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    • 研發成果
    • 無人機自主起降能力驗證
    • 鄭琇文

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 航空工程

    • 研發成果
    • 30KW級微渦輪發電系統之運用發展
    • 賴儒達

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 飛彈火箭

    • 智權專欄
    • 營業秘密法之探討
    • 夏宏中‧夏季莆

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 營業秘密、智慧財產權

    • 研發成果
    • 由中科院轉型談軍民通用科技行銷推廣策略
    • 招嘉成、李沛怡

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 軍民通用

    • 研發成果
    • 追蹤雷達系統低仰角追蹤技術研發成果報告
    • 卓銘祥、胡文瀛、林銘勇、高誌鴻

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 電子系統

    • 研發成果
    • 模具表面耐磨耗合金刷鍍製程開發
    • 姜智豪、林盟斌、李浚瑀

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    101年度喬豐實業委託本所進行鎳鎢合金刷鍍,開發應用於汽車板金件沖壓模具的耐磨耗用途,進行為期1年的技術開發/轉移等工作,同時將此作為科專案『高值化學品技術開發與應用』的配合績效。考量喬豐實業的產品應用屬性,選用鎳/鎢合金作為表面鍍層開發,此鍍層硬度可達450 HV以上、內應力低與鍍層外觀色澤與特性接近硬鉻鍍層。為因應世界環保趨勢,考量六價鉻的表面處理製程對於環境有極大的危害與長遠影響,固以鎳/鎢合金的表面處理方式作為取代方案之一。至今鎳鎢合金刷鍍技術已被喬豐實業的生產單位採用,且實際應用於量產的模具之中。經鎳鎢鍍層處理的表面將具有更好的抗候性(抗鏽蝕)特性,且具有較佳的潤滑特性,並獲得表面硬度的提升。經過實際的沖壓鋼板測試具有良好的耐磨耗表現,使模具於金屬板件模壓製程中具有更長久的使用時間,此結果將使製程管理與產品穩定,提升產品價值。刷鍍法雖然具有快速的金屬沉積速度、方便的被鍍區域選擇特性與簡便的施作方式等優點,但較適合局部區域的表面處理方式或小型模具表面。在此以本文描述此項技術透過轉移應用於民生用途之現況。

    關鍵詞 : 化學

    • 科技管理
    • ISO 9001:2015CD改版趨勢的探討Study of the Trend of Revision of ISO 9001:2015CD
    • 賀全慶(Chuan-Ching Ho)

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    ISO 9001品質管理系統預訂於2015年進行改版,委員會草案ISO 9001:2015CD已於2013年6月公布給國際標準化組織會員國討論與投票,正式版本預定於2015年9月公開發行。ISO委員會草案內容顯示,新版標準不論在條文要求的架構與實質內容上,都與2008年版有著重大的差異。經本文比較後發現,ISO 9001:2015CD的內容其實是ISO 9001:2008與ISO 9004:2009兩本規範整合後的綜合體。本文將2015CD改版的重大差異部分提出討論,供本院通過ISO 9001認證單位參考,並開始思考未來因應對策,及早做準備,除可順利銜接未來版本的要求外,亦可做為單位改進品質管理系統並結合營運作業管理的方向指引。 Revision of the ISO 9001 is currently in progress and is anticipated to be finalized in year 2015. The Committee Draft of ISO 9001:2015 has been released in June 2013 to members of ISO for review and vote. By comparing the Committee Draft to the ISO 9001:2008, significant differences are found in both the structures and the clauses. It shows in this study that ISO 9001:2015CD is in fact a combination of the ISO 9004: 2009 and the ISO 9001:2008. Some significant changes of this new revision are discussed in this study for two purposes, one is to serve as a reference for those organizations that have obtained the certificates to start planning for the possible future changes, the other is to serve as a guideline for organizations to start thinking combining their quality management system with business management system.

    關鍵詞 : ISO 9001,ISO 9004

    • 研發成果
    • 密碼系統亂數的產生與檢測
    • 林長庚、胡全燊

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    眾所周知,一個密碼系統(Crypto System)的安全,是建立在其系統內所有的環節上,一個好的亂數產生器(Random Number Generator, RNG),可以產生好的亂數供密碼系統使用並保證密碼系統的安全,相反地,不好的亂數產生器可能危及系統安全,甚至讓敵人掌握,洩漏出所要保密的資訊;本文將對密碼系統中之重要元件之一-亂數產生器(RNG),及其亂度的檢測作一介紹,由於亂數產生器於密碼系統中扮演重要角色,加上現在的資訊和通信系統對於資料保護的重視,多數晶片廠商製造的處理器或控制器等皆已內建加密演算法與亂數產生器等密碼元件,並且文件上皆宣稱其亂數產生器為真亂數產生器(True Random Number Generator, TRNG),但實際產生後的亂數其亂度(Randomness)特性為何?只有透過實際的檢測與分析,方可提供使用者做為亂數使用依據,亦為該密碼系統安全的保證。

    關鍵詞 : 資訊通信

    • 研發成果
    • 儀具校正組流量實驗室
    • 羅允劭

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 系統維護

    • 研發成果
    • 以階段分析為基礎之跨站腳本防禦系統
    • 李玠樺

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    近年來網際網路的興起以及網頁應用程式的廣泛使用下,許多服務都可透過網頁的方式來呈現。但是,隨著網頁內容愈來愈多樣化,卻也產生出各種網頁安全問題。跨站腳本攻擊(Cross Site Scripting,XSS)便是主要的網頁攻擊之一,其攻擊方式為攻擊者透過瀏覽器,在網頁內插入惡意的Script程式碼。當一般使用者瀏覽這些已被植入惡意Script程式碼的網頁後,可能會點選由惡意程式碼做成的圖片或連結,此時植入在網頁內的惡意Script 程式碼就會被執行,進而遭受到XSS攻擊。具有XSS弱點的網站,攻擊者在搜尋欄位裡輸入惡意的程式碼,網站會將攻擊者所輸入的圖片網址或是惡意連結嵌入至網頁上,藉此觸發XSS攻擊。而當一般的使用者點選該圖片或惡意連結,可能會被植入惡意程式,造成如檔案毀損、資料外洩等後果。

    關鍵詞 : 資訊管理

    • 研發成果
    • 高純度金屬之電子束熔煉製程技術
    • 蔡岳軒、蔡毅龍、魏肇男、倪國裕、薄慧雲

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 材料光電

    • 一般論述
    • 基於水聲特徵與類神經網路之船舶識別研究Research of Vessel Identification based on Acoustic Characteristics and Artificial Neural Networks
    • 丁青青(Ching-Ching Ting)‧吳柏賢(Bo-Hsien Wu)‧林澄貴(Cheng-Kuei Lin)‧羅志正(Chih-Cheng Lo)

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    船舶之輻射噪音由寬帶噪音與窄帶噪音所組成,寬帶噪音主要是由船舶航行時,船殼與水碰撞所產生噪音,其噪音強度與船舶之航行速度有關,其頻譜一般分佈於100Hz~1,000Hz,低於臨界頻率之頻譜以每倍頻6dB衰減。窄頻噪音主要由推進系統所產生,其中包含發動機主軸噪音、葉片軸噪音及機械旋轉不平衡及不穩定所產生的諧波噪音,此類噪音與主軸轉速有關。船舶之噪音特徵提取是利用傅立葉轉換分析船舶噪音之功率頻譜,並取頻譜之前10大頻率作為船舶之噪音特徵。船舶之目標辨識是利用倒傳遞類神經網路做為辨識系統,根據模擬結果顯示,能正確辨識出船舶特徵。進一步探討以水中聽音器於漁港內擷取漁船信號聲紋,並擇實測10艘漁船所建立信號樣本測試及驗證類神經網路識別方法辨識系統結果,辨識系統之正確率可達90%以上,證明辨識系統分析之實用性。 Normally, the radiation noise of a ship is composed of the broadband and narrowband components. The former is generated from the collision of a moving ship against its surrounding water hull, the noise intensity of which is highly related to the speed of ship but usually falls in the range of 100 Hz~1,000 Hz. The magnitude of the broadband noise spectrum decays by 6 dB per octave attenuation below the critical frequency. On the other hand, the narrowband noise is mainly due to the operation of the propulsion system, which includes a variety of components such as the motor harmonic noise, the blades noise, and those induced by some mechanical instabilities. The narrowband noises highly related to the base frequency of the axial rotation. The Fourier Transform is utilized in analyzing ships noises, transforming the original time series signals into frequency spectrum and the top 10 frequencies in magnitude are picked out as the feature of the ship noises. These features are used as input to a back-propagation neural network system. A well-trained neural network based on the present study is regarded as capable of performing ships recognition correctly. The present method is practiced using the field data of radiation noises of 10 different fishing boats, performed with accuracy of more than 90%, showing a high practical value of the present study.

    關鍵詞 : 倒傳遞類神經網路(Back-Propagation Neural Network)、功率頻譜分析(Power Spectrum Analysis)、船舶辨識(Ship Identification)

    • 中心論題
    • 飛彈武器系統於生產階段之品質管理作為Quality Management Actions for Missile Weapon System duringProduction Phase
    • 謝閔凱(Min-Kai Hsieh)‧陳裕仁(Yu-Jen Chen)

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    飛彈武器系統在有限的生產期程其總生產量為固定,每年度箱組飛彈數量均依規劃產出。箱組飛彈組成零組件的產品複雜,其中不乏加工道次冗長者。為能提升產能條件下,採委外製作比例將大幅度提升;因原物料採購分年執行,亦容易衍生供貨來源變化及供料品質受到影響。飛彈武器系統品質管理應全面落實在與產品相關之生產過程。生產過程品質作為除常規檢測及統計失效等技術作業外,需採系統管理之品質作為,包括製程品質檢測流程制訂最佳化、電子零組件消失性商源管理、品質資訊系統建置、製程稽核、異常處理及生產可靠度管理等,藉由一系列品質管理作為,讓飛彈武器系統產品於生產階段均符合顧客需求。本研究以中科院X型飛彈生產專案執行為例,以具體執行之品質管理作為所獲得效益,提供類似武器系統於生產階段之品質管理參考。 The characteristic of missile weapon system production has planed for fixed production quantity and timing during the production phase, and delivers quantity of missiles for each year differently. The missile is composed by the complex components, and some of the components have produced with long processing. The components come from two sources: manufacture and outsource. In order to improve product capacity, high percentages of components will change into outsource during the production phase. Purchase of materials and components for missile production must divide for several years because of the government budget rules. That cause the supplier change frequently and the product’s quality may not be controlled. Processing of missile weapon system should be associated implementing quality control actions from components purchase to the end product. The quality control actions not only normal inspect products and tracing failures, but emphasize system management method: optimizing process for quality inspection, DMSMS management, establishment quality information system, procedure auditing, FRACAS, and reliability management. The quality management actions had applied to X-missile during the production phase and had the concretely benefits of implemented.

    關鍵詞 : 飛彈武器系統(Missile Weapon System)、生產階段(Production Phase)、品質管理作為(Quality Management Actions)

    • 中心論題
    • 遠距追蹤系統情資整合及運用 Information Integration and Use of Remote Tracking System
    • 林正賢(Cheng-Hsien Lin)‧湯超人(Chao-Jen Tang)‧陳建宏(Chien-Hung Chen)‧黃伊正(Yi-Cheng Huang)‧吳勝源(Sheng-Yuan Wu)‧黃騰賦(Teng-Fu Huang)

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    為因應本院及三軍遠距飛試之需求,九鵬測試場需將測試範圍延伸至水平視距外。因此本研究規劃在觀測艦及偵追飛機上建立機動通訊平台,經由衛星通信鏈路之建立獲取目標區數據及影像,融合九鵬測試場相關資訊整合為遠距追蹤情資。本文介紹遠距追蹤系統進行資料傳輸所需之衛星通信中繼系統,以及遠距情資整合所需之即時資料處理與顯示系統。藉由遠距情資整合可即時獲取遠距飛試所需之全程情資,圓滿達成遠距飛試任務。 Due to the need of long-distance fly test certificate, it is an important issue to overcome the line-of-sight problem. For this purpose, Chiu-Peng Range is extended for remote tracking by the establishment of maneuvering sites to acquire remote information. This article describes this remote tracking system including the satellite communication system for transmitting remote data, and the data processing system for integrating remote information. With the integration of remote information, the full information of the fly test can be acquired instantly, and the purpose of long-distance fly test certificate can hence be achieved.

    關鍵詞 : 遠距追蹤(Remote Tracking)、衛星通信(Satellite Communication)、資料處理(Data Processing)

    • 中心論題
    • 整合艦載雷達以延伸測試場追蹤範圍之驗證Extend Tracking Region in Test Range by Using Shipborne Radar
    • 黃細田(Hsi-Tien Huang)‧楊國峰(Kuo-Feng Yang)‧葉力揚(Li-Yang Yeh)‧林弘玟(Hung-Wen Lin)

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    本院九鵬測試場飛試追蹤距離受既有設備性能及地球曲面之影響,無法滿足未來各型武器系統飛試驗證任務,為克服遠距場景及視線(Line of Sight)追蹤限制,本研究將原有陸用追蹤雷達研改為艦載系統,並於完成雷達校正、艦載雷達晃動補償及雷達目獲資料整合等關鍵技術後,實際執行遠距場景及視線外航道追蹤,驗證可利用艦載雷達延伸測試場飛試距離,以滿足未來本院各計畫長距離飛試驗證需求。 This paper presents a new method to extend the tracking region in Chiu-Peng Test Range. This is accomplished by mounting tracking radar on the ship, which is performed through radar calibration, ship motion compensation and data integration. The results of development test show that the proposed method can successfully overcome the limitation and track the flying target in the far field.

    關鍵詞 : 艦載雷達(Shipborne Radar)、晃動補償(Ship Motion Compensation)、卡曼濾波器(Kalman Filter)、座標轉換(Coordinate Transform)

    • 中心論題
    • 美軍標準MIL-STD-810衝擊訊號擷取方法於衝擊響應頻譜分析之研究The Study of Shock Data Acquisition Approaches Based on MIL-STD-810 for Shock Response Spectrum Analysis
    • 陳立人(Li-Jen Chen)

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    實地量測及訊號分析為衝擊環境規格制定時常用的手法,然而分析結果卻可能因人而異。為此,本研究參照美軍標準MIL-STD-810D至G版所建議的三種基於有效暫態歷時概念的衝擊訊號擷取方法,並以本文提出之最大峰值擷取方法做為參考基準,透過衝擊響應頻譜分析進行比較。根據分析結果,歸納各擷取方法之特性,提出資料擷取及分析之建議。據此,分析人員可依據任務需求選取適當之擷取方法,可增加衝擊訊號分析之彈性,或有效降低分析結果之變異,俾利於衝擊規格裁適。 Field measurement and data analysis is a common approach for establishing shock environment specifications. But it may get various results with different operators. Thus we use three kinds of shock data acquisition approaches based on so-called effective transient duration from MIL-STD-810D to G. The maximum peak acquisition approach which was proposed in this paper is used to be a comparative reference. After that we analyzed the measured data and get its comparison by using shock response spectrum. According to the above results, we present the corresponding suggestions. It provides the way to reduce the variation for data analysis and also it can be used for establishing appropriate specifications.

    關鍵詞 : 衝擊響應頻譜(Shock Response Spectrum)、訊號處理(Data Processing)、MIL-STD-810

    • 中心論題
    • 飛彈實體迴路模擬測試與應用The Tests and Applications of Missile Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation
    • 詹雲峰(Yun-Feng Jan)‧林義貴(Yi-Guey Lin)‧楊榮祥(Rong-Hsiang Yang)

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    本院應用實體迴路模擬的技術於各式飛彈武器系統研發上成果豐碩,順利完成諸多重大計畫。本文將對飛彈實體迴路模擬,包括實體模擬系統架構、測試規劃以及不同的電波目標模擬方法與效益做簡要的介紹,對相關的應用與結果亦有所探討。期能有助於增進對實體迴路模擬的了解,以及相關模擬技術之推廣與應用。 Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation technologies have been employed in developing weapon systems in NCSIST. All the works obtain significant results. Many important projects were completed successfully by using the technologies. This article will give a brief introduction of missile Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation, including system configurations, test plans, different RF target simulation methods and benefits. And some of the simulation applications and results were discussed in this article as well. It is hoped that this article would be helpful to improve the understanding of Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation, and to promote the simulation methods and applications.

    關鍵詞 : 實體迴路模擬(Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation)、飛行模擬轉台(Flight Table)、電波模擬(RF Simulation)、人造視線率(Artificially Generating Line-of-Sight Rate)

    • 中心論題
    • 高性能飛彈之整合式軟體達成方案A Software Integrated Approach to Fulfilling the High-Performance Requirement of Missiles
    • 沈建置(Jiann-Jyn Sheen)

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    把搭載射頻尋標器空對空飛彈改進為陸射或艦射防空型態,必須可攔截低雷達反射截面積、高雜波干擾之巡弋飛彈或反艦飛彈目標,甚至隱形戰機,性能上更須達高精準、高強健及高適應性層級。礙於時程及經費限制,本案僅善用彈置計算機能力提升後運算能力,以軟體構改方式,根據分析結果及全彈性能特徵,配合構改硬體及實驗室能量,提出整體性性能改善方案,再經彈道、實體迴路模擬及飛試驗證,確認本項研究成效。 The application of an air-to-air RF missile as a land-launched or ship-launched air defense missile, which must be capable of intercepting the cruise missiles or anti-ship missiles with low radar reflection sectional area-even the stealth fighters, and in high clutter interference environment, needs several system improvements to accomplish, such as high precision, high robustness, and high adaptability. However, under the restrictions of the time schedule and funding, an improvement solution (making the best use of the missile borne computer (MBC) with high processing capability) of revising of missile guidance/control software is proposed in this study. Based upon the guidance analysis and the missile performance characteristics, the modifications of MBC hardware, and the capability of simulation laboratory, an improvement design is provided. This improvement design is designed, tested, and verified through digital missile trajectory simulations, the hardware in the loop (HWIL) simulations and the flight tests, the results successfully show that the proposed new design is effective on the upgrading missile capabilities. This study states the development story.

    關鍵詞 : 多重路徑(Multi-Path)、陸/海雜波(Ground/Sea Clutter)、反射截面積(Reflection Cross Section, RCS)、射頻尋標器(R.F. seeker)、精準度(Accuracy)、強健性(Robustness)、適應性(Adaptability)、自動駕駛儀(DAP)

    • 中心論題
    • 控制撞擊角度之最佳導引律在三度立體空間的使用3D Implementation of Optimal Guidance Law with Impact Angle Control
    • 溫清課(Ching-Ko Wen)

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    本文將二維平面運動的控制撞擊角度之零誤失距離或稱零脫靶量(Zero Miss Distance, ZMD)最佳導引律(Lee et al.,2013),延伸推廣到三度空間,並用在六自由度的飛行模擬上。經由模擬顯示:可成功轉換並應用Lee et al.的二維公式到三維立體空間,其結果如同在二維平面情形,仍可控制撞擊角度以及達到接近零誤失距離。 Lee et al.(2013) has developed an ZMD(zero miss distance) optimal guidance law with impact angle control in two dimensional plane. This guidance law is extended to threedimensional space and applies to 6DOF flight simulation in this paper. The simulation displays that the Lee's 2-dimensional formula can be transferred and applied to threedimensional space. And the computed result reveals that it can control the impact angle effectively and reduce the miss distance nearly to zero, as in two-dimensional case.

    關鍵詞 : 最佳導引律(Optimal Guidance Law)、控制撞擊角度(Impact Angle Control)、零誤失距離(Zero Miss Disatance, ZMD)、六自由度(Six Degree of Freedom)、數值模擬(Numerical Simulation)

    • 中心論題
    • 熱電池熔融電解質之分子動力模擬分析Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Analysis of High-Temperature Molten-Salt Electrolyte in Thermal Batteries
    • 陳忠富(Chung-Fu Chen)

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    本研究主要目的係以分子動力學模擬方法,進行熱電池電解質於高溫熔融狀態下的離子傳輸運動行為與傳導性能作模擬計算與分析,以期改善現行熱電池所使用的電解質(LiCl–KCl)放電效率。針對近期國外文獻所提出三元(LiCl–LiBr–NaBr)與四元(LiCl–LiBr–NaBr–KBr)組成的新型電解質材料,依模擬結果顯示與實驗均可達一致性。另外發現熔融電解質中,鋰離子所佔之莫爾比例(mol%)可有效地影響離子傳導性能,以供系統設計與研製單位作為參考。因此,分子動力模擬技術是一個非常好用的工具,可藉此在多種組成的電解質成份中尋找出理想之設計方式,希冀透微觀的模擬與分析模式以取代過去傳統的實驗方法,可大幅節省人力與物力成本,並可達到設計最佳化之目的。 The purpose of this research is to improve the discharge rate of thermal batteries by applying the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation technique to recently developed hightemperature molten-salt electrolytes that have replaced conventional LiCl–KCl ones. The results of this study on the ternary (LiCl–LiBr–NaBr) and quaternary (LiCl–LiBr–NaBr– KBr) molten electrolytes are consistent with the experimental results reported by previous literatures. The MD results have found that the molar proportion of lithium ions in the molten-salt electrolytes affects the ionic conductivity effectively. In addition, this paper demonstrates that MD simulation technique is a useful tool to search various design ideas on the multicomponent electrolytes. This molecular composition of the molten-salt electrolytes can be optimized using atomistic analysis instead of trial-and-error experiments.

    關鍵詞 : 熱電池(Thermal Batteries)、熔融電解質(Molten-Salt Electrolytes)、離子傳導率(Ionic Conductivity)、分子動力學(Molecular Dynamics, MD)

    • 中心論題
    • 受制輸出許可關鍵組件自行開發案例研究 The Case Study of Independent Development of Critical Parts Limited by Export License
    • 楊益郎(Yi-Lang Yang)‧林俊村(Chun-Tsuen Lin)

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    先進的飛彈技術都屬於最尖端的國防科技層次,採用的關鍵組件也容易受制於國外,本研究援引武器系統研發專案為例,詳述不同類型關鍵組件在自行開發過程中為突破技術瓶頸所運用的創新模式,分析彙整出提升開發效能的共通性準則,除可作為評估其他關鍵組件研製規劃的參考範例外,並針對開發過程遭遇的問題提出具體的改善建議,來因應未來執行先進武器系統研發專案時,面對世界各國對軍事科技輸出日益嚴格的管制,與我國防預算的整體分配衝擊,期望建立國防科研經費再投入的機制,適時提供關鍵技術與基礎研究的經費支援,促進自主國防工業的永續發展。 Advanced guided missile technology belongs to the top level of science andtechnology of defence, and critical parts that adopted easy to limit by foreign countries. This study cites the weapon system R&D project to be examples, and describes the independent developing process of different types of critical part in detail. It summarizes the general rules for improving development efficiency by way of analyzing each case study's bottleneck and solution. These results will be the reference example for developing another critical part in the future. In order to break through the predicament that the weapon science and technology controls by foreign countries, it is essential to maintain basic human resources and funds in critical technology research. Then, the autonomous defence could be realized.

    關鍵詞 : 輸出許可(Export License)、關鍵組件(Critical Parts)、國防自主(Autonomous Defence)

    • 中心論題
    • 智慧型行動裝置管控系統之探討 A Study on Smart Mobile Device Management System
    • 王永昇(Yung-Sheng Wang)‧楊震杉(Cheng-Shan Yang)

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    資訊科技的發達,為大眾帶來許多方便,人手一機已是現今社會的常態,為滿足官兵需求,資安嚴謹的國軍也開始將智慧型手機導入國軍工作環境中。但高科技的便利性與資安防護如何取得平衡,一直是運用或導入行動裝置時重要的議題。本文針對行動裝置管理架構、傳輸協定及運作方式如何進行資安管控探討,並參考業界作法,再結合雲端運算服務概念,提出一套智慧型行動裝置之管控系統構想,作為後續應用或研究發展之基礎。 For the improving of information technologies, smart phone becomes an indispensable device in the daily life. To enrich the efficiency of serviceman, smart phone has being deliberated to implement in the military. However, the balance between convenience and security is always a major issue when introducing the mobile device into the operating environment. This paper discusses the smart phone security management system including the architecture, transmission protocol and the operating system. With the experience in commercial domain and cloud computing service, a smart mobile device management draft system is also proposed.

    關鍵詞 : 行動裝置管理(Mobile Device Management)、開放行動聯盟裝置管理協定(OMA DM Protocol)、智慧型行動裝置管控系統(Smart Mobile Device Management System)

    • 中心論題
    • 武器系統設施工程電磁脈衝防護之規劃設計 The Program of Weapons System and Construction Engineering EMP Defended
    • 王文庭(Wen-Ting Wang)‧黃士維(Shih-Wei Huang)‧楊勝惟(Sheng-Wei Yang)‧李皇(Huang Lee)‧陶瑞隆(Rui-Long Tao)

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    中共自首次核試爆後,對電磁脈衝效應已有相當程度認識,除了在通信部門成立專責單位,負責分析歷次核試爆資料,也積極聘請前蘇聯核武專家,為其研發及改進核武技術,同時研製電磁脈衝模擬器,模擬各種爆炸所產生的電磁脈衝,以供研究電磁脈衝之破壞力。1996年7月中共完成第一枚微當量核彈試爆,震撼世界各國,並認為中共已具備電磁脈衝攻擊能力。電磁脈衝攻擊,是癱瘓武器系統設施之指、管、通、情、監、偵電子設備最有效的手段,為了防範電磁脈衝對武器的破壞,本文針對國軍武器系統設施工程的運作提出各項可行的防護方法與相關學理分析。 Since first nuclear explosion test finished, China has had enough knowledge of EMP. They instituted not only new section in the Information and Communication Department for analyzing nuclear explosion data, but also hired nuclear arms expert from Union of Soviet to improve their nuclear technology and develop EMP Simulator for studying EMP threat level. In July 1996 China completed first micro equivalent nuclear explosion successfully, the results shocked the world that makes people realized China has had EMP attack capability. EMP attack is the most effective way to paralysis C4ISR weapons system and construction engineering. The research provides some theory to military constructions for preventing destruction of EMP.

    關鍵詞 : 電磁脈衝(EMP)、電子戰(Electronic Warfare)、設施工程(Construction Engineering)

    • 中心論題
    • 機動發射系統之輕簡化研究 Study for a Lighter and Simpler Mobile Launch System
    • 龔上通(Shang-Tong Kung)‧周青陸(Chang-Lu Chou)

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    中科院從事機動發射系統的研製已有多年的經驗及技術,但近年來因受國防經費縮減及持續進行國軍精實的影響,實有必要對現有機動發射系統進行輕簡化,在不影響現有任務執行原則下,以最精簡的操作人力及成本來研製新一代的機動發射系統,本報告主要針對射控指管車、飛彈發射車、通信中繼車及救濟維保車等進行系統精進、合併及簡化,以達到縮裝、減重及性能提升目的,另再以模式模擬分析來說明輕簡化後的效益。 On the principle of no influence on the present military task, we must use the simplest manpower and cost to develop a new generation mobile launch system. In order to downsize, lose weight and improve performance of the launch system, the study primarily concentrated on the system upgrade, integration and simplification of the fire control & command car, missile launch car, communication car and maintenance car etc. We also created a simulation analysis model to explain the advantages of the new system.

    關鍵詞 : 射控指管車(Fire Control & Command Car)、飛彈發射車(Missile Launch Car)、通信中繼車(Communication Car)、救濟維保車(Maintenance Car)、模式模擬分析(Modeling Simulation Analysis)

    • 中心論題
    • 水面艦作戰模式模擬研究與應用 The Research and Application of Surface Warfare Model Simulation
    • 黃智傑(Chih-Chieh Huang)

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    中共海軍具備驅逐艦、潛艦、大型作戰艦、大型綜合登陸艦及新型飛彈快艇,並積極推動航母研製工程,已具局部封鎖我海上交通線及阻滯我海上截擊兵力之能力。面對中共水面艦作戰攻擊武器威脅,我軍卻缺乏符合國軍作戰環境之效益評估分析模式,無法有效具體量化評估所籌建之水面艦作戰系統是否達到效益目標?本研究之目的在於建立符合國情的水面艦作戰分析模式作為兵力結構、武器系統、作戰方案之建案或部署運用之評估依據。協助運用以有限的兵力組成有效的作戰系統以提昇戰力,亦可大幅提昇模式模擬評估技術與分析能力。 Equipped with Destroyers, submarines, heavy warships, heavy landing ships, new type of missile cruisers, People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) has aggressively developed the carrier engineering research. PLAN has the ability to block our sea-lane in parts and hurdle our naval forces from the sea. When facing the PLAN threat from surface, our military battle environment is in lack of effective evaluating analysis models, therefore, cannot quantitatively measure if the established surface combat system has achieved the effectiveness purpose. The goal of this research is to develop surface combat analysis model suitable for our country in order to assess the effects of force structure, weapon system, battle solution, and deploy planning. To assist in enhancing our combat system with limited force, this research can also promote the skills of model simulation and analysis ability substantially.

    關鍵詞 : 水面艦作戰(Surface Warfare)、模式模擬(Model Simulation)、部署分析(Deploy Analysis)、效益分析(Effectiveness Analysis)

    • 中心論題
    • 下一世代系統工程--SoS系統工程探究Challenges and Approaches to System of Systems Engineering - The Next-Generation Systems Engineering
    • 陳偉弘(Wei-Horng Chen)‧戎傳傑(Chuan-Chieh Jung)‧李豫全(You-Chan Lee)‧吳政賢(Cheng-Hsien Wu)

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    SoS系統工程是一種新興的、發展中的系統工程教範,專注於「多系統組合而成的系統」之設計、發展、部署與運作。在過去,典型的系統工程以發展單一系統並由單一系統提供所需戰力的方式,在現代愈來愈複雜的獲得環境中,已逐漸不敷所需,現今常見的運作方式常常是跨載臺、跨系統、網路化多系統的合作方式以達成任務,SoS系統工程因此應運而生。中科院應注意此項趨勢之發展,並建立成為大型系統整合商之企業發展策略。 System of Systems (SoS) Engineering is an emerging systems engineering discipline for the design, development, deployment and operation of broadly bounded SoS. In the past, the typical system engineering is in a manner to develop the single system and offer necessary capability by that system. In the more and more modern and complicated acquisition environment, have not applied need gradually. Nowadays the common operation ways are often across platforms, systems, net-centric multi systems cooperation way in order to reach the task now. SoS system engineering arises at the historic moment. National CSIST should pay attention to the development of this trend, and turn into the enterprise development strategy of the Lead system Integrator.

    關鍵詞 : 系統工程(Systems Engineering, SE)、多系統組合而成的系統(System of Systems, SoS)、SoS系統工程(System of Systems Engineering, SoSE)

    • 中心論題
    • 「武器系統開發與精進」序言
    • 徐炎廷

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    中科院於民國58年成立,肩負國防科技研發及國軍主要武器系統研製的重任,順應世界各國科研機構發展趨勢,今年4月16日正式轉型為「行政法人」,透過制度鬆綁、組織活化,增加自主性管理,提高營運績效及科技研發能力,有效支援國軍建軍備戰任務,帶動國防與高科技產業發展,達成「發展國家經濟」及「強化國防自主」雙重目標。唯轉型同時,企業管理精神實質導入,依存之政策優勢漸減,而任務特性及預算來源比重尚未明顯改變,展望本院未來營運存續,計畫面臨挑戰更嚴峻,承擔責任愈形加重,計畫執行如期如質完成與否,對本院之營運具有舉足輕重之影響。 隨著時代的演進,武器系統也日趨複雜,計畫執行在系統研製階段,除需整合不同的學科、技術領域與工程專業進行設計開發,藉模擬、分析及測試作為驗證成果外,亦需經由系統工程整合及計畫管理支援武器系統專案任務推展,透過技術開發、測驗、品保與管理制度精進,確保武器系統研發及解繳任務之順利達成;另在系統開發驗證過程中,克服受限商源消失及國外輸出許可之影響,積極開發關鍵組件,逐步奠定自製技術能量,建置創新模式及成熟風險管控機制,提供賡續計畫研製執行體現參考範例,因應未來先進武器系統研發面臨難題,促進國防工業自主永續發展之目標。 系統發展中心以「執行整合國家大型武器系統開發、生產及前瞻性關鍵技術研發任務」為定位,主要承接國軍委託科研及委製生產重大專案,自72年設置以來,在執行計畫過程中,歷經主、客觀環境優劣起伏和衝擊,走過瓶頸,克服困難,穩健成長,先後完成天弓一、二、三型地對空飛彈、天劍一、二型空對空飛彈、車載劍一武器系統、雄風一、二B、三型攻艦飛彈研製部署,及光華一、二及六號原型、後續艇艦用戰鬥系統整合,並建立系統實體模擬與模式模擬、環試工程技術、開放空間測試驗證及系統部署能量;本期新新季刊即以「武器系統開發與精進」為中心論題,集結學有專精之同仁執行計畫研究成果、經驗與心得,共完成14篇相關論著與讀者分享。內容涵蓋「核心技術精進」、「模擬驗證測試」、「系統工程整合」與「關鍵組件開發」等領域,期能拋磚引玉,激發相關技術於國防軍事應用之深入探討,協助組織轉型後技術能量持續生根接軌。 最後,呼應前院級計畫總主持人蘇玉本博士對本中心期勉,未來無論時空背景如何更迭變遷,系統發展中心將持續以國防科技開路先鋒自許,精進創新整合,積極培育人才,引領國防科技升級,為國防工業與軍備發展創造新的產品及價值。

    關鍵詞 : 武器系統開發與精進

    • 人物專訪
    • 回首來時路,一步一腳印~專訪我國衝壓引擎耕耘者系發前總主持人蘇玉本博士
    • 許庭瑋‧李明儒/採訪整理

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    新新季刊103年10月人物專訪選定為系發中心前總主持人蘇玉本博士,中心隨即通知擎天計畫負責採訪與撰稿。在與蘇總約好採訪的日期後,懷著興奮及雀躍的心情期待採訪的到來。再次見到已退休的蘇總,仍可感受到老長官平易近人的親和力及提攜後輩的長者風範,在茶香中聽著長者娓娓道出我國衝壓引擎發展的艱辛過程,以及對後輩的深切期許。 系發中心前總主持人蘇玉本博士出生於民國35年,民國59年畢業於成功大學機械工程學系,並於民國63年自臺灣大學機械工程研究所獲得碩士學位。畢業後正猶豫未來就業方向,正巧授業老師楊教授為本院顧問,在其恩師建議下,進入中山科學研究院第二研究所,從事飛彈火箭的研發工作。當時正值自主國防科技需求殷切的年代,中科院為唯一的國防科技研發重鎮,所有成員均具有無限的朝氣與使命感,蘇玉本博士對於自已能成為中科院的一員也深感榮焉。 由於蘇玉本博士表現極為優異及工作需要,獲得院部提名出國進修,並於民國65年至美國普林斯頓機械航空系進修,為本院唯一至普林斯頓大學攻讀博士學位者,民國69年學成返國後繼續在基層從事國防科技之研究工作,並擔任多項計畫的火箭推進系統負責人。 民國72年奉命組成並接任衝壓引擎組組長,進行衝壓引擎之研製工作,在其任內突破多項關鍵技術。民國76年接任第二研究所副所長,陸續負責飛彈、火箭武器系統之推進、導航、結構、熱傳及武裝系統等研發、整合工作,並擔任專案計畫主持人,工作雖十分繁雜,但在其優異的領導統御及人性化管理下,均能順利推展各項研發工作,獲致良好研發成果。 民國88年接任第二研究所所長,適逢冷戰結束,國防研發經費因而大幅刪減,為達成國防自主之永續目標,乃根據願景『國防自主、科技捍衛台海、品質精進、產品享譽國際』,訂下『顧客滿意、締造雙贏、團隊合作、建立尊嚴、技術創新、追求卓越』之策略,與『快、遠、準、穩、廉』之研發方向,俾在經費預算縮減下,研發產品仍有與歐美競爭之實力;同時為協助國內中小企業技術升級,積極參與經濟部科專計畫,提昇民間科技競爭力。 民國96年接任中山科學研誠、尊嚴、傳承』之努力方向,整合全院各類技術專長與能量之有效運用,使計畫能順利執行圓滿達成任務。希望透過尖端武器系統的研發成功,產生嚇阻效果,達成以和止戰之目標。

    關鍵詞 : 武器系統開發與精進

    • 一般論述
    • 實現塔台模擬器之觀測系統--空間定位虛擬望遠鏡 Observation System of Tower Simulator - Spatial Orientation of Virtual Binocular
    • 張順惠(Shun-Hui Chang)‧賴興維(Thing-Wei Lai)‧張益銓(Yi-Chuan Chang)

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    本研究開發塔台模擬器之觀測系統,用以辨識飛機進入或離開機場時起落架的收放情形,以及較遠處無法以目視看清之移動目標物。整合空間定位器及虛擬望遠鏡,隨時追蹤手持的虛擬望遠鏡之方位,以反映使用者的所在位置,並可透過望遠鏡上的控制按鈕調整焦距以放大虛擬影像,以達到觀測機場內無法清楚識別的目標影像。This study develops the observation system of tower simulator which can identify the position of landing gear when planes take off or landing. It also can track the moving targets which are invisible. Integrating the spatial orientation device and the virtual binocular can point out the position of the binocular viewer and observe more clearly for the targets in the airport via the adjustment of a focal length of the binocular.

    關鍵詞 : 塔台模擬器(Tower Simulator)、空間定位器(Space Position Device)、虛擬望遠鏡(Virtual Binocular)

    • 智權專欄
    • 南韓航太產業改革及其成效研析
    • 陳韋均

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01


    關鍵詞 : 南韓航太、首爾國際航太及防衛展、南韓國防科學研究

    • 一般論述
    • 3D列印(積層製造)技術之發展趨勢The Development Trend of 3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing) Technology
    • 湯士堅(Shyh-Jian Tang)‧施建志(Chien-Chih Shih)‧黃石柱(Shih-chu Huang)

    卷期 : 42 / 4

    出版年 : 2014/10/01

    國際媒體如英國《經濟學人》雜誌、美國《華爾街日報》以及《CNN》等相繼報導,第三波製造革命將以數位化製造及新型材料應用為主軸,改變整體製造產業鏈,其中3D列印或稱積層製造(Additive Manufacturing)技術即為此波改變的關鍵。此技術應用之夢想目標即在勾勒出人人都擁有自用且方便的3D列印機,任何物品都不需要特別購買,用3D列印機就可以列印出符合個人需求的產品。此概念代表的不僅是「人人都是製造者」,更重要的是闡述大量客製化(Mass Customization)的風潮;當我可以在自家列印所需要的用品和設計(客製化產品),我又何必去買品質規格未必符合自己需求之大工廠做出來的產品?聽起來好像是個完美的構想,但大眾對3D印表技術的質疑、猜測及討論從來也沒停過,真的什麼都可以製造、做什麼都不犯法嗎?本文將就3D印技術其基本工作原理及現有技術分類及應用,探討未來的發展趨勢。 International news media such as "economic scholars" of Britain, "The Wall Street Journal" and "CNN" of U.S.A. etc., have reported in succession that the third wave of industrial revolution might happen as a result of the amazing development in the field of digital manufacturing and new materials. It is going to make a paradigm shift among the chain of manufacturing industry. The key technological catalyst of making this change is the 3D printing or so-called Additive Manufacturing. A dream goal of this technology is sketching that everyone can print out what they want by his own 3D printers in a convenient way. Everybody can promptly print out fine goods according to their personal demand without any especially buying. The concept mentioned-above not only describes that everybody could be a manufacturer, but also points out significantly the prosperous trend of "Mass Customization". As I can print out the personal needs at home, there is no need to buy the goods which are made by giant factories since the specifications and quality might not be fitted. It sounds a perfect idea, but civilians nonstop popping out the queries, arguments and discussions related to the majority of 3D technology. Is it a truth that 3D printers can produce everything? At the same time, it will not violate the law when everything could be made by 3D printing. The main goal of this paper is to depict the basic operation principles and existing technological classifications & applications on 3D printing, in order to explore the future development trend.

    關鍵詞 : 3D列印(3D Printing)、積層製造(Additive Manufacturing)、大量客製化(Mass Customization)