卷期 : 13 /
出版年 : 2017/01/01
本研究以Staudenmaier法製備氧化石墨(Graphite Oxide, GO),經快速加熱還原/剝離,去除表面與邊緣所鍵結的氧官能基,成功合成石墨烯薄片(Graphene nanosheets,GNS)。掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning electron microscope, SEM)、X光繞射儀(X-ray diffractometer, XRD)、BET(Brunauer-Emmett-Teller, BET)比表面積分析、元素分析(Elemental analysis, EA)分析不同還原程度石墨烯的表面形貌、晶體結構以及氧官能基含量,最後利用向量網路分析儀檢測石墨烯吸波膠片介電係數、導磁係數、反射損失,以求得最適合的參數。當還原溫度1100℃,介電損耗tanδε.m為0.76,在固含量1wt%,厚度2mm條件下,具有反射損失(15.40GHz,-10.63dB)。最後經不同厚度模擬匹配,厚度2.7mm時,在頻段10.49GHz,取得最大反射損失達-35.79dB。In this study, graphene was synthesized by thermal exfoliating graphite oxide(GO) through a rapidly heating procedure. The graphite oxide(GO) was prepared by Staudenmaier method.Graphene sheets were reduced by various temperature, Scanning electron microscope(SEM),X-ray diffractometer(XRD), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET) Specific surface area analysis and Elemental analysis (EA) were employed to investigate the morphology, crystal structure,and functional group contain. In order to obtain the optimal temperature of grapheme reduction, vector network analyzer was further employed to measure the dielectric coefficient,permeability coefficient, reflection loss of the graphene sheets. The result indicated that GNS1100(1wt%) exhibited the maximum dielectric coefficient valueof tanδε.m0.76 and reflection loss of -10.63dB(15.4GHz), respectively. Here, the thickness of GNS1100 sheet is just 2mm. Final, the 2.7mm of thickness simulation result indicated the maximum reflection loss of -35.79dB could achieved in a band of 10.49GHz.
關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰石墨烯、吸波特性、介電係數、反射損失Key words:Graphene-; Microwave Absorption Properties; Permeability; Reflection loss