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    • 化學研究所化學戰防護研究回顧與展望
    • 莊孝感

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 化學戰防護

    • 中心論題
    • 「國防化學技術發展與應用」序言
    • 賴耀祥

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    化學研究所的前身為「第四研究所」,成立於民國58年7月,以籌建國防化學能量為宗旨,肩負國防科技研發及國軍武器系統研製的重任。「化學」乙詞在一般人的認知是實驗室裡試管、燒杯及藥品的代名詞,甚至與近年很夯的「食安」問題相連結,但在本所各級長官或同仁眼裡,本所所做的都是毒、燒、炸等危險的事,均為國防尖端科技研發之工作。 本所主要技術領域從初期化學戰防護、火炸藥、推進燃料及彈頭研製等,已逐步發展為先進彈頭研發、高能推進燃料研製、化生放核系統設計、匿蹤偽裝工程開發、特用化學材料研製、防蝕防潮技術開發、火工件品保檢測、逾限火工件處理及各項軍民通用科技研發等多領域能量。 本所含括技術的多樣性及複雜性,可從本所腹地涵蓋青山、大樹、九鵬等院區就可窺知端倪。 由於任務屬性為高風險項目,為了降低及分散風險,必須分別於不同的院區來執行,使得本所是本院最多獨立院區的一級單位。深化技術、眺望願景,在本所同仁群策群力,勠力不斷及堅守工安政策要求下,未來將持續建案發展各項關鍵技術,並拓展各項科研計畫及軍種委託服務,與積極參與軍民通用科技計畫,創新各項前瞻國防化學技術發展與應用。 本期新新季刊以「國防化學技術發展與應用」為中心論題,就本所核心領域中特別精選10篇專文,分別含括匿蹤技術、材料研製應用、水下科技及關鍵火工模組等面向,闡述本所於國防化學相關研究與實務經驗,提供給院內同仁參考及資訊交流,同時也期待能藉此拋磚引玉,激勵更多優秀同仁投入研發工作,擴大相關技術於國防軍事及民間應用,對國防工業及民間產業做出更大的貢獻。

    關鍵詞 : 化學戰防護

    • 中心論題
    • 攻堅智能化引信關鍵模組開發與驗證Development and Evaluation of the Key Modules of a Hard Target Smart Fuze
    • 劉錦坤(Jack Liou)‧郭維義(Wei-Yi Guo)‧梁祐展(You-Zhan Liang)‧吳晉晟(Chin-Sheng Wu)‧劉昶熠(Chang-Yi Liu)‧陳昆茂(Kun-Mao Chen)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    近代重要軍事工程與設施,如各種戰管指揮中樞、軍事基地、彈藥庫、甚至戰機機堡等,為了更易於隱藏與防護,多採行地下化與多層強固防護結構設計。以不同的介質材料:鋼筋混凝土、砂土、金屬網等,建構成結構複雜的目標物防護掩體,對於攻堅武器形成更具有抗炸能力與防護效果。欲有效摧毀此類型目標物,必需先通過層層阻隔與防護擋牆,進入目標的適當位置引爆彈頭,始能發揮彈頭最大的破壞效果。 攻堅智能化引信關鍵技術專案,主要研發目標為攻堅智能化引信關鍵模組,期望提供攻堅彈頭攻擊目標時,可自行辨識已貫穿目標混凝土層數,並在穿透至適當位置時下達起爆命令,使彈頭在最佳爆點引爆,重創地下掩體內的敵方指揮中樞及重要戰略設施。本報告內容說明,專案研發攻堅智能化引信關鍵模組之開發與驗證過程,並檢討已獲得之重要成果與未來精進的方向。 Various modern important military infrastructures and facilities such as war command centers, bases, ammunition depots, and even fighter hangars are designed with solid underground and multi-layer structures to make them hided and protected easier. Several different materials including reinforced concrete, sand, metal network, etc. can be applied to form a complex protective bunker with better anti-bomb and protective capabilities against hard-target attacking weapons. To effectively destroy this type of objects, the warhead must first penetrate through the layers of barriers and walls, go into the appropriate position of the target, and then detonate to inflict maximum damage. The project of the key technics of a hard target smart fuze aims to develop key modules of a hard target smart fuze for the hard-target attacking warhead to have self-identification of penetrated layers during attack. At the same time, while penetrating into the appropriate location, the hard target smart fuze can detonate the warhead at the optimum burst point, destroying the enemy's command centers and important strategic facilities within underground bunkers. This report deals with the key modules of a hard target smart fuze regarding their development and validation processes, and exhibits the important obtained results and future improvement directions.

    關鍵詞 : 智能化引信(Smart Fuze)、攻堅彈頭(Hard-Target Attacking Warhead)

    • 中心論題
    • 非匿蹤艦艇訊跡抑制技術Technology of Signature Reduction for Non-stealth Ship
    • 邱基禎(Chi-Chen Chiu)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    攻船飛彈不斷在飛行速度、準確度、匿蹤性及存活力等技術方面精進,且匿蹤艦艇具有先偵、先射、先殺之優勢,是先進各國海軍積極發展的方向。面臨這些海面作戰威脅,在傳統海面艦艇面臨被汰除前,除了提昇其硬殺能力之外,更應該運用艦艇訊跡抑制的技術,降低其雷達截面積及紅外線訊跡,以提升艦艇反制攻船飛彈的軟殺能力。 Anti-ship cruise missile (ASCM) technology continues to evolve in terms of speed, accuracy, stealth and survivability. Stealth warship has the first-took, first-shot, first-kill capability and is the positive development trend of the world also. In light of these threats, improving hard kill ability is not the only issue for the existing traditional surface warship. We must develop new technology to reduce ship's vulnerability to Radar cross-section (RCS) and Infrared signature (IR) ,and improve the effectiveness of soft kill until it is replaced by the next generation of stealthy surface ships.

    關鍵詞 : 雷達波匿蹤(Radar stealth)、紅外線匿蹤(IR stealth)、訊跡抑制(Signature reduction)、軟殺(Soft-kill)

    • 中心論題
    • 化學污染消除技術研究發展The Research and Development in Chemical Decontamination
    • 趙恩賜(En-Tzu Chao)‧楊尚仁(Sang-Ren Yang)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    於化學戰環境與其事故狀況下,除消極迴避污染區域確保人員安全外,如何主動積極消除污染區域,進行裝備、設施、場所及區域之復原,為當前戰力保存之重要課題;而針對不同污染消除技術,依其消除特性主要可區分為物理性移除及化學性反應,本文主要針對化學反應性之污染消除技術及其反應原理與機制進行探討。整體而言,近年來在化學污染消除技術之發展,主要為朝向環境親和性、減少操作人員壓力、降低運輸及儲存後勤負擔,可為後續研究之參考。In the chemical warfare situations or any other terrorist events like that, except keeping people out of the contaminated area passively, another important issue is that how to decontaminate the contaminated area and restore the equipments, facilities, basements and workplaces to preserve combat ability positively. The Chemical decontamination method could be categorized into physical and chemical ways. In this article, we mainly discuss the principle of chemical decontamination including its theory and mechanism. On the whole, the Chemical decontamination have been endeavoring to research an ecologically friendly chemical decontamination formula which can ease the hardness of transportation, storage and operation, where all of these will be our consideration in research in the future.

    關鍵詞 : 化生放核防禦(Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense)、化學污染消除(Chemical Decontamination)

    • 中心論題
    • 利用FEM模擬水下爆炸時之網格效益評估Evaluation of Mesh Effects for Underwater Explosion by FEM Simulation
    • 林漢俊(Han-Chun Lin)‧黃心豪(Hsin-Haou Huang)‧林邦俊(Bang-Jun Lin)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    水下爆炸現象、爆震波傳遞以及結構受爆震衝擊後的動態反應等資料,可以靠昂貴且耗時的實驗獲得,多數試件僅能使用一次即破壞,獲得的結果有限,常需進行多次破壞性試驗才能取得足夠且可靠的資訊,而試件、量測設備,以及場地維護成本也相當高。有效的水下爆炸數值分析方法,不但可以降低試驗的次數與費用,同時也能提昇預估水下爆炸對結構破壞的能力。本研究旨在探討近距離爆炸所需建立有限元素網格的數量控制,最後對爆震波分析結果之影響進行基本研究,研究成果將提供相關研究後續進行水下爆炸模擬時之參考。 The underwater explosion phenomenon, shock wave propagation and the dynamic response of the structures attacked by shock pressure can be acquired by expansive and time-consuming experiments of underwater explosion in general. The test model usually broken can only be used once and the available results are often limited. Hence, it is necessary to conduct numerous experiments to acquire sufficient data while the costs of the experiments will be extremely high. The effective numerical analysis method for underwater explosion can not only reduce the time and the cost of experiments but also improve the prediction abilities of the structures damage due to underwater explosion. The research conducts basic research on the finite element models for near field underwater explosion, especially on the effects of mesh refinement for water domain. Consequently, the results can be applied for further research of underwater explosion.

    關鍵詞 : 有限元素法(FEM)、水下爆炸(Underwater explosion)、網格(Mesh)

    • 中心論題
    • 水下防污塗料技術簡介Introduction to the Marine Antifouling Paints
    • 王銘嘉(Ming-Jia Wang)‧陳俊佑(Chun-Yu Chen)‧謝明達(Ming-Ta Hsieh)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    海洋生物汙損增加了船舶的油耗,並影響船舶正常航行,噴塗低毒性或無毒性船舶防汙塗料是解決此問題較環保且經濟之方式,故本文概述了船舶防汙塗料的發展歷史與應用現狀,並重點論述了現今各式新型環保防汙塗料之技術與最新研究進展。Biofouling on ships can lead to increased fuel consumption and bring negative influence on marine navigation. Coating of low toxic or non-toxic antifouling paint is currently one of the most environmental protecting and economical ways for solving marine biofouliung. Therefore, this article summarily introduces the development history and research status of marine antifouling paints. The technologies and latest research progresses of various new types of environmental antifouling paints are also described briefly.

    關鍵詞 : 生物汙損(Biofouling)、防污塗料(Antifouling paint)

    • 中心論題
    • 雙環戊二烯(DCPD)產品技術與市場分析Product Technology and Market Analysis of Dicyclopentadiene (DCPD)
    • 江淑媜(Shu-Jen Chiang)‧蔡欣憲(Hsin-Hsien Tsai)‧謝治民(Chih-Min Hsieh)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    C5下游產品應用廣泛,國內台塑石化將陸續完成C5分離純化工廠興建,有利於C5產業鏈的發展。環戊二烯(CPD)易於二聚成雙環戊二烯(DCPD),而DCPD在高溫情況下又可解聚成CPD。CPD和DCPD主要用於生產石油樹脂、改性不飽和聚酯、乙丙橡膠(EPR)第三單體-乙叉降冰片烯和聚雙環戊二烯(PDCPD)等。此外,DCPD還可用於生產農藥、香料、環氧樹脂固化劑、潤滑油添加劑、阻燃劑、降冰片類衍生物、金剛烷等產品,應用領域十分廣泛。本文將針對C5中的DCPD市場資訊,以及DCPD的相關應用做一介紹。C5 downstream products have a variety of usages. Formosa Petrochemical is constructing plants for C5 separation. That is favorable for the development of a domestic C5 industrial chain. Dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) is mostly used to produce petroleum resins, modified unsaturated polyester resins, ethylidene norbornene, polydicyclopentadiene, pesticides, medicines, perfumes and a large variety of petrochemicals and fine chemicals. Its applications and consumptions in such fields as petroleum resins, modified unsaturated polyester resins, ethylidene norbornene and polydicyclopentadiene are discussed in detail. A brief comparison about its applications and consumptions at home and abroad is made in this article as well. In this article, we will provide the market information of dicyclopentadiene, as well as the related application of dicyclopentadiene.

    關鍵詞 : 五碳烴(C5)、雙環戊二烯(Dicyclopentadiene)、環烯烴(Cyclo olefin)

    • 中心論題
    • 硝酸酯合成與綠色硝化劑研究發展Synthesis of Nitrate Ester and Research Development of Green Nitrating Agents
    • 劉建宏(Chien-Hung Liu)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    硝酸酯合成與綠色硝化劑研究發展Synthesis of Nitrate Ester and Research Development of Green Nitrating Agents

    關鍵詞 : 硝酸酯(Nitrate esters)、混酸(Acids mixture)、綠色硝化劑(Green nitrating agents)、硝化反應(Nitration reaction)、零廢酸(No waste acids)

    • 中心論題
    • 導電銀膠概述與發展應用Introduction of Conductive Silver Paste and Its development
    • 王裕勛(Yu-Hsun Wang)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    導電銀膠主要是以合成樹脂與導電性金屬粉為主要原物料及其他額外添加物所調配出的膠體複合材料,由於添加導電性金屬粉作為填充料,使其成為具有導電性的膠體材料,藉由合成樹脂的幫助應用於各式電子零件的黏著,使得導電銀膠的應用範圍相當廣泛,本文將依序介紹導電銀膠基本組成份及其特性探討,並剖析不同固化類型之導電銀膠發展及其常使用的可靠度規範,文末總括現今導電銀膠技術發展與未來市場需求與發展應用,做一完整介紹。A Silver paste is composed of the synthetic resin and metal powder as well as additional additivities to be a capable of electric conductive material. The resin plays an important role to help electronic part adhere to each other, which widely use in the application of light emitting diode, solar, touch panel fields. At first, introduce what the common used components in the paste and discussed thoroughly the influence of properties among the components in the paste, following illustrated the thermal-induce and photo-induce systems of solidified mechanism in the recent development. Also, described how to use a series of reliability tests to verify the quality of the product before sending to customers. Finally, summarize the conductive silver paste under the current market and its development.

    關鍵詞 : 導電性(Conductivity)、銀粉(Silver)、環氧樹脂(Epoxy resin)、黏度(Viscosity)

    • 中心論題
    • 有機相變微膠囊之製備與其熱緩衝溫控之民生應用Preparation of Microencapsulated Organic Phase Change Material and Consumer Application of Temperature Buffer Package
    • 尤逸玄(Yi-Hsiuan Yu)‧謝侯安(Hou-An Hsieh)‧錢仙祥(Sain-Syan Chyan)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    相變化材料具有在一定的溫度內改變其物理狀態的能力,且在相變化過程中吸收或釋放大量的潛熱。相變儲能材料最大的特性是在於物理狀態發生變化時,材料自身的溫度在完成相變化過程中幾乎維持不變。微膠囊是一種將微量物質包覆在另一種材料作為殼層的核殼式技術,利用微膠囊的技術,可以解決上述提到物理變化時所造成的體積變化以及材料洩漏的問題,亦可提供了較大的傳熱面積,使得傳熱得到很大的改善。綜合了以上特性,微膠囊化的相變材料可提供更寬廣的發展,例如食物的保存、建築物及衣物的溫度的調節等。Phase-change material has the ability to change its physical state at a certain temperature, and absorbs or releases a large amount of latent heat in phase changing process. One of the characteristics of phase-change material is during the change of physical state, the temperature of the material itself remained almost unchanged in the completion of the phase changing process. A microcapsule is a core-shell technology which uses a trace material as a shell to encapsulate another material. Therefore, the use of microencapsulation technology can solve the above mentioned problems of material loss and volume change caused by physical changes. In addition, the particle size becomes very small which renders the heat transfer greatly improved. The combination of the above features favors to a broader development of the microencapsulated phase-change material in various applications such as food preservation, building and body-wearing temperature regulation.Organic Phase Change Material and Consumer Application of Temperature Buffer Package

    關鍵詞 : 相變材料(Phase change material)、微膠囊(Microencapsulation)、溫度緩衝(Temperature buffer)

    • 中心論題
    • 稀土金屬在無機化學材料領域的應用與發展Rare Earth Metals and Their Applications and Developments on Inorganic Chemical Materials Fields
    • 林英志(Yin-Chih Lin)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    稀土金屬是週期表中鈧、釔和鑭系元素共17個化學元素的總稱,是高科技產業中不可或缺的關鍵要角,而有「工業味精」、「現代工業的維他命」等美譽,能與其他材料組成種類繁多的新穎材料,並展現出性能迥異且優秀的特性,無論是在國防或民生的應用,稀土都已經是不可或缺的重要資源,本文主要將介紹稀土金屬在無機化學材料領域上的應用與發展。Rare Earth Metals (REMs) include Scandium, Yttrium and Lanthanides, 17 chemical elements in the periodic table. REMs are an essential ingredient of modern technology and known as "industrial monosodium glutamate", "vitamins of modern industry". They could be combined with other materials to produce various kinds of new materials, which have diversified performance and excellent characteristics. No matter be applied in national defense or people's livelihood, REMs have been one of the indispensible significant resources. In the following main text, we will introduce REMs and their applications and developments on inorganic chemical materials fields.

    關鍵詞 : 稀土金屬(Rare earth metal)、稀土元素(Rare earth element)、無機化學(Inorganic chemical)、材料(Materials)

    • 智權專攔
    • 營業秘密之要件判斷與實例介紹
    • 曾世昌

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 營業秘密、秘密性、價值性、合理保密措施

    • 智權專攔
    • 從智慧財產法院民事判決100年度民著上字第4號思考網站內容物的著作權侵權風險管理
    • 陳秉訓、吳可為

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 著作權、網站、侵權行為、重製權、公開傳輸權

    • 一般論述
    • 擴增實境探討What is Augmented reality
    • 劉超群(Chau-Chyun Liu)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    擴增實境(AR)屬於電腦科學範疇之一,實現的方式是將真實世界與可互動、3D的虛擬物件結合在一起。擴增實境本身的理論相當簡單,只是將真實世界的影像與出現在相同空間的圖形重疊,其背後的技術是將2D或3D虛擬物件,即時的投射到真實世界並與其結合在一起。擴增實境具有三個要素:(1)虛擬物件與真實環境結合、(2)即時的互動、(3)3D定位。擴增實境的基本技術原理包括有顯示、目標偵測與定位等,實現關鍵則在軟體的撰寫,坊間有一些工具與軟體開發工具包(Software Development Kit, SDK)可以協助開發擴增實境的應用,例如ARToolKit、FlarToolKit、ARToolKitPlus、BuildAR、AndAR、D'Fusion AR、QCAR等。擴增實境應用和使用者高度互動的特性,使它能成功的運用在廣泛的領域中,例如教育、導覽、商品展示、娛樂、醫療、訓練等。Augmented reality (AR) is a field of computer science that involves combining the physical world and an interactive, three-dimensional virtual world. The concept behind it is pretty simple, over lay the physical world with cool graphics that appear to occupy the same space. AR technology used combines a virtual object, 2D or 3D, into a real object environment and projecting the virtual objects in real time. AR has three essential properties. First, virtual objects are combined with real environment. Second, immediate interaction is facilitated. Third, AR operates in a 3D environment.The technology of augmented reality includes display, target detect and position. The key of AR is the software. AR programs are written in special tools and SDKs such as ARToolKit, FlarToolKit, ARToolKitPlus, BuildAR, AndAR, D'Fusion AR, QCAR, etc. These tools and SDKs can make the development of AR application much easier. The highly interactive nature of AR application with its user has recently been used in several fields, for instance education, tour guide, commerce, entertainment, medicine, and training among others.

    關鍵詞 : 擴增實境(Augmented reality)、AR、ARToolKit、FlarToolKit、ARToolKitPlus、BuildAR、AndAR、D'Fusion AR、QCAR

    • 一般論述
    • 巨量資料語意化蒐集整合技術Semantic Oriented Resources Collection and Integration Technologies for Big Data Issue
    • 林于富(Yu-Fu Lin).楊禮彰(Lee-Jang Yang).齊立平(Li-Pin Chi)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    語意網(Semantic Web)是現有全球資訊網(WWW)架構的延伸,將資料內容的涵意定義得更明確,使人們能有效地使用網路所帶來的便利,促使網路資源整合,並藉由連結到資訊本身的定義與語意邏輯,進而更有效率地作資訊存取與推理分析。本研究利用語意網化技術將整個網際網路世界的所有資料藉由統一的資料描述框架來表達,使資料具有知識分享的目的與機器可讀性(machine readable)。並以資料為主的角度觀點,收集散布在網路不同領域的各項大量專業技術資源,結合巨量資料存取技術,使資料間產生互相關聯,進而達到資料的統合與自動化的分析和快速運算。The Semantic Web is an extension based on the current WWW infrastructure. It defines the content of data more clearly, so that people use the WWW resources effectively. Additionally, it promotes the integration of the WWW resources, and relies on the information with related definitions and logical semantics, further to make data access and reasoning analysis more efficiently.In this study, the Semantic Web related technologies are exploited to intelligently represent WWW information through an unified resource description framework, then make the information to be shared and machine readable. From the viewpoint of data, this study achieves data integration and fast analysis operations automatically by collecting large amount of technical resources that spread over different areas from WWW and combining Big Data related technologies for delivering corresponding relationships among the variety of data.

    關鍵詞 : 大數據(Big Data)、語意網(Semantic Web)、資源描述架構(RDF)

    • 一般論述
    • 三維視域分析之模式探討The Research in Modules of 3 Dimension ViewShed Analysis
    • 陳建達(Cheng-Ta Chen)‧陳芃如(Peng-Ru Chen)‧陳彥樺(Yan-Hua Chen)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    隨著電腦技術發展迅速,地理資訊系統(GIS)的應用產品及軟體服務已逐漸推出,例如汽車導航、地貌圖庫更新或國土航照勘災。而GIS在國軍科技的應用研究,過去文獻多針對地面上的視域分析考量;諸如軍隊行軍撤退之最隱蔽路線、手機基地台之最大涵蓋範圍及瞭望台之最佳視野地點選擇分析等。在航空發展方面,如何提供戰機飛行員精確選擇敵方陣地雷達遮蔽區域,以提高戰鬥機於執行作戰任務之安全性,為一項重要研究課題。本研究主要針對幾種視域分析技術進行研究與精進,除了改善原有演算法以符合各空層面視域分析外,並且考量處理效率的提升,以配合高速載具之即時運算遮蔽需求。As result of computer technology rapid development, they promote geography information system(GIS) universal utilization and more software service product gradually. For example. mobile navigation、digital elevation model and map library update or land aerial photograph reconnaissance disaster. In the past relative GIS literature about ground viewshed analysis for defense technology, they mainly aimed at the most secrete route of the army marches retreat, the scope analysis of the cellphone base station and the best vision of the observation post. In the aviation development, the important research is how to provide pilot information on avoiding radar section and safety section to fly. So the research focus on improving current viewshed analysis algorithm and innovative processing method to satisfy viewshed analysis on every flight level and promote demonstrate speed.

    關鍵詞 : 雷達(Radar)、空層(Flight Level)、視域(Viewshed)

    • 一般論述
    • 新一代插值演算法技術The New Image Interpolation Algorithm Technology
    • 張景翔(Ching-Hsiang Chang).陳志聰(Jyh-Tsong Chen).張司政(Shy-Jenq Chang)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    影像插值在影像處理領域扮演著重要角色,它被廣泛的應用於各種領域中。傳統插值演算法模型簡單,成像效果較差。它們之間的區別在於映射點周圍像素排列的取法不同。線性演算法對於影像的光滑區域己能達到較好的視覺效果,但是它們對於影像的邊緣細節部分,仍處理的不是很好,導致影像放大後的邊緣細節模糊化。本文針對影像的縮放展開了研究,分析影像處理常見的影像插值演算法,並提出雙線性插值演算法來實現影像的放大和縮小,使其應用於各領域能更為快速,成像品質達到最佳化。The image interpolation plays an important role in the image processing. Image interpolation is used in variance domains. Tradition image interpolation algorithm is simple, however, the visual quality of the interpolated image is low. The performance of the method is determined by the way of selecting the adjacent pixels of the mapped pixel. The linear algorithm can achieve satisfactory visual quality for interpolating the smooth region of the image. However, the method cannot effectively deal with the details of edges in the image, which causes the blurred problem.The paper is focus on the image resizing using the image interpolation algorithm. In addition, the bilinear interpolation algorithm is implemented to achieve the image resizing. Based on this advantage, the bilinear interpolation algorithm can be rapidly used in more applications. Meanwhile, the bilinear interpolation algorithm can achieve better visual quality.

    關鍵詞 : 影像插值(Image interpolation)、影像縮放(Image resizing)、雙線性插值演算法(Bilinear interpolation algorithm)

    • 一般論述
    • F-35秘密武器--SPEAR 3飛彈簡介The Next Generation Attack Weapon for F-35B – SPEAR 3 Missile
    • 陳志雄(Chih-Hsiung Chen)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    叉矛3飛彈為歐洲導彈集團發展之第三代硫磺飛彈,在彈長與彈徑不變的情況下,不僅保有第二代硫磺飛彈原有的導引、導航與裝甲辨識系統外,最大之改變就是採用渦輪噴射引擎,而使飛彈射程達121公里左右。叉矛3飛彈目前已在英國颶風戰機及美國收割者號無人機等完成掛載及發射之功能驗證。目前正積極籌畫掛載於F-35B閃電2戰機上,並規劃於2018年完成測試與服役,未來將可配合戰鬥機群精準打擊高速移動且小型之目標,成為F-35B等歐美頂尖戰機之標準武器系統。SPEAR 3 missile is the latest generation of Brimstone II developed by MBDA, powered by turbojet to achieve a range of 121km. Brimstone II was originally for "fire-and-forget" use against mass formations of enemy armour, using a millimetric wave (mmW) active radar homing seeker to ensure accuracy even against moving targets. SPEAR 3 missile is carried by the Tornado GR4 in RAF service and MBDA have fired test rounds from an MQ9 Reaper. It is the preferred weapon that is effective against moving targets that the allied inventory possesses and will be integrated with the F35 Lightning II when the F35B enters British service.

    關鍵詞 : 渦輪噴射引擎(Turbojet)、硫磺飛彈(Brimstone missile)、叉矛3飛彈(SPEAR 3 missile)、半主動式雷射(Semi-Active Lase)

    • 一般論述
    • 史特林閉式致冷器研發淺談A brief Introduction of Stirling Cooler Research and Development
    • 曾冠儒(Guan-Ru Tseng)‧謝志芳(Jhy-Fung Shieh)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    本組研發閉式致冷器組件已有多年歷史,研製初期以滿足紅外線影像系統功能之產品為目標,進而精進設計製作技術以提升性能及壽命,至今約提供100具致冷器給系統使用。國外產品的性能及技術隨著時間不斷的提升,本組為了迎頭趕上,也不斷精進致冷器的設計、精密加工、組裝及測試技術,本文主要敘述本組研製閉式致冷器的歷程,及精進致冷器性能的作為,如致冷器機構、馬達等關鍵元件之製作、組裝、杜瓦瓶性能測試等技術,本文最後說明本組致冷器目前之性能水準。We have rich experiences in developing Stirling coolers, and offer the infrared imaging system around one hundred coolers, being still in service. The performance of foreign coolers is continually improving to get batter life time and operating quality. In order to excess their cooler's performance, we are modifying our design and manufacturing techniques, such as the flywheel balance design, the precision machining, the assembly, and the test of coolers, to improve our cooler's quality. In this paper, we aim at our experiences in developing coolers and the actions of improving cooler's performance. We made much effort on the assembly of cooler's mechanisms, the motor, and the test techniques of Dewar. It also shows our cooler's performance level till now.

    關鍵詞 : 紅外線系統(Infrared System)、閉式致冷器(Stirling cooler)、壽命提升(Life time)、精密加工(Precision machining)

    • 一般論述
    • 水中通信技術研析Research of Underwater Communication Techniques
    • 羅志正(Chih-Cheng Lo)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    本文主要是討論研製一套實際能運作於水下之通信系統的關鍵考慮因素。關於通信機本體需考慮包括高效率通信與信號處理演算法則之開發、高效率調變與編碼技術、多重出入法、以及移動式水中通信等。欲傳送的信息經由換能器元件將電氣信號轉換成水中傳輸之聲音信號,而信號於水中傳輸過程中,將因水介質與環境因素之影響,造成衰減與噪音干擾等,進而使得接收端感測到信號失真。接收機端不僅需將噪音消除,尚需進一步處理以減小因聲通道之複雜影響而產生之信號失真,以儘量降低信息錯誤率,提昇通信品質。In this text, the key concerned factors to design a real underwater communication system will be discussed. The system must consider the development of higher efficient communication and signal processing algorithm, higher efficient modulation and demodulation schemes, multiple input and output processing, moving communication and so on. The message to be transmitted through the transducer will be transferred from the electrical signal into the acoustic one to be propagated through underwater; and during the process of signal propagating, the water media and environment will affect it and cause attenuation, noise corruption, and signal distortion sensed on the receiving end. The receiving end need not only cancel the noise but also further to be processed to decrease the signal distorted signal occurred from the complicated acoustic channel, and do the better to lower down the message error probability and thus to promote the communication quality.

    關鍵詞 : 水中通信(Underwater communication)、杜卜勒擴散(Doppler expansion)、傳輸損失(Propagation loss)、噪音(Noise)、多重路徑(Multi-path)、衰減(Attenuation)、幾何擴散(Geometric spreading)、散射(Scattering)、混響(Reverberation)、符號間互相干擾(Inter-symbol interference)、平滑衰落(Fading)、符號速率(Symbol rate)、混響噪音(Reverberation noise)、自我噪音(Self-noise)、以及環境噪音(Ambient noise)、資料吞吐量(Throughput)、信號噪音比(Signal-to-noise ratio)、聲源準位(Source level)、位元錯誤率(Bit error probability)、發散損失(Divergence loss)、吸收損失(Absorption loss)、調變器(Modulator)、解調器(Demodulator)、聲納方程式(Sonar equation)

    • 一般論述
    • 設施結構之電磁脈衝防護施工設計技術Construction Design Technologies of Electromagnetic Pulse Protection for Structure of Facilities
    • 吳寶緣(Pao-Yuan Wu)‧陳德育(Te-Yu Chen) ‧劉志昇(Chih-Sheng Liu)‧陳文禮(Wen-Lii Chen)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    電磁脈衝具有能量高、頻率範圍寬、時間短暫及涵蓋面積廣之特性,當電力系統、電腦資訊系統、通訊系統及大量採用半導體元件的電子設備受到電磁脈衝攻擊,將造成系統運作中斷或嚴重性癱瘓。因此,軍事上,藉由電磁脈衝武器摧毀敵方之C4ISR系統,便可達到制敵機先的效果;反之,若我方之C4ISR系統欠缺有效的電磁脈衝防護,一旦遭受電磁脈衝武器攻擊,將承受巨大的損害風險。本文主要介紹設施結構電磁脈衝防護的施工設計,提供電磁脈衝防護施工上的設計概念與參考,其防護考量包含輻射屏蔽與接地之防護施工設計技術。Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) impact is characterized by high power, broadband spectrum, instant time duration and wide area extent. Accordingly, an EMP attack to electricity, computer, communication systems and electronic equipment based on semiconductor components will result into the effect of upset or detrimentally paralyzed. Military actions through the EMP weapon to attack the C4ISR system of enemy could therefore take the lead. Obviously, C4ISR system without enough EMP protection will run a risk against the EMP attack. This paper introduces the design theory and methodology of construction design for the EMP protection. EMP protection technology including the grounding and EMP shielding will fortify construction design of facilities.

    關鍵詞 : 電磁脈衝防護施工設計(Construction design for EMP protection)、輻射屏蔽(EMP shielding)、接地(Grounding)

    • 一般論述
    • 雷達系統ZOOM-FFT演算法分析與實現Analysis and Realization of ZOOM-FFT Algorithm Based on Radar System
    • 曾冠瑄(Kuan-Hsuan Tseng).涂欣元(Hsing-Yuan Tu).費龍文(Long-Wen Fei)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    在雷達信號進行頻譜分析時,為了提高目標信號的頻率分辨率、減少硬體系統的存儲空間和計算量,在傳統的快速傅立葉轉換(Fast Fourier Transform, FFT)算法的基礎上,採用基於FIR數位濾波器的複調變快速傅立葉(Complex Modulation Zoom-FFT, ZFFT)方法,對於頻率接近的諧波信號進行細化分析,然後再透過加窗插值FFT算法分析其它頻率信號。與直接使用加窗插值FFT算法模擬分析結果可見,本文所提出該算法具有較高的頻率分辨率,從而有效地提高了測速及測距精度。While analyzing frequency spectrum to the radar signal, in order to increase the frequency resolution, minimize the storage space and computations of hardware system, this paper in the traditional FFT algorithm adopted complex modulation zoom-FFT(ZFFT) algorithm based on FIR digital filter. A new method is adopted to make accurate analysis to this kind of components, and then the remaining components are also analyzed by windowed interpolation FFT algorithm. Simulation results of the proposed method show that comparing with the results from directly using windowed interpolation FFT algorithm, the detection result illustrated that paper proposes algorithm has resolution ratio of higher frequency, improved velocity and ranging accuracy effectively.

    關鍵詞 : 雷達信號(Radar Signal)、FFT(Fast Fourier Transform)、ZFFT(Zoom-FFT)、頻譜分析(Frequency Analysis)、頻率細化(Frequency Refinement)、FIR數位濾波器(FIR Digital Filter)

    • 一般論述
    • 雲端儲存服務之研究與建置經驗分享Research on Cloud Storage Services and Share The Experience of Construction
    • 黨博恆(Po-Heng Tang) ‧蘇文德(Wen-De Su)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    現行企業員工辦公已不侷限於任何場所,行動辦公已是未來趨勢,企業員工隨時隨地存取內部資料之需求大幅增加。儲存雲是一種線上儲存模式,提供使用者存放各類型的檔案,並可讓使用者於任何時間、任何地點,透過任何裝置連線至儲存雲系統存取檔案,同時儲存雲系統也具備擴充性,可隨者使用人數增長,迅速、便利地進行擴充,滿足企業對儲存空間的需求。Recently, the working place of enterprise employees has not been restricted to office. Enterprise mobility becomes a future trend. For this reason, the demand to access internet information at any time and any place has also a substantial increase.Cloud storage is a model of data storage in internet. Users can not only store various types of files but also can access these files at any time and any place through any devices. Moreover, the cloud storage provides scalable service, which provides the ability to conveniently and quickly expand the storage space with the increase of the number of users. Cloud storage meets the demand of storage space for the growth of enterprises.

    關鍵詞 : 雲端運算(Cloud Computing)、儲存雲(Cloud Storage)

    • 科技管理
    • 武器系統可靠度配當--應用AHP方法Weapon System Reliability Allocation based on AHP Methodology
    • 謝閔凱(Min-Kai Hsieh)‧陳裕仁(Yu-Jen Chen)

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    武器系統於研發初始即需將系統可靠度目標值配當至所有組成產品,以作為個別達成目標。由於武器系統架構複雜,以研製專案有限資源投入可靠度工作情況下,選用合適配當方法將可靠度目標值分配至各組成產品,已成為專案可靠度的重要工作內容。常見可靠度配當方法為採用權重值作為比例將系統可靠度目標值配當至各組成產品。工程運用最廣泛方法係將各類需評估參數藉由具有經驗之專家評審獲得對應之權重值。專家評審過程常運用層級分析法(AHP)作為決策分析使用。AHP採用一致性分析程序確認專家評估後所得權重值之正確性,可將人為判斷失誤降至最低。本研究以飛彈武器系統研製為例,利用AHP建立評估流程,並建議可靠度配當之權重值的選用參數,提供飛彈可靠度配當管理一個參考方向。The reliability objective of weapon system should be allocated down to each sub-level component of the system and become the sub-level components' reliability objective for design during initial system development phase. The weapon system is composed of complex sub-level components. To reduce the cost of reliability works for research and development program, selecting applicable reliability allocation method has become important work. The reliability allocation methods are usually used to get the 'weighting value' as the ratio of system reliability objective to the allocated sub-level components. After selecting and comparing the necessary estimated parameters of the sub-level components, the weighing values will be determined from the experts. The AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) is a well-known method of expert judgment for strategic decision analysis. AHP adopt the consistency analytic procedure to confirm the accuracy of weighting values estimated by the experts. This research use the AHP to build up the analytic procedure and suggest the estimated parameters of weighting values for the reliability allocation in missile weapon system.

    關鍵詞 : 可靠度配當(Reliability Allocation Method)、層級分析法(AHP)、飛彈武器系統(Missile Weapon System)

    • 研發成果
    • 無人機多影像與多測控數據同步錄放系統開發
    • 陳澤昕、丁秉煌、洪昆鼎、許嘉倫

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 航空工程

    • 研發成果
    • 應用Raspberry Pi於MFK之研發
    • 陳威勝

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    MFK(Multi Functional Keyboard),多功能鍵盤,應用於海軍戰術教練儀上,可提供操控艦機奘台或各種操演作業之快速指令,能替代許多功能且具備彈性及多樣化按鍵,減少裝備需求。MFK具備運動、武器、偵蒐、電戰、反潛、遙測、指管等功能,運動可設定艦機奘台航向、航速、高度、深度、加速、減速;武器可設定目標、目的地、投擲深度、發射路徑;偵蒐可設定偵搜扇區,調整扇區大小、目標等;電戰可設定ECM、ESM等功能;反潛可設定聲納、偵蒐頻率、運動解算等功能;遙測可操控無人載具航向、高度、速度、深度等;指管可設定目標傳送、設定資料鏈路、目標辨識等功能。

    關鍵詞 : 航空工程

    • 研發成果
    • 大面積化電漿源模組研發成果
    • 黃重鈞

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    民國98年本院執行經濟部技術處新世代薄膜太陽電池製程設備技術開發計畫,開發高密度電漿沉積設備系統與模組技術,採用電子迴旋共振(Electron Cyclotron Resonance, ECR)電漿技術,應用微波與磁場產生高密度電漿,為了擴大電漿機台的鍍膜面積,因此設計大面積均勻微波場形分布的微波模組、永久磁場模組與真空模組,製作520mm×520mm面積的電漿源模組,此電漿源模組可以陣列方式組合,擴大應用於1.1m×1.4m面積的五代尺寸電漿機台,以解決電子迴旋共振電漿機台尺寸不易擴大的問題。民國98年到100年陸續完成微波模組微波場形改良、永久磁場模組與真空模組,並技轉給巨亞機械公司,進行大面積化高密度電漿機台電漿源模組製作與組測,完成電漿密度量測,電漿密度均勻度達9.2%,符合低於10%的目標。電子迴旋共振電漿源的研究首見於1960年代,Bardet等人[1]利用電子迴旋共振來產生高電流離子源(High Current Ion Source),Miller等人[2-3]研發的電子迴旋共振電漿源,則主要是應用於太空船的推進系統,Alexeff等人[4]則是利用電子迴旋共振加熱來產生熱電子電漿源(Hot Electron Plasma),即高電子溫度與高電漿密度的電漿。1977年Suzuki等[5]展示了利用電子迴旋共振電漿反應艙進行次微米矽薄膜蝕刻的技術,如圖一所示,以改善蝕刻時的側蝕(Undercut)問題,為應用電子迴旋共振電漿技術於半導體製程設備的先驅,此電子迴旋共振電漿反應艙同時使用上面的電磁鐵線圈與基板下方的永久磁鐵,微波傳輸則是從矩形導波管轉到圓形導波管,以改善電漿均勻度,雖然電漿源面積只有在6.6cm直徑範圍內,但是已經具備電子迴旋共振電漿設備的基本型態,後續改良多是在於微波系統與磁鐵系統的設計,衍生出各種不同形式的電子迴旋共振電漿設備。

    關鍵詞 : 資訊工程

    • 研發成果
    • 基於粒子群最佳化演算法之PID控制器設計應用在飛行載具滾轉控制迴路
    • 吳旭焜、王定國、劉建衡

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    比例-積分-微分(Proportional-Integral-Derivative, PID)控制器是目前在工業上應用最為廣泛的控制器,主要是因為其具有結構簡單、調校方便以及明確的物理意義等特性,因此在面對外在環境改變時,能夠透過簡單的參數調整便可使系統獲得改善與穩定,而PID控制器的三個參數值設定是控制系統設計的核心,主要是依據被控過程的特性藉由試誤法(Trial and Error)來確定,而這些PID控制器參數值需要仰賴設計者過去的經驗與相關知識並耗費大量的時間不斷地進行嘗試、測試與尋找,因此本文提出粒子群最佳化演算法(Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO)加速PID控制器尋找適合該特定控制之參數值,透過粒子群最佳化演算法的演算過程除了能夠有效縮短設計過程所花費的時間外,同時也能夠使得系統於尋找過程中獲得最佳的頻域與時域性能響應。

    關鍵詞 : 資訊工程

    • 研發成果
    • 雙目雷射測距望遠鏡
    • 張捷修、陳奕仁、張錦閔、徐啟曜、王俊棋

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    雷射是是一種波長很純、能量高度集中、方向性很好的光。TOF(Time of Fly)雷射測距儀其原理很簡單是利用雷射脈波飛行時間進行測距,雷射由發射開始到打到目標物返回的時間來量測距離如下式。其中c為光速299,792,458米/秒。世界上第一台雷射器是由美國Hughes Aircraft公司的科學家Theodore Harold Maiman於1960研製成功。美國軍方很快的在1961發展出第一台軍用雷射測距儀。此後越來越多國家與公司在此方面做研究與開發出更多的應用。雙目雷射測距望遠鏡一般以可測距離做區分,分為短距離與長距離,兩類間並沒有以一定距離值做區分。短距離的應用於電力線測量、建築施工勘測、露營登山、高爾夫球場和狙擊槍上,製造商包括了Trueyard 、Bushnell和Nikon等公司。而長距離雙目雷射測距望遠鏡大部份應用於戰場,因應戰時情搜需求,常需要戰士攜帶監偵設備潛進敵區觀查回報。為配合作戰需求,複合日間監偵、夜間監偵、定位、定向、情資傳送等多項功能,而組合出不同功性能產品,製造商包括了FLIR、Newcon、Safrna Vectronix、Safrna Sagem、Northrop Grumman等公司,陳列了各廠牌各式雷射測距望遠鏡,部份機型也複合熱像機或指標器功能。

    關鍵詞 : 材料暨光電

    • 研發成果
    • 核能電廠電子卡片可靠度工程
    • 劉榮超

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 電子工程

    • 研發成果
    • 目標微波成像模擬能量
    • 蕭丞鈞、陳信宏

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01

    雷達為因應目標辨識的需求,會建立相應的目標特徵資料庫,俾利提取目標特徵作為目標辨識、偵追及飛彈歸向用途。現有目標特徵資料庫建立的方法有實測法和模擬法。模擬法相較於實測法為省時省力省錢,而且能提供大量目標特徵資料計算;實測法則是可適時提供真實量測資料予模擬法進行交互比對,驗證模擬技術的正確性;所以實測法和模擬法兩者應該是相輔相成的。本中心原來針對目標雷達截面積(Radar Cross Section, RCS)模擬計算技術已具備相當能量,現在嘗試將模型電磁散射(scattering)計算所得資料進一步處理,實現ISAR(Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar, ISAR)成像技術研究也已有初步成果。

    關鍵詞 : 系統工程

    • 研發成果
    • 過氯酸銨非規格需求品回收可行性研究
    • 高子豪、郭哲成

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 系統製造工程

    • 研發成果
    • 微波模組自動檢修程式設計研析
    • 林淑娟

    卷期 : 44 / 3

    出版年 : 2016/07/01


    關鍵詞 : 系統維護