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    • 機械工程
    • 衛星電子元件模組之結構安全性分析技術 A Technology of Structural Analysis for The Electronic Units Using in Satellites
    • 鄭凱濃 陳燦桐 蔡志隆 ( Kai-Nung Cheng  Tasn-Tung Chen  Jih-Long Tsai)

    卷期 : 12 /

    出版年 : 2016/01/01

    基於衛星用電子元件模組自主設計發展,其擁有符合太空環境需求的結構強度至為重要。有鑑於此,本文以福衛五號(FORMOSAT-5)上的遙測酬載電子單元(Remote Sensing Instrument/Electronic Unit, RSI/EU)為例,說明如何在設計階段透過有限元素分析(Finite Element Analysis, FEA)來進行元件結構強度的驗證,其驗證項目為福衛五號元件環境規範中所定義的各種負荷類型,包含自然頻率、靜態(慣性力、吊掛力與挫曲)與動態(正弦、隨機振與衝擊)負荷等。最後本文利用結構安全裕度(Margins of Safety, MoS)的計算,研判RSI/EU關鍵元件的結構強度是否符合設計需求。Based on the development of the won design ability for electronic units in satellites, it is important for these units to meet the environmental requirements of satellite system with qualified structural design. In this paper, the Remote Sensing Instrument/Electronic Unit, RSI/EU, in FORMOSAT-5 is used as an example to show how to use the Finite Element Analysis, FEA, to verify its structural strength in design stage under the loads of FORMOSAT-5 component environmental specification, and these verifications include natural frequencies, static (inertia, hoist and buckling) and dynamic (sine, random vibration and shock) loads. Finally, the structural safety requirements of the critical components of the RSI/EU for FORMOSAT-5 specification can be distinctly verified by calculating their Margins of safety, MoS.

    關鍵詞 : 電子元件模組、有限元素分析、結構安全裕度 Key words:Electronic Units; Finite Element Analysis; Margins of Safety

    • 通訊通信
    • 無人飛行載具之艦載型遙導控系統研製 The Development of Vessel Ground Control Station for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
    • 邱創舉 施振華 李昀宸 李開懷 陳饒中 Chang-Jiw Chiu  Chen-Hua Shih  Yun-Chen Lee  Kai-Huai Lee  Jao-Chung Chen

    卷期 : 12 /

    出版年 : 2016/01/01

    中共海軍的急速擴張,嚴重威脅台灣的安全,為有效反制中共海上的威脅,急需建立具高機動性、遠距、安全傳輸、高度整合之聯合監偵系統,輔以後端之決策支援系統,即時並精準地以反制武器打擊中共之艦艇。艦載型無人機偵查系統即為聯合監偵系統中重要之一環。故本院即先針對無人飛行載具之艦載遙導控系統進行研製,期藉由本系統提升我軍船艦之偵蒐能力,以減少作戰時我軍艦艇及人員的損耗。本系統包含導航操控模組、航儀操控模組、酬載操控模組、自動天線追蹤系統(Automatic Tracking Antenna System, ATAS)之開發研製。 The rapid expansion of the People's Republic of China (PRC) navy causes a serious threat to the security of Taiwan. It is urgent need to establish a highly mobile, remote, secure transmission, and highly integrated joint ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) system and cooperate the joint ISR with the DSS (decide support system) to instantly and precisely counter the PRC ships with the weapons. The vessel UAS (Unmanned aerial system) is an important part of a joint ISR system. Therefore, we aimed at the development of vessel GCS (ground control station) for UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), and hope that the developed system can enhance the ISR ability of our navy and reduce the loss of our military vessels in the period of war. The system we developed contains a navigation control module, instrument flight control module, payload control module, and ATAS (Automatic Tracking Antenna System).

    關鍵詞 : 地面導控站、無人機、艦艇、自動天線追蹤系統 Key words:Ground Control Station; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle; Vessel; Automatic Tracking Antenna System

    • 化學化工
    • 武器設備防潮環控概念設計研究 Conceptual Design in Humidity Control of Equipments
    • 徐志華 Jea-Hua Hsu

    卷期 : 12 /

    出版年 : 2016/01/01

    臺灣四面環海,空氣相對濕度全年維持在80%左右,對武器系統是一相當不友善環境。提供武器設備相對濕度40~60%的受控制環境,將可提升武器戰備妥善率。本文探討防潮環控設施之一般性設計概念,若能佐以防蝕規劃,當可大幅降低武器維護成本。 Due to the surrounded ocean, the relative humidity always keep about 80%, which is not friendly with weapon systems. The best working environment for common weapon system is about RH 40~60%, which gives good warfare usability of the systems. Here, we investigate into the general design concept of the humility control setups. If incorporate with corrosion resistance design, there should be strategic reduction of maintenance cost.

    關鍵詞 : 防潮環控、裝備妥善率、相對濕度、計算流體力學 Key words:Humidity Control; Equipment Usability; Relative Humidity; CFD

    • 光電複合材料
    • 超短脈衝雷射應用於微通孔成形之探討 Applying Femtosecond Laser to Fabricate Micro-via
    • 王 智 姜智豪 王玉平 Chih Wang  Chi-Haw Chiang  Yu-Ping Wang

    卷期 : 12 /

    出版年 : 2016/01/01

    氮化鋁具備優異的熱傳導和低漏電特性,使其成為良好的中介層基材選項。由於氮化鋁在氯系電漿的乾蝕刻效率不佳,如何在氮化鋁的材料上製備高深寬比的微通孔,是一個十分關鍵製程。飛秒雷射(Femtosecond Laser)具備飛秒尺度的超短脈衝(fs, 10-15 s),可以在極少熱累積的情況下,對目標物進行精確的微米尺度加工,有效率地製備氮化鋁微通孔。在此研究中,我們利用超短脈衝雷射鑽孔技術,突破傳統長脈衝(>10-6 s)之極限,完成孔徑小於10μm的氮化鋁微通孔,其錐度僅0.33%且深寬比高達23。 AlN (Aluminum Nitride) with unique properties such as superior thermal conductivity and low leakage current property, which leads it a desire material for interposer. However, the through AlN vias (TAV) formation methods have to be developed due to its low etching rate using Cl based plasma etching. Femtosecond laser pulses with pulse duration of several tens femtosecond (fs, 10-15 s) provide precisely matching patterns with extremely low thermal budget, which can effectively fabricate tiny vias in AlN interposer. In this study, a femtosecond laser was used to drill TAVs. TAVs with diameters of less than 10 micrometer, a taper ratio of 0.33% and aspect ratio of approximately 23 were produced.

    關鍵詞 : 超短脈衝、飛秒雷射、微通孔、雷射鑽孔 Key words:Extreme-Short-Pulsed; Femtosecond Laser; Micro-Via; Laser Drilling

    • 光電複合材料
    • 高熵合金在機械合金過程中之合金化行為 Alloying Behaviors of Equi-Molar High-Entropy Alloys During Mechanical Alloying
    • 陳育良 Yu-Liang Chen

    卷期 : 12 /

    出版年 : 2016/01/01

    本研究利用機械合金法製備了一系列合金,從二元合金至多元高熵合金,並研究過程中的合金化行為,發現了在機械合金過程中,組成元素是以一種特別的順序合金化;而藉由比較各元素的基本性質,我們提出影響合金化順序的主要因子是元素的熔點。此外,我們在機械合金過程中,亦發現了兩種非晶質化類型,而決定非晶質化類型的主要因子是原子尺寸和鍵結強度。In this research, we prepared a series of alloys from binary to high-entropy alloys by mechanical alloying. The alloying behavior of these alloys has been investigated. We have found that the constituent elements alloy with each other in a specific sequence during mechanical alloying. By comparing the fundamental properties of each element, we propose that the dominant factor of the alloying sequence is the melting point. In addition, two different amorphization types during mechanical alloying were identified. The main factors determining the amorphization type are atomic size and bonding energy.

    關鍵詞 : 機械合金、相變化、非晶質化、高熵合金 Key words︰Mechanical Alloying; Phase Transformation; Amorphization; High-Entropy Alloy

    • 光電複合材料
    • 磁控濺鍍高性能IZTO透明導電薄膜之 特性研究 Characteristics of IZTO Films for Transparent Conductive Oxides Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering
    • 李可鼎 黃至鵬 梁仕昌 魏肇男 倪國裕薄慧雲 Ke-Ding Li  Chih-Pong Huang  Shih-Chang Liang  Chao-Nan Wei  Cuo-Yo NiHui-Yun Bor

    卷期 : 12 /

    出版年 : 2016/01/01

    本研究利用雙靶磁控濺鍍於基板溫度為攝氏230℃的高溫無鹼玻璃基板上共濺鍍氧化銦鋅錫(Zn-In-Sn-O, IZTO)系列的透明導電薄膜並觀察該薄膜結構和光電特性。ITO和ZnO靶分別利用DC和RF方式濺鍍,固定ITO濺鍍功率,藉由改變ZnO濺鍍功率來沉積不同Zn原子含量(Zn/Zn+In+Sn)的IZTO薄膜。當鋅原子含量達到14~17%左右,其薄膜由氧化銦結構轉變為非晶(Amorphous)結構。經光電特性分析IZTO透明導電薄膜在可見光範圍內平均穿透度皆超過85%。當Zn原子比例為21.9%時得到最低電阻率為2.59×10-4Ω-cm。 The Zn-In-Sn-O (IZTO) composite film would be co-sputtered on non-alkali glass substrate by dual gun magnetron sputtering system at substrate temperature 230℃, and observe the film structure and optoelectronic properties. The ITO and ZnO targets were sputtered by DC and RF discharges, respectively, and the composition of the IZTO films was controlled by varying the rf power to ZnO target from 25 W to 150 W. It shows that all the deposited IZTO films from crystal to amorphous-like structure as the Zn content was about 14~17%. The IZTO films showed an average transmittance over 85% in the visible wavelength range. The lowest resistivity (2.59×10-4Ωcm) was obtained for the film deposited at the Zn content of was 21.9%.

    關鍵詞 : 氧化銦鋅錫薄膜、透明導電薄膜、非晶型、共濺鍍 Key words:IZTO Thin Film; Magnetron Co-Sputter; Amorphous; TCO

    • 光電複合材料
    • 電車集電弓接觸片材料與粉末冶金製程簡介 The Introduction of Pantograph Contact Strip in the field of Materials and Powder Metallurgy Technology
    • 朱鴻暢 Hung-Chang Chu

    卷期 : 12 /

    出版年 : 2016/01/01

    電車集電弓接觸片是一種要求高機械強度、高導電性、耐磨和潤滑性能集合於一體的集電材料;本文將對常見電車集電弓之材質種類、製造方法與性能作一個綜合性的介紹。本文另個研究主題是開發粉末冶金接觸片,並對開發過程中採取的粉末冶金製程作描述。實驗結果顯示,自製接觸片的衝擊韌性、抗拉強度、硬度、電阻率和磨耗率等指標都能滿足相關標準的要求。The contact strips for pantograph is an important collecting component used in electric locomotive which should have good mechanical performance, electric conductivity and wear-resistance. This study provides comprehensive introduction of familiar type pantograph in the field of materials, manufacturing method and performance . The other subject of this research is to develop a pantograph contact strip by using powder metallurgy technology, and describes PM manufacturing process we take during development. Finally, Such targets as impact toughness, tensile strength, hardness, resistivity and abrasion of the developed pantograph contact strip can meet correlative standards.

    關鍵詞 : 集電弓接觸片、粉末冶金技術、氣氛燒結、機械性能 Key words:Contact Strips For Pantograph; Powder Metallurgy Technique; Sintering Atmosphere; Mechanical Performance

    • 電子電機
    • 環形聲納列陣之波束合成技術研究 Research on Beamforming for Circular Array Sonar
    • 吳柏賢 Bo-Hsien Wu

    卷期 : 12 /

    出版年 : 2016/01/01

    本研究依據自製的環形聲納雛型,以模擬的方式評估方位估測與波束合成兩項技術。方位估測技術可判斷目標聲波的入射角度,波束合成技術則可提高接收信號中的目標信號成分,使最終的輸出信號具有較高的信雜比。文中針對時延波束合成、MVDR波束合成、GSC波束合成及MUSIC多重信號分類理論進行評估,分析其主波束寬度、旁波束增益、抗雜訊能力、運算時間等等參數。模擬結果顯示,MUSIC具有最佳的方位估測效能,但演算法需對自相關矩陣執行奇異值分解,因此運算量也最大;MVDR與GSC雖具有相同的波束場型,但演算法架構以GSC較為精簡,因此GSC具有最佳的波束合成效能。三項演算法皆優於傳統的時延波束合成,但相對複雜的運算量,仍是後續系統應用時需考量的因素之一。 In the present study, the direction of arrival predicting and beamforming techniques are evaluated by using a model of circular array sonar (CAS) in simulation. Direction of incident wave can be determined by using the direction of arrival predicting. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of output signal can be increased by using the beamforming which can enhance component of target signal from receiver. Delay-and-sum beamforming, minimum variance distortionless response beamforming (MVDR), generalized sidelobe canceller beamforming (GSC), and multiple signal classification (MUSIC) are evaluated by width of main lobe, gain of side lobe, ability of noise resisting, and computation time. As a result, MUSIC has best performance on the direction of arrival predicting as shown in simulation, but operation of algorithms is also large, the reason is that singular value decomposition must be implemented for auto-correlation matrix in this algorithm. GSC has best performance on the beamforming even though beam patterns of MVDR and GSC are closely, because the algorithm of GSC is relatively simple. To sum up, performances of three algorithms are better than the delay-and-sum beamforming, but the large computation must be considered when those techniques will be applied on system in the future.

    關鍵詞 : 時延波束合成、MVDR波束合成、GSC波束合成、MUSIC多重信號分類理論 Key words:Delay-and-Sum Beamforming; Minimum Variance Distortionless Response Beamforming; Generalized Sidelobe Canceller Beamforming; Multiple Signal Classification

    • 電子電機
    • 基於被動理論之同步磁阻馬達適應性位置控制 Adaptive Position Control of Synchronous Reluctance Motors Based on Passivity Theory
    • 魏銘彥 廖光聰 董榮慶 桂少卿 林國銘 Ming-Yen Wei  Guang-Tsong Liaw  Rung-Ching Dung  Shau-Ching Guei  Kuo-Ming Lin

    卷期 : 12 /

    出版年 : 2016/01/01

    本文針對同步磁阻馬達,提出一種基於被動(Passivity-based)理論的適應性位置控制設計。首先以馬達之數學模型與適應性理論推導出所需的控制量。接著以被動理論分析,說明控制系統為一輸出嚴格被動(Output Strictly Passive)系統,當時間趨近於無窮大時位置誤差會收斂至零,並依據巴巴勒特定理(Barbalet's Lemma)證明系統為全域漸進穩定。最後,以數位訊號處理器作為控制核心,實現本文所提出的位置控制器、座標軸轉換及波寬調變等計算。實測結果與理論分析接近,顯示本文設計方法的實用性。 This paper presents an adaptive position controller of passivity-based theory which is designed for synchronous reluctance motor control system. First, the control law is derived from the mathematical model of motor and via adaptive theorem. Next, following the passivity-based approach, the output strictly passive of control system is analyzed. The position error will converge to zero when time approaches infinity. In addition, according Barbalat's lemma, the system is globally asymptotically stable. Finally, a digital signal processor is used as a control kernel to realize the position controller, coordinate transform, and pulse width modulation(PWM). Experimental results validate the appropriateness of the proposed method.

    關鍵詞 : 適應性控制、被動理論、步階迴歸控制、同步磁阻馬達、數位訊號處理器 Key words:Adaptive Control; Passivity Theory; Backstepping Co

    • 電子電機
    • 利用數位電視訊號之被動雷達目標特徵資訊提取技術可行性研究 Feasibility Study of Target Characteristics Extraction using Passive Radar Technology Based on DVB Signals
    • 李 穎 黃正光 陳雨蒼 廖文頌 洪琬婷 Ying Li  Jeng-Kuang Hwang  Yue-Tsang Chen  Wen-Sung Liao  Wan-Ting Hung

    卷期 : 12 /

    出版年 : 2016/01/01

    本研究旨在了解利用數位電視訊號為輻射訊號源之被動雷達目標特徵資訊提取技術之可行性。相較於類比FM廣播信號,數位電視信號具有更大頻寬,故可擁有更佳之距離解析度。此外,數位訊號在合理雜訊比可以正確解調而獲取無雜訊之參考訊號,提升被動雷達效能。本報告探討數位電視被動雷達之訊號處理流程,與國際間數位電視被動雷達技術之發展現況。 Abstract A study is conducted on the feasibility of using the digital video broadcasting(DVB) signals as an opportunistic radiation source for passive radar target characteristics extraction. Compared to the analog FM radio signals, DVB signals have a greater bandwidth and an enhanced range resolution. In addition, since the DVB is a digital modulated signal, it can be demodulated perfectly at reasonable signal to noise ratios, resulting in a noise-free reference signal for passive radar usage. In this report, we discuss the signal processing flow of the DVB passive radar system, and the current worldwide technological development of passive coherent location radar based on DVB signals.

    關鍵詞 : 數位電視、被動雷達、模糊函數 Key words:Digital Video Broadcasting(DVB); Passive Radar; Ambiguity Function

    • 電子電機
    • 系統架構暨天線波束成形演算法應用於衛星干擾之研究與模擬 A Hybrid Algorithm based on Matrix-Pencil and DFT Schemes for the Direction-Finding and Signal Decompositions
    • 周錫增 盧公瑜 廖偉任 林光敏 Hsi-Tseng Chou  Kung-Yu Lu  Wei-Jeng Liao  Kuang-Min Lin

    卷期 : 12 /

    出版年 : 2016/01/01

    本論文發展訊號干擾與偵測之波束成形演算法,應用於衛星被動訊號接收,此演算法採用訊號來源之頻率差與陣列天線之天線單元的空間差的特性來區隔訊號源之距離、及入射方位差。據此特性,我們發展了混合式演算法,分別針對兩種適用於處理頻率差之特性的矩陣束(Matrix Pencil Method)和離散傅立葉轉換(DFT)法則,經由一個合適的訊號處理程序,此混合法可以有效的處理多訊號接收的解析問題。尤其DFT之波束成形法則可以產生垂直正交的多波束,有助於處理多重訊號的問題,相當好用。本文亦以範例來說明演算法的有效性。 Abstract In this presentation, we developed a hybrid algorithm combining the signal processing technique and beam forming algorithm to decompose the multiple signals simultaneously received by the phased array antennas. The developments utilize the discrepancy occurred in the signals with multiple frequencies and the discrepancies occurred in the signal receptions at each array elements. In particular, the Matrix Pencil method(MP) is employed to treat the characteristics of signals in the frequency discrepancy to extract the distance information while the DFT based algorithm is employed to decompose the signals in different directions. Here the DFT performs as the multi-beam forming and may be able to track multiple signals in various directions. The processing procedure is designed with examples presented to validate.

    關鍵詞 : 孔徑陣列天線、矩陣束、離散式傅立葉轉換、差和比 Key words:Aperture antenna arrays; Matrix Pencil (MP); Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT); difference-over-sum ratio

    • 電子電機
    • Miniaturized Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar System 微小化主動電子掃描陣列雷達系統
    • Ching-Chyuan Lin  Chin-Yun Chu  Ta-Shun Chu  Yu-Jiu Wang  Borching Su 林清泉 儲青雲 朱大舜 王毓駒 蘇柏青

    卷期 : 12 /

    出版年 : 2016/01/01

    This paper introduces the design of a CMOS millimeter-wave (mm-wave) active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar. This phased array radar consists of hundreds of independently controlled transceiver elements. These elements are divided into tens of 2D subarrays. Each subarray module is composed of four low temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) element bricks with antennas-on-board and embedded-cable which reduces antenna mutual-coupling. Each brick LTCC board has two four-channel phased-array transceiver ICs. Each brick can be easily replaced to allow easy maintenance. To allow agile and flexible phased array functionalities, the operation of the hundreds of independent transceiver elements are controlled through a three-layer hierarchical control path. Each layer along the control path abstracts low-level control signaling into a higher-level radar-element model. This control architecture simplifies the control signaling, and allows high-level radar programming for the radar user. This paper also summarizes recent reported millimeter-wave phased-array transceiver IC. The proposed AESA achieves state-of-the-art noise figure for receive-mode and output power at transmit-mode at element level. The CMOS power amplifier achieves a reliable power output over a two hour continuous-wave testing, and a single PCB module reaches a 71 degree thermal equilibrium at transmit-mode in room temperature fan-cooling environment. 本篇論文介紹毫米波Ka頻段主動式電子掃描雷達的設計。此雷達由數百個可獨立控制的收發單元所組成,這數百個單元又可進一步區分為數十個次二維次陣列,每個次陣列模組包含4片由LTCC為基礎的電路板,這些電路板本身亦包含天線,與抑制天線耦合的嵌入式毫米波電纜,而每一個電路板又包含兩顆四通道的CMOS相位陣列收發晶片;每個電路板可以獨立被更換,這大幅增加了維護的便利性。為了快速且彈性的修正大型相位陣列設定,這數百個收發單元透過一個三層的控制架構所操作,每一層控制介面把底層的控制細節進行高階模型的建模對應,這讓雷達使用者可以更高階的程式語法來進行雷達的控制,並降低控制著數百個單元所需傳送的資料量。本篇論文同時摘要最近幾年國際上AESA雷達的發展與矽基相控陣列晶片的設計,本AESA所使用的晶片在單元層級已達到矽基雷達最先進雜訊指數與發射功率。本晶片的單元功率放大器在兩小時連續波測試中達到20dBm穩定最大輸出功率,單一電路板於室溫風扇冷卻狀態達到攝氏71度穩定溫度。

    關鍵詞 : CMOS; mm-wave; AESA; Radar; LTCC 關鍵詞:互補式金屬氧化物半導體、毫米波、主動電子掃描陣列、雷達、低溫共燒多層陶瓷

    • 系統模擬
    • A Composite Guidance for ASM with IIR Homing 空對地飛彈紅外線影像終端歸向之複合導引法則研究
    • Der-Ren Taur 陶德仁

    卷期 : 12 /

    出版年 : 2016/01/01

    A composite guidance strategy for air to surface missiles(ASM) with IIR seekers is synthesized in this study. For the midcourse of this kind of air to surface mission, the singular perturbation(SP) solution to the optimal midcourse guidance law is simplified based on the composite control approach. Besides, a robust optimal sliding mode guidance law with path constraints is constructed for passive IIR homing. Numerical simulation results are also shown for several cases. 本文旨在探討水平發射之空對地飛彈,紅外線影像終端歸向之複合導引法則。對此空對地攔截任務之中途導引,將運用複合控制原理,就奇異攝動理論推導之尋優中途導引律,加以簡化修正。而對終端歸向導引,則將具有強健性之尋優滑模控制歸向導引律,應用於受到路徑限制之場景。最後附有不同場景的數值模擬結果。

    關鍵詞 : air to surface missile; composite control; singular perturbation; optimal midcourse guidance law; robust; optimal sliding mode homing guidance law; passive IIR homing; path constraint; composite guidance 關鍵詞:空對地飛彈、複合控制、奇異攝動、尋優中途導引律、強健性、尋優滑模歸向導引律、被動紅外線歸向、路徑限制、複合導引

    • 系統模擬
    • 飛彈實體模擬時尋標器與轉台的轉動軸心不共點問題之探討 The Research on different Rotation Centers between the Seeker and the Flight Table in Missile Hardware-in-the-loop Simulations
    • 林義貴 Yi-Guey Lin

    卷期 : 12 /

    出版年 : 2016/01/01

    在飛彈實體迴路模擬時,實務上因硬體機構的限制或其它因素,當尋標器被裝載在飛行模擬轉台上,常會出現兩者的轉動軸心不共點的情形,造成轉台在轉動時會帶動尋標器在空間中做小幅移動,尤其在離目標信號源的距離較短時,使得其準向誤差信號產生誤差。本文除做成因解說外,並做不同狀況的模擬,嘗試在定量上評估其影響,並以人造視線率模擬做法為例,提出相關改進的方法,以供日後有此需求時之參考。 This paper presents when the seeker is not mounted at the center of rotation of the flight table due to the limits of the mechanical structure or other reasons in missile hardware-in-the- loop simulations. Erroneous boresight errors may be created when the flight table rotates, especially for the case of the short distance between the seeker and RF target source. It also presents an explanation depicting the reasons physically. And different conditions of simulations were performed in order to try to make some evaluations quantitatively. The compensations on artificially generating line-of-sight-rate simulations were proposed. It is hoped that these would be helpful in missile hardware-in-the-loop simulations in the future.

    關鍵詞 : 實體迴路模擬、飛行模擬轉台、電波模擬、人造視線率 Key words:Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation; Flight Table; RF Simulation; Artificially Generating line-of-sight rate

    • 資訊軟體
    • 情資優先排序技術研究 The Research of Information Priority Ranking
    • 郭立言 王岳吉 Li-Yen Kuo  Yueh-Jir Wang

    卷期 : 12 /

    出版年 : 2016/01/01

    在指管通資情監偵(C4ISR)作戰環境下,掌握戰場情資為兵家首要之舉。隨著戰場環境改變,複雜及大量的各類情資紛紛湧入指揮所,透過分散排序之推薦系統,以解決情資冗餘問題,本研究以節點增強式隨機漫步加以節點影響力評估作為推薦系統演算法,並利用三種不同的關係網路驗證演算法效能。研究結果發現InfRank具有強健性,兼具PageRank與MRSP兩種不同演算法的優點,取得關聯性與分散性的平衡,獲得較好的推薦結果,可供未來情資分研系統參據。To retrieve information from battle field has the highest priority in C4ISR environment. With the variation of battle environment, complex, massive and heterogeneous information overwhelm command posts. To solve the problem of information redundancy, a recommender system based on diversified ranking is applied. In this research, we integrate vertex-reinforced random walks and vertex influence estimation to form a novel algorithm, and then demonstrate the performance of the algorithm on three different relation networks. From the experimental results, InfRank does not only outperform other methods with robustness but also combines the pros of the two algorithms, PageRank and MRSP. Hence, better performance resulted from finding a tradeoff between relation and diversity can be a reference for results for the prospective information analytics.

    關鍵詞 : 推薦系統、分散排序、關係圖涵蓋、影響力傳播模型、節點增強式隨機漫步 Key words:Recommender System; Diversified Ranking; Graph Coverage; Influence Diffusion Model; Vertex-Reinforced Random Walk(VRRW)

    • 資訊軟體
    • 防毒軟體偵測與免殺技術研究 Antivirus Software Detection Techniques and Malware Evasion Techniques
    • 翁興國 Hsing-Kuo Wong

    卷期 : 12 /

    出版年 : 2016/01/01

    防毒軟體偵測技術與惡意程式免殺技術是屬於相互競爭之攻防關係。本研究研析惡意程式的整體發展趨勢,分析現階段各防毒軟體採行之基本偵測方法,以及駭客經常採用之免殺技術,並透過國際上對防毒軟體之靜態、動態與啟發式偵測的大型測試,觀察防毒軟體偵測能力之表現,並提出後續偵測技術之發展重點以作為本院相關資訊安全研究之參考。Antivirus software detection techniques and malware evasion techniques are continuously competing with each other and still in an offence-and-defence relation. This study observed the trend of malware development, and analyzed essential detection techniques of antivirus software and their corresponding evasion methods usually adopted by malware writers, and concluded their advantage and disadvantage by the result on tests of static file, behavioral and heuristic detection. To contribute to CSIST relevant information security research, this report proposes a practical framework for improving detection rate and accuracy of malware detection.

    關鍵詞 : 防毒軟體、免殺技術、特徵碼、靜態偵測、動態偵測、沙箱、加殼器 Key words:Antivirus Software; Evasion Technique; Signature; Static Detection; Dynamic Detection; Sandbox; Packer

    • 資訊軟體
    • 框架導向之系統開發技術研究-以採購系統為例 A Study on Framework-Based Object-Oriented System-To Purchase System Case
    • 孫世嶸 陳昱嘉 梁柏年 簡燕彬 Si-Rung Sun  Yu-Chia Chen  Bor-Nian Liang  Yen-Pin Chien

    卷期 : 12 /

    出版年 : 2016/01/01

    框架式系統分析已成為普遍接受標準的物件導向塑模化語言,但是物件導向本身發展過程並未標準化,一個框架定義了一個完整的應用系統,它的設計及相關結構提供了整體架構一個重要抽象概念。框架導向技術不僅僅具有實用性,而且是目前處理複雜及需高可靠度的軟體開發最有效的方式。這項研究是基於對框架導向之系統開發方式的理論概念及實際運用提供一些作法,這項運用使物件導向技術可明顯減少程式人員撰寫程式負擔並縮短系統開發時間,使程式易於閱讀與維護。 Framework-Based system analysis has been accepted as the standard Object-Oriented modeling language. The process of Object-Oriented system development is not standardized. A framework that defines the design and relevant constructions for a complete application system, supplying the important abstract concepts of that architecture. Framework-Based Object-Oriented technology has become not just practical, it has become the only effective way to deal with the complexity and reliability demanded of current software. This study proposed a Framework-Based Object-Oriented system development approach to provide some guidelines for theoretical concept formulation and practical use. That use of Object-Oriented techniques significantly reduces the load of the programmer written code, can shorten the development time and makes the code easier to read and maintain.

    關鍵詞 : 極致製程、系統框架 Key words:Extreme Programming; Framework

    • 科技管理
    • 從漢翔公司經營歷程分析本院營運發展模式-近程營運策略 Analysis of the Operation and Development Model for National Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST) from the Operation Experience of Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC)-Short-term Operation Strategy
    • 蔡嘉芳 莊博仁 Chia-Fang Chai  Bor-Ren Chuang

    卷期 : 12 /

    出版年 : 2016/01/01

    本研究主要探討本院轉型為行政法人後,如何運用本院高素質人力,在諸面向制度鬆綁前提下,透過企業化經營理念與業界經營實務之探討,擘劃未來營運策略和步驟以接軌本院願景,此一過程是一挑戰,但同時也是身為中山人創造歷史的期許與驕傲。 文中所提諸項精改作為多緣自於筆者長久在院服務經驗、並參酌相關學理論點及分析與本院同質性頗高之漢翔公司運作歷程與策略;冀能藉此拋磚引玉,激盪更多具前瞻思維之經營構想,奠立本院國防科技優勢地位,有效達成本院轉型目的。The study mainly deliberates how to plan future operation strategy and procedures to integrate the vision of NCSIST with enterprise management and industrial practices under deregulation of administration systems. It also discusses how to utilize high quality manpower after NCSIST transform to independent administration institution. As a member in NCSIST, it is an honor and prospect to create a new vision since it is a challenge to plan the strategy. Numerous advances and reforms discussed in this study are based on author's thirty-year occupation experience, references of academic theories, and analysis of operation strategy and experience of AIDC which is homogeneous to NCSIST. It is expect to initiate an idea to come up with valuable opinions which provide foresighted operation thoughts in order to take superiority of national defense technology and effectively achieve the goal of transformation for NCSIST.

    關鍵詞 : 核心能量、績效量化指標、顧客滿意 Key words:Core Competence; Performance Measurement Indicator; Customer Satisfaction