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    • 研發成果
    • 運用大量資料處理系統於解析網路封包之研究
    • 羅祐民‧蕭文豪‧詹奇峰

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    近年來雲端計算概念的提出,使得計算資源供應方式發生改變。雲端運算(Cloud Computing)為一種基於網際網路來提供服務,讓使用者透過網際網路來使用動態的與易擴充的虛擬化資源。隨著資訊化與網路技術之蓬勃發展,每日所產生的各類型資料已呈現爆炸性成長,儘管能以雲端技術建構容納大量資料之雲端平台,亦須要掌握大量資料分析相關技術。本文將利用自由軟體等相關工具,在雲端化環境上建立大量資料儲存與分析工具,對一般網路常見的大量封包進行解析作為。期透過本研究案例,提昇本院運用大量資料儲存與運算技術之能量。

    關鍵詞 : 資訊管理

    • 研發成果
    • 鋅金屬腐蝕抑制劑之探討
    • 姜智豪‧李浚瑀‧林盟斌

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 化學類

    • 研發成果
    • 光學追蹤基座設計概要
    • 賴昌宏

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 材料暨光電

    • 研發成果
    • 雷達微波管品質驗證與分析
    • 葉日欣

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 電子系統

    • 研發成果
    • 無人機飛控電腦IV&V自動化系統開發
    • 莊修敏‧楊正榮

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    本文主要介紹無人機飛控電腦IV&V (Independent Verification & Validation)自動化系統設計,內容包括矩陣式測試架構設計、人機介面設計、程式架構設計及報表設計等四大主題。本IV&V自動化系統使用LabVIEW整合硬體迴路測試系統,對飛控電腦進行各種自動化失效邏輯驗證,並自動產生測試結果報告,提供程式設計人員於飛控電腦上機前,預先找出程式設計盲點或錯誤,大幅降低人力成本與飛試風險。由獨立第三方單位透過一系列技術與管理手段,來改善系統品質與增加可靠度,以確保所生產之產品滿足使用者營運所需,稱之為獨立驗證及確認,簡稱IV&V。因國防與航太工業高風險的特性,透過IV&V可提早辨識研發中系統的風險所在進而降低風險,提高研發成功率與產品可靠度。本文針對無人機飛控電腦設計一套自動化測試驗證及記錄方法,測試結果可供飛控電腦程式設計者研討是否需進行程式修訂,或對系統弱點進行分析。本文IV&V自動化系統設計主要可分為四個部分,分別為矩陣式測試架構設計、人機介面設計、程式架構設計、報表設計。最後論述對整套系統的期許及改善建議。

    關鍵詞 : 航空工程

    • 人物專訪
    • 整體後勤支援未來工作方向與運用--專訪系統維護中心徐懷祖前主任
    • 採訪小組:潘家得‧黃鴻傑‧蕭朝文‧楊士賢‧李明鴻 撰寫人:李明鴻

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 徐懷祖

    • 智權專欄
    • 以專利分析探討車輛全周影像發展趨勢
    • 林信宏

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:車輛全周影像、影像校正、專利檢索、專利分類、專利分析

    • 研發成果
    • 反制技術產生器之FPGA晶片設計及實現
    • 鍾招名

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    以可程式化閘陣列(Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA)晶片實現之反制技術產生器,已被廣泛運用於電子戰領域。因其具備可快速及重複進行編程的優點,特別適用於產品開發時必須不斷變更設計的應用,並可縮短製作的時間,進而達到快速成品的目標,且因其體積小、重量輕、靈活度高及成本低,容易安裝於戰機、無人機及艦艇等載具上,可對敵空中、地面雷達及飛彈尋標器實施電子干擾,持續迫其喪失功能,遲滯其反應時間,迫敵無法對我主戰兵力實施早期有效攔截,俾掩護我機、艦進出戰場,有利我軍任務遂行。

    關鍵詞 : 資訊通信

    • 研發成果
    • 簡易的空間能量合成陣列天線
    • 胡宗雄

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    微波頻段的固態電子電路功率放大器輸出功率有限,為了獲得較高的輸出功率,功率合成技術乃達到高功率輸出的方法之一。以光學的概念去獲得空間能量合成的方式已被廣泛的研究,多個單一主動式天線組合成天線陣列,達到空間能量合成目的,即為近光學(聚焦)能量合成技術,這種方式有以下的優點:1.主動式天線可以把所有的電路共存在同一微波基板,如微帶天線、匹配電路等等的設計、裝配與刻製,如此可減少因模組相互連接所造成的損耗。2.小型化模組,因為所有元件共存於同一微波基板,故所佔面積較小,組裝容易,可靠度較高。3.每一個單獨的主動式天線都可以被單獨的設計、微調,最後組成天線陣列,以達成能量在空中合成的目的。這種近光學式的主動式天線陣列被廣泛的運用在微波通訊上。為了降低傳統傳輸線功率合成器的能量損耗,Gouker等提出以16個微帶天線組成的天線陣列(Phase Array Antenna),並以空間能量合成的方式達到波束寬20度(AZ/EL)的方法。本文所提出空間能量合成的系統架構,系統藉由饋入不同的激發相位(藉由傳輸線延遲),使天線以單一窄波束輻射能量,並於空間達成功率合成的功能。

    關鍵詞 : 系統模擬

    • 科技管理
    • 本院料件系統結合電子簽核運用技術研析The Research of MAT System Combining with the Technology of Electronic Signatures
    • 陳昱嘉(Yu-Chia Chen).孫世嶸(Si-Rung Sun).梁柏年(Bor-Nian Liang)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    近年來,全世界的資訊蓬勃發展,各企業開始重視資訊系統的導入與開發,公文線上簽核,是政府機關為提升行政效率、縮短公文旅行時間並促進節能減碳的目標,所推動電子化方案,規劃實施從中央至地方政府各級機關,當然也包括行政法人-國家中山科學研究院,儘管大家努力達成業務無紙化,但很多機構仍然發現自己過度依賴紙本。傳統的紙本簽核,既不實際又無效率,電子簽核是一個值得嘗試及信賴可代替傳統簽核的工具,且其工作在網路線上就可完成作業。電子簽核可有效的使用於現有系統中,有利於減少紙張相關成本及有效縮短各單位簽核所需時間。Recently, the information in whole world grows vigorously. Enterprise begins to pay attention to the insertion and development of the information system. The official document management and electronic signature is a digital solution by government institutions with an aim to enhance administrative efficiency, decrease document delivery time and achieve the goal of energy saving and carbon reduction. The system is deployed in central to local government, also includes administrative institution (NCSIST). Despite efforts to go paperless, many organizations still find themselves relying on paper when it comes to applying signatures, which is impractical and inefficient. Digital signatures are a tried and trusted alternative to wet ink signatures and enable completely online workflows. This process, which can be seamlessly integrated into existing systems, helps reduce paperrelated costs and cut down the time wasted in gathering signatures.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:數位簽章(Digital Signatures)、料件管理(Materials Management)、庫儲系統(Storage System)

    • 一般論述
    • 遙測技術應用於燃油耗油量之計算Doing Reality Fuel Quantities in Flight Versus Flowing-Rate Experiments
    • 洪富泉(Fu-Chuan Hung)‧魏加吾(Jia-Wu Wei)‧鄒永發(Yong-Fa Zou)‧劉俊祥(Jun-Xiang Liu)‧陳 琛(Chen Chen)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    武器系統在各驗證階段,透過遙測技術執行參數檢測、資訊蒐集與鑑別及傳送,並提供類比及數位資料及多組即時TV影像,以作為研改之用。本文描述利用空置遙測硬品所下傳之類比燃油流量(Fuel Flow)的資料,在遙測解調系統(Demodulation System)內撰寫C++ DLL(Dynamic Link Library)程式,來即時(Real Time)估算已使用的累計耗油量,進而推估可以繼續測試的時間。經遙測解調系統兩次模擬及靜、動態各一次實測的結果,推估累計耗油量的誤差範圍均符合要求。有了這一次的經驗,就可以利用下傳之遙測資料來做動態物理量轉換或累計推估的需求,以彌補感應器的不足或因空間的限制而無法安裝感應器,並可提昇測試的可靠度及降低計畫測試成本。Test and Evaluation is an integral part of any weapon system acquisition process, and the telemetry methodology devoted to testing is substantial. While every test is in some sense a "designed experiment", the methodology of "Doing Reality Fuel Quantity in Flight" is a special class of combinatorial tests having unique properties that will make the evaluation of a test clean and straightforward. While testers are faced with what may seem to be a valuable task in evaluating many variable instruments. This article focuses on the doing reality fuel quantities and applying the flowing-rate in flight is the necessary thought processes to design experiments well.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:遙測(Telemetry)、燃油流量(Fuel Flow)、累計耗油量(Accumulated Used Fuel)、解調系統(Demodulation System)、DLL

    • 一般論述
    • 測試能量與精進趨勢之探討A Survey on Present Capability and Improving Trends for Test Technology
    • 許秀貞(Hsiu-Chen Hsu)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    測試是項專業技術,在武器系統的全壽期中,不論是研發驗證、生產製造與後勤維修,在在都需要專業的測試技術與管理,以確保系統功能與品質的穩定。本院自民國73年成立精準計畫籌建自動測試技術以來,累積了一些測試能量,然因電子科技日新月異,產品不停的更替,測試技術與管理亦隨潮流行進,本文對於現有測試能量與未來精進趨勢作一探討,以期能對本院未來承接之任務有所助益,尤其是本院自製或軍種外購之武器系統的後勤維修任務。自動測試維修是一項開發技術需求高,執行需求低的技術,適合本院發展後,技轉予各軍種使用,以提升三軍對武器系統的維修能量;且基於知識與技術之不對等,交付軍種之測試系統務必達到易操作、易偵錯之目標,以減輕軍種後續之依賴。Test is a professional technology and is required for assuring the stability of function and quality during the weapon system life-cycle, such as development verification, product manufacture, and logistics maintenance. Since 1984, CSIST has founded a project, called ATS program, to build up automatic testing technology. Some testing capabilities, such as TSM, ATE, DFT, and TPS, have been founded. However, the electronic technology improving and changing are so quickly causes testing techniques also progress fast. In this report, discussions on present capability and improving trends of test technology are given for the guides of future mission, especially for the maintenance of our self-made and/or outsourcing weapon systems. Automatic maintenance test development is a high technical requirement while operation requirement is low. It suits CSIST to develop and then technical transfer to army to use for improving their skills of weapon system maintenance. Owing to unequal levels of knowledge and technology between CSIST and army, the ATS transferred to army must be handy, friendly, and operation efficiently. Army can use these systems quickly and correctly to complete the missions of diagnostics and testing.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:測試(Testing)、維修(Maintenance)、可測性(Testability)、測試設備(Test Equipment)、測試程式集(Test Program Set)

    • 一般論述
    • 具有開關特性之柴米雪夫四頻帶通濾波器Design of Switchable Quad-Band Bandpass Filter with Chebyshev Response
    • 徐克文(Ko-Wen Hsu)‧蔡藎芝(Jinn-Jy Tsay)‧張 慈(Tsu Chang)‧洪寶貴(Pao-Kuei Horng)‧邱曾鑫(Tseng-Hsin Chin)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    本文利用步階式阻抗共振器末端加上二極體負載製作成可開關式的帶通濾波器。此負載的二極體可改變步階式阻抗共振器共振條件。由於散佈式耦合的饋入技術的低負載效應,因此不需要複雜的匹配網路來設計多頻帶的電路。本文之四頻帶通濾波器電路架構包含二分之一波長步階式阻抗共振器、四分之一波長步階式阻抗共振器。每個通帶皆由一對共振器控制,可增加設計自由度,並且使用散佈式耦合技術減少頻帶間的負載效應,即可將四個帶通濾波器整合在一起。其中,使用開路殘段與在饋入線末端加上電容元件皆為了增加傳輸零點,以提升通帶之選擇度。將二極體負載接在共振器末端,以設計可獨立開關四個通帶的可調式裝置。Stepped-impedance resonators with diodes loaded at one end are used to develop switchable bandpass filters in this thesis. The loaded diodes are used to switch the resonance conditions of the stepped-impedance resonators. Due to the low loading effect from distributed coupling technique, the proposed circuits can obtain many channels without the need of complicated matching network. The switchable quad-band bandpass filter consisting of half-wavelength/quarterwavelength resonator. Each passband is controlled by a respective pair of resonators to increase design freedom, and the four BPFs are combined by utilizing distributed coupling technique to reduce channel-to-channel loading effect. The loaded open stubs and the source-load coupling capacitor are used to introduce transmission zeros to improve in-band selectivity. The p-i-n diodes are loaded at the end of the resonators as the switching devices to independently control the four passbands.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:步階式阻抗共振器(Stepped-Impedance Resonator)、帶通濾波器(Bandpass Filter)、二極體(p-i-n Diode)、散佈式耦合技術(Distributed Coupling Technique)

    • 一般論述
    • 以FPGA電路實現零遲滯影像偵測與追蹤法則No Latency Image Search and Track Algorithm Implement on FPGA
    • 楊家俊(Jia-Jyun Yang)‧何元禎(Yuan-Chan Ho)‧蘇玉玲(Yu-Lin Su)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    此報告內容為將原先以DSP執行的影像偵測法則與影像追蹤法則,改由以FPGA硬體電路方式實現,目的在於加速影像處理運算,以縮短一張像框的運算處理時間,達到零遲滯(No Latency)的需求。以FPGA硬體實現的法則包含相連通、Otsu、決策樹、訊雜比計算與Erosion法則。此報告並規劃了硬體運算時程與排程,評估法則是否適合以硬體實現以及是否有硬體優化的可能性,並以Matlab驗證法則硬體優化後的正確性,接著以HDL硬體描述語言來進行硬體設計,使用Modelsim與ISE進行電路模擬,最後完成系統實測,實測結果顯示原DSP執行影像偵測法則的遲滯大於3張像框時間且原影像追蹤法則的遲滯接近2張像框時間,然而以FPGA實現影像偵測及追蹤法則的遲滯小於一張像框時間。This article is concerning how to accelerate computing time for image searching and tracking of algorithms by replacing DSP with FPGA in order to achieve no latency requirement. Algorithms include Connected-Component, Otsu, Decision-Tree, SNR Calculation and Erosion, which are running on a DSP originally, are going to implement by designing hardware on FPGA. This article also describes the consideration of hardware timing schedule, and estimates the possibility of designing hardware on FPGA. In order to decrease computing time, we optimize algorithms based on hardware thinking, then verify the correctness by using MATLAB. We use HDL Code to design hardware, and simulate the result by using Modlesim and ISE Software. Experimental results show that the operating time of searching algorithm decreases from the three frame time to less than one. And the operating time of tracking algorithm decreases from three frame time to less than one frame time. Both of searching and tracking algorithms are executed with no latency as demanded.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:偵測法則(Searching)、追蹤法則(Tracking)、硬體電路( Hardware)、零遲滯(No Latency)、FPGA

    • 一般論述
    • OLED製程技術開發與發展現況分析OLED Process Technology Development and Its Current Analysis
    • 王裕勛(Yu-Hsun Wang)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    隨著科技進步,個人電腦、網路的普遍化,顯示器成為不可或缺的重要角色,傳統的CRT螢幕顯得體積大且厚重,逐漸地被輕薄的LCD液晶顯示器所取代。然而,在新世代的平面顯示器中,還有一項新技術,OLED(Organic Light Emitting Diode,有機發光二極體),具有輕薄、省電、可撓曲式、易攜性、可視角廣等優點,成為未來平面顯示器的新趨勢。近幾年來,OLED技術吸引了產業及學術界的關注,進而從事開發與研究,技術經過不斷地研發,也陸續進入市場產品應用階段。本文將依序介紹OLED的發展歷史,且針對發光原理做一說明,接著整理目前最新的OLED製程與封裝技術,由此可了解當前國內外的發展趨勢與現況。With increasing technology in common, displays become an important role. The traditional heavier CRT screen are replaced by LCD display which much light and thinner property. However, the newly technology in panel display filed is OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) bearing thinner, power save, flexible, portable and wide range angle advantages, which becoming the newly display in the future. Recently, the OLED technology attracts many researchers in the research and developed and gradually entering into the marketing step of applying product. This article is introduced the history of OLED and describe the detail of illuminate mechanism in sequence, and then compile the newly OLED process and package technology to recognize the trend and current in the display field.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:有機發光二極體(Organic Light Emitting Diodes)、蒸鍍(Deposition)、溶液製程(Solution Process)、封裝(Packaging)

    • 一般論述
    • 蜂巢式系統技術應用於水雷雷區管理系統Using Cellular System Technique to Mine Management System
    • 吉家駿(Chia-Chun Chi)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    在第四代行動通訊的蜂巢式系統中,協調式多點傳輸已被證實可以被用來有效減緩干擾。而用戶調度、功率控制、波束形成等都是協調式多點傳輸中常用的技術。而由於現今水雷雷區管理系統的架構與蜂巢式系統在架構以及工作原理上都十分相近,也是多基地台多用戶的環境。因此若將協調式多點傳輸現有技術的成功經驗應用至水雷雷區管理系統是可以想見將對系統效能有所助益的。本篇文章將以介紹蜂巢式系統現有的協調式多點傳輸技術為主軸,藉此探討協調式多點傳輸技術運用在水雷雷區管理系統的可行性以及分析各技術可能需要調整改變的地方。In 3GPP Long-Term Evolution(LTE) systems, coordinated multi-point (CoMP) has been shown to be a promising technique to mitigate inter-cell interference. User scheduling, power control, and beamforming are popular techniques in CoMP. Mine management system is very similar to the cellular system by construction and working principle, and they both have multiple users and multiple base stations. It is easy to see that the performance will be improved significantly if the technique of CoMP can be used to mine management system.This paper focuses on introducing CoMP technique of cellular system those are being used. I discuss with the feasibility of the using of CoMP technique to mine management system and try to predict if there is any modification we need to make.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:蜂巢式系統(Cellular System)、水雷雷區管理系統(Mine Management System)、協調式多點傳輸(Coordinated Multi-Point, CoMP)

    • 一般論述
    • 金屬波紋蓄壓器開發與驗證The Development and Verification of the Metal Bellows Accumulator
    • 黃朝鈿(Chou-Dian Huang)‧陳裕德(Yu-Te Chen)‧楊智綱(Ji-Gang Yang)‧陳裕宏(Yue-Horng Chen)‧賀克勤(Kye-Chyn Ho)‧蔡桂琦(Kwei-Chi Tsay)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    金屬波紋式蓄壓器內含金屬伸縮囊。該伸縮囊具有承載3000psi以上高壓、動態不洩漏、疲勞壽命高等優點,是本院飛彈武器系統中,電液控制致動器不可或缺之關鍵組件。由於金屬波紋蓄壓器,在世界上僅少數先進國家有能力進行產製,因此列為國防、航太及半導體關鍵技術。本所在計畫與致動器系統殷切需求下,進行金屬波紋式蓄壓器開發。於執行期間,進行波紋蓄壓器性能測試、各種環試,並配合致動器系統進行系統聯測,確認滿足系統設計需求。金屬波紋式蓄壓器研製成功,不僅關鍵技術自主,也確保本院各計畫飛彈關鍵性蓄壓器,不須仰賴進口、有效降低飛彈製作成本,同時也可促進衍生性產品開發,帶動國內各關聯產業精進發展。The metal bellows accumulators can sustain the pressure over 3000psi and have the excellent resistance to leaking and fatigue in dynamical environment. The metal bellows is the key component significantly for the electro-hydraulic control actuator in the missile system. Nowadays, there are only less advanced countries having the technology to produce the metal bellows. Therefore, the technique of manufacturing metal bellows is critical in defense, aerospace, and the semi-conductor industrial. Owing to the requirement of the metal bellows accumulators in guided missile system, we commence researching and producing of the metal bellows accumulators. During the executing period, the performance and environment verification tests were done to ensure the quality and reliability of the products. As a results of experiments and co-testing with the actuator system, it reveals that the metal bellows could still maintain the normal function and meet the design specifications. The success of producing metal bellows accumulators not only obtains the key technology to be fully self-dominated, but also ensures the capability of manufacturing the metal bellows accumulators in domestic. Consequently, the supplying of this key product can be no longer only relied on the foreign imports. In the meantime, it can effectively reduce the cost of manufacturing, and promote the industrial technology upgrading and development of relevant researches and derivative products in our country.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:金屬波紋蓄壓器(Metal Bellows Accumulators)、伸縮囊組(Bellows)、疲勞(Fatigue)、致動器(Actuator)、環境試驗(Environmental Test)

    • 一般論述
    • 小型光學酬載之可收放型環架設計及驗證Retractable Gimbals System Design and Test for a Mini CCD Payload
    • 廖建勛(Chien-Hsun Liao)‧孔繁偉(Fan-Wei Kong)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    本文重點為設計開發適用於戰鬥型無人飛行載具之CCD酬載雙軸環架,此雙軸環架的設計目標有三點:一為達到輕量化的結構設計;二為具有大幅度偏轉-俯仰之追蹤目標能力;第三為收放式CCD酬載可在執行偵察任務時放出機身外,起飛或降落時使酬載收納於載具的機腹內部,如此可以達到降低飛行阻力與避免CCD酬載於起飛或降落的過程中受到外力撞擊而造成機構損壞的情形發生。The goal of this paper is the design and test of a 2-axis gimbals system for CCD payload applying on tactical UAV. In this project we have three major objectives. First objective is to achieve a light weight structural design. Secondly, to substantially improve the tracking ability in either yaw or pitch motion. The third one is to design a CCD payload system which can be retracted in the vehicle while taking off and landing, in order to reduce the aerodynamic drag during the mission, and to keep the payload from being damaged by foreign object impact during takeoff and landing.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:無人飛行載具(UAV)、酬載(Payload)、雙軸環架(2-axis Gimbals)

    • 一般論述
    • 運用數位觸控技術建置輸出入系統之研究--以塔台模擬器為例Built in I/O Processer System and Method for Digital Tough Technology-With Tower Simulator Case Study
    • 王文毅(Wen-Yi Wang)‧范允杰(Yun-Chieh Fan)‧簡明振(Ming-Chen Chien)‧王忍忠(Jen-Chung Wang)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    隨著時代進步,目前模擬器產品越來越朝向功能化與模組化發展。現今「觸控技術」的誕生開創了一個新穎的自然人機介面Natural User Interface, NUI)世代,尤其在訊號輸出入介面的建置部分,更是可以發展及研究的地方;故將於各式觸控技術分別予以討論分析,並針對多點觸控架構下可運用模擬各式輸出入控制方式進行討論,並在塔台模擬器的輸出入介面下,開發模擬控制的觸控面板。Nowadays, the simulator product is emphasized on features and module development. The "touch technology" has developed a brand new generation of human-computer interface which is named (Natural User Interface, NUI), especially on the function of signal input and output. In this paper, we discuss and analyze different kinds of touch technology, mainly focused on multi-touch structure and its application on input and output. Adopting the interface of input-output of tower simulator develops the touch panel of simulation control.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰自然人機介面(Natural User Interface, NUI)、多點觸控(Multi-Touch Technology)、塔台模擬器(Tower Simulator)

    • 智權專欄
    • 多角化經營與著名商標保護:評智慧財產法院行政判決97年度行商訴字第83號
    • 陳秉訓‧王葳怡

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    四季酒店(Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts)雖為國際知名旅館業者,但卻無法在台灣防止其他業者不當模仿其商標。在智慧財產法院行政判決97年度行商訴字第83號中,所涉程序為異議,是商標經審查而核准註冊後的一種公眾審查機制。四季酒店請求撤銷系爭商標的註冊,因為根據當時商標法第23條第1項第12款,系爭商標若有機會造成他人混淆誤認其為著名商標或減損該著名商標之識別性或信譽時,則不得註冊。雖認同四季酒店的商標是著名商標,但法院認為系爭商標所屬類別是景觀設計類,而該類別和旅館服務業不是競爭關係且無關連性,且四季酒店並無進入景觀設計業的可能,故系爭商標不會減損四季酒店的商標,也不會混淆他人。此等於要求著名商標權人必須有跨業經營才得享有跨產品或服務類別之保護。對此見解,本文不認同。針對混淆誤認,法院竟然考慮「實際混淆誤認」而非混淆誤認的「可能性」。針對減損,法院主要考慮景觀設計類和旅館服務業間不具關連性。本文認為其邏輯將讓著名商標的保護降格為一般商標的等級。特別是關於「減損」,本文主張景觀設計類和旅館服務業之關連性應從商標使用狀態觀察。如果系爭商標的所有人可能替旅館業設計庭園景觀,進而將其商標的標示帶入旅館業的環境中,則此會產生識別性的損害,因為Four Seasons不再必然聯想到四季酒店,而有可能是景觀設計業者。

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:商標、著名商標、異議、四季酒店、智慧財產權

    • 中心論題
    • 原級色度標準量測校正系統之研究Study on Calibration System for Primary Standards of Color Measurement
    • 葉東明(Dong-Ming Yeh)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    色度圖(Chromaticity Diagram)的色度座標用來描述色彩,國際照明協會(CIE)以色彩匹配函數(Color Matching Function)和色度圖將任一量測到色彩標準化,對綠能產業的發光二極體和太陽能的品質管制極為重要。本文從電磁輻射領域談到光學度量領域,說明輻射度量與光學度量的關係,解釋光學度量領域的色彩學理論如何定義色度座標、色彩純度和色溫,並由黑體輻射的軌跡將白光光源標準化,使用色彩演色指數表示其品質。作者使用原級校正法,參照色彩學理論,以現有的光學校正能量為基礎,設計開發一套原級色度標準量測校正系統,此校正系統係由一積分球、三原色光源、電路控制單元和光譜儀所組成。電路控制單元能調整積分球內三原色光源之發光特性,使校正系統產生一原級標準色度座標,提供待測件色彩測量,以達色度校正之目的。Chromaticity coordinates of chromaticity diagram are used for color characterization. The International Commission for Illumination (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage, CIE) has standardized the measurement of color using the color matching functions and the chromaticity diagram. The color standards are extremely important for quality management in the green industry, such as light-emitting diode and solar cell. In this paper, we will discuss the fields of electromagnetic radiation and optical metrology, show the relationship between radiometry and photometry, and explain how color theory in the photometry defines chromaticity coordinate, color purity, and color temperature. Besides, white light sources are standardized by a location of black-body radiation in the chromaticity diagram, and their qualities are evaluated by a colorrendering index. A primary calibration method is adopted. According to the color theory and based on our recent optical calibration energy, the calibration system for the primary standards of color measurement is designed. This calibration system consists of an integrated sphere, three primary-colored light sources, the circuit control unit, and a spectrometer. The circuit control unit can adjust the optical properties of three primary-colored light sources to generate the primary standards of different chromaticity coordinates in the calibration system. In order to reach the calibration purpose of the chromaticity coordinates, the primary standards of the chromaticity coordinates can provide color measurement for unit under test.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:色度(Chromaticity Coordinate)、色溫(Color Temperature)、校正方法(Calibration Method)

    • 中心論題
    • 儀具校正組於空用數據儀校正能量之探討Discussion on the Calibration Capability of Air Data Test Set for Instrument Calibration Section
    • 黃朝鈺(Chao-Yu Huang)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    本文以系統維護中心儀具校正組現有壓力標準為基礎,分析儀具校正組對空用數據儀的校正能量,並探討該能量對民航法規之符合性。文中首先對飛機的空用數據量測系統的量測原理進行探討,說明壓力與海拔高度及空速的函數關係與壓力變異對海拔高度及空速的影響;而後本文對空用數據儀的追溯體系進行介紹,列舉各式常見的標準設備,再對本院現有設備及校正能量進行介紹。最後以民航法規推估空用數據儀的適用規格,並以儀校組對空用數據儀的實測數據為基礎,證實儀校組校正後之空用數據儀可符合航空使用需求。This paper discussed the calibration capability of the air data test sets and the compliance of the aviation regulations for instrument calibration section of systems sustainment center, based on the performance of its pressure standards. First, the measurement theory of the air data systems in airplanes is introduced to show the relations of the static and dynamic pressure on the elevation and the airspeed. Then, its traceable system of the air data test sets and the various pressure standards used for calibrating the air data test sets are described. The pressure standards in instrument calibration section and their calibration capabilities are also summarized. Finally, this paper verified that the calibration results of air data test sets conducted by instrument calibration section is shown to be within the tolerance predicted from the aviation regulations, and the calibration capability of the instrument calibration section complies with the aviation regulations.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:空用數據儀(Air Data Test Set)、校正(Calibration)、高度錶(Altimeter)、空速錶(Airspeed Indicator)

    • 中心論題
    • 自動測試系統與測試技術探討Research of Automatic Test System and Test Techniques
    • 張智維(Chi-Wei Chang)‧林淑娟(Shu-Juan Lin)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    近代武器系統靠著電子系統的高速運算能力可提供更有效能的資訊處理及操作控制,電子系統可以說是近代武器系統的靈魂。然而隨著電子系統的演進,早期以邏輯運算晶片為最小單位構成的系統已漸漸消失,取而代之的是以功能整合的晶片為最小單位構成的系統。雖然使得電子系統的體積大幅縮減,但相對也讓故障檢測更加困難,難以依靠傳統人工儀器檢測。因此,使用自動測試系統(Automatic Test System, ATS)已成為一種趨勢,在本文中針對自動測試系統與檢測技術Boundary Scan 及Mixed-Signal Bus予以探討及說明。Electronic systems with superior computing power could provide more efficient performance in data processing and operational control of current weapon systems. It may be said that electronic systems are the soul of current weapon systems. However, the uses of basic units composed of logic IC are eventually reduced in recent electronic systems. Incorporating the chips with integrated function becomes critical to the existing electronic systems that use from specific functional IC to system on chip (SOC). This transition now provides the electronic system with a benefit toward the reduction of system volume, but it also becomes more difficult in the diagnostic capability of system. As implied in recent development, it is not efficient to detect and isolate failures with traditional manual test. Hence, achieving good diagnostic capability in Automatic Test System (ATS) is a trend today. ATS and test techniques based on Boundary Scan and Mixed-Signal Bus will be discussed and explained in this paper.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:自動測試(Automatic Test)、Boundary Scan、Mixed-Signal Bus

    • 中心論題
    • 互動式虛擬維修課程開發與系統實作Development and Implementation of Interactive Virtual Maintenance Training Courseware
    • 鄭彥博(Yen-Po Cheng)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    近年來,虛擬實境技術的蓬勃發展,使裝備維修領域帶來重大革新,即虛擬維修技術。武器系統裝備之維修保養是達成國軍常保戰力完整目標之重要工作。因此,各軍種都相當重視合格的維修保養人員養成。綜觀世界各國現況,武器裝備發展均朝向高科技、高單價、高複雜度的設計趨勢。為了針對日漸複雜的武器系統進行完整的維修保養訓練,各種新穎的輔助訓練系統因應軍種的需求而陸續出現。其中以虛擬實境技術為基礎的訓練產品因具備多項優勢,近年來發展迅速,在各種領域中累積了許多應用成果。虛擬實境課程的開發需要各種技術進行整合,流程繁瑣,需要高技術水準之專業人員參與。為了因應國軍對虛擬實境訓練產品之需求,本文以互動技術為主要論述,提出一套以虛擬實境開發平台為基礎的課程開發模組,提供攝影機控制、動作與腳本設計等功能,期能針對虛擬維修課程之需求,進行快速的課程開發與測試。Nowadays, development of virtual reality technologies grows very quickly, it brings huge revolution to weapon equipment maintenance, and this application is called virtual reality maintenance. Maintenance of equipment in weapon systems is an important task for keeping completeness of firepower of armed forces. So, training specialist for maintenance becomes a significant mission for all forces. Considering development of weapon systems in various countries, high technologies, high price and high complication are common characteristics in these designs. In order to take complete training activities for the complicated equipment, many supported training systems are implemented for various training requirements. Training products based on virtual reality technologies of have multiple advantages and have been applied in various fields. Integrating complex techniques and participation of expert are essential for developing virtual reality training systems. In order to fulfill training requirements of military clients, we proposed a course development module based on virtual reality and interaction technologies. Functions like camera control, action design and play production are also integrated in this module to achieve the goal of fast development and test of virtual reality maintenance courses.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:互動(Interaction)、虛擬實境(Virtual Reality)、維修訓練(Maintenance Training)、課程開發系統(Courseware Development System)

    • 中心論題
    • 維持階段的工程勤務需求分析及實務Requirement Analysis and Practice of Engineering Service in Maintenance Stage for Weapon Systems
    • 張淵智(Yuan-Chih Chang)‧蔡峻鑫(Chun-Hsin Tsai)‧吳漢偉(Han-Wei Wu)‧蕭朝文(Chao-Wen Hsiao)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    工程勤務為武器產品於操作維持期間,配合任務需求及預算規劃提供武器系統所需之工程支援,期使武器系統在後續維持階段,仍能確保裝備妥善及顧客滿意。為確保系統壽期性能,以壽期監測評估產品各項功能,並因應消失性商源問題,適時開發替代料件,俾滿足軍種戰備任務,另針對顧客需求提出性能精進建議,改善武器系統期能提昇壽期生命。Engineering Service in maintenance stage for weapon systems should be fully in compliance with the combat mission and budget plan, efforts of engineering support in maintenance stage demands to keep Equipment Availability and Customer Satisfaction in acceptable result. To insure qualified performance of a weapon system in service life, some Life Cycle Surveillance Tests are required to implement products of weason system in order to evaluate proper functions of each tested unit. Problems of Diminishing Manufacturing Sources are always encountered in life cycle of weason systems, engineers are responsible to develope alternative modules for ensuring combat mission readiness, and according to customer needs of upgrading system performance, engineers should reform to extend life cycle of weapon systems.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰工程勤務(Engineering Service)、裝備妥善(Equipment Availability)、顧客滿意(Customer Satisfaction)、壽期監測(Life Cycle Surveillance Test )、消失性商源(Diminishing Manufacturing Sources)

    • 中心論題
    • 設施工程導入整體壽期成本模式之分析與研究Analysis and Research of Life Cycle Cost Model Used in Facility
    • 莊瀅叡(Ying-Jui Chuang)‧傅駿凱(Chun-Kai Fu)‧鄭遠東(Yuang-Tung Cheng)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    新建設施工程,從規劃設計、發包、施工、營運維護到報廢汰除所涵蓋的壽命週期相當長,期間所耗費之成本也非常驚人。如何有效控制成本,是各單位所要面對的嚴肅課題,以工程管理角度而言,如果於工程專案開始推動時,便投入大部分的討論及溝通成本,則其管理成效會發揮最大效果。本研究利用工作細分架構(Work Breakdown Structure, WBS)、成本細分架構(Cost Breakdown Structure, CBS)、成本分類等相關資料經成本計算流程,從成本控制與各種需求考量,建立一套合理的成本模式,進而降低估計誤差,提升設施工程壽命週期總成本準確度及各階段全壽期管理之效率。Life cycle of the new facility project from design, contract, construction, operation and maintenance to elimination is very long. How to control cost effectively is a serious issue that each section needs to face. In terms of project management, if we discuss and communicate with each other thoroughly in the beginning of project, the management effectiveness will be the best. In this study, work breakdown structure (WBS), cost breakdown structure (CBS), cost classification and other related information are applied in the process of cost estimation. From the consideration of cost control and various demands, we can establish a reasonable cost model that can be used to reduce the error of facility's life cycle cost estimation and increase the efficiency of life cycle management in each phases.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:壽期成本(Life Cycle Cost, LCC)、軍事設施工程(Military Facility)

    • 中心論題
    • 應用BIM技術建置軍事工程設施維護管理系統關鍵成功因子之研究The Key Success Factors of BIM Based FM System Development for the Military Construction
    • 吳智文(Chih-Wen Wu)‧簡國珠(Kuo-Feng Chien)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling)技術為營建產業近年來新興技術,該技術主要特色即在建築物生命週期中,建立並使用內部共通可存取與專案相關的資訊。在BIM模型數位環境中,輸入之資料可供後續其他人員使用,將有助於提高專案品質、節省時間、減低成本與錯誤。現有FM系統作業主要將傳統紙本維護資訊儲存於資料庫中,並於需要的時候再提取相關資訊進行維護作業。傳統作法僅將紙本資料轉換成電子化形式,維護人員在作業時必須依照系統所提供的資訊與現場進行對照與維護作業,仍有資料比對限制與維修資訊輔助不足等執行困難。透過BIM技術建立的圖說及相關設施資訊(3D瀏覽),將建築物相關設施資料自BIM中擷取,建立設施管理的資料庫,做為設施管理的主要內容,並透過管理軟體可查詢相關設施的資料,能降低維修之不便並避免錯誤,讓使用者在使用階段的維護管理能更方便且具效率。本研究藉由彙整國內外設施維護與BIM技術等相關文獻。以資源面、作業流程面、BIM模型要求面及設施管理(Facility Management)系統功能面共4大構面,分別提出其下15項評估因子,透過問卷調查國內專家學者,且利用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process)獲得6個關鍵成功因子,提供後續開發BIM設施管理系統參考。Building Information Modeling technology has been considered as the core technology in the construction industry recently. The main concept of Building Information Modeling (BIM) is to create and access the internal project information throughout the building's life cycle with the constant database environment. By implementing BIM technology, the project will benefit from project performance improvement in quality, time, and cost. The existing Facility Management (FM) is still used to store the maintenance information in documents, and retrieve the necessary information while maintenance task is needed. Even in the traditional FM information system, the maintenance information is simply transformed from paper into the electronic forms (webpages).Therefore; the maintenance technicians are still facing the difficulty of maintenance information insufficiency and physical site data comparison problems. With the effort constructing the right maintenance information in BIM, the maintenance technicians can easily extract related facility information from database, and use the 3D browse features to reduce the inconvenience of maintenance, avoid errors, and increase the efficiency of the FM administration.Through the reference survey, this study identified 15 risk factors with resources, operation procedures, BIM system request and facility management aspects. Through questionnaire survey, the six key success factors were found by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Some research suggestions were proposed for the future reference of developing BIM based facility management system.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling)、層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process)、設施維護(Facility Management)、關鍵成功因子(Key Success Factors)

    • 中心論題
    • 裝備基於維修資料建立返廠鑑測排程之研究The Study of Surveillance Schedule for Equipment Returning Manufacturer Based on Maintenance Data
    • 吳士榤(Shin-Jie Wu)‧邱政興(Cheng-Hsing Chiu)‧林淇淮(Chi-Huai Lin)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    為解決裝備返廠執行鑑測作業所面臨之排程問題(如軍種返廠預算、原廠作業產能或裝備性能衰退),本研究提出一套於「軍種預算」與「原廠產能」之限制下,依裝備健康程度決定裝備返廠優先順序之返廠排程模式。此外,亦提出一套基於可靠度之排程效益評估方法,以作為相關人員規劃維持階段裝備返廠作業之參考依據。由驗證結果可知,本研究所提之裝備返廠排程模式有效地減緩裝備之老化,且其減緩裝備性能老化之效益隨著裝備老化程度而增加。In order to solve the return manufacturer schedule problem (e.g., the customer budget, manufacturer capacity and equipment ageing) for the equipment surveillance, this paper proposes a new scheduling model based on health status of equipment. This proposed model can determine the return schedule for equipment surveillance in the manufacturer via the equipment reliability. The simulation results show that the proposed model could effectively decrease the equipment ageing.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:返廠排程(Return Schedule)、原廠鑑測(Manufacturer Surveillance)、維修資料(Maintenance Data)、整體後勤(Integrated Logistics)

    • 中心論題
    • 維持工程於武器系統妥善作為之應用Sustaining Engineering Application to Weapon System Availability
    • 歐遠成(Yuan-Chen Ou)‧林飛宏(Fei-Hong Lin)‧蕭朝文(Chao-Wen Hsiao)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    本院為國軍研發製造先進武器系統,承辦自製武器系統獲得流程之設計、測試、製造、部署、維持等規劃,肩負起自製武器系統全壽期系統管理(TLCSM)支援責任,本院成立維持工程計畫,運用本院既有之專業能量,透過整合的資訊與服務平台提供軍種單一窗口整合性的支援,然武器系統性能隨服役年限下降,為維持武器系統性能,降低裝備維持成本,維持工程計畫將各武器系統編成維持工程小組,提供武器裝備相關之服務,有系統性的提供武器系統維修、料件補給及工程技術之服務,並將服役資料回饋於後續研製各項武器系統之參考。National Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST) is devoted to researching and developing advanced weapon systems. NCSIST is not only in charge of designing, testing, production, deploying and maintaining of domestic weapon system procedures, but also response for supporting weapon system's Total Life Cycle System Managements (TLCSM). Therefore, NCSIST is responsible to establish a Sustaining Engineering plan and uses the existing technical knowledge integrated by an information and service platform, provide the military customer a unitary window with integral support. However, the capability of weapon systems declined due to a long-term operation, in order to maintain the capability of weapon systems and reduce the maintaining cost, it is necessary to organize a sustaining engineering Group for serving each of the weapon systems respectively. Moreover, the Sustaining Engineering Group provides technical services such as facilities maintaining; materials supplying、operation results and data recording, as a feedback reference for the follow-up weapon system development.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:武獲流程(Acquisition Process)、全壽期系統管理(Total Life Cycle System Management, TLCSM)、維持工程(Sustaining Engineering)

    • 中心論題
    • 3D動畫技術於武器系統獲得流程之應用探討Survey of 3D Animation Techniques Applied in Procedure of Defense Acquisition Process
    • 賴啟弘(Chi-Hung Lai)

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01

    近年來在動畫領域上的技術與應用越來越蓬勃發展,加上硬體的進步,使得動畫製作越來越容易,畫面也越來越精緻。動畫其中一項重要的特性是能將想像中的事物完整地呈現出來,不管是直接可見的產品樣貌或是抽象的使用概念,都能夠透過動畫的方式來呈現,因此廣泛地應用於遊戲、網路或是電影產業。產品在設計階段,可透過3D動畫技術來協助設計,設計者可在三維空間中去構思產品的樣貌,不論是尺寸或顏色,都能很輕易地在3D動畫繪製軟體中去進行觀看及修改,不僅可以節省開發的時間,也能夠節省開發時所必須消耗的物料費用。在這樣的概念之下,3D動畫技術也可以應用於武器系統獲得流程中,除了能夠協助武器型態的概念設計,也能夠用來協助展示武器系統的作戰運用。Technologies and applications in 3D animation field grow vigorously in recent years. The progress of hardware makes 3D animation production become simply; the visual quality of animation is also more exquisite. An important characteristic of 3D animation is presenting human imagination completely. Either of appearance of practical product or abstract concepts could be presented by 3D animation, so it is adopted widely in game, network and movie industries.3D animation techniques can be used to assist designers before formal production. Designers can construct appearances of products in three-dimensional space, both of size and color could be presented through 3D animation software to observe and modify very easily. Technologies of 3D animation can save time and expenses of development. Based on this concept, 3D animation technologies can be applied to the procedure of defense acquisition process; it can assist the conceptual design and application presentation.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:3D動畫技術(3D Animation Technology)、三維空間(Three-Dimensional Space)、武器系統獲得流程(Defense Acquisition Process)、電影產業(Movie Industries)

    • 中心論題
    • 「整體後勤支援未來工作方向與運用」序言
    • 主任 潘家得

    卷期 : 43 / 1

    出版年 : 2015/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 系統維護中心