卷期 : 45 / 1
出版年 : 2017/01/01
隨著通訊的蓬勃發展,使得通訊系統逐漸被應用在各個領域,例如個人通訊、網路、航太等等。也由於通訊的標準越來越多,使得硬體設備常常會無法隨著標準的更換而更新,造成硬體設備的投資浪費。因此如何使單一設備端具備多模與多功能,並能快速切換到不同系統,為軟體無線電(Software-Defined Radio, SDR)的基本概念。現今SDR的概念已大幅應用在商業、工業與軍事上,並且已推廣到虛擬儀器(Virtual Instrument, VI)所組成之測試系統,獲得許多實際的成果。本文將介紹實現軟體無線電的發展現況、相關的開發平台以及實際應用,以證明軟體無線電具有龐大的發展潛力。Recently, communication systems have been applied to many fields, for example,personal wireless communications, radar, aerospace and so on. Many communicationstandards cause the traditional instruments hardly to be upgraded or re-used. To resolvethe problems mentioned before, software-defined radio (SDR) is proposed. SDR is a risingtechnology which can make a transceiver become a multi-mode and multi-function device.In addition, the concept of SDR can be excended to business, industry and military. Inautomatic test field, virtual instrument (VI) is a realization of SDR and an automatic testsystem (ATS) can consist of virtual instruments. This paper will introduce the trend ofSDR, which shows the huge potential of SDR in many developments and applications.
關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰軟體無線電(Software-Defined Radio)、虛擬儀器(Virtual Instrument)、聯合戰術無線電系統(Joint Tactical Radio System, JTRS)、數位信號處理(Digital Signal Processing, DSP)、現場可程式化閘陣列(Field-ProgrammableGate Array, FPGA)、向量信號產生器(Vector Signal Generator, VSG)、向量信號分析儀(Vector Signal Analyzer, VSA)、自動測試系統(Automatic TestSystem, ATS)