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    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 新新季刊

    • 人物專訪
    • 軍民通用科技發展與應用-專訪前督導長招嘉成先生
    • 軍民通用科技發展與應用-專訪前督導長招嘉成先生

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 軍民通用

    • 中心論題
    • 「軍民通用科技發展與應用」序言
    • 簡定華

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 軍民通用科技

    • 中心論題
    • 自動駕駛車的發展與未來The Development and Future of Autonomous Vehicles
    • 簡士哲(Shih-Che Chien)

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    自駕車的發展,從DARPA自動駕駛汽車挑戰賽吸引了由機器人專家、研究人員、學生、汽車工程師的團隊,他們努力設計並打造出能夠在城市交通環境下自動駕駛的機器人車輛。無人駕駛汽車的研究浪潮正是在汽車挑戰賽的推動下高潮迭起,而Google的進入,也讓無人駕駛有了突飛猛進的發展。到現在為止,出現了多款的自駕車正在進行大規模的測試與驗證,並規劃商業運行。The development of autonomous vehicle was beginning from the DARPA grand challenge that attracted a team of robotics experts, researchers, students, and automotive engineers working hard to design and build the robust autonomous vehicles that can automatically drive in urban traffic environments. The research trend of autonomous vehicle has become popular upon the challenge, as well as the entry of Google that has led to its rapid development. Up to now, different types of autonomous vehicles has been undergoing extensive testing and verification, and under planning for commercial application.

    關鍵詞 : 自動駕駛車(Autonomous Vehicle),駕駛輔助系統(Advanced Driver Assistance Systems),感測器(Sensor),人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)

    • 中心論題
    • 軌道號誌系統研發構想Research and Development Proposal of Railway Signaling System
    • 孫嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Sun)‧李達為(Da-Wei Lee)‧吳慶祥(Ching-Hsiang Wu)

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    近年國家大力投入資源發展軌道系統國產化工作,在軌道六大領域中惟「號誌系統」國內仍處近真空狀態,本土業者無法涉入系統核心。本文依序將簡介軌道號誌系統概念,並選擇以「輕軌系統」為平台,進一步評估發展效益及商機,最後依據號誌系統嚴謹、高可靠度及高安全之維生系統特性,規劃以系統工程程序進行分析、模擬、設計、測試及驗證工作,以期未來能逐漸降低國外技術及商購的依賴。此外,本案所發展之關鍵技術除適用於輕軌外亦可進一步擴展至台鐵、高鐵、捷運等後續產業效益甚高,值得發展刻不容緩。In the past few years, many government resources are invested to develop the railroad system comprising six subsystems, however, among them the signaling system stays untouched due to hard entry barriers for domestic industries to overcome and for which playing core roles. This article is to introduce the basic concepts of railway signal system, for that choose Light Rail Transit (LRT) as an example to evaluate the economic benefits and commercial opportunities, and plan a development of the system conforming its characteristics of strict evaluation, high reliability, high safety to conduct analysis, simulation, design, testing and verification using system engineering approach, and expecting to gradually decrease reliance on the foreign technology and its procurement in the future. Additionally, it is an imperative to apply the core technology developed in this project to the system of Taiwan Railway (TR), Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR), and Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) as well as in the LRT achieving higher effectiveness for the successively related industries.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:電子聯鎖(Electrical Interlocking, EI),自動列車防撞(Automatic Train Protection, ATP),自動列車控制(Automatic Train Control, ATC)

    • 中心論題
    • 氮化鎵功率/射頻電子元件市場發展與新興應用The Market Development and Emerging Application of GaN Power/RF Device
    • 許智超(Chih-Chao Hsu)

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    氮化鎵(GaN)具有寬能隙、高崩潰電場、高導熱、抗輻射等優異特性,目前正廣泛被研究用於功率(Power)及射頻(RF)領域,國內相關產業鏈正逐漸成熟中,未來可預期氮化鎵高電子遷移率電晶體(GaN HEMT)將被應用於電力電子系統、5G通訊系統及射頻能量等等產業應用需求。Gallium Nitride (GaN) features wide band gap, high breakdown electric field, high thermal conductivity, and radiation-proof, and has been extensively researched and applied to the field of power and radio frequency, and increasingly mature in the related industries such as power electronics, high efficiency power amplifiers in 5G mobile communication, and RF energy.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:氮化鎵(GaN),電力電子(Power Electronics),射頻(RF),寬能隙(Wide Band Gap, WBG),射頻能量(RF Energy)

    • 中心論題
    • 中科院新農業科技暨循環經濟在產業之發展與應用Development and Application of New Agriculture and Circular Economy in NCSIST
    • 李進興(Jinn-Shing Lee)

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    我國政府政策著重在大力推動新農業暨循環經濟創新產業,已有部分成效;然仍需其他產業或領域的相互配合,方能大步拓展與應用。同時也必須針對循環經濟之執行作整體規劃。透過生物經濟(Bioeconomy)可舒緩與突破農業的困境,而其標的則著重於永續生產、再生化學物質及生質能源與燃料,以其平衡再生資源、優化自然資源生產效率、並充分將產業鏈中的資源再利用。Our government policy has been emphasizing the promotion of new agriculture and circular economy innovative properties and achieving some results. However, for their expansion application, it is needed to collaborate with related properties and plan for implementation of circular economy. Bio-economy can help alleviate and breakthrough problems in agriculture, and aim to sustainable production, renewable chemicals, and biomass energy and fuel for balancing renewable resources, optimizing the production efficiency of natural resources, and fully utilizing resources in the property chain.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞:新農業暨循環經濟(New Agriculture and Circular Economy),創新產業(Innovative Property)

    • 中心論題
    • 「智能箱網養殖系統技術」發展與應用Technology Development and Application of Intelligence Cage Culture System
    • 陳政安(Jheng-An Chen)

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    我國當前養殖漁業之產業結構面臨調整與轉型之際,智慧化養殖漁業是必然之趨勢發展,以提升產業經營層次及競爭力,創造高品質、高價值養殖物及維護生態保育,並同時促進我國養殖漁業從黃昏產業蛻變為新穎的智慧養殖漁業。因此,本文將簡述箱網養殖漁業之發展現況,並針對養殖科技研發技術能量做一介紹。Taiwan's current aquaculture industrial structure is facing adjustment and transformation. Intelligence aquaculture is a development trend enhancing the level of industrial management, competitiveness, creating high quality and high value aquaculture breeds, maintaining ecological conservation, and meanwhile, promoting its cultivation from a sunset industry to a novel intelligent fish farming. Therefore, this article briefly describes the current development of cage culture and introduce the capability of research and development of aquaculture technology.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰箱網養殖(Cage Culture),智能箱網養殖(Intelligence Cage Culture)

    • 中心論題
    • 「商用燃氣渦輪熱電共生系統」工業熱電場域評估研究Appraisal Report of Industrial Thermoelectric Field on Commercial Gas Turbine Cogeneration System
    • 張桄源(Kuang-Yuan Chang)‧陳政安(Jheng-An Chen)

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰ 微渦輪發電機(Microturbine Generator),分散式發電系統(Distributed

    • 中心論題
    • 研究單位推動新創事業之我見My Opinions on the Research Establishments to Promote New Ventures
    • 蔡孟昌(Meng-Chang Tsai)‧李沛怡(Pei-Yi Lee)

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    以產業應用為研發目標的研究單位,衍生新創事業來創造技術的價值是必然的發展趨勢,但以研發武器系統為使命的國防研究單位,主要的任務是發展保家衛國的武器系統,追求的是克敵制勝的先進武器,並非以產業應用為研發的宗旨,但參考先進國家國防科技產業應用的經驗,卻發現國防科技在經濟價值的創造上更具有關鍵性,因為國防科技往往是科技創新的先驅者,一但轉化為商業應用,影響不僅廣泛,而且更是深遠。研究單位透過資助、培育及衍生的機制,來加值與實現技術商業化的價值,不但創造了研究成果的經濟收益,也為該技術領域帶來了爆炸性的研究擴張,其中又以軍事應用技術所衍生的民生應用,對產業更是具有革命性的改變。本文透過蒐整趨勢與案例分享,來說明研究單位在跨越死亡之谷,將技術商品化推動新創事業時,如何透過找到客戶在乎的痛點或需求激發出新創構想,並藉由丟掉過往成功之包袱,把握市場機會成立新創事業;文中亦透過實務推行之需求與經驗,由內而外將研發成果商品化衍生新創事業,由外而內讓市場商機和國防科技激發出新事業種苗,雙路並進的策略,快速在公司內部找到創業品項與機會,讓有商業價值的技術成果能很快的結合產業興業家,在軍民產業上開創一番新局面。The research establishment that takes industrial application as the main tasks involving creating new ventures and value-adding technology that is definitely the development trend. However, the mission of national defense research establishment is mainly developing weapons systems to vanquish the enemy instead of pursuing the goal of industrial application. With reference to the experience of industrial applications of developed countries, the defense technology is more critical in the creation of commercial values since the defense technology plays a pioneer role in technological innovation. The effects of the defense technology transfer to dual-use are becoming wider and deeper into business application. The research establishments using founding, transfer fostering, exploitation of research results, and spin-off process to realize the commercial value. This not only created the economic benefits of research results, but also brought explosive research expansion to the technology field, in which the dual-use technology derived from military application has revolutionized the industry.

    關鍵詞 : 無

    • 中心論題
    • 國防科技產業創新創業平台可行性評估Promoting and Planning of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Platform Under National Defense Science and Technology Industry
    • 蔡孟昌(Meng-Chang Tsai)‧陳柏君(Po-Chun Chen)‧胡紹俊(Shao-Chung Hu)

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    中科院致力於尖端國防科技,擁有完整國防科技與大型系統研發、管理與整合能量,為我國國防科技的重要研發機構。為落實國防科技擴散於民生工業與協助國家經濟發展之目標,藉由民生產業技術的發展,進而支持軍品開發,有效提升國力,中科院轉型後,我們有機會運用軍民結合策略,競逐全球市場來擴大國防產業規模,以有效達成「國防自主、科技自主」目標。利用創業平台媒合國防技術與創新構想,可以讓國防科技有效藏鋒於民,運用國防既有的基本需求,培植創新團隊或合資企業,使企業因國防練兵的培育,面對市場競爭呈現爆炸性的成長,邁向國際頂尖的創新事業,對內可滿足戰備需求與持續收入,對外可創造企業價值與國際競爭力,建構國防創業微笑曲線,未來在微笑的兩端將由「國防尖端科研技術」與「國際頂尖創新事業」來建構中科院的願景,本文參考國內外創新創業競賽的現況與成果進行綜整分析,並提出國防科技產業創新創業平台推動構想,供本院進一步推動衍生合資公司行動參考。The National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology is the main research and development institutions commissioned to the advanced defense technology in Taiwan in which having comprehensive energy in development, management and integration of large-scale systems. To achieve the goal of defense technology diffusion to general industrial development and assisting the country's economic growth, in turn apply that to support the military research to enhance the national strength. After administrative transformation, NCSIST takes advantage of dual-use strategies to enter global competitive markets and achieves the goal of independent national defense and technology. By using the entrepreneurial platform to match technological and innovative ideas, the defense technology can be deeply rooted in general use products, innovative teams or joint ventures can be cultivated and get the training opportunity in defense and explosive growth in the competitive markets toward the top international innovation enterprise. Internally, it can satisfy the requests of combat readiness and with continuous income. Externally, it can create the corporate value and international competitiveness. Finally, a defense entrepreneurial smiling curve between the "Top Defense Technology" and "Prospective

    關鍵詞 : 創新創頁更新、創新事業、國防創頁

    • 一般論述
    • 雙軸穩定平台控制系統設計--於艦載追蹤天線之應用Control System Design of the Two-axis Inertially Stabilized Platform ─ An Application to Ship-borne Antenna Tracker
    • 郭家瑋(Chia-Wei Kuo)、黃啟育(Chi-Yu Huang)、李啟泰(Chi-Tai Li)

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    本研究針對指向追蹤天線穩定平台與其控制系統,進行艦載可攜式與輕量化開發設計。依序探討天線基座負載及船艦運動,分析致動器規格,挑選適合之馬達與控制系統零組件與模組,並根據系統鑑別結果設計控制律,以達到系統總重控制及追蹤穩定功能。由模擬及實驗結果可知,所探討之分析與設計流程可達到兼具功能及輕量化的雙重目標。The objective of this study is to design a control system for a lightweight and portable antenna tracker with a two-axis inertially stabilized platform compensating external disturbance during motion of a boat. By analyzing the load of antenna tracker and motion of the boat, the suitable motors and the components of the servo system can be chosen to reduce the total weight and avoid over design. In addition, the controller is designed with the system model identified, and by the simulation and experimental results, its effectiveness was illustrated.

    關鍵詞 : 追蹤天線(Antenna Tracker),穩定平台(Inertially Stabilized Platform, ISP),馬達伺服控制(Motor Servo Control)

    • 一般論述
    • 無人機衛星鏈系統於Ku-band之設計參數評估The Design of System Parameters for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles at Ku-band
    • 沈永昌(Yung-Chang Shen)

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    在無人機系統若要能提供超視距離(Beyond line-of-sight)的傳輸,需要藉由衛星通訊來達到,並藉由整合溝通介面來控制各傳輸鏈間的傳輸行為,然而衛星通訊於高頻段載波大於10GHz,所遇到的衰變效應影響高於一般無線傳輸頻段,因此本篇文章簡介不同衛星通訊的幾種基本類型以及所遇到的通道效應做簡略的介紹,並於最後總結對於傳輸錯誤率品質最低需求下,衛星鏈的天線大小與升頻轉換器瓦數規格的估計整理。The satellite communication can provide the beyond line-of-sight (BLOS) transmission through the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) system to deal with the problems in the distance that longer thanin LOS. However, when the carrier frequency of satellite communication is larger than 10GHz, its fading influence will be higher than that of general wireless communication. For this reason, this article is to study how the influence factors impact the communication system design. Finally, we summarized the method for how to determine antenna dish size and the power of block up converter.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰無人機(Unmanned Aerial Vehicles),衛星通訊(Satellite Communication),Ku-band

    • 一般論述
    • 下一代戰機起降距離需求分析Requirements Analysis of Takeoff and Landing Distance for the Next Generation Fighter
    • 許莉玲(Li-Ling Hsu)

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    若中共企圖解放台灣,則「奪取台海制空權」將是其首要作戰目標,而對我各主力戰機的駐地機場執行「封鎖任務」,應是其第一波攻擊的必然手段。相關戰史顯示,攻擊機場已成為戰爭不可或缺的開幕式。無論是德軍入侵波蘭、法國及蘇德戰爭,抑或珍珠港事件等全都是如此。中共的地對地彈道飛彈相關技術已相對成熟,也將是我在台海防衛作戰所必須承受的第一擊!當我機場跑道遭受攻擊時,戰機本身的「起降距離需求」將是決定戰機出擊率的主要因素,同時也主導著台海作戰是否能滿足防衛期程需求?就戰機設計而言,起降距離主要取決於戰機本身的推重比(T/W)和升阻比(L/D);而隨著科技發展,戰機起降距離呈現大幅遞減趨勢。因此,必須先量化中共導彈對我跑道的破壞能力。接著由整體防空作戰角度,思考合理的起飛機率需求,進而定義下一代戰機的最短起降距離需求。In case PROC is planning to take Taiwan by force, to seize the supremacy over Taiwan Strait will be its primary goal, and further attack military bases where our fighter aircraft standby at. History of wars reveals that air-base attack signals the beginning of wars; some examples are the invasion of Poland, World War II and Pearl Harbor attack. Upon considering that China's SSM technology is increasingly mature, use of it may be the first attack inthe war across Taiwan Strait. Consequently, it will be the determinants of the success rate of fighter attack that the STOL capability with distance presents, that is an urgent need for defense of war as well. For the design of a fighter, the STOL distance is determined by the ratios of thrust-to-weight and lift-to-drag, and which is being greatly reduced with the ever-increasing technology. Consequently, we must quantify the probability of destruction to air bases, take account the success rate of STOL, and for its ability finally determine the needs for the next generation fighter from the perspective of the whole air defense.

    關鍵詞 : 下一代戰機(Next Generation Fighter),短場起降(STOL),高推力發動機(High Thrust Engine)

    • 一般論述
    • 捕捉鉤於跑道滑行跳動之試驗設計與研究The Design and Investigation of the Tail-hook to Runway Profile Testing
    • 蔡坤男(Kuen-Nan Tsai)‧林玉山(Yu-Shan Lin)‧陳文傑(Wen-Jie Chen) ‧陳涵鏞(Han-Yung Chen)

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    本文根據MIL-A-83136, USAF之設計需求,完成一套補捉鉤系統於跑道滑行跳動之試驗設計,合格標準為捕捉鉤跳動需小於2.25吋,用以確認阻尼器功能正常。試驗主要包含可垂直昇降試驗架與夾治具,用於安裝捕捉鉤測試件,鉤頭部分下壓接觸一可水平位移之試驗臺車。透過改變捕捉鉤三組高度位置,模擬補捉鉤不同姿態;試驗臺車之致動器可反覆振盪推動鉤頭(2吋與6吋)模擬跑道表面特性。在試驗過程中,使用線性位移計與荷重元紀錄負載歷程曲線;以鉤頭彈跳量驗證在所有測試條件下鉤頭皆維持下壓試驗臺車。The objective of this paper is to design a hook runway profile test for tail-hook system based on the MIL-A-83136, USAF. To confirm the performance of damper, the hook bounce should be less than 2.25 inches when in contact with a paved or smooth runway profile. Test setup consists of an adjustable hoist jig capable of vertical travel for the angle positioning of hook to ground. The tail-hook and test fixture were mounted on the adjustable hoist jig. A platform cart for hook load measuring can move horizontally to the height of the adjustable hoist jig and a fixture actuator was used to simulate the runway profile. The hoist jig holding the test setup can be lowered to the first of three arbitrary hook positions. Each hook position was subject to actuator stroke oscillations of two and six inch that simulate the different landing conditions. Linear displacement sensor and load cell were used to record the graphs from data of load vs. time during the test. The tail-hook bounce was used to demonstrate that hook maintains contact with the load platform cart for all test conditions.

    關鍵詞 : 關鍵詞︰捕捉鉤系統(Tail-Hook),跑道滑行跳動試驗(Hook to Runway Profile Test),可昇降試驗架(Adjust Hoist Jig)

    • 一般論述
    • 飛彈發動機藥柱結構非線性黏彈分析模式之精進與探討An Improved Method in Modelling Nonlinear Viscoelasticity for Solid Propellant of Rocket Motors
    • 臧祥甫(Shyang-Fuu Tzang).全湘偉(Shiang-Woei Chyuan)

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    固體火箭發動機藥柱是一種黏彈性材料,不同的應變率,其彈性模數不同。唯傳統藥柱結構分析,所有元素均使用最大應變率所對應的彈性模數,此會造成絕大多數元素彈性模數的高估。由於藥柱彈性模數與應變率的關係是非線性,需使用多分析步迭代求解。為解決此問題,本文撰寫了結構分析軟體Abaqus之材料副程式(Fortran語言),針對所有元素均由其個別的應變率,求得對應的彈性模數,以多分析步方式迭代求解,除探討彈性模數與應變率間的非線性關係對藥柱應變的影響外,並探討不同迭代次數的影響。The solid propellant of rocket motors is viscoelastic and featuring different modulus with varying strain rate. Previously, to simplify the modelling process, the modulus corresponding to the largest strain rate was used for every element and leading to overestimation of the modulus. Due to the nonlinear relationship between modulus and strain rate, a multistep iterative method for solving the questions is needed. In this article, we develop a Fortran subroutine in Abaqus to solve the real modulus of each element corresponding to its strain rate by multistep iterative method. The final solution is obtained by updating results with incremental load. Additionally, the effectiveness of the proposed solution process and the number of load steps influencing the results are discussedas well.

    關鍵詞 : 非線性黏彈(Nonlinear Viscoelasticity),應變率(Strain Rate),多分析步(Multistep Iterative Method)

    • 一般論述
    • 反應輪在小型衛星之設計應用Design and Application of Reaction Wheels for Small Satellites
    • 簡志成(Zhi-Cheng Jian)‧謝發華(Fa-Hwa Shieh)‧陳俊智(Jun-Zh Chen)林穎隆(Ying-Lung Lin)‧陳金福(Jin-Fu Chen)

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    衛星反應輪是衛星高精度姿態控制系統中,最重要的執行元件,具有高精度、高可靠性、低功率、低污染、體積小、使用壽命長等眾多優點。本文敘述其控制原理,以及國內、外應用於小型衛星使用的反應輪,並說明隨著衛星技術的小型輕量化發展,在合理的機械力學結構下,將轉動慣量作最大化設計,反應輪轉子也由內轉式發展為輪緣驅動的外轉子形式。The reaction wheel is the main component of an accurate control system of satellite attitude featuring high precision, high reliability, low power consumption, low pollution, smaller size, and longer lifespan. In this paper, the attitude control theorem and a couple of reaction wheels are introduced. To design a lighter and smaller satellite, the momentum of the reaction wheel requires to be maximized under constraints on mechanics, which is under development using exterior rotor like that in the rim-driven flywheel system instead of the interior types.

    關鍵詞 : 衛星(Satellite),反應輪(Reaction Wheel),姿態控制(Attitude Control),小型化(Miniaturization),Halbach

    • 一般論述
    • 信息攪碼應用於產生軟體異常測試案例Applying Message Scrambling Method to Abnormal Test Case Generation for Software
    • 洪崇仁(Chung-Zen Hon)

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    信息資料為軟體通訊測試項目,屬於軟體可靠度驗證範圍,而產生異常信息方式攸關測試效益。傳統產生測試案例方式區分人工輸入與腳本讀取,傳統方式會隨信息格式變動而頻繁修改軟體編碼或資料編輯,造成增加人力成本。本文提出一信息攪碼方法,藉改變信息字元內容,自動產生異常測試案例。該攪碼程式不隨信息格式修改,也可設計成網路軟體工具,適用於各種程式語言或作業系統。Message data validation is a software communication test item in software reliability assessment, and for its testing effectiveness, the abnormal test case generation matters. The methods commonly used for test case generation are online input or scrip reading, however, which result in frequent revision of code or script with message form at changing and subsequently increase labor costs. This paper proposes a message scrambling method that can change data automatically for the generation of abnormal test cases. The scrambling method is independent of the message formatsand can be designed as a network software tool applying to various programming languages and operation systems.

    關鍵詞 : 軟體可靠度(Software Reliability),異常防護(Abnormal Protection),測試案例(Test Case),信息攪碼(Message Scrambling)

    • 一般論述
    • 潛艦舷側被動測距聲納設計及測試之研究Design and Testing Research of Flank Passive Ranging Sonar for Submarine
    • 林澄貴(Cheng-Kuei Lin)

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    潛艦為了解決其艦艏圓柱形聲納純被動偵測時需要通過長時間的艦位機動,或者開啟主動聲納,以暴露的回聲定位方式才能測定目標距離的問題,採用舷側被動測距聲納,可使潛艦在隱密航行中快速獲得定位目標。本文從舷側被動測距聲納的設計、出廠塢內調試及海上測試等方面逐一探討,以利現役潛艦維修調試及國造潛艦被動測距聲納自製設計之參考。To solve the problem in purely passive detection of the bow cylindrical sonar for a submarine that the target distance only can be measured through long time positioning maneuversor or turning on active sonar using exposed echo localization, the use of flank passive ranging sonar allows submarines to quickly locate targets in stealth navigation. This article discusses the design, factory docking, and offshore testing of flank passive ranging sonar to facilitate the maintenance and debugging of submarines currently in service, and the design of flank passive ranging sonar for the Indigenous Defense Submarine program.

    關鍵詞 : 被動測距聲納(Passive Ranging Sonar),三元子陣(Three Subarray),時延(Time Delay),聲去耦組件(Acoustic Decoupling Device),釋壓阻尼材料(Pressure Relief Damping Materials),調試(Debugging)

    • 一般論述
    • MIL-DTL-901E應用於潛艦裝備之水下爆震驗證Verification of Underwater Explosive Shock Testing of Submarine Equipment Meeting MIL-DTL-901E
    • 黃朝鈺(Chao-Yu Huang)‧李國琪(Kuo-Chi Lee)

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    2017年頒布新版MIL-DTL-901E標準,作為美軍最新潛艦裝備水下爆震環境鑑定試驗之圭臬。新標準採用甲板模擬衝擊機、替代衝擊機、中型浮筏、甲板模擬夾具、試件隔離裝置之衝擊響應頻率估算、試驗需求流程圖、相異安裝位置及方向之試驗規格等新機具及新技術,更為適切有效驗證潛艦裝備之水下爆震效應。本文除重點闡述其新舊版本差異及前述特點,並輔以實際案例說明,將有助潛艦軍工產業鏈之共識及加速關鍵性產品之研製試驗時程。MIL-DTL-901E standard was released in 2017 and used as a criterion for running the environmental qualification testing of new submarine equipment of US Navy. By the new military standard, the technologies incorporating advanced testing machines are being used, such as the Deck Simulating Shock Machine, Alternate Shock Test Vehicle, Intermediate Floating Shock Platform, Deck Simulating Fixture, estimation of shock response frequency of specimen isolators, flowcharts of testing requirements, testing specification of distinct location and installation direction, which will be more appropriately and effectively used to verify the environmental effects of underwater explosions (UNDEX) of submarine equipment. This paper emphasizes the above-mentioned characteristics and distinguishes features of former and current versions of the standard, that will help build consensus between munition industries and military systems and speed up the development timeline of submarine critical components with the successful shock verification under series of environmental qualification testing applying the new military standard.

    關鍵詞 : 公斤(Kilogram),質量(Mass),國際單位制(International System of Units)

    • 研發成果
    • 無人水上載具船控系統測試站整合與設計
    • 陳帝睿、蕭佑緯、張雪硯

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 電機工程

    • 研發成果
    • 應用於航拍影像之連續拼接技術研究
    • 張嘉瑋、洪昆鼎、潘政輝、丁秉煌、林志和

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 動態影像

    • 研發成果
    • 電磁脈衝(EMP)屏蔽效值檢測之TAF認證
    • 馮奕澂、蔡子雲、謝其晟

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01


    關鍵詞 : TAF認證

    • 研發成果
    • 行動隨意網路之分時多工存取設計與模擬
    • 張文蕙、顏有利

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    行動隨意網路(Mobile Ad Hoc Network, MANET)係指在無基礎網路設施下,幾台可移動通訊設備自我組織成無線網路,建立連線。行動隨意網路具備節點移動性和網路自我組織能力,可以動態建立網路拓樸路由路徑,分配頻寬資源,完成節點間通訊。無線通訊頻寬資源有限,設計出有效率而且公平的分配頻寬演算法是一個重要的課題。分時多工存取(Time Division Multiple Access, TDMA)是將時間切割成許多時槽,將時槽分配給不同節點使用,達到可以多個節點傳送資料。TDMA分成集中式和分散式。集中式有中央控制台負責分配頻寬,分散式沒有中央控制台,由各節點協調使用頻寬。

    關鍵詞 : 行動隨意網路

    • 研發成果
    • 非包覆型反應式破片研發
    • 劉錦坤、游淵源

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    由於飛彈科技之日新月異,地面上無論是靜態或動態的設施與裝備,受到敵方來自空中的威脅也與日俱增。要摧毀敵方的來襲武器,無論是彈道飛彈(Ballistic Missiles),巡弋飛彈(Cruise Missiles),或是飛機,都必須在極短的時間之內,對快速移動的目標,施以徹底的毀傷。否則,即使被防空飛彈擊中,但未被完全摧毀的敵方威脅,仍可能會造成受攻擊方的重大損失。反應式破片彈頭可以在不增加彈頭重量的前提下,大幅增加彈頭之殺傷威力與殺傷程度,因此自2000年以來,包括美國、中共等國家,都投入大量經費與人力研發此一課題。本院化學研究所彈頭武裝組,也注意到此項技術的重要性,積極進行反應式破片彈頭之相關研究,於2008~2010與2015~2017分別完成包覆型與非包覆型反應式破片之研發。反應式破片彈頭可較傳統鈍感金屬破片彈頭,對來襲飛彈造成更高的毀傷效果。

    關鍵詞 : 中程空對空飛彈

    • 研發成果
    • 雷射鏡鍍膜技術
    • 廖翊淳、黃昭準

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 離子束濺鍍法

    • 研發成果
    • 近紅外光魚眼鏡頭設計
    • 莊理夫

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 於眼鏡頭光學

    • 研發成果
    • 2.75吋火箭高爆彈頭終端效應數值分析模式建立與驗證
    • 陳楷霖、洪士凱、陳杞彣、劉永賢

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01

    2.75吋火箭重量輕巧、火力強大,適合各種機動裝置等優點,對中、短距離之地面目標具有非常優異之殺傷能力,為現今國際各武裝直升機掛載之主要武器裝備之一。綜觀世界各國於改型火箭彈頭運用上,除有子母彈頭、穿甲彈頭、煙霧彈頭、鋼珠彈頭、鋼鏢彈頭、訓練彈頭、燃燒彈頭等特殊彈頭外,大部份仍以高爆彈頭為教常使用之型式[1];圖一為國軍現有2.75吋火箭彈外形與諸元,為加速新一代高爆彈頭研發時效與降低研發成本,本文建立2.75吋火箭高爆彈頭(CM151高爆彈頭)終端效應分析模式並予以驗證,以做為發展海巡署新造艦發展艦射火箭塔效益評估參考,研究相關議題計有彈頭破片散佈特性、終端效應與破片速度、有限元素法(Finite Element Method, FEM)模式建立,數值模擬分析成果計有飛散角度分佈、初速分佈、壓力變化、終端效應、有效殺傷效應及終端效應實證等。

    關鍵詞 : ..

    • 研發成果
    • 以資料探勘技術應用於後勤維保能量規劃
    • 廖禕暽、陳雯莉、高式彥、廖永振

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 關聯規則(Association Rules)、序列型樣(Sequential Pattern)、決策樹(Decision Tree)

    • 研發成果
    • 電腦軟體自動化檢測平台
    • 邱弘毅、蘇文德、劉浩然、黃郁誠

    卷期 : 47 / 1

    出版年 : 2019/01/01


    關鍵詞 : 資訊工程