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    • 通資電科技與數位化戰場先驅--專訪本院前資訊通信研究所所長鄭明傑博士
    • 鄭明傑口述‧葉佳龍整理

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    本期新新季刊中心論題-「通資電科技與數位化戰場」由本院資訊通信研究所負責專題報導,本院通資電科技與數位化戰場技術由鄭前所長明傑博士從規劃、研究至發展已逾十年有餘,相關成果已運用至各軍事用途上,並獲得軍種肯定。在徵詢鄭前所長之同意下,安排本次特稿專訪。前 言鄭前所長於成功大學獲得工程科學系學士學位與電機研究所碩士學位後,赴美國佛羅里達大學取得電機研究所博士學位,在本院服務約四十年,奉獻畢生精力,致力國防通資電科技開發與規劃,自民國62年進入本院執行雄風一型飛彈研發計畫導控系統研發及精進工作,因表現優異,先後榮昇雄風計畫系工組組長、主任、副主持人等職,負責雄風一、二型飛彈研發及量產工作,整合有限之人力與資源,達成相關任務,期間榮獲中科院八十四年中山楷模,獲頒莒光甲種二等獎章、莒光甲種一等獎章及六等雲麾勳章等,民國89年轉調至第三研究所擔任副所長、電子系統研究所副所長、資訊通信研究所副所長等職,並於民國96年拔擢為資訊通信研究所所長,負責督導天弓、天劍、雄風三彈之生產及品保任務,從事國防武器資訊通信系統裝備之研究發展、提昇國防資訊通信科技研發能力,並依「指管」、「通資」、「情監偵」、「資訊戰」及「電子戰」各研發領域,完成「國軍通資電關鍵技術發展規劃」奠定研究及國防專技研究計畫,堪稱通資電科技與數位化戰場先驅,並於85年及95年兩度當選模範公務人員及95年度傑出公務人員貢獻獎,民國97年調任計品會副主任委員一職,於102年7月底退休,本著對鄭前所長的敬意及薪火相傳的想法,拜訪鄭前所長,透過本次專訪,更能深入了解通資電科技與數位化戰場發展歷程,以及鄭前所長對我們的期許。

    關鍵詞 : 鄭明傑

    • 中心論題
    • 「通資電科技與數位化戰場」序言
    • 林高洲

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 通資電科技與數位化戰場

    • 中心論題
    • 通信系統未來發展趨勢與國防技術自主規劃Future Trends of Communications System Development & Defense Technique Self- reliant Planning
    • 焦興也(Cing-Yee Chiao)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    美伊戰爭後,各國深切體認到未來任務與作戰需求須朝『立體化數位戰場』及『網狀化聯合作戰』方向革新,在現代化戰場上,任何武器裝備離開通信系統就不能發揮其效能和作用,任何C4ISR系統離開通信系統就不能正常運轉;軍事通信系統發展朝建立地空一體化協同通信能力、提升軍事通信系統存活能力、開發抗干擾能力強之通信裝備及重視戰場頻譜管理方向進行。國防通信技術必須自主才能達成立體化及網狀化作戰理想,國防必須自主才能不受制於人。After the Operation Iraqi Freedom campaign, nations around the world realized the requirements for future mission and operation are: a multi-dimension digital battlefield and network-wise joint operation. Any weapon without communication will lost its effective function. Any C4ISR system without communication will not work properly. The future trends of military communication are: interoperability for all military forces, increase survivability of communication system, to develop anti-jam radios and rely on spectrum management. National defense technique must be self-reliant to avoid being depend on others .

    關鍵詞 : 通信系統(Communications System)、軟體無線電(Software-Defined Radio SDR)、數位戰場(Digital Battlefield)、C4ISR(Command Control Communication Computer Information Surveillance & Reconnaissance)、聯合戰術資訊配發系統(Joint Tactical Information Distribution System, JTIDS)、聯合戰術無線電系統(Joint Tactical Radio System JTRS)

    • 中心論題
    • 現代化軍事數據鏈路發展與未來趨勢The Current and Future Development of Modern Military Data Links
    • 吳佳燐(Chia-Ling Wu)‧陳培宗(Pei-Chung Chen)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    現代化戰爭型態實質上是信息化戰爭,掌握資訊優勢是現代化戰爭致勝的先決條件。透過現代化軍事數據鏈可將陸、海、空等各軍兵種的指揮、控制、情報、通信系統及武器平台緊密地結合在一起。因此,美軍自20世紀50年代初期開始發展戰術數據鏈,從Link 1、Link 4、Link 11、Link 16及Link 22,到目前所研發建置中之TTNT,每步發展都在改變著戰場訊息掌握程度及作戰格局。In essence, modern warfare has turned into an information warfare. The force that can dominate information more and faster than its opponent can win the battle on them odern battlefield. Military Data Links provide a means to transfer situational awareness and critical information between allied forces. Consequently, the weapon platforms andC4ISR systems can be tightly integrated and exchange messages with ease. That is a quantum jump for the development of modern battle field network technology. Each step for the development of Tactical Data Links is going to influence how much the battle field information you can control.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰戰術數據鏈(Tactical Data Links)、戰術目標瞄準網路技術(TTNT)

    • 中心論題
    • LTE公共安全寬頻網路運用與發展The Application and Development of LTE Public Safety Broadband Network
    • 王岳吉(Yueh-Jir Wang)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    隨著第四代行動通訊進入長期演進技術(Long Term Evolution , LTE)階段,在高速移動下,傳輸速率最高可達100Mbps,可滿足視訊、語音及數據等整合應用需求,以往國內外公共安全通訊市場均以窄頻之集群中繼無線電系統為主,僅能提供語音、座標及簡訊等功能,參考美國已運用LTE技術發展公共安全寬頻網路,並與商業網路緊密相連,發揮平時營運與緊急救援之效用,我國應儘早整體規劃公共安全寬頻網路,期能滿足公共保護與災害救援之需求。With the 4G mobile communications getting into the Long Term Evolution phase, the transfer rate could be up to 100Mbps in the fast-moving mode. The rate can satisfy the integrated video, voice and data application demands. In the past, the trunked radio with narrowband is the main system for the public safety in the domestic and international markets. It only provides the voice, GPS and message functions. Reference to the US using the LTE technique to develop the public safety broadband networks that closely connect to the business networks. It brings the utilities of operations and emergency relief. We should overall plan the Taiwan's public safety broadband networks to meet the demands of public protection and disaster relief.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰長期演進技術(LTE, Long Term Evolution)、公共安全寬頻網路(PSBN, Public Safety Broadband Network)、公共保護與災害救援(PPDR, Public Protection and Disaster Relief)

    • 中心論題
    • 智慧型手機自動化管理系統A Study to Smart Phone Automated Management System
    • 林維明(Wei-Ming Lin)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    智慧型手機開放攜入營區使用,一直是國軍人員高度關注的議題。管理者同意開放的前提是:透過自動化的管控手段,能暫時性地將特定的系統功能(如:相機、藍芽、GPS、熱點分享)阻絕。本文從行動資安議題切入,比較坊間行動裝置管理軟體,確認須客製專屬軟體才能滿足國軍需求,進而探討管控手機的軟體實作技術及完成雛形系統後的測試結果;基於此系統的安全保護需求,更提出系統安全性分析,系統安全防護建議;最後,針對本系統發展過程中所遭遇之困難因素,技術抉擇之優劣分析說明並提出後續建議作為結論。It is the issue drawing most attraction that personal smart phones are allowed brought into military restricted areas. Administrators regard it acceptable if some specific functions(e.g. camera, Bluetooth, GPS and Hot spot), by any means, can be temporarily blocked, automatically. We start our discussion first on the mobile security. Surveying the mobile device management COTS software, we are convinced that custom-made solution is the only way to meet the requirement. We then discuss the software implementing techniques for administrating a mobile device, present the test results of a prototype system out of our lab. Being considered as a security system, it is taken into security analysis. Some secure approaches are suggested to protect the system. Based on the test results, we describe the difficulty, the dilemma of selecting implementation approaches, and finally conclude with some development suggestions.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:智慧型手機(Smart Phone)、BYOD(Bring Your Own Device)、行動裝置管理(Mobile Device Management)、行動資安(Mobile Security)、金鑰管理(Key Management)

    • 中心論題
    • 大數據的現況與未來Big Data: Present and Future
    • 郭立言(Li-Yen Kuo)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    大數據一詞逐漸蔚為資訊業新潮流,但大數據僅止於過譽的潮流或確有其價值?本文將大數據產業分為五階層(來源、儲存、運算、應用、決策)開始,由下至上逐層說明,並將重點置於中間三層。在儲存與運算的說明中,將以介紹常見開源運算平台為主,並簡介GPU在高性能運算上的價值;而在應用中則列舉資料分析常見的技術領域及其主要方法。尤有甚者,藉由從需求、資料、技術彼此的三元關係出發,期使更為精確地掌握分析工具與分析技術的特性及優缺點。唯有如此,從植基於需求的觀點出發,資料隱匿的價值才得以顯現於我們面前。最後,本文討論國軍運用及未來發展與挑戰。Big data would have to be a new trend of information industry. However, is big data, as a trend, merely over-rated or noteworthy? In this study, starting with partitioning big data industry into five layers which are sources, storages, computations, applications and decisions, we would give a bottom-up introduction through layers and highlight the three layers in the middle. When introducing storages and computations, we would focus on the open-sourced computation platforms, and state the value of GPU on high performance computation. When introducing applications, we would enumerate the fields of technology which are applied by industry popularly and introduce their major approaches. In addition, from the ternary relationship among requirement, data and techniques, hope that we can get over the properties, pros and cons of analytics and techniques more precisely. Not until we start with the viewpoint of requirement by doing so, will the implicit value of data reveal to us. Finally, we state applications and challenges of the development in the future which the army would face.

    關鍵詞 : 大數據(Big Data)、資料分析工具(Data Analytics)、機器學習(Machine Learning)、資料探勘(Data Mining)、平行化運算(Parallelized Computing)

    • 中心論題
    • 巨量分析技術與誘捕網系統Big Data Security Analytics and Honey net
    • 洪孟芬(Meng-Fen Hung)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    網路攻擊技術的進化越來越複雜,已對資訊安全和關鍵資訊基礎設施造成很大的威脅。巨量資料分析技術經由大量的資料篩選,以揭露潛藏的危機、偵測異常及消除安全威脅有很大的貢獻。本文強調於網路戰戰場建置誘捕網的重要性、巨量資料的發展以及威脅分析的的實例,並對未來網路戰的策略下了清楚的註解。Cyber-attacks involve advanced and sophisticated techniques to infiltrate our networks and critical information infrastructure platforms. Big data sift through massive amounts of data generated inside and outside to uncover hidden relationships, detect anomalous activities and remove security threats. This document highlights the impact of honeynet on cyber warfare, briefly discusses tools used in Big Data analytics, and finally, provides examples of Big Data usage in security contexts.

    關鍵詞 : 誘捕網(Honeynet)、巨量資料(Big Data)、威脅分析(Security Threat Analysis)

    • 中心論題
    • 電子兵棋圖台於指管領域之發展與運用Development and Application of Digital War Game Platform for C4ISR System
    • 劉清智(Ching-Chih Liou)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    C4ISR系統對支援部隊聯合作戰而言,雖是一種全新的概念,但已逐步成為是否能在戰場上致勝的關鍵。兵棋台至今仍為部隊各級指揮官綜覽戰場、掌握敵我態勢,並傳達兵力運用構想的主要平台。電子兵棋圖台透過觸控式螢幕、多樣化地理圖資、圖層套疊、地形分析、2525B部隊符號編輯、兵力部署、推演、記錄回放、透明圖/兵要製作及無人飛行載具影像顯示等功能,將C4ISR系統特性及所偵獲情資即時呈現在單一平台上,除取代人工標繪的「狀況圖」及「敵情圖」外,並可透過現代化資訊科技,輔助指揮官做出明確、有效的決策。C4ISR system is a new issue of military actions, and will become the key point of who is winner or loser on the battlefield. The war game platform is still a stage which the military commander can oversee all the situations of the battlefield. We have well designed a digital war game platform, its capabilities include touch screen panel, diversely geographic pictures, pictures overlapping, terrain analyses, MIL-STD-2525B symbols and military stronghold databases designing, troops deployment, war-gaming, and UAV image displaying, etc., by which the C4ISR's information can be fused on the unique platform. It can not only take the place of traditional war game platform which is worked done by hand, but also assist the commander makes decisions efficiently and precisely by the new information technologies.

    關鍵詞 : 指管通情監偵(C4ISR)系統、部隊符號(military symbol)、電子兵棋圖台(digitalwargame platform)、兵棋推演(War-gaming)、地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System, GIS)

    • 中心論題
    • 戰場目標關聯法則設計Design the Related Rule of Battle Field Target
    • 鄧紹勳(Shao-Hsun Teng)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    指管系統是攸關國防安全及增進國軍戰力的戰情資訊系統,其目的在於自動化蒐集多元偵蒐裝備的情資、合併相同目標與過濾錯誤目標,減少目標誤判,提供正確且即時的戰場環境情報。影響指管系統決策品質的兩大重要因素為系統反應速度與目標處理數量,由於目前的情蒐系統往往必須在十餘秒內處理上千個目標的追蹤,因此新一代的指管系統必須設計更有效率的情資關聯推論演算法,才能滿足系統需求。Tactical command and control system is a warfare information exchange and command system which is highly related to the national defense security. The tactical command and control system features include collecting the data sources from different tracking device sensor and merging the same or filter the duplicate targets. System response time and the number of tracking targets are two major factors which impact the quality of decision making with the tactical command and control system. Since the newly fire-control system is requested to process thousands of different tracks just in seconds, the traditional tactical command and control system cannot fulfill the current secure requirements for thelimited processing speed and transmission rate. This paper provides an advanced induction algorithm for multi-resource correlated tracking rules, with which we can process multiple data sources.

    關鍵詞 : 指管系統(Tactical Command and Control System)、目標關聯(Correlation Tracking Rules)、目標追蹤(Target Tracking)

    • 中心論題
    • 複雜電磁環境下聯合電子戰測演訓未來發展應用The Development of the Joint Electronic Warfare Training, Maneuver and Training in the Complex Electromagnetic Environment
    • 陳德育(Te-Yu Chen)‧薛吉順(Chi-Shun Hsueh)‧黃勻厚(Yun-Hou Huang)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    為了順應高科技電子戰作戰任務需求,在世界各國電子戰武器裝備發展過程中,均著重構建「電子戰測試、演習與訓練」之開放空間測試場,並展開多方面深入研究,其中建構複雜電磁環境的仿真戰場是電子戰開放空間測試場發展的重點。本文闡述未來聯合電子戰測演訓的發展,以及實例應用,作為未來的規劃參考。For the high technology electronic warfare requirement, the development of electronic warfare equipment in the whole world is regarded the electronic warfare testing, maneuver and training in the open-air test range. The technology about how to constructing an artificial complicated electromagnetic environment has become a critical point in developing an open-air electronic warfare test range. This paper will draft the development of the joint electronic warfare testing, maneuver and training. The final simulation and open-air test results will be a valuable reference for the future planning.

    關鍵詞 : 電子戰測演訓(Electronic warfare testing, maneuver and training)、開放空間測試場(Open-air test range)、複雜電磁環境(Complicated electromagnetic environment)

    • 中心論題
    • 雷達訊號截收與干擾效益評估Intercept Radar Signals And Estimate Jammer Effect吳明
    • 吳明衛(Ming-Wei Wu)‧王注凱(Chu-Kai Wang)朱鏡宏(Ching-Hung Chu)‧翁子倫(Tzu-lun Wen

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    g)摘要/Abstract在現代高科技戰爭中,電子戰為影響戰爭勝敗的重要因素之一,透過雷達無形的電磁波,可搜索、追蹤遠方的載台,提升戰場透明度,亦可透過干擾裝備干擾對方雷達,壓縮雷達搜索範圍,影響判斷;本文主要是利用岸置干擾裝備使用雜波干擾艦載雷達的場景,透過偵蒐裝備截收雷達訊號的情資資料,結合雷達、干擾裝備等說明文件獲得參數,進行干擾裝備對艦載雷達的干擾距離及艦載雷達遭受干擾時的燒穿距離估算,並藉由實驗測試場景規劃及實際執行結果,評估預測值與實測值的誤差,以供運用參考。In modern high-tech warfare, electronic warfare is one of the important factors affecting the defeat of the war, through the radar invisible electromagnetic waves can search, track distant stage, to enhance the transparency of the battlefield, through the jammers can interfere with each other radar equipment, compression radar search scope to influence the judgment; this paper is the use of shore set jammers equipment using shipborne radar clutter scenes, through electronic reconnaissance equipment to intercept radar signals intelligence resources data, combined with parameters radar jammers equipment and other documentation obtained difference data, the maximum burn-jamming equipment for shipboard radar interference maximum distance and shipborne radar jamming equipment subject to interference distance estimates, and by the results of the experimental test scenario planning and actual execution of tests to evaluate the measured results and projected results to fight for the use of reference.

    關鍵詞 : 電子戰(Electronic warfare)、雷達(Radar)、干擾器(Jammer)

    • 中心論題
    • 艦載火箭式深水炸彈在海軍作戰之運用To make use of Ship-Borne Rocket Depth-charge in Naval Warfare
    • 林澄貴(Cheng-Kuei Lin)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    深水炸彈依戰術需要從滑軌投放方式演變為火箭式發射,以增加射程、加大威力、提高命中率的作戰需求。本文先探討火箭式深水炸彈的國外現況及其優勢,且基於其在水面與水下爆炸後所產生水聲及爆破效應,可廣泛運用於水聲對抗各型聲納、攔截硬殺魚雷、爆破水雷開闢航道、掃清灘頭實施破障、打擊水面艦艇及陸上目標、攔截干擾來襲的攻艦飛彈等作戰方式,最後探討其未來發展趨勢,期以提升其作戰效能。In order to increase the launch distance, explosive power and hit probability of depth charge, The way to deploy depth charge has improved from track to rocket launcher. This article discuss rocket depth charge by reviewing the present situation and advantages. It can also use in Sonar countermeasure, Intercepting & hard-killtorpedo, Blasting seamine to open ship channel, Cleared the beach to break obstacle, Strike surface ship& land target ,Anti-ship missile interference & intercept based on the acoustic & explosive effectiveness cause by surface & underwater explosion. And conclude by discuss the future development tendency of rocket depth chargeto increase it's operational efficacy in expectation

    關鍵詞 : 火箭式深水炸彈(Rocketdepth Charge)、水聲對抗(Underwater Acoustic Countermeasure)、攔截魚雷(Intercepting Torpedo)、炸雷(Blasting Mine)、破障(Break Obstacle)、水障(Water Barrier)

    • 中心論題
    • 潛艦反魚雷接戰之模式與模擬Model and Simulation of Anti-Torpedo Engagement for a Submarine
    • 徐盛平(Sheng-Ping Hsu)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    本文介紹潛艦遭受魚雷攻擊時,為達成功迴避魚雷攻擊之目的,潛艦可能採行之各種反制措施,包括軟殺傷、硬殺傷及本艦機動迴避等作為。本文亦從模式模擬之觀點,建構潛艦反魚雷之接戰場景數學模式與模擬程式。文中所述之接戰模擬場景考量魚雷、誘標與潛艦等運動體之運動特性及性能限制等條件,經由模擬程式之運算,將可獲得量化之模擬數據,其結果除可驗證潛艦反魚雷接戰成效外,亦可作為潛艦反魚雷戰術設計之基礎。When a submarine is attacked by a hostile torpedo, for the purpose of safe escape, the optional actions can be chosen for counter attack are soft kill, hard kill and maneuver of the submarine. In this paper, the mathematical model and simulation program of anti-torpedo engagement are built. Simulation results which considered about the torpedo, decoy, maneuver abilities, and limitations of the submarine can be used to verify the effectiveness of anti-torpedo engagement and used as the design bases of anti-torpedo tactics for a submarine.

    關鍵詞 : 電子戰(Electronic warfare)、雷達(Radar)、干擾器(Jammer)

    • 中心論題
    • 高精度地面定位系統High-Accuracy Ground-Based Positioning System
    • 黃育民(Yih-Ming Huang ).鄭徵祥(Cheng-Shiang Cheng)王定國(Ting-Kuo Wang).黃昭銘(Jau-Ming Huang)莊智清(Chih-Ching Juang).楊 名(Ming Yang).劉光浩(Guang-Hao Liu)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    導航、定位與授時為現代系統重要功能之一,隨著衛星導航系統之發展與普及,目前許多系統與設施均仰賴導航衛星所提供之定位、導航與授時服務。但是來自導航衛星之訊號相當微弱容易受到干擾;於特定情境時,目前缺乏獨立運作之即時定位機制,故需發展一套不受制於人之自主地面定位系統。本文將探討此自主地面定位系統架構、定位方式及技術。本系統發展完成後可以提供自主且不易被干擾之精確定位服務,有助於國防及平時國土安全、防救災之應用,亦可發展一般商業用途。Positioning, navigation, and timing(PNT) service has become an important infrastructure in modern society. This service is typically facilitated through satellite navigation systems. However, satellite navigation signals are known to be weak and subject to interference. As a result, there is a need to establish a stand-alone navigation system. The article assesses the feasibility and relevant techniques of a ground-based navigation system. The system can operate independently to facilitate accurate PNT information in conflicted situation. It could also be extended to provide value-added commercial service.關鍵詞︰

    關鍵詞 : 地面定位系統(Ground-based Positioning System)、導航衛星系統(Navigation Satellite System)、混合式到達時間定位演算法(Hybrid Time of Arrival Algorithm)、精密時間同步機制(Synchronous of Accurate Time)、台灣地區數值地圖(Digital Terrain Model of Taiwan)

    • 智權專欄
    • 如何創造高價值專利
    • 劉維欽

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    在現今知識經濟為主流的趨勢下,各企業莫不積極創新研發,並將創新研發成果申請專利,以使企業擁有高度的競爭力。然而,企業如沒有將專利加以活化運用,專利將不 是企業的資產,而會成為負債。經統計整體專利取得收益的比率不高,但是屬於具技術戰 略價值或市場需求的高價值專利,其運用的機率及獲得的收益相對就高很多,如摩托羅拉及北電網路之專利競標案,由於專利具市場性及關鍵性,決標金額均創下天價。所以,企業不僅要積極申請專利,還必須申請具有高價值特性的專利,才能真正擁有高度的競爭力 及較高機會獲得專利運用收益。本文將就高價值專利的特性、需具備的要素與創造高價值 專利及企業需具備哪些環境與管理作為,才能提高專利之價值進行探討與分析。

    關鍵詞 : 高價值專利、市場應用性、權利穩定度

    • 智權專欄
    • 碳纖維專利布局發展研究
    • 陳省三.喬昭華.吳亮達

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    2013年全球碳纖維市場有高達18億5,980萬美元的規模,預計從2014年到2019 年將以11.9%的年複合成長率發展。日本東麗集團所公布的2014全球年報顯示,碳纖維複合材料業務是東麗集團成長最快速的領域,東麗集團的碳纖維全球市佔率達 32%,位居龍頭,顯示了東麗集團在碳纖維領域具有市場領導地位。故本研究運用 專利分析方法,進一步探討碳纖維技術及其主要公司的專利布局。本研究定義了9個IPC為碳纖維技術,並蒐集全球近20年的專利資料進行分析,研究結果得知,全球碳纖維技術之專利數量逐年上升,預計將持續成長;碳纖維技 術之專利集中在日本,且專利權人Toray Industries在碳纖維技術中擁有最多的專利 數,為技術領導者;從專利管理圖得知全球市場中主要的領導公司及碳纖維技術分類,並針對領導公司進行競爭態勢分析;並利用專利指標,了解碳纖維主要技術的發展潛力與領導公司的技術發展。

    關鍵詞 : 碳纖維、東麗集團、專利分析、專利指標

    • 一般論述
    • 國產雷射接戰系統之研製 Design and Implementation of an Indigenous Laser Engagement System
    • 王晚成(Wan-Cheng Wang).白方平(Fang-Ping Pai).韋林方(Lin-Fang Wei)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    本文主要說明國產雷射接戰系統的研製現況。文中首先回顧國外雷射接戰系 統的發展趨勢。其次說明國產雷射接戰系統的系統架構,該系統包含中彈識別背 心、T-91雷射槍、AK-47雷射槍、無線主機、雷射槍戰場監控電腦以及武器歸零裝 置。全系統使用波長為940nm的雷射光束來模擬真實子彈的擊發與中彈,至於無線 通訊頻段則為900MHz。中彈識別裝置及雷射擊發裝置分別採用Silicon C8051F13及 C8051F412系列的節能型微控制器為運算核心,以適用於長待機時間的穿戴式裝置。目前本系統已成功地運作於國軍相關的訓練鑑測中心。 This paper proposes the design and implementation of an indigenous laser engagement system. First, the review of international laser engagement systems and the state of the art are discussed. Then, an architecture of the indigenous laser engagement system is presented. This system consists of the got shot harness, T-91 laser rifles, AK-47 laser rifles, a radio host, a laser engagement server and a laser calibration device. By using the 940nm laser wavelength and the 900MHz radio frequency, the RF-laser based battle field can be built. Two low power micro-controllers, Silicon C8051F13/C8051F412, are used as a control center to execute the got shot algorithm and laser coding algorithm. The proposed system provides satisfactory power consumption as well as light weight feature to achieve long working period. Finally, the proposed system operates successfully in some army combat training centers.

    關鍵詞 : 雷射接戰系統(Laser engagement system)、中彈識別背心(Got shot harness)、T-91雷射槍(T-91 laser rifle)、AK-47雷射槍(AK-47 laser rifle)、無線主機(Radio host)

    • 一般論述
    • 多維麻醉深度即時監測系統 A Multi-Dimensional Real-Time Monitoring System of Depth of Anesthesia
    • 吳尚儒(Shang-Ju Wu)‧陳念慈(Nian-Cih Chen)‧吳宗文(Tzong-Wen Wu) 陳年伸(Nian-Shen Chen)‧任國光(Kuo-Kuang Jen)‧吳正富(Jeng-Fu Wu)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    多維麻醉深度即時監測系統應用非侵入式生理訊號含腦波 (Electroencephalography, EEG)、心電圖(Electrocardiography, ECG)、光體積訊號 (Photoplethymography, PPG),分別評估意識清醒度、自主神經活性及手術壓力指標。此計畫結合國內學術團隊及國外醫學院在非線性分析理論上之研究,採取與醫 院研究團隊合作,在手術麻醉過程中同步紀錄腦波與其它的生理訊號,進而分析病患麻醉深度(Depth of anesthesia, DOA)指標。我們發展的麻醉深度指標可由多面向訊號分析研判,不僅由腦波訊號單一面向來決定,此新技術應用在手術中可使手術更加安全且使手術中清醒比例降低,因而減少醫療糾紛。 The multi-dimensional real-time monitoring system of the depth of anesthesia(DOA) is to apply noninvasive physiological signals of electroencephalography(EEG), electrocardiography(ECG), and photoplethysmography(PPG) for being capable of assessing the depth of anesthesia(DOA) including the level of consciousness, autonomic nervous system activity and surgical stress indices. The project combines the research of nonlinear analysis theories from domestic academia and foreign medical college, taking cooperation with the hospital research team and synchronizing records of brain waves and other physiological signals during anesthesia in surgery, and then analyzes the DOA index of patients. The DOA index was developed for analyzing multi-dimensional signals instead of a single source, e.g. EEG. The new development not only increases the surgical safety, but also reduces the anesthesia awareness and medical disputes.

    關鍵詞 : 麻醉深度(Depth of anaesthesia)、腦波(Electroencephalography)、心電圖 (Electrocardiography)、光體積訊號(Photoplethysmography)

    • 一般論述
    • 彈頭破片危害範圍評估 Assessment of the Hazard Range of Warheads Fragments
    • 璩貽安(Yi-An Chu).陳昆茂(Kun-Mao Chen).林作斌(Tso-Pin Lin)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    本文提出預估彈頭破片最大飛行距離的半經驗公式,在彈頭破片初速及質量為已知條件下,以掌上型計算機即可合理地預估破片最大危害範圍,具有工程應用價值。並參考TM 5-855-1軍事工程防護設計分析手冊表列之各式飛彈、炸彈、火箭 彈、砲彈的破片質量及速度等數據,以本文提出的半經驗公式估算各式彈藥破片的最大可能危害範圍與安全距離,可供彈頭試驗場或彈藥銷毀場之安全距離評估參考。由總體分析結果顯示,在無擋牆防護條件下,以2km作為彈頭爆炸試驗或彈藥爆炸銷毀之破片防護安全距離,應屬合理而保守之評估。 A semi-empirical equation is derived and proposed for evaluation of maximum flying distance of munitions fragments. It can be easily used with a calculator to predict the maximum hazard range of munitions fragments reasonably, when the fragment velocities and masses are available. Therefore, the proposed methodology is viable and valuable for engineering application. The maximum flying distances of fragments for a variety of conventional weapons, including missiles, bombs, rockets, mortars, howitzers and so on tabulated in the manual of TM 5-855-1, are calculated by the proposed model. The results can be referred to estimate the fragment-free range for warheads lethality field tests and munitions demolition works. The overall calculation results indicate that specifying a fragment-free safety distance of 2 kilometers for the fields of warhead lethality test and munitions demolition without barricade is reasonable and conservative.

    關鍵詞 : 彈頭(Warhead)、破片(Fragment)、危害範圍(Hazard Range)、安全距離 (Safety Distance)

    • 一般論述
    • 水下緊急維生系統研製 A Study on Emergent Life Support System of Underwater Confined Cabin
    • 張家華(Chia-Hua Chang).楊弘治(Hung-Chih Yang) 蔡林鈐(Lin-Chien Tsai).陳忠漢(Chung-Han Chen)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    為了使潛艇的乘員可以舒適並有效率地執行任務,潛艇必須提供乘員適當的食 物、飲水並消除有害的污染物質。因此維生系統包含三個重要的部分,分別是補充(氧氣、食物與飲水)、消除(二氧化碳、有害物質及人體排廢)及環境控制(溫 度、濕度及空氣監測)。本研究旨在開發一符合ABS及GL規範的96小時緊急維生系統原型,此外,水下密閉空間空氣品質的監測亦在研討之列。系統原型藉由二氧化碳滌氣器與二氧化碳 感測器的操控,可將艙內二氧化碳調控於0.1%-0.5%之間。氧氣主要由高壓氧氣瓶供 應,透過電磁閥與感測器的運作,可自動地將氧氣濃度控制在18%~21%之間。 To survive and work efficiently and comfortable inside the confined cabin of a Leisure submarines, the occupants require a supply of food, oxygen and removal reduce or storage of toxic containment. A submarine life support system consists of three base parts, replenishment (oxygen, food and water), removal (carbon dioxide, trace containment and human wastes) and environment control (temperature, humidity and air monitoring). The goal of this research is to develop a prototype of 96-hours emergent life support system which can meet the ABS and GL standard. On the other hand, air monitoring technology inside underwater confined cabin is also discussed, the life support system is operated in conjunction with a carbon dioxide scrubber and sensor that reduces and controls the carbon dioxide concentration to a level between 0.1% to 0.5% . Oxygen is supplied from a high pressure cylinder and it controls automatically at a rate that balances the oxygen consumption form a range of 18% to 21% by volume.

    關鍵詞 : 空氣監測(Air Monitoring)、維生系統(Life Support System)、氧氣供應 (Oxygen Supply)、二氧化碳消除(Carbon Dioxide Removal)

    • 一般論述
    • 咖啡豆烘焙機控制器及人機介面開發 Development of the Coffee Bean Roaster's Controller and Human Interface
    • 彭紹桓(Shao-Huan Peng)‧程昱翔(Yu-Hsiang Cheng)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    本研究主要是設計一多功能的單板電腦與易操作之觸控式人機介面,可選取各種烘焙模式、控制烘焙程序、或新建/調整烘焙曲線供往後使用,讓產出之咖啡豆 的風味品質與要求一致,享受最新鮮的個人口味咖啡。 This study is to design a multifunctional single-board computer and HMI with touch screen and easy to operate. You can choose a variety of baking mode, baking process control, or create/ adjust new baking curve for future use and let the favor of quality of the produced coffee bean is consistent with the requirement, and enjoy the freshest coffee with your own favor.

    關鍵詞 : 咖啡豆烘焙機(Coffee bean roaster)、紫蜂(Zigbee)

    • 科技管理
    • 溫度量測不確定度評估在環境試驗櫃的應用 Temperature Uncertainty of Measurement Application in Climatic Test Chambers
    • 劉祺諾(Chi-No Liu).黃沛然(Pei-Jan Huang).李新欉(Hsin-Tsrong Lee)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    本中心環境與可靠度實驗室,負責武器系統環境應力之篩選,本研究目的係藉由環境試驗櫃之溫度量測不確定度評估與分析,了解其試驗品質是否達到相關之要求,並作為試驗櫃調校之參考,使試驗品質得以維持,亦提供本院TAF實驗室溫度量測不確定度評估方法、步驟及實驗室能力試驗之參考依據。 The SDC's Environment & Reliability Test Laboratory, environmental stress screening for weapon system. This research for the test quality control, the temperature measurement uncertainty evaluation and analysis for climatic test chambers are must. And provide reference NCSIST's TAF laboratory temperature measurement uncertainty evaluation method, steps and the proficiency testing.

    關鍵詞 : 量測不確定度(Uncertainty of Measurement)、環境試驗櫃(Climatic Test Chambers)、能力試驗(Proficiency Test)

    • 研發成果
    • 以GPU平行運算執行快速傅利葉轉換
    • 航空研究所 (趙思本、蒙國維)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    傅利葉轉換(Fourier Transform)在頻譜分析、訊號合成上是一項非常有用的數學工具,在電腦時代,類比信號被轉成數位信號以便利用電腦進行處理,傅利葉轉換也發展出數位版本,就是離散傅利葉轉換(Discrete Fourier Transform, DFT)。

    關鍵詞 : 傅利葉轉換

    • 研發成果
    • 現代高頻微波元件之濕硬銲助銲鹽劑探討
    • 飛彈火箭研究所( 許喬智)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    現代軍用K頻及X頻段等高頻信號為波元件製作,在美國 濕硬銲工業製作上以930℉溫度範圍之助 銲鹽劑為主流,提供產品良好銲接環境。由於鋁合金濕硬銲工件係在融熔鹽劑下直接受熱銲接,鹽浴中含有多種化學成份之鹽類可以促進硬銲進行,因鹽劑本身 即為助銲藥劑,比重與鋁合金相近且為良好熱媒介質,故工件在鹽浴內施銲,受溫均勻性好、尺寸變形量小與接合面濕潤效果佳。因此鋁合金濕硬銲助銲鹽劑在硬銲的過程中被視為不可或缺的關鍵。

    關鍵詞 : 飛彈火箭

    • 研發成果
    • 匿蹤砲罩研製
    • 化學研究所( 張峯泰、羊建銘、吳思漢)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    沱江艦(原型艦)為500噸級之近海護衛艦,艦體長約65米、寬約14米由國內龍德造船廠打造,原型艦全艦匿蹤性能設計為國內首見,規劃安裝艦上之匿蹤76砲罩為本院設計、製作。原型艦匿蹤76砲罩設計需考慮匿蹤性 能、重量(76砲伺服性能)、結構強度、組裝結合介面(76砲伺服性能、水密)及其他如人因、干涉、環境、運輸等多方要求,由化學所匿蹤科技組於97年配合專案會議決議事項,針對76砲罩進行先期匿蹤 設計工作,經多次整體雷達截面積(Radar Cross Section, RCS)模擬分析計算與實測,完成匿蹤砲罩初步外型、材質選定及整 體匿蹤效益評估,硬品系統組負責最終造 型、結構設計、結構強度分析及製作。

    關鍵詞 : 沱江艦

    • 研發成果
    • 單方向晶葉片熔鑄技術
    • 材料暨光電研究所(陳思漢)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    為使飛彈飛的更快及更遠,相對的必 須提高渦輪引擎的推力及使用壽命,一般傳統之超合金等軸晶鑄造等技術已無法滿足高性能渦輪引擎需承受高溫/高應力嚴苛環境之要求,所以發展單方向晶葉片鑄造技術。單方向晶鑄造技術,基本概念乃控制金屬液凝固的方向,使其晶粒朝特定方向成長,達到單方向晶之組織結構。布氏坩堝下降法(Birdgman process)為 普遍使用於製作單方向晶結構的方法,其特點是將鑄件以一定的速度從爐中移出,採用空冷與陶模下方的冷卻銅板的方式,而且爐子保持加熱狀態,產生一個由上而下的溫度梯度,使晶粒由下往上成長,形成單方向晶結構。

    關鍵詞 : 材料暨光電

    • 研發成果
    • 遠距追蹤情傳系統
    • 系統發展中心( 林正賢、陳建宏)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    隨著未來飛彈射程日益增加,對於遠距飛試驗證之需求將益形迫切。為提升遠距追蹤能力,獲取飛試終端資料,須根據視距外之場景,將系統佈署於接近目標區之位置。為達此一目的,本研究規劃將九鵬測試場範 圍向外延伸,除九鵬測試場本身之各項追蹤系統外,另建置海用機動站台部署於觀測艦,並透過衛星通信系統進行機動站台與九鵬測試場各系統間之資料交連,將測試場作業範圍延伸至水平視距(Line of Sight)外,藉以達成遠距飛試驗證任務。

    關鍵詞 : 系統整合

    • 研發成果
    • 步階式動態壓力校正系統之建置
    • 系統維護中心(黃朝鈺)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    動態壓力計可用在爆破學研究,量測空中爆炸、地面爆炸、水下爆炸所產生的壓力波,此類壓力波的傳遞速度超過音速,一般稱為衝擊波(Shockwave), 衝擊波的上升時間(Rising time)可達次微秒以下,其最大壓力可達數百MPa;亦可用於彈道學研究,量測槍、炮彈、飛彈之內彈道壓力,評估發射後之外彈道軌跡,此類壓力的振福可達800MPa,頻率可達數十萬Hz;另外在民生產業常用在量測燃燒引擎之引擎內部以及引擎進氣引擎排氣之壓力,或用在安全氣囊壓力量測及在血壓量測自動化之油氣壓控制等領域。國內民間產業動態壓力計目前多用於電器防爆檢定、台電、汽車產業等方面。目前我國國家標準實驗室並未提供動態壓力計之校正服務,為解決校正追溯問題,國內目前皆以採購新品檢附原廠校正報告方式處置。一旦儀器即將達到校正期限,即採購新品,由較近期的新品原廠報告來延展追溯有效性。對業者而言,此法在成本及時效考量上皆有較大負擔。國內校正市場中,此領域仍為藍海市場,極具開發價值。

    關鍵詞 : 儀具校正

    • 研發成果
    • 倒偵測模組設計與開發
    • 統製造中心(邱俊維、賴特隆、吳世基)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    本研究開發重型機車騎士用護具,針對若騎士於發生意外,並無旁人可協助求救送醫時,可即時通知,減少傷亡發生。本設計是應用線性加速度感測器於「跌倒偵測系統」之設計。其目的是利用線性加速度感測器能偵測三軸方向加速度 的特性,來辨識跌倒的發生,同時亦結 合Bluetooth系統,將結果傳至手機,利用 Android作業平台,讓跌倒的發生訊息快速地察覺,迅速啟動救援機制。為了提高 容錯的可能性以及減少日常動作的誤判,本研究以平均力場的概念來實現跌倒偵測系統,目前此系統已可鑑別出前、後、左、右四種方向的跌倒及坐下、躺下、走路、跑步四種常見的疑似跌倒行為。此外,亦將感測模組實現於4.5×3cm2之單 晶片,已具備未來商業應用之價值。

    關鍵詞 : 模組設計

    • 研發成果
    • 智慧型警監系統運作機制
    • 資訊管理中心(徐國誠)

    卷期 : 44 / 2

    出版年 : 2016/04/01

    隨著科技的日新月異,物聯網的興起,將所有電子設備透過網路連接起來,智慧建築就是物聯網的一個概念。但如何有效整合數以百計電子設備構成一個防護網就是要克服的難題。本團隊提出一套可實際運轉於營區的智慧型警監系統,使用電子地圖技術並結合可延伸標記式語言及 網路服務等技術,跨平台方式整合營區安全設備解決多種異質設備介面整合問題,達成全方位即時安全防護系統。本系統以中央監控系統為樞紐包含門禁管控系統、車輛管控系統、監視管控系統等子系統,針對人車進出及外來入侵皆可達到全面性的管控及防護。當安全設備偵測到有不明 人士或非法車輛進入營區時,本系統即時啟動防護措施,主動發出告警通知中央監 控室值班人員,透過圖控介面可快速了解 狀況並調派人員進而解決問題達成大樓安全防護,導入本系統能有效提升營區安全警戒防護效益。

    關鍵詞 : 資訊通信