卷期 : 42 / 2
出版年 : 2014/04/01
近年來隨著無線電通信網路技術蓬勃發展,人們對無線電頻率需求與使用度大幅的增加,然而可用的頻譜資源並沒有相對地增加。我國現行固定頻譜分配政策已窘破不合用,再加上國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)陸續開放多家電信業者及無線電頻道,使得國內無線電通信業務及相關產品如雨後春筍般地快速發展,少部分不肖無線電通信器材(業者)未符合政府規範擅自販售使用與非法電臺未經申請立案即開播等,因其所用電波頻率未經指(分)配,以致經常發生通信干擾現象,嚴重影響合法通信頻道及飛航意外等事件肇生。In recent years, with the rapid development of radio communication network technology, the requirement and use of radio frequency increased significantly. Opening up to the number of carriers and radio channels makes domestic radio communication services and related products fast develop. However, available spectrum resources don't increase comparatively. Spectrum is becoming less and valuable. Upcoming the serious problems that some unscrupulous radio communication industries sale and use the equipment without permission of Government and illegal radio stations begin broadcasting without application. Since those radio frequency used without assignment, interference phenomenon, seriously affect the legitimate communication channels and flight safety. In view of this, timely detection and effective, accurate demarcation of resource of signals will be regarded as an important issue. In this paper, we are going to aim at Taiwan V/UHF communication band (range from 30MHz to 3GHz). Explore how to search spectrum effectively, implement direction finder, and position source of signals. Wish to accurately understand the condition of radio use, timely manner the radio interference problems, and improve the efficiency of spectrum use.
關鍵詞 : 無線電通訊(Radio Communication)、無線電方位搜尋(Radio Direction Finding)、頻譜管理(Spectrum Management)