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    • 航空工程
    • 攔截回收飛行載具之6D飛行模擬與氣動力負載分析6D Flight Simulation and Analysis of Aerodynamics Loading on Aerial Vehicle during Its Recovery
    • 陳旻均 李健誌 何彥廷 廖建勛 Min-Chun Chen Chien-Chih Lee Yen-Ting Ho Chien-Hsun Liao

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    本文開發新六自由度飛行模擬技術,新增具翼尖掛鉤勾繩攔截飛行載具之功能。運動方程式增加了翼尖勾中繩後,對機體產生之額外彈力(矩)向量。在已知攔截繩彈力係數時,搭配翼尖掛鉤的空間位移量,新增作用力(矩)與全機運動軌跡間的關係式,並於四階Runge-Kutta積分中將彈力(矩)與全機運動軌跡一起解出。一系列攔截之飛行模擬測試中,解析了飛行載具以不同空速及不同彈力係數之勾繩攔截歷程,以及勾繩過程中對機體及其尾桿所產生之激烈與極端之氣動力負載。A new 6D flight simulation of aerial vehicle recovery from a suspending rope captured by a hook equipped at its wingtip is presented in this paper. With modeling the recovery rope as a equivalent spring of known elasticity, additional elastic forces and moments from deflections of captured rope caused by hook with motions of aerial vehicle are both solved during iterations of 4 stages Runge-Kutta time integrations of 6D equations of motion. A series of simulation of recovery flight of a generic aircraft, including a variety of approaching speed to rope and elasticity of rope are tested to explore sudden and extreme aerodynamics and inertia loading applied on aerial vehicle and its tail-boom.

    關鍵詞 : 六自由度飛行模擬、繩攔截、翼尖掛鉤、氣動力負載

    • 機械工程
    • 利用相似理論設計渦輪引擎燃燒室Application of Length Scaling Theory to Design Turboengine Combustor
    • 崔永懋 王朝敬 李基銓 Yung-Mao Tsuei Chao-Ching Wang Chih- Chuan Lee

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    渦輪引擎之推重比為其是否具有競爭力的重要指標之一。因此,歐美先進國家發展渦輪引擎均以此指標作為重要之性能參數。為了達到引擎高推重比設計,可行方式之一為縮短引擎組件長度,以減少材料重量,並同時增進其效率。燃燒室為渦輪引擎的動力來源,因此如何縮短燃燒室長度為一重要之研究議題。本研究應用長度相似理論,根據燃燒室進出口溫度及壓力直接縮短渦輪引擎燃燒室;並利用流場數值模擬驗證燃燒室溫度分佈及變化,最後與本計畫早期設計之燃燒室比較。結果顯示,兩者燃燒室流場及出口之溫度分佈趨勢相同,尤其在出口高溫區域則幾乎一致。縮短的燃燒室,其出口溫度型態係數僅0.25,亦符合設計需求。由此可知,利用本文之研究,進行燃燒室之研改設計,僅需調整燃燒襯筒上薄膜冷卻孔的大小及數量,以提升襯筒壁面薄膜冷卻效應。同時可以很快地完成燃燒室襯筒外型設計。Thrust to weight ratio is an index for an engine development competency, and is a key performance parameter to the turbofan engine design among advanced countries. To achieve high thrust to weight ratio, the engine components design aim to shorten the length and improve the efficiency of them, and accordingly decrease the material weight the combustor design is certainly not exceptional. Therefore, the article is to study how to design a shorter combustor using the length scaling theory based on the temperature and pressure at the inlet and exit, to analyze and verify flow field through numerical simulation. As a result, the combustor temperature distribution and that at the exit is correspondent with those from original design, in particular the high temperature zone at the exit. From the temperature pattern factor 0.25, which accurately meets the design goal, it reveals that, through the study, the configuration of the combustor liner is able to be promptly designed, and only needs to modify its size and quantity of film cooling holes for the cooling effect.

    關鍵詞 : 環形燃燒室、渦輪引擎、燃燒室初步設計、相似理論

    • 機械工程
    • 微流道冷卻於堆疊式高功率雷射裝置研析Investigations of Micro-channel Cooling Technology used in High Power Laser Diode Stacks
    • 蔡孟昌 林 正 陳靖紘 Meng-Chang Tsai Cheng Lin Jing-Hong Chen

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    具備連續輸出高功率的雷射源,發展地非常迅速,其功率從數百瓦特到數千瓦特,此高瓦特能量技術,已被廣泛應用在材料加工、3D積層製造與雷射加工機等領域。而多層次垂直堆疊高功率封裝技術,已儼然成為一個未來發展的趨勢。本研究針對3層基本型與新式雁型之微流道冷卻器結構進行模擬和分析。本文亦探討比較1至5層堆疊封裝時之溫度分布與壓降;結果顯示固定流量時,雁型流道冷卻器能提供更均勻的溫度與較低的壓降。此研究可以提供重要的資訊設計新型微流道冷卻器,促使高功率雷射源有更佳的性能、可靠度與壽命。With the continuous output of high power laser source, the development is very rapid, its power from hundreds of watts to several kilowatts, this high wattage energy technology, has been widely used in fields such as materials processing, 3D laminated manufacturing and laser processing. The multilevel vertical high power packaging technology has become a future development trend. In this study, the structure of the micro-channel cooler of the three-layer basic type and the new goose type is simulated and analyzed. This paper also explores the temperature distribution and pressure drop at 1 to 5 stacks. The results show that the goose type flow cooler provides a more uniform temperature and lower pressure drop at fixed flow rates. This study can provide important information on the design of new micro-channel coolers, which make high power laser sources with better performance, reliability and longevity.

    關鍵詞 : 高功率雷射、微流道冷卻器、多層次垂直堆疊高功率封裝

    • 電子電機
    • 三星系GPS/GLONASS/BDS衛星定位接收機設計Design and Implementation of GPS/GLONASS/BDS Receivers
    • 李厚華 簡敏宏 安德賢 張書堯 Hou-Hwa Lee Min-Hung Chien Teh-Shien Ann Shu-Yau Chung

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    2012年底中國宣佈北斗二代導航系統正式提供亞太地區服務,對於未擁有衛星自主權的我們,能使用新的導航衛星系統訊號,將有助於提昇衛星定位接收機的可用度和可靠度。故在原GPS/GLONASS接收機的基礎上,先研析北斗導航衛星的訊號結構,選用適合多星系的射頻晶片,依據各星系的介面控制文件設計出不同展頻碼的相關器並實現在FPGA上,再藉由整合DSP和FPGA的系統晶片,將外觀尺寸相容於原產品以便於後續提昇之更替;而在軟體方面包括射頻晶片的設定,基頻訊號處理以獲得偽距、偽距變率和軌道參數,並擴增導航定位最小平方法則以處理多星系的偽距;最後經由實測來驗證設計的正確性。By the end of 2012, Chinese Beidou navigation satellite system (BDS) phase II has successfully accomplished and officially started providing the navigation service over the Asia-Pacific region. Extending the capability of GNSS receiver to receive BDS signal, may improve the availability and reliability of receiver. We study and analyze the BDS signal structure first. Then we select RF front-end chip and SOC chip to design hardware for meeting the requirement of board size which is compatible with the current receiver product. Based on this hardware platform, we design software including setup of RF front-end chip, based-band signal processing, acquiring pseudo-range measurement and orbital parameters, and position fix by least-square method. Finally, functional validation has accomplished by using real and simulated GNSS signals.

    關鍵詞 : 全球定位系統、格洛那斯系統、北斗導航系統、鎖相迴路、時延鎖定迴路 Key words:GPS、GLONASS; BDS; Phase Locked Loop; Delay Locked Loop(DLL)

    • 電子電機
    • 氮化鎵功率元件與應用Study of GaN Power Device for Appilication
    • 張 翼 林岳欽 朱富權 洪國洋 蔡秉諭 蔡藎芝 E. Y. Chang Y. C. Lin F. C.Chu K.Y. Horng P. Y.Tsai J. J.Tsay

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    隨著無線通訊的快速發展,因應未來通訊規格提昇,高功率固態電子元件放大器的需求也將大量增加。氮化鎵族的半導體在此方面的應用擁有許多吸引人的電子材料特性,如寬能隙、高崩潰電場、異質界面調變參雜可達到高電子移動率和極高的峰值漂移速度,這些都是高頻高功率元件需具有的特性。在電路相關的應用方面,由於氮化鎵材料的功率密度頗高,因此在寬頻及大輸出瓦數之功率放大器應用上最能展現其優越特性。近年來由於材料工程與製程技術之快速演進,氮化鎵功率放大器多以單晶微波積體電路型式呈現,而其主要優勢在於可以傳統半導體元件約五分之一的尺寸達成相同的功率輸出,因此對系統構裝密度有很高的貢獻度,進而成為歐美日等技術領先國發展之主流。GaN-based devices own many attractive characteristics, such as the wide bandgap, high breakdown electric field, high electron mobility as well as very high peak drift velocity due to adjustable doping profile on the hetero-interfaces. These are the basic requirements for the application of high power devices at high frequencies. Such devices have demonstrated the superior performance in the field of wideband and high power amplifiers. Owing to the substantial progress made in terms of the material engineering and process technology, GaN-based power amplifiers in the form of microwave monolithic integrated-circuits have become popular which makes great contribution to the boost of the packaging density in the system. The main objective of this project is the development of complete GaN-based MMIC technology.

    關鍵詞 : 高功率、寬能隙、高崩潰電場、氮化鎵 Key words︰High power; Wide bandgap; High breakdown field; GaN

    • 電子電機
    • 具多重安全監控機制之電子封條研製Studies on the Energy Harvesting in Short-range Communication Systems
    • 李明堂 張豐裕 許東榮 朱俊亮 Ming-Town Lee Feng-Yu Chang Tung-Jung Hsu Chun-Liang Chu

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    在全球物流產業推波助瀾激發下,貨物全球安全運輸更是維繫全球貿易持續成長的基石,目前全球85%貨物運輸仰賴貨櫃,而預估2017年貨櫃貿易量將增長到2.1億TEU,但在此一成長背後卻仍存在著一項隱憂,每年平均有8%貨物由送貨人到收貨人間之運輸過程中因故產生失竊、遺失情形,此狀況衍生不少商業糾紛,同時也增加運輸成本與物流產業運輸之流暢度。因此本計畫即以解決此風險為出發點,研製具多重安全監控機制之電子封條,期能藉由實際研製成果提供有效且能同步滿足貨暢其流與安全到達雙重目標,尤其是對高價貨物、高時效、高安全要求之貨物運輸在全球跨境移動之端點到端點間均能安全快速到達目的地目標;而搭配物流資訊全程透明化商業經營模式營造,多重安全監控機制之電子封條研製技術主軸尚包括多段式機械扣合機制、無線射頻辨識技術(RFID)、資通訊技術(ICT)及物聯網技術(IOT)。Nowadays, 85% of global trading goods are transported through locked transportation containers; wherein the containers transited through sea transportation, duty-bonded trucks and freight trains are the main streams. Therefore, security monitoring mechanism for preventing transited goods from replacement or theft during transportation is a major issue to facilitate fast and smooth global trading. One of the biggest challenges affecting businesses today is cargo/container theft, and the resulting potential disruption of the supply chain.From the manufacturing site to warehousing and intermodal distribution, remote-based cargo/container security solutions combine location and sensor data with information from shipping and business processes to provide actionable security alerts.The present in this paper is relates to a multi functions container electronic seal and, in particular, to a multi-secured and multi-layered communication locked device using RFID、ICT and IOT technologies for security management, and identification of transported goods, simultaneously, its alsoproviding near-real-time asset tracking for reliable in-transit visibility of containers and vehicles anywhere in the world.

    關鍵詞 : 跨境貨櫃運輸安全、電子封條、無線射頻辨識、資通訊技術、物聯網技術 Container transportation and distribution; RFID(Radio Frequency Identification);E-seal; ICT(Information and Communication Technology); IOT(Internet of Things)

    • 電子電機
    • A Ka-Band Scalable Active Electronically Scanned Array System using the Four-Element IC in 65nm CMOS使用65奈米CMOS四通道積體電路實現Ka頻段可擴展性主動式電子掃瞄陣列系統
    • 賴明輝 丁冠中 儲青雲 朱大舜 王毓駒 蘇柏青

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    A Ka-band scalable active electronically scanned array (AESA) system is demonstrated based on previously reported four-element IC in 65nm CMOS[ref]. The system is built by 248×4-subarrays, which are mounted in an Aluminum alloy structure with internal heat pipes. Each subarray module are composed of the four carrier boards connecting to an array of AD/DA and FPGA in the backend. Each carrier board has two identical four-element CMOS ICs with antennas-on-board and a MCU for digital control. A global LO/digital clock/trigger tree synchronizes the operations of each array element.The beam-forming and beam-steering results of an 8×4 2D subarray for receive and transmit mode are reported with the 3dB beamwidth for the central direction less than 13° and 26°in Azimuth and Elevation, respectively. The measured array beam-pattern can be predicted based on the collective single channel results indicate independency between each channel.Furthermore, the following GaAs chips are implemented, including a Ka-band power amplifier chip with a measured 35.3 dBm output power, a T/R SPDT switch IC with the insertion loss less than 1.7 dB and the return loss more than 10dB, and a LO buffers IC with a 10dB gain as the return loss more than 12dB. These chips can be used to improve final AESA radar performance. Finally, the TX and Rx beam patterns for a 768-element based on 8×4 subarray measurement with the directly combination are predicted with a 5.5° 3dB beamwidth.本篇論文展示了一個基於過去提出的65nm四通道CMOS晶片,於Ka頻段操作的可擴展主動式電子掃描系統設計。本系統由24個8×4的次陣列模組構成,並固定於具有散熱管路的鋁合金結構中。每一個次陣列模組則由4個基板連接後端的AD/DA和FPGA陣列。帶有天線的電路基板上則有兩個相同的CMOS晶片和一個作為訊號控制的MCU。全域的本地振盪/數位時脈/觸發樹狀分佈同步各陣列單元的操作。8×4次陣列模組2D電子波束成形與波束掃描的成果則展示出中央方向的3dB波束寬在橫向與縱向分別達到小於13度和26度。基於各通道的獨立量測,陣列的電子波束可完整預測。同時進一步實現以下砷化鎵晶片,包含一個提昇輸出功率達5.3dBm的功率放大晶片,一個饋入損失小於2.6dB和反射損失大於10dB的單刀雙擲開關晶片,以及一個具有0dB增益和反射損失大於12dB的本地振盪訊號緩衝晶片。這些晶片將用於提升最終的主動式電子掃描雷達效能。最後基於8×4次陣列模組的量測,768陣列單元的收發電子波束可預測得到5.5度的3dB波束寬。

    關鍵詞 : 毫米波、主動電子掃描陣列、雷達、波束成形、波束掃描mm-wave; AESA; radar; beam-forming; beam-steering

    • 電子電機
    • 逆合成孔徑雷達成像演算法之研究Research of SFCW Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Algorithm
    • 陳國鎮 鄭惟元 Go-Chen Chen Wei-Yuan Cheng

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    逆合成孔徑雷達(Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar, ISAR)是一種針對非合作運動目標進行成像的高解析度雷達,具有全天時、全天候和遠距離的目標探測能力。在軍事上,如戰略防禦,反衛星與戰術武器中有非常重要的應用價值。但由於觀測目標通常是非合作目標,其目標特性與運動軌跡等很難確定,成像的關鍵就在於能否實現精確的運動參數估計與補償。本文以Step Frequency架構,探討逆合成孔徑雷達成像演算法並針對運動補償及成像問題運用時頻轉換方法進行驗證。Inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) is a high-resolution imaging system for the non-cooperative target. It has the capability of sensing non-cooperative target from long rangein all times and in all weathers. It has been applied to many militaryapplications, such as strategic defense, anti-satellite weapons, and tactical weapons. A priori knowledge of target motion is generally non-cooperative; therefore, the principal challenges in ISAR imaging are the target motion parameter estimation and compensation. In this article, the SFCW ISAR imaging algorithm and its motion compensation are investigated. In addition, the capability of the Time-Frequency Transform on ISAR imaging is also verified.

    關鍵詞 : 階梯式頻率、逆合成孔徑雷達、距離-都卜勒成像、時頻轉換、高距離分辨率Step Frequency; ISAR; Range Doppler Image ; Time-Frequency Transform; High Range Resolution

    • 電子電機
    • 核能電廠數位輻射偵測系統研製Design and Implementation of the Digital Radiation Monitor System of Nuclear Power Plant
    • 劉榮超 劉長生 許恒山 于正芳 洪以樫 Rong-Chau Liu Chang-Sheng Liu Heng-Shan Hsu Cheng-Fang Yu Yi-Jian Hong

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    本文旨在敘述一個新型核能電廠數位輻射偵測系統之研製。原有系統之需求、功能及其組成元件將先加以說明。基於電廠運轉與維護之需求,新型系統所需具有的功能、系統換裝、與法規相關之硬體設計及軟體工程等參數,其設計與開發之方案均予以詳細解說。This paper describes the development of a new digital radiation monitor system for nuclear power plants. Firstly, the original system's function, design philosophy and its components are mentioned. In order to meet the requirements of the operation and maintenance issues of the plants, a new radiation monitor system is developed with its design strategy, system function and regulation related activities described in detail.

    關鍵詞 : 輻射偵測、安全相關、核能同級品檢證、系統換裝Radiation Monitor System; Nuclear Safety Related; Dedication; System Replacement

    • 電子電機
    • 艦用雷達海雜波之模擬與其抑制方法Sea Clutter Simulations and Suppression Schemes for Ship-based Radar
    • 黃正光 鍾日龍 王易凡 Jeng-Kuang Hwang Rih-Lung Chung Yi-Fan Wang

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    海雜波由於波浪的動態性質,其統計特性更加複雜,在研究艦用雷達之海雜波問題中,首要工作為建立雜波之統計模型及其對應的電腦模擬方法,然後才能進行雜波抑制及信號偵測法則的開發,並正確評估雷達在雜波下之偵測性能。本文首先研究海雜波的K分布統計模型及其對應的電腦模擬方法,並建立一時空相關性(Temporal and Spatial correlated)K分布海雜波的模擬程式庫,可模擬與產生出海雜波之雷達回波信號,作為後續研究抑制海雜波信號處理法則的基礎。此外,許多研究亦指出雷達在低視角時,其陸雜波的振幅分布亦常可以用K分布描述,故K分布統計模型可作為統一的模擬模型。本文其次研究當艦用配有先進脈波雷達偵測低視角目標時,如何抑制海陸雜波以提升目標偵測的性能。本文研討數種抑制海陸雜波的信號處理技術,包含時域累積、移動目標鑑定法(MTI)、脈波都卜勒處理(Pulse Doppler Processing, PDP)等方法,吾人也特別針對低速目標的情況,改善上述抑制雜波方法之性能,此時由於低速目標之都卜勒頻率可能已落於雜波之都卜勒頻譜範圍內,故吾人將使用AR高解析度頻譜估測(Autoregressive High-Resolution Spectrum Estimation)法,對雷達回波之都卜勒頻譜進行分析,進而在Range-Doppler二維平面中更精確地區分出雜波及低速目標之頻譜特性,以提升低速目標之偵測性能。The sea clutter is more dynamic in nature, leading to more complex statistical property. Hence, the first task is to build up the statistical model and corresponding computer simulation method. Henceforth it is possible to develop various clutter suppression schemes and then evaluate the radar detection performance under different clutter environments. In this paper, we first develop a modulation-based procedure and MATLAB library to efficiently simulate a lot sea clutter random processes with specified K-distribution parameters and doubly spatial-temporal correlations feature. Furthermore, other studies also indicated the land clutter can also be properly modeled by a K-distribution model with different parameters. Hence, the K-distribution clutter model can serve as a unified framework for subsequent development of clutter suppression schumes. We first investigate three signal processing techmiques for nulling the effects of K-dist sea clutters, including time integration, clutter map, moving targer indication (MTI), and pulse Doppler porcessing (PDP). Then we focus on using the autoregressive(AR) high-resolution spectrum estimation method to cope with the difficult case of slowly moving targer. The simulation results confirm the satisfactory performance of the whole work.

    關鍵詞 : 海雜波、K-分布、雜波抑制 Sea clutter;K-distribution model;Clutter suppression

    • 化學化工
    • 多尺度模擬熔融電解質熱電池之熱質傳性質與性能分析Multi-scale Simulation of Heat and Mass Transfer Properties and Performance in Molten Electrolytes Thermal Batteries
    • 李皓宇 陳忠富 Hao-Yu Li Chung-Fu Chen

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    本研究主要目的是以多尺度模擬(Multi-scale simulation)方法,結合第一原理分子動力學(FPMD)計算熔鹽電解質材料性質,以及使用有限單元法(FEM)計算熱電池於不同操作溫度下的熱質傳與電化學巨觀性能,並參考國外文獻之實驗結果,以驗證本研究所建立模型之正確性與可行性,期能建立一套具多尺度且完整的系統模擬工具。本研究首先瞭解在微觀尺度下比較不同離子數模型對於比熱與離子傳導率之影響,接著求解在巨觀尺度下不同操作溫度之溫度場與濃度場,進而探討操作溫度對於熱電池各種傳輸性質之影響機制,並導入電化學理論分析熔融電解質之熱效應、離子傳輸及放電性能之預測。模擬結果顯示,以LiCl-LiBr-based三元、四元新型電解質材料均可大幅提升電池性能,其中四元材料能有效降低操作溫度(低熔點),減少電池失效機率,亦可延長電池作用時間(壽命)。藉由多尺度模擬方法可降低熱電池研發成本與縮減研發時程,並可作為未來研發設計新型熱電池之參考依據。This research is based on the multi-scale simulation method which is combined with first-principles molecular dynamics (FPMD) to obtain material properties, and the finite element method (FEM) to evaluate heat/mass transfer and electrochemical performance of thermal battery at different operation temperatures. The simulation result will be compared with reference and experimental result from foreign literature, in order to verify the correctness and feasibility of this research. In our simulation, we calculate specific heat and ionic conductivity to test convergence of ionic numbers. The FEM is used to solve the temperature distribution and concentration field on thermal battery at operation temperatures. The electrochemical theory is needed to analyze the thermal effects of the intenal electrolyte, ionic transport phenomena, and the discharge performantce. The results reveal that both the ternary and quaternatry materials will enhance the battery performance,also the quaternary ones can reduce the operating temperature that implies quicker start up and longer working life. The multi-scale simulation terchnuque provides a low cost alternatiove to expenive experiments and is able to optimize the battery design under realistic operating conditions for future R&D.

    關鍵詞 : 第一原理分子動力學、有限單元法、離子傳導率、熔點 FPMD;FEM;ionic conductivity;poing

    • 化學化工
    • 機動式防蝕清洗系統研析The Research and Development for Tactical
    • 劉冠佑 王銘嘉 陳俊佑 吳晉晟 曾怡榮 范?文 王玉平 謝明達 Kuan-You Liu Ming-Jia Wang Chun-Yu Chen Chin-Cheng Wu Yi-Rong Zeng Ching-Wen Fan Yu-Ping Wang Ming-Ta Hsieh

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    航空器於各種環境巡航時可能沾附鹽類、汙染物等腐蝕因子,長久下來因而產生腐蝕現象,造成安全隱憂。有效降低航空器腐蝕現象的方式為巡航後的清洗行為,其中以潔淨水沖洗(Rinse)航空器機體表面的沖洗行為,可減少刷洗、擦拭等清潔(Clean)作業週期之間腐蝕物的累績,降低腐蝕發生風險。本文將概述航空器清潔的標準、效益及市售的清洗系統,接著介紹本所研製的新型機動式防蝕清洗系統,說明其設計理念及創新設計,並且探討相關水質調整及沖洗噴灑承壓測試的分析結果。Aircrafts have the safety issue caused by corrosion due to deposits of salt and contaminants on the exterior of aircrafts during various aviation environments. Therefore, the powerful method for preventing and mitigating corrosion is to clean aircraft. By using clean water to rinse the exterior of aircrafts can reduce the risk of corrosion by means of eliminating accumulation of corrosive contaminants between cleaning operation cycles.

    關鍵詞 : 航空器、腐蝕、清潔、沖洗Aircraft; Corrosion; Clean; Rinse

    • 光電暨材料
    • 新式複材探傷技術-圓筒型液浸式超音波開發與應用Development and application of Cylinder Immersion Ultrasonic for Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Non-destructive Inspection
    • 陳建旭 吳佩芳 林永裔 陳志勳 Chien-Hsu Chen Pei-Fang Wu Yung-I Lin Jyh-Shiun Chen

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    複合件製作過程所產生的內部瑕疵會影響機體結構安全與強度,超音波探傷法是目前複材非破壞檢驗中最成熟的技術。本文以天線桅杆做為檢測目標,開發一圓筒型液浸式超音波。機台使用特殊臥式水槽設計,內含自動化檢測機構,適用於大型圓筒狀複材成品檢測;有別於一般接觸式超音波檢驗,液浸式超音波使用水或其他液體當作耦合介質,使死區縮小,提高表面鑑別力;並將常見A-Scan整合為一自動掃瞄C-Scan探傷系統,檢測結果以XY平面圖像顯示,能快速得知內部瑕疵狀況,如缺陷形狀、位置、大小與試件厚度。本研究另在試件製造三種人工標準缺陷,分別使用A、B、C-Scan來做缺陷分析,計算實際缺陷與量測缺陷的誤差,量化圓筒型液浸式超音波的準確率。Using technique of ultra-sonic inspection, which is one of the well-developed technologies in Non-destructive inspection, can precisely inspect the samples since the internal defect influences the structural safety and strength of aircrafts during its manufacturing production. Result of study has successfully developed a set of Cylinder Immersion Ultra-sonic instrument by using flagpole antenna with carbon composite as sampling target. Instrument is equipped with horizontal reservoir in specific design and automated inspection system, which can be applied to inspect sample in large scale with cylinder-shape and carbon composite material. This instrument uses water or other liquids as coupling agent to minimize the dead zone and increase the surface resolution which stands out from the normal type of contacting Ultra-sonic inspection. This Cylinder Immersion Ultra-sonic instrument integrates the regular A-scan into C-scan in automation, displaying the result in XY depicted diagram which enables to quickly inspect the status of internal defect as shape, position, scale and thickness for samples. This Study demonstrates the result by creating three standard defects and utilizes A-B-C-scan to analyze. By calculating the difference between the real and measuring defects, it indicates the feasibility of quantizing the accuracy of performance for Cylinder Immersion Ultra-sonic instrument.

    關鍵詞 : 複合材料非破壞檢驗、超音波探傷、C-scan、天線桅杆 CFRP;Non-destructive Inspection;Ultrasonic inspection;C-scan;Flagpole antenna

    • 材料暨光電
    • 滾-仰影像式尋標器之影像特性及追蹤命令的研析Investigation of the Image Behaviors and Tracking Commands of Roll-pitch Image Missile Seekers
    • 桑翊禎 陳興勤I-Chen Sang Hsin-Ching Chen

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    本文進行Roll-pitch(滾仰式)紅外線影像尋標器之研析,紅外線影像尋標器使用焦平面陣列式熱影像尋標,可用於各種飛彈武器系統,有別於一般的Yaw-Pitch(方位-俯仰)系統,滾仰式架構能夠有效增加尋標器的視野角度、提升武器系統目標打擊率。本文介紹座標轉換之計算方式,並研析滾仰式尋標器影像特性與追蹤命令,進而幫助所有滾仰架構之系統發展。In this study we investigate roll-pitch image infrared missile seekers. Image Infrared (IIR) seekers use focal plane array thermal image to track targets. They can be used in various missile weapon systems. Different from common yaw-pitch systems, roll-pitch constructions can increase the view angle of seekers effectively and thereby increase the capabilities of weapon systems. In this article, the calculation of coordinate transformation is introduced, followed by the investigation of image behaviors and tracking commands. We expect this study to assist the development of all systems with roll-pitch construction.

    關鍵詞 : 滾-仰式尋標器、座標轉換、追蹤命令、影像旋轉Roll-pitch Seekers; Coordinate Transformation; Tracking Commands; Image Rotation

    • 通訊通信
    • 新型雙ADC架構遙測PCM模組研製The New Design of DualADC Telemetry PCM Module
    • 劉俊佑 葉秀清Chung-You Liu Show-Ching Yeh

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    新型雙ADC遙測PCM(脈碼調變)模組主要作為遙測系統信號編碼用途,目的在將前級由遙測信號處理器所傳遞之待測資料進行編碼後,再由發射機以微波方式傳送至地面控制中心,供工程人員進行即時之資料比對及分析研判。本文主要目的在設計並實現新型雙ADC架構之遙測PCM模組,以平行處理「時間分割」的概念,設計由2個次模組來組成1個PCM模組,文中將說明其設計原理及硬體架構設計。經實驗結果證實,新型雙ADC遙測PCM模組確實可突破目前使用之傳輸速率限制,並大大提昇了未來可應用之範圍。The New design of Dual-ADC Telemetry PCM module is for encoding the telemetry signals. The purpose is to encode the data which from the signal conditioning module. Then the signal is transmitted by transmitter to the ground center in real time. The engineer will analyze the telemetry data in the ground center. The purpose of this paper is to design and realize the New dual ADC telemetry PCM module. By the concept of parallel processing (time division), we realize one PCM module by two sub PCM module. We will describe the design rule and hardware structure of PCM. The experiment results show that The new design of Dual-ADC telemetry PCM module can break out the 1.6M bps limit, and increase the application filed in the future.

    關鍵詞 : 雙ADC架構遙測PCM模組、平行處理、時間分割Dual-ADC Telemetry PCM module, parallel processing,time division

    • 通訊通信
    • 超導磁感測器在反潛作戰及水雷作戰的應用Application of Superconducting Magnetic Sensor in Anti-submarine warfare and Minewarfare
    • 林澄貴Cheng-Kuei Lin

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    由於潛艇之減振降噪技術日益精進,使得從噪音型潛艇進展到安靜型潛艇,甚至到了極安靜型潛艇。對於被動聲納系統而言,其偵測效能大受影響,偵測距離也減短很多,導致使用磁感測器來偵潛,然因磁感測器的磁噪音水平高,使其磁偵測距離不遠。近年來超導干涉儀元件研發快速,已製成各種超導磁感測器可做為反潛磁偵測、水雷磁性武器以及水雷磁性反制等應用。As the submarine vibration and noise reduction technology is increasingly sophisticated, making from the noise-type submarines to quiet submarines, and even to a very quiet submarine, for passive sonar system, its detection efficiency greatly affected, detection distance is also reduced Much shorter, leading to the use of magnetic sensors to detect potential, however the magnetic sensor magnetic noise level is high, so that the magnetic detection distance is not far. In recent years, superconducting interferometer components developed rapidly, has made a variety of superconducting magnetic sensor can be used as anti-submarine magnetic detection, mine magnetic weapon and mine magnetic countermeasures.

    關鍵詞 : 超導量子干涉儀、超導磁感測器、超導水下超低頻通信、超導磁引信、超導磁掃雷具SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interfercnce Device); Superconducting Magnetic Sensor; Superconducting Very Low Frequency Underater Communication; Superconducting Magnetic Fuse; Superconducting Magnetic Minesweeping Device

    • 資訊軟體
    • 程式行為檢測分析技術研究The Research of Program Behavior Testing
    • 林育民Yu-Ming Lin

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    程式行為檢測是挖掘未知應用程式行為之技術,主要運用於即時威脅防護、產品檢測與事後鑑識,本研究係利用沙箱架構對程式進行隔離檢測,從沙箱外透過作業系統底層資訊解析受測程式之各類行為,設計包含一般應用程式、驅動程式與網頁應用程式的檢測技術,並以實際案例說明本研究之成果。Program behavior testing, the technology to analyze the behavior of a target program, is leveraged to protect against the real cyber threat, applied to IT product testing and utilized in digital forensics. Our research isolates the target program by employing a sandbox, executes it and obtains various behavioral information by analyzing the system kernel information gathered from outside of the sandbox. Our design is to tackle common applications, device drivers and web apps. We provide two use cases, at the last, to show how the design works.

    關鍵詞 : 鑑識、沙箱、驅動程式Forensics; Sandbox; Driver

    • 資訊軟體
    • 遞歸神經網路於空氣品質預測之應用An Application of Recurrent Neural Network in Prediction of Air Quality
    • 郭立言 廖志倫 Li-Yin Kuo Chih-Lun Liao

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    細懸浮微粒PM2.5可堆積在人肺深處,美國心臟醫學會搜羅國際四百餘篇研究,證實PM2.5小到足以穿透呼吸系統,並負載重金屬、戴奧辛以及病菌等,長期暴露在PM2.5中,更會增加引發心肌梗塞、中風和心律不整等的風險。本研究利用遞歸神經網路,並結合整體學習的技術,進行PM2.5之預測。Particulate matter(PM2.5) can stack in lung of human.American Heart Associationsurvey more than 400 research, and proved that PM2.5 can penetrate breathing system. PM 2.5 are easily adsorbed heavy metals, dioxins or bacteria. Exposing in PM2.5 for a long time may cause myocardial infarction, stork and so on. In our research, we combine the technology of recurrent neural network and ensemble learning to predict the air quality index of PM2.5.

    關鍵詞 : 遞歸神經網路、貝氏網路、整體學習、PM2.5Recurrent Neural Network; Bayesian Network; Ensemble Learning; PM2.5

    • 資訊軟體
    • 區塊密碼之操作模式簡介與分析比較Introduction of Block Cipher Modes of Operation
    • 陳崇葦 張志隆Chung-Wei Chen Chih-Lung Chang

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    本文分別依功能的不同介紹九種美國國家標準局(NIST)所認證過的區塊加解密操作模式。這九個操作模式依功能面分為三種型態:隱密性、認證性以及隱密兼具認證性。隱密性的操作模式有「電子密碼本」(Electronic Codebook, ECB)、「密碼塊連結」(Cipher Block Chaining, CBC)、「密文回饋」(Cipher Feedback, CFB)、「輸出回饋」(Output Feedback, OFB)以及「計數器模式」(Counter, CTR)。資料認證性的操作模式有CMAC以及GMAC。隱密兼具認證性有Counter with Cipher Block Chaining-Message Authentication Code(CCM)以及Galois/counter(GCM)。在這篇報告中,我們比較每個型態各個操作模式的優缺點。In this paper, we introduce nine block cipher modes of operation. These block cipher modes of operation are certified by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The operation modes have been published in FIPS standards. According to functionality, these block cipher modes of operation can be classified into three types: confidentiality, authenticity, and authenticated-encryption. In the confidentiality type, there are five modes: Electronic Codebook (ECB), Cipher Block Chaining(CBC), Cipher Feedback(CFB), OutputFeedback(OFB), and Counter (CTR). In the authenticity type, we introduce two operation modes: Counter with Cipher Block Chaining-Message Authentication Code (CCM) and Galois/counter (GCM). In the authenticated-encryption type, we introduce CCM and GCM. We will list the comparison of cipher mode of operation in each type in the paper.

    關鍵詞 : 電腦安全、密碼學、資料安全、區塊密文、加密、操作模式Computer Security; Cryptography; Data Security; Block Cipher; Encryption; Mode of Operatio

    • 資訊軟體
    • 區塊鏈技術在軍事運用的潛力The Potential of Blockchain for Military
    • 楊淑君Shu-Chun Yang

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    傳統軍事系統設計只需對抗物理性毀壞攻擊,現今的各式軍事系統在新式的不對稱作戰思維下則需面對數位資訊網路的各式駭侵攻擊,如竊取重要情資、偽冒命令甚或是破壞控制系統等,影響軍事武器系統運作之手法。而防堵駭侵攻擊的重要手段,包括:系統安全的分級、人員角色的分權授權、身份辨識、資料內容及來源真確性保護等。區塊鏈技術在這些手段上均具備扮演關鍵角色的潛力。區塊鏈技術讓不具信任基礎的點對點兩端,得以安全地交換訊息。其價值在加密貨幣如「比特幣」金融服務的應用已獲得證明。運用區塊鏈技術,利用其去中心化特性,可徹底消彌單點失效的可能性,創造出讓各種裝置或感測器得以更快速復原的運作環境。然而,區塊鏈應用於軍事系統將面對如下挑戰:規模涵蓋性問題、運算耗能耗時問題。為避免這些問題,我們提出一個類無鑰簽章基礎建設KSI-like的解決方案,試圖達到系統防護及全系統監控的功能。這個基礎建設是以私有認許制的區塊鏈型式所構成,利用此架構將包容以下網路安全關鍵核心功能要求:界限保護、事件隔離、修復操作及快速模組更替While the traditional design of military systems demands only capabilities to resist physical destructive attacks, in view of asymmetric combat strategy, it needs additionally to confront the situation that, in cyber domain, various hacking attacks, from adversaries, such as theft of important intelligence, fake commands, and even the espionage of control system to retard our ability to carry out operational missions, are emerging. To defend against these hacking threats, there are critical countermeasures including system security level classification, role-based authorization, identity and authentication, data integrity and source identification. Among them, Blockchain plays a potential role.Blockchain makes trustless, peer-to-peer messaging possible and has already proven its worth in the world of financial services through cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. By leveraging the Blockchain, the decentralized approach would eliminate single points of failure, creating a more resilient ecosystem for devices/sensors to run on. However, there are challenges of Blockchain in defense systems:scalability issues,processing power and time. To avoid these,we proposed a Keyless Signature Infrastructure (KSI) solution accounted for protection of the system and system-wide monitoring. The infrastructure is organized private and permissioned Blockchain-based, accommodates with the critical cyber-secure functionalitise:border managemet, incident isolation,recovery operations and agile technology insertion.

    關鍵詞 : 區塊鏈、雜湊現金、橢圓曲線數位簽章演算法、數位簽章、雜湊現金演算法、全艦通用運算環境Blockchain;Hash Cash;Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm(ECDSA);Digital Signature;Hashcash Algorithm;Total Ship Computing Environment(TSCE)

    • 資訊軟體
    • 實現警衛安全監控系統資料融合技術之研究Surveillance Systems with Optimum Distributed Data Fusion and their Simplifications for Practical Implementation
    • 錢為任 施翔偉 管晉陞Wei-Jen Chien Hsiang-Wei Shih Gyin-Sheng Kuan

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    市面上各種監控系統廣泛運用於街道巷弄、軍事基地、研究單位及公司場所的戶外環境中,每項監控系統都可能被自然界中的環境因素影響,尤其是氣候變化(如雨、風和溫度)之因素,系統效能將會嚴重受到限制。監控系統受限於這些限制,將可能產生偵測不到入侵者所造成的偵測漏失(Detection Miss)或者是受風吹草動影響的錯誤告警(False Alarm)等問題。幸運的,現有不同型態的監控系統雖都有個別的特性及其物理限制,但卻相互獨立。因此,使用資料融合技術整合各監控系統之結果,將有助於解決上述問題。在本研究中,我們模擬某軍事基地監控場景,並研析在現有系統未升級前,如何根據各種監控系統間的特性及限制,導入機率統計概念的數據融合方案,實現合理、低複雜度的決策模型。經實驗模擬結果,已歸納出各系統之間的性能差距,以及系統運作效能與演算法之間相對合理的權衡方式。Various surveillance systems have been widely implemented at outdoor environments, e.g., military bases, street corners, and all kinds of institute and company premises. Restricted by the natural physical limitations of each individual surveillance system, reliability of such a system may vary dramatically when enduring volatile weather conditions, like rain, wind and temperature, which could pose a serious problem when the target locations are military bases with low tolerance on detection miss or false alarm. Fortunately, physical rules that limit the performance of different surveillance systems could be quite independent, which implies that cross-system cooperation could greatly help mitigate the problem with diversity combining of signals fed from heterogeneous inputs. In this paper, we first derive the optimum detection solution of such an approach regarding the existing hardware deployment of a military base. As expected, the optimum solution is way too complicated to implement; however, it serves a majorpurpose that identifies the weak spots of a military base that are not defend-able without hardware upgrade. On the other hand, on those defend-able spots with reasonable margin to the optimum performance derived above, we work to simplify the optimum detection algorithm by exploring the local dependence among various surveillance sensors, and by introducing low-complexity data fusion algorithms for practical implementations. Simulation results present the trade-off between the performance gap to the optimum solution and the algorithm complexity.

    關鍵詞 : 監控系統、數據融合Surveillance System; Data Fusion

    • 資訊軟體
    • 海軍艦艇魚雷預警訓練之建模與模擬Modeling and Simulation of Torpedo Warning Training for a Naval Vessel
    • 徐盛平 涂滿煌 Sheng-Ping Hsu Man-Huang Tu

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    現有海軍艦艇針對魚雷攻擊之聲納預警訓練,主要係透過潛艦或水面艦發射操演魚雷,操演魚雷依預先設定之場景接近水面艦艇,訓練聲納操作手透過聲納,探測來襲魚雷之目標噪音強度及音頻特徵,以辨識魚雷。然而,以操演魚雷進行魚雷預警訓練將存在魚雷與水面艦艇發生碰撞之風險。再者,考量潛艦或水面艦發射魚雷所需動用之兵力、經費與演習風險,採用具有魚雷目標特性之水聲裝備以取代操演魚雷進行海上訓練是有其必要性的。本文以模式模擬之觀點,分別描述以動、靜態音源應用於艦艇之魚雷預警訓練模式與模擬結果,並推導出靜態音源布放位置之擇優法則。由模擬結果顯示,透過布放靜態音源於適當位置,可相當程度地近似模擬船艦聲納偵搜動態音源之效果,故可大幅降低實兵演訓之經費及風險。The torpedo warning training for a naval vessel is usually practiced by launching an exercise torpedo from a submarine or a surface vessel. When the exercise torpedo approaches the naval vessel, the sonar operator will be trained to identify the torpedo by detecting its noise strength and sound characteristics. However, there is the risk of causing the collision between the exercise torpedo and own ship during the training practice. Moreover, considering the cost and risks of launching the exercise torpedo, it is better to train the sonar operator by using a simulated acoustic equipment instead of launching the real exercise torpedo. This paper describes the modeling and simulation of torpedo warning training by using a mobile and a stationary sound source for a naval vessel, respectively. Besides, this paper also derives the optimal rule to decide the suitable deployment for a stationary sound source. Simulation results show that instead of using a mobile sound source, acceptable effects and less practice cost and risks can be achieved by deploying a stationary sound source at a suitable location.

    關鍵詞 : 海軍艦艇、魚雷預警、建模、模擬naval vessel; torpedo warning; modeling; simulation

    • 系統模擬
    • 結合輸入估測法與擴展型卡爾曼濾波器應用於戰術彈道飛彈追蹤A combined Method of Input Estimation and Extended Kalman Filter for Tactical Ballistic Missile Tracking
    • 歐陽良昱 李永隆Liang-Yu Ou Yang Yung-Lung Lee

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    本研究結合輸入估測法與典型無輸入項之擴展型卡爾曼濾波器,形成一有輸入項的擴展型卡爾曼濾波器,應用於戰術彈道飛彈的彈道變軌軌跡估測;並與利用最佳化控制理論解析推導出的軌跡作比較,模擬結果顯示,有輸入項的擴展型卡爾曼濾波器之追蹤精度與穩定度,皆明顯優於典型無輸入項之擴展型卡爾曼濾波器。In this study, a combined method of input estimation and a typical extended Kalman filter (EKF) without input term is proposed to form an EKF with input term. The improved EKF is used to estimate the tactical ballistic missile (TBM) with variable trajectory. Moreover, the variable trajectory of TBM by optimal control theory is analytically derived and compared to the estimated one via the improved EKF. The simulated results show that the tracking accuracy and stability for the improved EKF with input term are superior to the typical EKF without input term.

    關鍵詞 : 輸入估測法、擴展型卡爾曼濾波器、戰術彈道飛彈、追蹤Input Estimation; Extended Kalman Filter; Tactical Ballistic Missile; Track

    • 系統模擬
    • 飛彈天線輻射場型模擬計算及分析A Simulated Calculation and Analysis of the Antennas Radiation Pattern Mounted on the Missile
    • 蕭丞鈞 陳信宏Chen-Chun Hsiao Shin-Hon Chen

    卷期 : 14 /

    出版年 : 2018/01/01

    為衡量飛彈上之天線是否能真正發揮其原始設計性能時,有必要將其欲安裝的飛彈載台以及載台上其他天線等,彼此間的電磁相互耦合現象列入考慮範疇。本研究係透過計算電磁模擬方式,將幾種常見的空載天線,例如:貼片天線、單極天線、適型貼片陣列天線等,依序放置在一飛彈載台上,計算各個天線個別或多個佈局於飛彈載台上之輻射場型,分析天線其輻射場型受到飛彈載台之影響,主要係因為多次反射現象、繞射現象及金屬屏蔽現象等,所以造成天線其輻射場型呈現不同程度的干涉效應,同時也探討了多個天線彼此間電磁相互耦合現象和隔離度的問題,完整建立了飛彈天線輻射場型模擬計算及分析能量。In order to evaluate the performance of the antenna mounted on a missile, it's necessary to consider the mutual coupling among airborne antenna, missile platform and airborne antennas else. This paper utilizes computational electromagnetics simulation software to establish modeling methods of several popular antennas---patch antenna, monopole antenna and conformal patch array antenna, for example, mounted on a missile in sequence. Moreover, simulation software calculates the radiation pattern of every antenna or several antennas mounted on a missile and analyses the influence of missile platform on antenna' radiation pattern. Because of the multi-reflection phenomenon, diffraction phenomenon, metal shield phenomenon, the radiation pattern of the antenna are interfered. Furthermore, discussing the issue concerning the mutual coupling among several antennas and isolation, this paper builds up the capacity of a simulated calculation and analysis concerning radiation pattern of the antennas mounted on a missile.

    關鍵詞 : 空載天線、輻射場型、計算電磁、適型貼片陣列天線、天線隔離度、多階層快速多極法Airborne antenna; Radiation pattern; Computational Electromagnetics (CEM); conformal patch array antenna; Antenna isolation; Multilevel Fast Multipole Method (MLFMM)