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    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 以顧客為本的全方位整體後勤支援

    • 人物專訪
    • 儀校體系之發展及未來展望-專訪系統維護中心儀具校正組 前組長蕭德瑯先生
    • 李國琪‧黃朝鈺‧羅允劭

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    系統維護中心儀具校正組負責本院之計測儀具校正,成立於民國72年,基於國防武器裝備的研製與維修需求,建立了全國軍能量最高也最為完整之校正實驗室,其標準均可直接或間接追溯至國際標準,除了執行本院儀具校正工作外,更擔負了國軍標準維持與校正追溯之任務,同時也承接各軍種無校正能量之委託校正服務工作。藉由這次本中心負責新新季刊中心議題的機會,專訪儀校組蕭前組長德瑯先生,昔日的長官雖然已退休12年,持續參與校正領域之實驗室評鑑相關活動,適逢儀具校正組106年全國認證基金會(Taiwan Accreditation Foundation, TAF)延展認證,TAF邀請蕭前組長擔任評鑑委員,也因此促成蕭前組長回到竭盡心力奉獻人生30年的地方,談及儀校組營運轉變及目前現況,對於本院系維中心及儀校組轉型後的發展仍然非常關心。本次新新季刊邀請蕭前組長為專訪對象,興同仁分享儀具校正之發展及未來展望,並提供豐富的經驗與指導。

    關鍵詞 : 人物專訪

    • 中心論題
    • 「以顧客為本的全方位整體後勤支援」序言
    • 潘家得

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 以顧客為本的全方位整體後勤支援

    • 中心論題
    • 消失性商源科技管理研究The Study of Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortage Management
    • 陳紀元(Jih-Yuan Chen)‧廖永振(Yun-Yuan Liao)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    武器系統消失性商源肇因於軍用市場萎縮,迫使廠家關閉軍用生產線,轉向商用市場,導致影響裝備後續維持之零件及物料供補;使得增加後勤成本或生產進度延後,進而影響國防戰力。現行電子業技術成長快速,半導體零件生產壽期僅約1.5至4年,過時零件很快遭到停止生產,導致易產生DMSMS問題,半導體更新速度愈來愈快,使得大量使用電子技術之較長壽期系統在進入量產階段或後續維持階段即可能開始面對消失性商源問題。因此本研究報告將提供可行性策略及規範,以建立本院武器系統降低消失商源風險、採用低成本的方法及執行方向。In the military market, manufacturers shift their business from military market to commercial market due to the market shrink, which has a significant impact on the maintenance of components and the supply for the materials. Consequently, the cost of logistics increase and the production of the weapon delay, which may influence defense combat capability of countries. This is a so-called the "Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortage (DMSMS)" in weapon system.In recent years, the electronics industry grew rapidly. As a result, the life cycle of the semiconductor drop down to one and a half to four years. When new technology replace the outdated one in a short time may bring about DMSMS problems easily. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to develop a possible strategy in order to reduce the cost and decrease risks of the disappearance of manufacturing sources.

    關鍵詞 : 產後支援分析(Post-Production Support Analysis)、消失性商源(Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortage)

    • 中心論題
    • 整合校正能量知識庫以提升合約簽署效率之研究The Study of Consolidating Calibration Knowledge Base to Improve Contract Signing Efficiency
    • 郭振宇(Cheng-Yu Kuo)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    儀校管制中最為影響時程管控的兩個階段,為合約簽署階段和儀具校正階段,在合約簽署階段又以報價審查的時程管控最為不易,如何整合校正能量知識庫以提供精確報價資訊並縮短報價時程為本研究之目的。本研究建置一套報價系統,將歷年校正資訊彙整成校正能量知識庫,此資料庫把校正能量分成數個校正代碼,將無法量化之儀具資訊(識別號碼、型號、儀具名稱)轉變成可量化之校正代碼,不同校正代碼代表不同的校正方式、不同的校正點數、不同形式的儀具、不同的校正價格,在報價過程中透過知識庫的分析比對,預測正確的校正代碼及價格,以降低因報價錯誤來回審查確認時間,提升軍方單位、院內單位、民間廠商儀校合約簽署之效率。The contract signing and instrument calibration are the two most important processes influencing the duration of whole calibration service, and the quotation reviewing is the most critical factor affecting the consuming time of the contract signing process. This paper intends to improve the efficiency and the accuracy of quotation by integrating the database of the calibration capability. An automatic quotation system is constructed in this study. The historical calibration information is organized as an database of the calibration capability. This study constructs a quotation system. The calibration capability knowledge database in this system divides the calibration capability information into several calibration codes, which convert the information that can't be quantified into quantifiable. Each calibration code represents different calibration methods, different calibration points, different instruments, and different calibration prices. Through analysis of calibration capability knowledge database, the quotation system automatically predicts the calibration prices, and thus reduces the price review time. The result of this study is helpful to improve the calibration contract signing efficiency.

    關鍵詞 : 儀具校正(Instrument calibration)、合約簽署(Contract signing)、知識庫(Knowledge database)

    • 中心論題
    • 雙軸傾斜儀校正技術The Technique of Two-axis Inclinometer Calibration
    • 羅允劭(Yun-Shao Lo)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    傾斜儀校正在全國認證基金會(TAF)的分類編號為KA3013,目前國內通過認證之實驗室僅有兩家,儀校組角度實驗室為其中之一,此校正技術在於提供精準的角度標準,以比對校正方式進行校正。文中分析各項影響不確定度的因素,並首次以三維直角座標繞軸旋轉方式,評估精密旋轉盤垂直架設之影響,以提高校正數據的準確度,進而降低量測中之不確定度,本文評估範圍為±45°,含待校件之最佳擴充不確定度為12",校正分析結果更勝本組於延展認證時,新增項目KA3013傾斜儀時的25"擴充不確定度更佳。The calibration items number of inclinometer in the Taiwan Accreditation foundation (TAF) is KA3013. There are two laboratories that be accredited only in Taiwan at present, the angle laboratory of Instrument Calibration Section is one of them. The technique of calibration lies in offering the perfect angle standard, the way of calibration is comparing with angle standard and inclinometer. In order to improve accuracy and reduce uncertainty, theuncertainties of various effects are analyzed. And by way of revolving round axle in three-dimensional rectangular coordinate for the first time this paper, assess the influence of setting up rotary index table by erected vertically.Best expansion uncertainty in the range ±45° is estimated to be 12", which is better than uncertainty 25" shown in extended certification.

    關鍵詞 : 雙軸傾斜儀(Two-axis inclinometer)、校正(Calibration)

    • 中心論題
    • 應用關聯法則於裝備關聯失效預測之研究The Study of Equipment Failures Prediction base on Text Mining and Association Rules
    • 邱政興(Cheng-Hsing Chiu)‧吳士榤(Shih-Chieh Wu)‧陳維楨(Wei-Chen Chen)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    武器系統維修依靠維修人員的主觀意識與經驗去推測損壞項目,此作法可能應個人經驗不足導致推論錯誤,本研究提出應用關聯法則於裝備關聯失效預測之研究的方法論,從裝備過去的故障資料,建立裝備間故障的關聯法則,提出之方法可協助維修人員確認裝備的故障項目,方便準備排除相關故障的工具,以某武器系統的資料作為案例,預期可有效的協助維修人員判斷故障的項目。Maintenance crews usually detect failure part of the weapon systems based on their subjective judgement or experience. The wrong detection may take place due to lack of personal experience. Therefore, this paper proposes "equipment failures prediction base on text mining and association rules" methodology. The proposed methodology applies text mining to analyze real equipment failures data and construct the association rules between each failures with apriori algorithm. This can assist the maintenance crews to confirm the failure parts of the weapon systems as well as facilitate the preparation of supporting tools. It is expected to be effective in reducing the probability of wrong detection.

    關鍵詞 : 文字探勘(Text mining)、關聯法則(Association rules)、故障診斷(Fault diagnoses)、整體後勤(Integrated logistics)

    • 中心論題
    • 武器系統全壽期成本之關鍵成本參數決策與成本估算模式Life-cycle Cost Estimation Model of Weapon Systems based on Critical Cost Parameters
    • 林淇淮(Chi-Huai Lin)‧張耕齊(Keng-Chi Chang)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    隨著武器系統趨向昂貴,使其全壽期成本成為評估武器系統研發時之重要考量條件。而研究者進行武器系統全壽期成本分析時,因處於武器系統發展初期,往往缺少可利用之成本參數或資料,或者因類案服役成本資料回饋不完整,而不足以準確地評估目標武器系統之全壽期成本。因此,本研究提出一套「武器系統全壽期成本關鍵成本參數決策模式」方法論,針對目標武器系統,以參數法之概念搭配少量類案資訊以及較易獲得之該武器系統相關資料,自相關資料中篩選顯著影響全壽期成本之關鍵成本參數,並建構對應之全壽期成本估算模式,以快速且合理地估算目標武器系統之全壽期成本。本研究最後以一模擬武器系統案例說明本方法論之應用流程與理論假設,以及未來可持續發展之方向。Life-cycle cost (LCC) is an important measurement of evaluating new weapon systems. During technology development phase, to reasonably estimate the cost by using insufficient information is a major challenge to logistic engineers. This research proposes a methodology "The decision pattern of the critical parameters for weapon system's life-cycle cost". Properly choosing the critical cost parameters among the obtainable information, such as the length of missiles or the weight of warheads, a linear-based life-cycle cost estimation model could be constructed accordingly. The application of the proposed approach is demonstrated by using a simulated case.

    關鍵詞 : 全壽期成本(Life-cycle cost)、關鍵成本參數(Critical parameter)、迴歸分析(Regression analysis)、主成份分析(Principal component analysis)

    • 中心論題
    • 應用Moodle數位學習平台於國軍教訓課程之規劃Applying Moodle e-learning platform to the military training
    • 林衢宏(Chu-Hung Lin)‧潘則文(Tse-Wen Pan)‧陳柏先(Bo-Sian Chen)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    隨著網路科技的進步,存取資訊的方式也日益便利,在教材數位化上也有了許多變化,本研究將規劃以Moodle數位學習平台導入國軍教訓課程,企圖將數位學習實際應用在國軍教訓上,並分析其效益。With the rapid development of internet technology, it's more convenient to access information. At the same time, Many solutions of digitization of teaching materials have been used. In this research, Moodle e-learning platform will be introduced into the military training programs. We attempt to apply the e-learning to the military training, and analyze its benefits.

    關鍵詞 : 數位學習(e-learning)、國軍演訓(Military Training)、教案(Lesson Plans)

    • 中心論題
    • 應用模擬退火演算法決定後勤物資裝載及運輸車輛規劃A Study of Deciding Logistical Materials Loading Type and Transportation Vehicles by Simulated Annealing
    • 謝文禎(Wen-Chen Hsieh)‧黃鴻傑(Hong-Jie Huang)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    隨著中山科學研究院轉型為行政法人,而因國際間的態勢與政府的政策使得與軍種間的合作、專案密切程度不下於以往,在自付盈虧的情況下,如何有效降低其營運成本同時兼顧運輸任務的達成效率是我們首要面臨的一大問題。因此,本研究所要探討的主題是儲運箱類型決策結合多車種使用的後勤物資運輸問題,並假設在單一個作業中心(系維中心)運送到各需求營區的點對點式運輸網路。本研究考量多貨車種類的選擇使可行解的成本變化更具彈性,藉以降低營運成本。Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST) has already successfully transformed from Ministry of National Defense (MND) to Administrative Institutions. But the international relations and the policy of government urge the NCSIST to cooperate with military more closely than ever. One of NCSIST's responsibilities is effectively to reduce the operating costs and to improve performance of transportation based on the responsible for its profit and losses.Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose a model of multi-vehicles with various types of storage and transportation containers in logistic transportation. The assumption of this model is single point of operation center (NCSIST) to transport containers to various destinations of military which can name this model a spoke-to-spoke transportation network. In addition, this research also considered the various types of vehicles to achieve the flexibility of feasible solution as well as reduce the operating cost.

    關鍵詞 : 儲運箱類型決策(Type of casedecision)、點對點式運輸網路(Spoke-to-spoke network)、多車種(Multi-vehicles)

    • 中心論題
    • 物聯網於後勤資訊系統之發展與應用Application of Internet of Things in Logistics Information Management System
    • 廖禕瞵(Yi-Lin Liao)‧吳漢偉(Han-Wei Wu)‧張淵智(Yuan-Chih Chang)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    物聯網技術(The Internet of Things, IoT)是一種整合感測器、通訊與資料分析等技術的智能化應用技術,具有自動識別,即時監控與精準預測分析等多項優點。目前國軍雖已有後勤資訊系統協助相關後勤管理作業,但仍有如資料鍵入、庫儲清點等部分作業仍以傳統人力為主,隨著國軍人力的精減,現有的人力已愈來愈難以負荷。是以本研究針對國軍後勤資訊系統於補保作業之作業模式與問題進行探討,提出物聯網於國軍勤管理上之應用模式,期以減輕國軍後勤負荷。Internet of Things is network architecture consisting of a number of key elements such as sensing, network and information processing. It has many advantages such as automatic identification, real-time monitoring and good predictions. The logistics information management system is widely being used in the current military logistic system. Even though the organizational structure of military is more concise and simplified, but the logistics service units are facing the problem of downsizing and heavy task. This paper presents the application model of the Internet of Things in the logistics information management system. In order to simplify the logistic operating processes, and the conditions of a limited budget, can still maintain the effective operation of weapons systems.

    關鍵詞 : 物聯網(Internet of Things)、後勤資訊管理系統(Logistics Information Management System)、RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)

    • 中心論題
    • 運用資料探勘技術精進軍品料號系統Applying Datamining Techniques to Improve NSN Information System
    • 洪贊順(Tsan-Shun Hung)‧林永淋(Yung-Lin Lin)‧柴宏穎(Hung-Ying Chai)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    傳統的資料探勘技術著重於描述性的分析,分析後的資訊用於解釋或說明,近年來的資料探勘整合了多方面的技術,包含了人工智慧、演算法、統計學、資料庫,且因數據量爆炸性的成長而有了新的代名詞大數據。本季刊研究採用已建置完成之軍品料號資料,運用資料探勘技術挖掘有知識,並以相似物件預測欄位可能的輸入值,在使用者輸入前供其參考,減低人為疏失及錯誤。預測欄位依屬性分為下列幾種,單價、組類別及補保資訊,預測的過程中先將品名進行萊文斯坦距離演算法的相似度計算,單價運用層次群集方法之華德法決定分群數,採用k-means執行分群,依據分析結果精進軍品料號系統功能。Traditional data mining technology focuses on descriptive analysis, analysis of information used to explain or explain. In recent years, data mining integrates a wide range of technologies, such as artificial intelligence, algorithms, statistics, database. Big Data is a synonym for the explosive growth of the amount of data. This paper adopts established data of military stock number system, and use data mining technology to get useful knowledge. We predict the possible input value of the field, this value can provide suggest answer, and decreased human negligence and error. Predicted value is divided into the following categories based on attribute of field, unit price, FSC, supply and maintenance information. In the process of predicting, we calculate the similarity of the item name based on the Levenshtein Distance algorithm. The number of clusters of unit price is determined by using the ward's method of hierarchical clustering method. The results of the clustering use the k-means algorithm. Improve the military stock number system based on analytical results.

    關鍵詞 : 資料探勘(Datamining)、資料庫知識發現(Knowledge Discovery in Database)、群集分析(Cluster Analysis)、關聯規則(Association Rule)、決策樹(Decision Tree)

    • 中心論題
    • 軟體系統安全危害辨識技術與風險管理程序之研究The Research of Software System Safety in Hazard Identification Technology and Risk Management Process
    • 梁國鋒(Guo-Feng Liang)‧劉順光(Shun-Kuang Liu)‧余益濱(Yih-Bin Yu)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    傳統上,在執行武器系統、航空器、核能電廠安全分析時,往往過度著眼於硬體系統的安全性及操作程序的安全性,反而忽略了軟體系統安全的重要性;特別是在攸關系統安全性的軟體開發上,若對系統運作模式定義不夠明確以致軟體模組設計不夠周延,則可能因軟體系統無法針對特定的狀況作適當的處置,造成諸如無法反應、錯誤的反應、反應的時序錯誤、或上述不當反應的組合,導致危害事件或衍生災害。因此,就系統安全觀點而言,不但應將軟體和硬體視為同等重要,更應透過適當的管理程序來確保攸關安全性軟體的開發品質,以降低軟體危害的風險。唯現有系統安全程序並無針對軟體危害提供有效之辨識方法。本研究的目的,係透過於系統安全程序[4]導入軟體品質需求執行危害辨識的方法[2],強化軟體危害辨識之技術,據以精進軟體系統安全開發的危害風險評估與管理程序,軟體開發專業可應用本程序之危害辨識方法找出品質需求缺失改善對策,以提昇軟體系統安全。同時,本研究並以機動發射車支撐腳不正常回收意外事件為例,概要說明如何將此管理程序導入軟體開發過程,以確保軟體系統安全品質。Traditionally, the analysis in the weapons, aircraft flight control, and nuclear systems is focused most on the hardware system safety but it lacked for safety-critical software analysis. When the safety-critical software is not well developed, the software could suffer from the inadvertent response to stimuli, failure to respond when required, response out of sequence, or response in unplanned combination with others that can result in an accident or the exacerbation of an accident. Therefore, safety must be considered with respect to the whole system, including software and hardware especially in safety-critical software. The purpose of this study is to improve and apply the software system safety process in a hazard identification and risk management to ensure the system safety of the project development. A case study of the software deficiency in the weapon system was analyzed and discussed by utilizing the proposed new developed software system safety process.

    關鍵詞 : 軟體重要度指標(Software Criticality Index)、加嚴評估(Level of Rigor)、軟體系統安全(Software System Safety)、軟體危害風險(Software Hazard Risk)

    • 中心論題
    • 基於時間延遲的檢查維修模式之研究The Study of Delay-time based Inspection Maintenance Model
    • 廖大偉(Ta-Wei Liao)‧莊育敏(Yu-Min Chuang)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    裝備失效往往不是突然的發生,而是出現缺陷後未能立即或及時對裝備進行維修或更換所導致,故若能事前適切的執行預防性維修,可減少因失效導致的停機時間。近年來時間延遲(delay time)分析已運用於裝備的檢查維修上,本文運用時間延遲理論以探討裝備的檢查維修策略。首先探討時間延遲理論的基本數學模式,並加入並非完美檢查的實際情況,以及裝備發生缺陷的時間並非均勻分佈的情形,分別建立不完美檢查與缺陷發生為非均勻分佈的數學模式,藉由分析與比較三種數學模式的結果,做為制定裝備檢查維修的最佳週期。A failure of equipment does not occur instantaneously, but the fault arising as an identifiable defect cannot repair or replace in time or immediately. If there is appropriate preventive maintenance planned in advance, it can reduce the downtime attributed to failure. In recent years, delay time theory has been applied to equipment inspection maintenance. This paper entails the use of delay time models in investigating the inspection maintenance strategy. A basic model of delay time theory is presented, along with models of non-perfect inspection and non-uniform times of origin which have been applied in practice. Numerical results of the three models are then compared to establish the optimal interval of inspection maintenance.

    關鍵詞 : 預防性維修(Preventive maintenance)、時間延遲理論(Delay time theory)、檢查維修(Inspection maintenance)

    • 一般論述
    • 生質碳烘焙技術與其系統設計Supertorrefaction Process and System Design
    • 林孟泓(Meng-Hung Lin)‧李建暐(Jian-Wei Li)‧翁智偉(Jhih-Wei Wong)‧李政錡(Cheng-Chi Li)‧吳中天(Chung-Tien Wu)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    近年來因溫室效應備受各國矚目,減少碳排放甚至負碳技術的發展更為重要。中研院天文所與本院共同開發生質碳烘焙系統,使用高溫熔鹽快速炭化生物質,在十分鐘內得到生質碳,透過植物將日光能源轉換為生物能,再將生物能儲存在生質碳中,此一技術可謂負碳技術。本文將簡介生質碳烘焙技術以及其系統概念設計,說明此新興能源科技工程化之方式。The reduce carbon technique develop more important because greenhouse effect. Most scientist study low-carbon economy technique in order to reduce carbon emission. ASIAA and NCSIST develop Supertorrefaction process and its equipment. Supertorrefaction process can carbonization biomass via high temperature melt salt at 10 minutes. We can get ecocoal which deposition solar energy via plant. In this report, we introduce Supertorrefaction process and its system design which nova engineered energy technique.

    關鍵詞 : 生質碳(Ecocoal)、負碳技術(Low-Carbon Economy)、烘焙(Supertorrefaction)、能源科技(Energy Tech)

    • 一般論述
    • 平行光顯示系統之研究The Study of Collimated Display System
    • 張順惠(Shun-Hui Chang)‧陳志聰(Jyh-Tsong Chen)‧范家霖(Jia-Lin Fan)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    飛行員有70 %以上的訊息來自於視覺,因此,視效系統的顯示設計對飛行模擬器是一大關鍵,其逼真度直接決定和影響了飛行模擬器的應用與發展。而平行光顯示系統之優點在於利用有限的物理空間產生無限遠的視覺空間(景深),以提昇模擬飛行的逼真度。本文研究了平行光顯示系統之顯示方式,以及進行成效評估,透過相關研究,以得出應用於模擬機最佳的設計方案。Display design is very important in the field of visual system because flight pilot gets over 70% data from the sense of sight. It will directly affect the application and development of flight simulator. Nevertheless, the collimated display system is used to create a realistic scenario (depth) in a limited space. This paper will put emphasis on the design and optimization of collimated display system which generally applies in high performance flight simulators.

    關鍵詞 : 平行光顯示系統(Collimated display system)、飛行模擬器(Flight simulator)

    • 一般論述
    • 發射箱後檔框流固耦合分析Fluid Structure Interaction Simulation of the Obturator of Missile Canister
    • 葉日豐(Zi-Fong Yeh)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    發射箱之儲存、運輸、發射等功能中,尤以飛彈發射之工況對發射箱所造成之負荷最大,其中發射箱後擋框乃直接承受飛彈發射噴焰沖刷的重要零件,其所遭受之負荷,係由發射噴焰之流場所施加,為能真實反映發射噴焰施加於後擋框負荷之非均勻性,本文以流固耦合分析方式針對發射箱後擋框之議題進行探討。本研究依後擋框之設計,建立內含流場區域和結構區域之分析幾何,並建立其間之耦合面,先進行流場區域之流場分析,流場數值分析達穩態時,流固耦合面上之壓力施加於結構上,以此壓力為負荷,進行結構強度的分析,經分析後擋框滿足設計需求,同時流場分析結果亦可提供發射箱設計參用。Among the functions of missile canister, including storage, transportation and launching missile, the operational situation of launching missile has the most influence on missile canister. The obturator is the critical component since it resists the jet exhaust from missile while launching. To consider the practical and nununiform jet exhaust applying on obturator, this research reports a systematical method to study the phenomenon using fluid structure interaction simulation. The simulated model is comprised of jet exhaust (fluid domain), obturator (structure domain), and the coupling surface between these two domains. Fist, to predict the pressure distribution on the coupling surface in the fluid domain, the jet exhaust gas dynamic simulation in steady state was calculated. Second, the pressure distribution of the coupling surface was transferred to the coupling surface of obturator. Final, the stress and deformation of obturator were computed by using finite element analysis. The results show the designed obturator can afford the jet exhaust. It will pave a way for adopting fluid structure interaction in common engineering structures.

    關鍵詞 : 發射箱(Canister)、後擋框(Obturator)、流固耦合(Fluid Structure Interaction)

    • 一般論述
    • 積層輕量化雲台基座開發與檢測Development and Test of Selective Laser Melted Lightweight Cradle Head Base
    • 劉明瑋(Ming-Wei Liu)‧謝念中(Niahn-Chung Shieh)‧黃重鈞(Chung-Chun Huang)‧任國光(Kuo-Kuang Jen)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    本研究利用積層製造之設計優勢,進行傳統工法無法製作之輕量化雲台基座開發,透過將其進行薄殼化處理並於內部加入晶格狀結構設計,且以17-4PH取代原有之304不鏽鋼,雲台基座之重量可減少40%,且符合原設計之負載規格,安全係數為6.653。本研究亦針對積層製造之雲台基座進行檢測,透過電腦輔助斷層攝影(Computed Tomography, CT),確認雲台基座內部晶格結構之構型與設計一致,且經統計分析其內部並無任何大於0.02 mm3之孔洞。In this research, a lightened weight cradle head base is developed by using selective laser melting (SLM). By hollowing the base out , filling with lattice structure and changing the material from SS304 to 17-4PH, the weight can be reduced by 40 % with safety factor which equals to 6.653. Also, computed tomography (CT) is used to confirm the geometry of the printed lattice structure. No porosity larger than 0.02 mm3 is found.

    關鍵詞 : 積層製造(Additive Manufacturing, AM)、選擇性雷射熔融(Selective Laser Melting, SLM)、17-4 PH不鏽鋼(SS 17-4 PH)、輕量化(Lightweight)、晶格狀結構(Lattice Structure)

    • 一般論述
    • 車載動中通天線指向與穩定控制(APSC)系統設計
    • 洪鐘坤(Jong-Kuen Horng)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    衛星通信為現代軍用通信不可缺少的一環,國軍新一代衛星車載終端需具備動中通之功能,以滿足作戰指揮需求。本文針對車載動中通衛星天線的轉台次系統之天線指向與穩定控制(APSC)系統之設計與實作測試結果,做一說明。Satellite communication is an indispensable key part of modern military communication. It is essential for the new generation of R.O.C. military satellite communication vehicle terminals to possess the capability of satellite communication on the move(SOTM) forfulfilling the requirement of military operation. This article focuses onthe discussion of design and experimental result about antenna pointing and stabilization control (APSC) system.

    關鍵詞 : 動中通衛星通信(Satellite Communication on The Move, SOTM)、天線指向與穩定控制(Antenna Pointing & Stabilization Control, APSC)

    • 一般論述
    • 網路巨砲攻擊技術The Great Cannon Attack Technology
    • 高永威(Yung-Wei Kao)‧蔡易霖(Yi-Lin Tsai)‧趙亞略(Ya-Lyue Jhao)‧陳宗信(Tsung-Hsin Chen)‧陳威宇(Wei-Yu Chen)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    中國大陸於2015年首度以網路巨砲對GreatFire及GitHub網站發動大規模分散式阻斷服務(DDoS)攻擊。有別於傳統利用傀儡或者反射放大等攻擊模式,網路巨砲利用大量不知情之網際網路使用者瀏覽器,將含有惡意JavaScript程式之網頁內容回覆至瀏覽器,使瀏覽器執行該惡意程式後發動攻擊。因此在防禦上,由於攻擊來源皆為正常連線網際網路之電腦,難以透過流量清洗手段進行阻擋。以下報告將詳細分析網路巨砲攻擊事件與其運作原理,並分析以TTL機制判斷其與網路長城之關聯性。In 2015, China launched DDoS attacks towards the GreateFire and GitHub Websites; this is the first time that the Great Cannon was used to perform DDoS attack. Different from traditional DDoS attack methods such as botnet or reflection/amplification, the Great Cannon replies Web contents with malicious JavaScript program to Web browsers on Internet during normal browsing behaviors. Therefore, since attack sources are normal Internet users' Web browsers, it is more difficult to defend against the Great Cannon by flow cleaning technology. This paper includes detail analysis of the Great Cannon attack event and mechanism, then analyzes the relationship between the Great Cannon and the Great Firewall by TTL mechanism.

    關鍵詞 : 網路巨砲(Great Cannon)、分散式阻斷服務攻擊(DDoS Attack)、中間人攻擊(Man-In-The-Middle Attack)

    • 一般論述
    • 多層貼合材料應用於核生化防護服之研析The Research and Development in Applications of Multi-layered fit Materials to the NBC Protection suit
    • 馬孟緯(Meng-Wei Ma)‧楊尚仁(Sang-Ren Yang)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    對於採用活性碳來做為核生化防護服的吸附層材料,雖然防護效果佳,惟會因吸附水氣飽和,進而影響防護功能,且著裝負重大,於人員高負載作業下,易造成熱累積或休克脫水;近期發展方向採以選擇性滲透薄膜材料,利用多層貼合方式來做為核生化防護服的阻隔層材料,具有質量輕、透溼及防水等優點,可提供有效阻隔液體、氣體、氣溶膠或工業毒性物質等污染滲透,同時不受水氣影響可避免吸附飽和問題。基於此,本文將以選擇性滲透薄膜材料,並透過硫醚化合物的靜態穿透試驗、生物(嗜菌體)穿透性試驗、防潑水性、防潑油性及透濕散熱性試驗等相關功能的檢測,來驗證應用於核生化防護服的性能,進而提供污染防護技術後續發展參考與應用。The conventional absorber of the NBC protection suit using charcoal could be saturated by water thus decreasing protection; the accompanying weight gain further increases the risk of heat shock and dehydration of personnel. Recent development of selective thin film materials, which utilize multi-layered sealing technics to make an isolation section of the new NBC protection suit has made lightweight, humidity-exchangeable, and waterproof possible, while retaining the liquid-gas-aerosol-TIC impermeability. This study validates the performance of the new NBC protection suit with the static penetration test to thioether and bacteriophage, water- and oil-proof test, and humidity-thermal dissipation test, etc. which lies the groundwork for future development in contamination protection technologies.

    關鍵詞 : 核生化防護服(NBC protection suit)、PTFE聚四氟乙烯(polytetrafluoroethylene, PTFE)、污染防護(Contamination protection)

    • 一般論述
    • 碳化矽晶圓缺陷暨檢測技術簡介Introduction of Silicon Carbide Wafer Defects and Related Inspection Techniques
    • 梁記偉(Chi-Wei Liang)‧戴嘉宏(Chia-Hung Tai)‧虞邦英(Bang-Yin Yu)‧陳學儀(Hsueh-I Chen)‧馬代良(Dai-Liang Ma)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    以碳化矽基板研製而成的高功率電子元件因其卓越的性能而倍受矚目,隨著市場需求的日益增加,快速且準確地檢測碳化矽晶圓品質的方法變得日益重要。本文先介紹目前碳化矽晶圓檢測領域中最重要的兩種技術-X光拓撲儀與雷射光晶圓表面形貌檢測系統的原理及功能等。其次介紹如何以這兩種技術檢測碳化矽晶圓中常見的晶體缺陷,如微管、差排缺陷及多晶嵌入等。此外,也會介紹加工造成的表面缺陷,如刮痕、凹洞與污垢等。這些檢測工作,不僅可以對晶圓分類分級以供應不同市場需求,亦有助益於研究晶體缺陷與元件失效的關聯性。Silicon carbide (SiC) based high power electronic devices are very appealing owing to its superior performance. As the market demands grow, the methods of inspecting the SiC wafer quality fast and accurately are becoming more and more crucial. Firstly, the article introduces the principles and capabilities of X-ray topography (XRT) and Candela wafer inspection system, both the most important techniques in modern SiC wafer inspection field. Secondly, it introduces how to use these techniques to inspect common crystal defects in SiC wafer, e.g., micropipes, dislocations and polytype inclusions. Besides, processing-caused surface defects, e.g., scratches, pits and contaminations, are introduced as well. The inspections can not only classify wafers to meet the needs for different market demands but also help to study the correlations between the crystal defects and device failures.

    關鍵詞 : 碳化矽晶圓(SiC Wafer)、缺陷檢測(Defect Inspection)、微管(Micropipes)、多晶嵌入(Polytype Inclusions)、X光拓撲儀(X-Ray Topography)

    • 一般論述
    • Windows系統防護機制繞過技術Bypassing Windows Protection Mechanism Technologies
    • 孫敬智(Ching-Chih SUN)‧鐘孟浩(Meng-Hao Chung)‧徐丞謙(Cheng-Qian Xu)‧高永威(Yung-Wei Kao)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    隨著資訊安全意識的提升,作為許多人所使用的Windows作業系統不斷加入了許多防禦機制,以確保系統運作之安全。儘管如此,仍有許多可繞過這些防禦機制的技術。本文首先介紹Windows防護機制,並說明可利用哪些技術與技巧繞過系統防護機制,以達到取得控制或阻斷服務等效果。Along with the rise of information security awareness, the Windows operating system, which has been used by many people, continuously includes a lot of defense mechanisms to ensure its safety. However, there are still some technologies that can be used to bypass these protection mechanisms. This paper introduces the design of Windows protection mechanism, and describes what technologies can be used for bypassing these mechanisms and achieving the goal of gaining the control of Windows, or denyingthe service provided by the target program.

    關鍵詞 : 資料執行預防(Data Execution Prevention)、記憶體位址隨機化(Address Space Layout Randomization)、控制流程完整性(Control Flow Integrity)、資料虛擬執行(Data Virtual Execution)

    • 一般論述
    • 飛彈側掛加力器脫節之擾動研究A Study of Disturbance during Missile Side Lifting Booster Separation
    • 李忠義(Jong-Yih Lee)

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    本文建立側掛加力器脫節對主彈體產生擾動的分析能量,將單邊側掛加力器及主彈體視為兩個自由體獨立運動,個別受氣動力的作用,同時兩者接觸點必須滿足束縛條件。實例模擬分析結果,獲得脫節過程主彈體在脫節支點所承受的作用力,確實提供彈體該點結構設計負荷需求的資料。文中還考慮主彈體軸向加速度及滾轉效應,結果顯示軸向加速度的存在會加快側掛加力器的分離,而側掛加力器的分離也有抑制滾轉的功能,此種效應在相關飛彈飛行測試結果已獲得驗證。In this paper analysis model of the disturbance effect of side lifting booster separation to missile body is developed. Missile body and one side lifting booster are considered as two independently moving free body, being acted by aerodynamic force individually and satisfying constraint condition at pivot. The action force to the missile body from the real case simulation does provide the required load at the contact point for the structure design. By considering the acceleration and rolling of the missile body, the simulation results show that body acceleration can increase the speed of the separation and the separation of side lifting booster can ease the body rotation. These results have been proved from a real missile flight test.

    關鍵詞 : 擾動效應(Disturbance Effect)、側掛加力器(Side lifting Booster)、脫節(Separation)、自由體(Free Body)、作用力(Action Force)

    • 研發成果
    • 簡易型可攜式任務導航系統概述
    • 航空研究所

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 航空研究

    • 研發成果
    • 通用動感演算法雛形開發
    • 航空研究所

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 航空研究

    • 研發成果
    • 光學追蹤基座效能精進
    • 飛彈火箭研究所

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    光學追蹤系統為測試場飛試驗證時追蹤目標影像及飛行軌跡之裝備,為能精確的追蹤高速移動的飛行目標,其反應速度及定位精準度皆是獲取影像品質及準確判定目標物位置的關鍵因素[1],在光學追蹤系統中,追蹤基座承載各式影像擷取設備,並以伺服馬達驅動其方位及俯仰軸,達成快速反應及精準定位功能。本組擬定之開發策略,其中第一代追蹤基座Type1[2]係採用兩具直驅式伺服馬達,配合本組設計之本體結構、自行開發之單板微控器系統,滿足設計需求規格。為了提升系統精準度及結構整體剛性,其後之Type2採用無封裝伺服馬達(Frameless motor),由本組自行設計馬達封裝外殼及採用更高規格的軸承零件,以提升整體剛性;並加裝更高精度的解角器提供位置回授功能,以提升糸統精準度。經由以上兩款產品開發歷程,期提升本組精密機械領域的開發能量,使過去需仰賴外購之高精密度追蹤基座得以自行開發、製作。

    關鍵詞 : 光學追蹤系統

    • 研發成果
    • 艦用低雷達截面積匿蹤天線罩研製開發
    • 化學研究所

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 雷達

    • 研發成果
    • 非石綿系熱電池開發與研改
    • 材料暨光電研究所

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 石綿纖維

    • 研發成果
    • 防空戰術訓練儀想定平行播報設計
    • 電子系統研究所

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 防空戰術

    • 研發成果
    • 武器產品全壽期資訊整合管理作為
    • 系統發展中心

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    武器系統中產品生命週期從設計、製造、服役至除役相當冗長,如何管理過程中產品資訊為產品品質之重要工作內容。現有將產品資訊化管理為採用產品資料管理系統(Product Data Management System, PDMS),透過已建置之共通的標準流程(資料格式、程序管理等),使得產品資料在其生命週期內能夠交換與應用[1]。PDMS所管理的資料包括藍圖、產品結構序號、分析或評估之技術文件、軟體版本與重要功能特性參數等;程序管理方面則包括構型管理與變更、失效矯正與預防、後勤鑑測與壽限管理和可靠度管理[2],但目前各PDMS管理之資訊內容均有其特定需求。本文所提出之整合式產品資料管理系統(Integrated Product Data Management System, IPDMS),為將現有常用武器系統常見之PDMS:工程構型管理系統(Engineering Change System, ECS)、產品資訊管理系統(Instance Bill of Materials System, IBOMS)、品質管理系統(Quality Management System, QMS)及後勤管理系統(Follow-on Support Management System, FORMIS),利用IBOMS作為資料儲存中心,鏈結生產過程之生產資訊與ECS及QMS之資訊;產品交付顧客後資訊則藉由IBOMS與FORMIS資料交換,回饋產品使用資訊。IPDMS為整合武器產品於設計開發、生產測試與服役階段,即從設計開發、生產製造至顧客使用回饋的產品資訊管理。

    關鍵詞 : 系統發展

    • 研發成果
    • 爆炸合成奈米鑽石粉末與純化技術開發
    • 系統製造中心

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 系統製造

    • 研發成果
    • 整合多辨識機制於門禁警監系統之架構設計
    • 資訊管理中心

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01

    市面上各種門禁系統廣泛運用於企業、政府組織、教育單位、家庭與管制進出之各種場域,尤其在軍事基地、研究單位及政府組織中,更加重視管制人員進出以防止研發機密與重要文件遭不法人士竊的風險。近年來無線射頻技術成熟、廣泛應用與價格考量之下,大多數門禁系統的安全機制都趨向使用無線射頻門禁卡(Radio Frequency Identification Tag)來當作門禁出入的關鍵鑰匙[1-2],雖然無線射頻之安全機制為人所信任,但是其安全機制乃建立在無線射頻卡之不可否認性,但是人為上的防弊仍是屬於道德上、懲處上的規範,舉如:尾隨進入[3-5]、借卡通行等常見的問題都是人為的侷限。所以以無線射頻基礎的門禁系統仍侷限在認卡不認人的限制,所以盜刷的問題仍無法達到較佳的解決方案。近年來物聯網技術逐漸普及,嵌入式系統與資訊系統的整合成為資訊科技未來發展趨勢,多感測器與生物特徵辨識成為人工智慧科技下必然的功能元件,但是生物特徵辨識仍處高單價、高規格的設備,基於這樣前提,本中心提出運用簡單、便宜、多構面的感測技術來建立多辨識機制,運用各自感測器偵測不同的單一生物特徵,並且允許每一個生物特徵偵測皆不需要達到高度精確性的門檻下,透過多辨識的感測器提供回饋資訊到中心人工智慧辨識核心,判斷進入者安全等級後,准予放行、警示、記錄、人員覆核或不予放行等各種門禁政策,透過多辨識機制於門禁警監系統之系統架構,將可以有效遏止人為上的弊端達到高度安全的需求。

    關鍵詞 : 資訊管理

    • 研發成果
    • 叢集式熱電模組產電效益之精進
    • 軍民通用中心

    卷期 : 46 / 2

    出版年 : 2018/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 軍民通用