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    • 編輯紀實

    卷期 : 48 / 3

    出版年 : 2020/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 編輯紀實

    • 人物專訪
    • 回顧與展望-前跨國計畫總主持人荊溪暠博士 在本院服務40年紀要
    • 荊溪暠

    卷期 : 48 / 3

    出版年 : 2020/07/01

    我於民國66年進中科院電子所微波組,先後參與各項雷達研發、驗證、部署等計畫;90年任電子所所長,除國防計畫任務外,另兼管部外政府科研案及軍民通用技服案;96年軍職退役,轉聘留院負責部外航太電子計畫,至104年退休。 求學過程概述 我大學就讀於國防大學理工學院的前身—中正理工學院電機系,由於學校是以發展國防科技為教學目標,所以控制與通訊成為系上主要的課程領域,我選擇了通訊為學習方向。 民國62年畢業留校任助教,負責電路學實驗教學工作。當時電子科技正值數位化、電腦化的浪潮,因此課程內容也大幅更新。實驗室新購了一批邏輯電路教學儀,我利用晚間在教學儀上自習邏輯設計,白天上課時就現學現賣,但也因而對0與1變化無窮的數位電路產生興趣。 民國64年考進本校電機研究所。還記得同學們拿到中科院的實習證時,都迫不及待相約到圖書館辦理借書證,並到當時全國最先進的計算機中心報名參加FORTRAN IV課程,為論文研究做準備。 計算機中心周成寬主任是我學寫電腦程式的啟蒙老師;電子所計算機組(三所五組)鄭家平組長是我的論文指導教授,帶我進入電腦微處理器(Microprocessor)軟硬體設計與應用的領域;姚仕鳳博士講授的「數位信號處理(Digital Signal Processing)」是我頗有心得的主修課程。受教於這三位老師,確立了我日後研發工作的方向。

    關鍵詞 : 荊溪暠

    • 中心論題
    • 「主動相列雷達之技術發展與應用」序言
    • 林清泉

    卷期 : 48 / 3

    出版年 : 2020/07/01

    本院配合政府推動國機與國艦國造政策,肩負技術開發之重任,電子系統研究所研發的雷達更是武器系統中不可或缺的關鍵裝備。為滿足複雜的作戰場景,現今雷達要能滿足即時多目標監偵、追蹤、識別、射控、及戰場電子干擾反制等功能。相列雷達因具備電子掃描之波束捷變、場型可適性、低截獲率與多功能等優異特性,成為滿足上述軍事戰略及戰術應用的主要選項。 被動相列雷達(PESA)有一集中式高功率微波源,而主動相列雷達(APAR/AESA)則改由分散式低功率的收發模組(TRM)取代,且更具有優越的性能,包括提高平均輻射功率可增加偵追距離;減少耗損的饋送網路可提升效率並改善天線體積與重量;無高壓組件且分散之輻射源可提升可靠度;數位化波束合成(DBF)可適性場型滿足雷達搜索、追蹤、電子戰對抗與通訊等不同的需求,達成頻譜共享的多功能電子系統;共形(conformal)天線陣列則符合機載、艦載等匿蹤需求。 電子所從海面平搜雷達開始,到後續防空射控與野戰防空相列雷達,已經累積深厚技術與經驗,並配合國內優勢半導體產業的發展,開發出主動相列雷達,從系統規劃、次系統整合、關鍵模組與元件均完全由國內自製,並建立量產自動化測試。為雷達國防自主奠定重要的里程碑。除陸基使用外,也將運用於艦載防空及機載射控,並擴展至軍民通用的小型慢速低空無人機的偵蒐等用途。 本期季刊以「主動相列雷達之技術發展與應用」為主題,擷取關鍵技術以享同好,包含大型主動相列雷達之技術發展、微小目標偵蒐雷達之技術發展、空用戰機先進火控雷達之發展、主動式電子掃瞄陣列合成孔徑雷達/逆合成孔徑雷達(AESA SAR/ISAR)之發展、大型主動相列天線研製技術、大型相列天線場型設計驗證與建模技術、收發模組(TRM)設計技術、射頻系統晶片RFSOC設計技術、數位化波束合成技術、艦載相列雷達之電子式船搖補償技術及主動相列雷達控制單元之資源分配與管理。同時期望能藉此季刊的發行促進各單位的技術交流與整合,讓主動相列雷達技術更上一層樓,提升產品的競爭力。

    關鍵詞 : 相列雷達

    • 中心論題
    • 大型主動相列雷達之技術發展Technology Development of Large Scale Active Phased Array Radar
    • 彭新晏(Hsin-Yen Peng)‧顏志恆(Jhih-Heng Yan)

    卷期 : 48 / 3

    出版年 : 2020/07/01

    相列雷達自西元1960年代開始發展,從傳統的被動電子掃描陣列到今天的主動電子掃描陣列,已經有一甲子的時間,卻從未曾停歇。本文將簡要介紹主動相列雷達的技術概念、優勢與限制。同時,本文援引三個著名的大型主動相列雷達並簡介其發展概況,藉以明示大型主動相列雷達當前的重要發展方向。The development of phased array radar began in the 1960s. From traditional passive electronically scanned array (PESA) to current active electronically scanned array (AESA), there has been nearly 60 years and it never stops. This paper mainly introduces active phased array radar (APAR) including its technology concepts, advantages, and constraints. Meanwhile, referring to three well-known active phased array radars, their development status and prospect are proposed to highlight the contemporary development trends of large scale active phased array radar.

    關鍵詞 : 雷達(radar)、相位陣列(phased array)、被動電子掃描陣列(passive electronically scanned array)、主動電子掃描陣列(active electronically scanned array)

    • 中心論題
    • 大型主動相列雷達天線之研製技術Development Technology of Large Active Phased Array Antenna
    • 吳政勳(Cheng-Hsun Wu)‧陳弘朕(Hung-Chen Chen)‧張智鈞(Chih-Chun Chang)‧吳信儒(Shin-Ru Wu)‧蕭才文(Tsai-Wen Hsiao)

    卷期 : 48 / 3

    出版年 : 2020/07/01

    主動相列雷達能夠達成波束的迅速掃描與低旁波瓣的雜訊抑制,其關鍵技術之一在於主動相列天線。主動相列天線除了被動天線功能外亦將發射機與接收機以分散式結構整併,然而在高度整合之情況下,射頻、數位、電源、環控與機構不論組裝或維修都須完整規劃設計。Active phased array radar, benefitting from the active phased array antenna which is one of the core techniques for developing AESAs (Active Electronically Scanned Arrays), is capable of achieving rapid beam steering using phase control and suppressing noise by low sidelobe level. The active phased array antenna not merely includes features of passive antenna but also entails the transmitter and receiver in a distributed way. However, due to high integration, the assembly and repair procedures for the whole system referring to radio frequency, digital techniques, power, environmental control, and mechanisms are compulsory to be thoroughly considered and well designed.

    關鍵詞 : 射頻(radio frequency)、波束掃描(beam steering)、雷達系統(radar system)、相列天線(phased array antenna)

    • 中心論題
    • 主動相列雷達之收發模組研製技術Development Technology of Transmit/Receive Modules for the Active Phased Array Radar
    • 鍾華晏(Hua-Yen Chung)‧饒智昇(Chih-Sheng Jao)‧廖笙佑(Sheng-Yu Liao)‧蘇珍儀(Jen-Yi Su)‧郭進益(Jen-I Kuo)‧梁忠熙(Chung-Hsi Liang)‧程羿然(Yi-Jan Cheng)‧林玉時(Yuh-Shih Lin)‧邱曾鑫(Tseng-Hsin Chiu)‧蔡藎芝(Jinn-Jy Tsay)

    卷期 : 48 / 3

    出版年 : 2020/07/01

    高功率收發模組在主動式相列雷達系統中扮演著極為關鍵的角色,不僅是因為一座雷達就需要搭配成千上萬套的數量,更是因為由每一套收發模組的尺寸與射頻特性,幾乎就可以推定系統頻段與最大的偵測距離等效能。故各國欲發展主動式相列雷達,就必須要先完成此關鍵模組的開發,本篇將會簡單介紹主動式相列雷達收發模組的發展技術,以及面對全新型態的全數位化主動式相列雷達的發展趨勢下,我們必須先掌握之關鍵技術。High power transmit/receive modules have played a very critical role in active phased array radar systems, not only being in which hundreds of and thousands of them needed to be deployed, but determining the operating frequency and maximum detection range by their size and RF performance. Consequently, it is crucial for a country to build capability of the transmit/receive modules on developing the active phased array radar systems. This paper briefly illustrate technologies that have been implemented in transmit/ receive modules for active phased array radar application, and those being challenging and supposed to be prepared for facing the development trend of all brand new, fully digital active phased array radar systems.

    關鍵詞 : 主動相列雷達(active phased array radar)、收發模組(transmit/receive module, TRM)、氮化鎵(GaN)、核心單晶片(core chip)、射頻前端模組(RF frontend)、瓦片式架構(tile structure)

    • 中心論題
    • 海用相列雷達之數位波束合成技術Digital Beamforming Technology for Marine Phased Array Radar
    • 廖述旻(Shu-Min Liao)

    卷期 : 48 / 3

    出版年 : 2020/07/01

    近年來,隨著計算機、積體電路技術、高速信號傳輸技術的進步,數位波束合成技術開始應用於相控陣列雷達。現有的數位相列雷達是基於T/R模組、高速信號傳輸、數位訊號處理等構成的系統,數位波束合成技術可以實現瞬時多波束產生及即時可適性信號處理,具有目標跟蹤、遠距離偵測、快速識別目標以及同時完成目標搜索、識別、捕獲和跟蹤等功能。在現代戰爭中,隨著飛行技術的不斷發展,國防空域面臨敵方機群和導彈變化多端的戰術威脅,為了因應挑戰性日益增加的防空與反飛彈任務,本研究探討海用相列雷達之數位波束合成技術,其中包含合成波束權重設計、收發端波束場型設計、目標角度追蹤技術及相列雷達接收端信號處理流程,理論分析成果有助於新世代先進相列雷達研究能量之建立。In recent years, with enhanced technologies of computer, integrated circuit, and high-speed signal transmission, digital beamforming techniques have been applied to phased array radars. The extant digital phased array radar systems are based on T/R module, high-speed signal transmission, and digital signal processing. Digital beamforming is capable of instantaneous multi-beam generation and real-time adaptive signal processing. Featuring long-range detection and recognition, the digital beamforming can effectively achieve the objectives of target search and tracking, target capture and identification. With the increasingly advanced flight technology, the defense airspace is facing a diverse range of tactical threats of enemy fleets and missiles. To adapt to becoming more challenging with air defense and anti-missile missions, this research investigates digital beamforming techniques for marine phased array radars, entailing beamforming weight design, transceiver beamforming design, target angle tracking, and signal processing flow at phased array radar receiving end. The theoretical analysis results will facilitate the capability establishment of new generation research in advanced phased array radars.

    關鍵詞 : 數位波束合成技術(digital beamforming technology)、相控陣列雷達(phased array radar)、瞬時多波束產生(instantaneous multi-beam generation)、目標角度追蹤技術(target angle tracking technology)

    • 中心論題
    • 應用於主動相列雷達之RFSOC技術發展The Application of RFSOC Technology in Active Phased Array Radar
    • 陳盈吉(Ying-Chi Chen)‧彭紹瑋(Shao-Wei Peng)‧王鈞緯(Jun-Wei Wang)‧施宏達(Hung-Da Shih)‧林于傑(Yu-Jei Lin)‧黃建(Chien-Hsun Huang)‧葉幸彰(Hsing-Chang Yeh)

    卷期 : 48 / 3

    出版年 : 2020/07/01

    AESA全名為Active Electronically Scanned Array,是相列天線的一種,作為主動相列雷達的天線使用。AESA由發展迄今已經超過50年。由於性能優異,發展之初大量應用於陸基與艦載雷達之上,卻很少應用於飛行器,主要是受限於體積與重量。近年來由於半導體製程技術的快速發展,晶片整合度高,輕與小的特性,很快地被應用在AESA上,縮小的體積與減輕的重量使得主動相列雷達迅速發展於戰機之上,並朝飛彈邁進。本文主要針對應用在AESA之T/R與核心晶片稍作簡介,並介紹系統晶片實驗室第一顆採用CMOS製程自行研發的X頻段升降頻晶片UDC019B。Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) antenna, which is a type of phased array antenna, is used as part of active phased array radars. For more than five decades, AESA has been developed and widely applied to land-based or shipborne radars, but rarely to aero-based ones due to their greater size and weight. However, in recent years, with the rapid development of semiconductor processing, the integrated chips have been made with a higher degree of integration, a smaller size and lighter weight. As a result, they were capable of being applied to AESA, and subsequently to the development of aero-based AESA radars and missiles due to the reduced volume and weight. This paper introduces the T/R and core chips used on X band AESA, and the 1st CMOS chip for X-band Up Down Converter UDC019B in the ESRD SoC Lab.

    關鍵詞 : 主動相列雷達(active phased array radar)、主動電子束掃描天線(active electronically scanned antenna)、核心晶片(core chip)、升降頻模組(up down converter)

    • 中心論題
    • 艦載相列雷達之電子式船搖補償技術The Electronic Motion Compensation Mechanism for Shipborne Phased Array Radar
    • 張晉銘(Jin-Ming Chang)‧謝啟銘(Qi-Ming Xie)‧唐明智(Ming-Jhy Tarng)

    卷期 : 48 / 3

    出版年 : 2020/07/01

    艦載相列雷達在風力、海浪造成搖晃的影響下進行空間目標物的搜索及追蹤,天線波束指向將因此產生誤差,若要正常的對目標物進行搜索與追蹤則需要進行波束指向姿態角度補償。傳統的解決方案是建構機械伺服穩定系統來補償船搖的影響,傳統機械式動作是用「轉動雷達天線」的方式來改變波束指向。此機械伺服系統缺點為系統結構笨重、反應時間長、雷達測量精準度受到機械伺服機構限制。而相列天線是用天線元件直接改變雷達波束指向,不是使用「轉動天線」的方式,因為電子元件的反應速度比機械伺服快得多;而這種不靠天線運動就能改變波束指向的補償方式,稱為「電子式補償技術」。相列雷達採用電子式船體補償機制,在三維空間實現無慣性的精準波束指向。利用船艦既有的電羅經來補償晃動對波束指向的影響,不但可提高整體系統的可靠度及維護度,而且也可獲得良好的補償效果。因此本論文提出一個艦載相列雷達之波束指向誤差估測與補償機制進行模擬與實測。從實驗室模擬與海上實測的結果可知,我們提出的電子式船搖補償技術可以得到高度的誤差補償準確度及更快的反應時間。Wind and waves can influence the search and tracking performance of shipborne phased array radar and result in antenna beam pointing error, which needs to be corrected by performing motion compensation for effective search and tracking. Traditionally, a mechanical stabilized antenna rotating servo system is used to compensate for effects caused by ship motion. However, with the heavy structure and long response time of the system, the radar system was constrained to achieve accurate measurement. Rather than rotating the antenna, the phased array radar modifies beam pointing by using antenna devices. With the implementation of electronic stabilization system in 3D space time, the phased array radar achieves inertia-free beam scanning to compensate for the ship motion. Furthermore, the compasses of a ship already equipped with would compensate for the beam pointing error, that not only enhance the reliability and maintainability but obtain a good compensation effect. This paper presents a beam pointing error compensation mechanism for shipborne phased array radar to conduct simulation and real sea testing. Both simulation and testing results show that the proposed mechanism can obtain a desired beam pointing accuracy and reduce the response time.

    關鍵詞 : 艦載相列雷達(shipborne phased array radar)、天線波束指向(antenna beam pointing)、電子掃描(electronic scanning)、船搖姿態角補償(ship motion compensation)

    • 中心論題
    • 主動相列雷達控制單元之資源分配與管理Resource Allocation and Management for Control Unit of Active Phased Array Radar
    • 蔡宗翰(Tsung-Han Tsai)

    卷期 : 48 / 3

    出版年 : 2020/07/01

    主動相列雷達不同於一般傳統式機械之單一化功能的雷達,它採用快速電子波束掃描和瞬間移向之特性,並且結合具有高速運算能力之計算機,以即時發揮多目標、高涵蓋、多元化之雷達功能,其中雷達資源分配與管理則扮演著關鍵性的角色。尤其當整個雷達系統之負荷趨於飽和狀態下(同時包含多目標偵追、多枚飛彈搜索與追蹤以及上/下鏈和飛彈導引攔截等),雷達資源分配與管理之性能就彰顯其重要性,而一個有效之法則應能於飽和狀態下將資源利用率提升至最大化,亦能兼顧武器系統的需求。本文提出相列雷達資源分配與管理法則,充分發揮其資源使用率,並且有效運用雷達與計算機資源,以達成主動相列雷達之系統需求。Unlike conventional radars being simplified mechanical design and operation, the active phased array radar features electronic beam scanning and instantaneous positioning, combines the ability of high-speed calculation of the computer, and is capable of achieving the multiple targets, high coverage, and diversified functions of the radar. Among them, radar resource allocation and management play a critical role. Especially, their performance matters when the load for the radar system reaches saturated conditions, as simultaneously undergoing multiple target search and tracking, uploading and downloading, missile guidance interception and such other. It is thus suggested that we find effective rules to optimize resource utilization ratio tackling saturation condition and meeting the demand for weapon systems. This paper proposes the rules of the resources allocation and management for phased array radars, which fully represent the resource utilization rates, effectively use radars and computers, and reach system requirements for active phased array radars.

    關鍵詞 : 主動相列雷達(active phased array radar)、雷達資源排程(radar resource scheduling)、波束要求(beam request)、排程週期(scheduling interval)、圍欄搜索(fence search)

    • 中心論題
    • 大型相列天線場型設計驗證及次陣列演算法建模技術研究Pattern Synthesis and Modelling Techniques for Large Phased Arrays Based on the Subarray Scattering Matrix
    • 陳逸名(Yi-Ming Chen)‧黃晧儒(Hao-Ju Huang)‧徐慶陸(Ching-Luh Hsu)‧蕭才文(Tsai-Wen Hsiao)

    卷期 : 48 / 3

    出版年 : 2020/07/01

    本文提出大型相列天線場型設計驗證及次陣列演算法建模技術,簡化大型相列天線陣列的模擬方式。此大型相列天線場型設計驗證,主要是採用次陣列模式加上散射參數進行分析。將散射參數代入相列天線陣列(取次陣列模式)散射場的理論公式,進行分析大型相列天線掃描反射係數、天線掃描阻抗、天線掃描單元場型。其理論驗證實驗是取19支天線當作次陣列模型和91個相列天線組成的陣列進行天線掃描反射係數、天線掃描阻抗、天線掃描單元場型。本文所提出的分析方法與分析結果為大型相列天線場型設計驗證提供一個快速驗證與簡化模擬方式。This paper proposed a technique that systematically analyzes the characteristics of phased arrays with large number of elements. The full array is divided into some regular subarrays which are capable of effectively taking the mutual coupling effects into consideration. Then, the characteristics of the full array can be obtained from the scattering matrix parameters of subarrays. The antenna scan reflection coefficient, scan impedance, and scan element patterns (SEP) for different scan angles are also derived. An experiment was conducted by using the subarray with nineteen array elements to predict the characteristics of the full array with nighty-one elements. The antenna scan reflection coefficient, scan impedance, and scan element pattern for different scan angles were measured and compared with the simulation data. The results showed that the proposed technique can successfully provide a simple and effective method, which consumes less computational resources in less time, to predict the characteristics of the full array based on its subarray.

    關鍵詞 : 相位陣列(phased arrays)、掃描單元場型(scan element patterns, SEP)、掃描阻抗(scan impedance)、掃描反射係數(scan reflection coefficient)、散射參數(scattering parameters)、次陣列(subarray)

    • 中心論題
    • 空軍戰機先進火控雷達之發展The Development and Application of Airborne Radar Systems
    • 丁德宏(Der-Hong Ting)

    卷期 : 48 / 3

    出版年 : 2020/07/01

    空軍為捍衛國家安全的先鋒,戰機是空軍戰力發揮之主要手段,其作戰能力取決於火控雷達的性能表現。主動式電子掃描相列(active electronically scanned array)雷達,由上千個天線陣列單元所組成,以數位波束形成方式合成一個或多個特定輻射場型,針對目標區域高速掃描,具有高靈敏度、高雜訊比、長距離、多功能組合模式等優勢,已取代80年代機械式脈衝都卜勒(Pulse Doppler)雷達,成為現代新式戰機火控雷達的標準配備。本文針對空用火控雷達發展歷程、技術及目前各國先進雷達性能進行分析,同時簡述國內目前空用AESA雷達發展概況。The air force is a pioneer in national defense and security, and fighters play a key role in combat power which in turn depends on the performance of airborne radars. The AESA (active electronically scanned array) radar comprises thousands of antenna array elements and synthesizes digital beams to form specific radiation fields to scan target areas with advantages of high speed, high sensitivity, high S/N ratio, multi-function modes, and use of long range. It has replaced mechanically scanned pulse Doppler radars and become standard equipment for modern fighter aircraft. Besides introducing development history, technology, and performance of advanced airborne radars worldwide, the paper introduces current development status of domestic airborne AESA radars.

    關鍵詞 : 空用雷達(airborne radar)、主動相列雷達(active phased array radar)、收發模組(T/R module)、數位波束合成(digital beamforming)

    • 中心論題
    • 微小目標偵蒐雷達之技術發展Technology and Development of Mini Target Detection Radar
    • 王睿深(Ruei-Shen Wang)‧蔡世哲(Shih Che Tsai )

    卷期 : 48 / 3

    出版年 : 2020/07/01

    先進國防武器系統為了要應付多樣式且數量龐大的威脅目標,所以新型式的雷達除了應付敵方的攻擊,且須具備偵蒐各式新興小型威脅目標,甚至是慢速小目標的性能需求,例如:無人機群、鳥群、定翼機以及地面迫擊砲等。近年來,隨著人工智能、自主系統、大數據等技術發展前進,無人機智能水準與集群控制逐漸提高,以無人機作為作戰系統得到迅速發展,由概念逐漸走向實戰。隨著主動式相列雷達之技術及RF CMOS製程技術日益成熟,各國之雷達均朝向體積小、高性能、可靠度高以及可擴充性的特性發展。本文主要是介紹各國將相列雷達技術應用在微小目標偵蒐雷達產品上,而現今微小目標偵蒐雷達所使用之技術可分成三大主軸:被動式電子掃描陣列(Passive ESA)、主動式電子掃描陣列(Active ESA)以及數位波束成形(DBF),以及未來最新之全數位式主動相列雷達相關應用進行介紹。To cope with increasingly diverse and greater number of threat targets, the new types of defense radars, not simply for use against enemy attack, but should be capable of detecting emerging small, and low threat targets, such as UAVs, drone fleets, flock of birds, fixed-wing aircraft, and ground mortars. In recent years, with the technological progress in artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, big data, etc., the level of intelligent cluster control has been aggressively advanced. The combat systems applying these new technologies have been developed and deployed on the battlefield. Also, with the maturity of active ESA technology and RF CMOS fabrication processing, the new radar design is trending toward small size, high performance, high reliability, and high expandability. This paper introduces the radar products developed for the mini target detection using ESA technology, which can be categorized into 3 types: passive ESA, active ESA, and digital beamforming (DBF). Furthermore, the future of all-digital ESA radars is addressed as well.

    關鍵詞 : 被動式電子掃描陣列(passive ESA)、主動式電子掃描陣列(active ESA)、數位波束成形(digital beamforming)、雷達截面積(radar cross section)、調頻連 續波(FMCW)、收發模組(T/R module)、類比波束形成 (analog beamforming)、無人飛行載具(unmanned aerial vehicle)

    • 中心論題
    • AESA SAR/ISAR的技術發展/Technology Development of AESA SAR/ISAR
    • 陳純政(Chun-Cheng Chen)

    卷期 : 48 / 3

    出版年 : 2020/07/01

    近幾十年來,世界各先進國家與院內的雷達專業單位都爭相發展有關於主動電子掃瞄陣列應用之雷達。在最近十年,也有一些合成孔徑雷達系統的射頻前端使用固態相列元件,利用其電子波束轉向特性,成功地向世人展示其高品質的成像能力,如TerraSAR-X[1]、TanDEM-X[1]、Radarsat-2[2]和CosmoSkymed[3]等。原本要同時達到在主動電子掃瞄陣列雷達成像上有高解析度與寬跨幅需求的挑戰,因為科學家利用新的數位波束成型的合成孔徑雷達概念與系統架構[4],提出基於多接收機通道的概念,克服了這個限制。他們也提出在接收通道加入新自由度設計參數,使效能更加提升[5]。在本文中,我們將介紹幾種應用主動電子掃瞄陣列雷達做合成孔徑雷達成像的例子。In recent decades, companies or organizations in advanced countries with expertise in radar, including NCSIST, have been aggressively developing active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar. Even more recently, the RF front end in synthetic aperture radar system is commonly using solid state array devices, being characterized in beam steering of AESA, and has successfully demonstrated its capacity for high quality imaging, such as in TerraSAR-X [1], TanDEM-X [1], Radarsat-2 [2], and CosmoSkymed [3]. Since scientists have applied new digital beamforming technology of synthetic aperture radar concepts and system structures, based on multiple receive channels [4], they can eventually tackle constraints to achieve both high resolution and wide swath for AESA SAR radar imaging. In addition, they presented new degree of freedom design parameters for received channels to boost measurable improvement [5]. In this paper, we will introduce some applications in AESA SAR imaging as well.

    關鍵詞 : 主動電子掃瞄陣列(active electronically scanned array, AESA)、逆合成孔徑雷達(inverse synthetic aperture radar, ISAR)、數位波束成型的合成孔徑雷達(digital beamforming synthetic aperture radar, DBF-SAR)