卷期 : 44 / 4
出版年 : 2016/10/01
本文介紹敵我識別系統Mode S詢問機數位電路開發,主要為改善傳統二次搜索雷達(Secondary Surveillance Radar, SSR)易受干擾及夾纏(garble)等缺點,供民航機識別、管制及其他防撞、導航擴展性的應用;數位電路精進原有HDL硬體語言設計方式,利用矽智財庫(Intellectual Property, IP)及自行設計VHDL硬體語言,建構(Systemon Chip, SOC)系統晶片,研發高性能、低功耗之Interrogator詢問機。由於SOC的晶片設計,需硬體先編譯成功,才能發展軟體程式;硬體如ARM處理器、週邊的記憶體、傳輸介面UART、Ethernet介面元件,當硬體編譯成功後,會自動產生可啟用的應用程式介面(Application Programming Interface, API)程式,再進一步研改軟體程式。軟體設計的過程中,由於API驅動程式無法成功啟用Ethernet,我們運用介面元件的暫存器從每個位元的狀態,一步、一步除錯控制,至Ethernet傳輸成功,改進了原廠提供的API驅動程式。目前完成嵌入式作業系統FreeRTOS的多任務程式,可即時處理Ethernet、USB、LED、IO中斷任務。The Mode S Interrogator, which is the subsystem of IFF(Identification of Friend or Foe system)or SSR(Secondary Surveillance Radar), are commonly used in the automatic dependent surveillancebroadcast,anti-collision and navigation system.In this paper the traditional digital circuit board of the Mode S Interrogator has being replaced bynew design using SOC (System on chip). There are several benefits in integrating a large digital systeminto a SOC .These include lower cost per gate, lower power consumption, faster circuit operation, morereliable implementation, smaller physical size, greater design security and more important that our newdigital circuit is more efficiency to combat the interference and garble in the SSR system.To implement the new digital circuitofMode S Interrogator, the Smartfuion2 embedded system SOCis used. Firstly, we design an executable specification for it, and thenrefine it manually step by step to HWSWimplementation. However, in our case Smartfusion2's API (Application Programming Interface)cannot be applied to Ethernet communication. We reprogram the new API and choose the FreeRTOSoperation system for our multi task, Ethernet, USB, LED and IO interrupt applications. The SOC system isworking well and the benefits which it brings are significant in terms of speed, area and power.
關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰系統晶片(System On Chip, SOC)、矽智財庫(Intellectual Property, IP)、應用程式介面(Application Programming Interface, API)、乙太網路(Ethernet)、詢問機(INTERROGATOR)、答詢機(TRANSPONDER)、FPGA(FPGA)、MODE S(MODE S)