Special-purpose Simulation Systems

Special-purpose Simulation Systems

This series of simulators are custom-designed depending on requirements of end users. These simulators can be referred but not limited to the following: Anti Spatial Disorientation Trainer (DISO), Ejection Seat Trainer (EST), Night Vision & Goggle Trainer (NVRS), Conquering Combat-stress Training System and Air Traffic Control Simulator, etc. Taking DISO for example, it is capable of simulating the flight performance of F-5E, F-16 and generic helicopters.

Furthermore, simulators can stimulate spatial disorientation training situations. The pilot must follow the instrument flight procedures to fly and land safely. For Conquering Combat-stress Training System, with stress-oriented design concept, 4 fundamental human senses: vision, audition, touch and olfaction are irritated according to the realistic combat environment. The trainees bear realistic terror and emotional tension incurred by the intensive situation to learn and to try to conquer the fear of combating, and ultimately redress the mental barriers in battle. The whole training zone is equipped with monitoring and control systems to keep track of each trainee's position, heart beat, and breathing for safety purpose as well as automatic scenario flow control for fluent and safe environment training.