卷期 : 44 / 3
出版年 : 2016/07/01
擴增實境(AR)屬於電腦科學範疇之一,實現的方式是將真實世界與可互動、3D的虛擬物件結合在一起。擴增實境本身的理論相當簡單,只是將真實世界的影像與出現在相同空間的圖形重疊,其背後的技術是將2D或3D虛擬物件,即時的投射到真實世界並與其結合在一起。擴增實境具有三個要素:(1)虛擬物件與真實環境結合、(2)即時的互動、(3)3D定位。擴增實境的基本技術原理包括有顯示、目標偵測與定位等,實現關鍵則在軟體的撰寫,坊間有一些工具與軟體開發工具包(Software Development Kit, SDK)可以協助開發擴增實境的應用,例如ARToolKit、FlarToolKit、ARToolKitPlus、BuildAR、AndAR、D'Fusion AR、QCAR等。擴增實境應用和使用者高度互動的特性,使它能成功的運用在廣泛的領域中,例如教育、導覽、商品展示、娛樂、醫療、訓練等。Augmented reality (AR) is a field of computer science that involves combining the physical world and an interactive, three-dimensional virtual world. The concept behind it is pretty simple, over lay the physical world with cool graphics that appear to occupy the same space. AR technology used combines a virtual object, 2D or 3D, into a real object environment and projecting the virtual objects in real time. AR has three essential properties. First, virtual objects are combined with real environment. Second, immediate interaction is facilitated. Third, AR operates in a 3D environment.The technology of augmented reality includes display, target detect and position. The key of AR is the software. AR programs are written in special tools and SDKs such as ARToolKit, FlarToolKit, ARToolKitPlus, BuildAR, AndAR, D'Fusion AR, QCAR, etc. These tools and SDKs can make the development of AR application much easier. The highly interactive nature of AR application with its user has recently been used in several fields, for instance education, tour guide, commerce, entertainment, medicine, and training among others.
關鍵詞 : 擴增實境(Augmented reality)、AR、ARToolKit、FlarToolKit、ARToolKitPlus、BuildAR、AndAR、D'Fusion AR、QCAR