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    • 航空工程
    • 大型無人機空投救災物資之莢艙外形設計 及開傘飄降性能6D模擬 Aerodynamic Design of External-Pod for Airdrop of Relief Supplies from MALEUAV & 6D Simulation of Airdrop/Gliding Performance with Parachute
    • 陳旻均 黃佩瑩 李健誌 Min-Chun Chen Pei-Ying Huang Chien-Chih Lee

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    強颱或地震侵襲後常因交通中斷導致災區民生物資短缺。傳統上多靠直升機或人力 日以繼夜進行補給。為降低救災團隊進入災區風險及機組人員疲憊,利用無人機(UAV) 機隊運送民生物資,連續對災區進行大規模空投是深值探討的國家級災難人道救援方 案。本文提出大型UAV機翼外掛救災莢艙,搭配內建傘包拋投飄降至災區。空投載具之 飛安保障、防止救災物資撞毀及偏離災區是莢艙設計之三大重點。本文利用莢艙拋投後 安全脫離之姿態及軌跡條件,進行莢艙外形設計改良、氣動力/安定性提升、傘降觸地 終端速度和落點預測。經系列設計循環,莢艙最終採四片尾翼構型,優化其滾轉及航向 安定性。從設計、分析、模擬過程得知,側風是影響莢艙姿態及落點之重大環境變數。 載機飛行任務規劃必須預置偏距或調整航向在低側風航路上進行空投作業,以保障救災 物資成功降落災區。 Abstract Victims within natural disaster area usually suffer from shortage of relief supplies due to traffic obstruction after strikes of strong typhoons or violent earthquakes. Traditionally, air supplies rely on helicopters or day-and-night transport by manpower. In order to lower down the risk of entering disaster area and to reduce energy exhaustion of rescue team, continuing large scale airdrop of rescue materials by UAV fleet is a worthy option for emergency humanitarian aid against national disasters. This paper proposes design of airdrop rescue pods, with imbedded 3 parachute, externally carried by MALE UAV. Flight safety of UAV, secure of supplies from damage, and minimum deviation from landing zone are three main concerns in aerodynamics design of the rescue pod. For safe separation from UAV, pod´s attitudes and trajectory are used as parameters to improve the configuration design, aerodynamics performance and stability, and terminal speed of rescue pod and its landing location. After cycles of studies, a four-fin configuration is finally incorporated in design for optimal stability, both in roll and yaw motions. In the process of design, analysis, and 6-D simulation of pod motions, we found that crosswind is the most critical parameter to affect pod's attitudes and landing location. Flight mission plan has to preset the deviation distance and to adjust flight heading to perform airdrop along the way of low crosswind in order to perform a successful rescue airdrop mission.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰莢艙、空投、6D模擬、降落傘、救災物資、人道救援 Key Words:Pod; Airdrop; 6D simulation; Parachute; Relief Supplies; Humanitarian Aid

    • 航空工程
    • 陸用導航系統之設計 Design of a Land Navigation System
    • 鄭永祥 江明晃 林志峰 Yung-Shiang Jeng Ming-Huang Chiang Jyh-Feng Lin

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    超燃衝壓引擎是一種於極音速條件下可有效操作的吸氣式推進系統,主要特點就是 燃燒室的速度為超音速。超音速燃燒流場的極高溫條件,以及侵入流場的物體必定導致 震波產生的現象,讓流場特性的量測變得相當困難。本文針對燃燒效率的量測,介紹了 準一維分析法、注水熱量計、氣體取樣分析與光學量測等四種量測技術。準一維分析法 是由壁面壓力量測分析出燃燒效率,注水熱量計與氣體取樣分析則是分別透過全溫量測 與燃燒後氣體組成來估算燃燒效率。光學量測的部份,本文針對可調波長二極體雷射吸 收光譜的技術進行討論。此技術可量測燃燒流場的溫度、速度、物質濃度等,目前已經 被運用在超燃衝壓引擎的飛行測試。 Abstract Supersonic combustion ramjet (scramjet) engine is one of the most efficient air-breathing engines for hypersonic cruising vehicles. The performance measurements of the supersonic combustors are important in developing the scramjet. However, there are two major problems when conventional methods are performed in the supersonic combustion flow. One is the surviving of the probes in this high temperature environment, the other is the undesired shock system resulted from the intrusive probes. Four methods for combustion efficiency measurement are discussed in this article. They are quasi-one-dimensional analysis, steam calorimeter, gas sampling, and optical diagnostics. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods are also compared.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰超燃衝壓引擎、超音速燃燒、燃燒效率 Key words:SCRAMJET; Supersonic Combustion; Combustion Efficiency

    • 航空工程
    • 超音速燃燒流場之量測技術 Measuring Methods for Supersonic Combustion Flows
    • 賴祐炫 周大偉 吳有傳 Yu-Hsuan Lai Ta-Wei Chou You-Chuang Wu

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    超燃衝壓引擎是一種於極音速條件下可有效操作的吸氣式推進系統,主要特點就是 燃燒室的速度為超音速。超音速燃燒流場的極高溫條件,以及侵入流場的物體必定導致 震波產生的現象,讓流場特性的量測變得相當困難。本文針對燃燒效率的量測,介紹了 準一維分析法、注水熱量計、氣體取樣分析與光學量測等四種量測技術。準一維分析法 是由壁面壓力量測分析出燃燒效率,注水熱量計與氣體取樣分析則是分別透過全溫量測 與燃燒後氣體組成來估算燃燒效率。光學量測的部份,本文針對可調波長二極體雷射吸 收光譜的技術進行討論。此技術可量測燃燒流場的溫度、速度、物質濃度等,目前已經 被運用在超燃衝壓引擎的飛行測試。 Abstract Supersonic combustion ramjet (scramjet) engine is one of the most efficient air-breathing engines for hypersonic cruising vehicles. The performance measurements of the supersonic combustors are important in developing the scramjet. However, there are two major problems when conventional methods are performed in the supersonic combustion flow. One is the surviving of the probes in this high temperature environment, the other is the undesired shock system resulted from the intrusive probes. Four methods for combustion efficiency measurement are discussed in this article. They are quasi-one-dimensional analysis, steam calorimeter, gas sampling, and optical diagnostics. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods are also compared.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰超燃衝壓引擎、超音速燃燒、燃燒效率 Key words:SCRAMJET; Supersonic Combustion; Combustion Efficiency

    • 航空工程
    • A Composite Guidance for Vertically Launched SSM with IIR Homing 垂直發射地對地飛彈採用紅外線終端歸向 之複合導引法則研究
    • Der-Ren Taur 陶德仁

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    A composite guidance strategy for vertically launched surface-to-surface missiles (SSM) with IIR homing is synthesized in this study. During the midcourse phase, a simplified version of singular perturbation (SP) optimal midcourse guidance law based on the composite control approach is proposed. Besides, a uniformly rotating Earth is considered for the surface to surface mission. Hence, both Coriolis force and Centrifugal force are derived for the missile in a rotating coordinate system. On the other hand, during the homing phase, a robust optimal sliding mode homing guidance law with path constraint for passive IIR homing is presented. 本文旨在探討垂直發射之地對地飛彈採用紅外線終端歸向之複合導引法則研究。對 於此類地對地之攔截任務,中途導引階段將引用複合控制原理對於奇異攝動理論推導之 尋優中途導引律進行簡化之相關修正。同時,本文推導過程中假定地球為一均勻轉動之 球體。因此,將考量飛彈在旋轉座標系中運動時所受到之離心力及科氏力。另外,考量 於被動紅外線歸向且受到路徑限制之場景,在終端歸向導引階段則將採用具強健性之尋 優滑模歸向導引律。

    關鍵詞 : Key words: Surface to surface missile; Composite control; Singular perturbation; Optimal midcourse guidance law; Robust; Optimal sliding mode homing guidance law; Passive IIR homing; Path constraint; Composite guidance; Vertical launch; Rotating coordinate 關鍵詞:地對地飛彈、複合控制、奇異攝動、尋優中途導引律、強健性、尋優滑模歸向 導引律、被動紅外線歸向、路徑限制、複合導引、垂直發射、旋轉座標系統

    • 電子電機
    • 利用粒子群最佳化調整PID增益值- 以自動駕駛儀為例 PID Tuning by Particle Swarm Optimization–Applied to Autopilot
    • 吳旭焜 王定國 劉建衡 Hsu-Kun Wu Ting-Kuo Wang Chi-Wei Leui

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    PID控制是一種常見的設計方法,同時已經廣泛的應用在多種實際控制問題上,然 而控制器上的參數設定過程,主要還是依據被控系統的特徵透過試誤法來決定。粒子 群最佳化演算法是一種以族群概念為搜尋基礎的全域最佳化演算法,其計算過程僅需 簡單的數學運算與簡易的參數選擇,非常適合用於解決高維度的動態非線性最佳化問 題。本文使用改良型粒子群最佳化演算法進行PID增益值調整並以飛彈自動駕駛儀之設 計為例。 Abstract The PID control is a common design method for widely using in various practical control problems. However, the setting procedure of control parameters is mainly based on the characteristics of the plants by trial and error method. As a global optimization algorithm with the basis of ethnic concepts, particle swarm optimization is suitable for solving the dynamic nonlinear optimization problems with high dimensions. Meanwhile, only simple mathematical operations and parameter settings are needed. In this paper, the PID gains are optimized by the modified particle swarm optimization algorithm. An application of practical missile autopilot design will be demonstrated.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:試誤法、粒子群最佳化演算法、自動駕駛儀 Key words:Trial and Error; Particle Swarm Optimization; Autopilot 電子電機

    • 電子電機
    • 自主式水下無人載具消除深度控制穩態誤差 之方式Approaches to Eliminate the Steady-State Depth Error for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
    • 徐盛平 涂滿煌 孫春青 Sheng-Ping Hsu Man-Huang Tu Chun-Chin Sun

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    自主式水下無人載具之深度控制迴路若採用比例控制器,可能會由於載具之鰭、舵設 計不同或物性變異等因素,而造成載具於等深度控制時一旦達成了俯仰向之力與力矩平衡, 將被迫存在某種程度之誤差量而無法透過控制迴路之作用以進行消除。為消除深度控制穩態 誤差,本文於不改變控制器之前題下,提出將深度控制穩態誤差量於原深度控制命令中扣 除。此外,另提出配置可移動之質量塊機構,藉由改變載具之重心位置,除可消除深度控制 穩態誤差,亦可改善載具之縱向操控能力。另一方式則為改變深度控制迴路:於比例控制迴 路中加入一積分控制器,以增加迴路轉移函數之階數,從而達到消除深度控制穩態誤差之目 的。電腦模擬結果證實此三種方式均可有效地改善載具之深度控制穩態誤差。 Abstract The performance of depth control for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) with a proportional depth controller may be influenced by different weights, buoyancies, centers of gravity et al. In this paper, three approaches are proposed to eliminate the steady-state depth error for an AUV. The first approach adjusts the depth command by deducting the steadystate depth error which is regarded as an offset when in trimmed condition. The second one alters the center of gravity by moving the mass attached on the lead screw mechanism which mounted in the AUV. The last approach increases the order of the loop transfer function by adding an integral controller in the depth control loop. Simulation results demonstrate that the steady-state depth error can be eliminated by these approaches proposed in this paper.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰自主式水下無人載具、深度控制、穩態誤差 Key Words: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle(AUV); Depth Control; Steady-state Depth Error

    • 電子電機
    • 波束成型模組架構於FPGA之實現及精進 The Implementation and Improvement of Beamforming Module Structure in FPGA
    • 林新詠 蕭文誌 賴哲安 Hsin-Yung Lin Wen-Chih Hsiao Je-An Lai

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    波束成型(Beamforming)為一利用信號空間濾波原理,達到增加特定方向接收信號之強 度並降低雜訊干擾影響程度,亦提高目標方位解析能力等目的之信號處理方法。本研究採 用時延加總(Delay-and-sum, DAS)架構之波束成型模組,並應用FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array,現場可程式化邏輯閘陣列)開發平台,運用數位電路於時脈週期(Clock Period)內立即 反應之特性,對相關演算法或信號做即時處理,以數位邏輯實現該模組,並針對該模組架構 可共用數位電路邏輯閘之特性,運用平行處理轉為序列處理之概念,進行硬體架構精進簡 化,達到節省硬體成本之目的。模擬及實現結果顯示,精進後架構之硬體使用量較原架構降 低數倍,並在僅增加少許運算時間的情況下,達成極為近似於原架構之波束成型效果。 Abstract Beamforming is a signal process method which uses the spatial filtering principle of signal to achieve the goals of increasing the strength of received signal in some direction, reducing the impact of noise interference, and increasing the target bearing resolution. In the present study, Delay-and-sum(DAS) Beamforming structure is introduced, and FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array) is used for the characteristic of digital logic with its real-time related algorithm reacting and signal processing. We implemented this type of beamformer on FPGA platform and improved the structure to save its hardware cost through simplifying the hardware structure by using the same digital logic module among different channels and using serial process instead of parallel process. Simulation and implementation results reveal that the improved structure reaches the extremely similar result as original structure does by consuming only one of several amount of hardware consumption of original structure with increasing only little operation time.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰波束成型、波束成型器、現場可程式化邏輯閘陣列、數位邏輯、邏輯閘、 Simulink、硬體描述語言(Verilog、VHDL) Key words: Beamforming; Beamformer; FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array); Digital Logic; Logic Gate; Simulink; Hardware Description Language(Verilog、VHDL) 電子電機

    • 電子電機
    • 採用同軸諧振器架構設計空腔型高抑制帶通濾波器 Designs for High Rejection Cavity Bandpass Filter Using Coaxial Resonator Structure
    • 牛道智 張志揚 林喬盛 Dow-Chih Niu Chih-Yung Chang Chiao-Sheng Lin

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    本論文將使用同軸諧振器來設計L頻段中心頻率為1.5GHz頻帶寬度為1,300MHz~ 1,700 MHz空腔型帶通濾波器,在同軸諧振器部分利用結構上的改變提高其電容值,使得整體濾波器大小縮減,設計方法將使用耦合係數法,透過分析及推導的方式找出其相對應的濾波器尺寸,帶通濾波器設計流程變得簡單、快速。 在本論文中也將會設計一個步階阻抗同軸低通濾波器,將使用介質材料來取代空氣層,利用雙介質同軸傳輸線不僅在製程上可以更方便安裝,也可以藉此降低整體尺寸大小。最後實作空腔型帶通濾波器及步階阻抗同軸低通濾波器,並將兩元件串聯形成高抑制帶通濾波器,依上述結構所量測之通帶內插入損耗有達到-0.5dB以內,截止帶(2.6GHz~8.5GHz)衰減率有低於-50dB。 Abstract The design for cavity-based bandpass filters using coaxial resonators are presented in this paper. The resonant capacitance is increased through the structural changes of the resonators, which leads to the size reduction of the bandpass filters. The method of coupling coefficients is employed to search for corresponding external quality factors and internal coupling coefficients. Then the dimensions of the resonators are determined via electromagnetic simulation tools. A coaxial stepped-impedance lowpass filter is also presented to suppress the harmonic responses of the bandpass filters. The design chooses dielectric material to replace air. The advantages of the dual-dielectric structures reside not only on the ease of assembly, but also size reduction of the unit. The combination of the proposed bandpass filters and the lowpass filter results in high-rejection bandpass filters. The simulation results are verified experimentally. Good agreements are observed.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰波束成型、波束成型器、現場可程式化邏輯閘陣列、數位邏輯、邏輯閘、

    • 電子電機
    • 氮化鎵單晶微波積體電路功率放大器元件製程及設計The Development of GaN MMIC Power Amplifier
    • 張 慈 林玉時 蕭語鋕 程羿然 廖笙佑 洪國洋 蔡藎芝 許恆通 張 翼 Tsu Chang Yu-Shih Lin Yu-Chih Hsiao Yi-Jan Cheng Sheng-Yu Liao Kuo-Yang Horng Jinn-Jy Tsay Heng-Tung Hsu Edward Yi Chang

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    本研究成功地於4吋碳化矽半絕緣基板上,開發了氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵高電子遷移率元件(AlGaN/GaN HEMT)元件磊晶及製程技術,建立了次微米閘極(Sub-micro T-gate)關鍵製程及金屬/絕緣層/金屬電容(MIM Capacitors)及鎳鉻電阻(NiCr Resistor)被動元件製程,製作出的GaN HEMT 元件於S頻帶功率密度達7W/mm,並且建立出高功率氮化鎵元件模型。另一方面,運用負載牽引 (Load pull) 量測資料,設計並量測氮化鎵單晶微波積體電路功率放大器(GaN MMIC PA)晶片,於S頻帶增益約20dB,功率30W以上。為進一步提升MMIC PA輸出功率,未來可使用HiFET (High-Voltage FET)來提升功率放大器之操作電壓,進而提高輸出功率。 AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) structure was grown on 4-inch semi-insulating silicon carbide (SiC) substrate for high quality radio-frequency power device applications. We developed Sub-micro T-gate key process and the passive device MIM capacitors and NiCr resistors to perform high performance and power RF devices. GaN on SiC HEMT device power density can perform 7W/mm at S-band, and GaN HEMT device model was developed. On the other hand, following load pull measurement, 30W GaN MMIC power amplifier was designd and characterized, with 20dB gain and 30W power at S-band. Finally, to enhance MMIC PA output power, the feasibility for employing HiFET PA was surveyed.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:氮化鎵、高電子遷移率電晶體、碳化矽、射頻功率元件、單晶微波積體電路、 功率放大器 Key words:GaN, HEMT, SiC, Radio-frequency power device, MMIC, Power amplifier

    • 電子電機
    • Module for Miniaturized Total-Power Radiometer System 微小化全能量輻射計模組
    • Yu-Jiu Wang Yen-Shou Chen Chia-Jen Liang Kuan-Chung Ting Yeong-Maw Chen 王毓駒 陳彥碩 梁嘉仁 丁冠中 陳永茂

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    Considering the different purpose and the small size, the radiometer chip is designed in a very different way to which used in astronomy territory. Without the cryogenic low noise amplifier and its cooling device, we can easier to design the system using the CMOS integrated circuit and possible to setup the system on the flying vehicle. To avoid the long time temperature identify and large size, we propose a structure that can do the same thing without the cryogenic low noise amplifier and the long time measurement. The noise figure at the RF front end and the sample rate at the base band is the most crucial part of the system. If the noise figure is too high, the system will not able to distinguish the difference of the temperature, the intermedium band and the base band will very difficult to get the accurate value. The conventional calibration method will also increase to noise figure of the receiver, thus we have to propose a different solution to calibrate the system. Increasing the integration interval will help the system more sensitive to the temperature difference, but it will not be able to sense the temperature in a short time. Depends on the purpose of the system, we should research the above question and properly design our circuit. We have done the CMOS design and the layout. In the pass two tape out, we complete the intermedium frequency circuit and the base band circuit. The RF frond end is finished in the previous chip. The phase lock loop for the local oscillator has been completely designed either. After we add the auto-calibration, we can build the system on CMOS chip in the future. 晶片化的輻射感測器因為使用和大小的不同,其架構和考量都與天文大氣的輻射感測器不同。要瞬間的找出並鎖定熱源,量測時間必須短且準確,判斷及校正的方法非常的重要,因為要裝置在飛行的載具,設計上在前端無法使用感測長時間的輻射感測器所使用的低溫低雜訊放大器,其體積較大也需要用額外的裝置冷卻,無法在晶片上實現,因此我們提出一個可以在晶片上實現的架構以及校正模型。

    關鍵詞 : Key words: Radiometer; Total power; Auto-calibration 關鍵字: 輻射感測器、全能量、自動校正

    • 電子電機
    • 相列雷達資源管制技術之研究 The Technology of Resource Management for Phased Array Radar
    • 林雄騏 Hsiung-Chie Lin

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    本文研究有效運用雷達與計算機資源,以單一相列天線雷達,達成武器系統所有射控雷達必備之多目標搜索、追蹤、多發飛彈偵追上下鏈導引等功能。相列雷達資源,包含波束駐留時間,發射機能量及電腦處理時間等,當整個雷達系統之負荷趨於飽和狀態時,雷達資源管制之效能顯得格外重要,本文依據武器系統性能需求,研究相列雷達之資源管制技術,採用「前置性排程處理」概念,提昇雷達資源使用率,並應用於相列雷 達之雷達控制軟體系統,滿足武器系統需求。This paper presents an effective phased array radar scheduling algorithm through which the function of simultaneous search, track on multiple targets were realized by a single-antenna phased array radar. Radar resources include radar dwell time, transmitter power and computer process time. In case of full load target scenario, the effectiveness of a radar scheduling algorithm reveals its importance. This paper proposed a scheduling algorithm with "prescheduling process" concept which increased the percentage of radar resource utilization and applied in the radar control software system that met the weapon system requirements.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:雷達駐波、排程週期、處理限量、雷達控制 Key words:Radar Dwell、Scheduling Interval、Process Cap、 Radar Control

    • 電子電機
    • 智慧廚具無線聯網技術整合The Wireless Networking Technology Integration of Smart Kitchenware
    • 楊宗浩 廖人吉 Tsung-Hao Yang Jen-chi Liao

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    本研究之智慧廚具無線聯網技術整合,讓使用者能透過手機(遠端無線4G)或平板電腦(近端無線WiFi)操控排油煙機與瓦斯爐(遠端無線4G只能監控與關閉爐火),擺脫傳統廚具只能由使用者一對一現場控制的情形,且增加了廚具相互連動的機制,隨著瓦斯爐火的大小變化自動調整排油煙機的風速大小,亦可無線控制咖啡機的開啟與關閉,讓廚具更具智慧,以創造舒適便利的生活環境,提升生活品質。 This study of wireless networking technologyintegration of smart kitchenware allows users to control range hood and gas stove through cell phone (remote wireless 4G) or through tablet (local wireless Wi-Fi). This new innovation breaks away from the traditional kitchenware usage where only one user can control on site. In addition, the increment of mutual interlocking mechanism support automatic rangehood wind speed adjustment according to up or down of the fire. This technology can also regulate the power switch of the coffee maker by using wireless control, creating an intelligent kitchenware that improves the quality of life by providing a more comfortable and convenient living environment.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:無線、智慧廚具、雲端服務、藍芽、4G、WiFi Key words:Wireless; Smart kitchen; Cloud service; Bluetooth; 4G; WiFi

    • 電子電機
    • 居家光環境資訊感測技術研究 Home Light Environment Information Sensing and Measurement
    • 林鈺山 洪肇澤 Yu-San Lin Chao-Tes Hong

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    居家光環境資訊感測技術是高科技的複合體,他是經由機器來代替人類分析目前的光環境情境,並希望能進一步形成一套更加人性化的居家環境資訊感測系統。本研究使用視訊攝影機來取代一般的感測器,經由分析許多不同光環境變化下所得的影像來推算出目前居家環境中的燈光環境資訊,將原本環境中取得之光資訊由單點偵測提升為平面偵測。相較於感測器,視訊攝影機除了架設容易,對於空間變化的適應能力也較好,在此利用攝影機所讀到的影像資訊來去做相對應的轉換,藉此得到所要的燈光環境資訊如色溫、亮度、均齊度等等,以得到整體的光環境資訊,並可藉此進行智慧住宅照明調控。 Home light environment sensing information technology, high-tech complex, he is through machines to replace human analysis of the current light environment situation, and hope to further the formation of a more humane living environment sensing information system. This study used a video camera instead of a general sensor, via analysis under different light conditions change a lot of the resulting images to calculate the current home environment lighting environment information, the light of the information obtained from the original environment to enhance the detection of a single point plane detection. Compared to sensors, video cameras set up in addition to easy to adapt to changes in spatial ability is better, in this use of the camera image information read to do the corresponding conversion, thereby to obtain the information desired lighting environment, color temperature , brightness, uniformity ratio, etc., to give light environment overall environmental information

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:光環境資訊感測、色溫量測 Key words: Metering sense environmental information; Color Temperature Measurement

    • 電子電機
    • 電波目標信號模擬器性能之精進 Performance Improvement of the RF Target Signal Simulator
    • 林義貴 Yi-Guey Lin

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    電波目標信號模擬器是飛彈實體迴路模擬時一項重要的裝備,對於飛彈尋標器偵追目標回波信號的模擬影響很大。本文針對電波目標信號模擬器中負責模擬目標距離的數位射頻記憶體(Digital Radio Frequency Memory),在模擬目標回波信號更新時,產生接續信號間的相位不連續現象,造成目標回波信號失真的問題提出解決方法。文中簡要說明相關的物理現象與理論分析,以及細部的作法說明與實際的測試結果等。最後結果顯 示,本文所提的作法可有效地解決相位不連續的現象所造成的模擬目標信號失真的問題,並得到很好的結果。The RF target signal simulator is one of the most important facilities used in missile hardware-in-the-loop simulation. The performance of the simulator has significant influence on the abilities of a seeker when detecting and tracking a target during simulations. The digital radio frequency memory (DRFM) in the RF target signal simulator simulates the time delay of echo signals of a target. However, the echo signals would be distorted when updating due to phase discontinuities between consecutive signals. This paper proposes an approach which could solve the problem. In this paper, the phenomenon of phase discontinuities is briefly described physically and theoretically. Not only the way it works but the test results are presented as well. It shows that the new approach can eliminate the phase discontinuities between consecutive target echo signals and make very good results.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰實體迴路模擬、數位射頻記憶體、電波模擬、相位不連續、同調信號電子電機 Key words: Hardware-in-the-loop simulation; Digital radio frequency memory (DRFM); RF simulation; Phase discontinuity; Coherent signal

    • 光電暨複合材料
    • 具高介電特性石墨烯-矽橡膠複合材料應用探討High permittivity properties of graphen esiliconerubber composites
    • 陳俊佑 張欽亮 黃尉桓 王玉平Chun-Yu Chen Chien-Liang Chang Wei-Heng Huang Yu-Ping Wang

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    本研究以Staudenmaier法製備氧化石墨(Graphite Oxide, GO),經快速加熱還原/剝離,去除表面與邊緣所鍵結的氧官能基,成功合成石墨烯薄片(Graphene nanosheets,GNS)。掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning electron microscope, SEM)、X光繞射儀(X-ray diffractometer, XRD)、BET(Brunauer-Emmett-Teller, BET)比表面積分析、元素分析(Elemental analysis, EA)分析不同還原程度石墨烯的表面形貌、晶體結構以及氧官能基含量,最後利用向量網路分析儀檢測石墨烯吸波膠片介電係數、導磁係數、反射損失,以求得最適合的參數。當還原溫度1100℃,介電損耗tanδε.m為0.76,在固含量1wt%,厚度2mm條件下,具有反射損失(15.40GHz,-10.63dB)。最後經不同厚度模擬匹配,厚度2.7mm時,在頻段10.49GHz,取得最大反射損失達-35.79dB。In this study, graphene was synthesized by thermal exfoliating graphite oxide(GO) through a rapidly heating procedure. The graphite oxide(GO) was prepared by Staudenmaier method.Graphene sheets were reduced by various temperature, Scanning electron microscope(SEM),X-ray diffractometer(XRD), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET) Specific surface area analysis and Elemental analysis (EA) were employed to investigate the morphology, crystal structure,and functional group contain. In order to obtain the optimal temperature of grapheme reduction, vector network analyzer was further employed to measure the dielectric coefficient,permeability coefficient, reflection loss of the graphene sheets. The result indicated that GNS1100(1wt%) exhibited the maximum dielectric coefficient valueof tanδε.m0.76 and reflection loss of -10.63dB(15.4GHz), respectively. Here, the thickness of GNS1100 sheet is just 2mm. Final, the 2.7mm of thickness simulation result indicated the maximum reflection loss of -35.79dB could achieved in a band of 10.49GHz.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰石墨烯、吸波特性、介電係數、反射損失Key words:Graphene-; Microwave Absorption Properties; Permeability; Reflection loss

    • 光電暨複合材料
    • 微波超材料於匿蹤科技之應用 Applications of Metamaterial to Stealth Technologies in the Microwave Regime
    • 林承忠 王尚飛 林其均 呂易展 Cheng-Chung Lin Sang-Fei Wang Chi-Chun Lin Yi-Chan Lu

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    本文剖析超材料(metamaterials)與隱形斗篷(invisibility cloak)的理論、應用與發展,並報告匿蹤科技組相關研究。我們與台灣大學合作發展數值模型,並仿造Schurig等人,設計出應用於Ka頻段的隱形斗篷,並與清華大學合作,分別利用銀粒子噴印與濺鍍法來製作X頻及Ka頻斗篷所需的裂環共振器(split-ring resonator),實驗顯示其頻率響應與數 值模擬有一致的特性。因文獻顯示動態可調性(reconfigurability)可以應用於超材料上,故本組也在超材料中進行動態可調性研究,我們利用微型PIN二極體(尺寸<1.6mm)控 制平板材料的微波特性,實驗顯示在8GHz附近的穿透率變化達15dB以上,本研究成果 對未來微波匿蹤技術發展應有極大的助益。 Abstract Theoretical, applicational and development issues of metamaterials and cloaking are reviewed in this article. The associated studies conducted by Stealth Tecnology Section in Chemical Systems Research Division are also addressed. A numerical simulation model is proposed, on the basis of Schurig's design, in order to evaluate the demanded Ka-band invisibility cloak. On the other hand, some silver-based printing and sputtering techniques are devoleped for fabricating split-ring resonators as elements of the cloak. Those split-ring resonators are used in X and Ka bands, respectively. Our experiments show that S-parameter (S21) is in agreement well with simulation. Nervertheless, in response to the previous studie of the other authors, we also focus our spot on the issue of reconfigurability. Some reconfigurable plate-like materials are fabricated on the basis of PIN diodes with a size of less than 1.6 mm. It is found that the transmission rate changes by more than 15 dB at around 8 GHs as the diodes are turned "on" and "off".

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰超材料、裂環共振器、隱形斗篷、主動頻率選擇面、PIN二極體 Key words:Metamaterial; SRR; Invisibility cloak; AFSS; PIN diode

    • 光電暨複合材料
    • 船艦自動識別方法研究 Automatic Ship Identification Research
    • 王宇晨 廖金榮 蘇玉玲 Yu-Chen Wang Chin-Jung Liao Yu-Lin Su

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    近年來電腦視覺相關技術已經廣泛應用於國防工業和武器系統上,諸如智慧型機器人、智慧型觀瞄系統以及智慧型長距離反艦飛彈等,而在長距離反艦飛彈上應用相關影像辨識演算法目的是期望能夠在特定距離內達到有效的精準打擊目標。本篇論文提出兩層式(two-layer)分類架構,首先粗分類船艦為正面或側面影像,進而到細分類階段明確辨識船艦類別。採用了三種形狀和紋理特徵用來描述船艦影像內容,並結合四種不同分類器,透過量化數據的分析,以達到船艦自動辨別(automatic target recognition, ATR)的效能分析。針對目標物資料庫建立部分,根據不同距離目標物建立2、5和8公里目標物當作實驗資料庫。In recent years, a lot of computer vision technologies are widely applied in defense industry and weapon system, such as intelligent robot, intelligent observation system and intelligent long range anti-ship missile(LRASM). Using image identification algorithm in LRASM weapon system is expected to attack definite target in effective distance. In this paper, a two-layer classifier framework for ship classification is proposed. For the coarse step, front or side view of the ship is specified. And the fine step, the classification of the ship is then identified. In our research, two shape features and one texture feature are used to describe image content, and four classifiers are used to evaluate the automatic target recognition performance. For the image database we built, 2, 5 and 8km targets have been successfully tested.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰電腦視覺、智慧型、船艦自動辨識 Key words︰LRASM; Intelligent; Image Identification; Two-layer Classifier

    • 光電暨複合材料
    • 運用導引濾波器之影像融合技術 應用於觀測系統 Image Fusion with Guided Filtering for Observing Systems
    • 莊煒宜 吳昭緯 蘇玉玲 Wei-Yi Chuang Chao-Wei Wu Yu-Lin Su

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    軍用的多頻譜影像監偵系統大多使用可見光與紅外線攝影機,做為武器、射控與戰損評估用途等。以當前技術,高解析度的可見光攝影機已非常普遍,而紅外線攝影機的解析度仍低於可見光,但紅外線攝影機可以拍攝到可見光所看不到的影像。如何將可見光及紅外光影像之個別優勢結合以提升觀測系統視覺辨識能力是必要的。本研究提出一種利用導引濾波器之影像融合演算法,使融合影像同時保留可見光及紅外光影像的重要資訊(邊緣、紋理),並避免產生人造雜訊。此影像融合演算法實作於DSP晶片運用於八觀全景系統。經實測結果證實,我們所提之影像融合演算法達到上述目標。未來,此影像融合演算法將實現於FPGA之硬體電路上,以提升運算速度並廣泛應用於軍事產品。 Multi-spectral imaging systems of military surveillance and reconnaissance commonly use visible light and/or infrared cameras for weapons, fire control and battle damage assessment. Under current technologies, high-resolution visible light cameras are very popular, beyond the infrared cameras can keep up with. However, the infrared cameras can capture some features which can not be presented in visible light images. How to combine the individual strength of visible light and infrared images and further to enhance the visual recognition ability is necessary in observing systems. In this study, an image fusion algorithm with guided filtering is proposed to keep the critical information of visible light and infrared images like edges and textures, and avoid artifact during the fusion process. With our application, the fusion algorithm is implemented in DSP chip of the panoramic system with eight visions. The experimental result shows that the proposed method can achieve the above objectives. In the future, the fusion algorithm will be implemented in hardware on FPGA to speed up the calculation and further applied broadly for military products.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:影像融合、導引濾波器、影像解析Key words:Image Fusion; Guided Filter; Image Decomposition; DSP

    • 光電暨複合材料
    • 光電酬載穩定伺服控制分析與測試Analysis and Testing of Stabilization Control for Electro-optical Payload
    • 賴昌宏 Chang-Hong Lai

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    無人機載光電酬載是近十年來發展極為迅速的一種新型即時影像偵察設備,其為集光、機、電於一體的複雜系統。本文首先針對四環架二軸結構推導出動態耦合,其次,說明伺服控制所需的硬體架構及其伺服控制迴路設計,並進行風阻力矩分析;綜合考慮四環架二軸光電酬載之動態模型、扭矩馬達及伺服控制器建立模型來模擬其控制之動態行為;最後呈現穩定及追蹤性能測試結果。研究結果顯示四環架二軸結構的穩定度可達30μrad,追蹤移動目標的能力不受連續變焦之影響。Abstract An Electro-optical payload carried by an Unmanned Aircraft Systems is a new kind of real-time image scouting equipment. It is a complicated system that composes of optics, mechanism and electronics and related technologies are developing rapidly in the last decade. This report presents dynamics coupling in accordance with the four-gimbal two-axis structure. The desired hardware structure and the design for the servo control loop are described in the next. Analysis and calculations of the effect caused by wind drag are shown accordingly. Furthermore, a synthetic graphical model based on the dynamics of the system and the associated servo-controller been built is presented, partly, here to reveal the behaviors of this system. Testing of a prototype has been executed in the laboratory and part of the results are shown here. The results indicate that the stabilization accuracy is less than 30μrad and the system is able to track a moving target while the lens is zooming continuously.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰光電酬載、動態耦合、風阻力矩、伺服控制設計 Key words: Electro-optical payload; Dynamics coupling; Wind drag torque; Design for servo control loop

    • 工業工程
    • 艦用自動反制系統交戰邏輯設計分析 The Analysis of Engagement Logic of Ship's Automatic Counter Measure System
    • 陳珊三 Shan-San Chen

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:自動反制、交戰邏輯、緊急替鎖、干擾彈、相對風、真實風Key word: automatic countermeasure system, engagement logic, seductive, chaff, relative wind, true wind

    • 工業工程
    • 灰色理論與模糊神經網絡優化鈦合金板超塑性成型之製程參數 The Process Parameters of Titanium Plate Superplastic Forming Optimization with The Gray System Theory and Fuzzy Neural Network Method
    • 王鼎鑫 王文庭 張欽宗 郭柏辰 陳輝堂 張添文 Ting-Hsing Wang Wen-Ting Wang Chin-Tzung Chang Po-Chen Kuo Hui- Tang Chen Tien-Wen Chang

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    本文利用灰色系統理論與模糊類神經網絡學習方法,結合Hp自適應有限元素法,數位模擬氣吹壓力調節模式,控制鈦合金板在超塑形成型下,以最短的時間內完成超塑 性氣吹成型的變形量,並提供合理的製程參數以縮短製造工時,間接也獲得鈦合金板超塑性氣吹成型時製程參數的靈敏度分析。 Abstract The gray system theory and fuzzy neural network learning methods are utilized in this study, combined with the Hp adaptive finite element method, digital simulative blowing pressure regulation mode, to control the formation of titanium plate under superplastic shaping, with the shortest time to complete superplastic blowing shaped deformation, and provide a reasonable process parameters to reduce manufacturing hours, indirectly gain the sensitivity analysis of titanium plate superplastic blowing process parameters.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰灰色系統理論、模糊類神經網絡、超塑性成型、模擬退火、靈敏度分析 Key words: Gray System Theorey; Fuzzy Neural Networks; Superplastic Forming; Simulate Annearling; Sensitivity Analysis

    • 工業工程
    • 基於多屬性效用理論的維修最佳化分析 Maintenance Optimization Analysis using Multi-Attribute UtilityTheory
    • 廖大偉 Ta-Wei Liao

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    在裝備預防性維修的役齡更換政策,決定最佳的維修時間是一件非常複雜的工作, 以往多數的研究僅考量成本的單一屬性,但考量個別不同的屬性所得到的結果也都不一 致。事實上,預防性維修可以同時處理不同的屬性問題。本研究提出多屬性效用理論 (Multiple Attribute Utility Theory, MAUT)建立數學模型決定裝備的最佳維修時間,本文 提出MAUT的維修模型,四個屬性分別是可靠度、妥善率、壽命與成本。另外,在計算 最佳維修時間時不僅考量失效的分布函數與成本比值,而且也將矯正性與預防性維修時 間納入考量。 The determination of an optimal intervalfor equipment in the preventive age replacement policy is a complex task. Most researches for this model focus on the cost attribute, but an optimal solution obtained from different attributes presents inconsistent result. In fact, the objective of preventive maintenance can be evaluated from multiple attributes simultaneously. This paperpresents a mathematical model for obtaining an optimal interval based on Multiple Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT). Four attributes are considered in this paper, and they are reliability, availability, lifetime and cost. In addition, the optimal solution of the proposed model depends not only on the failure distribution and cost ratio but also on the maintenance time ratio.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:預防性維修、役齡更換、多屬性效用理論 Key words:Preventive Maintenance; Age Replacement Policy; Multiple Attribute Utility Theory

    • 通訊通信
    • Soft-Guarantee-Based Call Admission Control for IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs建構於IEEE 802.11無線區域網路上具適應性服務品質保證之連線允入控制系統
    • Shih-Hsuan Lin Kai-Lung Cheng 林士勛 鄭凱隆

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol is a well-known method used in Wireless LANs (WLANs). However, it provides poor QoS guarantee for time sensitive traffic such as media streaming, or high priority traffic such as voice/video signaling requests. For improving the QoS guarantee of communications, call admission control (CAC) is important for access point's (AP's) point coordination function (PCF). In this paper, we combine the concepts of CAC and MAC to construct a comprehensive algorithm called Soft-Guarantee-Based Call Admission Control (SCAC) method, which focuses on providing soft QoS guarantee for media streaming traffic and high register speed for signaling requests. SCAC is composed of three major components: QoS-enabled Call Admission Control (Q-CAC) module, Efficient Contention Control Algorithm (ECCA) module, and Resource Management Database (RMDB) module. According to the demands of registered mobile terminals (MTs), Q-CAC limits the candidates of under-registering MTs with signaling requests. After looking up pre-constructed RMDB, ECCA adopts two-phase algorithm to provide optimal contending mechanism for signaling requests. Simulation results show that SCAC provides probabilistically soft QoS guarantee for media streaming traffics and increases the speed of contention process for signaling requests. 摘 要 IEEE 802.11媒介存取層協定為無線區域網路上最為常用的存取層協定之一。然而,此協 定並無法提供令人滿意的服務品質保證於時間敏感性資料流上,如影音串流資料、具高優先 順序之連線建立需求。為了進一步改善服務品質保證的能力,把連線允入控制的機制實現 於基地台的PCF功能上,將成為必要的步驟。在此研究中,我們結合連線允入控制與媒介存取控制的概念,建構出一套完整的演算法,其名為「建構於適應性服務品質保證之連線允入控制演算法(SCAC)」。此演算法將針對時間敏感性資料流提供有彈性之服務品質保證,並且對於具高優先順序之連線需求提供立即性的通道建立服務。此新式演算法總共可分為三個主要部分:具服務品質保證之允入控制模組、高效能競入控制演算法模組、以及資源管理資料庫模組。具服務品質保證之允入控制模組主要用來限制新連線的建立數量。根據已存在網路中之連線數,計算出殘存的頻寬,以經濟的方式進行新連線的篩選。資源管理資料庫模組用以儲存系統中各類系統參數之關聯性。高效能競入控制演算法模組將搜尋管理資料庫的參數,在不違反允入控制模組的連線數量限制下,最佳化本身演算法的運作,以期達到最短時間內完成最多新連線建立的目標。模擬結果顯示,此新式演算法可根據網管人員的設定,達到預定的軟式服務品質保證。同時,對於新連線的建立亦可看出相當程度的效能改善。

    關鍵詞 : Keywords:Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), Media Access Control (MAC), Quality-of-Service (QoS), Call Admission Control (CAC), Contention/ Contention-Free Access. 關鍵詞:無線區域網路、媒介存取控制、服務品質保證、連線允入控制、競入式/非競 入式存取

    • 通訊通信
    • 全數位四相位鍵移系統下柯斯塔頻率修正迴路分析 PLL-Based Analysis of All-Digital QPSK Costas Carrier Recovery Loop
    • 黃勝陽 蕭嵎之 徐方鴻 施勇全 Sheng-Yang Huang Yu-Jhih Hsiao Fang-Hung Hsu Yung-Chuan Shih

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    在現今的數位通訊系統中,訊號同步機制為接收機不可或缺之單元,收發機振盪器間振盪頻率不匹配與行動通訊間的都卜勒效應(Doppler effect)會造成載波頻率偏移,而不同載具間時序不同步亦會造成相位偏移,以上問題將使收發機間訊號不同步而造成接收靈敏度大幅下降。本研究將針對數位通訊系統四相位鍵移(Quadrature phase shift keying, QPSK)系統中非資料協助式頻率同步機制-柯斯塔迴路(Costas loop)架構進行介紹,再從類比到全數位鎖相迴路(All-digital phase locked loop, ADPLL)觀點來進行迴路分析,並基於現場可程式化邏輯閘陣列(Field programmable logic gate array, FPGA)設計方式來開發此數位負迴授電路,最後根據軟體與電路模擬結果來分析全數位柯斯塔迴路之頻率響應與載波修正能力。The synchronization mechanism at the receiver for communication systems is indispensable. Not only the mismatch of oscillators among transceivers, but also the Doppler effect produced by the mobile communication may cause carrier frequency offset. Furthermore, different clock domain among communication platforms may also result in phase offset. The frequency offset and the phase offset will degrade the system performance seriously. This paper introduces the non-data-aided frequency synchronization mechanism for the quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) system, which called Costas loop, and analyzes phase locked loop from the analog type to the all-digital type. Moreover, an all-digital carrier recovery loop based on field programmable logic gate array (FPGA) is designed and descripted in detail step by step. Finally, the simulation results indicate that the design of the all-digital negative feedback loop is stable and has the ability to recover carrier frequency offset.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:四相位鍵移、鎖相迴路、柯斯塔迴路、頻率偏移、相位偏移。 Key words:QPSK; Phase Locked Loop; Costas Loop; Frequency Offset; Phase Offset

    • 通訊通信
    • Mode S動態估測演算法設計 Dynamic Estimation Algorithm Design for Mode S Secondary Surveillance Radar
    • 邱健榮 張詩岳 楊壬誼 薛吉順 Chien-Jung Chiu Shih-Yueh Chang Ren-Yi Yang Chi-Shun Hsueh

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    良好目標估測模型可有效提升S模式二次監視雷達對目標物監視的準確性及可靠度。然而,在目標物具有不可預測的機動特性時,使用估測模型無法近似真實的機動目標。針對此問題,本文提出具有自適應常增益模糊估測器之追蹤系統,其利用修正當前統計模型追蹤目標物狀態,並使用模糊補償器來設計所需估測器的動態參數,故可改善估測模型無法近似真實機動目標的問題。在濾波器增益的計算採用自適應常增益方式調整,可降低計算複雜度,達到多目標即時追蹤之目的。最後,經由模擬結果顯示,所提出自適應常增益模糊估測器之追蹤系統可以得到良好的機動目標物追蹤效果。 Good target estimation model can effectively improve the accuracy and reliability of Mode S secondary surveillance radar target monitor. However, when the object has unpredictable maneuvering characteristics, using the estimation model can't approximate real maneuvering target. In this paper, an adaptive constant gain fuzzy estimator for tracking system is proposed to tackle this problem. By using the modified current statistical model (CSM) to track the target state, and the fuzzy compensator is designed to update dynamic parameter of estimator, it can improve the estimation model that can't approximate the real problem of maneuvering target. In the filter gain calculated, using constant gain adaptively adjusted can reduce computational complexity, and achieve the purpose of real-time tracking of multiple targets. Finally, through simulation results, they show that the proposed an adaptive constant gain fuzzy estimator for tracking system can get good estimate of maneuvering target tracking effect.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰S模式、二次監視雷達、機動目標、當前統計模型、目標追蹤 Key words: Mode S; Secondary Surveillance Radar(SSR); Maneuvering Target; Current Statistical Model; Target Tracking

    • 通訊通信
    • 量子密碼學簡介 Introduction to Quantum Cryptography
    • 張廷勖 王元昌 Ting-Shi Chang Yuan-Chang Wang

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    本文主要將介紹以量子物理特性為基礎的密鑰分配技術,此技術可察覺通信過程是否遭竊聽,實現高度安全之密鑰分配通道,以提升密鑰分配過程安全性,亦降低執行密 鑰置換所投入人力與時間成本,為不得不重視之發展趨向。文中將針對於量子密鑰分配所涉及相關現況背景及技術基礎、量子態的疊加性質與量子位元、量子密鑰分配的原理 與安全性…等作初步介紹。透過BB84量子密鑰分配協定著名實驗案例,簡要說明其基本運作原理,並延伸分析目前商業化且可參考發展的id Clavis2量子密鑰分配系統架構。未來可就前述設備之實作架構原理,研析可行作法,評估並挑選最佳方案作為開發參考。量子密鑰交換技術成熟後,建置量子密鑰交換或分配專屬傳輸網路,可運用於軍事國防高機敏通信網路,以達更安全的通信要求。 In this paper, we introduce the technique of quantum key distribution (QKD) based on properties of quantum mechanics on which a key distribution channel with high security can be realized by the ability of awareness if the information has been eavesdropped in communication or not. We cannot but take the development trend of quantumcry photography seriously, because it can used not only to promote the security of key distribution procedure but also to reduce the costs of labor and time on changing keys for new. The contents include preliminary introductions on the current development trends, the background and fundamental technique, quantum bits (Qbit) and the superposition property of quantum state, and the principles of QKD and security etc. In the most famous QKD protocol case, BB84,we would illustrate operation process and principles, and get a more detailed analysis on the architecture of a commercial QKD system, id Clavis2.Based on previous mentions, concerned authority can evaluate feasibility study and develop suitable prototype device in the future. After the technique of QKD has been refined, establishing particular QKD channels can be deployed on national defense and military confidential network to meet high security requirements.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰量子通信、量子糾纏交換、量子密錀分配、量子密碼學 Key words: Quantum Communication; Quantum Entanglement Swapping; Quantum Key Distribution; Quantum Cryptography

    • 通訊通信
    • 微型雙向資料鏈技術研究 The Technology Research of Miniature Bidirectional Date Link System
    • 陳君豪 鍾佩倫 Chun-Hao Chen Pei-Lun Chung

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    現今資料鏈在軍事中主要應用於通訊、導航及識別,並支援戰術指揮、控制、通信、計算機及情報系統。本文依據資料鏈系統研製經驗,採用軟體無線電作為設計架構,側重彈性化設計,針對坽微型化、夌功耗、奅連線品質、妵安全性等四項發展目標,進行新一代微型雙向資料鏈技術研究,以改良提升傳統資料鏈系統,達到系統縮裝、通訊性能提升,有助於無人飛行機(UAV)與飛彈系統之應用與發展。Today in the military of Data Link System is mainly used in communications, navigation and identification, support and tactical command, control, communications, computers and intelligence systems. In this paper, based on the Data Link System developing that uses Software-Defined Radio design architecture experience, focusing on flexible design for (1) miniaturization (2) Power (3) communications quality (4) Security ,that is development goals, a new generation miniature TX/RX directional Data Link technology research to improve and upgrade traditional Data Link System to achieve reduced system equipment, communication performance, contribute to the application and development of unmanned aircraft and missile systems.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰資料鏈、數據鏈、飛彈系統、無人飛行載具 Key words:Data Link; Missile System;UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)

    • 通訊通信
    • 數位接收機技術研究 Digital Receiver TechnologyStudy
    • 高幼齡 張家瑋 Yow-Ling Gau Chia-Wei Chang

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    數位取樣(sampling)、IQ解調及數位降頻(DDC Digital Down Conversion)等功能是所 有數位接收機必備基本功能。在FPGA中實現的方法很多,但是FPGA的資源有限,當有 很多接收通道要實現於一顆FPGA中時,簡潔且效率高的方法就很重要。本篇論文首先提出一種降低資料速率(data rate)但又不失真的次取樣(under sampling) 方法,只要取樣率大於頻寬的兩倍即可。再利用取樣率與信號中心頻率之特殊倍數關係 來簡化產生正弦波的需求。其次探討各式IQ產生方式之優缺點。最後再利用特殊倍數關係簡化數位降頻器(DDC)。透過一連串的簡化來完成整個數位接收機的設計。The basic functions of digital receiver include analog-to-digital sampling, I/Q detection and digital down conversion. There are many methods to implement these function on a FPGA chip.However, the FPGA resource is limited. When many receiver channels are required to implement on a single FPGA chip, the implementation architecture should be simple and efficient. The under sampling technique with the benefit of low operation data rate is proposed first in the beginning of this study. If the sampled signal through this technique is undistorted, the sample rate must be two times greater than the bandwidth of the signal. Secondly the generation of a sine function can be simplified by adopting a special relationship between data rate and center frequency of the signal. Thirdly, various digital I/Q generation methods are discussed. Finally, a simplified DDC is provided. Through this sequence of simplification from sampling to DDC a simplified digital receiver is completed.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:次取樣(under sampling)、IQ解調、數位降頻(DDC) Key words:Under sampling; I/Q detection; Digital down conversion

    • 科技管理
    • 由國防經濟學面向探討本院在國防產業發展上之定位 The Development Orientation of National Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST) in Defense Industry: An Aspect of Defense Economics
    • 林鵬舉 劉永賢 Peng-Chu Lin Yung-Shien Liu

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    本文從國防經濟學觀點,探討政府推動國防產業的經濟性議題。本研究認為,當前國防產業的問題在於,資源有效配置與使用的經濟層面;若不改善我國國防科研經費長期偏低的現象,勢將嚴重影響國防自主的發展。本文除試論本院在國防產業政策上之定位外,並嘗試建構國防自主能力體系架構,期能提供國防事務決策上的參考依據。 Based on defense economics aspect, this paper researched economical issues of government policy for defense industry. The study shown the defense industry problems are, in present, economics topics in the efficient allocation and use of resources. If the long-term phenomenon of low side domestic defense science and technology budget didn't improving, the defense industry and the developing of defense self-reliance were affected seriously. This paper tried to propose a system framework of defense self-reliance capabilities, besides discuss the development orientation of NCSIST in defense industry policies. The aim of this study will expect to provide references for decision maker of defense affairs.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰國防經濟學、國防產業、國防自主 Key words: Defense Economics; Defense Industry; Self-Reliance in Defense/ Defense Self-Reliance

    • 資訊管理
    • Ontology for integration of Data for Military Synthetic Command and Control Environment 合成化戰場環境之指揮管制資訊整合本體 語言應用
    • Yuan Kwei Tzeng 曾源揆

    卷期 : 13 /

    出版年 : 2017/01/01

    The Semantic Web provides explicit semantics that enable software applications to better process information representations. The Web Ontology Language – OWL – is a language for representing information on the Semantic Web. Military Command and Control (C2) have many information representation challenges. C2 require the ability to respond to rapidly changing environments and intelligence. C2 systems must be agile, able to integrate new sources of information rapidly for enhanced situational awareness and respond to real-time events. Data from varied sources must be integrated and transformed into knowledge. OWL provides a consistent syntax using the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and predefined constructs with standard semantics. These features enable better information sharing and support reasoning by inference systems. OWL is best used for representing object-oriented descriptions of items in a welldefined domain. It could be used in the C2 to support distributed representations of data, behaviors, descriptions of units and objects to cite, the Computer Generated Forces (CGF) and scenarios with initial conditions. Since the sensitiveness of military resource and authorization require in tactical maneuver decision. In this paper we describe a Authorized Synthetic Command and Control Environment (ASC2E), JNTC, CTP+M2S and OMRM platform, these can supply C2 training and decision making. 語意網以隱藏的語意提供軟體應用系統更佳的資訊表現能力,「網路本體語言」為資訊在語意網表現的語言。軍事上的指揮與管制存在著許多訊息呈現的難度,C2必 須提供對環境的變化提供快速回應的能力。同時,C2必須以精簡的作法整合新的訊息,以滿足及時的狀況偵測與回應。「網路本體語言」以資訊描述架構與語意定義,將不同來源的大量資訊變成有用的「知識」。「網路本體語言」使資訊可以很容易以推論引擎進行分析,並將特殊領域的資訊物件化。上述架構非常適用於分散式環境下的「指揮與管制」資訊、行為、單位、電腦生成兵力與戰場初始狀況的應用。因為軍事資源的敏感性與權限要求,本研究提出在權限控制可支援C2與決策下達的合成化指揮管制環境架構。

    關鍵詞 : Key words:Command and Control(C2); scenario; CGF; ontology; PKI 關鍵詞:指揮管制、想定、電腦生成兵力、本體論、公開金鑰