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    • 融合軍事、科學、人文的科技將領~海軍司令 陳永康上將 訪談紀要
    • 陳司令口述‧林海芬筆錄

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 電子科技與雷達發展

    • 中心論題
    • 「電子科技與雷達發展」序言
    • 李明家

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 電子科技與雷達發展

    • 中心論題
    • 應用於近空防禦機動式相列天線系統設計與探討A High Mobility Phased Array Antenna System Design for Low Altitude Surveillance
    • 成本文(Been-Wen Chen)

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 相列天線系統(Phased Array Antenna System)、敵我識別天線(IFF Antenna)、旁瓣遮沒天線(SLB Antenna)、單脈波(Monopulse)

    • 中心論題
    • 應用參考天線相位調變法於主動相列雷達天線自校系統之分析研究Analysis of the Phase Rotation Calibration Method in Active Array Antennas Calibration System
    • 陳弘朕(Hung-Chen Chen)‧蕭才文(Tsai-Wen Hsaio)

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01

    主動相列天線系統利用T/R模組中數位可調衰減器與移相器可以控制射頻固態放大器的功率分布,進而合成所需之遠場輻射場型。但若天線輻射元之主動元件發生老化或其他原因失效時,會造成不正確的陣列輻射場型,故天線輻射元的振幅和相位校正是非常重要的,尤其是低旁波束級相列天線陣列,所以在這種情況下,優先考慮近場量測。不過一旦在主動相列天線陣列系統於陣地佈置完成後,如有些T/R模組失效或是訊號相位及振幅設定不正確的話,該如何重新校正天線輻射元的振幅和相位是一個非常重要的問題。鑒於當T/R模組發生老化或其他原因失效時,無法即時回近場測試系統維修檢驗,本文提出一個陣列天線輻射元振幅與相位校正的方法,可以為每一個波束尋找到最佳的振幅和相位設定。文中首先簡要地介紹線性陣列天線的理論,其次,闡述利用參考天線相位調變的校正原理,並運用HFSS電磁模擬軟體驗證該方法之可行性。最後介紹應用參考天線相位調變自校法於主動相列天線陣列系統的設計範例。針對平面主動相列天線陣列系統每個row-beam上異常的T/R模組校準其振幅分布與相位差,經由參考天線相位調變調校後場型劣化情形可大幅改善,並回復最初-30dB低旁波束泰勒分布設計,經由分析驗證參考天線相位調變校正法是一個可以提供準確、簡單、低成本、易於實現在主動相列雷達的可行校正方式。For the experimental characterization of active phased array antennas, it has been shown much more elaborated test than that of conventional passive antennas. A number of additional tests are needed as a result of applying RF solid-state amplifiers in the T/R modules of active phased array antennas which generate the excitation of the antenna elements to synthesize the far-field radiation patterns in space domain. If the amplitude and phase of the excitations are not properly set, an incorrect radiation pattern of the array may result. Thus, the amplitude and phase settings alignment to the antenna elements is therefore very important, especially for the low side-lobes level requirement. Consequently, the near-field test range is generally preferred in this situation. However, once the events of some failed T/R modules or not properly phase setting were happened to the deployed active phased array antennas, how to perform the excitation coefficient re-calibrating procedure to the antenna elements is an importance issue since it is not possible to build a near-field test range in the ground-based area. In this report, a calibration procedure is proposed to align the excitation of the array antenna elements. These data can be used to find the optimum amplitude and phase settings for each scanning beam. First, the theory about linear arrays is briefly discussed. Second, the principles of the Phase Rotation Method (PRM) are described. The usage of proposed method is validated numerically based on the EM simulation using HFSS. Finally, an example applying the far-field PRM to a row-beam on the developed planar active phased array antenna is introduced in detail. De-embedded excitation coefficients corresponding to each sub-array of a row-beam on the planar active phased antenna are given to obtain radiation patterns with Taylor -30dB side-lobes distribution. The PRM -method is proved to be effective for far-field calibration of an active phased array system due to its accuracy, simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and easy to implement.

    關鍵詞 : T/R模組(T/R Modules)、相列天線(Phased Array Antennas, PAA)、遠場(Far-Field)、近場(Near-Field)、參考天線相位調變校正法(Phase Rotation Method, PRM)、HFSS

    • 中心論題
    • 相位陣列尋標器之設計分析The Analysis and Design of a Phased Array Seeker
    • 高幼齡(Yow-Ling Gau)‧黃獻東(Hsien-Tung Huang)‧余建德(Chien-Te Yu)

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01

    地面相列雷達已有近30餘年發展歷史,近十年才有戰機空用相列雷達的出現。而相位陣列尋標器則尚未正式現身,然相關發展皆已如火如荼展開。並已有雛形產品完成(美國雷神公司)。相位陣列尋標器將可擺脫機械環架及高功率行波管等束縛,達成快速電子掃描及小功率多陣元之合成波束。本篇論文主要依據美國雷神公司的雛形產品架構進行初步分析及設計。首先針對其相位陣列進行場形模擬分析,此場形之旁波瓣可達30dB左右。而後進行Vivaldi天線自行設計模擬分析,初步設計結果將於本篇論文呈現。接下來概述T/R模組架構。最後進行次模組之設計模擬,包括次模組波束合成及校正等。Phased array technology for ground based radar has been developed for more than 30 years. The active electrically scanned array (AESA) was first equipped with airborne radar in a decade ago. But phased array seeker has not shown up publically today. However, the phased array seeker has developed for a long time. The Raytheon company was successfully developed a prototype Ka band phased array seeker in a few years ago. There is no needs of mechanical gimbal and high power traveling wave tube amplifier (TWTA) for phased array seeker. The phased array seeker can form a beam with high volume of small power elements and sweep the beam electronically.A theoretical study of a phased array based on Raytheon prototype is developed in this paper. First, the beam pattern of this phased array antenna is simulated. The maximal sidelobe can be as low as 30 dB. Secondly, the antenna element was designed and analyzed with a Vivaldi type. Some simulation results will be shown in this paper. Finally the subarray structure and some calibration algorithm was developed in this paper.

    關鍵詞 : 主動電子掃描陣列(AESA)、行波管放大器(TWTA)、收發模組(T/R Module)、波束掃描(Beam Pattern)、Vivaldi天線(Vivaldi Antenna)、次陣列(Sub-Array)

    • 中心論題
    • 被動式毫米波目標偵測系統設計分析System Design and Analysis of a Passive Millimeter Wave Target Detection Device
    • 陳永茂(Yeong-Maw Chen)‧陳德徽(Der-Hui Chen)‧邱順興(Shun-Hsing Chiu

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01

    為能增進智慧型次械彈之目標辨識能力,次械彈引信之目標偵測器使用主、被動式紅外與微波等複合偵測技術為歐美等先進國家發展之趨勢,其中被動式毫米波目標偵測技術相較於其他偵測技術門檻較高,本文即針對被動式毫米波目標偵測器(或稱輻射計)之特性,進行目標偵測系統性能之設計分析,以奠定被動式毫米波目標偵測技術之基礎。In order to improve the target discrimination capability of smart submunitions, the target detection device within the fuse of a submunition, using the combination of active/passive infrared or microwave detection techniques, are the development trends of US/EU pioneer countries. The passive millimeter wave target detection device (or radiometer) is difficult than the other detection techniques. In this article, the characteristics of a passive millimeter wave target detection device will be analyzed in the way of system performance design. It will be the foundation of future development.

    關鍵詞 : 目標偵測器(Target Detection Device)、毫米波輻射計(Millimeter Wave Radiometer)、智慧型次械彈(Smart Submunitions)

    • 中心論題
    • 400HZ動態式不斷電系統技術與應用Techniques and Applications of 400Hz Dynamic Uninterruptible Power Systems
    • 張念顯(Nien-Hsien Chang)‧林信忠(Xin-Zhong Lin)‧張修維(Hsiu-Wei Chang)

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01

    為提供武器系統可靠穩定的電力來源及降低油機使用率,400Hz動態式不斷電系統應用日顯重要。本文介紹400Hz動態式不斷電系統架構及其控制技術,說明利用變頻器驅動感應電動機,再帶動激磁型同步發電機,產生三相電源提供負載使用的機制及其運用所需注意事項。經由實際運用結果證明,本文所介紹的動態式不斷電系統,確實能達成穩定的輸出,滿足武器系統市電值班需求,可提供爾後研發重要參考。In order to provide a reliable power source and reduce the use of Diesel Generator Sets in weapon systems, it is getting important to utilize dynamic Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS). The article presents the configuration and control techniques of 400Hz dynamic UPS by Inverter Driving Induction Motor which drives excited-type Synchronous Generator to provide a reliable three-phase electrical power on loads. The performances of dynamic UPS described herein are proved it can provide a reliable power source to meet the demands of weapon systems.

    關鍵詞 : 400Hz(400Hz)、不斷電系統(Uninterruptible Power Supply)、變頻器(Inverter)

    • 中心論題
    • 挑戰超視距地波雷達空間限制的回顧與可行性分析Challenging Physical Dimensions of Over-the-Horizon Surface-Wave Radar – Literature Review and Feasibility Analysis
    • 趙珮光(Pei-Kuang Chao)‧陳雨蒼(Yue-Tsang Chen)‧林銘勇(Ming-Yung Lin)

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01

    地波雷達可突破雷達視線(line of sight)範圍限制,觀測超視距範圍的目標,然而由於地波頻段落於高頻頻譜(3~30 MHz),對應波長(10~100 m),導致地波雷達系統往往佔地遼闊,動輒綿延數百公尺以上。為挑戰能於有限的地理環境中架設地波雷達系統,甚而提升地波雷達系統的機動性,本文針對地波雷達尺寸縮小化議題,回溯相關文獻並經由數位模擬提供可行性分析。Surface-wave radars can be used to sense over-the-horizon targets which are not measurable by radars that follow the principle of line-of-sight. Constructing surface-wave radars in constrained space can be needed, but difficult due to huge physical dimensions of the radar systems. The antenna array must be hundred meters in length and height to detect surface wave in the high frequency band, 3~30 MHz, related to wave-length equal to 10~100 m. Therefore, size reduction of surface-wave radar systems is important to increasing mobility and adaptability for limited geography. Relevant literatures and feasibility analysis are provided in this paper for structuring compact surface-wave radars.

    關鍵詞 : :地波雷達(Surface-Wave Radars)、超視距(Over-the-Horizon)、指向演算法(Direction-Finding Algorithm)、波束合成(Beam-Forming)、天線場型(Antenna Pattern)

    • 中心論題
    • 雷達頻譜對接收機干擾研析The Interference Impact Analysis of the Radar Radiated Power to Receivers
    • 黃新添(Shing-Tain Huang)‧何賢奎(Hsien-Kwei Ho)‧王順意(Shuen-yih Wang)‧劉榮超(Rong-Chau Liu)

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01

    雷達系統由於其脈波功率較高,當其發射頻譜含諸多雜訊時,對鄰近載臺無線電接收機所產生的電磁干擾相對嚴重。因此;在電磁測試需求中對發射機、收發機有諧波與假波能量限制,以預防受雷達系統頻譜影響而引起電磁干擾現象之發生,本文將介紹接收機可能遭受到雷達系統之干擾模式,以及發射機之諧波與假波之量測方法。高功率雷達頻段,其頻率範圍屬於微波頻段,因此,雷達系統之諧波與假波量測較為困難;於電磁量測系統架構中,除需考量阻抗匹配特性外,對量測儀器之動態範圍需能有效掌握,避免量測儀器電路受到發射機基頻信號影響,導致整體量測系統之準確度偏差而產生共振現象。對於量測系統之不確定度因子亦需有所瞭解,以降低其量測不確定度,藉以提高量測系統之可重複性。另為滿足此類量測報告完整性,在需作符合性判斷時,就在比較嚴謹之作法上,均需提供量測系統之量測不確定度值,予以使臻完整論述。Due to large peak radiated power of radar systems, the radio frequency receivers on the nearby platforms will suffer much severer interference from the noisy emitted signal of radar systems. Consequently, some limitations of harmonics and spurious power derived from transmitters and receivers are built in the EM test requirement, which is used to prevent EMI phenomena generated by radar systems. The interference model of the victim receiver and the measurement method of harmonics and spurious power from a transmitter are introduced in this paper. A high power radar usually radiates in micro-wave frequency range so it is more difficult to measure the harmonics and spurious power. In the structure of EM measurement system, not only the impedance matching should be taken into consideration but the dynamic ranges of related equipments should also be controlled to prevent the resonance, caused the measurement bias of the whole system by the fundamental frequency signal of the transmitter. The uncertainty factor of the measurement system should be also aware to decrease the measurement uncertainty and increase the reproducibility. To fully complete the measurement report and to do compliance judgment, the uncertainty value of the measurement system should be provided to make the entire statement.

    關鍵詞 : 電磁相容(EMC)、電磁干擾(EMI)、雷達(Radar)、諧波(Harmonic)

    • 中心論題
    • 主動相列雷達收發模組技術發展應用現況與未來趨勢The Developments and Trends of Tranceiver Module and GaN Power Amplifier for Active Phased Array Radar Application
    • 洪國洋(Kuo-Yang Horng)‧蔡藎芝(Jinn-Jy Tsay)‧張慈(Tsu Chang)‧曾成立(Cheng-Li Tseng)‧吳泉生(Chung-Sen Wu)

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01

    主動相列雷達(Active Phased Array Radar)為新一代雷達發展趨勢,藉由成千上萬個具有功率發射功能的收發模組(T/R Module, TRM)組合排列,使相列雷達可以同時進行相位及振幅調變,達到抑制天線旁波束及具有選擇性零點適應性的天線陣列功能,大幅提昇相列雷達搜索、追蹤及抗電戰的能力。同時整個雷達系統的妥善率及可靠度,也因分散式收發模組的組合方式而獲得改善。本文主要針對主動相列雷達系統所需之關鍵組件主動收發模組及氮化鎵高頻高功率元件之發展歷程、現況及未來趨勢進行說明,並對於未來在國內建立國防關鍵零組件自製能量之作為,提出建議。This paper introduces the worldwide developments and trends of transceiver module and GaN power amplifier for active phased array radar application. The status of the development and deployment of active phased array radar has also been addressed. In order to build up the self-supporting capabilities of key components for defense application in Taiwan, a leveraging business model is suggested.

    關鍵詞 : ︰主動相列天線(Active Phased Array Radar)、主動收發模組(Active Transceiver Module)、單晶微波積體電路(MMIC)、氮化鎵功率元件(GaN Power Amplifier)

    • 中心論題
    • 相列雷達發展現況以及未來之發展趨勢Current Status of Phased Array Radar Systems and Future Trends
    • 彭新晏(Hsin-Yen Peng)

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01

    本文敘述相列雷達的歷史演變以及發展現況。歷經二次世界大戰,各國莫不尋求新一代武器的開發,一時之間相列雷達理論研究的進度超越科技進展。從美國海軍神盾艦SPY-1相列雷達開始服役後,各國莫不競相發展是類武器系統,因此在其間科技的進展又進行了一次大躍進,主動相列雷達也因此而同步的躍上檯面。美國海軍神盾艦SPY-3主動相列雷達即將服役。未來將有許多的核心技術將持續精進,如標準模組式發射接收模組(SMTR),數位波束形成(DBF)、可適性波束零化的應用,皆是改善主動相列雷達功能的關鍵因素。This paper describes the historical development and status of phased array radar. Since World War II all the nations have been actively involved in the design, development and manufacture of defense electronics and new weapons. Phased Array Radar (PAR) advancement has lead to unprecedented advances in scientific technology. With a powerful capability of AN/SPY-1 Phased Array Radar system deployed on modern U.S. Cruisers and destroyers, the Active Phased Array Radar (APAR) System has already been developed simultaneously by other countries. The U.S. AN/SPY-3 Active Phased Array Radar will be deployed on the Zumwalt Class Destroyer ships. The future will see more core technologies advance like Standardized Modular Transmit/Receive (SMTR®) module, Digital Beamforming (DBF) and Adaptively Nulling, which are the crucial factors to improve the Active Phased Array Radar performance.

    關鍵詞 : 主動相列雷達(Active Phased Array Radar)、被動相列雷達(Passive Phased Array Radar)、發射接收模組(T/R module)、數位波束形成(Digital Beamforming)、無源雷達(Passive Radar)、共形天線(Conforming Antenna)

    • 中心論題
    • 短距輻射型電磁波能量採集技術研究Studies on the Energy Harvesting in Short-Range Communication Systems
    • 李明堂(Ming-Town Lee)‧張祐禎(Yu-Chen Chang)‧楊博鈞(Po-Chun Yang)

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01

    本研究主要是進行輻射型生活空間電磁波環境能量採集相關技術之研究,並以功率與頻率均符合國家通訊委員會規定之短距通訊發射模組為實際測試標的,並在研究固定距離涓滴輻射電能接收之採集到達能實際充電運用技術之開發過程中,加強保持高效率的能量轉換機制電路設計,同時考慮到充電電路之品質因素,如充電時間控制、能量轉換效率等,期能縮短實際商轉運用之落差。The study in this paper is related to collecting trickles of radiating energy in our living space and transferring it to recharge a battery. The tests and measurements of receiving radiated energy are made at a fixed distance from a communication module of which the output frequency and power meet the NCC's short-range communication specifications. This energy harvesting system consists of an antenna, impedance matching circuit, RF-DC converting circuit, power management and battery recharging controller. The experimental measurements suggest that with the input power ranged from -10dBm to +10 dBm, the energy transferring efficiency can be achieved to an average value of 30% and the regulated output voltage is 1.2V.

    關鍵詞 : 無線充電(Witricity)、電磁波能量採集(Energy Harvesting)、能量轉換(Energy Transfer)、短距通訊(Short Range Communication)

    • 智權專欄
    • 淺談高值化美國專利申請實務
    • 趙本善

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 美國專利、創意研發、專利撰寫、高值化專利、智權管理

    • 智權專欄
    • 會展攤位設計與著作權侵權風險預防
    • 陳秉訓

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 會展設計、攤位設計、智慧財產權、著作權、設計流程

    • 一般論述
    • 新VQ影像索引值編碼技術A Novel VQ Index Compression Scheme
    • 李國和(Gwo-Her Lee)‧劉勇志(Yung-Chi Liu)‧齊立平(Li-Pin Chi)

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01

    在現今資訊網路蓬勃發達的社會裡,影像傳輸的需求越來越殷切,由於影像資料量大,傳輸速度常受限於有限頻寬,因此,資料壓縮就顯得格外重要。本研究提出創新的改良式編碼樹法(MCTAS),此技術為無失真索引值編解碼法,它對經過向量量化(VQ)的索引值再進行一次編解碼,MCTAS容易以軟硬體實現,可降低頻寬需求,進而提升影像傳輸率。在實驗中,MCTAS會與多種影像壓縮方法比較真實UAV飛測影像,證明其高壓縮效率的優越性。Image transmission is highly focused on today's internet. Due to the large amount of image data, transmission jam happens frequently on the limited bandwidth. Thus, data compression becomes particularly important. This study proposes a novel Modified Code Tree Assignment Scheme (MTCAS) that is a lossless index coding scheme to further encode the VQ output indices. MCTAS is easily implemented by software. In addition, it can improve the image transmission rate with less demand of bandwidth. Experimental results will demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme in comparison with some existing popular index coding schemes on real UAV flight images.

    關鍵詞 : 向量量化(Vector Quantization, VQ)、相似索引編碼(Similarity Index Coding, SIC)、動態索引表編碼(Dynamic Index Table Coding, DITC)

    • 一般論述
    • 跳頻、展頻與保密關鍵技術異與同Similarities and Dissimilarities of the Key Techniques Between Frequency
    • 李昕翰(Hsin-Han Lee)‧陳文禮(Wen-Lii Chen)

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01

    近一世紀以來,隨著科技與資訊的快速演進,現代戰爭的步調更是瞬息萬變,高科技、數位化的戰場使得無線通信方面的攻防戰也愈來愈受到重視,面對軍事作戰之複雜電磁環境的威脅,以及敵軍的通信偵蒐、竊聽與蓄意干擾,我軍勢必做出對應的防護作為。本文將針對無線通信抗干擾重要技術,列舉跳頻、展頻及保密技術分別進行介紹,並探討分析三種技術的關鍵核心-亂碼序列的產生。With the information and technology evolving swiftly in this century nowadays, tempo of modern war vary from minute to minute. Wireless communication security has been paid much attention due to the digitized high tech battlefield. Facing the intimidation of complicated electromagnetic environment and monitor, detection, interference on purpose from the enemy in electronic warfare, we must take some protection methods to deal with it. This paper will focus on anti-interference and deception techniques in wireless communication, then we introduce frequency hopping, direct-sequence spread spectrum, and encryption, after that, we analysis the key point pseudo-noise sequence of these three techniques.

    關鍵詞 : 跳頻(Frequency Hopping)、展頻(Spread Spectrum)、保密(Encryption)、亂碼序列(Pseudo-Noise Sequence)

    • 一般論述
    • 新世代3D IC電子封裝技術發展研究Study on the Development of Next Generation of 3D IC Package
    • 趙本善(Pen-Shan Chao)

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01

    新世代三維電子封裝(3D IC Package)係利用矽穿導孔(Through Silicon Via, TSV)技術,可使不同晶片垂直互連,縮短組件線路連接距離,進而降低寄生電容與耗電率。更重要的是,藉由三維電子封裝的垂直互連技術,可以輕易達到同質元件整合(Homogeneous Devices Integration),甚至是異質元件整合(Heterogeneous Devices Integration),進而滿足次世代民生消費性與國防軍事電子產品之需求。本文主要介紹目前全球半導體大廠,包含台灣開發三維電子封裝技術發展現況、遭遇瓶頸與研究趨勢,俾利讀者對於目前相當熱門與新興的三維電子封裝有更深一層的認識。The next generation of 3D IC packages is characterized by vertically interconnecting different wafers with through silicon via (TSV) filling, thereby enabling devices to shorten interconnection distances, reduce parasitic capacitance, and consume lower power. Most importantly, the 3D IC interconnection process can also integrate homogeneous and heterogeneous devices and meet the requirements for next generation of electronic packages in consumer and military and defense electronic products. This paper aims to present the current and overall global developments of 3D IC packages, challenges and research trends in the global and Taiwan IC foundries and package houses, making readers more understanding on the recently most popular and emerging 3D IC packages.

    關鍵詞 : 三維電子封裝(3D IC Package)、矽穿孔(Through Silicon Via, TSV)、鍍銅填孔(Copper Filling)、中介層(Interposer)

    • 一般論述
    • 高效熱致電元件開發與應用技術Efficient Thermoelectric Generator Development and Application Technology
    • 李進興(Jinn-Shing Lee)

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01

    熱電材料(又稱溫差發電材料)是一種能將熱能和電能相互轉換的功能材料,眾所周知之西貝克效應(Seebeck Effect)和皮爾特效應(Peltier Effect)為熱電能量轉換和電致冷/熱的應用提供了理論依據。熱致電模組則由集熱單元、熱致電元件與散熱單元等主要組件構成;目前,在市面上電致冷元件已廣泛運用在醫學、化妝品等領域,因以致冷的方式使用,故電致冷元件的耐高溫性不佳,價格也相對便宜。熱致電模組常因散熱單元功能失效或模組散熱不良、應用時接觸高溫,或系統失控過熱而導致熱致電元件失效。為改善熱致電元件應用於熱致電模組,在接觸較高溫環境後,常出現之線路脫落、晶粒與導電層剝離、導線脫落等等問題,本研究採用三種精進措施,並將製程精進後之熱致電元件,經熱致電元件檢測設備測試,發現精進後之熱致電元件(TEC-4)可應用於熱致電模組,並長時間使用於較高溫環境(原僅能應用於200℃以下,現能使用於300℃以上),同時其發電功率亦較原熱致電元件增加15%以上。在全世界都倡導環保、綠能、再生能源之時,尤其是廢熱來源存在於各行各業,難以回收利用之低溫廢熱(250℃)高達88%以上,倘能在車輛排氣管、瓦斯爐具之餘溫廢熱,以熱致電模組回收廢熱進而發電,則能收降低溫室效應之功效。Thermoelectric modules can convert electrical energy into a temperature gradient––this phenomenon was discovered by Peltier in 1834. The applications of thermoelectric module in cooling or heating effect remained minimal until the development of semiconductor materials. With the advent of semiconductor materials came to the capability for a wide variety of practical thermoelectric refrigeration applications. Thermoelectric devices are solid state devices. They are reliable energy converters and have no noise or vibration as there are no mechanical moving parts. They have small size and are light in weight. As refrigerators, they are friendly to the environment as CFC gas or any other refrigerant gas is not used. Due to these advantages, the thermoelectric devices have found a large range of applications. In this investigation, basic knowledge of the thermoelectric devices and an overview of these applications are given. The prospects of the applications of the thermoelectric devices are also discussed.

    關鍵詞 : :熱電材料(Thermoelectric Materials),熱致電模組(Thermoelectric Power Generating Module),電致冷模組(Thermoelectric Cooling Module)

    • 一般論述
    • 空中交通管制之綜合答詢器校正分析Analysis of Calibration for Integrated Transponder/Interrogator in Air Traffic Control
    • 胡念祖(Nien-Tsu Hu)

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01

    綜合答詢器是一種基於微處理器的測試儀,用於完成現代空中交通管制(Air Traffic Control, ATC)應答機和測距機(Distance Measuring Equipment, DME)的全面測試。可以組成用於TACAN(Tactical Air Navigation)、Mode 4 IFF應答機和Mode S應答機等航空設備的完整測試系統。在軍事方面,則用於敵我識別(Identification Friend or Foe, IFF)、長程預警、戰管、地對空防禦裝備等等用途。因此綜合答詢器的校正便十分重要,防止”誤判”的發生,提高民航管控與國防軍事的安全性。本篇論文以Aeroflex出產的ATC-1400A綜合答詢器為例,說明綜合答詢器的應用領域、校正原因、編解碼原理和範例說明、校正項目和步驟、及校正結果。可提供給校正及相關的研究人員完整的了解性。The integrated transponder/interrogator is a microprocessor-based test set designed to accomplish complete testing of modern ATC (Air Traffic Control) Transponder and DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) equipment. When interfaced with some accessory units, it becomes a comprehensive test system for TACAN (Tactical Air Navigation), Mode 4 IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) transponder and Mode S transponder avionics equipment. It can be used in Identification Friend or Foe (IFF)、early warning system、Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN) and ground-to-air defense system etc. Therefore, the calibration of the integrated transponder/interrogator is important to avoid the occurring of "misjudgment" and improve the safety of aviation management and national defense.The Aeroflex ATC-1400A is represented to the application、the reasons of calibration、the concepts of encode/decode and examples illustration and calibration results in this paper. The user and researcher can almost know the calibrating processes of ATC-1400A.

    關鍵詞 : 綜合答詢器(The Integrated Transponder/Interrogator)、空中交通管制(Air Traffic Control)、敵我識別(Identification Friend or Foe)

    • 科技管理
    • 主計畫產品組裝與實體物流整合之研究Integration of Project Product Assembly and Physical Logistics
    • 王興鉅(Shing-Jing Wang)‧鄭福長(Fu-Chang Cheng)‧曾中文(Chung-Wen Tzeng)‧黃明耀(Ming-Yaw Huang)

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01

    本院在矩陣式組織架構下,各所、中心依據各自任務特性,發展出不同的物流運作模式,遂行主計畫賦予任務。惟各所、中心間未串接,導致各主計畫不易掌握各項硬品實際狀況,須藉助檔案、電話、電子郵件等進行整合,其作業效率低、資訊正確性亦不足。為改善此現象,本研究分兩階段進行精進檢討,第一階段先對主計畫體系作產品組裝實體物流探討;第二階段針對所、中心工令執行作實體物流剖析;最後再對「主計畫物流資訊管理模式規劃」提出建議。其中在二所各研製組間推動「物流專責單位整合」試行,在實體流與資訊流整合運作下,已獲得諸多寶貴經驗與成果。期盼在後續精進改善下,逐步向本研究之整合目標邁進。Under the matrix organizational structure of CSIST, each Division and Center of the Institute has developed different logistics operation model to serve varied task characteristics of each project. In the absence of automated data linkage between each Division and Center, it is difficult to seize status of physical goods for project management. Archives, telephone, and e-mails are commonly used as communication vehicle for information integration, resulting in low operational efficiency and deficient information accuracy. For improving the logistics operation, this study includes two-step assessment: first step is to investigate the physical logistics in product assembly process towards each project system; secondly, the routing logistics of work orders at each Division and Center are analyzed. Lastly, the "Project Logistics Information Management Model Planning" is proposed. Based on above study, "Logistics Operation Unit Integration" program is promoted and a pilot run project is undergoing among research and production sections in the 2nd Division. With the integration of physical goods flow and information flow, the trial run has received abundant valuable experiences and outcome. Efforts of continuous improvement will be devoted, targeting at final integration goal of this study.

    關鍵詞 : 實體物流(Physical Logistics)、搬運(Transportation)、系統開發(System Development)、整合物流(Integrated Logistics)

    • 研發成果
    • 無人飛行載具第一人稱飛行輔助影像系統
    • 郭家瑋‧李啟泰

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 航空工程

    • 研發成果
    • 真空蒸鍍流場之直接模擬蒙地卡羅分析技術
    • 謝澤揚

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01

    近來計算流體力學(Computational Fluid Dynamics)方法的發展漸趨成熟[1],數值模擬技術的發展與電腦運算能量的提升使得模擬實際工程問題變得可行。計算流體力學技術廣泛地應用到國防科技與工業界,大幅降低研發成本與時程,提升設計品質與可靠度。一般的計算流體力學方法視分析流體為連續體,求解奈維爾-史托克(Navier-Stokes)方程式。但是,近年來國防武器系統的發展逐漸觸及到高空與高速的飛行狀態,工業技術的發展常涉及微尺度或是高真空環境。高空、高溫、高速、低密度、微尺度的流場環境皆為稀薄氣體動力學的適用範圍,分析這些極端流場狀態必需使用分子運動理論(Gas-Kinetic Theory)的數值方法。各類求解稀薄氣體流場的方法中,直接模擬蒙地卡羅(Direct Simulation Monte Carlo, DSMC)方法是最為成熟且應用廣泛的數值方法。

    關鍵詞 : 飛彈火箭

    • 研發成果
    • 艦船聲紋自動識別系統之建立
    • 林澄貴‧丁青青

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 資訊通信

    • 研發成果
    • 安全氣囊品質驗證技術建立及推廣
    • 馬紹波‧王弘逸

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 化學工程

    • 研發成果
    • RTM技術製作光電酬載護蓋
    • 徐修硯‧周兆玲‧王百祿

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 材料光電

    • 研發成果
    • 中波段紅外線影像感測模組開發與應用
    • 陳培元

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 材料光電

    • 研發成果
    • 雙視場紅外線變焦鏡頭研製技術
    • 陳建銘

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 材料光電

    • 研發成果
    • 戰役層級模式模擬系統研究與運用
    • 段泰康‧謝清桂‧劉新生

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01

    合成化戰區作戰研究模式(Synthetic Theater Operations Research Model),簡稱STORM,由美國空軍研究、分析、評估與經驗教訓部門(HQ/USAF A9)開發,有完整的後勤、維修、情監偵(ISR)及氣候影響模式,為美軍新一代戰役層級聯戰模擬系統,可多方、隨機統計執行空中、太空、地面及海上作戰計畫模擬,幫助高階決策者在複雜的聯戰環境下評估軍事策略、能力、兵力結構及作戰計畫。國防部已將其規劃為國軍未來主要武器作(研)需建案之模擬分析工具。本中心配合國防部整評司執行模式測試環境整備、測試及教育訓練任務,建立戰役層級模式模擬系統研究與運用之技術能量,可應用於國軍十年建軍規劃之兵力結構分析及本院國防科技政策發展規劃。

    關鍵詞 : 系統發展

    • 研發成果
    • 新式WEB版軍品料號資訊系統之籌建與規劃
    • 方臺生‧連紹帆‧吳建興

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 系統維護

    • 研發成果
    • 矩陣式壓電技術應用於足壓感測器設計
    • 邱俊維‧吳世基‧許順峯

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 系統製造

    • 研發成果
    • IP CAM網路攝影機的發展沿革
    • 徐國誠

    卷期 : 42 / 3

    出版年 : 2014/07/01

    攝影機的演變從早期的VCR類比CCTV系統,攝影機將訊號傳送到VCR,以圖框處裡器控制播放,資料傳輸、儲存和播放都是採用類比方式,後來轉變為DVR的類比CCTV系統攝影機,將類比訊號傳送到DVR,由DVR轉成類比訊號儲存和播放,最後伴隨著ICT資通訊技術的導入下,進而衍生出數位IP CAM網路攝影機的網路視訊系統,IP CAM直接傳出數位訊號,可在任何連接網路的裝置儲存、播放、以及各種影像分析應用,並可遠端直接控制IP CAM。近年來由於多媒體及閉路電視影像需求服務增加,但受限於類比系統架構限制,線路繁雜,且具有無法多人同時任意調閱即時影像及影像錄存調閱不易等缺點,故數位影像平台逐漸成為主流。數位影像平台主要採用網路攝影機(IP CAM)或將類比影像壓縮數位化後,可藉由IP網路架構為平台來傳輸視訊,使用者可透過IP網路來傳輸數位影像、音源,也可在網域內任一點監看及錄影。

    關鍵詞 : 資訊管理