band width 6 GHz. The experimental results show that the bandwidth is 5.5 GHZ with -0.5 dB of TE01 channel, and 4.8 GHz with -0.5 dB of TM01 channel. As a result, under the overall bandwidth 6 GHz, more than -1 dB was obtained for TE01 and TM01 channels. With the orthogonality of two modes, it is expected that the conversion system have high isolation between two modes, which was measured as an average -56 dB oscillating between -50 dB and -60 dB.

    關鍵詞 : Ka頻段、微波旋轉耦合器、TE01模式轉換器、TM01模式轉換器 Ka band, microwave rotary joint, TE01 mode converter, TM01 mode converte

    • 電子電機
    • 逆合成孔徑雷達(ISAR)目標信號及影像產出模擬設計Simulation Design of Signal and Image Processing in Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar
    • 丁致中 鄭惟元 張陽郎 蔣政諺 陳柏堯 Chih-Chung Ting Wei-Yuan Cheng Yang-Lang Chang Cheng-Yan Chiang

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    傳統合成孔徑雷達(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR)技術是為提高雷達解析度,並可產生二維雷達影像的方法,利用此一技術可將傳統雷達回波資料作更進一步的應用。傳統合成孔徑雷達須倚靠載台運動時所蒐集的雷達截面積資料進行合成處理,將地面相對不動的地物特徵萃取出來形成影像,因此常搭載於衛星、飛機或車輛上。逆合成孔徑雷達基本上仍是採用合成孔徑的概念,主要是反過來利用目標物的運動進行合成處理,因此逆合成孔徑雷達(Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar, ISAR)中的「逆」指的是運動體與運動方法的不同,而不是演算方法的顛倒計算。一般逆合成孔徑雷達廣義可分為目標物自身旋轉影像、目標物線性移動影像或載具繞目標物旋轉影像。本計畫將以目標物線性移動影像為出發點,以軟體模擬為基礎,對逆合成孔徑雷達成像原理、演算法、影響影像品質因素等進行探討。

    關鍵詞 : 合成孔徑雷達

    • 電子電機
    • 低更新率相列雷達之高機動目標追蹤Maneuvering Targets Tracking with Low Update Rate Phased Array Rada
    • 蔡宗翰 黃柏堯 謝啟銘 李永隆 Tsung-Han Tsai Po-Yao Huang Qi-Ming Xie Yung-Lung Lee

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    在低更新率條件的限制下之相列雷達系統中,針對高機動目標,如何有效地獲得一個理想的偵蒐與追蹤性能,為亟待克服重要關鍵技術之一。本文利用輸入估測結合新型多重路徑預測演算法,提出結合卡爾曼濾波器與多重路徑預測器演算法之新型「多重模式預測濾波器」,據以估測目標的運動狀態,以建立雷達系統於低更新率條件下對機動目標追蹤之演算法。此外,我們模擬與驗證所提之法則可較傳統線性預估與環形預測法則有較佳之機動目標預測性能,未來亦可應用於不同構型之雷達系統。Under the restriction of low update rate for the phased array radar, it is an imperative technique to tackle how to effectively to achieve an expected scanning and tracking performance to highly maneuvering targets. Using the algorithm of Input Estimation (IE) and Combine Circular, Tangent and Linear Prediction (CCTL), this paper proposes a new CCTL filter that combines Kalman filter with that of CCTL to estimate the state of target motion and build an algorithm of maneuvering targets tracking for radar systems under constrain of low update rate. Moreover, the proposed algorithms were simulated and verified to demonstrate a better performance of prediction than the traditional, linear and circular ones. It is expected that they can be applied to different types of radar systems in the future.

    關鍵詞 : 機動目標、低更新率、整合多重路徑預測法、擴增型卡爾曼濾波器、環形預測法 Maneuvering targets, low update rate, CCTL, extended Kalman filter, circular prediction

    • 電子電機
    • MIMO雷達系統訊號分集技術研析The Research of Diversity Technology for MINO Radar Systems
    • 廖述旻 陳永芳 Shu-Min Liao Yung-Fang Chen

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    隨著多重輸入多重輸出MIMO通信的演進,MIMO系統已促成無線通信的革命性發展,新一代的無線通訊傳輸大幅採用此系統。在雷達領域方面,由於雷達回波信號具有某些與移動通信通道相似的特性,在雷達的發射端和接收端使用多個天線的想法被雷達研究人員廣泛研究。MIMO雷達是採用多個天線發射相互正交的訊號,並利用多個天線接收訊號再聯合處理的雷達系統,此系統可以產生分集增益,使得MIMO雷達在克服通道衰落、提高解析度、和抑制干擾等等方面具有巨大的潛力,能提高系統的目標偵測、分辨率和參數估計等性能。本研究主要著重在兩大MIMO雷達系統,異地(widely separated)、同地(co-located)之MIMO雷達系統的訊號模型之探討與建立,透過演算法模擬比較兩系統的優缺點以及實際應用上的可行性。With the ever-increasing speed of technology evolution, Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) communication systems have been led to a revolutionary development of wireless ones, and which are widely used in the new generation of wireless communication transmission. In the radar field, the radar echo signals have some characteristics similar to those of mobile communication channels, the ideas of that using multiple antennas applied to the transmitting and receiving of radar has been extensively studied by researchers. MIMO radar systems transmit mutually orthogonal signals emitted from multiple antennas, in the same way as that receive signals, and then do the joint processing of signals. Consequently, MIMO radar systems can achieve diversity gain to overcome the problems of channel fading, improve resolution, and suppress interference, that is potentially capable of enhancing the performance of target detection, identification, and parameter estimations. This research aims to the establishment and investigation of widely separated and collocated MIMO radar systems, of which the advantages and disadvantages, and the feasibility of their applications are compared through algorithm simulation.

    關鍵詞 : 多重輸入 多重輸出

    • 電子電機
    • 應用大氣導管效應於微波超視距雷達Using the Atmospheric Duct for Microwave OTH Radar
    • 張晉銘 謝啟銘 黃昭銘 廖杞昌 Jin-Ming Chang Qi-Ming Xie Chao-Ming Huang Chi-Chang Liao

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 微波、超視距雷達、大氣導管

    • 電子電機
    • 生物晶片應用於登革熱檢驗技術開發An Affordable Detection of Dengue Virus Using Biochip Devices
    • 蔡松霖 劉憲宗 張辰嘉 魏俊傑 賴思佳Sung-Lin Tsai Xian-Zong Liu Chen-Chia Chang Jiunn-Jye Wey Szu-Chia Lai

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    自二次世界大戰後,登革熱嚴然已成為全世界最嚴重的公衛議題之一,直接導致許多國家人民患病甚至死亡,尤其是在熱帶與亞熱帶地區影響最大,在登革熱診斷方面已經取得了長足的進步,然而,有效、快速且準確的定量檢測手段卻依舊缺乏,現有的免疫診斷或是分子檢測等技術往往需要花費一週以上的時間,緩不濟急,最常見的檢測方式是利用聲、光、熱和電等信號偵測與登革熱病毒高度相關的第一型非結構性蛋白質NS1,但相關設備往往巨大又笨重,有鑑於此,我們提出了一種新穎的低成本微流體診斷裝置,結合微控制器與聚二甲基矽氧烷製成的生物晶片,可在10 kHz的交流電信號下清楚分辨出濃度20 μg/mL的NS1蛋白質,在未來,此裝置可以與微流體控制單元整合在一起形成完整的實驗室晶片系統,取代複雜的實驗室檢驗流程。Dengue fever (DENV) has been becoming one of severe global health problems that cause diseases and deaths since World War II, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions, where the diagnose of DEMV was subsequently better improved than anywhere else. However, it was taking times, usually over one more week, and has not been rapidly, effectively, and precisely to identify dengue virus serotypes using the current immunofluorescence and molecular testing in clinical laboratories. Currently, during sample manipulation process, the techniques of sending wave, light and thermal signals are commonly used to detect the non-structural protein-1 (NS1), nevertheless, that goes with large-scale facilities. For this reason, an electrical method with a novel, light weight, portable and cost-effective microfluidic system is proposed using a PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) biochip combined with an MCU (micro control unit) to detect dengue virus by method of EIS (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy). The results show that the proposed system can be used to distinctly recognize the NS1 protein even under limit value of 20 μg/mL with a 10 kHz AC signals. Furthermore, the proposed system can integrate the microfluidic control unit (MFCU) to perform a function as micro total analytical system (μ-TAS) or lab-on-a-chip (LOC) replacing complex laboratory testing.

    關鍵詞 : 生物晶片

    • 化學化工
    • 破片加速器設計與驗證測試 Design and Verification of the Fragment Accelerator
    • 林漢俊 游淵源 劉錦坤 張振超 黃心豪 Han-Chun Lin Yan-Yun You Jack Liou Cheng-Chau Chang Hsin-Haou

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    本研究利用格尼方程式(Gurney equation)與有限元素法(Finite element method)設計一個破片加速器,用以測試新開發之含能破片(Energetic fragments),在裝配於實際彈頭之前,先透過破片加速器模擬破片是否能承受彈頭主裝藥之瞬間爆震波衝擊而不碎裂,測試結果將用以調整破片製程或配方。本研究並以案例測試驗證採用破片加速器的可行性,初步結果甚佳,顯示本研究發展之破片加速器應可為後續含能破片研發時之參考,期能有效地協助解決類似的研發課題。By using Gurney equation and finite element method, a fragment accelerator is designed to test and evaluate the shock effects on energetic fragments in uninstall conditions simulating warhead detonation. With the testing results, the manufacturing process and ingredients of the energetic fragments can be adjusted to ensure their strength. A case study is performed and shows that the proposed fragment accelerator test can be applied to research and development of the energetic fragments from the preliminary design and test results. Furthermore, it is expected that the results be applied to the related research of energetic fragments.

    關鍵詞 : 破片加速器、格尼方程式、有限元素法 Keywords: Fragment accelerator, Gurney equation, finite element method

    • 化學化工
    • 化生放核危害區域預測報告的研析與應用 The Analysis and Application for CBRN Hazardous Area Prediction Reports
    • 蔣佳宏 Chia-Hung Chiang

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    在化生放核(CBRN)危害事件頻繁傳出的現代,化生放核危害區域預警系統極具重要性。化生放核危害區域預警系統可快速蒐集各式情報並整合下屬單位回報之化生放核危害事件報告。系統透過化生放核報告,將相關資訊分析與自動計算,具體且快速地描繪出預測之化生放核危害區域,讓部隊指揮官明確了解當下與未來之化生放核危害事件變化,在最短時間內通報部隊,並提供化生放核危害事件相關資訊及緊急應變處理方式,以防護部隊免於受到化生放核危害事件之損傷。The CBRN hazard events have been currently increasing that it's an imperative to develop a CBRN hazard area prediction and warning system collecting information instantly and integrating reports of CBRN hazard incidents from related units. Based on the reports, the system will automatically calculate, analyze all related data, and predict CBRN hazard areas specifically and rapidly for a commander to control their diversification with time varying. With help of the system, troops can obtain complete information regarding CBRN events and respond promptly to prevent them being damaged.

    關鍵詞 : 化生放核、化生放核危害事件、危害區域預測與警報系統、同盟戰術公報、指管通資情監偵 Keywords: Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN), CBRN hazard events, hazard area prediction and warning system, ATP, C4ISR

    • 材料暨光電
    • 變截面三維編織碳/碳噴喉技術Technology of Three-dimensional Braided Carbon/Carbon Nozzle Throat Technology with Variable Cross-section
    • 蕭皓中 黃茂益 孫士璋 莊達平 王正煥 Hao-Chung Hsiao Mau-Yi Huang Shyh-Jang Sun Dar-Ping Juang

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    多脈衝式高性能飛彈為未來發展趨勢,傳統噴喉採用石墨材料易因溫衝而碎裂,3D碳/碳材料為解決此問題之最佳選擇。因推力需求,噴喉內型為漸縮-漸擴型式,為此開發具變截面三維編織碳/碳噴喉技術,本文乃針對此技術說明關鍵製程及最佳參數條件,另外針對現有編織機進行自動化功能設計,以期能達到生產效率提升、品質穩定的目標。It is trending on the development of multiple pulse and high performance missiles. Since the traditional graphite nozzle throat is easy to break due to thermal shock, the 3D carbon/carbon materials will be the best option to solve the problem. To meet the thrust requirement, the throat of a convergent-divergent nozzle is then developed by the technology of three-dimensional braided carbon/carbon nozzle throat with variable cross section. This article is to describe the critical process parameters and their associated processes expecting to improve the production efficiency and achieve quality and stability objectives by design of automaton function to existing braiding machines.

    關鍵詞 : 變截面、三維編織技術、三維碳/碳、燒蝕、噴喉、自動化 Variable cross section, 3D braiding, 3D C/C, ablation, nozzle throat, automation

    • 材料暨光電
    • 熱電池危害物料替換研改與精進-石綿纖維Study on Replacement of Hazardous Materials for Thermal Battery-Asbestos Fiber
    • 郝志先 Chih-Sian Hao

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    解析熱電池使用的各種原物料,熱電池內部的絕熱元件、發熱元件是由石綿纖維製造而得,石綿纖維是大家所熟知的致癌物質。因應工環議題、行政法規等要求,必須展開危害物料替換的研究。本文探討替換絕熱元件、發熱元件的可行性。依功能需求評估備選材料的特性,經篩選試驗、DVT試驗及E-DVT試驗,於電池功測時檢視其防護功能以及承受環境應力的能耐,以放電時間作為評估準則。試驗結果,替換前、後及環試前、後的數據,都在批量變異的誤差內,具備相當可替代的性能。現在已完成材料的替換,應用在各式熱電池的研製。The adiabatic and heating elements in thermal batteries were made of asbestos fibers, that we have been taking for granted must be replaced with more eco-friendly materials concerning human health and administrative regulations. This article shows the feasible alternatives for asbestos that have been developed, evaluates their characteristics based on functional requirements, and performs screening tests, DVT and E-DVT to inspect performance and ability to withstand environmental stresses with criteria for discharging time. According to the test results and data, they are all along with error bars and meet design requirements. Up to now, the substitute material for replacing that initially used have been successfully applied to various types of thermal batteries.

    關鍵詞 : 石綿、絕熱元件、發熱元件、熱電池 Asbestos, adiabatic element, heating element, thermal battery

    • 工業工程
    • 螺旋槳無人機裝備飛行振動環境預估之研究A Study to Predict Vibration Environments for Equipment of Propeller-driven UAV in Flight
    • 許凱超Kae-Chau Sheu

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    飛機裝備在飛行時將遭遇嚴厲之振動環境,在研發之初,若無法執行實地量測,或無類似裝備經驗可供參考,就預算及時程因素考量,以參考標準、規範擬訂規格為最直接及便捷之方式。飛機裝備飛行振動環境一般包括功能振動及耐久振動等,功能振動考量飛機裝備於所有飛行任務中遭遇之最大操作振動環境,耐久振動則考量飛機裝備於壽命週期中所有累積之飛行振動疲勞量。本文即探討如何以美軍標準MIL-STD-810之建議方法,來預估螺旋槳無人機裝備飛行振動環境規格。鑑於MIL-STD-810僅有功能振動之建議方法,本文提出耐久振動環境擬訂方法,作為後續螺旋槳無人機裝備飛行振動環境規格之參考。It is common that aircraft equipment undergoes stress from vibration during flight. In the early development of aircraft, a fast and simple way to predict the vibration environments of its equipment is to reference the standard specifications in case of lacking experience and field testing with a similar work under the limitations of budge and schedule. In general, vibration environments for equipment of aircraft in flight include functional vibration and endurance vibration; the functional vibration is associated with the worst conditions of operational environments throughout all missions, and the endurance vibration originates from the fatigue accumulated during flight over the entire life cycle. This paper studies how to predict the specifications of vibration environments for equipment of propeller-driven UAV in flight based on MIL-STD-810 simply referring to functional vibration, and thus propose a method to predict the environments for the endurance vibration, that can be used in verification testing of propeller-driven UAV as well.

    關鍵詞 : 無人機、螺旋槳飛機、飛行振動、MIL-STD-810 Keywords: UAV, propeller driven aircraft, flight vibration, MIL-STD-81

    • 工業工程
    • 武器系統備份件最佳存量分析之研究 A Study on the Analysis of Quantity Optimization of Spare Parts for Weapon Systems
    • 廖大偉 呂陽樞 Ta-Wei Liao Yang-Shu Lu

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    武器系統的構型非常龐大且複雜。大多數的研究在計算備份件的最佳化,傳統的計算模式僅考量單一品項、二物層或二層級的問題。本文先以Poisson過程為計算基礎的OPUS10軟體,求得備份件品項與數量初始解。為了確認武器系統服役階段是否能滿足所設定的目標妥善率,本文以系統模擬方式進行分析,可更精確對OPUS10計算的備份件做驗證,以提高預測初次備份件之準確性。系統模擬結果也可觀察妥善率長期的趨勢。With large scale of weapon system configuration, approaches have been extensively conducted to the quantity optimization of spare parts, however, traditionally only considered problems involving a single item, two-indenture or two-echelon. And then, to confirm the operational availability of weapon systems, system simulation was performed to further accurately verify the calculation results of OPUS10, improve the accuracy of the initial spare parts prediction, and observe long term trends for availability.bstract

    關鍵詞 : 備份件、操作妥善率、OPUS10、SIMLOX Spare parts, operational availability, OPUS10, SIMLOX

    • 通訊通信
    • 調頻連續波雷達高度計提升精度方法研究Improving the Precision of Measuring Height with FMCW Radar Altimeter
    • 邱崇享Chung-Hsiang Chiu

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    調頻連續波(FMCW)雷達高度計之測高精度受頻率解析度所影響。因此提高頻率解析度從而提升測高精度。本文採取快速傅立葉轉換(Fast Fourier Transform, FFT)和啾聲轉換(Chirp-Z transform, CZT)結合演算法(FFT+CZT結合演算法)對拍頻信號做頻譜分析。利用FFT得到拍頻信號的粗略範圍,再利用CZT對粗略範圍進行頻譜細化。將FFT+CZT結合演算法做MATLAB模擬分析。分析模擬結果,FFT+CZT結合演算法可以提高雷達高度計之測高精度,減少數位信號處理所需的計算量。The precision of measuring height with FMCW radar altimeter is influenced by frequency resolution. As a result, the increase in frequency resolution could improve the precision of height measuring. This paper uses the method combining Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Chirp-Z transform (CZT) algorithms, FFT+CZT algorithm, for frequency signal processing. By using FFT, the coarse scopes of the peak value of beat frequency signal were obtained, in which the CZT further subdivided the frequency spectrum. Finally, the MATLAB simulation was performed for the analysis of FFT+CZT algorithm. The analysis of simulation results show that the FFT+CZT algorithm can improve the precision of measuring height with FMCW radar altimeter, and minimize the computations of digital signal processing (DSP).

    關鍵詞 : 調頻連續波雷達高度計、FFT+CZT結合演算法、頻譜分析FMCW radar altimeter, FFT+CZT algorithm, frequency analysis

    • 通訊通信
    • 使用8TAPSK及8PSK之非同調區塊碼在準穩態衰減通道之效能The Performance of Noncoherent Block-Coded 8TAPSK and 8PSK for Quasi-Static Fading Channels
    • 林俊霖 林子翔 Chun-Lin Lin Tzu-Hsiang Lin

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    在本篇文章中,我們提出了NBC-TAPSK設計理念,主要是從M階相移鍵控(MPSK)技術中所發展出來的;同時,我們也針對準穩態(quasi-static)衰減通道,提出非同調檢測器及相對應的非同調距離以用於非等能量星座點之信號,而最主要的貢獻即在於我們運用位元標籤演算法針對星座圖中的通信符元,設計出非同調區塊碼;不僅可維持一定的碼率,還可降低錯誤率,其模擬與分析的結果,均優於NBC-8PSK碼。This paper proposes the concept of noncoherent block-coded twisted-amplitude and phase shift keying (NBC-TAPSK) which is substantially exploited from noncoherent block-coded M-ary phase-shift keying (MPSK). Meanwhile, a new noncoherent detector and the corresponding noncoherent distance are proposed for nonconstant-energy signals over the quasi-static fading channel, primarily contributing to the data and code design of noncoherent block codes with the criterion of constellation with bit labeling in terms of the noncoherent distances of symbol points from the constellation map. The analysis of the minimum noncoherent distance and the simulation results show that our codes outperform the detector for the pilot training-based coherent scheme and that NBC-8TAPSK offers better error performance than NBC-8PSK.

    關鍵詞 : 非同調檢測、區塊碼調變、多層次編碼 Noncoherent detection, block-coded modulation,

    • 通訊通信
    • 新型子陣列分解暨合成演算法則以獲得大型相控陣列天線輻射場形之技術A New Subarray Decomposition Synthesis Method for the Radiation Patterns of Electrically Large Phased Array Antennas
    • 張尚哲 蕭才文 段世中 周錫增Shang-Che Chang Tsai-Wen Hsiao Shih-Chung Tuan Hsi-Tseng Chou

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    本論文歸納一種大型陣列天線的輻射量測以進行策略性量測及波束修正演算法的發展,希望能實際應用於未來實務系統中。在測量系統的電源供應無法滿足和安全要求的條件下啟發本論文研究的動機。我們建議將原始陣列天線分解為在數學上可重疊(Superposition)的子陣列,每個子陣列強調具有局部的激發,以滿足無反射室內輻射的安全要求。這些分解子陣列(Subarray)的輻射場可以充當輻射場的基底函數(Field basis function),以充分減少用來校正原始陣列輻射場型的時間。因此本論文的核心即是發展一個分解子陣列的合成演算方法,在可能取得的環境下並利用重疊子陣列的方式還原原來的天線特性,使得未來高功率的天線系統可以進行相關的特性量測與驗證,相關的技術對於發展高功率雷達系統將產生很大的貢獻。我們用數值模擬和實驗測量證明此策略方法是有效的。

    關鍵詞 : 相位陣列天線

    • 系統模擬
    • 艦艇空腔結構雷達回波抑制模擬計算及分析 Simulation and Analysis of Radar Echo Reduction for the Corner Mounts on Ships
    • 蕭丞鈞 陳信宏 陳珊三 Chen-Chun Hsiao Shin-Hon Chen Shan-San Chen

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01

    本研究係透過計算電磁(computational electromagnetics)數值模擬,將幾種常見的雷達回波抑制(the reduction of radar echo)方式,例如:金屬屏蔽(metal shield)、現有結構貼覆雷達吸波材料(radar absorbing materials)、調整現有結構外型(shape)等,個別運用於艦艇空腔結構(corner),並計算和分析各種雷達回波抑制方式下之雷達截面積(radar cross section),完整建立了艦艇空腔結構雷達回波抑制模擬計算及分析能量。This paper uses computational electromagnetics simulation software modeling a couple of common methods for reducing radar echo-metal shield, radar absorbing materials and adjusting shape of the corner mounted on a ship. Moreover, the simulation software calculates the radar cross section by the radar echo reduction methods and analyses multi-reflection phenomena. Furthermore, this paper builds the capacity of simulation calculation and analysis concerning the radar echo reduction for the corner mounted on a ship.

    關鍵詞 : 空腔結構、雷達回波抑制、計算電磁、雷達截面積、矩量法、高頻方法 Corner, radar echo reduction, computational electromagnetics method (CEM), radar cross section (RCS), method of moment (MOM), high frequency methods

    • 編輯紀實
    • 編輯紀實
    • 編輯紀實

    卷期 : 15 /

    出版年 : 2019/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 編輯紀實