卷期 : 46 / 3
出版年 : 2018/07/01
一級炸藥與二級炸藥的主要差異為一級炸藥由爆燃轉爆轟的速度非常快且對外界微小的刺激(例如:撞擊、磨擦、靜電、熱)非常敏感。一級炸藥所產生的巨大熱能與爆震波並非二級炸藥或其他推進藥所能及[1]。在雷管與底火中,一級炸藥扮演著重要角色,它們為觸發小、中、大口徑彈藥、迫擊砲、榴砲以及彈頭之主要成分。史蒂芬酸鉛與疊氮化鉛為兩種最常見之軍用一級炸藥。這類以鉛為主的化合物已經被評定為會對人體健康與環境造成危害。為了克服鉛所造成的危害,最近由太平洋科學含能材料公司(Pacific Scientific Energetic Materials Company)與位在印地安總部之美國海軍地面作戰中心(NAVSEA)合作開發綠色起爆藥5-硝基四唑銅鹽(DBX-1, coper(1)5-nitrotetrazolate)期能取代疊氮化鉛。此外,為了降低合成與處理一級炸藥期間對人員與設備所可能產生的危害,亦致力於發展合成與測試一級炸藥之人機分離設備。The main differences between primary explosives and secondary explosives are rapid transition from combustion to detonation and considerably sensitive to small stimuli, such as impact, friction, electrostatic discharge, and heat. Primary explosives generate a large amount of heat and shockwave, which makes the transfer of the detonation to a less sensitive propellant or secondary explosive possible.[1] Primary explosives are key components in detonators and primers, which are the main components to many military items such as small, medium, and large caliber munitions, mortars, artillery, warheads, etc. Lead azide and lead styphnate are common military primary explosives. Lead based compounds such as these have well-established hazards to health and the environment. To overcome these concerns, in common U.S. Army detonators and primers lead azide was replaced with DBX-1 [copper(I) nitrotetrazolate], recently developed by Pacific Scientific Energetic Materials Company and the U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center at Indian Head. Further, in order to minimize the dangers to personnel and equipment associated with synthesizing and handling primary explosives, a dedicated,remote operated facility for the synthesis and testing of primary explosives has been developed.
關鍵詞 : 一級炸藥(Primary explosives)、綠色起爆藥(Green initiating explosives)、疊氮化鉛(Lead azide)