卷期 : 46 / 1
出版年 : 2018/01/01
生命週期內武器系統會逐步累積愈來愈多的紙本或電子化資料,而當生產與服役的期程長及產量大時,巨量資料的儲存與搜尋問題越來越嚴重,以致於資料無法有效再利用。本文提出一套實作方式以相關整合產品資料管理系統,用以改善武器系統品質管理上的缺失。此整合式產品管理系統(IPDMS)主要運用工程構型管理系統、產品資訊管理系統、品質管理系統及後勤管理系統等四大系統,透過相互間運作機制與資料轉換,準確與及時地獲得產品生命週期內的有用資訊,有效掌握武器系統產品資訊並確保品質可靠度。During the cycle life of a missile weapon system, a lot of data, either in paper or in electronic form, will be generated, especially if the production quantity of it is high and/or the periods of its production and in-service phases last long. To efficiently and effectively retrieve useful data from dispersed storage of this huge amount of data could be very challenging, and hence become a severe problem to the manufacture company and also the users. In this case study, a practically applicable integration approach for product data silos, such as Engineering Configuration System, Instance Bill of Materials system, Quality Management System, and Follow-on Support Management Information System, is described. Through data liaison and data transmission between these information silos, product data can be acquired immediately and correctly at any time in the whole cycle life, therefore ensuring product's quality and reliability.
關鍵詞 : 產品資料管理系統(Product Data Management System, PDMS)、構型管理(Configuration Management)、產品序號樹(Product Serial Number Tree)