卷期 : 45 / 2
出版年 : 2017/04/01
為確保品質,產品在產製過程中須經過各項測試及改正程序,期間產生的失效資料,是產製過程中重要資產,透過以往的失效分析,除了能減少類似失效再發生,更能有效提升品質、降低成本、提高生產速度。而本院失效資訊已累積多年,主要資料分別儲存於「失效模式、效應與關鍵性分析(Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis, FMECA)」、「失效報告、分析與改正作業體系 (Failure Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action System, FRACAS)」與「失效案例(Failure Case Analysis, FCA)」等三大系統中,目前系統均各自獨立運作,各類失效分析結果與改正措施無法有效交互 參考運用。有鑑於此,本文提出「產品失效資訊管理系統(Product Failure Information System, PFIS)」構想,目的在整合三大系統各項資訊,使系統間的資料能相互參考與補充,以做為全院同仁產品設計及失效分析經驗分享與知識學習的平台。 To ensure the quality of product, the testing and failure-correcting procedure is required during the manufacturing process. As a result, the failure information collected during production process is an important asset. Through careful analysis of product failure information, the recurrence of failure will be minimized and the productivity will be improved. The failure information has been accumulated for many years in NCSIST through three systems, which are Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), Failure Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action System (FRACAS) and Failure Case Analysis (FCA). Those systems are independently operated currently. The information of failure analysis and correction action cannot be cross-referenced. In this article, we propose a methodology to integrate three major failure information systems into a Product Failure Information System (PFIS). We believe that the PFIS will be a valuable product design and failure prevention tool and an information platform for continuous learning.
關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰失效模式(Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis, FMECA)、效應 與關鍵性分析(Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis, FMECA)、 失效報告、分析與改正作業系統(Failure Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action System, FRACAS)、品質e化(e-Quality)