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    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 智慧型資通訊科技發展與應用

    • 人物專訪
    • 「踏實生命中的每一步實現資訊治理與創新」-專訪中華資安國際股份有限公司董事長陳振楠博士
    • 劉浩然/採訪整理

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 人物專訪

    • 中心論題
    • 「智慧型資通訊科技發展與應用」序言
    • 楊淑宏

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 智慧型資通訊科技發展與應用

    • 中心論題
    • 新一代船艦資通網路系統規劃與建置Information Networking System for Modern Fleets
    • 錢 逸(Cian Yi)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    現代船艦資通網路系統,主要目的為建構船艦上整合戰鬥系統(CMS)、整合艦橋系統(IBS)、通信整合系統(ICS)及整合載台管理系統(IPMS)共通之資訊網路平台,採用雙環光纜骨幹鏈路並應用三層式網路架構設計複式備援機制,符合標準乙太網路環境,並具備圖像化網管介面,使本系統具備高速傳輸、高可靠度以及容易管理等特點,同時本系統具有快速收斂機制,當環狀光纖骨幹故障時,能夠自動繞徑更改路由方向,維持全艦資通網路正常運作。目前本系統架構已經應用在國軍艦艇上,並可作為後續各船艦網路設計的標準。The proposed information networking system intends to provide a platform to accommodate and facilitate major Modern Fleet control and management infrastructures, like Combat Management System (CMS), Integrated Bridge System (IBS), Integrated Communication System (ICS), and Integrated Platform Management System (IPMS). It adopts a dual-ring fiber backbone, and applies a Hierarchical Model network architecture, providing a reliable backup mechanism. The system is currently implemented in service in some ROC Navy fleets, and can certainly be duplicated for forthcoming network designs on various fleets.

    關鍵詞 : 三層式網路架構(Hierarchical Model network architecture)、雙環光纖骨幹(Dual-ring fiber backbone)

    • 中心論題
    • 船泊軌跡錨泊狀態之自動化監測Automatic Anchoring Detection and Monitoring Based on Ship Tracks
    • 袁家偉(Chia-Wei Yuan)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    船隻行走海上,航行安全是十分重要的一個課題,當船隻進行停泊時,更需要注意是否在安全的錨泊範圍。本研究透過自動辨識系統(AIS)取得船舶回傳資料,針對錨泊區和非錨泊區,分別使用比值判定法、NonSimple判定法、Convexhull交叉判定法偵測該範圍船隻是否處於錨泊狀態,並分析每種方法的錨泊偵測正確(TP)率、錨泊誤偵測(FP)率、非錨泊偵測正確(TN)率、非錨泊誤偵測(FN)率。透過三種偵測法測得的船位距離和文獻所提的錨泊半徑進行比較,得出錨泊流錨警戒範圍。最終,建構即時監測船舶錨泊的功能,進而判別船舶是否在合理的區域錨舶,或是在不合理的區域從事捕撈、毒品交易等非法行為。Navigation Safety is an important issue when ships are sailing on the sea, while, a safe anchorage is necessary when anchoring a ship. This research uses trajectory data of ships collected via Automatic Identification System(AIS), detects whether ships inside and outside anchorage area are in anchoring states through ratio determination method, NonSimple determination method, and convexhull cross-determination method respectively, and furthermore analyzes the true positive(TP) rate, false positive(FP) rate of each method for anchoring detection and true negative(TN) rate, false negative(FN) rate of each method for non- andchoringdetection. The alert zone for drift anchor is then acquired by comparing ship's position distance detected by above three methods and the anchoring radius proposed in the literature. Finally, results of the research are ready to be applied to a real-time detection and monitoring function of anchoring ships, and we can use this function to determine whether ship is anchoring in reasonable area, or egaging in fishing and drug dealing,etc in unreasonable area.

    關鍵詞 : 船舶自動識別系統(AIS)、資料探勘(Data Mining)、錨泊(Anchoring)

    • 中心論題
    • 重要主機檔案異動監控機制之研析Research on Monitoring Mechanism for Data Modification on Critical Hosts
    • 吳崇豪(Chung-Hao Wu).邱弘毅(Hung-Yi Chiu).陳漢強(Han-Chiang Chen)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    已進入高度資訊化的現在,企業為進行各項商業活動,須在網際網路上提供各項線上服務。然而在運行服務的同時,亦將系統曝露在包含了網頁置換、殭屍電腦等資安風險之中,除了服務主機本身的損失外,透過縱/橫向的交相感染後,亦可能造成其他資訊設備的駭侵,進一步危害企業內部資訊設備安全。因此,企業內部重要主機在資安事件發生後,能夠確實掌握各項檔案的變動,以及系統狀態的變更,便成為重要的課題。本文將實作一個多代理人系統,並透過此系統說明如何運用代理人之間的對話機制進行資安訊息的傳遞,並進一步運用此機制監控重要主機上的系統資訊。Nowadays, this is a highly-informative society, companies should provide various online services on the Internet for various business activities. However, while running the service, these systems are also exposed to the risks such as replacement of web pages, botnet victims and other security risks. Besides the damages on these servers, these attacks may also cause damage on the internal devices through vertical or lateral infection on Internet in Companies. Based on these reasons, how to check the modification of system data and system status will become a critical issue. This paper will implement a multi-agent system to explain how to use the messages between agents to transfer security information and further to monitor system information on important hosts based on this mechanism.

    關鍵詞 : 主機安全(Host Security)、分散式人工智慧(Distributed Artificial Intelligence)、多代理人系統(Multi-Agent System)

    • 中心論題
    • 資安事件管理平台規則撰寫之研析Design a Useful Rule of Security Information and Event Management
    • 孫維嶸(Wei-Rung Sun).蘇文德(Wen-De Su)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    在現今資訊化的時代,從個人到企業都仰賴各種資訊設備去處理日常的事務,因此針對資訊設備的攻擊也越來越多,從以往的竊取個資、癱瘓服務到現在勒索病毒、挖礦綁架,種種跡象都證明我們的生活已經充斥著各種資訊攻擊,故各式各樣的資安防護產品不斷推陳出新,防火牆、防毒、入侵防護系統等等,但隨著攻擊技術不斷的進步,這些設備顯然無法自行抵擋各層面的入侵,為此集合資安設備的資訊去分析可能的攻擊事件就勢在必行,我們需要先了解各設備可以看到的現象,進一步確認各種攻擊行為,在系統面按各類設備特性設計合適規則,就能在攻擊發生時立刻進行告警與處置,並時常檢驗規則合理性,如此,才能逐步強化我們的資安防護能量。In this information age, various information devices are depended to deal with daily affairs from a person to enterprises. Thus, there are more and more attacks to information devices directly. Evidences shows that our daily life are exposed to cyber-attacks from personal information stealth, Denial of Service (DoS) in past days, to Ransomware, and Cryptocurrency mining malware. That is why all protective devices for information security are constantly invented and updated such as, Firewalls, Anti-Virus system and Intrusion Detection System. With cyber-attacking technology progressing, these devices are heavy to defend these attacks from various layers. Therefore, it is imperative to gather intelligent information from those information security devices in order to analyze possible security incidents. For this reason, we have to find out various information from each kind of device to confirm various malicious behaviors in order to issue alerts or deal with each event before the security incident occurs. Based on this approach, we can enhance information security protective capabilities in advance.

    關鍵詞 : 資安事件管理平台(Security Information and Event Management, SIEM)、資訊安全(Information Security)、記錄檔(Log)

    • 中心論題
    • 系統需求分析塑模結合企業活動System Requirements Analysis Modeling With Corporate Activities
    • 施佳君(Chia-Chun Shih)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    企業透過資訊系統來支援企業流程、營運與決策,係影響企業競爭力之關鍵,因此企業於建置管理資訊系統時,需全盤規劃與考量,構思具有彈性且能永續維護之系統架構,來因應各種變化與挑戰。模型為架構的具象化組成要素,統一塑模語言(Unified Modeling Language, UML)規格因應而生,透過塑模建構並追溯軟體生命週期。本文藉由選擇「Erikson-Penker企業擴充模型」(Eriksson-Penker Business Extension)、「活動圖」(Activity Diagram)、「使用案例圖」(Use Case Diagram)、「循序圖」(Sequence Diagram)和「類別圖」(Class Diagram)等建立系統藍圖,能具象且與企業流程結合以因應外部變化。案例使用Sparx System公司之企業架構(Enterprice Architect, EA)系統分析與設計軟體工具,以實際產出呈現系統需求分析塑模。Using the management information systems to support business processes, operations and decision-making is the key to influence the competitiveness of enterprises. When setting up a management information system, we need to make overall plans and give careful consideration to those plans so that we can establish a system that has more flexibility to respond various changing and challenges. In order to achieve the purpose, we can construct model and know the life cycle of the system through Unified Modeling Language. In this paper, we choose Erikson-Penker business extensions, activity diagrams, use case diagrams,sequence diagrams and class diagrams to model system. Furthermore, we use a system design and analysis software named Enterprise Architect to construct modeling that fits the actual need.

    關鍵詞 : 企業活動(Corporate Activities)、統一塑模語言(Unified Modeling Language, UML)、需求分析(Requirement Analysis)

    • 中心論題
    • 業務流程管理之應用Application of Business Process Management
    • 劉建佑(Jian-You Liou)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    面對日益嚴苛的競爭環境,企業必須尋找高效率且對於市場變化能夠靈活反應的工作流程,以因應多樣化的客戶需求,藉此提升企業的競爭力並創造優勢。業務流程管理係指一套完整的工具與服務,提供企業內部工作流程與資訊系統的整合,透過流程設計、監控、改善的循環,不斷精進既有流程以提升成本效益、品質、服務和效率。Due to today's increasingly competitive environment, and diversity of the customer requirement, enterprises must look for efficient workflows that respond to business change in the market. By doing so, those enterprises can enhance their competitiveness and create advantages. Business process management refers to a complete set of tools and services that provides the integration of workflows and information systems. Through the process design, monitoring, and improvement cycle, enterprises constantly refine processes to improve cost-effectiveness, quality, service and efficiency.

    關鍵詞 : 業務流程管理(Business Process Management)、業務流程管理平台(Business Process Management Suite)、AgilePoint(AgilePoint)

    • 中心論題
    • 大型網路之熱門資料分散儲存策略Distributed Storage Strategy of Popularity Data for Large Network
    • 張戴明(Tai-Ming Chang)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    巨量多媒體資料每分每秒在世界各個角落持續的產生,人類對於數位媒體的依賴也與日俱增,當如此大量的資料流動在固定的網路拓撲上,會造成某些熱點無法提供正常的存取服務,甚至造成節點當機或者嚴重的延遲。依據人類在網路上使用多媒體資料的習慣,傳統的策略採用增加硬體設備以分攤節點服務的負載,此作法得負擔倍數成長的硬體成本,而且僅為了應付尖峰時刻的服務,導致額外新增的硬體大約7~8成的時間處於閒置狀態。因此,本文提出動態資料分散式儲存的策略解決大型網路資料存取問題,當熱門事件發生時,分析事件內容(例如影像)並預測感興趣之需求端,接著將事件資料備份至需求端附近的儲存節點,使需求端可就近存取事件資料,此策略除了可降低長程的網路頻寬使用量以及硬體成本外,亦可避免大量服務需求集中在某個服務端,造成類似阻斷服務攻擊阻斷服務端所有的服務。Huge amount of multimedia data is continuously generated in every corner of the world. Human dependence on digital media is also increasing day by day. When such a large amount of data flows on a fixed network topology, it will cause some hot spots to fail to provide normal access services, even causing node crash or serious delays. According to the human beings of using multimedia data on the internet, the traditional strategy was increasing hardware to distribute the load of node services. However, this strategy needs to pay for multiple growth costs of hardware to deal with the peak hours of services. And resulting about 70 to 80 percentage of the time the extra hardware is idle.Therefore, this paper adopts the dynamic distributed storage strategy to solve the large network data access problem. When an internet event occurs, the content of an event (such as video) is analyzed immediately and predicts the demand side of interest. Then the event data is backed up to the storage nodes that near the demand side, so that the demand side can access the event data in the neighborhood. This strategy in addition to reducing long-term network bandwidth usage and hardware costs, it can also prevent a large number of service requirements concentrated on a server which might cause denial-of-service attack to block all services on the server.

    關鍵詞 : 分散式儲存(Distributed Storage)、內容分析(Content Analysis)、大型網路服務(Large Network Service)、阻斷服務攻擊(Denial-of-Service Attack)

    • 中心論題
    • 運用物聯網機制於環控系統之架構設計An Architecture Design of Innovative Environment Management System Integrated with Internet of Thing
    • 曹永忠(Yung-Chung Tsao)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    近年來環境控制自動化之研究已列為國軍重要發展項目,雖然監控裝置如視訊、門禁控制、車牌辨識、入侵偵測等,可自動化偵測並發出警示訊息,在面對實際環境越來越複雜情況下,裝置很容易就發出過多警訊,而這些警訊需要現場人員立即因應處理。然而大量警訊,造成監控人員疲於奔命去一一人工判斷與處理這些警訊,許多警訊在確認後被判斷為假警示,進而造成維安人員無法全面信任系統的警訊。如果能夠將感測裝置透過自動化交互驗證,並合併相關警訊為精確的告警,如此一來可以降低監控人員負擔,而這樣的自動化交互驗證,可有效輔助人員管理環控上的安全漏洞。為了達到上述目的,本研究參考物聯網在大量同質/異質感測裝置、雲端計算與人工智慧應用的解決方式,運用智慧裝置結合事件代理人技術、本體論與知識推理機等機制,建立智慧物聯網架構的環控系統,並透過簡單的範例來驗證其架構之可行性。Recently, government has priority to make the Automatic environment management system (EMS) as critical mission recently. Although video management system (VMS), admission control (RFID), Intelligence video surveillance (IVS),etc. have the ability to send warning messages back to information system (IS) automatically, the warning messages sent easily by those devices under more complex and heterogeneous deployment-environment are still need to inspect and take over the warning events. But information-overloading will exhaust secure guards and responsible staffs to deal with each events. Those end-point devices of EMS face the more and more complex deployment-environment to identify real cases or fake-warning without related-information refer to each other, then those warning messages became lower exact and efficient and were mistaken and distrusted for secure guards and responsible staffs as fake-warning. If we can propose an architecture to add mutual-interaction mechanism based on machine to machine (M2M) and to identify the warning events with others due to their relationship like intelligent sensor device (ISD), the intelligent-IOT architecture can help secure guards and responsible staffs to manage warning events more easily. For this purpose mentioned above by applying the same solutions for internet of thing (IOT) under conditions like mass homogeneous & heterogeneous sensor devices, clouding computing and artificial intelligent Application. This study proposes anintelligent-IOTarchitecture via intelligent sensor agent,ontology and knowledge inferencing to establish an intelligent-IOT EMS (iIOTEMS) to verify the feasibility and possibility to solve the existing problemswity the proof of concept(POC).

    關鍵詞 : 物聯網(Internet of Thing)、本體論(Ontology)、代理人(Agent)、智慧型物聯網(Intelligent-IOT)

    • 中心論題
    • 智慧型影像監控系統開發之研究The Study of System Development for Intelligence Video Surveillance
    • 錢為任(Wei-Jen Chien)‧管晉陞(Chin-Sheng Kuan)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    隨著資通訊科技技術之突飛猛進及發展成熟的人工智慧演算法,環境安全監控的思維已產生大幅度的轉移,讓危安偵測及處理的機制從「事後」提前到「事發」及時處理,甚至進展到「事前」避免。智慧型環境安全監控已成為各行各業甚至是一般個人相當感興趣的熱門議題。隨著影像分析技術的演進及成熟,已有愈來愈多國防單位、公司、校園及個人住宅區域漸漸導入影像監控及辨識系統(Video Surveillance System)等設備,藉以強化單位及個人安全作為。本研究將配合中心「監控整合管理平台(imPlatform)」之發展,遵循中心安全軟體發展及軟體品保等系統發展規範,於該平台下開發一套具物件偵測能力之智慧型影像監控系統(Intelligent Video Surveillance System, IVS),經由接收及分析即時影像串流,主動提供imPlatform維安嫌隙資訊,除能提供imPlatform穩健及安全影像監控服務外,並提升本中心imPlatform自製能量。With the rapid advancement in information and communication technology and the emergence of mature artificial intelligence algorithms, the thinking of environmental safety monitoring has undergone a significant shift, allowing the mechanism for detection and processing of environmental security to advance from "afterwards" to "accidents" in a timely manner, and even progress to "beforehand" to avoid. Smart environmental security monitoring has become a hot topic of interest to all walks of life and even to individual. With the evolution and maturity of image analysis technology, more and more national defense units, companies, campuses and individual residential areas have gradually introduced video surveillance and identification systems to reinforce the organization and personal safety. This research works with the development of IMC's monitoring integrated management platform abbreviated as imPlatform and adheres to the specifications of the secure software development life cycle and software quality assurance system defined by IMC. We develop a smart image monitoring system with object detection capability named Intelligent Video Surveillance System (IVS), which actively provides information of suspected security gaps to imPlatform by receiving and analyzing video streams. Note that the devised IVS is not only to provide robust and secure image monitoring services for imPlatform but also enhance the software system self-designing capability of IMC.

    關鍵詞 : 智慧監控系統(Intelligence Surveillance System,IVS)、軟體工程(Software Engineering,SE)、物件導向程式設計(Object-Oriented Programming,OOP)、監控整合管理平台(imPlatform)、源始碼檢測(Souree Code Analysis)

    • 中心論題
    • 雲端運算的演進與挑戰The Evolution and Challenges of Cloud Computing
    • 黃競葦(Ching-Wei Huang)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    因應雲端運算技術的到來,台灣大型企業也開始尋求雲端解決方案。為了提升投資於IT的效益,將過往只採購伺服器作為擴充IT資源的作法,轉為使用公有雲或建置企業私有雲的企業比例逐漸上升。同時隨著雲端運算技術越趨成熟,應用面也越廣泛。眾所周知的Amazon EC2提供虛擬平台租用服務、在公司外也能隨時編輯文件的Google Docs、改變許多人生活習慣的Facebook,顯示雲端技術已經無所不在。本文將逐步解說雲端運算的演進與運用,並在Docker加入雲端技術後的影響進行分析。In response to the advent of cloud computing technologies, large companies have also begun to seek cloud solutionsin Taiwan. To increase the effectiveness of investment in IT, more and more companies that used to only purchase servers as a way to expand IT resources which change to use public clouds or build corporate private clouds. At the same time, as the cloud computing technology matures, the application area becomes wider. Everybody knowsthat Amazon EC2 provides virtual platform rental services, Google Docs is used to edit files at any time from outside the company, and Facebook changes many people's living habits, show that cloud technology has become ubiquitous. This article will gradually explain the evolution and use of cloud computing, and analyze the impact of Docker's participation in cloud technology.

    關鍵詞 : 雲端運算(Cloud Computing)

    • 中心論題
    • 新世代光纖通信系統之研究Explore Next Generation Optical Communication System Development
    • 林佑斯(Yow-Shi Lin)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    近年來,光纖技術及設備的高速發展,使得光傳輸網路的目標除了提升傳輸網路能力為大流量業務提供傳輸通道,也為客戶訊號提供波長等級的傳輸、多工、交換和監控能力需求。新世代網路可以透過匯聚的固定和行動網路,部署獨立存取的服務,以封包為基礎,利用多重協定標籤交換-傳輸(MPLS-TP)傳輸語音、影像、數據和信號等各種類型的訊息。目前,光纖通信系統已使得網路的速度大幅提升到200Gbit/s,光傳輸網路(OTN)也同時朝向業務識別及動態調整頻寬等智慧化方向,採用可重組態光纖投落多工器(ROADM)作為基礎,建構高速傳輸網路。本篇文章從光纖的傳輸特性及新技術的發展來探討新世代光纖通信系統及其應用。In recent years, as the Optical Transport Network (OTN) techniques and equipment develop rapidly, its transmission speed has also been upgrading. The speed improvement of OTN not only opens up a wider door for large-scale network trafficking but also provides wavelength routing, multiplexing and monitoring abilities. Therefore, the New Generation Network (NGN) is capable of deploying access-independent service such as Multiprotocol Label Switching-Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) switching of voice, video, data and signals by implementing a convergence strategy for fixed and mobile networks. At this point of time, the speed of fiber-optic communication has reached over 200Gbit/s, and OTN with Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexers (ROADM) is subjected its field of research to the intelligent applications of tasks identification and dynamic bandwidth adjustment. This work is to explore the new optical transmission capabilities and technologies applied on the next generation optical communication system.

    關鍵詞 : 光傳輸網路(Optical Transport Network)、新世代網路(Next Generation Network)、可重組態光纖投落多工器(Reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexers)、多重協定標籤交換-傳輸(Multiprotocol Label Switching-Transport Profile)

    • 中心論題
    • 國軍雲端服務系統發展與應用Development and Application of Military Cloud Computing Service
    • 張立武(Lee-Wuu Chang)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    隨著IT技術日新月異的發展,加速伺服設備、儲存裝置及雲端運算存取速度;再者,結合骨幹傳輸網路頻寬不斷提升,雲端資料存取及運用執行如同本地端存取一樣快速,滿足了使用者的需求。基於上述優勢,業界或政府單位均投入建置大型網路資料中心,除有效整合設備資源、強化雲端資安外,並可大幅降低設備購置成本及減輕維護人力工作負擔。另依國軍雲端資料中心規劃指導,既有人力採「資訊人力向上集中」原則調整編制,規劃網路雲端資料中心,增設資訊服務存取點,達成全軍一致、就近獲取之服務目標。As the Information Technology develops rapidly, it has been upgrading the performance of related equipment such as servers, storages, and cloud computing. Moreover, with the improving backbone network bandwidth, the IT industry may offer cloud computing service as fast as local storage in the future. With all the advances in technology, IT industry, government and military have started to invest in large-scale networking centers which can sooth the lacking of man-power issue and reduce capital re-investment. This article is to discuss the trend for the latest Cloud Computing technology, and to come out with the possible solution for planning the future military data center.

    關鍵詞 : 雲端資料中心(Cloud Data Center, CDC)、資訊機房(Internet Data Center, IDC)、TIA-942(TIA-942)、虛擬機器(Virtual Machines, VM)、虛擬化(Vixualized)、軟體定義網路(Software Defined Networking, SDN)、服務水準協議(Servicelevel Agreement, SLA)、網路功能虛擬化(Network Functions Virtualization, NFV)、資料中心互連(Data Center Interconnect, DCI)、內容傳遞網路(Content Distribution Network, CDN)

    • 一般論述
    • 六軸曲柄臂運動平台逆向運動學的研製Design and Implementation of Inverse Kinematics for 6DOF Crank Arm Motion Platform
    • 魏銘彥(Ming-Yen Wei)‧陳文傑(Wen-Chieh Chen)‧蔡耀庭(Yao-Ting Tsai)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    本文旨在設計一種曲柄臂運動平台系統的逆向運動學。首先建製曲柄臂運動平台的傳動系統,並以伺服驅動器進行電流、速率與位置迴路的控制。接著以運動平台座標轉換與逆向運動學理論推導出每個馬達旋轉的角度。最後,本文以電腦搭配運動控制卡作為控制核心,實現本文提出的控制演算法則、網路模組功能、輸入輸出訊號寫入讀取、韌體整合與人機介面訊息傳遞。實測結果證明本文設計方法的實用性。This paper presents an inverse kinematics of crank arm motion platform. First step is building an rank arm motion platform drive system. By using the servo driver to achieve current-loop, speed-loop, and position-loop control. Next step is using the coordinate transform and kinematics theory to derive each motor rotor angle. Finally, a PC combine with motion control card are used as a control kernel to realize the control algorithms, internet module function, I/O signals write and read, firmware integration, and man-machine interface message. Experimental results validate the appropriateness of the proposed method.

    關鍵詞 : 六軸運動平台(6DOF Motion Platform)、伺服馬達(Servo Motor)、曲柄臂(Crank Arm)、逆向運動學(Inverse Kinematics)

    • 一般論述
    • 改良式三角不等式之VQ影像快速編碼技術Fast-Searching Algorithm for Vector Quantization Using a Modified Multiple Triangular Inequality
    • 吳昌翰(Chang-Han Wu)‧林永裔(Yung-I Lin)‧劉勇志(Yung-Chih Liu)‧齊立平(Li-Ping Chi)‧李國和(Guo-He Li)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    本研究提出改良式的多重三角不等式編碼演算法(Modified Multiple Triangular Inequality Elimination, MMTIE),更進一步降低搜尋碼向量的數量,以提高編碼效率。MMTIE採用與MTIE相同的搜尋空間,加入我們所提出的初始索引值選擇法(Initial Index Code Assignment, IICA)以挑選較佳的初始碼向量,並且結合我們所提出的候選碼向量群組法(Candidate Codevectors Group, CCG),可在編碼階段利用查表方式找到最匹配的碼向量群組。因為IICA 透過VQ影像相鄰區塊間的相關性來選擇較佳的初始匹配碼向量,且CCG的碼向量候選群組集合在離線階段就可以預先經由編碼簿取得,因此MMTIE 演算法在僅需額外小記憶體空間的條件下,就可以達成比MTIE更好的編碼效率。此外,我們所提出的演算法編碼結果與全域搜尋演算法(Full Search Algorithm, FSA)具有相同的編碼品質,不會產生額外影像品質誤差。實驗結果證明所提出的MMTIE演算法大幅改善MTIE編碼演算法的效率。This paper proposes a Modified Multiple Triangular Inequality Elimination (MMTIE) to further reduce the search number of candidate codevectors. The MMTIE adopts the same original search space as the MTIE scheme with the initial best-matched codevector selected by the Initial Index Code Assignment (IICA), and integrates the intersection rule of the Candidate Codevectors Group (CCG) scheme to further reduce the search space and find the best-matched candidate by table look-up operation in the coding stage. Since the IICA approach selects an initial best-matched codevector by exploiting the correlations of the neighboring blocks and the predefined CCG space is obtained from the off-line stage, the MMTIE algorithm achieves better coding efficiency than the original MTIE at a cost of extra memory. In addition, the proposed algorithm provides the same coding quality as the full search method. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme in comparison with our previous MTIE coding scheme.

    關鍵詞 : 向量量化(Vector Quantization, VQ)、三角不等式消去法(Triangle Inequality Elimination, TIE)、影像壓縮(Image Compression)

    • 一般論述
    • 空電系統研析介紹與提升效益分析Research and Analysis Introduction and Enhance the Effectiveness Analysis of Avionics System
    • 王振吉(Jhen-Ji Wang)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    近來,因國機國造及國防工業帶動民間工業等政策議題在國內引起廣泛的討論。同時國防部長馮部長亦提出透過空電系統的性能提升,來促進戰機性能升級進而達到國防軍力提升,使得國防工業的發展提升。本文將針對空電系統進行解析與探討及說明來了解其可行性。Recently, due to national machinery and national defense industry to promote civil industry policy issues in the country caused widespread discussion. At the same time Minister of Defense Minister Feng also proposed through the avionics system to enhance the performance, to promote the upgrading of fighter performance and then to enhance the military, making the development of national defense industry to follow up. This paper will be for the avionics systemanalysis and discussion and description to understand its feasibility.

    關鍵詞 : 航空電子系統(Aviation Electronics System)、空電系統(Avionics System)、通訊/導航/敵我識別(CNI)、戰術導航儀(TACAN)、任務電腦(MC)、顯示處理器(DP)、敵我識別(Identification Friend or Foe, IFF)、多功能顯示器(MFD)、抬頭顯示器(HUD)、整合控制面板(ICP)

    • 一般論述
    • 雲端繪圖運算應用至模擬器影像產生系統之探討The Study of Cloud Rendering Applying to Image Generating System in Simulator
    • 吳忠韓(Chung-Han Wu)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    隨著電腦處理器技術不斷地進步,電腦繪圖卡的處理能力也與日俱增,由個人電腦擔任工作站級影像產生器的應用已成為主流多年,而近年行動裝置的廣泛使用造就雲端技術的興起,更開啟了運算平台從個人電腦或行動裝置移至遠端伺服器的風潮,雲端繪圖運算即雲端技術在行動裝置遊戲產業應用之一例。對於模擬器而言,影像產生系統扮演的角色可視作為行動用戶端,因此雲端繪圖運算的概念運用在模擬器影像產生系統上也成為一個值得探討的課題,本文將在各個面向針對此應用之優點與應有之考量加以論述,並探討雲端繪圖運算為未來影像產生系統之設計架構的革新。With the enhancement of CPU technology, the computational capability of graphic card is also increasing. The PC based computer has lead the trend and been applied as Image Generator workstation for years. And today, the widely used mobile device brings up the rising of Cloud Technology and creates the movement of computing platform shifting from PC or mobile device to remote server. Cloud Rendering is an example of implementing Cloud Technology in mobile gaming industry. As to simulators, Image Generating System plays the same role as the mobile client. Therefore, the concept of Cloud Rendering applying to Image Generating System in simulator becomes a valuable topic. This paper dissertates about advantages and considerations of this application from different aspects and discusses the innovative design architecture to future Image Generating System with Cloud Rendering.

    關鍵詞 : IG(Image Generator)、雲端繪製(Cloud Rendering)、雲端遊戲影像產生器(Cloud Gaming)、繪圖運算伺服器(GPU Server)

    • 一般論述
    • 應用RAM分析以改善武器系統妥善率之研究Research on the Availability Improvement of Weapon System Applying RAM Analysis
    • 葉柏慶(Po-ChingYeh)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    武器裝備系統內包含複雜而眾多之零組件,其妥善率、維持成本及限制因素等,都需要做適當的評估。而藉由中長期之故障紀錄,獲得其平均故障間隔時間(Mean Time Between Failure, MTBF)、平均維修時間(Mean Time To Repair, MTTR)及妥善率(Availability),據此能定期檢討裝備故障趨勢。本文以現有武器裝備之關鍵性故障紀錄,運用淺顯易懂的方法,計算其故障率、妥善率及平均故障時數等必要數據,探討現行(Reliability, Availability and Maintainability, RAM)分析作業模式,並提出對應之改善方案,以解決後續維持作業問題。透過RAM分析作業模式,能夠持續監測及矯正行動,以確保系統裝備可用之性能。Most weapon systems consist of many different components and parts. Their efficiency, maintenance cost and limitation should be evaluated carefully. The tendency of failure could be reviewed regularly according to the long-term record of mean time between failures (MTBF), mean time to repair(MTTR) and availability. In this article, we explore current reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM) model and provide improvements for maintenance tasks. Also, the failure rate, availability and MTBF are calculated according to critical failure records. RAM model offers a methodology to benefit monitor, correct, and guarantee the usability of systems.

    關鍵詞 : 可靠度(Reliability)、維護度(Maintainability)、妥善率(Availability)、平均故障間隔時間(MTBF)

    • 一般論述
    • 貨櫃背面影像辨識之研究設計The Study of Feature Matching Application to Container Back Images Recognition
    • 朱明正(Ming-Cheng Chu)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    本文提出以影像處理及特徵比對的技術,來協助建立貨櫃背面影像之特徵,並進行貨櫃在不同地點出入關時背面影像的比對辨識,來取代用人工方式執行相關之檢驗流程。由於在不同地點、時間拍攝的貨櫃背面影像會有很大的差異,必須提出有用的法則及解決方案來達成辨識目的。本文提出建立貨櫃背面影像特徵辨識的流程與法則,並經由實驗結果驗證了此辨識法則確實能有效地找出有差異的影像位置。This paper describes an application of feature matching technology to a practical problem–recognition of container back images taken from different exit or entrance gates. The general problem is described and technical difficulties are highlighted. A solution is proposed and a set of algorithms are implemented. This paper focuses on the development of the container back images distinction using video camera to take a snapshot of the container, identify the area which contains the characteristics, segment out and distinguish between exit and entrance container back images. The general feature matching recognition methodology is discussed and the experimental result reported. It is observed that this automatic feature matching recognition algorithm can attain a high level of distinction which is currently being done through human inspection.

    關鍵詞 : 灰度對比強化(Contrast Stretch)、中值濾波(Median Filter)、邊緣特徵擷取(Sobel Edge Detection)、邊緣特徵漸層擴展(Edge Feature Gradient Expansion)、區域關聯比對(Local Correlation Match)、相似度分析(Similarity Analysis)、鍊碼(Chain Code)

    • 一般論述
    • 穩定共振特性之頻率選擇表面設計Design of Frequency Selective Surface with Stable Resonance Property
    • 侯元昌(Yuan-Chang Hou)‧陳信宏(Shin-Hon Chen)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    本文利用數值電磁模擬軟體,設計了一種新型態頻率選擇表面結構。此結構對於不同極化與入射角的電磁波,具有良好且穩定的頻率共振特性,同時亦能衰減頻段外之敵方雷達波,使得能有效縮減天線雷達截面積,達到匿蹤效果。文中同時探討了頻率選擇表面電磁特性與原理。對於匿蹤武器系統研發,具有重要的參考價值。This article introduced a novel structure design of frequency selective surface (FSS) utilizing electromagnetic simulation software. The novel structure provides stable resonance frequency with different polarization and incident angle. Applying the novel structure to design radome system, the purposed structure scatters radar wave through out-of-band and doesn't affect radiation properties of inner antenna. The contents also illustrated the principle of frequency selective surface. For stealth technique of weapon system, the results provide the important design concept.

    關鍵詞 : 頻率選擇表面(Frequency Selective Surface)、雷達截面積(Radar Cross Section)

    • 一般論述
    • 量子資訊技術運用於國防科技Quantum Information Technology for Military Sciences
    • 郭宸豪(Chen-Hao Guo)

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    二十世紀初,量子理論已經有了顯著的進展,隨著量子理論的蓬勃發展,值此二十一世紀初期,更有科學家預測未來量子資訊技術將取代傳統資訊科學。量子資訊技術是將量子物理與資訊技術相結合的前瞻科技,其包含量子計算、量子通訊及量子偵測等,對確保提高運算速度、資訊安全及偵測準度上有更重大的突破。量子資訊技術成就了量子電腦、量子密鑰及量子雷達等,在未來日子,對顛覆戰爭的面貌將產生重大影響。本篇將分別介紹量子電腦、量子密鑰及量子雷達。In the initial stage of twentieth century, there are significant developments for quantum theory. When the quantum theory has been developed quickly, the scientist forecasts that the quantum information technology will replace the traditional information technology in twenty-first century. The quantum information technology is a proactive science and technology which combines the quantum physics and the information technology. It includes the quantum computation, the quantum communication and the quantum detection etc. There are important breakthroughs for adding operation speed, projecting information safety and getting more accurate detection in quantum information technology. The quantum information technology achieves the quantum computer, the quantum cryptography and the quantum radar etc. In the future, it will cause enormous effect for changing wars. This paper will introduce the quantum computer, the quantum cryptography and the quantum radar.

    關鍵詞 : 量子計算(Quantum Computation)、量子通訊(Quantum Communication)、量子偵測(Quantum Detection)、量子電腦(Quantum Computer)、量子密鑰(Quantum Cryptography)、量子雷達(Quantum Radar)

    • 研發成果
    • 基於簡單網路管理協定(SNMP)於通訊機之網路監控與管理應用
    • 航空研究所

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 網路管理

    • 研發成果
    • 實兵演訓系統之視景設計概述
    • 航空研究所

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 視景設計

    • 研發成果
    • 以單一非慣性座標系提升載具週期運動模擬之效益
    • 飛彈火箭研究所

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    對於水下載具的附加質量求取,試驗上多以平面運動機構(PMM)進行週期運動[1],因此需要足夠大的水槽容納設備與模型,然而國內具有執行如此試驗的單位並不多,再者實驗設備與模型間的梁柱、水槽壁面反射的干擾波、水下深度不夠等,均會對流場造成干擾而得不到滿意的實驗數據,故近年轉而依賴計算流體力學(Computational Fluid Dynamics)來實現載具在數值上的週期運動,且不受限於水槽,可進行實際尺寸之模擬。以計算流體力學模擬載具週期運動有三種方法:動網格、重疊網格與單一非慣性座標(SRF)法,其中最直觀之方法為動網格,載具模型在流體計算域中進行平移、旋轉等運動,而在運動過程中不斷涉及網格之破壞與重建,重建的網格品質也難以控制,因此造成發散的可能性,並且網格重建也相當耗費時間,尤其模擬總網格數眾多之案例,其工作效率實在堪憂。重疊網格雖然不涉及網格之破壞與重建,但需要不斷的隨時間的改變而進行數據的內插與網格的平移、旋轉等運動,同樣也是費時費工。因此以單一非慣性座標系的模擬來取代上述的網格法,進行週期運動分析是目前最快最經濟的方法。

    關鍵詞 : 提升載具週期運動模擬

    • 研發成果
    • 安全單向光纖閘道系統
    • 資訊通信研究所

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    由於資訊防護產品是一般企業建構網路安全的基礎設施,但隨著資訊科技的進步,不斷有新的攻擊手法出現,因此許多具有機密性質的網域為了避免風險採取了實體隔離的方式杜絕外部的攻擊進入內網。例如政府機關依據[1]中之要求:「各政府機關(構)對極重要、重要之敏感文件、資料、檔案等之處理,應採取檔案加密方式儲存,並除非常必要之連網外,均兼採實體隔離等防護措施,以防止被侵入破壞、竄改、刪除或未經授權之存取動作」。雖然實體隔離的作為可有效的阻擋入侵攻擊,但在此工作模式下遇到資料交換需求時將面臨複雜的人工交換程序,如圖一所示。有鑒於實體隔離政策下,工作網路隔離必須具有網路斷開(network disconnected)的機制或作法[2]。據美國Owl Cyber Defense公司研究指出網路斷開機制或作法安全強度由弱到強依序為:ACL→VLan/ACL→…→Data Diode [3];雖有以上眾多機制可以在網路斷開機制下完成檔案交換,但像ACL技術屬於邏輯隔離並非實體隔離技術,還是有資料外洩之風險,故在考量安全且為解決繁瑣的交換程序及達到資料隨收隨轉之目的,我們將藉由Data Diode設計一套「安全單向光纖閘道系統」,以改善目前的現況,並提升使用效率。

    關鍵詞 : 安全單向光纖閘道系統

    • 研發成果
    • 無人機氣體偵測系統之簡介
    • 化學研究所

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    氣體偵測在工業及科技蓬勃發展的世代中日益重要,舉凡是日常生活中瓦斯的洩漏亦或者是工廠所排放的廢氣都與氣體偵測密不可分。本所於氣體偵測研究領域已耕耘十幾年,從早期的表面聲波感測器(Surface Acoustic Wave, SAW)至以碳黑(Carbon Black, CB)或奈米碳管(Carbon Nanotube, CNT)作為化學氣體感測器的薄膜材料到近年所開發陣列型(Sensor Array)毒性工業化學物質(Toxic Industrial Chemical, TIC)偵測模組,累積了許多研發及偵測能量。目前臺灣多以定點式的裝置(監測站或空氣盒子)作為環境監測工具,屬於被動式的偵測,由近幾年臺灣所發生的氣體洩漏及汙染事件可知,此種偵測方式並無法滿足災害防治的即時性,可見開發主動式的偵測系統是未來趨勢。近年來,全球軍用及民用的無人載具如雨後春筍般出現,無論是空中、陸地、水上、水下技術皆日臻成熟,最大優勢在於不需人員親臨現場,只需遠端操控載具進入危險的場域,其中又以無人飛行載具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, UAV)發展最為火熱。一般無人飛行載具會配備光學鏡頭作為「眼睛」,可於執行任務時「看」前方是否有危險或者障礙物,但僅僅視覺是不夠的,若能加上氣體感測模組作為「鼻子」,就能「聞」到空氣中是否有危害物質的散佈,本文即整合無人飛行載具以及本所研發陣列型毒性工業化學物質偵測模組成為「無人機氣體偵測系統」,並設計場域模擬實際應用情形。

    關鍵詞 : 無人機氣體偵測系統

    • 研發成果
    • 艦用特殊電性複合材料
    • 材料暨光電研究所

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    現代船艦發展趨勢已傾向採用「整合式桅杆(integrated mast)」,以單一主要桅杆結構整合大部分甚至全部的主/被動感測系統,取代傳統多支金屬桅杆及各種複雜的收發天線,除減輕電磁干擾,並可符合未來雷達更新需求。整合式桅杆目前尚無明確定義,但通常為一中央大型結構,感測系統可能裝設於此結構上或其內部,或者將其天線嵌入整合至桅杆結構,或採用前述方式的組合。由結構特性可想見需解決的問題包括:天線間的耦合、天線與桅杆結構間的耦合、桅杆結構對感測器的阻擋效應、桅杆對船隻雷達截面積(RCS)的影響等。由於良好的導電材料如金屬相對較不適合應用於整合式桅杆,目前桅杆結構捨鋼改採複材已日漸普遍。採用複材不僅能減重,其容易製成複雜具平滑角之整體結構,可減少加工及組裝成本,且較無金屬腐蝕或疲勞龜裂(fatigue cracking)問題,能降低後勤維護費用。更重要者,複材可依據需求設計,結合特殊電性及負荷承載能力,本所配合計畫已開發可衰減反射電磁波或具頻率選擇特性之特殊艦用複材。

    關鍵詞 : 艦用特殊電性複合材料

    • 研發成果
    • 應用於主動相列雷達電源系統之全橋相移電力模塊開發
    • 電子系統研究所

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 全橋相移電力模塊開發

    • 研發成果
    • 籌建美軍MIL-S-901標準水下爆震輕/中量級衝擊試驗機
    • 系統發展中心

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 衝擊試驗機

    • 研發成果
    • 鋼鏾火箭彈電子定時引信研製
    • 系統製造中心

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 引信架構設計

    • 研發成果
    • 國際單位制之變革與因應
    • 系統維護中心

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01

    為建立具統一性、科學性、實用性的計量單位及標準,國際間建立一套通用的計量制度稱為國際單位制(International System of Units)。國際單位制各種單位皆由七個基本單位組成,包含質量單位-公斤(kg)、長度單位-米(m)、電量單位-安培(A)、溫度單位-克耳文(K)、時間單位-秒(s)、光強度單位-燭光(cd)、物量單位-莫耳(mol),基本單位可視為現行國際單位制最基礎的元素[1]。基本單位定義已多年未有明顯的變動,然而隨著科技的發展,對量測精確度及穩定度的要求更高,現行制度部分內容已不合時宜,需要一套新制度改善現有缺點,目前相關新技術已趨成熟,新版國際單位制將於2018年改版[2]。系統維護中心儀具校正組擔任本院及國軍的儀校追溯中心,長期關注計量標準的發展趨勢以於新舊制轉換中無縫接軌,本文統整明國際單位制新變革的內容及時程,並研討新制對計量追溯的影響及實驗室的因應之道。

    關鍵詞 : 國際單位制之變革與因應

    • 編輯紀實
    • 編輯紀實
    • 編輯紀實

    卷期 : 46 / 4

    出版年 : 2018/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 編輯紀實