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    • 人物專訪
    • 「以院為家、以自主國防為職志」的工程師-專訪天弓計畫前主持人趙燿銘博士
    • 陳美華.王怡仁.陳偉弘/採訪整理

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    當105年海軍金江艦誤射雄三飛彈擊中漁船「翔利昇號」,意外讓外界看見雄三飛彈的精良性能,引發民眾討論,並於PTT八卦版轉貼2014年的舊聞,「無名英雄 淡泊名利 天弓博士 退休後月領21K」,文中披露中山科學研究院待遇不高,研究人員都是憑著愛國熱忱在做事,天弓三型飛彈的研發計畫主持人,2013年退休後月退俸居然只有少少的2萬1,000元,與擁有相同學歷的廣達集團創辦人林百里身家更是天壤之別,在林百里投身商場、累積百億身家之際,趙博士卻選擇報效國家投入國防武器研發,在中科院一待40年,選擇當無法曝光的「無名英雄」並甘之如飴。

    關鍵詞 : 趙燿銘

    • 編輯紀實
    • 編輯紀實
    • 編輯室

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    本期新新季刊「人物專訪」專訪到天弓計畫前主持人趙燿銘博士,趙博士自台大電機系畢業服預官役後,考取公費赴美留學並獲得麻省理工學院電機博士學位;在美期間遇上本院赴美公差同仁,獲知我國當時在採購武器方面處處受阻,本院銜命開始進行國防自主研發,經赴美同仁邀請後,趙博士基於對國家熱忱及使命感,回國後毅然加入本院研發團隊為國防自主盡心力;在院近40年期間,由基層研發直至帶領團隊開發新型防空飛彈武器系統,在各個階段趙博士均以院為家,以自主國防為職志的信念,貢獻專長、犧牲奉獻,趙博士選擇了做國防科技的無名英雄,其做人與做事的風範,足資這一輩年輕人可供效法的中山精神與典範。本院自103年改制後,管理作為在導入企業化經營元素與模式下,作業效率提升亦逐漸顯現成效;「系統研發效益精進」為本期中心論題,並由系統發展中心學有專精的同仁,集結各專業領域同仁的研發心得與成果,共計完成13篇精要論著與讀者分享;其中內容涵蓋「先進科技研究探討」、「關鍵模組精進研究」、「太空科技技術發展」、「系統驗證部署研究」及「軍工公司營運啟示」等範圍,期能引領有興趣的讀者共同探討研究,藉以深化本院專業技術與知能。 「智權專欄」共二篇:(1)論述專利進步性審查基準修正;(2)發展國防產業之智慧財產權議題探討-以振興國防產業條例草案為中心。「一般論述」專欄內容包含(1)水下反潛作戰環境之主被動音響訊號模擬軟體實作;(2)無人飛機技術及發展現況;(3)使用邊緣偵測法製作線條圖;(4)電信網路中潛在的網路同步問題;(5)主要特徵點的選取演算法:以辨識ECG訊號的心跳類別為例,共計五篇。「研發成果」專欄內容包含(1)經濟型即時飛控系統研製;(2)靶船任務規劃之設計;(3)混合火箭自燃技術開發;(4)WannaCry勒索軟體分析;(5)電磁脈衝防護屏蔽隔離室研製;(6)微區室溫熱影像溫度檢測技術;(7)高精確度50W功率輸出收發模組;(8)橡膠硬度計校正能量開發;(9)電子設備於高噪聲及爆炸壓力等衝擊環境下之量測與分析及(10)監控整合管理平台,共計十篇。

    關鍵詞 : 系統研發效益精進

    • 中心論題
    • 系統研發效益精進
    • 徐炎廷

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    研發具前瞻性的高科技產品,有效提升國家軍備,是中科院的首要任務。本院自103年轉型後,管理作為上突破往昔窠臼,在導入企業化經營元素與模式下,作業效率提升已逐漸顯現成效。而武器系統研發部份,近年來更是有本質上的演進,首先我國正式宣告推動國機國造與國艦國造政策,意即在80年代「三彈一機」的標竿任務後,中科院再一次接受了艱鉅但具歷史意義的國家使命。 其次,我們期許中科院成為國際一流的武器研製機構,本院轉型後著手推動與國際接軌,透過國際行銷及軍工產業參訪等方式,了解世界先進國防機構的運作機制,期能透過交流與學習,提升產品國際競爭力。另外,面對國際嚴酷的競爭環境,更督促著我們在先進武器技術開發研究上要戮力以赴,除了前瞻未來數十年的武器發展趨勢預作準備外,更要延伸技術運用領域至太空或極地環境以迎接多元化的挑戰。是以,本期新新季刊即以「系統研發效益精進」為中心論題,集結各專業領域同仁的研發心得與成果,共計完成13篇精要論著與讀者分享。其中內容涵蓋「先進科技研究探討」、「關鍵模組精進研究」、「太空科技技術發展」、「系統驗證部署研究」及「軍工公司營運啟示」等範圍,期能引領有興趣的讀者共同探討研究,更深化本院專業技術與知能。 最後,中科院從事武器系統研發已逾四十年,專案計畫執行過程從來都不是一條舒適的康莊大道,面對未來艱鉅的研發任務,我們必須在研發經驗與技術能量上持續精進,並以積極主動、踏實穩健的態度逐一突破困難,為我國高科技武器系統發展開創更加嶄新及輝煌的一頁。

    關鍵詞 : 系統研發效益精進

    • 中心論題
    • 尋標器彈體隔離率對終端導引性能分析 Performance Analysis of Terminal Guidance Affected by Body Isolation of Seeker
    • 楊明浩(Ming-Hao Yang)

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    尋標器量測精度與鼻錐罩效應干擾導引性能已眾所皆知:然而,鮮少人探討尋標器穩 訂迴路對終端導引性能影響。尋標器穩定迴路係阻絕飛彈彈體角速率對尋標器指向之干擾,其解耦效能稱為彈體隔離率。本研究經理論分析,發現標器彈體隔離率對導引迴路影響與鼻錐罩類,皆屬寄生效應。經建立簡易模式,獲得其影響因子,並評估其對導引迴路之穩定性與暫態阻影響。相關成果可作為未來防空或飛彈防禦系統規訂定與分析依據,以確保武器系統性能滿足客戶需求及降低研製風險。It has been widely realized that the accuracy and radome effect of seeker degrade the performance of guidance. However, the influence of stabilization loop is seldom discussed.The body isolation is a performance index, which is used to measure the decoupled effectiveness of seeker from the angular isolation to the guidance loop is similar like radome, also called parasitic effect. The simplified model and its'effective factors are obtained to evaluate and analyze the stability and damping ratio of transient response as the guidance loop is affected by the body isolation of seeker. The analysis results could be applied to make the spec for the

    關鍵詞 : 終端導引(Terminal uidance)、尋標器(Seeker)、穩定迴路Stabilization Loop)、彈體隔離率(Body Isolation)

    • 中心論題
    • 空用主動雷達導引飛彈貼海目標搜索精進Promote the Performance of Air-to-air Active Radar Guidance Missile that Searches Skimming Target
    • 林炳榮(Ping-Zong Lin)

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    空用主動雷達導引飛彈若用來面對海上低飛目標,因海面海雜波干擾和鏡面效應影響,以致尋標器不易搜索和辨識目標,降低飛彈導控迴路性能,導致飛彈無法成功攔截目標。本文利用實體模擬實驗室模擬低空貼海來襲目標,先進行對尋標器和導引的性能影響分析,再以飛試方式,測試主動雷達導引飛彈的抗海雜波能力。另鏡面效應也是影響攔截攻艦飛彈成功與否的關鍵,此項議題亦將在本文納入考量。本文運用軟體精進,使空對空飛彈兼具制海能力,以提升防禦能力。It is considered that an air-to-air active radar guidance missile ntercepts the sea-skimming target. The interference of sea clutter and mirror effect impacts the performance of the missile seeker causing it to search and identify the target with difficulty, and the missile's guidance and control performance also degrades. Hence, the missile loses track and misses the target. In order to analyze its influence, Hardware in the Loop Laboratory creates scenarios simulating target signal and sea clutter simultaneously to test the performance of the seeker and guidance. Live missile flight testing is also planned to check the capability of the seeker and guidance. Finally, the interference of mirror effect on the missile's seeker and guidance is also discussed in this paper. Instead of modifying the hardware module of the missile, we attempt improving the software to promote the missile performance. Therefore, air-to-air missile also can be applied to air-to-surface missions.

    關鍵詞 : 尋標器(Seeker)、海雜波(Sea clutter)、視線角變化率(Line of sight rate)

    • 中心論題
    • 南非Denel國營軍工企業進入世界百大排名的經驗與啟示Experience and Inspiration of South Africa Denel State-Owned Company Enter ing World Military Industry Top 100
    • 梁忠志(Chung-Chin Liang)

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    觀察南非Denel國營公司在近來持續成長的營運狀況,已多次進入美國Defence News世界軍事工業百大排行,目前主要為國營架構,但下轄多個國營、民營與衍生(合資)公司,員工總人數大約7000人。該公司在歷經南非國防部之軍備體系組織大幅度調整、營運虧損、企業重新重整與產品外銷策略擬定後,在歐美軍備工業大國的夾擊下,以其屬於小國大軍工的案例,近幾年可以持續進入百大軍工排行,其系統研製與專案管理之歷史與經驗,值得作為本院永續發展的參考。In recent years, South Africa(SA) Denel military industry group company continue growth, and enter US Defence News military industry Top 100. The company is mainly a state-owned company(SOC) operating structure. Under the jurisdiction of a number of subsidiariesand associated companies with foreign strategic alliance of joint-stock companies, the current number of employees is about 7000 people. The company has undergone significant adjustments in the armament system of the South Africa Minstry of Defence to adjust operating losses, reorganization of enterprises, privatization (joint-stock) and product export strategy. Under the attack of European and US military industry, SA with the small arm industry continue to enter the Top 100 rankings. Its history and experience of organization adjustment, system development, project management and export strategy, is worthy of ours reference as a sustainable development.

    關鍵詞 : 南非(South Africa)、DENEL國營軍工企業(DENEL State-Owned Company)、 補償交易(Offset)、防衛新聞(Defence News)、軍事工業百大排行(Military industry Top 100)

    • 中心論題
    • 艦用航儀系統轉換與整合研究Conversion and Integration Research of Naval Navigation System
    • 潘祥光(Hsiang-Guang Pan).謝仁正(Jen-Cheng Hsieh).陳家慶(Chia-Ching Chen)

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    中華民國海軍現役某級主力軍艦服役迄今已超過20年,艦上現有的歐系電羅經正面臨消失性商源的問題,並造成海軍後續維修的困難;而海軍考量現役其他主、輔戰艦艇多數已經換裝美系電羅經,決定採用美系電羅經取代歐系電羅經;由於美系電羅經與歐系電羅經之輸出介面規格不同,必須進行內部資料轉換,方能使美系電羅經與該級現役主力艦的裝備正常介接,因此,海軍委請本院研製「電羅經介面轉換器」解決之。另外歐系電羅經具有可由駕駛台的監控前/後羅經的功能;為了保留海軍操控便利性,本院研製之羅經介面器亦發展駕駛台遠端監控功能,以提供海軍更方便的使用方式。Some of the Frigates of ROCN(Republic of China Navy) have been commissioned over twenty years. The existing gyro on the Frigate is now facing the obsolescence problem that results in difficulties of sustainable maintenance. Considering the logistical support, the ROCN decides to replace it with a gyro which has already been installed in other warships. Due to the differences of interface specification between these two types of gyro, a "Gyro Interface Convertor" is developed for data transformation. This enables the substitute gyro to work well with other equipment on the frigates. Also, in order to remotely control the new gyros, the "Integrated Remote Control and Display Unit" is developed for the operation convenience.

    關鍵詞 : 現役主力艦(Frigates)、中華民國海軍(Republic of China Navy, ROCN)、電羅經(Gyrocompass)、電羅經介面轉換器(Gyrocompass Interface Converter)、全球定位系統(GPS)、計程儀(LOG)、遠端控制(Remote Control)

    • 中心論題
    • 由超音速至極音速-超燃衝壓引擎及測試載具之技術發展From Supersonic to Hypersonic-Scramjet and Flight Test Vehicle Technology Development
    • 洪偉恭(Wei-kung Hung).蔡政和(Cheng-ho Tsai)

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    以超燃衝壓引擎作為推進系統的極音速載具是深具發展潛力,用途廣泛的前瞻科技,除軍事用途之外,也可使用在載人的極音速飛行器上,更是未來人類往返太空的動力選項。吸氣式極音速載具技術的突破,將有如自螺旋槳時代進步到噴射機時代,代表著新世代推進系統的革新,而極音速測試載具飛試為各國研發極音速載具的關鍵過程,是介於地面試驗與載具飛試之間重要的關鍵技術研發階段。Based on its widely application potential, scramjet powered hypersonic vehicle has been on the minds of engineers for decades, especially in prospect of defence, aircraft, and astronautics. Achievement of scramjet represents the innovation of the next generation air-breathing propulsion technology. According to the development history, it is necessary to establish hypersonic flight vehicle experimentation which is the key technology between ground test and final hypersonic vehicle flight test.

    關鍵詞 : 極音速載具(Hypersonic vehicle)、超燃衝壓引擎(Scramjet)

    • 中心論題
    • 高能雷射武器系統研發精進探討The Study on Developments of High Energy Laser Weapon Systems
    • 吳聲沛(Sheng-Pei Wu)

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    高能雷射武器為廿一世紀的戰爭中,發展最迅速、最具實戰價值的前衛武器之一。高能雷射武器利用雷射光束直接摧毀目標或使目標失效,其具有與敵快速接戰的能力,亦能反制敵方快速運動目標,且具射擊彈藥充足與成本低廉等優點。本文依序探討高能雷射的特性及其優缺點;借著說明以美國為主的高能雷射武器研發歷程,從早期的二氧化碳氣體雷射、氟化氘化學雷射、化學氧碘雷射,到近期的固態雷射及光纖雷射主流,探討本院高能雷射武器研發精進方向。High energy laser (HEL) weapon is one of the fast-growing and practical cutting-edge weapons in this generation. HEL weapon uses laser beams to destroy targets directly or to inactivate targets. It can swiftly engage in battles and is able to counter enemy's fast-moving target. It also has prominent benefits as unlimited ammunition and outstanding cost efficiency. This paper reviews the characteristics, advantages, and even the disadvantages of HEL weapon. The subsequent discussion will be focused on our orientation of HEL development by elaborating the researches and experiences of HEL weapon in the U.S. The researches and experiences include the early age CO2 gas laser, DF chemical laser, chemical oxygen iodine laser, to the latest trendy solid state laser and fiber laser.

    關鍵詞 : 高能雷射武器(High Energy Laser Weapon)、雷射武器(Laser Weapon

    • 中心論題
    • 太空科技發展Space Technology Development
    • 韓國璋(Kuo-Chang Han)

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    太空科技發展是20世紀人類歷史的偉大成就之一,其主要源自於對宇宙充滿好奇的探索慾望,加上科技的大幅進步;太空科技的發展更是一個國家整體科技、經濟與工業實力的具體展現,其範疇涵蓋系統工程、通信、資訊、電子、機械、遙測、導航、控制、推進、化學及材料等尖端科技,對國安、國防及民生經濟、產業之推動具有重大的影響。衛星在太空科技發展佔有重要地位,是整合高科技工藝的系統,然而衛星技術的發展絕非朝發夕至,亦無法一蹴可幾,必須長期經營。本文從全球衛星科技發展現況談起,觀察衛星發展重要趨勢,最後提出對國軍自主軍事衛星發展之建議。Motivating from the humankind curiosity about the universe and enabling by those great and wide advances in science and technology, space technology development is recognized as one of the greatest achievements in the 20th century. Space technology is a multi-disciplined integration of high technologies, which is crucial to national security, national defense, civil economic and industrial development. Satellite plays dominant role in space technology development, there is no short cut to success without constant dedication to. From current status in global satellite development, observing important development trends, development strategies and goals on self-reliant military satellites are recommended briefly.

    關鍵詞 : 太空科技(Space technology)、衛星系統(Satellite system)、發射載具(Launch vehicle)、衛星艙體(Satellite bus)、系統架構(System configuration)

    • 中心論題
    • 車載光學追蹤系統效能精進The VehicleType Optical Tracking System Improvement
    • 蘇建銘(Jian-Ming Su).林飛帆(Fei-Fan Lin)

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    為滿足各計畫多目標飛試驗證需求,同時提供飛試目標影像及其動態軌跡圖資,延續98年車載光學追蹤系統試製,針對雙軸追蹤基座、可見光影像擷取模組、熱影像儀及顯控軟體進行效能精進,系統獲取目標熱影像能力可提升至80公里,獲取瞬間畫面間隔可小至1ms,雙軸追蹤基座負載能力提升三倍,以確保於高負載(掛載光學感測器)下追蹤之穩定度,顯控軟體模組化提供便捷的系統維護、更靈活的開發環境及後續精進空間,系統完成精進研改後,已於測試場內與場外參與本院各計畫多項飛試任務及三軍武器系統驗證任務,成效顯著。In order to verify various flighttest scenarios and to acquire the video associated with the track data of the flight targets, the efficiency of the dual axis servo, video capture modules, infrared (IR) camera and human machine interface in the vehicle type optical tracking system is improved. The maximum IR camera detecting range increases from 50 to 80 km, the video frame rate achieves1000 frames per second, and the servo payload enhances triple. In addition, to ensure the system reliable and convenient maintenance, the software is modularize designing. The system has been involved in the different weapon test missions and the results are as expected.

    關鍵詞 : 光電追蹤(Electronic Optical Tracking)、機動式光學追蹤(Mobile Optical Tracking)、車載式光學追蹤(Vehicle Type Optical Tracking)

    • 中心論題
    • 應用實驗設計以研改精進產品可靠度Application of Design of Experiments to Improve Product Reliability
    • 廖建義(Jen-Yi Liao)

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    有鑑於日益增加的系統複雜性和效能要求,產品品質與可靠度的持續精進乃在市場競爭勝出之關鍵。結合可靠度試驗與統計的實驗設計手法,可大幅改進試驗的有效性。本文以兩種實際案例為主軸,並說明其研判與精進之道。案例一為螢光燈之設限壽命試驗,應用了完全數據、設限數據及蒙地卡羅馬可夫鏈等三種實驗設計手法,以比較確認影響可靠度之顯著因子。案例二乃基於軸承之可靠度標的,先以響應面法鎖定關鍵因子並大幅改善軸承強度,再繼之以樣本數較少的無母數貝氏試驗規劃手法驗證其有效性。Due to increasing system complexity and demands on functionality, continuous improvement of quality and reliability are critical in response to competition from market. The combined use of reliability test and statistical design of experiments (DoE) is very advantageous and increases the test effectiveness. Topics discussed in this paper include two practical case studies and solutions to the problems are developed. The first case is censored life data from fluorescent lamp test, three DoE approaches serve to find out the effect of significant factors on reliability. The second case is based on the target reliability of bearing, vastly improving the factors of bearing strength by using response surface method, and then verified by non-parametric Bayesian test approach with a much smaller test sample.

    關鍵詞 : 變異數分析(Analysis of Variance, ANOVA)、設限數據(Censored data)、最大似然性估計(Maximum Likelihood Estimation, MLE)、蒙地卡羅馬可 夫鏈(Monte Carlo Markov Chain, MCMC)、響應面法(Response Surface Method, RSM)、切片取樣(Slice sampling)

    • 中心論題
    • 磁共振耦合之無線電力傳輸研究Wireless Power Transmission by Using Magnetic Resonance Coupling
    • 徐書逸(Shu-Yi Syu)

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    本文的研究主題為應用磁共振來進行無線充電之天線設計,主要開發平面式磁共振天線技術,其中系統發射端為變流電路,接收端為橋式全波整流電路,用以克服電磁感應技術中,進行充電時,兩線圈中心位置需準確擺放,可達到較佳傳輸效率。The objective of this paper is focused on antenna design for magnetic resonance wireless power transfer. This study aims to develop planar magnetic resonance antenna technology. The transmitting is the converter circuit, and the receiving is the full-wave bridge rectifier circuit. This paper also improve the electromagnetic wireless power transfer. This docking system do not have to match precisely.

    關鍵詞 : 平面式(Plane Type)、磁共振(Magnetic Resonances)、全波橋式整流(Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier)

    • 中心論題
    • 彈道飛彈雷達回波特徵模擬技術精進Advanced Simulation of Radar Feature from Ballistic Missile
    • 蕭丞鈞(Chen-Chun Hsiao).陳信宏(Shin-Hon Chen)

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    雷達為因應目標辨識的需求,須建立相應的目標特徵資料庫,俾利提取目標特徵作為目標辨識、偵追及飛彈歸向用途。本研究以步進頻率寬頻雷達範疇下的彈道飛彈中段目標為例,運用電磁模擬軟體計算目標全極化回波資料,再對回波資料進行逆傅立葉轉換(Inverse Fourier Transform, IFT),成功實現目標全極化高解析度距離像(High Resolution Range Profile, HRRP)及目標全極化逆合成孔徑雷達(Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar, ISAR)影像,以精進的彈道飛彈中段目標雷達回波模擬技術建立目標特徵資料庫,可精進雷達目標辨識能量。A radar needs to build up homologous database of target characteristic for the requirement of identifying the target. By using the target characteristic, a radar can process target recognition, detecting & tracking, missile orientation. This paper regards the ballistic missile midcourse target under the system of step frequency broadband radar as the example, utilizes the electromagnetic simulation software to calculate the complete polarization echo data of the target, and uses inverse Fourier transform (IFT) to process echo data. Moreover, the realization of complete polarization high resolution range profile (HRRP) and complete polarization inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) image is achieved successfully. Furthermore, using the advanced simulation technology of radar echo from ballistic missile midcourse target and building up homologous database of target characteristic, this paper enhances the radar capacity of identifying the target.

    關鍵詞 : 雷達回波特徵(Radar feature)、計算電磁(Computational ElectroMagnetics, CEM)、多階層快速多極法(Multilevel Fast Multipole Method, MLFMM)、 雷達截面積(Radar Cross Section, RCS)、高解析度距離像(High Resolution Range Profile, HRRP)、逆合成孔徑雷達(Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar,ISAR)

    • 中心論題
    • 反彈道飛彈系統部署效益精進研究Research of Deployment Effectiveness for ATBM System
    • 段泰康(Tay-Kong Duan).謝清桂(Ching-Kuei Hsieh).楊榮宗(Rong-Jong Yang)

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    面對中共部署數量龐大之戰術彈道飛彈威脅,國軍建置反彈道飛彈系統以為因應,然而要建立有效的戰力不能只考慮反彈道飛彈系統之有無,如果不能妥善的部署運用,即使擁有精良的反彈道飛彈系統仍無法達成防護我各處軍經要地之目標。本文說明構成反彈道飛彈系統部署效益分析能量之相關分析模式,並以模擬案例說明反彈道飛彈系統部署效益之評估。Facing the threats of a large number of Tactical Ballistic Missiles (TBM) deployed by mainland China, Taiwan has deployed the anti-Tactical Ballistic Missile (ATBM) system to response. However, to build up effective ATBM combat power, we cannot only consider the existence of ATBM system. If the ATBM system is not properly deployed, we are still unable to reach the goal of protecting the important assets, even with excellent system. In this paper, we describe the models to analyze the deployment effectiveness for ATBM System. We also present the simulation to assess the deployment effectiveness of ATBM System.

    關鍵詞 : 彈道飛彈(TBM)、反彈道飛彈系統(ATBM system)、模擬分析(Simulation Analysis)、部署效益(Deployment Effectiveness

    • 中心論題
    • 軍用通訊桅桿品質提升設計與耐久性測試驗證The Quality Improvement of Military Communication Mast and the Durability Verification
    • 王文庭(Wen-Ting Wang).吳敏瑞(Min-Jui Wu).李建林(Chien-Lin Lee).凌志翔(Chih-Hsiang Ling).葉忠偉(Chung-Wei Yeh).李 皇(Huang Lee)

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    本文旨在探討國家中山科學研究院某專案研發設計之軍用九米微波通訊桅桿,解繳軍種使用後之品質提升研改與耐久性測試驗證。原量產品件係公開招標,廠商以最低價得標,量產解繳軍種使用後妥善率不佳,頻頻故障,專案計畫室啟動預防性維修並重新研改,設計一套新構型通訊桅桿,逐件更新原構型不良零件,將維修經驗納入新構型設計參考,試製完成後對其進行耐久性測試進行驗證,改善後之新構型九米微波通訊桅桿品質已趨於穩定。This article is exploring the quality improvement and the durability verification for the 9m Military Microwave Communication Mast designed by NCSIST project office after deliver to military for operation. The strategy of original products was through the open tender bidding process and provided by the lowest price bidder. The proper rate was poor, and the masts failured frequently after delivered to military for operation. The project office initiated the preventive maintenance and redesigned the mast configuration to replace the bad performance masts gradually. Integrate the maintenance experience into new configuration design. After the trial production was completed and verified the durability, the quality of new configured 9m Microwave Communication Masts is improved significantly.

    關鍵詞 : 通訊桅桿(Communication Antenna Mast)、耐久性測試(Durability Test)

    • 智權專欄
    • 論述專利進步性審查基準修正
    • 張永和

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 進步性、審查基準、專利要件、發明專利

    • 智權專欄
    • 發展國防產業之智慧財產權議題探討-以振興國防產業條例草案為中心
    • 劉維欽

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 振興國防產業條例草案、智慧財產權、侵權風險、國際軍品認證

    • 一般論述
    • 水下反潛作戰環境之主被動音響訊號模擬軟體實作Underwater Acoustic Modeling and Active/Passive Sonar Signal Simulation for Anti-submarine warfare application
    • 邱永盛(Linus Y.S Chiu)‧張元櫻(Andrea Chang)‧盧鴻銘(Hung-Ming Lu)

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    反潛作戰能量是海軍戰力的主要發展重點之一,其原因為潛艦具有良好的隱蔽性,擔任許多大國海軍的重要位置,具有重大的海中戰略價值,也是我國海軍之重點防衛對象之一。我們在因緣際會下與中山大學海下科技研究所邱永盛老師合作,由邱永盛老師及張元櫻博士等人開發適用於臺灣周邊海域之「水下反潛作戰環境之主被動音訊模擬軟體」,在本篇文章中將概略介紹此模擬軟體之原理及應用,此模擬軟體具備近即時模擬在各種強度與種類之海洋背景環境噪音中,船體噪音及主動聲納發波與回波之音響效果,並結合臺灣周邊水文、地形、及底質資料,近即時模擬實海域中之音響效果。主要研究方法包含海洋環境資料蒐集、海洋聲學整合模擬模式建置、混響音響模式建立、螺槳空蝕噪音模式建立、環境音響訊號資料庫建立、以及音響合成輸出模組建置等。此軟體之預期貢獻在於提供我國海軍一套訓練系統,基於此系統繼續進行整合研發,則可多方發展運用於各類聲納模擬訓練系統或聲納效能預估系統上,如「海軍聲納教練儀」及「水下被動監測防衛系統」等,有助於訓練我國海軍同仁,提升反潛偵測之能力,並提升海軍聲納人員之監聽判斷專業能力,以及我國海軍防衛技術。The anti-submarine warfare system is one of most important development of navy combat power, because of submarine's high concealability and sea strategic value. We cooperate with the institute of undersea technology in National Sun Yat-Sen University, requesting professor Chiu and Dr. Chang to establish a anti-submarine warfare audio simulation system applying to Taiwan surrounding sea. This system combines Taiwan surround hydrological data, topography data and sediment data, which can immediate simulate the ship noise, active sonar transmission and echo audio effects in every strengths and species ocean background noise. This system primary methods include collecting ocean environment data, establishing reverberation model, propeller cavitation noise model, background noise database and audio signal synthesis model. It will be a contribution to navy training system to train sonar officer, and become basis of navy sonar trainer and underwater passive sonar defense system.

    關鍵詞 : 主動聲納(Active sonar)、被動聲納(Passive Sonar)、音響模擬(Sonar simulation)、水下反潛(Anti-submarine)

    • 一般論述
    • 無人飛機技術及發展現況Unmanned Aircraft Technology and Development Status
    • 茆俊富(Chun-Fu Mao).戴智君(Chin-ChunTai).吳昌翰(Chang-HanWu).晏以明(Yi-MingYen)

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    UAS已廣泛應用於各式軍民市場,隨技術的進步,當無人機技術成熟且越來越普及,可應用的範疇越來越多元,卻也引發飛行安全及潛在衝突,例如:對隱私、間諜方面問題、產生噪聲污染,空中交通造成混亂和商業使用問題。在可見的未來,UAS將會更加融入你我的生活。本文以探討UAV近期的發展、技術上的變化以及未來發展的趨勢,以為本院無人機後續發展奠定主軸方向。UAS has been used widely in application of civil and military. As the progress of technology, the more UAS technologies are developed, the more varieties of usage are diversified. However, there are flight safety concerns and potentialconflicts arise, such as privacy, espionage, noise pollution, air safety concerns, and commercial regulations. In the coming future, UAV applications will blend in our livings definitely. From recent years of the UAS development status, technology evolvement, and trends, this article found the approach scopes and goals of UAS for NCSIST.

    關鍵詞 : 無人機(Drone)、無人飛行載具系統(Unmanned Aerial System, UAS)

    • 一般論述
    • 使用邊緣偵測法製作線條圖Making Line Drawing by EdgeDetection
    • 張漢湘(Han-Hsiang Chang)

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    顧客使用產品時,除了產品本身須合乎需求外,其它的產品週邊如操作手冊及保養說明書等技術手冊(資料)亦同樣重要。各種手冊的製作,無論是紙本文件或是電子形式,除了文字說明之外,照片、圖片或影片等的輔助更是不可或缺,然而將彩色或黑白照片用於紙本手冊上,除了印刷品質可能不佳之外,之後翻印的效果更會大打折扣。而針對物體輪廓描繪而成的線條圖,除了可避免照片於使用及維護上產生的困擾,更可清楚明顯地達到示意效果。然而線條圖的製作卻相對地較耗時耗力,因此本研究提出將實體照片轉換成可用的線條圖之技術的開發構想,進一步找到影像處理領域中的邊緣偵測法來繪製線條圖,本研究除了探討邊緣偵測理論之外,也依據該理論實際撰寫軟體及製作轉換之程式,並針對邊緣偵測法的不足之處提出可行的因應之道,如此便可以省下更多的人力及時間,減少投入資源並提升成本效益。When the customer uses the products, except that the products must conform with the demand, other products perimeter technical manuals (the materials), such as service manual and maintaining the manual,etc. It is also likewise important. The making of various manuals, no matter paper a file or electronic form, besides explanatory note, the aid of photo, picture or film,etc. is more indispensable, but colored or the black-and-white photograph will be used in a manual of paper, except that printing quality may not be good, will give a great discount even more in result reprinted that later. And the lines picture described and become to the object outline, except the puzzlement that can prevent the photo from producing in using and maintaining, can clear that reach and hint the result obviously. But the intersection of lines and the intersection of making and time consuming strength of dawdling relative of picture, research and propose, convert usable the intersection of lines and development idea of technology of picture to the intersection of entity and photo originally, the edge that further finds the image and deals with the domain detects and examines the law to draw the lines picture, this research is detected and examined the theory except canvassing the edge, write the software and make the procedure that changed actually according to this theory too, and it is feasible to detect the weak point of examining the law and put forward in because the way to answer to the edge, can save more manpower and time so, reduce input resources and improve the cost-effective.

    關鍵詞 : 技術手冊(資料)(Technical Data)、線條圖(Line Drawings)、邊緣偵測法(Edge Detection)

    • 一般論述
    • 電信網路中潛在的網路同步問題Potential Network Synchronization Problems in Telecommunication Networks
    • 劉奕悌(Yi-Ti Liu)

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    網路同步在電信網路中佔有重要的地位,隨著科技的進步,電信技術也不斷演進與更新,從以往的頻率劃分多工(Frequency Division Multiplexing, FDM),進入數位的時間劃分多工(TDM-Time Division Multiplexing),再演進到同步光纖系統,由於頻寬需求的增加,以至於今日Ethernet的普及化。不論那一種技術,網路同步仍然是電信網路規劃人員必須注意的一個議題,同時也必須對電信網路技術有深入的認識,才不至於在規劃或後續擴充階段,因為疏忽網路同步而產生影響網路品質,甚至造成整體的故障!本文主要闡述TDM技術中的同步光纖系統(SDH-Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) 在規劃階段可能會遇到的問題,及電信網路的傳輸網路轉換到Ethernet網路時同步信號的適時調整,以確保通信順暢無虞。Network Synchronization plays an important role in telecommunications networks. Technology is progressing continually. The evolution of telecommunication is from Frequency Division Multiplexing to Time Division Multiplexing and then Synchronous Optical Network. Due to increased requirement of customers, the technology of telecommunication has entered into all IP environment. No matter the technology has been employed or the expansion stage/maintenance stage in telecommunication networks. Network Synchronization is always the main topic on network planning. This paper mainly depicts possible problems during planning Synchronous Optical Network systems (SDH-Synchronous Digital Hierarchy). The adjustment of Network Synchronization while the transmission networks being changed from Synchronous Optical Network to Ethernet is mentioned as well.

    關鍵詞 : 網路同步、SDH(Synchronous Digital Hierarchy)、4G(4th Generation(第4代行動通信))、5G(5th Generation(第5代行動通信)

    • 一般論述
    • 主要特徵點的選取演算法:以辨識ECG訊號的心跳類別為例A Novel Qualitative Features Selection Algorithm: Classifying Heartbeat Cases from ECG Signals as an Illustration
    • 郭建得(Jen-Der Guo)‧林佳儀(Chia-Yi Lin)

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    主要特徵點選取的目的有二,其一是提高處理資料的速度,其二是減少記憶體的使用空間。為了此目的,本研究提出一個簡單有效的範圍交集演算法(Range-Intersection Algorithm, RIA)。範圍交集演算法,它首先從眾多的原始特徵點中以交集運算方式選取數量較少的主要特徵點候選者,其次是依每一個主要特徵點候選者對系統辨識的重要性再從中選取主要特徵點。本研究提出的範圍交集演算法,其主要的優點是方法簡單與可靠性高。本研究最後配合MIT-BIH心律不整資料庫(Arrhythmia Database)中的相關檔案,將範圍交集演算法應用於選取心電圖訊號(ECG)的主要特徵點,並以模糊邏輯(Fuzzy Logic)辨識心電圖訊號的心跳類別。經多次的測試,結論是以本研究所提的範圍交集演算法所選出的主要特徵點是正確有效的。The two major purposes of the qualitative features selection algorithm are: (1) speeding up data processing time, and (2) requiring fewer semiconductor memories. For achieving such two purposes, this study proposes a simple qualitative features selection algorithm, termed the range-intersection algorithm (RIA). The range-intersection algorithm employs the intersection computing for selecting fewer qualitative feature canditates and then utilizes the importance of each qualitative feature on system recognition to select qualitative features. The proposed RIA has advantages of simple method and high reliability. The study uses arrhythmia database of MIT-BIH for testing and verifying our algorithm. The proposed RIA is applied to select qualitative features of ECG signals and uses the fuzzy logic for classifying heartbeat classes. Experiments show that the proposed RIA is good and effective on qualitative features selection.

    關鍵詞 : 主要特徵點選取(Qualitative Features Selection)、MIT-BIH心律不整資料庫(MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database)、模糊邏輯(Fuzzy Logic)

    • 研發成果
    • 經濟型即時飛控系統研製
    • 陳澤昕

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 航空工程

    • 研發成果
    • 靶船任務規劃之設計
    • 陳建達

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 航空工程

    • 研發成果
    • 混合火箭自燃技術開發
    • 吳文靜、佘怡璇、郭建志

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    衛星發射載具中,通常將火箭分成多節火箭依序點火推進後脫節,其中最後點火的火箭稱為上層載具(Upper Stage),它是載具最後的動力階段,要達到釋放衛星到預定軌道所需要的高度、傾角、和速度等條件都是靠它完成。早期的上層載具以使用固體火箭居多,主要原因是系統簡單,藥重比高,以及任務單純(一箭一星)。但是固體火箭點火後即燃燒到底,難以掌握最終衛星之軌道精度;另一方面,上層載具使用液體火箭也有悠久的歷史,尤其是早期的一些大型發射載具,其缺點是系統複雜,耗掉過大的重量空間,在今日對於發射皮奈米衛星為主的小型載具,並不適用。再者,傳統液體燃料多具毒性或需低溫冷凝存放,目前已朝向環保配方(例如以煤油搭配過氧化氫)發展。此外,以固/液混合式(Hybrid)火箭作為上層載具的概念及做法近期也經常被提出[1-2],理論上它兼具液體火箭可控及固體火箭系統簡單的優點,但技術上仍有待克服,實際的應用案例尚未成熟。

    關鍵詞 : 飛彈火箭

    • 研發成果
    • WannaCry勒索軟體分析
    • 高永威、徐丞謙、孫敬智、鐘孟浩

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 資訊通信

    • 研發成果
    • 電磁脈衝防護屏蔽隔離室研製
    • 吳崇維

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    電磁脈衝(Electromagnetic Pulse, EMP)始見於1961年間美、俄等國之核爆試驗,於核試過程中曾多次造成周圍數百公里內的電子設備(包含預警雷達與通訊裝備等)莫名失效,進而促使各國紛紛投入此類非致命性卻可有效癱瘓作戰能力的電磁脈衝攻擊及其防護之研究,表一為不同核爆狀況下產生之電磁脈衝特性。

    關鍵詞 : 化學

    • 研發成果
    • 微區室溫熱影像溫度檢測技術
    • 湯相峰、翁炳國、高耀堂、鄭欣彥

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 材料暨光電

    • 研發成果
    • 高精確度50W功率輸出收發模組
    • 徐克文 蔡藎芝 張 慈、洪寶貴

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 電子

    • 研發成果
    • 橡膠硬度計校正能量開發
    • 黃朝鈺、王俊凱

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    橡膠具彈性大,抗撕裂性和電絕緣性優良,耐磨性和耐旱性良好,加工性佳,易於其它材料粘合等優點,用途廣泛,用於製造輪胎、密封材料、膠鞋、膠管、膠帶、電線電纜的絕緣層和護套以及其他通用製品。橡膠原料關乎國計民生,並為國防和工業建設不可缺少的戰略物資,其製品被廣泛應用於工業、農 業、國防、交通運輸、醫藥衛生和日常生活領域。硬度為橡膠材料重要特性之一,橡膠硬度計已為橡膠產業測試產品性能的必備裝置,除加工生產單位外,研發機構如財團法人塑膠工業技術發展中心、財團法人鞋類暨運動休閒科技研發中心皆有橡膠硬度的檢測實驗室,全國執行橡膠硬度測試之TAF(Taiwan Accreditation Foundation)認證實驗室已達15家。為達計量追溯要求測試機構擁有之橡膠硬度計皆需定期校正,然而通過TAF認證之橡膠硬度計校正僅有兩家。本院系統維護中心儀具校正組目前已具橡膠硬度計校正能量,為求提供更高品質的校正服務,於106年將橡膠硬度計校正列入TAF認證項目,並順利通過認證,有利爭取多校正市場。儀校組擔任本院及國軍的儀校追溯中心,未來將持續精進校正技術、提升認證能量,提供更高品質、更符合客戶需求的校正服務。

    關鍵詞 : 系統維護

    • 研發成果
    • 電子設備於高噪聲及爆炸壓力等衝擊環境下之量測與分析
    • 陳杞彣、黃朝鈺、王俊凱

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01

    本院開發之各型飛彈係透過架控與通訊等電子設備以啟動發射,由於發射瞬間將產生高噪聲及爆炸壓力等衝擊環境,為避免電子設備失效,透過聲壓量測機制可提供防護機櫃之結構設計確認與精進。本文主要介紹運用電容式麥克風(Microphone)及壓電式筆型壓力感測器(Sensor),透過信號調節放大(Condition),並以NI系統24位元之資料擷取模組(Data acquisition, DAQ)取得測試數據後,再利用圖形化程式設計語法(LabVIEW)編寫之軟體進行傅立葉轉換(Fourier transform)及聲壓位準(Sound-pressure level)計算,提供後續時、頻域分析、數據繪圖與主要特徵頻率等特性觀察;聲壓量測系統架構示意。

    關鍵詞 : 系統製造

    • 研發成果
    • 監控整合管理平台
    • 歐子偉

    卷期 : 45 / 4

    出版年 : 2017/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 資訊管理