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    • 編輯紀實
    • 編輯紀實
    • 編輯室

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 編輯紀實

    • 專稿
    • 先進「創新/不對稱」軍事科技發展綜析與策進思維
    • 王政盛

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 創新/不對稱

    • 人物專訪
    • 五所複合材料發展的過去與未來展望-專訪前材發中心副主任陳文懿博士
    • 陳浩明/專訪撰稿

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 材料研發

    • 中心論題
    • 「複合材料與儲能裝置」序言
    • 葛平亞

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 複合材料與儲能裝置

    • 中心論題
    • 武器用結構複合材料介紹Introductions of Structural Composites for Weapons
    • 莊達平(Dar-ping Juang)‧王正煥(Cheng-Huan Wang)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    複合材料以其優異之比強度與比剛性特性,已大量應用於對重量錙銖必較之航太結構,近年來碳纖維技術與相關複合材料技術之長足進步,應用於主結構之項目與量皆大幅成長,如當年波音787與歐洲空中巴士A350兩型客機結構大量採用複合材料,曾造成全球性碳纖維大缺貨之窘境。武器系統結構亦不例外,包括空中武器系統、水面與水下武器系、地面武器系統等,複合材料亦日漸普及至各層面。本文先從漫談複合材料相關觀念開始,再就複合材料結構型態作一分類說明,並介紹其在各武器系統結構之應用現況與相關發展。 The high specific strength and stiffness of composites are the reasons why they are applied on aerospace structures comprehensively because the weight is very important. Lately, the applications of composite are growing fast due to the mature carbon fiber composite technologies. On account of the massive use of composites in Boeing 787 and Airbus A350, the supply of carbon fiber couldn't meet the demand in those days. Military weapon systems, including air force weapons, surface and underwater weapons, have been also applying a lot of composites for a long time. Additionally, composites are gaining popularity in many different fields these days. The paper begins with some concepts of composites, followed by category of composite structures and finally depicts their applications and relative development trends on structures of weapon systems.

    關鍵詞 : 複合材料(Composite)、疊層(Laminate)、三明治結構(Sandwich Structure)、纖維複合材料(Fiber Reinforced Composite)

    • 中心論題
    • 航空器高溫絕熱材料工程High Temperature Insulation/Protection Materials Engineering in Aerospace Industries
    • 章俊文(Geng-Wen Chang)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    高速航空器的高溫絕熱機制與工程設計及製造,係本單位現今各研發計劃正進行的課題,本文僅就高溫環境、絕熱機制做一綜整說明,並以最廣泛使用的燒蝕絕熱機制之實務作一概括性論述。Our division is conducting research on the topics of mechanism, engineering design and manufacturing of high temperature insulation/protection for high speed aviation vehicles. The present review outlines the high temperature environments and the corresponding insulation mechanisms. In addition, the most widely used ablation mechanisms in practical applications are exemplified and elucidated in this article.

    關鍵詞 : 高溫絕熱工程(High Temperature Insulation/Protection)、燒蝕複合材料(Ablative Composites)

    • 中心論題
    • 複合材料在艦船上之應用 Application of Composite Materials in the Naval Vessel
    • 孫士璋(Shyh-Jang Sun)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    纖維強化高分子基複合材料具有重量輕、比剛性高、比強度高、阻尼高及耐腐蝕等優點,1930年代玻纖複合材料發展初期即已被應用於小型艦艇殼體結構。近20年來,隨著科技的進步,各種功能性複合材料的發展日益成熟,複合材料開始大量應用於各式艦船結構及裝備上。本文中針對複合材料在世界各國海軍水面艦艇的應用與發展作一探討,以瞭解發展現況與未來趨勢。Fiber-reinforced Plastic composites offer inherent advantages over traditional materials with the characteristics of low density, high stiffness-to-weight ratio, high strength-to-weight ratio, high damping and corrosion resistance. In the 1930s, during the initial development period of glass fiber composites, this material has been used in shell structure of marine crafts. In the last two decades, a variety of functional composite materials have been well developed and widely used in advanced structures and equipment of naval vessel. This article remarks the development and application of marine composite materials around the world, and also pays attention to new and future development of these materials.

    關鍵詞 : 纖維強化高分子基複合材料(Fiber-reinforced Plastic Composites)、艦艇(Naval Vessel)、匿蹤(Radar Absorbing)

    • 中心論題
    • 極音速載具耐高溫結構及熱防護複合材料發展 Development of Hot Structures and Thermal Protection Composites for Hypersonic Vehicles
    • 陳偉忠(Wei-Chung Chen)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    發展極音速載具為現今先進國家積極發展的方向,開發熱防護材料與結構為極音速載具關鍵技術之一,直接影響載具的安全性。本文就極音速載具上經常使用之熱防護方式與耐高溫結構複合材料綜整評述發展趨勢,最終以本單位目前對於極音速載具用之耐高溫結構複合材料研製成果與未來規劃進行說明。 Hypersonic vehicles are under intensive research in advanced countries nowadays. Hot structures and thermal protection materials are key components that directly affect the safety of the vehicles. In this article, a comprehensive review is given on the developing trend and some of the widely used thermal protection means and hot structures for the vehicles. In addition, research achievements and future plans of CSIST in the field are described.

    關鍵詞 : 極音速載具(Hypersonic Vehicles)、耐高溫結構複合材料(Hot Structures)、熱防護系統(Thermal Protection Systems)、碳/碳化矽複合材料(C/SiC Composites)

    • 中心論題
    • 結構型匿蹤複合材料 Structural Radar Absorbing Composite Materials
    • 遲雅各(Ya-Ko Chih)‧楊令樂(Ling-Yueh Yang)‧陳偉忠(Wei-Chung Chen).莊達平(Dar-Ping Chuang)‧王正煥(Cheng-Huan Wang)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    結構型匿蹤複合材料兼具承載與電磁波吸收等功能,不須外加電磁波吸收塗料或貼片,不會有剝蝕和脫落問題,具有高比強度、高比剛性、輕量化及吸收頻帶寬等優點,可以成型各種形狀複雜組件,如進氣道、機翼、尾翼等,為現今匿蹤材料研製之發展方向。本文簡述重要結構型匿蹤複材之組成、型式、性能與本所發展現況及規劃。 Structural radar absorbing composite materials, with both load bearing and electromagnetic wave absorbing capabilities, do not need additional radar-absorbing coatings or patches and are thus less likely to have erosion and peeling off issues. Structural radar absorbing composite materials have high specific strength, high specific stiffness, light weight, and wide absorption bands and can be used to fabricate a variety of complex components, such as inlets and wings of aircrafts. This article outlines the compositions, types, and properties of important structural radar absorbing composite materials and the status and future plan of development in Materials and Electro-Optics Research Division, Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology.

    關鍵詞 : 結構匿蹤材料(Structural Radar Absorbing Composite Materials)、三明治結構(Sandwich Structures)、複合材料(Composites)

    • 中心論題
    • 複合材料在防護裝甲的應用 Application of Composites in Armors
    • 張晉福(Jin-Fu Chang)‧楊令樂(Ling-Yueh Yang)‧陳偉忠(Wei-Chung Chen)‧莊達平(Dar-ping Chuang)‧王正煥(Cheng-Huan Wang)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    戰車、裝甲車輛和艦艇在執行任務時,為了維持機動性並維護安全,開發採用質輕且防護性能佳之外掛裝甲實屬必要。個人防彈材料所追求的三大目標:最佳防彈能力、最輕的重量及最佳的柔軟性。隨著高性能纖維的開發,防彈衣已經從早期的金屬材料發展為非金屬材料,由硬質材料往軟質材料發展。以纖維補強之樹脂基複合材料具有良好的動能吸收,因而具有良好的防彈性能。剪切增稠液體的使用,能夠有效地增強聚芳醯胺織物的防刺性能,在不妨礙行動的前提下,使人員的頸部及四肢免於破片傷害。When armored vehicles and warships carry out tasks, their security and mobility are always important in all conditions. It is necessary to develop a light and highly protective overcoat of armor. The targets of developing body armors are to provide good protection and keep the armors light and flexible. The development trend of body armor materials is from metal to nonmetal and from hard materials to soft materials. Fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP) are good at kinetic energy absorption, so they have excellent bulletproof properties. Shear thickening fluids (STFs) - treated aramid fabrics have been demonstrated to have significant improvement in ballistic and stab resistance. These novel materials could be used to fabricate flexible body armors that provide improved protection and at the same time allow the wearer to move easily and comfortably.

    關鍵詞 : 防彈材料(Bulletproof Materials)、超高分子量PE(Ultrahigh Molecular Weight PE)、聚芳醯胺纖維(Aramid Fiber)、剪切增稠液體(Shear Thickening Fluids)

    • 中心論題
    • 複合材料之民生應用 Application of Composite Materials in Industries
    • 黃茂益(Mau-Yi Huang)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    複合材料結合兩種或兩種以上的不同材料,獲得比個別材料更為優良的工程特性,甚至產生原個別材料所不具備的功能。先進結構複合材料始於二十世紀50~60年代航太與國防等尖端技術需求,早期由於製造成本高,民生用途方面一直未能普及。隨著科技進步,加上能源與地球暖化等議題受到關注,既輕且強的碳纖維複合材料逐漸成為市場主流。經過數十年的發展,複合材料在民生的應用既多且廣,本文僅各針對領域選擇幾項主要應用簡要介紹。Composite materials are made by combining two or more materials to give distinct performance and better properties than that of constituent materials. Advanced structural composites were developed in 50's and 60's because of demands from aeronautical, astronautical and defense applications. In the earlier periods, composite materials were not widely used in industries due to high manufacturing cost. With the advancement in technologies as well as issues about energy and global warming, the carbon fiber composite materials, which are light, stiff and strong, are becoming main streams in markets. After decades of development, composite materials are broadly used in numerous industries. Some of the main applications in each industry are introduced in this paper.

    關鍵詞 : :複合材料(Composite materials)、航空(Aerospace)、汽車(Motor)、土木工程(Civil Engineering)、建築(Architecture)、船舶(Ship)、綠能(Green Energy)、儲能(Energy Storage)

    • 中心論題
    • 軍用電池介紹 Introduction of Military Batteries
    • 蔡惠美(Huei-Mei Tsai)‧葉治宏(Jyh-Hong Yeh)‧翁炳志(Biing-Jyh Weng)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    軍用電池系統不似民生用電池系統朝向可充電式電池發展,仍以一次電池為主,不論小型武器或大型飛彈,需要能耐極端的環境,且隨時可備便應戰又能耐長期儲存的電池,因而也發展出數種特殊軍用電池系統。應用在通訊裝置、夜視系統、測距儀、可攜式武器系統的為鋰金屬電池系統,其能量密度高於可充電鋰電池2到3倍以上,儲放壽命5年以上。而飛彈系統用電池以銀鋅電池及熱電池兩大系統為主,電池有特殊設計的活化裝置數秒內即可供電,可承受每公斤千瓦以上的功率密度。 Unlike rechargeable civilian batteries, survival in extreme environments, immediate operational readiness, long shelf life and simplified logistics are prerequisite requirements for military batteries and therefore primary batteries are the predominant choices. Owing to those strict requirements, several special battery systems are developed for military applications. Primary lithium battery system, with double or even triple energy density than rechargeable one, together with 5 and more years of shelf life, are used in radio communications, night vision equipment, laser range finders and portable weapons. Applied in guided missiles, zinc-silver oxide battery system and thermal battery system can be activated within few seconds with special mechanism design and the power density can be up to thousand watts per kilogram.

    關鍵詞 : 軍用電池(Military Battery)、金屬鋰電池(Battery of Lithium Metal)、儲液式銀鋅電池(Reserved Type Zinc-Silver Oxide Battery)、熱電池(Thermal Battery)

    • 中心論題
    • 燃料電池發展與應用 Development and Application of Fuel Cell
    • 李俊毅(Jiunn-Yih Lee)‧蔡惠美(Huei-Mei Tsai)‧翁炳志(Biing-Jyh Weng)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    燃料電池雖名為電池,實際上是一種化學能發電機,在具備高發電效率的同時,並同時具備靜音效果,因此十分適用於軍事發展及一般民生應用。本文將介紹燃料電池基本特性,並以本所(五所)實際參與的燃料電池電力系統開發與應用做為案例,介紹燃料電池如何應用於全電式載具及智慧電網上。 Fuel cells, despite the name of cells, are chemical electric generators in essence. Because of their high efficiency and noiselessness, full cells are suitable for military developments and general civilian applications. We introduce the characteristics of fuel cells in this paper. In addition, practical applications in power system developed by our division are exemplified. The extended fuel cell applications in all-electric-vehicle and smart grid are also described.

    關鍵詞 : 燃料電池(Fuel Cell)、鋰電池(Lithium-ion Battery)、混合電力(Hybrid Power)、電動載具(Electric Vehicle)、智慧電網(Smart Grid)

    • 中心論題
    • 鋰離子電池電極材料發展 Development of Electrode Materials of Lithium Ion Battery
    • 陳柏延(Po-Yen Chen)‧李炤佑(Chao-Yu Lee)‧張必聖(Bi-Sheng Jang)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    電池科技發展至今,鋰離子電池已是相對穩定且具有高能量密度的產品,並且廣泛的應用在攜帶式3C產品之電源供應上。近來火熱的Tesla電動車中,也是利用鋰離子電池做為車輛驅動的能量來源。因此,在下世代儲能技術尚未明朗之前,鋰離子電池是現階段最佳的儲能方案。然而產業界對於能量密度需求是無止盡的,要提升鋰離子電池能量密度,最直接的方式就是改良正負極材料的電容量,故新型態正負極材料的研製是目前各大電池廠爭相研發的議題。本所在碳素產業已著墨30餘年,已具有相當的研發能量,而鋰離子電池負極材料的主流便是碳材,故我們針對高電容量負極材料進行研發,期待能在電動車興起的世代,在儲能產業佔有一席之地。Battery technology developed to date, lithium ion battery (LIB) is one of the most stable and high energized commercial products. LIB is widely used as the power source of portable 3C devices. Recently, Tesla electric vehicles are conducting LIB module as their driving power source. Therefore, LIB technology is the best solution to energy storage before the coming of the revolutionary next-generation products. However, from the view point of battery industry, the energy density is always short of demand. The most direct way to improve power density of LIB is to develop high energy anode and cathode materials. Research and development of high energy anode and cathode materials are the top issues among battery manufacturing companies as well as universities. The Fifth Division of CSIST was cultivated in the field of fine carbon materials over three decades and possesses very high research potential. The main stream material of LIB anode is carbon and we are now focusing on the development of high energy anode materials. We are looking forward to the rise of the electric vehicles and can play an important role on the energy storage industry at that time.

    關鍵詞 : 鋰離子二次電池(Lithium Ion Secondary Battery)、正負極材料(Anode and Cathode Materials)、碳材(Carbon)

    • 智權專欄
    • 由標準關鍵專利探討國際大廠專利策略
    • 夏宏中‧夏季莆

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 標準關鍵專利、國際標準、專利策略

    • 智權專欄
    • 由專利資訊剖析光纖雷射發展趨勢
    • 李家宏

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 光纖雷射、技術功效矩陣、技術分析、技術生命週期、專利分類

    • 一般論述
    • 小型垂直軸風力發電機葉片效率驗證 The Blade Efficiency Verify of Small Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
    • 蔡耀庭(Yao-Ting Tsai).徐力行(Lih-Shyng Shyu)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    世界面臨能源危機,小型垂直軸風機是再生能源中新興的產品,具低噪音能夠在低風速的情況下進行發電,適合用在山區、海岸、公共設施及都會家庭使用。本文旨在驗證小型垂直軸風力發電機的效率,規格選定4kW垂直軸風力發電機,垂直翼長四米,外型採用NACA3418,水平翼外型採用NACA0018,用實機來驗證比較CFD軟體模擬分析及風洞實驗之數據。 To address the lack of energy and global warming problem, the small vertical axis win turbine is the new developing products in the regenerated energy, low noise can generate electricity in case of low wind, suitable for being used in the mountain area, coast, communal facilities and family. This paper aims at verifying the efficiency of the small vertical axis win turbine, the specification selects 4kW vertical axis wind turbine, the vertical wing is four meters long, vertical wing section selection NACA3418, horizontal wing section selection NACA0018, use data of real machine to verify CFD simulation analysis and the wind-tunnel experiment.

    關鍵詞 : 小型垂直軸風力發電機(Small Vertical Axis Win Turbine)、CFD軟體模擬分析(CFD Simulation Analysis)、風洞實驗(Wind-Tunnel Experiment)

    • 一般論述
    • 有機保焊劑(OSP)的發展與應用 Development and Application of Organic Solderability Preservative (OSP)
    • 劉凌嘉(Lin-Chia Liu)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    在PCB的產業中,表面處理製程清潔電路板的表面,供基板作焊接。近日,因為歐盟規定(RoHS),限制電子設備使用鉛;作為替代傳統的錫/鉛HASL表面處理製程,OSP已經成為一種發展的趨勢。有機可焊性保護劑(OSP)表面處理製程,由於它有成本低、表面平整、焊接強度高、污染低及便於製造等優點,已廣泛應用於製造晶片焊點。本研究將介紹OSP原理與發展,有效評估無鉛製程在未來的應用。 In the PCB industry, surface finish requires a clean surface to bond between the substrate pads and solder ball during soldering. Recently, the elimination of lead from electronic devices as mandated by the European Restriction of Hazardous Substance (RoHS), there is a progress tendency of surface finish products OSP in use as replacements for the traditional eutectic Sn/Pb HASL. Organic solderable preservative (OSP) surface finish has been extensively used in fabrication of flip-chip solder joints due to its many advantages including low cost, smooth interface, high bonding strength, low contamination, and easy of fabrication. This study introduces the principle and the development of OSP can effectively estimate the lead free process to apply in future.

    關鍵詞 : 表面處理(Surface Finish)、有機保焊劑(Organic Solderable Preservative, OSP)、無鉛(Lead Free)

    • 一般論述
    • 中部地區無線電通信頻譜使用率研究 Research on the Utilization of the Communication Spectrum in Taichung
    • 周順成(Shun-Cheng Chou)‧陳騰輝(Teng-Hui Chen)‧黃敦寧(Tun-Ning Huang)‧陳章國(Chang-Kuo Chen)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    近年來隨著無線電通信網路技術蓬勃發展,人們對無線電頻率需求與使用度大幅的增加,然而可用的頻譜資源並沒有相對地增加。我國現行固定頻譜分配政策已窘破不合用,再加上國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)陸續開放多家電信業者及無線電頻道,使得國內無線電通信業務及相關產品如雨後春筍般地快速發展,少部分不肖無線電通信器材(業者)未符合政府規範擅自販售使用與非法電臺未經申請立案即開播等,因其所用電波頻率未經指(分)配,以致經常發生通信干擾現象,嚴重影響合法通信頻道及飛航意外等事件肇生。In recent years, with the rapid development of radio communication network technology, the requirement and use of radio frequency increased significantly. Opening up to the number of carriers and radio channels makes domestic radio communication services and related products fast develop. However, available spectrum resources don't increase comparatively. Spectrum is becoming less and valuable. Upcoming the serious problems that some unscrupulous radio communication industries sale and use the equipment without permission of Government and illegal radio stations begin broadcasting without application. Since those radio frequency used without assignment, interference phenomenon, seriously affect the legitimate communication channels and flight safety. In view of this, timely detection and effective, accurate demarcation of resource of signals will be regarded as an important issue. In this paper, we are going to aim at Taiwan V/UHF communication band (range from 30MHz to 3GHz). Explore how to search spectrum effectively, implement direction finder, and position source of signals. Wish to accurately understand the condition of radio use, timely manner the radio interference problems, and improve the efficiency of spectrum use.

    關鍵詞 : 無線電通訊(Radio Communication)、無線電方位搜尋(Radio Direction Finding)、頻譜管理(Spectrum Management)

    • 一般論述
    • 主動式支撐床墊研發 A New Development of Mattress with Active Support
    • 許秀貞(Hsiu-Chen Hsu)‧駱榮欽(Rong-Chin Lo)‧陳泰成(Tai-Cherng Chen)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    為尋求一個舒適的睡眠環境,本研究提出一個基於壓力感測器之人體曲線均勻支撐床墊的開發方法。此法解決了彈簧類之床墊無法伏貼人體曲線作全身支撐及乳膠泡棉類之床墊無法適合各種重量作有效支撐的問題。藉由在床墊的泡棉層裡埋設微型致動器陣列組成的電動支撐層,每一個致動器的貫穿軸頂蓋上貼有軟性薄膜壓力感測器,形成感測器陣列,經由微控器的連結與其內建軟體的運作設計,自動量測出人體與床墊接觸面的壓力分布,算出人體重量與均勻支撐力,再控制致動器陣列貫通軸的上下伸縮動作,使各壓力感測器達到均勻支撐值,即時獲得伏貼人體曲線各點的均勻支撐,得到舒適的睡眠。同時結合影像形態學演算法訂出各種支撐模式,供使用者由無線控制器選擇個人喜好的支撐硬度來消除繃緊的情緒與壓力,獲得整夜的安眠享受。床墊的布面則採用雙向調溫的材質,增加皮膚與床墊之間的舒適觸感與減少溫差變化。未來也可以藉由消費者需求,擴展軟、硬體,增加如生理資訊量測、不良睡姿矯正、落床預防或延伸至遠端照護等功能。In this paper, a new method of mattress development using pressure sensors and micro actuators arrayed in foam layer of a mattress is proposed for good sleeping. All sensors and actuators are connected to a bed controller to generate the pressure distribution mapping of a human body on the mattress, then some of the actuators are driven up or down by the controller to provide a uniform support. Additionally, by the aid of mathematical morphology algorithms,user can also choose a different support mode via a wireless controller to accommodate personal favorite firmness and to take his tensed mood and pressure off with good sleep for whole night. The proposed method improved the problems of innerspring mattresses that cannot give body-contouring uniform support, and foam mattresses that cannot provide everybody equal comfort from the same mattress. The material of surface cloth of mattress was made of thermocouples that can increase the comfort and reduce the temperature different between body and mattress. Some homecare functions, such as physiological measurement, posture correction and fall down prevention, can also approach by additional hardware and software as user demand.

    關鍵詞 : 壓力感測器(Pressure sensors)、床墊(Mattress)、微致動器(Micro Actuator)、影像形態學(Morphology)、睡眠(Sleep)

    • 一般論述
    • 改良型飛彈發射瞬間音響爆震模擬器之研究The Study of the Improved Simulator of Tow Missile
    • 劉永賢(Yung-Hsien Liu)‧方宗仁(Jen-Ren Fun)‧陳楷霖(Kai-Lin Chen)‧雷慶隆(Chin-Long Lei)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    由於國防經費逐年縮減,環保意識抬頭,國軍各演習之訓練時間及場地受限,加以近年加工之原物料價格飆漲,國軍實彈訓練支出不斷攀高,且因義務役兵源之役期縮短,相對壓縮國軍彈藥操作訓練之時數,於種種演訓牽制因素考量下,戰場環境下模擬操作之武器、設備或縮尺寸練習訓練彈藥之需求,將於往後國軍操作訓練上,逐步佔重要之地位。本文係針對改善原美軍飛彈發射之音響爆震模擬器研究,排除部隊現行操作使用爆模器之安全顧慮(採用失效也安全(fail-safe)及防呆措施(fool-proof) 之設計),並提升使用便利性及庫儲效能,使本模擬彈藥於操作訓練上,不但能發揮模擬戰場實彈發射之震撼性能,並兼顧操作之安全,從而落實平時熟能生巧及適應射擊環境之訓練,於戰場實彈運用時,才不致因操作失誤而減損彈藥之效能,真正達到模擬訓練之實質目的。Because defence budget is reduced year by year, environmental protection ideas resumes, army maneuvers are limited in schedules and fields of training. The raw material prices and training expenditure are being climbed highly in recent years, and because the training periods and hours of the soldier resource are shortened, the demands of simulations and training ammunitions will occupy the important status progressively. This research is to improve the original American M80 simulator of Tow missile. By the use of two methods of "fail-safe" and "fool-proof" in industrial safety designs, the simulators have promoted the static protection, safety, convenience and store efficiency.

    關鍵詞 : 音響爆震模擬器(Detonation Simulator)、失效也安全(Fail-Safe)、防呆(Fool-Proof)

    • 科技管理
    • 中共整體後勤支援與RMS發展之研究A Study of ILS and Reliability, Maintainability, Supportability Development on China Military
    • 廖大偉(Ta-Wei Liao)‧李尚鴻 (Shang-Hung Lee)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    本文系統化的介紹中共武器系統在整體後勤支援與可靠度、維護度、支援度(RMS)的發展現況,以及軍用標準化發展歷程。本文的目的是研析中共現行作法,提出國軍整體後勤作為之因應作為與建議方案。This paper systemically introduces the development of Integrated Logistics Support, Reliability, Maintainability and Supportability for the weapon systems of China Military. The use of military standards developing a product or service for the China Military is also addressed in this paper. The aim of this paper is to analyze the current progress implemented in China Military and propose the countermeasures and suggestions to counteract the imminent threat.

    關鍵詞 : 整體後勤支援(Integrated Logistics Support)、可靠度(Reliability)、維護度(Maintainability)、支援度(Supportability)

    • 研發成果
    • 由「2013軍民通用科技產業加值應用成果展」談產業加值應用推動策略
    • 系統發展中心軍通計畫(招嘉成‧李沛怡)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 軍民通用

    • 研發成果
    • 無人飛行載具系統之致動器動態頻寬需求分析
    • 航空研究所(林建宏‧鄭琇文‧齊立平)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    近幾年來致動器相關產品及開發技術已日漸成熟,外觀及功能具有效率佳、重量、體積小、可靠度高且價位合理等優勢,而且此產品符合軍規認證,內含電子伺服控制器、高精密齒輪減速器、精密迴授電位計等關鍵精密組件。在技術相關工程應用上,可成為無人飛行載具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV)關鍵組件,主要提供控制全機各翼面、煞車、引擎油門等伺服控制功能。分析致動器的頻寬需求及延遲效應時,需先建立載具線性或非線性數學模型,並先分析開迴路載機的動態頻寬及性能,再將致動器模組加入載具數學模型後,經由綜合模擬分析後,評估載機動態頻寬是否滿足六自由度的動態頻寬反應需求。因此致動器的頻寬及延遲效應亦都會影響飛行控制系統的安定性。本文主要是探討無人飛行載具系統之致動器的動態頻寬需求做分析,若致動器性能不滿足載機動態頻寬需求,則會影響飛操系統的穩定性,所以致動器是無人飛行載具系統中關鍵模組之一。最後經由理論分析方式估算致動器動態頻寬的設計需求,並透過載機六自由度的數學模型做為模擬與選用較合適頻寬的致動器的參考。

    關鍵詞 : 航空工程

    • 研發成果
    • 精密狹縫式塗膜之分析技術與產業應用
    • 飛彈火箭研究所(鄭凱濃‧陳燦桐)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    在薄膜太陽能電池製程中重要關鍵技術之一為基材光電吸收層之塗膜技術,為了使其具備有良好之光電轉換效率,基材上之塗膜品質格外重要。由於此類模具設計與製造費用頗高,故為了嚴格控管塗膜品質與模具成本,往往僅能以參考相關文獻或間接取得他人實測經驗數據做為決定最佳塗膜製程與模具設計參數之方法。有鑑於此,本文將建立狹縫式塗膜(Slot Die Coating)電腦模擬技術以輔助決定最佳塗膜製程參數。由於狹縫式塗膜之薄膜厚度幾乎已達次微米等級,且塗膜後之成膜品質亦為探討重點(即塗液塗覆於基材時與空氣之自由液面變化關係)。因此,本文研究領域將涵蓋了微流體與二相流體問題。在分析軟體選擇上,本文使用計算流體力學軟體ANSYS CFX,進行塗膜製程之模擬與研究。除此之外,本文以研究計畫案所提供之塗膜製程參數為基礎,藉由適當地調整不同塗膜參數來探討可能形成最佳成膜狀態下所需條件,並進一步探討各種造成成膜缺陷之可能因素,最後以提出建議改善方案。

    關鍵詞 : 飛彈火箭

    • 研發成果
    • 網路攻擊與防禦訓練系統之建模與模擬技術探討
    • 資訊通信研究所(翁興國)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    網路攻擊與防禦訓練具有兩個面向之目的,一是藉由深入了解系統運作與攻擊機制,以奠基資訊防護之設計與整合能力[1-2],二是改善信息戰部隊之組織、指揮與作戰能力[3-4]。目前國際發展驅勢是採用先進的建模與模擬方法(Modeling and Simulation Methodology),來發展訓練模擬系統,以滿足此兩面向之運用需求。在資安防護面向,它可取代上線系統作為演練時直接攻擊之目標,避免系統遭破壞,影響其營運,亦可運用來發掘系統漏洞及資安管理與防護架構之缺失,並驗證防衛政策之正確性。在信息戰面向,它可取代網際網路作為平時訓練的環境,避免攻擊工具流失或散播,亦可運用來發掘假想目標之漏洞及攻擊步驟之缺失,並驗證作業程序之正確性。本文係針對學術界與業界所研發之訓練系統進行分析,了解其建模與模擬技術之特點,並探討各應用方向之後續研發重點。

    關鍵詞 : 資訊通信

    • 研發成果
    • 電鑄微結構製作技術
    • 化學研究所(趙本善‧李郭昱)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    近年來,民生消費性3C電子產品,如智慧型手機(Smart Phone)、平板電腦(Tablet PC)與數位相機(Digital Camera)仍然是朝向短、小、輕、薄與多功能的趨勢發展。因此,IC半導體製程技術從前段的IC設計(Design)與積體電路製作(Fabrication)乃至後段的封裝(Package)與測試(Test),為了因應上述的需求,也勢必將朝向更高階的技術發展。尤其,對於IC後段的封裝與測試而言,晶片銲墊(Pad)的微小化甚至是目前最熱門的3D封裝立體鍍銅填孔(TSVvia filling)電路,都將大幅增加封裝與測試的困難性與挑戰性。本文主要介紹兩種利用電鑄(Electroforming)加工技術製作之微結構:銅導柱(Copper pillar)與垂直式探針(Vertical probe)。銅導柱電鑄厚度約70um,是一種可利用於高階微處理器與微機電感測元件封裝接合的無鉛銲料;其具有雙層結構,上層為錫或其它錫基合金,下層則由銅所組成,因此擁有較佳的散熱能力、良好的機械性質與較高的封裝可靠度。垂直式探針電鑄厚度約100um,主要由鎳或鎳鈷合金所組成。經過人工組裝成探針卡(Probe Card)後,可用於小線寬的IC晶片測試。

    關鍵詞 : 化學工程

    • 研發成果
    • 流體污染環境驗證技術開發
    • 系統發展中心(沈盈志‧劉逸明‧許凱超‧劉祺諾‧李彥澂‧許君平)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 系統工程

    • 研發成果
    • 虛擬維修訓練之故障植入設計研究
    • 系統維護中心(黃彥翔)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01

    虛擬實境的電腦輔助訓練(Computer Based Training, CBT)系統有許多不同領域的發展技術,在醫療、汽車業及教育產業等都有成熟技術。而本研究旨在開發一個軍用裝備的互動教學、練習以及測驗的系統平台,並融入故障植入與失效現象等元素,希望能在虛擬實境中完整呈現實機裝備特性。本文藉由虛擬實境與互動技術,建立軍用裝備的故障異常呈現和維修步驟標準化之虛擬數位教材。目的是為了讓初學者可在接觸實體裝備前,先行了解操作、維修及其安全概念,防止因不當操作造成的裝備損害及確保人員操作安全;並提供教官評估學員學習成效的平台。同時根據開發期間中各階段的系統發展,逐步建立標準化的程式架構及探討設計方法,以利後續能夠快速發展各項互動課程。

    關鍵詞 : 系統維護

    • 研發成果
    • 單眼單筒夜視鏡於紅隼反裝甲火箭夜間射擊之應用
    • 系統製造中心(孫成道)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 系統製造工程

    • 研發成果
    • 本院內網雲端應用系統試行成果
    • 資訊管理中心(歐陽玉慧)

    卷期 : 42 / 2

    出版年 : 2014/04/01


    關鍵詞 : 資訊工程