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    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 編輯紀實

    • 人物專訪
    • 回顧與展望 前策略會執行秘書萬紹正專訪
    • 萬紹正.口述/張文慧.編輯

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 人物專訪

    • 中心論題
    • 「國防與民用電子科技之發展」序言
    • 古錦安

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 國防與民用電子科技

    • 中心論題
    • 主動相列雷達系統發展現況與衍生應用The Developments and Applications of Active Phased Array Radar Systems
    • 林俊榮(Jun-Rong Lin)

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    主動相列雷達由幾十個到上千個具有功率放大及相位調整功能的收發模組(T/R Module, TRM)組合而成,使相列雷達可以同時進行相位及振幅調變,合成出一個或多個特定場型、指向的發射波束,接收後於訊號處理器以數位波束形成(Digital Beam Forming, DBF)多個特定方向的接收波束,波束間以單脈波(Monopulse)訊號處理法則,更有效率地計算出更精確的角度量測。隨著氮化鎵(GaN)功率元件與RF CMOS製程技術日益成熟,收發模組的產量穩定成長而成本下降,加上原本體積小可靠度高的特性,雷達系統朝主動相列架構發展已是必然的趨勢。同時,電戰(Electronic Warfare)系統亦普遍使用固態放大元件,讓雷達系統面臨的電戰環境亦愈複雜,加上無人機朝微型化、群聚化發展,增加了雷達系統在雜波環境中對慢速小目標的偵測需求。因此主動相列雷達將朝更高靈敏度、更高訊雜比、更遠偵測距離、多樣性、多功能組合發展。本文主要針對各國軍用陸基及海基使用主動相列雷達之需求、發展現況與趨勢,以及目前主動相列雷達相關應用於氣象雷達、5G行動通訊系統的現況進行介紹。This paper introduces the varied worldwide military requirements of active phased array radar, and a variety of designs to meet these requirements. As the prospering development of GaN power amplifier and RF CMOS,designs of active phased array radar for different demands are changing. Naval radar with multiple functions combined have been manufactured and installed on latest generation battleship. In order to build up indigenous radar systems for military requirements, the reviews on structure and trend of modern active phased array radar are presented. And the active phased array antenna related application on weather radar and 5G mobile communication are also mentioned.

    關鍵詞 : 主動相列雷達(Active Phased Array Radar)、收發模組(T/R Module)、數位波束形成(Digital Beam Forming)、雙軸多波束(Dual Axis Multi-beam)、氣象雷達(Weather Radar)、5G行動通訊(5G Mobile Communication)

    • 中心論題
    • 毫米波雷達發展趨勢分析Analysis of the Development Trend of Millimeter Wave Radar
    • 朱永明(Yung-Ming Chu)

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    本文首先描述毫米波雷達高都普勒頻率、窄波束,以及大頻寬三大特點,再利用國際期刊與中國學報資料庫搜尋與統計2001至2016年底間毫米波雷達之相關文獻,並透過關鍵字分析與文獻導讀,整理與歸納出毫米波之領域與發展趨勢。在商用方面,毫米波雷達在先進駕駛輔助系統中絕對是不可或缺的裝置,也是未來車輛配備發展趨勢,但礙於複雜交通環境亦需整合其他感測器或影像資訊後,才可發揮較強安全輔助之功能,因此在天線、信號處理、量測與追蹤等領域都有相關研究。在軍事方面則有兩大趨勢,一是如何進行干擾毫米波雷達運作之被動干擾研究,其中包含膨脹石墨、特種泡沫,以及角反射器法。二是如何精進毫米波或毫米波複合尋標器之研究,其中以鼻錐罩、天線、信號處理器,以及高頻零組件為技術關鍵。此外,也列出近年公開與熱門討論的軍用機載毫米波雷達與尋標器。最後,預測具備毫米波雷達的戰場無人偵蒐機、雙多模飛彈尋標器、近程防禦,以及太空碎片監測為未來可能發展之系統,而在技術上高頻電路單晶片微縮、信號處理與電子掃描研製則為提高精準辨識的發展趨勢。The central purpose of this paper was to analyze the millimeter wave (MMW) radar of development trend in recent 15 years. MMW has three characteristics, including strong Doppler Effect, narrow beam, and wide bandwidth. The use of MMW in the advanced driver assistance systems has increasingly been the object of study, including signal processing, antenna and measurement and tracking field, while in most military research or applications it focuses on the passive-disturbs and precision-guided seeker. Finally, predictions of battlefield reconnaissance UAV, dual/multi-mode seekers, close-in weapon, and space debris surveillance with MMW radars are possible developments for the future, while technically MMWmonolithic integrated circuits, signal processing and electronic scanning was developed to improve the precise identification of the development trend.

    關鍵詞 : 毫米波雷達(Millimeter Wave Radar)、高都普勒頻率(Strong Doppler Effect)、窄波束(Narrow Beam)、大頻寬(Wide Bandwidth)、被動干擾(Passive-disturbs)、尋標器(Seeker)

    • 中心論題
    • 以DDS有效整合開放式戰鬥管理系統Using DDS to Effectively Integrate Open Architecture Combat Management System
    • 錢一一(Yi-Yi Chien)

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    本文以美國海軍整合神盾戰鬥系統的歷程做為借鏡,說明開發大型分散式系統所面臨的三項挑戰:杕軟體與硬體的耦合;杌軟體與軟體的耦合;杈軟體開發團隊之間的耦合。高耦合將造成高昂的整合成本,相對應的對策包括:開放式架構、資料導向設計、服務導向架構,而為了落實這些對策,使DDS成為整合大型分散式系統不可或缺的利器。In this article, three technical challenges in building US Navy AEGIS combat system are examined: 杕the coupling between software and hardware; 杌the coupling between software and software; 杈the coupling between software teams. These high couplings will dramatically cause high integration cost. The strategies include open architecture(OA), data-oriented design(DOD) and service-oriented architecture(SOA). For realizing these strategies, the data distribution service(DDS) has become a sharp tool to integrate such large distributed systems.

    關鍵詞 : 戰鬥管理系統(Combat Management System)、資料分佈服務(Data Distribution Service)、開放式架構(Open Architecture)、資料導向設計(Data-Oriented Design)、服務導向架構(Service-Oriented Architecture)、系統的系統(System of Systems)、分散式系統(Distributed System)、即時性(Real-time)、軟體再利用(Software Reuse)

    • 中心論題
    • 氮化鎵技術發展與應用The Development and Application of GaN Technology
    • 廖笙佑(Sheng-Yu Liao).朱富權(Fu-Chuan Chu).程羿然(Yi-Jan Cheng).蕭語鋕(Yu-Chih Hsiao).林玉時(Yu-Shih Lin ).張 慈(Tsu Chang).蔡藎芝(Jinn-Jy Tsay).洪國洋(Kuo-Yang Horng)

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    輻射等優異特性,目前已廣泛使用在光學電子領域中,如GaN-Based發光二極體及氮化銦鎵(InGaN-Based)全光譜太陽能電池;也能作為電力電子及微波電子元件如GaN HEMT高電子遷移率電晶體。利用GaN HEMT開發高頻高功率射頻功率放大器,在軍事用途上可取代雷達系統中的高功率微波管放大器。此外隨著行動通訊系統發展,需要寬頻及高效率之功率放大器,GaN HEMT於5G行動通訊系統中將佔有相當重要的地位。Gallium Nitride (GaN) has advantages such like wide bandgap, high breakdown electric field, high emitting efficiency, high thermal conductivity, radiation-proof, and etc..Its fields of applications include optoelectronics, for example wide-used GaN-based LED and InGaN-based solar cell which is under researching, and power electronics and GaN HEMT microwave electronics.Power amplifiers with GaN HEMT issubstituted for traveling wave tube amplifiers (TWTA) in radar system. As mobile communication develops, GaN HEMT is a promised candidate for wide band and high efficiency power amplifiers.

    關鍵詞 : 氮化鎵(GaN)、發光二極體(LED)、太陽能電池(Solar Cell)、電力電子(Power Electronics)、微波電子(Microwave Electronics)、射頻(RF)

    • 中心論題
    • 毫米波天線技術應用於5G的進步與發展MM-Wave Antenna Technologies used in 5G Progress and Development
    • 余建德(Chien-Te Yu).徐慶陸(Ching-Luh Hsu).宋偉傑(Wei-Jie Sung)

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    第五代行動通訊扮演著越來越重要的角色,在於它能夠提供高頻寬以及高傳輸率,對於未來發展多媒體以及物聯網的應用具有重大意義,而相關天線技術可用來改善毫米波傳遞的缺點。這篇論文是在描述現有的陣列式天線和相關的天線技術,而天線已經由實際量測證實可行並且整合於5G系統上,對於5G工業發展上都具有重大的意義。5G technologies expect to play an important role for its potential to provide wide frequency bandwidth and high data transmission for multimedia applications and internet of things (IoT). The drawbacks in wave propagation are expected to be resolved by the helps of antenna technologies. This paper presents the current progress of phased array antennas and the related technologies. The developed antennas have been validated by measurements and the works represent Taiwan's efforts to develop the 5G antenna systems which are of great importance to drive the industrial development in 5G.

    關鍵詞 : 第五代行動通訊(5G, Fifth generation mobile networks)、毫米波(Millimeter waves)、陣列式天線(Phased Array Antenna)

    • 中心論題
    • 毫米波基地台陣列天線設計Array Antenna Design for Millimeter Wave Base Station
    • 徐慶陸(Ching-Luh Hsu)‧林德峯(Der-Phone Lin)‧蕭才文(Tsai-Wen Hsiao)

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    毫米波為寬頻行動通訊不可或缺的關鍵技術之一,由於較高的傳播損失與缺乏高功率放大器之故,相位陣列天線是較適當的設計架構,藉此除能提高天線增益以克服傳播損失外,更可實現毫米波波束成型與掃瞄功能,使基地台訊號得以保持足夠的覆蓋區域。本文討論毫米波基地台陣列天線設計,將陣列的場型呈現於三維的半球面,以利在不同掃瞄條件下,視覺化評估主波束、旁瓣與柵瓣的分佈。也提出適用於基地台應用的餘割平方扇型波束及其場型合成方法並進行模擬。本文的主動毫米波開口導波管相位陣列天線場型測試數據與模擬數據吻合一致。Millimeterwave technology is one of the vital parts for mobile broadband communications. Due to high propagation loss and lack of high-power amplifiers for millimeter wave, phased array antenna is proposed to realize beam forming and tracking. High antenna gain can then be achieved to recover the severe loss of propagation while the coverage of the base station can be also retained. This article discusses the design of millimeterwave array antennas for basestation applications. A 3D hemi-sphere is employed to display the pattern of the designed array to visually evaluate the main-beam, side-lobes, and grating lobes. In addition to pencil-beams, widebeams and cosecant square fan-beams for base station applications are proposed. The synthesis method is discussed in detail. Active millimeterwave open-ended waveguide array antennas are implemented and measured, respectively. The measured and simulated pattern data show a good agreement.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰天線陣列因子(Antenna array factor)、波束成型(Beam-forming)、毫米波 (Millimeterwave)、場型合成(Pattern synthesis)、相位陣列天線(Phased array antenna)

    • 中心論題
    • 高解析度岸際雷達與港口監視雷達High Resolution Radar System for Coastal Protection: Sea Guard Radar
    • 林洋印(Yang-Yin Lin).王如通(Ju-Tong Wang).胡文瀛(Wen-Yin Hu)

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    本院研發之高解析度岸際雷達(海洋防衛者)是一部高性能搜索雷達能即時監看及搜索24海浬內之領海及鄰近區域的海上目標,而擁有長海岸線的國家,海洋防衛者在海岸線防禦及海洋偵蒐等需求將成為不可或缺的利器。海洋防衛者具高距離解析度及精確度的特性,採用固態電子元件及低雜訊接收機提升系統性能。雷達各單元模組化的設計使海洋防衛者更具輕量及維修簡易特點。雷達數位訊號處理透過有限狀態機(Finite-state machine)的技術加快系統運算速度。在雷情顯控方面,透過即時控制軟體在本機電腦顯示雷情資訊外,也可透過網路傳送封包的方式在行動裝置上顯示雷情資訊,破除以往操作人員只能在站台使用的局限。海洋防衛者也具備搜索帶追蹤技術,能夠自動地偵測及追蹤目標使海洋防衛者在應用範圍上更加廣泛。The high resolution coastal radar (Sea Guard) is a high performance surveillance radar, suitable for performing real-time monitoring sea surface targets of territorial waters. The Sea Guard provides greater capability and situational awareness through solid state electronics and advanced signal process. The Sea Guard has the abilities of automatic target detection and tracking via a track-while-scan (TWS) technology. Additionally, Sea Guard possesses remote control/monitoring systems, for instant transmission of intrusion alerts to local/remote control rooms or responding mobile security units. The modular design of Sea Guard brings more simple maintenance and could be applied in a variety of application.

    關鍵詞 : 岸際監控雷達(Coastal Surveillance Radar)、收發機模組(Transceiver module)、多脈波型式(Multi-pulses function)、本機/遠端遙控人機介面(Local/Remote control GUI)

    • 中心論題
    • 測海雷達技術The Technique of Oceanographic Radar
    • 涂欣元(Hsin-Yuan Tu)

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    本文在說明測海雷達的原理、應用、涵蓋範圍以及最新趨勢。測海雷達應用的是利用高頻電磁波在海面形成表面波,使其涵蓋範圍超越地球曲率的限制達到超視距偵測的目的。測海雷達能夠即時、全天候以遙測的方式監控大範圍的海域,可以從海洋觀測的結果提取包含海洋表面洋流場在內的海流資訊,這不僅是海洋物理研究上的重要參數,在實務應用上也對海上救難支援、海洋汙染事件處理,及政府海洋政策制定等有相當大之貢獻。天線陣列縮小化與雷達組網是測海雷達技術發展的最新趨勢,而海嘯預警則為測海雷達的最新應用,兩者皆可以作為我們基於既有測海雷達先期研製基礎上持續發展的參考方向。This text is illustrating the principle, application, coverage and state-of-art trend of oceanographic radar. That oceanographic radar is to utilize the high-frequency electromagnetic wave to form the surface wave in the sea, make its restriction that contains the range achieve the goal that the over-the-horizon is detected and examined. It is operated frequently that many, antenna array miniaturization, radar group's network and tsunami early-warning are to examine the newest trend of radar development of sea, can be regarded as us because of examining the sea radar to develop on the foundation in advance, reference direction developed continuously.

    關鍵詞 : 測海雷達(Oceanographic radar)、高頻表面波(HF surface wave)、超視距(Over-the-horizon)、海嘯預警(Tsunami early warning)

    • 中心論題
    • 衛星電力系統設計實務Satellite Electrical Power System Design
    • 蔡宏盈(Hung-Ying Tsai).黃奕翔(Yi-Hsiang Huang)李焉煌(Yen-Huang Lee).林信忠(Shin-Chung Lin).劉偉強(Wei-Chiang Liu)

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    衛星是現代科技研發重點,應用層面相當廣泛,不論武器系統、救災防護、氣象偵照或通訊中繼等國防民生用途,都與衛星科技息息相關。由於衛星繞行地球軌道運轉,工作環境嚴峻且無法在故障時進行維修,因此衛星各次系統在設計時,必需將可靠度做為首要考量之重點,而管理衛星整體電力能源之衛星電力系統更需特別考量其可靠度。本文針對衛星電力系統基本架構進行說明,並依任務需求提出太陽能板架構、含最大功率追蹤與衛星電池充電功能之太陽能轉換器、電力配置與保護、衛星電池充放電策略等設計理念,以期能對衛星電力系統發展提供高可靠度設計之參考依據,並縮短衛星發展之期程。Nowadays, satellite development is one of themost critical technologies which can be widely used in national defense and human development. The application of the satellite is including military development, natural disaster relief and protection, meteorological observation, and communication development.Generally, the satellite orbits around the earth which is working in a harsh environment. In consideration of maintenance difficulty, the high reliability design concept is adopted to each subsystem of the satellite to extend the service time of the satellite. Moreover, the satellite electrical power system should be particularly taken the high reliability design into account due to playing the role as the heart of the satellite. In this article, the architecture of the satellite electrical power system is illustrated. Based on the mission requirement, the design concept of the satellite electrical power system is proposed which includes the structure of the solar panel, battery charger with maximum power point tracking, battery charge/discharge strategy, and power distribution and protection. The purpose of this article is to provide a high reliability design approach to enhance the development of satellite technology.

    關鍵詞 : 電力系統(Electrical Power System)、太陽能板(Solar panel)、最大功率追蹤(Maximum Power Point Tracking)、電力配置與保護(Power Distribution And Protection)453096

    • 中心論題
    • 太空電子板件製作Space Electronic Boards Manufacturin
    • 王碩顯(Shuo-Hsien, Wang)

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    本文主旨在介紹太空規格之電子板件製作特色,並闡述與軍規板件相異之處。使作業人員在執行電路佈局、板材選用、零件訂定、錫銲作業、目檢、上膠時有所助益。最後並介紹參與太空電子研製計畫至目前為止的實際應用。The purpose of this article was to introduce both the characteristics of the electronic boards manufacturing and the difference between mil-spec with space qualified boards. The person who was worked in layout design, PCB manufacturing, component procurement, board soldering/inspection and conformal coating can also get some help in the description. Finally, we states some applications that we were attend in the past years.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:太空(Space)、太空磁譜儀(AMS)、電子板件製作(Electronic Boards Manufacturing)

    • 中心論題
    • 物聯網之車聯網技術發展現況及服務應用趨勢The Current Situation of Internet of Vehicle Development and the Trend of Service Application
    • 林明宏(Ming-Hung Lin)

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    物聯網的概念於1999年由麻省理工學院Ashton教授提出,隨著半導體製程技術的提升與行動網路普及化之後,這個概念正在慢慢影響許多產業。其中汽車產業在物聯網的衝擊下,車聯網也逐漸成形市場,且正迅速地成長,潛在的商機與市場也使得車聯網的發展成為許多國家的產業發展的重要戰略政策之一,更是跨國公司極欲搶食的一塊大餅。我國為全球重要戰略科技島更是不能缺席,因此本文從車聯網的發展背景、技術發展現況到服務與應用進行觀察,並提出未來技術發展與商業模式的趨勢,最後針對物聯網之車聯網技術發展現況及服務應用趨勢提出建議。Concept of the Internet of Things Since 1999, Prof. Ashton of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has proposed that after the promotion of semiconductor technology process technology and the popularization of mobile networks, this concept is slowly affecting many industries, including the automobile industry in the impact of the Internet of things off the Internet But also gradually forming the market is also rapidly growing, the potential business opportunities and the market has also made the development of the car network has become the development of many countries, one of the important strategic policy, it is a multinational companies want to grab a pie. Taiwan is an important strategic science and technology island of the world cannot be absent, so this article from the car network development background, technology development status to service and application observation, and put forward the future technology development and business model trends, and finally for the internet of vehicle technology development status and service application trends and conclusions.

    關鍵詞 : 物聯網(Intemet of Things, IoT)、車聯網(Internet of Vehicle, IoV)

    • 中心論題
    • 智慧家庭服務發展趨勢及應用技術研析Research on the Development Trend and Application Technology of Intelligent Home Service
    • 游祥霖(Hsiang-Lin Yu).張豐裕(Feng-Yu Chang)

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    科技進入智慧家庭的歷程,從剛開始強調具備聯網功能家電產品的聯網家庭,再到以智慧電視為核心,串起家電網路的數位家庭,歷經十多年的發展,智慧家庭(Smart Home)相關議題,在市場上依舊受到大家關注。近年來網路通訊應用領域,不論是基礎建設或是聯網速度都有突破性的發展,也造成物聯網(Internet of things, IoT)議題的熱度不減。在此議題引領下,智慧家庭的發展,除了各個裝置透過網路相互串連及資訊共享外尚可透過感測單元及演算技術,提供智慧化服務。而在智慧家庭的服務中,主要應用皆為提供使用者有感的關鍵價值,如提高居家的安全性、遠端管理的便利性及增加生活型態的智慧化。本研究蒐集介紹物聯網架構及智慧家庭服務發展趨勢,並對智慧家庭服務系統架構詳加說明。Science and technology into the family process, from the beginning to emphasize the networking of home appliances with networking products, and then to the wisdom of television as the core, string home appliance network digital home, after more than 10 years of development, smart home related Issues in the market is still subject to everyone's attention. In recent years, in the network communications application field, both infrastructure or network speed have a breakthrough in the development, but also caused the Internet of Things issues of heat. Under the guidance of this issue, the development of the intelligent home, in addition to the various devices through the Internet in series with each other and information sharing can still through the sensing unit and computing technology to provide intelligent services. In the service of the intelligent home, the main application is to provide users with a sense of the key value, such as improving the safety of home, remote management convenience and increase the wisdom of life style. This study summarizes the development trend of the architecture of IoT and the wisdom of home services, and explains the structure of the intelligent home service system.

    關鍵詞 : 智慧家庭(Intelligent home)、物聯網(Internet of things)、短距通訊(Short range communication)、居家安全服務系統(Home security service system)

    • 中心論題
    • 新型智慧型散熱系統應用5G毫米波射頻系統設計Design of Intelligent Active Heat Dissipation System For 5th Generation Mobile Networks
    • 徐守仁(Shou-Jen Hsu).陳彥斌(Yen-Bin Chen)

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    本文結合致冷晶片與熱導管為熱傳導架構,設計一新型主動式散熱智慧控制系統,並實際運用於5G高頻毫米波射頻系統中,以解決固態發射機SST在狹小密閉且無對流環境下之散熱問題。在此所提出的主動式散熱智慧控制系統,係採適應性模糊滑動控制器,且能依據熱源產熱之多寡,以適應性控制來調整散熱速度,進而增加散熱效能。並與傳統類比式控制器進行實驗比較,來驗證本研究所提出主動式散熱智慧控制系統之強健控制性能,其成效良好且可精確地控制溫度。並具有良好追循軌跡之能力,溫度控制效果相較於傳統類比控制器,則未出現輸入電壓飽和抖動的現象。在狹小密閉且無對流環境下,本系統能依照固態發射機SST晶片熱源來調整散熱速度,解決無對流環境下之散熱問題,並可增進散熱效能。This is paper 5G(5th generation mobile networks) is a term used to describe the forthcoming fifth generation of mobile network technology. The 5G core processor belongs to a highly precision component which consists of the electronic device of solid state source transmitter (SST) with high power and high performance. The 5G core processor should be operated in a narrowly closed environment without convection, which will increase the heat sink effect inside the core processor and further affect its reliability and life-time. The AFSMC comprises a Fuzzy neural network (AFSMC) controller and a robust compensator. The AFSMC controller is a principal tracking controller which is utilized to mimic an ideal controller; and the parameters of AFSMC are online tuned by the derived adaptation laws based on the gradient descent method. The robust compensator is designed to dispel the approximation error between the ideal controller and the FNN controller, thus the asymptotic stability of the closed–loop system can be achieved. combined the Thermo Electric Cooler (TEC) with a duct heater, active heat dissipation intelligent control system is designed to fix the problem of heat dissipation in long distance in a narrowly closed environment without convection. According to the amount of thermal source and thermal energy, the smart control system can help to adjust the rate of heat dissipation by taking advantage of an adaptive control so that the performance of heat dissipation may be accumulated by its numbers. Last but not least, compared the traditional analog circuit controller with adaptive wavelet neural network controller, the research proves that its proposed active heat dissipation intelligent control system can reach an excellent and accurate temperature control. Speaking more precisely, adaptive wavelet neural network controller can be easily adaptive to any environment. It is equipped with a good capability of tracking and searching; and in terms of the effect of temperature control, it never actually jitters due to an input of voltage saturation compared with traditional analog circuit controller. All these can make chips able to adjust its adaptive rate of heat dissipation in accordance with the thermal source of the chips in a narrowly closed environment without convection.

    關鍵詞 : 致冷晶片(Thermoelectric Cooler)、熱導管(Heat Pipe)、適應性模糊滑動控制器(Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Control System)

    • 智權專欄
    • 專利評估與商品化
    • 楊彩蘭

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 專利法、專利授權、權利金、商品化

    • 智權專欄
    • 論數位教材的著作財產權歸屬管理
    • 陳秉訓

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 數位教材、著作權法、著作財產權、創作人管理

    • 一般論述
    • 複材一體成形技術於無人飛行載具機體製作之應用Manufacturing of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle by using Composite Co-cured Technology
    • 吳國維(Kuo-Wei Wu)‧陳志嘉(Chih-Chia Chen)‧林宗翰(Zong-Han Lin)

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    複材一體成形技術是將具樑肋之蒙皮結構件,利用上下蒙皮之模板和樑肋之模塊的定位和組合,以預浸布疊貼零件疊層後置入模具內,結合吹袋加壓之熱硬化成形製程,一次將具樑肋之蒙皮結構件製作完成。複材結構件採一體成形技術製作,不僅可強化結構整體性和減少二次膠合的製程,更可減少模具數量、成化次數、組裝治具和工時,同時達到降低成本和結構輕量化的效果。本文將複材一體成形技術,應用至無人飛行載具之機體製作,全機簡化成機身(含上蓋)、機翼中翼和外翼、水平尾翼和垂直尾翼等5個零件,以顧客需求為依據,設計零件藍圖後,執行模具設計、製造及零件製程開發,作為後續零件結構輕量化及降低生產成本的標準製程。首先,考量樑肋蒙皮一體成形零件的結構,及預浸布疊貼後之模具進爐成化的需求,執行樑肋模塊和蒙皮模具的設計、定位及製造。接著,依設計的預浸材料和疊層,執行下料、疊貼和成化,製造樑肋一體成形結構零件。最後,執行零件的外觀品質、尺寸、模線的檢測和機體的組裝,驗證一體成形技術在無人飛行載具機體製造的應用和品質。A composite co-cured technology is a complicated spar-rib-skins structure manufactured at one time by using a matched-die mold with some tooling blocks, which are fixed correctly for forming spars and ribs at right locations. The whole lay-ups of the complicated structure are precisely laid and placed into the mold, then put into the chamber and cured by an adapted curing cycle with appropriate vacuum, temperature and pressure. The co-cured process would increase the integrity and properties of complicated structure. Also, the mold amount, curing times, assemble fixtures and working time for manufacturing parts would be decreased effectively. This can reduce the cost and make the composite structure more lightened and effect. A co-cured composite technology used for manufacturing of an Un-manned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has been developed in the study. For simplicity, the UAV is designed to five main structure parts, which are fuselage, central wing, outside wing, vertical and horizontal fins. Firstly, the detail design of these parts is performed and considered for a co-cured composite technology by following the customer requirements and specs. The design and manufacturing of molds are executed and satisfied as the design of part blue prints. Then, these parts are manufactured with the designed materials and lay-up plies as the prints by a composite co-cured process. The outer surfaces, dimensions and mold lines of parts are inspected carefully. The results show that the qualities are good enough for assembling. Finally, a UAV is assembled and approved by the well jointing of parts with acceptable tolerance.

    關鍵詞 : 一體成形技術(co-cured)、無人飛行載具(composite)、複合材料(UAV)、樑肋結構(spar-rib structure)

    • 一般論述
    • 國防用不鏽鋼(17-4 PH)之積層應用先期研究Preliminary Study of Selective Laser Melted 17-4 PH Stainless Steel
    • 林柏伸(Po-Shen Lin)‧施建志(Chien-Chih Shih)‧劉明瑋(Ming-Wei Liu)‧任國光(Kuo-Kuang Jen)

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    17-4 PH析出硬化型(Precipitation Hardening)不鏽鋼因其高強度、高腐蝕阻抗等優勢,廣泛應用於車輛、醫療、能源、以及航太領域中,為近年來積層製造應用領域中備受矚目之鐵系合金。本研究針對本院自主開發Selective Laser Melting(SLM)技術設備進行17-4PH析出硬化型不鏽鋼製程研究,文中透過調整不同的雷射功率、掃描速度、以及掃描間距,探討不同能量密度對於熱處理前工件品質之影響。研究結果指出在尺寸精度方面能量密度過高將使工件尺寸誤差增大。在密度之探討上本研究發現於探討範圍中,改變雷射能量與掃描速度時,較高的能量密度可獲得較高之工件密度,然而在改變掃描間距時,工件密度則隨能量密度的增加而降低,顯示能量密度並非為積層製程之唯一指標。而在硬度方面,工件密度有助於提升工件之表面硬度,然而積層製造技術所得之17-4 PH工件仍需經熱處理等程序以獲得所需之機械性質。SS 17-4 PH is one of the popular ferrous metals due to its remarkable mechanical properties. In this research, the influence of additive manufacturing(AM) process on 17-4 PH properties was investigated. Effects of laser power, scan speed, and hatching were discussed. Results show that the greater size error is observed with the higher energy density. The density of the test coupons is positive related with energy density when laser power and scan speed are the control variables. However, it shows a reversed tendency with increasing hatching, indicating that the energy density might not be the only indicator of AM process. Besides, the surface hardness is enhanced by increasing test coupon density. For 17-4 PH, the AM product should be heat treated to get desired mechanical properties.

    關鍵詞 : 積層製造(Additive Manufacturing (AM))、粉床熔融(Powder Bed Fusion (PBF))、選擇性雷射熔融(Selective Laser Melting(SLM))、17-4 PH不鏽鋼(SS 17-4 PH)

    • 一般論著
    • 藥柱開槽漸變段幾何參數對結構安全性影響評估Evaluation of Geometric Parameter Effect of Inclined Grooves on Structure Safety In Solid Propellant Grain
    • 臧祥甫(Shyang-Fuu Tzang).全湘偉(Shiang-Woei Chyuan).陳燦桐(Tasn-Tung Chen)

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    固體火箭發動機藥柱開槽漸變段的主要幾何參數,包括斜槽傾角、斜槽頂圓角半徑、斜槽底圓角半徑、斜槽邊圓角半徑,本文將探討不同參數值對結構安全性的影響。本院傳統建模分析方法,係採用簡化之擬三維分析法,該方法並不適用於幾何形狀變化較劇烈之開槽漸變段,故本文之評估分析,將採用真正三維有限元素分析模型的三維分析法。分析結果顯示,斜槽底圓角半徑及斜槽邊圓角半徑對結構安全性的影響程度較大,斜槽頂圓角半徑及斜槽傾角的影響較小。Angle, bottom corner radius, top corner radius, and edge corner radius are the major geometric parameters of inclined grooves in solid propellant grains. The traditional modeling is based on quasi-three-dimensional method in grain structural analysis. This method can not be applied to the inclined grooves with more dramatic changes in geometry. In this paper, the three-dimensional analysis methodology is used to evaluate the effects of various changing parameters on structure safety. The results show that the top corner radius and edge corner radius of inclined grooves have a greater effect than the angle or bottom corner radius of inclined grooves on structure safety.

    關鍵詞 : 黏彈性(Viscoelasticity)、三維分析法(Three-Dimensional Analysis Method)、斜槽幾何參數(Geometric Parameters of Inclined Groove)

    • 一般論著
    • 升力式高超音速飛行器研析心得Lift Hypersonic Vehicle Research and Analysis Review
    • 王文庭(Wen-Ting Wang)‧王鼎鑫(Ting-Hsing Wang)‧張欽宗(Chin-Tzung Chang)‧張添文(Ting-Wen Chang)‧鄭文貴(Wen-Quei Juen)‧陳輝堂(Hui-Tang Chen)

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    升力式高超音速飛行器彈道優化問題是一個多階段、多約束、多關聯性、多目標;高維非線性優化問題,因此決定彈道優化方法的綜合評估是一項多指標性決策問題,針對升力式高超音速飛行器彈道飛行四個階段,助推上升段、過渡段、滑翔段與下壓攻擊段,建立評價彈道性能的參考指標系統,以助推上升段為研究說明實例,並利用主觀賦權法賦予各項性能指標權重,透過灰色關聯度計算對升力式飛行器彈道優化方法進行評估。並使用Hp-自適應偽譜法對助推與滑翔段提出彈道優化建議改善策略。The trajectory optimization for Lift Hypersonic Vehicle is a multi-stage, multi-constraint, high relevance, multi-target high dimensional nonlinear optimization issue. The comprehensive assessment of trajectory optimization method is more than one indicator of decision-making issue. The trajectory courses of Lift Hypersonic Vehicle are divided into four phases, boosting, transition, gliding and re-entry phases. The boosting phase is selected for this study as an example description. To establish the reference index system for ballistic performance evaluation and use the subjective weighting method to assign performance indicators weight, and calculate the optimization Lift Hypersonic Vehicle trajectory by using the Gray Correlation Degree. Use the Hp-adaptive pseudo-spectral method to provide trajectory optimization recommendations for boost and glide phase.

    關鍵詞 : 升力式高超音速飛行器(Lift Hypersonic Vehicle)、軌跡優化(Trajectory Optimization)、灰色關聯度分析法( Grey Correlation Degree)、hp-自適應偽譜法(Hp-adaptive Pseduospectral Method)

    • 一般論著
    • 陸雜波圖資之建立與實體模擬測試運用A Method of Builiding Land Clutter Database and Applying to Hardware-in-the-Loop test
    • 陳珊三(Shan-San Chen)

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    由於飛行測試環境限制,執行微波導引飛彈之陸雜波干擾測試難度極高,因此在實驗室中產生仿真陸雜波干擾信號與目標信號,將飛彈導控段(尋標器及彈內電腦)以實體模擬測試方式驗證,為最有效且符合效益之唯一方法。但陸雜波模擬所需地表反射係數取得不易,且獲得之時程及成本非一般研究計畫所能接受,尤其在大範圍地區。藉由與中央大學通訊系統研究中心合作,本文首創利用目前已運作之光學遙測衛星與合成孔徑雷達(SAR)遙測衛星,對於不同地貌電磁散射差異特性,建立測試所需之陸雜波圖資(大台北地區),並利用地面觀測驗證,提高圖資之可信度。最後將圖資運用於飛彈實體迴路模擬測試,完成陸雜波對反巡弋飛彈終端導引之干擾驗證,結果顯示此一概念可行。The flying test of missile in background of land clutter is limited and difficult to execute due to security and efficiency. Therefore, test in laboratory with technology of hardware-in-the-loop is the optimum choice. However, large scale of RADAR reflection coefficients of land surfaces are extremely difficult to obtain with traditional methods. Thanks to the team from the institute of communication system, University of Central, utilized the optical and SAR satellite measured data, calculated and built the database of reflection coefficients of land surfaces near urban area of Taipei. This database was successfully applied to hardware-in-the- loop test for the performance of anti-cruise missile terminal guidance.

    關鍵詞 : 衛星(satellite)、SAR(SAR)、實體迴路(hardware-in-the-loop)、陸雜波(clutter)

    • 研發成果
    • 跨平台高效能虛擬儀表合成系統
    • 陳澤昕 高羅嘉萍 張行健

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    儀表顯示是呈現科學數據的一種方式。舉凡各種環境監控、技術測量、甚至無人載具任務中,必定有儀表的存在。儀表呈現的方式有很多種,如傳統的物理指針、近代的數位刻度;然而隨著電腦科學的發展,產生了新型的虛擬儀表技術。虛擬儀表使用電腦繪圖方式呈現,可大幅降低成本與設備體積,並可根據任務需要彈性修改界面布局。其關鍵技術為軟體之開發,透過虛擬儀表系統實現數據之直觀呈現。目前市面上有多款虛擬儀表開工具,如NI(National Instruments)公司的LabVIEW、DiSTI公司的GL Studio等。但這些工具均為授權收費軟體,建制成本昂貴,且只能使用原廠提供之元件或函數合成儀表,無法修改儀表細部呈現方式,更無法創造出新的整合型儀表,缺乏使用彈性。亦有軟體體積龐大、移植難度大、無法跨平台等缺點。本文著重虛擬儀表合成系統的實現方法。掌握關鍵技術,可根據不同任務需求快速訂製相符儀表,並實現體積小、效能高、資源使用率低、便於移植、跨平台等軟體發展特性。最終並以此技術實現航空儀表於無人機專案中。

    關鍵詞 : 虛擬儀表

    • 研發成果
    • 雙軸電動雲台
    • 吳日華

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    產品說明本所致動系統組(以下稱致動組)開發的雙軸電動雲台,可應用於通訊天線的指向控制,讓天線指向上半天球或下半天球任一方向。圖一為雲台與天線執行雨淋試驗的照片。電動雲台總成包含下列主要四部分:●電動雲台。●雲台控制器。●艙外控制器。●車廂內外纜線。上述雙軸電動雲台包含之硬體、軟體及韌體,均由致動組設計開發。機構件詢商製作,韌體與軟體由致動組調校與燒錄,可降低硬品成本,縮短交期,並掌握關鍵技術。以本文介紹的B024B-130A雙軸電動雲台為例,雲台與地面模組各自包含一顆控制晶片,二者間以CAN bus通訊,地面模組對外則使用RS232介面通訊。此產品可以雙軸搖桿手動操作(如圖四),控制雲台的水平軸與俯仰軸角度,角度解析度達0.01度,亦可外接個人電腦或筆記電腦透過RS232介面控制雲台。其他介面如RS422/485、藍芽,甚至TCP/IP,只要使用適當模組轉換成RS232介面,亦可使用,達成遠端控制的功能。

    關鍵詞 : 飛彈火箭

    • 研發成果
    • Android APP靜默安裝之逆向工程研究
    • 趙亞略

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01


    關鍵詞 : Android APP

    • 研究成果
    • 農棄物生質複合塑膠產品開發
    • 鍾沅甫

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 農棄物生質複合塑膠

    • 研發成果
    • 磷光儲存板製程技術
    • 王惠君

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 材料暨光電

    • 研發成果
    • 耐溫耐蝕合金真空熔煉技術
    • 朱柏翰

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01

    INCOLOY 925為一款鎳基型超合金,具有良好的耐高溫性及抗腐蝕能力,且相較於其他同類鎳基合金(如IN 718)具有較低成本之優勢。該類合金在製成產品之製程中常需施以熱機加工(軋延、鍛造等),因此熔煉端產出之鑄錠須具備高清淨度及缺陷越低越好之需求。而透過雙V製程[真空感應熔煉(VIM)及真空電弧精煉(VAR)]產出之超合金鑄錠,具有高清淨度(即低雜質或氣體含量)並能提升合金機械性能及可靠度,是生產運輸、石化及能源產業零組件所需材料之關鍵技術。本文主旨乃介紹由材料暨光電研究所冶金組承接經濟部科專計畫「高值化金屬材料暨製造技術研發計畫-耐溫耐蝕合金及製程技術」,開發高性能合金INCOLOY 925,INCOLOY 925超合金為美國Special Metals公司所開發之鎳基型超合金。主要基底為Ni-Fe-Cr三元素,並藉由添加鈦與鋁等析出強化型元素增強材料在熱處理時的析出強化效果,不僅提升產品的強度並使其同時擁有優異之高溫抗蝕性能。其抗蝕能力在同類合金材料中算相當優異,且由於INCOLOY 925比照其他合金系統所含之貴重元素較少,可在成本上產生優勢,屬於性價比極高之材料,常應用於石化、車用運輸等產業相關零組件,製作需在高溫環境下工作之油氣管路或引擎之扣件。

    關鍵詞 : 材料暨光電

    • 研發成果
    • 資料鏈閉迴路控制技術精進
    • 陳緯勝

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 資料鏈、閉迴路自測

    • 研發成果
    • 衛星通訊射頻裝備組測之實務技術
    • 陳昭誠

    卷期 : 45 / 3

    出版年 : 2017/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 衛星通信